"Do I look like a guy who kills people?" | The Equalizer 3 | CLIP

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You know... I could turn and face you straight on if you want to get a better photograph. Five, four, three... two, one. You don't look like you sound. You do. And you're welcome. For what? The tip. Guessing it led to something. - Who are you? What were you doing on that farm in Sicily? Even better, a farm that bundles methamphetamine-based narcotics. - Told you on the phone, just a guy-- - Passing through. That's right. You don't wanna play games with me. Just having my tea. Who do you work for? I'm retired. From? I can just take you in, and we can do this at our office. You need jurisdictional approval for that. Unless you, uh... wanna take me to a black site. Torture me. Says the man who knew which agency line to call. Where'd you get that number? In the book. - What book? - Little black book. How'd you know I was me? You're reading a tour guide for Rome. We're in Altamonte. And your voice. What about it? The way you pronounce your M's, it's a dry, sandpapery sound. - I'll work on that. - You should. Police found multiple dead bodies on that vineyard. Hm. Yep. Yep, yep. Drugs are a dangerous occupation. - You kill 'em? Do I look like a guy who kills people? I'm warming to the possibility. Touchet. Like it or not, you're a person of interest. I'm an interesting person. What else can you tell me? Nothing. And believe me, I wish I could. Not even a little curious? - About? - How I found you? Oh, that's easy. You, uh... took the same ferry crossing. You noticed the security cameras on the terminal building. You rewound two weeks, saw the license plates for the VW, GPS gave you the location. How am I doing so far? Next, you'll, uh, do a deep search on the name. - Already in the works. - Oh. Good, good. That should raise your antenna. Why is that? I...don't... want... to... spoil it... for... you. Stick around. I'm just gettin' started. Me too. McCall. Ha! Very good. Two C's, two L's. Hello? Your daughter left school early. Who is this? Miss Marta. Have you seen Gabby? One of your officers picked her up a while ago. Is everything all right? Chiara! Gabby! - Gabby! - Gio! Carabiniere! - Ah! Daddy, Daddy. He made a dumb mistake. Right? He made a call he wasn't supposed to. - Stop! I beg you! You don't think we have friends there? Huh? Why do you need to be difficult, Carabiniere? You know you shouldn't make trouble. No! - Viking! Grab the kid, quick. - I'm eating. Who gives a shit you're eating. Sure, we should all wait for the Viking to finish eating! Move it! This will teach you a lesson. - Come on, bring her here. Look at me! Next time we'll hurt the little girl. Or we do something worse. Got it? We do something worse! - Let her go! - You shut up! Huh? Huh?! Good Carabiniere. Grazie. Dottore. What happened to Gio? He fell. What happens here... happens in many towns. It's the Camorra. The Ndrangheta. What you call Mafia. They're like cancer. And like cancer... no cure.
Channel: Boxoffice Movie Scenes
Views: 2,621,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Equalizer 3, Denzel Washington, Dakota Fanning
Id: nnG4esjxz-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 58sec (418 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2023
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