How to Spiritually Hold Fast and Not Become Unglued - from 5780

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this all right so let's jump in this week's torah portion is a unisa a and it's always read during the close to right before the new hebrew month of elul can you say elul e-l-u-l elul is a significant time elul begins the 30-day countdown to rosh hashanah so next week before next shabbat uh elul begins and at the first of the month of elul it begins the 30-day countdown to the start of the jewish new year it is time to prepare spiritually uh for the feast of trumpets but elul is seen as an acronym what is it an acronym for i love all the invitations i love to go everywhere let's we'll we'll figure it out god willing elul is an acronym for the phrase anee liddo d vadodi lee can you say that with me ani le dodi vadody lee i am my beloveds and my beloveds is mine okay it's from song of solomon and this is probably one of the most recited verse verses at at jewish and christian weddings if you go to israel come to israel with us sometime on one of our tours and a lot of people love to buy the wedding bands that have the hebrew phrase on it i am my beloveds and my beloveds is mine this season that we're entering into as we talked a little bit about last week is a time of intimacy okay that's what this anila dodea is an acronym for elul it's a time of intimacy and we'll talk more about the significance in particular of elul in this idea of god opening up the way for us to have special connection with him in this season but both last week's torah portion and this week's torah portion emphasized the importance of this last week we read deuteronomy chapter 10 deuteronomy hebrews devarim can you say devarim that's right i be i love it devarim you shall fear the lord your god or revere the lord your god him shall you serve and to him shall you cleave and swear by his name then again in deuteronomy 11 22 for you shall diligently keep all these commandments which i command you to do to love the lord your god to walk in his ways and to cleave to him so we're to love god we're to walk in his ways and we are to cleave to him we are to grab hold of him we are to hold fast to him so significant and important and then in this week's torah portion you show deuteronomy 13 5 you shall walk after the lord your god and revere him and keep his commandments and obey his voice and you shall serve him and cleave to him so guys the the hebrew word for to hold fast or to cleave is bakun and that's a little hard bacoon okay teed bakun you can say that with me and it literally it's often translated to hold fast but it literally means to cleave and this term is related to the concept of devekut can you say de vekut hebrew term we're teaching you hebrew you're going to be hebrew scholars devekut which in jewish terms refers to a continual connection a continual state of closeness to god this is the ultimate goal to cleave to the lord to be in a continual state of closeness and connection to him there's a famous rabbi by the name of the ram bond it's well it's it's it's very traditional to make acronyms out of rabbi's name so this is uh also known as okay ben a renowned mystic and scholar he lived in spain in the 13th century and he defined dev as follows if it warns man not to worship god in somebody else beside him he is to worship god alone in his heart and in his actions we're to worship god alone in our hearts and our actions alone to him and it is plausible that the meaning of hold fast or cleaving is to remember god and his love constantly not to divert our thought from him in all of your earthly doings and that's a high goal but it is a good goal okay we'll talk more about that such a man may be talking to other people but his heart is not with them since he is in the presence of god it's this continual practicing of the presence of god and sensing god all around us in our midst no matter what it is that we're doing and it is also plausible that those who attain this rank do so even in their earthly life partake of eternal life because they made themselves a dwelling place for the shechina a lot of christians call it the shekinah glory but it's actually god's manifest presence in this world so that's a powerful thought right so dedicate can be defined as adhering and are attaching ourselves to god in such an intense way that our thoughts our words our deeds our focus on him so that our life and our will becomes one with his will shabbat shalom wayne i love you my friend and so appreciate all that you do as part of the fusion team so and say hi to your lovely bride so all that to say our thoughts and our words and our deeds become so focused and fix on him that we attain this state of cleaving to god we cleave to him with our thoughts we cleave to him by our words and we cleave to him by our deeds it's kind of like a husband and wife it says in genesis 2 24 says therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and he shall cleave to his wife and they shall become bisar echad they shall become one flesh another way another translation is that you shall leave his mother and father and bond with his wife so this id so the word there is the same word for cleave it's from the same root davaok okay to bond or to cleave or to hold steadfast to but here's the interesting thing i love this okay here's the interesting thing the word davaok in hebrew in modern hebrew can mean to glue it can mean to glue so this idea is a husband and wife need to be glued to one another so that they're ki so that they never become separated and it's also true it's true of a husband and wife it's true our relationship with god in a sense we need to become super glued to the lord that there's glue bonds two things together super glue bonds things together in a way that it's never supposed to come apart i remember i had i remember getting a knock on our door late in the night when i was growing up because one of our neighbors super glued their fingers uh together and you know the nail polish was remover was good for uh getting your glued stuff unstuck but friends we got to be super don't glue your fingers together but glue yourself to the lord and and when we don't stick to god