These bullies were completely unaware that the new transfer student was a brutal fighter

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Why do pumpkins sit on porches? They have no hands to knock on the door. Today, I'm going to recap a 2003 action drama film called: Evil. The movie begins with a young man named Erik who is fighting with his friend. For no apparent reason, Erik beat his friend to a pulp. The rest of his friends just watched. No one tried to break up the fight for fear of Erik, who was notorious and often got into fights. Erik is then called by the principal who can no longer stand his delinquent behavior. He was immediately expelled from school. Arriving home, Erik still has to receive the caning from his stepfather for the violent incident that got him expelled from school. His biological mother, who knew this, didn't care and instead let him because she thought Erik would learn from his mistakes. After that, his mother asked him to meet her friend, Gunnar, who is a lawyer. The lawyer gave Erik his business card and told him to contact him anytime if he was involved in any kind of problem. Erik, who was confused, just looked at the business card. After Gunnar leaves, his mother tells him that she is disappointed that he was expelled from school. Then his mother said that she had enrolled Erik into a new school. His mother turns Erik into Stjarnsberg, an all-boys boarding school. His mother hopes that Erik does not waste this opportunity and maintains his attitude that he will not be expelled again, because this is his last chance. Erik nodded in understanding. He promised his mother to go to school well to graduate and not disappoint his mother. Erik arrives at his new school. This time he was wearing a uniform and his hair was cut short. His roommate is Pierre, the smartest student in the school. They talked to each other and it turned out that they could immediately get along because Pierre was a friendly person. Night fell, Erik and Pierre rushed to the hall for dinner. Erik then gets acquainted with a student named Johan who tells him that every school has its own traditions and in this school, each student will be treated according to their social status. After Johan said that, the student beside Erik was suddenly called by two other students sitting at the end of the table, namely Otto and Gustaf. The student who was summoned earlier came from a simple family, while Otto and Gustaf were the sons of wealthy nobles. Otto and Gustaf who came from noble families, often bullied other students who came from ordinary families, like the student sitting next to Erik earlier. Otto and Gustaf dared to act arbitrarily because of their family's great influence on this school so they were not afraid of being expelled from school. Otto and Gustaf are also part of the intra-school student organization, where they also have the power to punish students. After dinner, Pierre invites Erik to smoke for a while. At first Erik refused because he had promised his mother not to break the rules. Johan then warned that they would get severe punishment if caught smoking. But Pierre made sure they wouldn't be caught, and Erik was finally persuaded. The following day at breakfast, Otto and Gustaf called for Erik. They wanted to give a 'welcome' greeting because Erik was a transfer student and had to be taught about the traditions at this school. But he immediately refused. Because of his refusal, Johan is the one who has to bear the consequences. Otto injured Johan's head, until he was finally taken by a medical staff for treatment. In the evening, Otto and Gustaf are about to prank Erik again. The two of them called Erik to their headquarters and told him to clean up the pile of dirty shoes that had piled up on the floor. Again Erik disobeyed their orders and left immediately. An annoyed Gustaf then asked Otto what they should do with Erik. Otto didn't seem to want to worry about it just yet. He still looked relaxed and told Gustaf to leave Erik first because he was a new student. Erik then told Pierre everything. The look on his roommate's face suddenly turned tense. Pierre then told Erik not to disobey Otto and Gustaf's orders anymore because students who disobeyed them would be punished. Erik, who used to be a bully, said that he wasn't afraid of them. He also insisted that he would never obey all of their orders. In the evening, Erik and Pierre think of ways to fight Otto and Gustaf's bullying at school without violence. But it seemed difficult to do because the students chose to obey Otto and Gustaf's orders rather than get bruises all over their bodies. The next day, Gustaf accidentally bumps into Erik who is walking down the school corridor. Gustaf then told Erik to apologize. But Erik refused because he felt he didn't hit him. It was Gustaf himself who accidentally hit him. Gustaf was then furious and challenged Erik to a fight at a predetermined place at night. Erik was then invited by Pierre and Johan to the battle arena that Gustaf referred to. Pierre