70 X 7 and the Mystery of the Mem

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shabbat shalom shabbat shalom shabbat shalom hey this is one of my favorite times of the week joining you and learning about this week's reading in the tour portion i am traveling in the country meeting with some friends and also in the process of creating some amazing new content for you i'm going to mention it in a minute but we can't do this without you so please join us in making this happen i'm excited about this week's uh teaching we're going to be talking about the 70 times 7 at the end we're going to be talking about the mystery of the closed mam and lots of other stuff but as we prepare to jump in this evening i want to share something with you we have entered into a very significant month on the hebrew calendar friday started the first day of the month of elul so this is the new hebrew month the month of elul why is this so important for many reasons one reason is that on elul this was the day that moses ascended sinai for the third 40-day period and that's so significant because he came down 40 days later on yom kippur the day of atonement with the second set of the schneeler to breathe the tablets of the stone covenant so the elul today starts the 30-day countdown to the new biblical year to the biblical holiday known as rosh hashanah or yom torah the feast of trumpets rosh hashanah the new year where we enter into the new year of 57.81 which i'll be excited to talk about you with you coming up next month about the significance of this new year we're going to be having a live rosh hashanah service but here's the point it's the 30-day countdown to the new biblical year which is so significant but i want us to understand a little bit about this month that we've entered into this month of elul okay can you say elul don't be a fool we have to understand elul is actually seen as an acronym for the phrase all of you will know it in english some of you might know it in hebrew especially if you've been to israel you see a lot of jewelry with this phrase on it anee le dodi vedo di li can you say that with me ani what does that mean it means i am my beloveds and my beloveds is mine from the song of solomon so this month of elul that is the theme verse it's about this intimacy and connection with god there's this concept in the month of elul and jewish thought that the melk that the king is in the field that there's no walls that there's no barriers that god wants to encounter us in this season it's a time of preparation for the new biblical year and that's why it is such a significant time as we prepare ourselves to head into the new year but i want to look at something really i think it's pretty cool i want us to look at the letters of the word elul because the letters of the word elul tells us how to prepare for the new year so that we can experience the fullness of god's blessing for our lives so the first letter of the month of elul is the letter aleph can you say aleph aleph is the first letter of the hebrew alphabet and it has a numerical value of one why is that so significant because the idea of anila dodea i am my beloveds and my beloveds is mine and by the way the word that phrase ani liddo d ani it begins with the letter aleph the word i begins with the letter aleph so here's the point the first letter of the month of elul the part of the secret to intimacy to making the lord your beloved is we have to put god first we have to put the lord first and we have to make him number one in our life there's so many distractions there's so many things that are going on around us that just draws our attention life gets busy but the question is is god our aleph he is the aleph in the top he is the beginning in the end and he needs to be the first and the last in our life it's the reason why we say shema first thing in the morning and we say shema hero israel the lord our god the lord our one is lord god is one last thing at night we make him the first thing on our mind and we make him the last thing on our mind he needs to be the lord and have first place in our life he needs to have that preeminence and so that's part of making him our beloved the next letter of the word elul is the lamid can you say lamid lamid is an important letter for many different reasons but is the letter that represents learning means to learn and to teach so the word to teach and the word learn comes from the same word and both of them begin with the letter lamid so the letter lamid is about learning and it's about teaching and so one of the key things we have to understand is that we have to make it a priority to learn about the lord and to teach his ways to others so this is a time to really give more time to study more time to learning learning about the lord and looking into our lives a kind of taking a khashbon hanafish kind of a an accounting of our soul and so that's why i'm so glad that you all are joining me this is a great way to start the month of the is by learning together and then we come to the third letter in the month of elul it is the letter of the letter vav is the letter of connection it's the conjunction and god created the heavens vav and earth it's a letter that connects heaven and earth we've talked about this before vav is the most used letter in the entire five