then everything becomes unglued when our families don't remain glued together then our society becomes unglued and that is what we are seeing in the world today hey mona i love pastor troy shabbat shalom so friends we're seeing a world coming undone the world it people the world is literally becoming unglued before every eyes and part of the reason why the world is becoming unglued is because we're no longer seeking to hold fast the lord to his wills to his way to his word we're no longer many in our nation many in our world are not cleaving to him and that is why we are seeing the unraveling that is why we are seeing the undoing of so m so many good things and so many things becoming chaotic in our society so we got to pray let's just declare that our nation is going to be glued to god once again that our we are going to be glued to our spouse glued to our family we are going to be glued to the lord that we are going to stick to him and nothing is going to separate us god be the glue that holds our nation together be the glue that holds our nation our society together again so we just declare that right now in the name of yeshua so cleaving to god is of such importance it's so foundational to our spiritual a physical emotional and even our relational well-being this is amazing listen to what deuteronomy 4 4 says but you who cleave to the lord your god every one of you are alive here today so this verse implies that cleaving to the lord is the only way of achieving true and lasting spiritual life cleaving to the lord all who cleave the lord are alive here today if you're not leaving and cleaving you don't have life you need to leave and cleave in order to find the fullness of life leaving the things of this world and cleaving to god just like a husband forsakes his his mother and his father and cleaves to his wife friends we cannot cleave unless we're willing to leave certain things behind and that's the call of discipleship yeshua jesus says come follow me whoever's not willing to leave these things will never truly know the fullness of what it means to be his disciple [Laughter] yes michael i'm coming to texas uh next week actually and uh in boxes if you're in texas in the dallas area uh and you want to join us uh for what we have going on there just send us a message we'll put something in the box let you know where you can send and acquire where we are going to be having upcoming meetings but hey i want to look at the numbers real quick well i want to look at one number and then we'll look at some more numbers so can you say davaok devac means to cleave and i want to show you something that the numerical value of the word davaok is 106. so davaok equals 106 okay which is the same numeric of value of ke elohim which is like god so friends look at that devak 106 is the same numerical value of the word elohim genesis 3 5 like god so friends the one of the ways that we become one of the secrets to becoming like god in a positive way because there was a negative way there is by cleaving to the lord okay but i want to show you something else in hebrew because there's this really significance of this we see this in the name adam in hebrew adam in hebrew adam okay so that's how you write adam in hebrew adam okay because the word adam is made up of two can be broken up into two parts first you have the aleph and then you have the dom okay so why is this significant okay i want you to see this because man by himself is only flesh and blood the second two letters of adam's name three letters in adam names and you're the dom means blood so if the dom refers to the physical part of man what's significant about the aleph aleph is the word is a letter that represents the lord most of the divine names begin with the letter aleph it's the word it's connected to uh master of the universe okay god is one he's the only one and the reality is is that when we separate from the one we are nothing more than an animal without god without without the physical part of us cleaving to the spiritual to the spiritual source god and without really pursuing and developing and cultivating that spiritual aspect that god has created us intend us to be we're nothing more than an animal we're nothing more than flesh and blood but when god's word and spirit rests upon us and when we cleave when we cleave to the holy one the olive of the world then we become fully adam fully like god does that make sense so what's happening in the world we said the world is becoming unglued because people are separating from the olive they're separating from the lord and they're giving into their physical desires but here's the reality we're not physical beings having a spiritual experience we are spiritual beings having a physical experience we're praying we're spiritual first and physical second our soul is eternal the breath of god in man and so we have to in our body attach ourselves to the spiritual source and when we do that's when the fullness of the image of god the fullness of his presence and his power rests upon us and we are going to talk about that uh we'll get into a little that a little bit more but when we separate ourselves from the olive when we separate ourselves from the lord adonai the lord begins with the letter aleph elohim begins god begins with the letter aleph then we lose our role as the crown of creation and that's the plan of the enemy he started with eve got her focus on material matters got her distracted turned her attention away this real treasure the real blessing was her cleaving to god her and adam's deep relationship to the lord and and and satan the devil got her through the serpent got her took her a focus off her spiritual identity and calling and the temptation came through physicality eating of the fruit of the tree through the material pursue the material first as a means to obtaining greater power and wisdom is what they thought it was the lie and just like adam and ever tested messiah went through three tasks that were all physical and material in nature while he was in the wilderness and so he chose to cleave to god and by cleaving to god he undid the failure of adam and eve in the wilderness he passes the test where they failed the test we talked