explained that Otto and Gustaf never fought fairly. They would call their friends and gang up on Erik. That night, Erik had intended to accept Gustaf's challenge and fight with him. But then he gave up and remembered his mother's message to always behave well to graduate from school. After returning to the room, Pierre invited his friend to smoke to relieve fatigue. In the battle arena, Otto and Gustaf had been waiting for Erik for a long time.But because he never showed up, Otto thought that Erik was too cowardly and called him a rat, followed by his minions' cheers. The next day, Otto calls the names of students who often get punished and disobey orders from members of the intra-school student organization, and one of them is Erik. After being in the courtroom, Otto, as the student council president, charged Erik with a full month's imprisonment and he was also required to dig a one meter deep trench around the school area. Erik digs trenches until late, so he has to eat alone in the hall because his work is done after dinner. When Erik was eating alone, a canteen employee named Marja approached him. Marja, who seems interested in Erik, says that he reminds her of her brother. Marja then said that Erik's attitude was somewhat similar to that of his brother, who both did not want to submit to the arbitrariness in front of their eyes. As usual, Erik often smokes briefly after eating. When he was smoking alone, Marja suddenly came. Marja tells Erik that smoking is not good for health and she thinks about the smell of Erik's breath. Marja then kissed and hugged him tightly. In fact, both Erik and Marja know that the school strictly forbids students from having romantic relationships with school staff. The punishment is unmitigated. They will be expelled from school and the employee will be fired immediately. But apparently that night Erik and Marja didn't care about the rules. During the Christmas holidays, Erik returned home. His mother welcomes him but not so with his stepfather. His stepfather immediately questioned why he got so many punishments even to the point of being suspended. Erik answered honestly.He had disobeyed the orders of a student who turned out to be the son of a noble and powerful in the school. His stepfather even replied that a noble's son should be flattered and obeyed. Because Erik's report cards are bad and he gets a lot of punishment at school, he receives another caning from his stepfather. His mother, who knew her child's suffering, just let it go. The Christmas holidays are over and Erik is finally back at school. Erik rushed to meet Marja because he really missed her. Erik and Marja then let go of longing under the moonlight by fondling each other. Knowing that Erik has returned to school, Otto and Gustaf again devise a plan to prank him. This time they intend to splash dirt while Erik is sleeping. Their plans, of course, never failed. Erik and Pierre immediately woke up and cleaned their room of the dirt that Otto had splashed. But Erik did not remain silent. He intended to avenge Otto and Gustaf's actions. He took the remnants of dirt, then sneaked into Otto's room and splashed the dirt while Otto was sleeping soundly. The following day while in the dining hall, Erik deliberately chirps loudly for all the students to hear. He said 'do you guys smell this awful poop?' then deliberately sniffed here and there, until finally stopping in front of Otto who was eating his breakfast. Erik then tells everyone that the smell of dirt comes from Otto. Hearing this, Otto immediately became furious because Erik dared to mock him. He punched Erik in the face until he was battered, but Erik still didn't reply to Otto's punch because he promised his mother. Marja, knowing this, immediately told Otto to stop. Unable to subdue Erik, Otto and Gustaf then change their target. They are now targeting Pierre, who is Erik's roommate and his only friend at this school. Otto called Pierre while they were in the dining hall. But Pierre turned it down because he felt he had done nothing wrong with Otto. Otto wasn't at his wits end. He then challenges Pierre to a fight after the last class is over and if he doesn't come, Otto threatens to punish him. Otto and Gustaf deliberately aim for Pierre to annoy Erik. Erik certainly wouldn't stand by watching his best friend being ganged up on by Otto and his minions. After that, they would gang up on Erik, and there would be no more students who disobeyed Otto and Gustaf. That evening, Pierre is forced to accept Otto's challenge. The youth had come to the battlefield alone, while Otto and Gustaf were surrounded by their followers. Pierre tried to fight Otto. But their body postures are quite different. Pierre fell to the ground with just a few light strokes from Otto. Erik's whereabouts are unknown. Even though his best friend was wincing in pain to be the butt of Otto and his minions. When Pierre had completely fallen, Erik had just arrived and couldn't do anything because it was too late. Erik then took Pierre to the room and