books of moses almost every verse begins with the letter of close to almost every verse and most verbs begin with the letter vov so there's something about action there but here's the point the vav is the letter of connection but something very interesting is that the month of elul god is calling us to deeper connection with him and so every morning beginning on the first day of elul which would have been this morning friday the shofar is blown the interesting thing is that when you turn the vav on its side it actually forms the picture of a shofar it's wanting to turn on me look at this see this the letter vav and that's a shofar on its side so every day during the month of elul going up to rosh hashanah the feast of trump is the new year we blow the shofar why because a shofar is meant to be a spiritual alarm clock that's meant to call us back to the lord and so we see there the vav and the shofar are connected by their shape and also the shofar is a call to repentance and repentance is about establishing about returning for the sake of reconnection connecting again all right and then we said there's two letter lamids in the word elul you see that the second and the fourth letter or the letter lamid so the lamid can mean to learn and to teach lil moodle a maid but it also represents the heart the hebrew word for heart is lev can you say lev lev means heart like it says you will love the lord your god with all your heart liver okay his heart now here's the interesting things there's two letter lamids in the word for elul we said it's connected to the verse anila dodi the dodi li i am my beloveds and my beloveds is mine but here's the interesting thing when you take the two llamids and you turn them around and face them back to back look what it does it actually forms the shape of a heart i love it i heart you i you could say i llamad you in a sense right so i love this i love this idea of the two letter llamads in the elul it's about the heart and so how does this all tie together we have to make the lord the aleph the number one in our life one of the ways we make the one of the ways we make the lord number one is by learning of him so that we have a deeper connection because learning is key to connecting with the lord the lab the heart learning is key to establishing a deeper relation a deeper connection if you you you can't be a lover if you're not a learner the more you love someone the more you want to learn about them and who they are when you stop learning about the one you love your love will diminish that's really significant when you stop learning about the one you love your love will diminish and it's so interesting it's so the more we learn the more we increase our love our sense of wonder our sense of awe for the one whom we love and it's interesting because it connects again to this week's tour reading because in this week's torah reading we read about the melech melech can you say melak h melech which is the king in deuteronomy 7 17 14 it says this when you enter the land the lord your god is giving you to take possession of and you settle in it and you say let us take a king and set him over us a melech a king and set him over us like the nations that are around us when he takes the throne of his kingdom is to write for himself a scroll of the copy of the torah taken from that of the levitical priests and it will be with him and he is to read it all the days of his life so that he may learn to revere the lord his god and carefully follow his words of his torah and these decrees and that he would not consider himself better than the other children of israel the other israelites so the king of israel how to write his own scroll his own copy of the torah he had to keep it with him at all times he always had to have it on his person and he had to meditate on it day and night and learn because learning was what qualified him to be a leader learning god's word is what qualified him to be a leader and what is true for the king is true for each one of us who are called to be children of the king and that's why i love going deeper and learning with you and even as we like we're looking at the hebrew letters there's so much meaning there's so much symbolism in in the letters and that's actually one of the things that i'm doing is i'm actually beginning to film a course on hebrew letters and numbers which i am so excited to be able to share with you not too long from now as we head as we come close to the new year we'll be rolling that out for all of you who are partners and part of the family uh you'll be able to get access to that but we will tell you more now let's jump in more to this week's torah portion and let's talk about one of the most important passages in the entire torah but before we get into actually this week's reading i want to read to you a passage from the very last verses of the entire five books of moses the entire torah deuteronomy 34 it says this no prophet has arisen in israel till this day like moses so the question that we have to ask ourselves is how a book ends tells us so much about the significance and the purpose of the book itself and so what is the deeper meaning behind these words what is the writer of deuteronomy what is moses try what is moses trying to communicate to us and it actually ties back to this