Ascendant Master Speaks! A Powerful Timely Message for All from Adamus Saint Germain! Geoffrey Hoppe

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or what is the new Earth or new Humanity that is coming the planet is changing so fast right now and we're literally going into the the next era uh of the human species are there signs that we can see in 20124 or Beyond where we can go ah I see it a glimmer of hope this is telling me that yes something great is coming it it'll be shakeups all along the way um and particularly in 2024 a big year of Division and Duality what's going to happen is that uh this Technologies uh whether it's biotechnology or computer uh are going to change the the the face of the planet what are humans are going to discover about themselves with artificial intelligence is simply Beyond you're here right now on the planet for one thing to shine your life that's it no more no more of the power Gams no more suffering suffering was one of the stupidest things that we ever took on the humanity is coming to the point where they're saying no more we're not going to tolerate it anymore I know for a lot of the your listeners you wonder how are we going to make it what's going to happen in between now and then and basically adamus will say okay here's what you [Music] [Applause] do hi everyone welcome back I'm Michael Sandler your host on Inspire Nation if you've ever wondered what an ascendant Master would say about where we are today then do we have the Crimson Circle Adam St Germain show for you today I'll be talking with Jeff hoppy author teacher Mystic and the Channeler of Adam St Germaine and that's just what I want to talk with him about today about what we can learn from an ascendant Master to get through these trying times so welcome to the show Jeffrey are you ready to shine I am so ready I'm I think I'm already shining I hope so but yes I am ready so good to be on the show and thank you very very much for inviting me truly appreciate it thank you so much for being here and mighty woohoo and you have oh you've got this going going going good you're in Cole Creek Canyon you're in Colorado you're in my own staring grounds you have an amazing I believe it's like a 4,000 foot Studio and so you just light it up there I know it's like below zero outside but you are lighting it up Jeff it is definitely a cold day out but uh toasty in here nice in here uh so uh and you're down in Florida so uh you don't have to worry about all that the cold weather no I'm just I'm just here and it's a weird Quirk of me and people can see me running Barefoot through the snow if they if they they Google me online um I'm jealous but but but let's switch gears here let's switch gears there something else I am absolutely fascinated uh by adamus St gerain and since you've channeled adamus since 2009 and I want to get your whole story here but does St Germaine does adamus St Germain say we're going to make it through these times that's a great question to start with because uh he does recently he said okay we've gone through a lot obviously and there was a point where he said that the um the kind of the old Earth and the new Earth uh was was not really going to merge together and a lot of people were really disappointed in that and and Adamas got some grief some Flack from people including me but what he's saying now is even though they're not going to merge uh this planet is going through such changes so quickly right now and it's disruptive obviously disruptive but he says yes it is going to make it there are going to be people that uh kind of don't go with the flow in into uh this next level of humanity this NE the new human species um that he said basically summarizing they're going to wake up one morning and they're just someplace else and maybe they don't even realize it because they're still holding on to power uh they're holding on to things like war and suffering and things like that they're not necessarily going to make it into the transition or what I even call the Ascension of the planet and it's coming uh faster than what the ascended masters ever thought it would come faster than what most of us thought it would come but he is emphatic about it that this planet does make it but there's going to be a lot of shakeup in between thank you and and I really want to get to your backstory so I'm going to try not to go too far down the rabbit hole but I have heard you channel uh adamus St Germain and I've heard him talk about the future isn't fixed we've got probability and we're going to go the physics route today because I love geeking out on it it sounds like the probabilities have changed Humanity has chosen chances are very good we're going to make it through this but now whatever is taking place is going faster and faster and faster than anybody imagined and so what seemed to be much further out in the timeline is now like 2050 for instance it is 20150 uh kind of the projected time uh it's the time that singular says Singularity yeah absolutely uh it just goes off the charts you can't even measure it if you tried to project into the future into 2051 for instance you'd probably find yourself in a void uh you you wouldn't be getting anything because it is so off the charts based on our current level of uh the perception of Consciousness that you couldn't even perceive it and it's mindboggling uh how fast things are going and what's happening and I know for a lot of the your listeners you wonder are we going to make it what's going to happen in between now and then and basically Adamas will say okay here's what you do instead of all they're worrying about it just ask your future self from 2050 or 2049 uh to come in and let you know that it all works out now how are we going to get there it depends on Humanity there's going to be bumps and disruptions more than anything but not uh Carnage not some nasty old apocalyptic scenario uh but it it'll be shakeups all along the way um and particularly in 202 4 a big year of division and Duality a huge year of it uh but the important thing is not to worry about it um Damas has been really big about talking to our group Crimson Circle uh in terms of you're here right now on the planet for one thing to shine your light that's it uh that is all and you don't do it by taking up causes you don't do it by going out and evangelizing you do it by going sitting on a park bench and sipping your latte and just enjoying the day that's when the light shines naturally and what the light does it doesn't have an agenda it's simply you know it's Illuminating greater potentials for Humanity so as you shine your light and you do the show which is a tremendous amount of light going around the planet it opens up the the new higher potentials for Humanity everybody from a physicist to a researcher a doctor and an inventor or just the normal person on the street suddenly they see their higher potentials uh you know it's like turning on a light in the dark room you're in the dark room you don't see much other than what's right in front of you you turn on the light and you go oh my gosh there is so much more here and that's that's what humanity is facing right now and and beautiful as that sounds there are some who are not ready for more light uh who don't like that because they continue to play power games uh manipulation uh they want to go backwards into you know whether it's a thousand years ago or 5,000 or 50,000 and there's no going backwards at this point we do not go backwards uh so it's it's so beautiful and I I love the Simplicity he says and he tells our our group uh the Crimson Circle what we call shambra uh he says to him you're already realized so stop working on trying to be realized or like get over it uh it's already and realize that you realized and then be here on the planet as an embodied Master shining your light and not not pushing any agenda see I I love that and and I think of the energy of 2024 and it's something I've been teaching quite a bit and I've been channeling and getting getting through as well uh which is it's energy if we don't label that energy bad if I simply if I look at my studio lights if you look at your studio lights they're run by energy you can Shine Your Light even brighter through the energy of 2024 even though you're going oh look at the darkness no what you're seeing is a lot of chaotic energy that hasn't found a way to get organized yet but it's coming but you can use it to fuel yourself well you know when you have the an infusion of light that's happening on the planet for example we had uh an event on March 22nd last year it was called Heaven's cross the beginning of the Apocalypse uh and that was basically opening this uh Veil between this realm and the others opening it up for greater accessibility to your light to your Divinity whatever you want to call it and adamus said since then not been quite a year but since then there is about 2% more Consciousness and light on the planet which doesn't sound like a lot but it actually is but what it's do going to do now is push things uh and and push people uh into more depth and more Consciousness the the biggest one of the biggest three issues on the planet right now is uh the issue of Consciousness what is it I mean you don't necessarily see it in the headlines but it is because of AI the whole question of Consciousness is coming to the Forefront we have more Consciousness on the planet right now and it's going to disrupt old systems uh everything from the the church or churches to uh Financial systems and everything else but not for the the purpose of chops and collapse for the purpose of uh transition for uh moving to the next level thank you so last question I have before we go into your story I'm gonna do my best to say I promise last question this is just fascinating and I'm I'm loving it Jeff as you said that adamus and or you take a lot of heat for this but the old Earth and new earth are not going to merge what does that mean it's actually about this whole division uh thing that that I mentioned before and there was a point up to now where there was uh our classic Earth we call it uh that we've all been coming to for reincarnations and at the same point we were kind of creating architecting in the other realm A New Earth kind of a of a more of an ideal or a template for what we think it or should be here the two never actually melded together instead uh and I don't want