Thugs Mess With The Weak-Looking Old Tailor, unaware That He's A Ruthless Mafia Member

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what's going on is anybody else here please don't any trouble is anybody else The Narrative unfolds in 1956 within the confines of a seemingly modest and tranquil fashioned Boutique situated in Chicago the proprietor of this establishment is none other than Leonard Burling an elderly individual who hails not from the United States but is in fact a British expatriate who relocated to the us a few years back prior to his Venture in Chicago Leonard had an extensive tenure at the preeminent fashion Emporium in London his decision to transplant himself was driven by various factors upon establishing his own fashion Emporium in Chicago Leonard Enlisted the assistance of Mabel Shawn a woman of striking Beauty the garments emanating from Leonard's Boutique have achieved widespread Acclaim in Chicago capturing the attention and patronage of numerous affluent families in the city notably the boil family stands out as steadfast patrons of Leonard's establishment renowned for their influence and prominence the boil family is recognized as one of the most formidable Mafia groups within the city of Chicago the boil family was a frequent Presence at Mr Leonard's establishment often either commissioning suits or dispatching letters via the Shop's mailbox deliberately placed by Mr Leonard the mailbox served as a conduit for customers to leave tips or messages for the broader City on a particular evening Richie Bole the sole heir of the Bole family arrived at Mr Leonard's shop to retrieve the letters dispatched by their correspondent accompanying Richie was Francis a confidant of the boil patriarch unfazed by their presence Mr Leonard remained focused on his tailoring duties displaying no curiosity regarding the contents of the boil family's letters within one of the missives Francis stumbled upon a communication from a mafia organization known as the outfit subsequently Richie requested Mr Leonard to momentarily vacate the premises deeming the letter confidential meanwhile in the shops Lobby Mabel presented Mr Leonard with a snowball shaped gift explaining that it was sent by an acquaintance of hers Mabel has a pension for collecting snowball souvenirs featuring ing picturesque places worldwide like the Eiffel Tower or big Ben fueled by her desire to explore the globe she marveled at Mr Leonard's choice of Chicago as his home despite the option to set up shop anywhere following Richie and francis's departure Mr Leonard shared that an individual from the neighboring clock shop sought an introduction to Mabel however Mabel already close to someone wasn't interested Mr Leonard inferred a special connection between Mabel and Richie noting their flirtatious interactions while folding a napkin concerned about Richie's mafia ties and pension for violence Mr Leonard cautioned Mabel to be cautious Mabel acknowledged the Bo's dangerous reputation but believed she could handle Richie she then expressed a desire for a raise to save up for her dream of traveling the world Mr Leonard mentioned the possibility of a raise for Mabel contingent on her improving skills particularly in tasks like properly folding washcloths after closing the shop Mabel headed home while Mr Leonard opted to stay for additional tasks in the late hours Mr Leonard dozed off at his desk dreaming about his family's past in Flames he awoke to the sound of his shop door opening discovering Mabel and Richie who coincidentally chose the same place for an evening together this confirmed Mr Leonard's suspicion about their romantic involvement that night Richie shared details about his adopted brother Francis who suspected a traitor in their family leaking information to the Rival Mafia group La Fontaine Richie harbored resentment towards Francis as his father Roy Bole consistently trusted Francis more than his own biological son Richie never considered Francis as a true brother or part of his family to him Francis was merely a stranger who once saved his father from Six Bullets Richie suspected that his father made Francis a confidant out of a sense of indebtedness during a conversation between Richie and Mabel Mr Leonard accidentally made a noise drawing their attention despite this Mr Leonard skillfully returned to his desk figting sleep to avoid disturbing him Mabel took Richie out of the shop Days Later Richie and Francis returned to Leonard shop for their weekly mail pickup on this occasion they discovered an envelope from the outfit a mafia group containing a letter and a cassette subsequently they hurriedly reported the situation to Mr Roy later that evening Francis and Richie urgently returned to Mr Leonard's shop Francis carrying the injured Richie with a gunshot wound sought refuge in the back