week's torah portion deuteronomy 18 18 says this i will raise up a navi can you say na'vi that's a prophet like you meaning moses for them from among their brothers i will put my words in his mouth and he will speak all that i command him so god told the children of israel that he would raise up a prophet like moses from their midst moses was a typer we could say a prototype of the messiah the messiah was going to be a prophet like moses and deuteronomy 34 talks about these two unique things about the prophet like moses it says this that god spoke to moses face to face and all the unique signs and wonders that moses performed in the land so deuteronomy 18 and deuteronomy 34 when they're read together unlock one of the critical purposes of the torah which was to point to the prophet like moses the second moses the greater than moses who would bring about a greater exodus and a greater redemption in fact the rabbis comment that everything that was written was written for the sake of the messiah so meaning every passage of the torah every concept in the torah in some ways relates and connects to the messiah in some way and so we see that deuteronomy ends by basically saying we're still waiting we're still longing for the messianic prophet like moses so this is so significant and actually we have our book mysteries in the messiah that comes out in the spring we go this whole deeper connection how you how moses points to the messiah and all the deeper connections because there are a number of different connections one of those connections is think about it for a moment it talks about there's no prophet that did all of these great miracles like moses did that's why the book of john begins with yeshua turning the water into wine because what was the first miracle moses did when he came to redeem the children of israel out of egypt he turned the water into blood yeshua turns the water into wine to demonstrate that he is the greater than moses he doesn't come to bring death but he came to bring life and have it more abundantly so the book of john is also known as the book of science it revolves around these these these seven or some say eight miracles depending if you count the resurrection as one of those miracles but it's to show him as the prophet like moses and so we talk more about that in the book that's coming up but there's another amazing connection and this is the mystery of the men the mystery of the men and so i want us to understand that there is a another connection between moses and messiah is the letter men because moses begins his name begins moshe in hebrew begins with the letter mem mashiach or messiah begins with the letter mem so the letter mem is a connecting point that connects moses and messiah and i'm actually going to i want to show you something because there's something uh very cool here that we're going to look at because one of the things that we have to understand is that there are two ways to write the letter men there is the what's known as the uh there was what's known as the open mem and the open man is known as the open man because there is an opening on the bottom left-hand side and that letter mem is a type of mem that can occur anywhere in any time you write the letter m in the beginning or the middle or any part of the word it's always written with the open men okay you see the you see the opening okay at the final at the when the mem happens at the end of a word okay it always is written with a final meme like for example the word mayam which means water it begins with the ma'am the open ma'am and it ends with the closed man man the final man so it's so interesting because the mam okay also represents this man represents the womb a woman's womb so a is is the word for womb in hebrew we see this in ruth chapter 1 verse 11 but naomi said return to my daughters why should you go with me have i yet sons in my womb it uses the word me a uh for the word womb there okay and so this represents an open womb this close man represents a closed womb so why is this significant isaiah chapter 9 verse 6 says s for unto us a child is born and to us a son is given and the government shall rest upon his shoulders and he will be called wonderful counselor pele awaits he will be called el gibor mighty god aviyad everlasting father sar shalom the prince of peace and of the greatness or increase of his government there will be no end so what's amazing here is that when it says this one this passage that's talking about the messiah giving these the names of this child that's going to be born and it says of the increase of his government there'll be no end the word for the increase or the greatness is in hebrew le mar back can you say that le mar bet le mar bet but there's something in the hebrew text now again if you don't know hebrew you'd never see this but it's very significant there's something in the hebrew text i want you to see this that's really significant that reveals a hidden mystery and what is this i'm writing this out for you it breaks the grammatical rules and the second letter li mar best should have an open ma'am but it actually has a closed mem why so it's why would they intentionally write it grammatically incorrect you never put a final mem anywhere except at the end of the word so why in eyes in this key messianic prophecy