to go way off in a tangent but instead uh some things happened in the last couple years where the the concept of the new Earth uh it didn't meld with this classic Earth but yet now there's over 200 new Earths in the other Realms this is where the ones who have never the Angelic beings who have never been in human form it's where they go now to learn uh as as we do here on Earth uh the Angelic families uh 144,000 Angelic families disbanded a couple years ago uh there was no more need to have all these Angelic families which created Wars with each other oftentimes anymore so they disbanded and those Angelic beings have gone to these new Earths so many of us uh and I I'm going to assume you as well we go there in our nocturnal State at night and we teach there uh and it and it's a trip uh to teach there because these are Angelic beings who have never been in physical body never been to Earth and they they're very curious about Earth they want to know all about it you try telling them about um football for instance uh and they just don't get it you try telling them about um you know what it's like to eat or to make love and they're fascinated but they just don't get it uh they will eventually but the important part was this Earth uh our classic Earth has been the only place in all of creation where one could go into their true uh ascended self their Mastery their what we call the ascended Master self this was the only planet where you could become enlightened every ascended master and there's now about uh 11,832 thank you adamus ascended masters uh in the other Realms have all come by know that number's been growing yes it has been yeah and uh I got to check in once in a while but this was the has been the only planet where an Angelic being can come go through very tight condensation challenging gravitational forces to walk through the experience ultimately of uh the the understanding of Consciousness and energy there are actually two separate things Consciousness did not contain energy but they work with each other and this is the only place in in all the cosmos where that's been done up until now and now with the new Earth it provides opportunities for others but back to your question the old Earth and the new Earths did not Mel but in a way there's a beauty in that because we've maintained our classic Earth and we're improving that we're we're honing and bringing more Consciousness and light and we're basically Humanity in a way is saying no more no more of the power games no more suffering suffering was one of the stupidest things that we ever took on it was needless uh pointless but we did for some weird reason uh but we're the humanity is coming to the point where they're saying no more we're not going to tolerate it anymore yeah forgive me one one more if if I understand right you were talking about you said 144,000 Angelic families um and you talked about all of these different Earths which to me I'm guessing is like uh simulations or simultaneous realities taking place correct and and and then you said something that that went wait stop um Angelic Wars oh yeah yeah um the Tobias Channel something years and years ago called journey of the Angels talking about uh he used metaphors but it's about leaving home leaving the the the the Oneness I guess you would call it going into the void absolute nothingness absolute void and uh but but feeling and hearing something even though we we had gone into this void in individually it wasn't like well when as a group individually but suddenly the awareness that I am I exist and you know it wasn't physical it wasn't uh anything it was just absolute void and but to have that sense I exist I am that I am and then from that the next question stupid question that we ask but who am I and that question who am I has led us through this incredible journey through the Angelic Realms and we organized into Angelic families 144,000 the the family of Michael the family of um um um trying to remember all the the various families right now but uh all these families the family Metatron uh and uh of uh Issa a bunch of other names and part of our thing was to come together the so beings to try to find our way back home we were kind of like all lost out in nothingness uh we were Consciousness with with a degree of energy but not they weren't fused together but suddenly you realize God nobody else knows the answer maybe that other Angelic family knows let's go over and find out and we we you call it a war but we tried to um take them over to see if they had the answers ultimately nobody really had the answers how do we get back home because it was never intended to go back home it was intended to go out in this this beautiful journey of finding the relationship between Consciousness and energy so at some point uh the energy began slowing down through all of creation uh it was almost like everything was going to come to an impass or just to freeze up and at that point uh the Angelic families were concerned you know what if we go out of existence what if everything just collapses and that's when they got together in what they call the order of the ark or the order of the archangels and um like the original United Nations but this was off in the other Realms and created this place called Earth and our physical Universe for us to descend into in a very slow down fashion yeah where we would understand the consequences of our thoughts and actions and ultimately the uh the interplay between Consciousness and energy and Earth was created enough of us chose to come here and become embodied and forget um intentionally actually to forget where we came from so we could be in this reality to really begin to understand at a very deep very visceral level uh the who am I uh the the I exist thank you it's a perfect dovetail we talk about coming here I'll use the term Collective Amnesia forgetting who and what we are if we take you back in time Jeff I would love to go through your earliest days I'd love to go through Army and NASA and bring us forward to today because my guess is your higher self knew but you in the physical plane had no idea of what was coming your way no idea little background uh I was born and raised in Wisconsin uh I'm yes I am a Green Bay Packer fan to this day uh and you know typical Midwest upbringing um you know nice town but not particularly exciting I remember thinking you know when I was in like in high school in particular I I got to get out I got to see the world and uh the the fastest way out of town was the army so I enlisted 17 and uh I I had never thought about being in the military but suddenly it was just there it was like go ahead and sign up and and you'll see the world it was such a strange thing it was so not like me uh gi. Joe type um but the fascinating thing and and here's where I've truly learned to allow the guidance from whatever you would call it higher self higher Consciousness um it was a stupid decision uh and in particularly was right at the end of the Vietnam War um I went in as a journalist and broadcaster uh I done some work at a radio station in high school and I liked writing um so I went to um the journalism School in the military through a series of events that happened the Army ended up assigning me to NASA uh to Ames Research Center in Mountain View California in the mid 70s I was 17 18 years old at the time uh they paid for my apartment because there was no Army Barracks I wore civilian clothes every day I worked at a uh in a public relations department dealing with Aerospace no accidents no accidents and ultimately years later I started a Aviation company uh so what I learned back then was phenomenal but what was really interesting is I had to take um pretty complex engineering documents and turn them into press releases for the normal person to understand so it was my first real experience with taking stuff I didn't know anything about and to be able to run it through my processor and then communicate it that's what I do as a Channeler I'm I'm just a translator I'm taking the incoming energies from adamus and very rapidly putting him into words now did you have at the time any spiritual practice any spiritual understanding anything that you believed in leaned on or anything of the sort born and raised Catholic uh lukewarm Catholic went to public school for the most part but uh not really um I had had a couple experiences when I was young but I kind of push those off to the side because usually to me these are these are keyholes or or their things are portals where if you can look into them actually you plug back into that energy can you share a little bit well the one in particular that is stood out as I was probably 5 years old uh and I remember I was we live kind of near Ravines in a river and I was off playing one day by myself and suddenly these three beings came to me and said that they were leaving yeah and it was one of the most traumatic moments of my life uh these were like my buddies they they weren't just little fairy angels I mean these were really cool Angelic beings and I remember them telling me I know the exact spot I go back and visit it once in a while uh and they said we're leaving now and it was very traumatic uh shortly after that I got into a bicycle accident where I flew head first into a telephone pole and uh thing shut down for a long time long long time fast forwarding it again to being in California in the Army uh one of my favorite things to do was to go to the the Santa Cruz to the beaches on the weekends just usually by myself and I remember at one point um you know really not having religious background but I said dear God here I am I'm out on the beach by myself take me I I I don't know oh wow what to do where to go I'm all yours uh you know I'm not going to pray I'm not going to tell you what what I need I'm yours I I am you know here to serve and it wasn't uh more than three months later A buddy of mine from Wisconsin somebody I went to high school with came out to visit he wanted to quit smoking uh asked me to hypnotize him long story short while he was under I didn't know really anything about hypnot about past lives but while he's under I kept on regressing him to when he was like 105 one and then I finally said so where are you before you're born expecting him to say well I'm in heaven with God or whatever he went through and started going into all these past life experiences and for the