in depth about this in our new book mysteries of the messiah i'm excited about it it's already on amazon to get a little preview of the cover but our sages however were perplexed they're like how is it possible to cleave to god to achieve devekut without him i mean how does the child achieve dedicate with the lord because scripture says in several passages god is a consuming fire how do you attach to a consuming fire pursue intimacy and not get burned so literally how is it possible for us to cleave to the eternal one and to not be destroyed that's the that is a question that the rabbis and the sages have asked and one proposed solution is that we attach ourselves to a tsari can you say sadiq at sadiq is a righteous godly individual one of the ultimate examples of sadiq biblically was moses so on the basis of moses deep and intimate relationship and knowledge of god people cleaved to him and by cleaving to him they were able to cleave to the god this is what it says exodus 14 1 basically it says it talks about this they believed in moses his servant they believed in god and moses is servant so by believing and being attached to moses they attained a knowledge of god by a grif gift of grace by believing in him so they attached their hearts and minds to the teaching of moses and modeled himself in his ways even as it says the disciples devoted themselves to the teachings of the apostles right the disciples were looking to achieve devekut with yeshua and i want us to look at that for a moment because for us as followers of messiah okay yeshua is the ultimate prophet like moses he's the greater than moses who helps us to achieve the greatest level of connection devekut of cleaving to god so through faith in and faithfulness to yeshua we can and in his messianic torah the new covenant we can achieve this devekut this union with god and this is the natural outworking there's a word yehud can you say yehud means union in hebrew to be union the natural outwork of being in union with messiah this is what john 17 says i do not pray for these alone but also for those who will believe in me through their word that they may be one as you father are in me and i in you that they may be one in us that the world might believe that you sent me and the glory which you gave me i have given to them that they may be one just as we are one i and them and you and me that they may be perfect in one that the world may know that you have sent me and have loved me as you have loved them so so so messiah in us and us in him that is devakut that is this mystical supernatural union with messiah that we should be looking to cultivate and experience on a very real intangible level it's john chapter 15 verses 1 through 8 where it says i am the vine my father is the vine dresser every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away but every branch that bears fruit he prunes so that it may bear more fruit you already are clean because the words which i have spoken to you so he is the vine we are the branches when we abide in him we bear fruit we bear fruit to this devi coot through this cleaving it's galatians 2 20. i have been crucified with messiah it is no longer i who live but messiah who lives in me which the in the life i live in the flesh i live by faith in the son of god who has loved me and gave himself up for me it is no longer i who live but messiah who lives in me so just take a moment and ask messiah to live in you say messiah live in me messiah help me to experience that supernatural union with you yeshua because as you abide in him you're going to bear fruit supernaturally so just like messiah just like we cleave to messiah yeshua like israel cleave to moses after leaving egypt so thereby we attach ourselves to the eternal one and begin to live in a greater and more constant awareness of the lord and of his presence in our life and begin to find abundant life in this world an abundant life in the world to come so but i want to look at this because i find this amazing the significance the blessing that comes through cleaving okay so we already said elohim like god is uh is 106. but i want to reach i want to look at a couple more words that have the numerical value of this okay so let's look at this together okay word is your servant in hebrew from the word evid your servant has a numerical value of 106. so yeshua calls us as the greatest among you will be servants so if we want to be like god if we want to be like messiah one way to obtain a greater union and connection with the lord is to become a servant your servant equals your servants equals 106 in hebrew the word in hebrew i mean to believe uh one who believes or to believe okay is 106. so faith is another key way and they believed in in the lord and moses and servant so faith and belief in god is one and messiah is one of the keys to cleaving to him the word command i love this verse deuteronomy 28 8 it says this the lord will send you a blessing and and on everything you put your hand to the lord will bless you it says the yes so the lord will command it literally says the lord will command a blessing on your barns and on everything you put your hand to the lord god will bless you and the land he has given you so friends 106th he will command god will command a blessing over you he will command a blessing over your barns and on everything that he puts into your hand it will prosper as we learn to cleave to god and to become like him and i just declare that over you that the more you attach yourself the more you become to the glue to the lord everything that god has put in your hand i declare by his promises is going to prosper the word for kingdom in hebrew has a numerical value of 106. the word yim lok he will reign has a numerical value of 106. so to reign and kingdom 106 because that is how the kingdom of god is most fully activated and the rule and reign of god is is manifested in greater measure in this world and will ultimately be fully manifested in our world when all the world is glued to him and in that deep relationship the word for beauty in hebrew has a numerical value of 106. so the more you cleave to him the more he will give you beauty for ashes the more he will make you beautiful in