in isaiah chapter 9 why is th why why is it there what is the meaning of this mystery of the scribes breaking the grammatical rules of hebrew and i believe they were inspired by god to do this under the inspiration of the holy spirit because the closed mam alludes to the mashiach whose name begins with the letter man who would be conceived miraculously through a woman with a closed womb one who should not be able to naturally have a child and this ties back to another messianic prophecy in the book of isaiah isaiah 7 14 therefore the lord himself will give you a sign a virgin will conceive and bear a son and you shall call his name emmanuel which means god with us so the two different letter mems point to the two different redeemers the open letter ma'am points to moses who was the first redeemer and the final letter ma'am points to the mashiach the messiah who is the final redeemer why is why does the close redeemer why is that why is the final redeemer the messiah uh symbolized by the final letter ma'am one as we've seen he would be born of a virgin a woman with a closed room but of course there is more it's the final letter what does it teach us that the messiah is going to be the final redeemer that the messiah is going to the one who is going to usher in the messianic kingdom and establish it at the end of the age wow i don't know about you but when i when i see these things in this in the scriptures and and learn these deeper connection it just blows my mind and it increases my increases increases my faith and it shows so everything you should have said not one jot or tinder will pass from the the torah until he come until it's all fulfilled right because every letter every detail has significance and meaning and think about it for a moment god appears to moses in a burning bush why is that significant because it's not just a burning bush in hebrew it actually says a burning thorn bush god appears in the midst of the thorn because he's saying to the children of israel i feel your pain and just like god appeared to moses in a thorn bush so if the messiah who comes as the greater the moses is hanging on the cross he is the crown of thorns on his head it's like god who revealed himself in the burning thorn bush reveals himself in the cross in the midst of the thorn the thorns on yeshua's head and yeshua taking those thorns on his head is saying i feel your pain messiah feels your pain he's with you in your suffering there's nothing that you're going through that messiah doesn't understand that he himself hasn't experienced on some level and yeshua embodied this heart of god the love of god and and he this willingness to empty himself and give up everything and to humble himself and the lord needs people who will hear the world needs people who heal the lord hear the lord's voice and bring his salvation to a hurting and dying world and there's a lot of people hurting today but god feels their pain god feels your pain and he has a message he wants to speak through you that will impact people's lives but one of the beautiful things another way that moses and messiah are the same another way that moses is a type of messiah is that one of the unique things about moses one of the reasons god spoke to moses face to face is was that moses god says was the humblest man in all the earth humility is key to encountering god you can't be full of yourself and full of him humility makes space for god to pour more of himself to reveal more of himself in your life and yeshua was so humble he was a moses is called the evid hashem the servant of the lord concerning yeshua john writes the son of man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many matthew 23 but the greatest among you shall be a servant whoever exalts himself shall be humbled and whoever humbles himself will be exalted so this key to humility god honors humility god honored moses for his humility and spoke to him like he spoke to no other prophet and his he was teaching from his gift of humility moses taught from a place humility and served from a place of humility and yeshua exemplified even greater humility sacrificial humility is one of the proofs that yeshua was the greater prophet like moses that israel had been eagerly awaiting so what does it mean practically to have humility think about it practically because i think man more than ever we need people that are gonna humbly serve god number one it's not thinking too highly of yourself romans 12 3. i mean again you need to understand like there was a rabbi who told one of his disciples to write two notes and put it in each pocket one the whole world was created for me the whole world was created for you that's an amazing fact god sent his son to give his life to you that's how valuable you are so when you're discouraged and you're feeling low think the whole world was made for me that's why the rabbi said put that note in your pocket when you know when you're feeling low take that out he said in the other pocket put another note that said i'm dustin ashes friends we come from the dust of the earth the first man was created and we returned to the dust of the earth yes we need to have this balance of yes we're amazing we're god's crown of creation but all that being said don't think too highly of yourself also not thinking that you're especially