next two weeks hypnotized him every day and wrote all this stuff down this is you know pre-digital recordings and that really opened me up uh to really to that there's a lot more out there that we just don't know about Toto you're not in Kansas anymore yeah yeah and then then I put it down for um you know I I meditated uh I read every Edgar Casey book and Seth book I could get my hands on got out of the army I got involved in the business World kind of forgot about all the stuff I mean it was still kind of there every once in a while I'd read a book but pretty much put down any spiritual journey or Pursuit until um mid90s uh long story short uh one day I'm on an airplane coming home from a business trip uh like 8:00 at night or whatever plane wasn't very full and suddenly I Heard a Voice say I'm here to work with you and I kind of looked there was nobody sitting inside me I kind of looked around and you know nobody there I okay close my eyes and then I heard it again I am Tobias I'm here to work with you okay I'm working too hard I had a I had was I had a marketing consulting company and a startup Aviation company I'm like I'm working way too many hours and I thought have I been drinking did I have a couple Attis on the plane like no he went into a discussion with me uh the rest of the flight for about another hour it was just fascinating and I the whole time I kept on thinking I'm losing my mind but this is pretty cool uh next day I woke up in the morning recalled the conversation and I was angry uh I thought I am just losing it I've got to focus on my life I've got to take better care of myself and I was just like God you know I'm letting my mind slip we came in about a week later I was driving home from work one night I had a long drive and came in later and said okay you ready uh ended up he took me on a one-year Journey or what I call my spiritual basic training every night on the way home from work he would come in and we would talk and I sometimes I was so angry with him I'd throw him out he told me one time um I asked him about going home you know going back to to God and he said no you never go back home I was so upset you know it's like well then what's the purpose and once I finally settled down a couple days later he said no no no home comes to you uh and we had great conversations great talks and he talk me more than anything he taught me how to feel and sense things um it was beautiful what's so interesting to me is is he was he was tuning the instrument I can see very clearly he was tuning the instrument which means your wife is going to be wondering what in the world happens because your energy I I I like to say first off uh language is not our first language anguage and so my wife will call me on the spot and like I I know words right now language is not my first language energy is and and so you're bathing in this energy and it's shifting you so at what point did she go uh Jeff she want to tell me what's going on well she knew something was up uh I was just um I was acting otter than I normally would uh but you know she wasn't prying and one day I thought it was about a year into this with uh Tobias and one day I thought I I just got to tell her because it's too big of a part of my life I can't hold it back anymore you know I felt like I I needed to to scream and tell somebody so uh one day I came home from work and H said Linda I need you to sit down and she kind of looked at me like said no just please just sit down I need to tell you about something and I wasn't being very perceptive I was too into myself at the moment and and uh but she was kind of looking at me like what and I finally said Linda I I need you to tell you about a friend of mine oh and I saw the look on her face her eyes got wide and and I'm like suddenly I realized it's like no no no no you don't understand it's an old dead Jew she's like what care everything yeah yeah hello and uh then I I told her about it I said this Tobias came to me uh Tobias was my father in a past life a long long long time ago he's um in the apocryphal books of the Bible story called The Book of TOA beautiful story uh which I'd never read by the way uh I only found out about it's a great story uh they took it out of the main part of the Bible because they said it was kind of a story but um you know not necessarily they couldn't necessarily validate but a beautiful story if you ever get a chance the book of tobba what what's the cliffnotes version of it Tobias uh in that lifetime it was about 500 BC um was was very very Jewish very dedicated to God followed all of God's rules uh he was a slave uh the the Jews were slaves at the time uh but he had a good job he was a buyer for the king so he had it pretty good and uh one day he was taking a nap outside someplace a bird flew over pooped in his eyes and he went blind so now he's not able to do his work uh not not not able to get paid even though he was a slave sends his young son uh young Tobias off to get some money being held for him by somebody else in a far off Place uh that was me young dubias and he arranged for um somebody to escort him because young Tobias was like I maybe 14 years old at the time and it turned out to be Archangel Raphael and the rest of the story is about their Journey uh going to get this money he meets uh Tobias meets this girl uh along the way Sarah fall madly in love but she'd been uh married seven times before that but each night on the wedding night the the devil would come along and kill the husband and so this whole beautiful drama about what's going to happen on their wedding night everything works out fine he returns home with money to uh to his father Tobias also has the healing potions to cure his blindness and life is good after that beautiful story so you're you're you're now channeling your father yes that's kind of weird yes talk about Luke I am your father right right right yeah where does life take you from there what's the Crimson Circle and how long did you end up channeling Tobias you know and this I want to pause and say it's so easy to get caught up on ourselves or not trust in that but there there was always always always that higher guidance from ourselves first and then from the Angelic beings and if we just stop for a moment and allow it to happen and it was true divine guidance at this point uh I was very very involved in uh the startup Aviation company uh it eventually we developed a technology for internet on airplanes uh and I was one of the co-founders of the company um we went from you know literally scraping together nickels and dimes to to fund the company to eventually getting Goldman Sachs to invest huge huge dollars in it and and I've got to pause you you you ended up with a patent you three patents in multi-dimensional communication is that right yes yes it's kind of a kind of funny actually yeah so I like to say I'm the only Channeler in the world that has patents for multi-dimensional Communications those related to our technologies that we develop for air to ground Communications but you know it says it right on the patent little plaque it says uh multi-dimensional Communications I'll take it um yeah so the the universe has a wonderful sense of humor as well and what happened next was that um the the company you know it was a startup was a lot of hard work um but we were finally getting funding we we had a big battle in Washington with the uh the 10 major phone companies at the time teamed up against us uh but we eventually won anyway long story short one day um I walked into the office and my boss the CEO of the company uh basically fired me uh and it was such a relief you know I was doing more and more of the work with Crimson Circle we you know we we we were doing regular Gatherings you know not webcast or anything but we're doing regular Gatherings small group of people and uh I got a very nice severance package and I took a deep breath and thought you know finally I I have some relief I I'm I'm too I don't know stubborn I would have never quit but I wasn't happy anymore and suddenly my boss fires me I got a good package and uh lit I thought okay I've been working since I was 12 years old I'm going to just take it easy for a while work around the property we have a nice place up in the mountains and just do some work up there not not work or maybe kind of retire three we three weeks later the phone rings and it was somebody saying so do you guys do workshops um we hadn't but we could maybe take a look at it they're from England of all places I don't know how they heard about us and then literally after that the phone was ringing this is back before if we did so much email but the phone was ringing and uh people are saying would you come to do a workshop uh that year we went to uh number of places in the United States we went to England we went to Korea Japan and suddenly it was we were just on the go suddenly just traveling all over the world so if I get this timeline right two million miles and I'm not sure how many years later but in 20 9 Tobias speaks to you and like those those three uh people beings friends Angelic friends from year five Tobias says I'm out of here yeah uh and it was it was one of those things um it have been 10 years with him and I love the work uh love Tobias uh but he said I'm out of here uh and I my first reaction was okay it's been a great run um and we've got a lot of information uh to share with people um I was a little sad but on the other hand it was like okay we did what we came to do uh he was leaving working with Crimson Circle and me uh so that he could actually have another Incarnation back on this planet even though he was an ascended Master but he said I'm going to be occupied in my new life as Sam was the name of the um his new Incarnation and um I said oh by the way uh I was talking to somebody else about maybe coming in working with you in the Crimson Circle uh but I'll let you know you know once I get the final okay has Sam appeared you I had heard it's Sam in Oregon have you had any connection to Sam not directly other than channeling him a few times uh and he's no longer on the planet um he had uh spent about 10 years a beautiful story um uh but um kind of a complex story Sam when Tobias infused into Sam Sam was 10 years old so it was a shell body that he infused into which actually can be done and it's more common than a walk-in um but um no then then Sam finally left but