room where Mr Leonard worked Francis contacted Mr Roy explaining that they had been attacked by the La Fountain mob group and were hiding in Leonard's shop Mr royed assured them he would come to pick them up Francis then requested Mr Leonard's help to stitch up Richie's wound aiming to stop the bleeding initially hesitant due to his lack of experience in stitching wounds Mr Leonard ultimately undertook the task drawing upon his limited combat knowledge Richie overcome by excruciating pain lost Consciousness during the procedure vividly recalling the absence of anesthesia during the stitching having successfully sutured Richie's wound Mr Leonard managed to Halt the bleeding meanwhile Francis took a tape from a suitcase and entrusted Richie's care to Mr Leonard temporarily despite Mr Leonard's reluctance to be entangled in the boil family's troubles Francis insisted on Richie remaining asserting that the shop was currently the only secure Refuge Francis pressed for time needed to locate a cassette player to decipher the tapes contents he disclosed that the tapes contained wiretap recordings of a boil family member suspecting internal betrayal and collaboration with the FBI the alleged traitor Francis believed planted a bug in a frequented boil location originally planning to play the tape elsewhere Francis and Richie were ambushed by law fountain group members resulting in Richie's injury numerous Mafia factions are eager to obtain the tapes to dismantle the boil family consequently Francis urgently needs to procure a cassette player to unveil the identity of the traitor within their ranks shortly after Francis departed Richie regained Consciousness Mr Leonard claiming awareness of the tape and the family traitor tale from Francis inquired if Richie harbored suspicions toward any family member sewing cloth in his chair Mr Leonard proposed that the traitor might be someone close to the boil family but not a boil themselves surprisingly Mr Leonard then confessed to being the traitor who leaked information to their adversaries Richie initially silent burst into laughter dismissing the Revelation as a joke joining in the laughter Mr Leonard continued to sew Richie argued that Mr Leonard couldn't be a traitor being just an ordinary tailor in response Mr Leonard clarified that he wasn't a tailor but a cutter emphasized ing the distinction according to him anyone with thread and needle could be a tailor whereas he had years of education at the row renowned as the world's finest Fashion Store Mr Leonard spent an extended period as an apprentice before gaining permission to establish his own shop subsequently he broached the subject of Francis determination to uncover the family Traer suggesting the possibility that Francis himself might be the traitor shortly afterward Francis returned to Leonard's shop prior to Francis meeting Richie Mr Leonard subtly informed Francis that Richie suspected him of treachery and Richie had inspected the suitcase left earlier in essence Mr Leonard played a strategic role between Richie and Francis sewing suspicion between them influenced by Mr Leonard's earlier remarks Richie interrogated Francis questioning why among the shots fired by La fountain's men only he was hit while Francis remained unscathed Francis attributed it to luck and proposed immediately screening the tape but Richie insisted on waiting for his father tensions escalated leading to a physical alter over the tape until both Richie and Francis realized the suitcase was empty this realization prompted them to aim guns at each other Richie attempted a shot that went astray while francis's bullet found its Mark fatally hitting Richie in the neck swiftly Francis searched for the tape Richie had purportedly concealed shortly thereafter Mr Roy and his associates arrived at Mr Leonard's shop prompting a bit of panic Mr Roy urgently requested Mr Leonard's assistance in concealing Richie's body and buying time to clean the floor stained with Richie's blood Blood by the time Mr Roy entered the shop the floor was pristine affording Francis ample time to craft a false narrative about Richie's whereabouts Francis explained that Richie had departed with a tape from the outfit without disclosing his destination responding to Mr Roy's directive Francis was tasked with locating Richie and bringing him back as they waited Mr Roy engaged Mr Leonard in conversation revealing the existence of the outfit the world's largest Mafia organization with global networks he clarified that the bo family had received received an alliance offer from the outfit owing to their Fearless stance against La Fountain the outfit aided the boils by dispatching the FBI wiretapping tape enabling them to identify the traiter within the boil family Mr Leonard displayed surprise questioning why Mr Roy was sharing information about