treated his wound. He then let Pierre rest and came out of the room. He meets Marja and they make love until morning comes. In the morning, Erik, worried about Pierre's condition, immediately rushed back to his room. To Erik's surprise, his room was empty and Pierre was already gone. Pierre even took his belongings with him, which indicated that he would not return to school again. Pierre only left a letter apologizing for his sudden departure. Pierre said that Erik was a good friend of his and advised him not to give up and continue to fight the arbitrariness of Otto and his henchmen and quell the injustices that often occur in this school. Erik got up and revealed his true identity. He was determined to avenge Otto and his henchmen for their cruel treatment of his friend and the other students. He goes to Gustaf in the dining hall and challenges them to a fight in the arena in an hour. Erik, who is alone, fights Gustaf and von Schenken whose posture is bigger and stronger than him. But the two young delinquents just talked big and relied on their parents. Erik, who was also a delinquent, was able to take them down without much exertion. Erik then threatens Otto who is in shock because he managed to defeat his most powerful minions. Erik tells Otto that he is Erik's next target. However, before replying to Otto, Erik goes to the school kitchen to look for Marja. A female employee tells Erik that Marja has left school because she has been fired. She then handed a letter from Marja to him. Erik was devastated by the sudden departure of Marja, like Pierre. One of Otto's henchmen catches Erik getting a letter from a female employee at the school. He immediately reported it to Otto. He then raided Erik's room and ordered his minions to search Erik's belongings. They then found a letter from Marja. Otto then reads it and finally he finds out that Erik and Marja are having a secret affair. Obviously, Otto used the letter to kick Erik out of school. He immediately handed over the evidence of the serious violation to the principal. The principal called Erik, who then kicked him out of school without any consideration because he had committed a serious offense like Marja. Erik accepts his punishment gracefully. However, he asked the principal to return the letter from Marja because it was the only memory of her. The principal refused, and then put it in a drawer. Erik then intends to avenge Otto for all the misfortunes that happened to him while in Stjarnsberg. After all, he has also been expelled from school. So he could do whatever he wanted to Otto. He then looks for Otto and finds him walking in the woods alone. He immediately confronted Otto and threatened him with a stick. He made Otto kneel down. Unexpectedly, Otto immediately obeyed his orders. Otto, who looked panicked, then offered Erik ten thousand dollars so that he wouldn't kill him. But Erik refused.When Erik prepares to hit Otto, he cries hysterically, pleads with Erik to spare his life, then vomits. Erik then cupped Otto's face and said he would not kill him because he was different from Otto who liked to oppress the weak. Erik then returned to school to pack things. Then he remembered Gunnar who said Erik could contact him if there was a problem at school. Erik immediately called Gunnar and not long after, the lawyer arrived in Stjarnsberg. After telling Gunnar his problem, Erik came to the principal who was drinking with the teaching staff in his room. Erik pleads not to be expelled from school and that the letter from Marja be returned to him. At first the principal refuses, but then Gunnar walks into the room and threatens to publicize the caste and bullying culture among the students and is intentionally left by the principal and other staff members at the school. The principal also has no other choice but to grant all of Erik's requests and dissolve the student council led by Otto. Long story short, Erik is very grateful to Gunnar because he can return to school and overthrow the authoritarian rule of Otto and his henchmen. Erik spends his days at school peacefully, until the day of his graduation. His mother is very proud and happy with all her son's achievements during his schooling in Stjarnsberg. Even so, his stepfather is still unhappy because Erik gets bad grades on attitude assessments at school. As his stepfather prepares to flog him, Erik fights back and says this is the last time there will be violence in this house. Then Erik kicked him out of his house. Sometime later, Erik finally met Pierre who was going to Geneva to continue his education. They then promise to meet again someday. If you enjoyed this video, don't be shy to hit the like button and if you disliked it hit the dislike button twice, just to be sure. It would be best if you watched the whole movie. Thank you very much for watching. Please subscribe for more videos like this.
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Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2023
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