uh Tobias came back to me a couple weeks later and says okay uh we got a new U guy coming in uh ascended master and uh his name is uh St Germaine had heard of St Germaine and actually talked to St Germaine privately quite a few years prior to that and um I thought well that's good he's kind of well known you know he he gets around um you don't shoot low right yeah right right cutting to the chase then he had actually St Germaine had actually channeled a few times while Tobias was there Tobias was always bringing in guests like you know the like the Jimmy Kimmel show or something always different guests on so I was slightly familiar with him when he came into the Crimson Circle he said I'm gonna go by the name of uh adamus St Germain or properly said adamus San Shaman um I say Nam St Germain and um I I never forget when he first came in to take over fulltime first thing he had me do was open my eyes I'd always channed Tobias with my eyes closed and suddenly he's opening my eyes and I'm trying to shut them and he's trying to open them and it was it was almost comical we're going back and forth but he wanted me to um connect with the audience not just sit here you know in the bar stool and Channel with my eyes closed then he wanted me to get up and walk around that's hard to do when you're channeling because you're in a different Zone and nothing is as real or as tangible when I first started channeling with my eyes open it was hard to even focus on a person's face because I would not just see their face but I would see faces of their past lives and very disconcerting when you're trying to channel and everything's kind of woozy but uh you I started channeling adamus I didn't like it at first um not at all took me about five six months to get used to it because it's very um provocative and Tobias was like a loving grandfather you know just nurturing it's okay there's nothing wrong you're not crazy adamus is like let's get on with this program uh so it was it was very interesting very very interesting is it Adamas who has had lifetimes as Shakespeare and lifetimes as Mark Twain yes yeah he's had some very illustrious lifetimes uh and he's now he Channels with eyes open usually if there's an audience he's walking around the room he his one thing is very very clear he said I am here to take you to your realization and Beyond not here to make you feel good uh you know week after week or whatever not here to heal you and he's throwing people out I mean he invites them to leave he said Crimson Circle serves a purpose of helping to guide people from their Awakening into their realization into their Mastery he uses the word realization rather than in inment he doesn't particularly care for that but say I only want to work with people who are serious I don't want the hobbyists I don't want the look he lose I don't want the distractors um this is only if you're absolutely serious about your Enlightenment your realization in this lifetime your last lifetime we're going to have you with your permission with your blessing Channel him in a few minutes but how has it been bathing in that energy and how has that shifted you it was it was was a a huge shift uh but I look back now it was needed Adam or Tobias was here once again to let us know we're not crazy CU that's a a very common thing we get into this kind of true spiritual Evolution and the kind of the gravity of Life tries to pull us down and say you're crazy you're nuts just go about your everyday life stop stop these crazy dreams but Dev said no you're not crazy the there's so much more so much Beyond so when he left and St Germain came in uh and he's an ass kicker uh he provokes people he's annoying at times he doesn't put up with um he's not tolerant if you're not here and absolutely dedicated to your realization more than anything else find another place go somewhere else because this group uh is only about that and then eventually as we come to realization staying on the planet to shine your light because oh dear God this planet needs it right now to to go into the into this uh true apocalypse an apocalypse isn't doesn't mean destruction apocalypse simply means going to the next level or transformation and that's what's happening on the planet we're the planet is changing so fast right now and we're literally going into the the next era uh of the human species we're going beyond the typical bi ological human into something totally totally new and we need that light right now we're going into AI I mean doas said that 2024 is the year of AI you're going to hear it in everything I bought a toothbrush the other day inste it was AI inhanced it's like everybody's using that term right now okay so as we get into it with adasa I'd like to introduce my wife Linda she's going to do a little breathing that helps me get connected with with adamus uh and really integrated and then often often running with that let's take that good deep breath that conscious breath breathe opening to the highest potentials breathing into you with feeling allowing take that good deep breath opening to the energies of adamus San Shaman he's here for each of us breathe it in let it flow take that good deep breath feel it be with it feel into what this means to you breathing into the soul of you all of you breathe adamus is here adamus is here I am that I am adamus of sovereign domain uh if you would allow me in just a moment to um feel into the energy of this Gathering it's taking place right here right now but even though some of you aren't going to be coming here till the future till a later date we're all here together uh and as we begin uh I'd be delighted to answer your questions uh Michael but I do have to um thank you for the work that you do bringing light to the planet a lot of light uh comes through every time you do an interview every time you do a show this isn't our first meeting uh we've known each other from back in the time of the mystery schools in Europe and particularly uh in in the area of Romania you were at uh one of those Mystery Schools you were one of my favorite but most challenging students at the time uh very high energy very uh very much into Communications uh very talkative uh extremely curious and I remember sitting with you one day talking about into the future and saying someday uh in another lifetime you're going to be connecting people all around the world now this was long before the internet or even before radio television or anything and you couldn't Envision how you would doing that but I said no one day you're going to be you're going to be bringing light and connecting people and here you go here you are uh I was afraid several times in this lifetime of yours we're going to lose you uh you're playing to the extremes like you used to do but uh here you are so thank you for following your path uh following your Divinity thank you I feel like saying thank you master thank you I may I ask why was I a challenging student boisterous uh you um didn't like studying uh at all uh you didn't like conforming in any sort of way you didn't like rules and you're wondering now are you talking about this lifetime or past life the past life and this lifetime you carried it forward you had um what I would call almost an obsessive curiosity with everything and there were time where we'd be like would he just stop asking so many questions but you prior to that lifetime you'd had more mundane more typical lifetimes but at some point um prior to that lifetime you had something happen with to you that opened you up uh it also caused you to die in that previous previous lifetime previous to the mystery school but it opened you up and you became so curious it was your Awakening you became so curious about everything you finally found your way to that mystery School in Romania and uh we we studied the mystics the the magic we studied uh the beyond the unknown U had so many questions uh kind of a what next scenario there was times I appreciated it but at times it was a little tiring uh but I knew you were going to do very important things at this this time this time of the machines that's what I call that your current ERA you were going to come in and take everything you would learn through your curiosity through your Journeys and bring it here and and convey it to others thank you and and I'm almost embarrassed to ask questions now with that with that that leadup or that setup however is there anything that I and I want this to be focused on everybody else today so I'm going to resist other questions about me after this but is there anything that I get or should know about myself or about what we're doing in this era or age of the machines for you personally uh the biggest thing and and it affects so many others is um don't doubt uh and I know sometimes you're you get a little consumed with that you you have ways of handling it of moving beyond but you you doubt and you wonder uh are you doing the right thing are you doing the right guests are you going in the right direction what's coming next in the work that you do I'm going to ask you to just um truly relax into your into your own realization relax into the work that you're doing you have a lot of angelic guidance uh as well as human guidance supporting the work that you do you come to a point here I don't like to put specific times on things but in the next few years where the work that you're doing the show that you're doing uh takes a a big leap deep uh don't feel overwhelmed by it uh when it comes uh accept it because you're setting it up along with those who are working with you there's a tremendous need on the planet right now for uh Communications for linking together those of uh like mind and heart and soul and that's one of the things you're doing you're providing a service through your own work through the ones you interview of sharing a lot of knowledge and wisdom sharing that there is so much more to life than what meets the eyes and the human senses you're helping people to feel comfortable with going into the next level going into the Beyond and uh it's going to take on some interesting new twists for you what is the next level or the Beyond or what is dare I say the new Earth or new Humanity that is coming to be determined and that's why it's so important right now for any awakened human to be there letting their light radiate without agenda it's a Tipping Point right now uh it's the point where the