their group's Affairs given the previous lack of transparency it turned out that Mr Roy deduced Richie's Presence at Leonard's shop due to his coat still hanging there knowing Richie wouldn't abandon his coat in Winter Mr Roy suspected Mr Leonard had something to consider seal threatening Mr Leonard with a gun Mr Roy demanded an explanation before Mr Leonard could speak Francis entered the room with Mabel fearing for Mabel's safety Mr Leonard explained that Richie feeling inadequate for not shooting anyone while Francis took down four of La fountain's man returned to La fountain's territory to prove his Worth to Roy Mr Leonard clarified that Richie had prohibited him from divulging this information earlier to spare Mr Roy from unnecessary worry Mr Roy then questioned Richie about Francis bringing Mabel Francis asserted that Richie likely went to Mabel's house because she was his girlfriend upon hearing this Mr Roy inquired about Richie's current location for Mabel but she confessed to being unaware of his whereabouts Francis interjected claiming to have spotted a blood stain on Mabel's carpet presumably from Richie Mr Roy growing agitated resorted to force in an attempt to extract the truth from Abel witnessing the escalating situation Mr Leonard intervened to pacify Mr Roy it emerged that Mr Leonard had experienced personal tragedy losing both his wife and daughter in a fire leading him to consider Mabel as his own daughter shortly thereafter the phone rang and Mr Leonard answered Richie claiming to be hiding from La Fountain provided an address for pickup at Street number 31 responding to this information Mr Roy and his men hurried to retrieve Richie Francis opted to stay pledging to look after Mr Leonard and Mabel in case Richie deceive them subsequently Mr Leonard disclosed that he deliberately provided the address to expose Mr Roy and his men to a potential attack by the La Fountain group additionally he revealed that Mabel was the traitor they had been searching for all along having cultivated a close bond with Richie Mabel seized numerous opportunities to gather Intel on the boil family subsequently leaking this information to La Fountain for financial gain aware that Francis would eventually uncover her actions Mabel sought assistance from the FBI aiming to wiretap and apprehend the entire boil family this she believed would secure her safety as the FBI dismantled the boils Mr Leonard was privy to all of Mabel's plans and intentionally allowed them to unfold understanding her aspiration to amass funds for Global Travel furthermore he was the one concealing the tapes to Shield Mabel soon after La Fountain and his associates arrived at Leonard's shop to compensate Mabel for the tape prior to this exchange Francis requested Mr Leonard and Mabel to employ a code intending to use the opportunity to exit the back room and eliminate La Fountain upon receiving the tape La Fountain handed Mabel the agreed upon money regrettably Mabel and Mr Leonard betrayed Francis revealing his location to La Fountain consequently Francis met his demise succumbing to multiple gunshot wounds inflicted by La fountain's men once La Fountain and his men departed Mr Leonard confessed to mael that he had loaded the tape and placed it in the mailbox labeled the outfit intending it for the boil family in a strategic move to sew Discord among the boils Mr Leonard ensured the cassette tape given to La Fountain was a decoy replaced with his own voice recording the authentic tapee remains in Mr Leonard's possession intentionally safeguarded to enable mael to hand it over to the FBI this calculated move aims to prompt the FBI to dismantle both the mafia group within the boil family and the La Fountain organization advising mael to embark on world travels with the acquired funds Mr Leonard that night meticulously packed his belongings and set his entire shop Ablaze to eradicate any incriminating evidence unexpectedly Francis who had survived Rose and fired at Mr Leonard Lu the shot missed causing only an arm injury in response Mr Leonard disclosed his true identity to Francis formerly a mobster akin to Francis Mr Leonard had escaped his boss's clutches and moved to London yet tragedy struck when his family fell victim to an orchestrated fire seeking Redemption he relocated to Chicago to forge a new and virtuous life the film concludes with a poignant scene of Mr Leonard leaving his Chicago shop symbolizing a fresh start and the pursuit of a better life don't forget to subscribe and turn on the notification Bell if you want to watch more videos like this thank you for watching and see you again soon take care
Channel: Red Recapped
Views: 105,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: d4nbCiAXAo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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