deserving of praise and honor like so we talked about a few weeks ago the spirit of offense so much offense comes because people think they're not giving the honor that they're due friends don't seek honor don't crave honor don't crave praise don't think that you're deserving of it and then offense won't come esteem others as greater than yourself yeshua always lifted up others he humbled himself taking the form of a servant giving his life even to death on the cross bearing insults wow think about it part of humility is a willingness to bear insults a humble person doesn't take offense not desiring positions of authority i mean if god puts you in the position that's great but craving it desiring it coveting it no in fact we should flee on her in a sense and showing honor to all people we need we need to honor others the more we honor others the more god honors us and so those are just a few tips and messiah and moses embody the essence of humility and word and thought and deed and they constantly put the needs of others and the honors of others above themselves i honestly believe that if we live that way and we're those type of people many others would come to know the messiah and want to come into the kingdom and our relationships would go to a different level our relationship with god and our relationship with others even as it says if you want to be lifted up humble yourself in the sight of the lord and he will lift you up now i want to look at the numbers we mentioned that one of the most i think fascinating numbers and we're just going to get into a little bit here and we'll get into it more number time is in this week's torah portion it says this deuteronomy 18 13 it says you are to be blameless you are to be blameless with the lord your god so one of the things that i want us to see is that the word blameless is the word tamim can you say tamim the word tamim is the word for blameless in hebrew okay the word tamim okay the interesting thing it says this uh god says to abraham genesis chapter 17 verse one he says walk before me and be tamim walk before me and be blameless so the question though is how do we become blameless before god how can we walk before god and be blameless see the thing we have to understand is that another translation of tamim is wholehearted so walk so we need to be wholehearted before god and the interesting thing is that tamim has a numerical value of 490 is the numerical value of tamim and that's the same numerical value of the phrase let your heart therefore be wholly devoted to god it says in that's from first kings eight verse uh 61 let your hearts therefore be wholly devoted to adonai eloheinu to the lord our god to walk in his statutes and keep his commandments as it is today so what do we see from this one of the ways to be wholehearted before the lord is to is to walk and walk with him and to obey him with all our heart and with all our soul and what's interesting is that in this week's torah portion when it says that we're to be tamim blameless or i prefer the translation wholehearted before the lord okay it's actually the in the in the hebrew scroll the hebrew word tamim the first letter is the word tav and the word the tav is written larger than all of the other letters that are in that line or that entire page of the torah so it's giving us another hint it's giving us another hint it's teaching us another lesson what is this cons but because consider this because there is more of course there's more before we get into that i want us to think about this right that one who seeks to be wholehearted with the lord the way that we fulfill the torah is to walk wholeheartedly with god because god looks at our hearts but to be wholehearted ties into the most famous 490 in the scripture matthew 18 21 and 22 peter comes to yeshua comes to jesus and he says master how many times do i have to forgive my brother up to seven peter thought he was being super spiritual i'll forgive seventy times yeshua is not impressed and he says no not seven times seventy times seven peter must have been shocked 490 times are you out of your mind but yeshua never wasted a word so if he tells us to forgive 70 times 7 you have to believe that 490 is significant as we have seen tamim can mean blameless it also means can be translated as complete perfect or finished has the value of 490 what is it teaching us a person who can't forgive will always live in an imperfect and an incomplete faith having a lack of understanding of the finished gracious work of the cross on the positive side forgiveness is the key to being complete forgiveness is the key to wholeness and forgiveness is one of the keys to work walking wholeheartedly with the lord all of which equals 490 but of course there's some even deeper connections 490 is the numerical value of the word nativity in hebrew it's a numerical value of bethlehem in hebrew equals 490 and these perfect these connections should make perfect sense because the messiah is the tamim the 490 equals 400 he's the perfect lamb born in bethlehem bethlehem 490 so that we might be forgiven 70 times 7 490 and in this way we are made complete 490 in him wow isn't that amazing so practically if we want to be ta meme if we want to be blameless if we want to be wholehearted before the lord we need to believe and