the biology needs to change it's it's been locked into the same template for arguably 20,000 years maybe maybe even longer than that but it's outmoded it hasn't evolved like it should and and if you're wondering why it's because it got stuck in ancestral Karma uh an ancestral patterns uh which show up in the DNA and other things in the body and it it hasn't evolved the way it it really should have naturally so right now there's a a tremendous change that's going to occur in biology it could be a biological change it could be um uh an AI type of change and neither one is good or bad by the way I know a lot of listeners are very opposed to having any type of um implants or uh any type of artificial things according to biology but biology is um biology is temporary Consciousness can be infused into anything you want whether it's uh whether it's technology whether it's a rock whether it's uh the living mechanism of the body it can be going anything all this is to be determined right now but what's happening on the planet is the new human species is starting to evolve it will probably go by way of Technology uh biotechnology nanotechnology it's going to be very very different the work we're doing with the Crimson Circle and and work some of the other groups are doing is for the biology now to be in Harmony and coexist with the light body the light body is a natural uh thing within each and every one of you the human body is a very complex neural network extremely complex outmoded so complex and inefficient it it has there's what 80 billion neurons in the brain there's a massive number of uh atoms and other structures in the body it's time for that to start going away it's time for it to become more efficient so the light body comes in and light body is singular there's no network in it it's not this complex array of neurons and protons and proteins and everything else it is very singular so the work that we're doing with the ones who are uh awakened is now to allow the assimilation of the light body into the bio ology where that goes it's not sure but one thing I do know is it's a much less complex biological physical being and one that doesn't necessarily need the old uh way of birth thing uh as humans have known this is this is not science fiction this is coming about right now so if I look at my my daughter she's 20 months and uh five days old not that I'm counting and and and I would say that she is the New Gen and comes in many ways and I get what your definition of realization is but she comes in so many ways I'm going to say realized as compared to well me as compared to to Our Generations is she almost the end line or the end game in the old version of humanity or is this some sort of a bridge because I'm thinking about is Humanity like electron State change there's us here now and maybe she's at the top of that vibration and then we're going to be someplace else yeah and she she represents uh you call it the end of the line but it's actually the beginning of a new line uh she's not had any other incarnations on the planet she comes in clean she doesn't have uh she doesn't have Karma she doesn't have the ancestral chains around her so she comes in very very clean the problem is she has a hard time understanding why humans do what they do but she's going to have much more flexibility in the physical body and in the mind the the brain itself to uh assimilate the light body uh she going to do it rather quickly without all the old junk but she needs to know as any of these new ones coming coming in they need to know that they are safe they need to know that they don't know how to make their way around this planet like like you do they've had training on some of the new Earth before before they got here but you know it's like theoretical it's classroom and until you actually get here and find yourself incarnated in biology uh and amongst other people it's just a theory so the most important thing you and and your wife can do for her is implicit safety uh and letting her know she is she's nurtured and cared for then she's going to be able to integrate things like the light body in very very quickly and yes uh heralding a a new um a whole new generation a new age but not going the way of having to integrate things like AI implants uh things like that that's Humanity for the most part is going that way but what is happening is there are enough humans now who are awakened and either enlightened or coming to Enlightenment that they're going to understand they don't need the technology they don't need an outside force I'm not saying it's bad but it's not natural what is natural is allowing your Divinity your light body your intuition your your self into this realm thank you you mentioned that 20,000 years ago it didn't have to be this way it sounds like something went a little bit off the rails 20,000 years ago what is either bringing us back on the rails or what is the energy that I sense is for lack of another term a push there is a push there is an accelerant sort of like the accelerant beneath a rocket ship that is accelerating Humanity at this time into 2024 where it is certainly going to be an an an oh my God year and an oh my God moment what is this accelerant and and where did it come from uh the accelerant is basically Consciousness uh in there was a series of events that took place uh after world War II in including the 60s uh to degree the 70s but particularly in the mid to late 1980s there was a new level of light and Consciousness that started coming into the planet uh because more and more humans were becoming awakened that was the accelerant that then led to the de development of Technologies uh that accelerated technologies that brought about things like ultimately like the iPhone and whereas back in the mid 80s the the the concept of artificial intelligence was futuristic it was almost a joke that was hard to get funding for anything from it uh now it is the thing you're not going to have a day go by uh where you don't hear about AI to some degree so that was the accelerant Consciousness that prompted technology and there was a a huge um jump in Tech technological advances uh and funding and companies and research that occurred in the in the early 90s uh and extended then for for quite a long time you have to have a balance of Consciousness at all times with the fast development of Technology otherwise uh it it could really hurt otherwise it could do a lot of damage artificial intelligence is uh truly amazing uh and what are humans are going to discover about themselves with artificial intelligence is simply Beyond but it's got to be balanced with with Consciousness and light literally in my last lifetime in my last years I wrote a book called time of the machines and that book I projected I time traveled from basically the late 1700s into the year 2020 and I was amazed when I landed in 2020 I found everybody hunched over everybody looking at something in their hands and I I looked about I was I was stunned I didn't know what all this was now I realized it was your looking glasses your mobile phones I could have never imagined then in that book uh it talks about the the time of the machines the development of I didn't call it artificial intelligence at the time but what is now artificial intelligence the effect that it has on the planet the acceleration of everything of everything the interconnection of everything and my book uh was fiction but uh I did I did talk about robots I I take Delight in saying I was the first writer uh in to talk about robots in a Sci-Fi way but the book was never published so didn't really count I I I've read sections of this book you've talked about for instance the fact machine and I was fascinated by that all of these things that you talked about that then that's HG Wells that then came about absolutely and in the book uh again kind of fiction but it was looking into potentials about how these machines what you call your robots and computers now end up taking over the world running uh running the world uh not necessarily trying to destroy the the human race but trying to find out trying to get something for themselves that humans had that they still didn't and no matter all the power of artificial intelligence they couldn't seem to grab this one last thing uh it was eventually their undoing because they exerted all of their energy or power whatever to try to get this one last thing that humans had that they didn't it's called The Soul it was eventually there on doing in my book it caused the destruction of of uh the these uh robots and computers and eventually Humanity once again arose uh with with a much more clear understanding of of themselves now that's not going to happen what's going to happen is that uh this Technologies uh whether it's biotechnology or computer uh are going to change the the the face of the planet between now and the end point of this or the culmination of it there's going to be a lot of division uh on the planet there's going to be the halves and the Have Nots uh not just in terms of money but in terms of potential in a little bit of a way it's like Atlantis uh there were the halves and the Hal Nots there there there's the ones who understood the technology understood how to use crystals for a wide variety of things and including healing including longevity but they kept it away from 90% of the population eventually led to the downfall of Atlantis but there's that deep-seated fear uh in in many people that it might so what I what I see is very rapid technological advances needing Consciousness needing light on the planet not to battle it and not to try to slow it down but simply when you have Consciousness in anything in in technology then it's used for a high good rather than uh control or destruction I was talking with Jeff before you came through and we were talking about how you are very shall I say strong with your members of the Crimson the Crimson Circle in if they are going from Awakening to realization that you do not want hobbyists or you don't want people where I think it's like ego coming in the back door there's of Enlightenment there's there's a there's a spiritual bypass why is it so important and it's something I I I gently lovingly challenge my audience with which is what I call the shadow work why is it so uh important that we take this uh strongly seriously there's got to be a better word for it but but that we Embrace this and say all right this is why I'm here let's do this anyone who uh up to now anyone who is on this uh the spiritual path the journey whatever what you want to call it will get distracted at some point they get distracted because it's difficult uh going from Awakening to realization it's difficult on the identity it's difficult on the body and the mind uh it's not what people expect they think when they are awakened that suddenly they're going to be able to perform Miracles suddenly that they're uh got some Supernatural capabilities they equate it with being a superhuman rather than being a Divine being that's the mindset that occurs so they go along this path and they get easily distracted I call it makio makio means spiritual distractions I am very clear I'm very outspoken uh I I will call maio when I see makio all is a way of saying get back on the path get back to realization Enlightenment whatever you want to call it is a natural thing you do not have to work at it you should not study it you should not come up with all these accoutrements it's not going to get you any closer to realization realization is a natural Evolution a natural cycle you go through all your cycles of your Incarnation on the planet until you hit a point of maturity that point of maturity is realizing that energy is yours it doesn't it's not in an field out there energy is yours yours and yours alone nobody can take it from you or give it to you unless you pretend that it can be that way and the energy is there to serve you you are the master the energy is there to serve you not to teach you anything not to tell you how to do anything different it is there to serve you it's there to serve you in abundance and in health and in knowingness whatever way this whole thing of coming to realization is a very natural thing I I tell Crimson Circle to put it you know out as a slogan relax into realization it always brings about the vision that I remember in one of my lifetimes walking in into a room where is filled with rabbis and they were studying the talad they're studying the Torah and they're studying studying studying for their whole life I was amazed it's like you are not going to get there through studying you're going to get there through allowing it is is a natural process so yes I'm I'm very clear with shambra I'll call him out on it uh I'll chastise him if I need to I'll distract them to get them undistracted if I need to because these are the people that are coming to the Crimson Circle they made a commitment whether it was in a past lifetime or early in this lifetime for their realization and to stay here on the planet as true Bringers of light and a time where it is so needed on the planet thank you why is this time so different and what the world where did we get lost and think suffering like look at the wars going on that suffering is the path to realization it it came up uh by many different means but I'm going to I'm going to lay a big burden on the religions uh with the the whole concept of suffering they and this go goes back to the time of Yeshua the time of Jesus uh now suffering was occurring at that point but the church has brought it in as a marketing tool it wasn't it wasn't part of the the nature of the ases uh at the time of Yeshua or the gnostics shortly after matter of fact it was taught by the gnostics that suffering is is um is an illusion you don't need it but as the the church grew uh Catholic church and eventually the offshoots of it they found found out it was much easier to Market uh to to frighten people and suffering became a way uh of nearly every religion not all but nearly every and you walk into many Catholic churches these days you open the doors uh to enter the church what do you see right out in front of you but Jesus on a cross uh even in some of the um Eastern religions and and spiritual movements it's the suffering of the human body the deny den of the body of The Joy of Eating or having sex or any of these other things the it it's became a pattern uh it was part of um So Many religious movements and groups refrain from the joys of being in the human body the the human body is filled with sin and lust and everything else no it's not it's filled with sensuality and once the belief in suffering came about then we brought in these things of guilt and shame when they accompany suffering they work together and they take the joy out of life uh and it's it's despicable uh um I sometimes go on a rant uh about these groups that promote suffering that promote you have to study hard you have to fast you have to you can't eat meat you can't it's like none of those things are true it is about immersing in life with your light allowing sensual ity and joy that brings about the real God self within why anyone would think that suffering uh would get you any closer to whether it's Jesus or Your Divine self I do not know that's probably one of my biggest pet peeves why so much war and divisiveness and Division and uh apparent I don't believe it's real mono against mono right now it goes back to uh an Ancient Ancient belief that uh energy is outside of yourself and that you have to try to acquire as much as you can it turned into the concept of power power is nothing but an energy grab as long as humans continue to believe that energy is outside of them that it resides in some field out there that it's uh you got to beg borrow and steal for it that you have to war for it uh they'll continue to have wars when Humanity be begins to understand understand what energy is energy is is the compassion of the the I am of Consciousness it's the excitement of Consciousness that is energy and it is yours Your Divine Sovereign being it's yours alone it sits in a neutral field called the Dee until it is called forth by the human in this case call forth to go into experience then energy turns into light uh light eventually creates gravity gravity creates time and space and then eventually it solidifies into matter and it's called reality that that you're in right now and and it's it's simply all your energy at work but humans still believe that energy is out there they have no clue what energy is nobody's ever really identified the the real nature of energy and as long as there is that belief that it's out side of you and you need to take it from somebody else or something else will continue to have wars physics is going to help un quantum physics is going to help change that understanding of energy in the near future they're right on the verge of coming out with the theories that energy is not at all what Einstein thought it was what other great ones have thought it was it's something very personal and and it it eventually turns to light and creates reality but in answer your to question the belief that it is outside of you is causing the wars thank you will we see free free in quotes energy during our lifetime absolutely yes uh and it has to be brought in very carefully it's already um in the Laboratories it's already being tested and it's not what most people think it's not uh solar or wind power or things like that uh you'll see it in your lifetime but it has to be brought in gently otherwise the disruption on everything would be overwhelming you might argue and say well yeah but wouldn't free energy be great for the planet right now well you have to consider all your Distribution Systems all your Manufacturing Systems all your power control systems on the planet governments and industries and everything else are going to be completely changed free energy will become available Humanity has the maturity it's it's ready to go right now and it's based on gravity it's based on the real understanding of gravity not just the gravity that pulls things to the Earth but gravity that holds everything into place including thoughts and gravity that's also expansional I recently gave it a name Atheon it means that full spectrum gravity it holds it in it expands at the same time when this planet has the maturity perhaps 10 years 15 years from now then this free energy this uh non-polluting energy this energy that anyone can tap into will start to become available thank you how does Humanity my crystal brawl is broken and I know that we've chosen to make it through this time I know that we can look at all of the The Challenge and strife as energy which we can use for good but how does Humanity gain this maturity at a time where it appears and objects in the mirror are different than they appear to be it appears quite the reverse on the surface it does uh because there's a lot of disruption going on right now uh and believe it or not the disruption is is being handled at a in a rather graceful way because there's a tremendous amount of guidance on the planet right now from the Angelic Realms as well as from humans who are shining their light that's what's keeping everything from totally blowing apart the disruptions will continue but they're a necessary part of this transformation of humanity right now uh and the transformation eventually brings this planet to being the planet of light the planet of love the planet of uh realization but there has to be a lot of house cleaning in the meantime those who are still obsessed with power those who are afid of their own light those who still believe in suffering those who believe in enslaving other people whether it's energetically or or physically we have to clean house of all this and it's not done with more battles in other words taking up causes it's done with more quiet light from those who have it within and are willing to open it up and let it radiate to the planet thank you can you tell us I've never heard this concept I I I think of the concept of Silence speaking uh which maybe is similar but what is Quiet Light Quiet Light is when you're not taking up arms or causes you've all done that in the past and and you've done it well but now is the time not to have that cause you're not cause workers anymore other people will come in and take over the causes of working for the environment for instance which is essential they'll take over the causes of helping to to feed the hungry they take over uh the causes of um uh the imbalance between the the the Sexes the masculine feminine between the races what happens so often though when somebody takes up a cause like that uh the intention originally is good but then it comes back to they become the the the Power Players