receive yeshua because he is the seitan meme he is the blameless perfect passover lamb who gave his life so that we might be forgiven and found blameless in the sight of god because the only reason why we can stand ta meme blameless and perfect before him is because yeshua gave his life and surrendered it as the lamb of god the spotless blameless lamb of god and if we want to walk wholeheartedly with the lord we have to forgive even as the lord taught peter to forgive because forgiveness is not an elective forgiveness is the is a requirement we have to learn to forgive because we have been forgiven and when we don't forgive we remain chained to our past okay and so we so i want to encourage you that in this month of elul in this month of preparation in this month that the shofar is blown every single day leading up to the day of atonement as we said 30 days from the month beginning of the month of the lord rosh hashanah the sound of the shofar but moses went up on the first day of the month of elul and came down 40 days later on the day of atonement the day of forgiveness with the second set of tablets symbolizing that israel was being given a second chance that god had forgiven them in the same way we think about god's forgiveness for our lives at this season we need to re you need we need to forgive as we have been forgiven so friends who do you need to forgive maybe you need to forgive yourself maybe you're angry at yourself of over things that you've done or mistakes that you made or opportunities that you've blown or people that you've heard or relationships that have fallen apart friends you need to forgive yourself because the lord has forgiven you there's a new day there's new chance it's a new season it's a new year that's coming up but also maybe there's someone that's hurt you maybe there's an offense you've been carrying maybe there's some unforgiveness you can't have a blessed year if there's bitterness so part of the preparation is forgiveness say lord who do i need to forgive and forgive them get things right and may yeshua give you the grace right now to forgive freely and walk wholeheartedly with him because the way we ultimately fulfill the teachings of yeshua the teachings of the torah and the hebrew scriptures is to walk wholeheartedly with him which is loving the lord our god and loving our neighbor as ourselves and when our motivation is love and a desire to walk with god and do his will he sees us as wholehearted and there's a blessing that comes in our lives we can't keep the letter but we need to keep the spirit which is a motivation of love so i just bless you right now i just want to wish you shabbat shalom i am so grateful for each and every one of you and i'm just so excited to be on this journey so i want to i'm going to bless you in a minute but if you've been blessed by this teaching if you're blessed by the weekly torah portion guide would you share it on social media would you encourage other people we want more and more people to learn about the connections we want other people to join us on the journey one of the things we said is in the month of elul the llama to learn and to teach you can teach by drawing others to the teaching sharing what you've learned share your thoughts share your comments we have a tour portions page but share it or share it on your social media whatever platforms you want invite people to facebook invite people to youtube uh invite people to get the weekly guide that we put out but also we can't do this without you i thank you for so many of you that have that have responded and has given i can't begin to thank you for your generosity and i know god is going to bless you for it because he promises to bless those who bless israel and there's a blessing that comes through getting this we just get so many testimonies of lives transformed if you've been impacted let us know we love to hear it it's such an encouragement for me and the team and so i just and and and i just want to thank you and i just wish you all a shabbat shalom and i just want to bless you right now i just want to declare over you that god is the king is in the field the lord is going to encounter you the lord is going to speak to you the lord is is drawing you near with bonds of love that you're going to hear from him and connect with him in new ways i'm praying lord purify each one of our hearts in preparation for this new year that is coming up lord prepare us so that we can enter into the fullness of your purposes the fullness of your plans the fullness of your promises in the name of yeshua our messiah i just speak his shalom over you nothing missing nothing broken in the name of yeshua our messiah amen amen love you guys thank you so much and we'll see you soon shalom shalom and be looking for the hebrew letters and number classes that is coming be blessed shabbat shalom
Channel: Rabbi Jason Sobel
Views: 5,646
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Jason Sobel, Rabbi Jason, Messianic, Rabbi Jason Sobel, Torah, 5780, breakthrough, yeshua, Jesus, Messiah, forgiveness, Forgiven, Christ, Christian, Church, 70 X 7, Peter, Sermon
Id: 6YcrPtofh8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 41sec (2561 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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