e even with their righteous cause and I've seen it happen time and time again where somebody starts out with good intentions and simply gets caught up in the power and control and then with the added element of being totally righteous The Quiet Light is where there's no agenda you're not even saying we want the everybody in the planet to be rich everybody on the planet to be happy that's an agenda The Quiet Light is what's put out there it illuminates the potentials it's all it does it shows humans that maybe there are higher level choices to make in their own lives or in their communities or as a planet it shines the light in the potentials that may have been hidden in the past and that's all that's all we're here to do right now is to shine that light the potential of light body versus um AI body and not saying one is better or worse but at least open those potentials so we were truly that light which is consciousness is simply broadening the Spectrum and the realization that there's much much more out there than just physical reality there's there are so many realities and dimensions but they're all still right inside thank you since I am in the Fishbowl of this reality I must admit at this point I don't know what are the questions to ask you for Consciousness or for our highest good so if I gave the mic to you and said what is the most things important things to impart on us or seeds to plant with us what would those be right now the biggest thing I can say and I underline it three times is simply to allow simply to allow you get caught up in your mind so often you overthink things and all you're doing is solidifying the gravity uh that's that's all around you all you're doing is getting yourself deeper into the quicksand the way that has been talked about since the time of the ases and the time of Yeshua the way has always been to allow the natural integration of divinity into this reality you can't force it you really can't even study it you cannot discipline yourself into it going on some type of fasting or diet or some sort of daily rituals does not help one bit I ask you with the greatest amount of compassion and wisdom to let all those things go now everything you thought you should be doing because you heard that um something was bad for you or you heard that you had to do this discipline you had to do sweat lodges and I'm not saying any of those are bad but it's easy to get caught up in them now you're distracted now you're no longer nearly as effective as you can be simply by taking a deep breath and realizing that this is all natural you're simply in the Divine flow the Divine uh kind of a mechanism of your own soul coming to realization in this lifetime can't think your way into it you can't work your way into it you can simply allow it that was the greatest message I think from the Asen to the gnostics into the mystery schools that has been often forgotten uh often overlooked the rituals of the churches the rituals of the new age I I got kicked out of Sedona for being clear the rituals of the new age none of those are truly effective if you're here on this planet at this time to be a bringer of Consciousness you take a deep breath you relax and you allow and then it comes forth not because you're thinking about it not because you're praying for it not because you're doing daily rituals it's because it is your natural natural natural state of being and it's why you chose to be on her Earth right now I've heard it said I've said it uh that we won the lottery by getting to be here at this time are we very special is a strange way and that can have egoic terms but did we win the cosmic Lottery and choose to come here at this time where humanity is going through this Awakening process I wouldn't call it a lottery so much as uh you knew you wanted to be here and you pushed and shoved your way into it pushing everybody El aside many of you chose really bad families just just to be able to be here uh and now you're paying the price for that but yeah you wanted to be here you were determined uh your passion was so strong that you slipped in uh to a family that they never thought they'd have children or thought they'd be too old to Bear children or had already had three or four never going to have anymore you found a way of slipping in you you were determined to be here uh more than anything else you you fought for it and then once you got here you wonder what the hell you were doing yes there um I like to leave people on very hopeful notes because that energy to me is is everything are there are there signs we can see because the future is not written in stone there are probabilities are there signs that we can see in 2024 or Beyond where we can go ah I see it a glimmer of hope this is telling me that yes we we are on track as Humanity we are heading to the singularity something great is coming there's going to be many many signs uh along the way uh but each one is going to be a a kind of a mini breakthrough on their own in 2024 you're going to see breakthroughs or mini breakthroughs in the scheme of things in agriculture for instance uh in the ability to uh for to produce healthy vital foods with all without all the chemicals enough food to feed the planet uh obviously breakthroughs and Technology breakthroughs in some very old uh conflicts between countries and and the the Middle East is not necessarily going to be a place they're going to struggle for a while yet this is the epicenter of old versus new uh of old religious concepts of God Concepts uh and they're holding on like like hell I mean no pun intended they're holding on to their concept of a God uh but eventually that will break it will no longer be tolerated by Humanity to have an Angry God a divisive God and gods that are so very different from one religion to the next you're going to see in a in a kind of a quiet way you're going to continue to see a lot of people still suffering and unhappy or very unawakened very still much asleep but you as individuals are going to start seeing more and more people like yourself that are awakened you'll just know it the moment you see them you won't even have to engage in a conversation you're going to start seeing more and more awakened people and some of you have lamented in the past is there's just nobody elide The Whole World's asleep but you're going to start seeing it in more and more people and um there's just more light coming into the planet you you mentioned hell uh is there a hell there is no place of Hell there is the hell that you put yourself into the karma uh that oftentimes carries over from Lifetime to Lifetime to Lifetime the hell is truly forgetting who you are and uh then trying to suffer your way back into remembering I would say that is the hell and karma karma is one of those things you know it's like a merry gound uh you can get off at any time time you want now some religions will tell you oh no you have to pay your karmic debt no you don't anytime you want I'm done with Karma stop the marry go around I'm getting off now uh so it's very easy uh yes the the human biology is changing very quickly with the new light that's coming to the planet and uh some of the issues that have been affecting the planet for a while including particularly cancer diabetes uh some of the big ones and now uh dementia uh are there's going to be huge breakthroughs in these areas but the question is are humans really ready to live longer and I'm not being factious uh everybody says of course I want to live forever no you really don't the counter side of that that we're looking at going particularly in the next few years your physical health gets better you live longer things things like uh heart disease are not nearly as much of an issue but now on the other side of that are mental issues mental health you can live a long time uh with an improved biology improved through science but what about the balance of the mind that's a bigger issue to me right now than any medical issue is the balance in the mind why stay here on the planet even if you have a a relatively healthy body why stay if you have depression you have dementia Alzheimer's you're you're out of touch with yourself the more light that comes in right now to the planet is going to help balance that uh the calra stops me he doesn't like some of the things I say but I'm going to say that the psychologists and psychiatrists on the planet have no clue no real clue as to the the mind a human nature and especially not the Consciousness it's going to take a deep understanding of Consciousness to understand how the mind and the Brain work and why things like depression occur in the first place but they're a long way from that uh and hopefully with the infusion of light there' be a much better understanding of the real issue and that's the mental health thank you that goes along if we're talking about longevity how's the Earth doing Gaia is leaving um and uh I like to joke about it guy got pissed off and she's on her way out uh Gaia is a is an entity is like almost like a ascended master in a way her responsibility was to bring Life Force to the planet and to nurture the planet uh not only uh the U animal species the the the fairy kingdom and these other things uh but the humans her job is done humans have to take responsibility for the planet now uh she's departing uh at first the depart looked like it would take a couple hundred years now it'll be done within 20 or 30 years that's why you're seeing such an extreme focus on the environment right now and you could arguably global warming but it's really more of a global Consciousness an understanding of Nature and what it is eventually an understanding of what energy is humans are being forced to now look at their environment and to care for it and as they do that goes to the next step they have to look at themselves not only nurturing nature but nurturing self gu's departure is a good thing uh it's happening faster than what we originally thought but it's now time for humans to take responsibility for their energy and their Consciousness thank you any last words of Damas you would like to share with people or to share with this specific audience today yes uh I do and and again addressing everybody but more focused on those of you who came in uh to be the the Bringers of Consciousness onto the planet you thought you were on this journey for your Enlightenment or your realization uh most of you many of you had discovered you were already realized you just didn't realize it it's not realization is not what you would have thought it to be suddenly you're not it's not about manifesting gold out of stones or things like that that's the Alchemy was an intentional distraction uh that was we were to get trying to clear people off the path so we intentionally distracted them with the the Turning Stone into gold the fact is you came here with a purpose and a passion you love this planet you love Humanity you also realize that uh all of your past lives right now dating back to the very first of them in lamia or Atlantis they they exist they didn't just go away they they exist and the Very work that you're doing right now on the planet is affecting every one of those past lives because they're still here on the planet so you're having a tremendous influence as the design designated ascendi of your own past life lineage as well as the planet this planet eventually is going to Evol evolve to be the place of Enlightenment the place of love in the place of uh true Consciousness and energy working together it was always a theory that eventually Consciousness and energy would merge as one right now they're not they're very very separate Consciousness contains no energy whatsoever it was a dream that we had uh part of the Atlantean dream but it was a dream like far far far into the future now what we're seeing is that has the very high potential to happen between now and the year 2050 the integration the fusing together of Consciousness and energy forgive me not trying to keep going here but what is consciousness then Consciousness is not a force Consciousness is simply awareness I exist I exist that's the greatest statement that one could make the realization I exist regardless if I'm in physical body or out of it you exist you always will you always have been you were not birthed as a soul being uh somewhere and you will not cease to exist if you really feel into that let it resonate from within you I exist that is the miracle now how do you choose to experience that how do you choose to experience you could do it by coming to Earth and leading lives here you could do it off in the other realms you couldn't create your own Realms and dimensions but it's all about I exist I am that I am and last but not least I've got to ask because I know my wife will be asking when she wakes up is there anything that you want to share for our family for myself for her for the baby for any of us and if not that's okay too well I would uh and again your your journey uh your reason for being here right now uh it was very very clear you made a commitment and I referred before to your times in the mystery schools uh where you both knew each other before by the way uh and you're you said you wanted to be here at this time you didn't know how you're going to get here how it was going to work out uh but you knew no matter what even if you were greatly distracted even if you had moments where you almost didn't stay on the planet you were going to do it you're doing it and please don't doubt yourself uh please understand what you're doing is bringing in a tremendous amount of light at a time where it's really needed and uh go with your own flow allow yourself to be more abundant please uh please allow yourself to be very abundant uh it's it's natural the unnatural state is having to work for abundance let it flow it's right there and it be doing your family a great favor as well thank you I had a dream last night where I won 330 specifically 330 billion dollar yeah that's that'll do you good yes and it's really it's uh it's related to the abundance thing and uh you know it's it's not that you want it you you earned it you deserve it uh for in order for your work to go forward uh you're going to need the abundance the the the finances for to move to the next level the they're going to be there but don't push them away don't don't uh feel embarrassed about it let it flow thank you thank you thank you this has been such an honor and a privilege I cannot thank you enough and I'll say master so thank you master thank you and it was an honor to be here with you it's uh I I knew I would be uh calra wasn't so sure that uh I would be coming through but I wouldn't have missed it for the world so with that I'll sign off and we'll be bringing calra um Jeffrey back in just a moment with that I am that I am adamus of sovereign domain thank you you so much love so with that please just be with that good deep breath letting those energies flow opening to all that you are feeling into the beauty of this moment take that good deep breath flow with it breathe the I am that I am I exist take that good deep breath grounding yourself allowing yourself to be truly present breathe for you breathe and feel into you I think I'm back and I I apologize um it seemed that adamus talked forever and ever and ever this this was uh beautiful and and I had a light go out in the studio I don't even know how a digital light goes out obviously there's something behind it just a few minutes ago and maybe people see it on camera that was I think a sign from the universe then let's get let's get Jeffrey some rest and get Jeffrey back here no I totally enjoyed it loved it and and what what I really stood out was I felt that connection between you and St Germaine uh very very strong and deep connection really came through well thank you I know you hadn't planned on channeling today and and you said well Damas was gonna make sure it happened so thank you so much so where can people go to find your work to find the Crimson Circle to find everything that you have to offer that you do that you all of it uh it's real simple Crimson crimson the color crimson uh and uh gosh we've got an extensive Library going back 20 plus years uh we do a monthly webcast uh first Saturday of every month it's all free there's a tremendous amount of of stuff on there there are some courses you know if you want to uh go to some of the other levels but tremendous amount of free information on there fantastic and we just put out uh something Damas challenged us about a year ago he said I want you to distill all the teachings over the past 20 some years uh into 21 key points uh and it it took a long time it was very hard to do but we put it out recently it's called 21 shambra realizations it's on YouTube uh we we put it to music and video and it's also a PDF you can download free your charge and I'll put the link there I'll put the link both to YouTube I'll put the link to the PDF you'd like and and I was watching that this morning it's beautiful it's it's not just that it's 21 it is beautiful it's the only way I can describe it yeah our we've got an amazing team here that uh we do everything in house uh and uh we put together the videos that one is beautiful and and it's simple it's 8 minutes long or something I forgot uh not real long but we distilled everything into 21 key points uh things like one of my favorites is uh suffering is for fool schs and clergy uh and IT addresses what you talk to Adamas about with suffering but it's just 21 very distilled points um you know it's not it' take you 5 10 minutes to read it uh but I love it because it goes into so much depth and and if you want to know what Crimson circle is all about take a look at that thank you and then any last words you want to share with us today Jeff you know there are times when this journey and the work are uh that it's really really tough at times because we're we're going against uh Mass Consciousness uh we're we're Defying Gravity in so many ways but I would ask don't give up uh don't get dismayed I know there's days that are really tough but take a deep breath and remember why we're all here right now at this what adamus calls the time of machines understand that it's a passion of ours and allow the energies to flow like adamus told you let yourself be abundant and joyful uh that's the real way we get this work done we we've got a lot in front of us uh a lot of light bringing uh for this planet but make sure you're healthy and abundant and uh when you have those distracting or doubtful days just take a deep breath remember you're not alone you've got a global community of people that um are here doing the same thing this was amazing and I can't thank you enough I get to do an official official ending to the show and then but this is this has been beautiful I just I cannot thank you enough so for everyone out there this is Michael Sandler saying be well have fun the inner work is to crank your light to the Max and have fun while you're here and above and beyond all else shine bright woohoo how does it get any better than this Jeff this was amazing wow wow wow wow wow I don't have enough Wows for how special this interview how special uh meeting or meeting again uh Adama St Germain was um and how important that message is of going to our divine Inner Light and on that note if you want to join the school of Mystics if you want to come to a place where we're going to help you crank your light to the max click on that link to the school of Mystics down below we meet four Wednesdays each month and help you to be the light To Shine the Light to open up the light to imbue embody and breathe the light with everything that you have and if you'd like a simple step before that we can give you an daily Attunement of Light by simply clicking that link below and going to daily woohoo. comom where bring you energy up and bring you into the light each and every day and if you want to Channel if you want to channel ascendant Masters if you want to channel Angels if you want to channel guides if you want to channel Elders ancestors or loved ones on the other side of the veil simply go it's a link down below to automatic so here's a link to the next amazing show love you guys so so much and keep on Shining Bri woohoo how does it get any better than this lots of love everyone [Music] oan
Channel: Michael Sandler's Inspire Nation
Views: 152,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Michael Sandler, Inspire Nation, Inspire Nation Show, adamus saint-germain, ascended master, geoffrey hoppe, saint germain, spiritual awakening, st. germain, crimson circle
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 27sec (5967 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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