your time so there's a beauty that comes it's like when moses was in the presence of god and he came down reflecting the glory on his face he's shown with the glory there is a beauty i want to declare you beauty is your birthright say that beauty is my birthright and that but that beauty is made manifest in the intimacy of our relationship with the lord the word reconcile in hebrew for in greek i'm sorry the word reconcile in greek matthew 5 24 if you haven't if you realize you have an ought with your brother on the way to the temple to make a sacrifice leave your sacrifice go get reconciled him and then come and offer it so friends reconciliation is one of the keys to cleaving to god and being like him he's given you a ministry of reconciliation paidia a child matthew 18 3 unless you become like a child you will by no means enter the kingdom of god so friends having a child like faith a simple faith not a simplistic faith there's a difference having simple faith meaning god has said it and i will believe it god has said it and i will declare it god has said it and i will seek to walk in it no matter how crazy it might seems that is a simple faith meaning we don't make it complicated we just believe and do what his word and what his promises says to our life so many times we get so out there yes beauty is your birthright i love it guys simple faith that is good i love the hands raised in worship janet fortune yes we got to have this childlike faith childlike faith is the faith that can move mountains it's the faith that moves things we just believe yeshua god god is going to make you beautiful all of you in your time he makes all things beautiful in your times i love it you i believe it declare it and walk in it that is good there is power in that but i also just want to look at another number here a little bit more with the numbers so we said in this week's torah portion that will cleave to the lord has a numerical value of 562 bakun okay to cling or to cleave and the numbers give us a lot of insight because one way to cleave to god is by studying and faithfully following the word of god the phrase the lord's commandments equals 562 meets vote uh adonai the commandments of misfortune the lord's commandments equals 562 by studying by meditating by living the lord's commandments 562 we cleave to the lord 562. so even as you're studying even as you're listening tonight you are cleaving to the lord so deuteronomy 13 5 says his commandments you will keep to his voice you will listen him you will serve and to him will you cling or cleave so also other phrases in the bible that equal 562 a psalm of david ascribe to adonai the lord o sons of god ascribe to adonai glory and strength that equals 562. so when we declare when we ascribe to the lord glory and strength we cleave to the lord by declaring his attributes by declaring his praise by declaring thanksgiving okay 500 psalm 29 1. psalm 34 16 the eyes of the lord the eyes of adonai are on the righteous and his ears are attentive friends 562 god's eyes are on you and his ears are attentive to you when you make cleaving to him a priority some of you are like man how do i get god to see me more how do i hear his voice how do i how is how can i how can my prayers be more efficacious more effectual cleave to him that's part of the key my voice oh god in prayer 562. the lord looks upon and he listens to all of you who seek to cleave to him and you know this is just an encouragement to you that again we're in this decade of the mouth the decade of the pain hebrew there is power in your pet pay your prayers your praise and your declaration of god's promises will help you cleave to him and experience breakthrough in your life we can't forget it we can't stop the idea of cleaving or clinging is a sense of desperation like the woman who grabbed hold of the ham of yeshua's garment and would and wouldn't and and wouldn't let go right it's like mary who wouldn't take no for an answer miriam so friends there's an intensity there's a tenacity there is a not letting up we're not letting go of him the word burnt offering is o la in hebrew can you say ola not like spanish olaf kind of sounds the same but allah in hebrew is a type of sacrifice it is a burnt offering sacrifice it was a sacrifice that was completely consumed by the fire of the altar and none of the parts of the burnt offering were eaten okay and what does this represent it represents someone who is consumed with fire and passion for the lord it's offering one's whole life and all of one's potential to god and this type of sacrifice symbolically expresses our complete devotion and dedication to the lord even to the point of being willing to lay down our life to serve him god wants you part of he wants you to be like a burnt offering hosea says this for i delight in loyalty and not an animal sacrifice knowledge of god more than burnt offerings the reason why i say is god doesn't want literal burnt offerings that's not what's important to him loyalty cleaving to him knowledge of him it's all the things that we're talking about this is cleaving to god this is what the lord delights this is what gets him to delight in you like god delighted in david and he was a man after god's own heart hebrew says this so when messiah comes into the world he says sacrifice an offering you did not desire but a body you prepared to me then i said behold i come to do your will o god in the scroll of the book it is written of me after saying the above sacrifices and whole burnt offerings in sin offerings you did not desire nor do you delight in them then he said behold i have come to do your will he takes away the first to establish the second by his will we have been made holy to the offering of the body of messiah yeshua once and for all hebrews 10 5 through 10. so yeshua's life and death embodies and fulfilled the burnt offering to completely offer oneself to the lord out of love and a desire to completely do his will consumed by love consumed by him and on account of his sacrifice we can be drawn near to the lord and be made holy to him i just declare god is drawing you near just declare that lord you are drawing me near and this is underscored by the biblical phrase genesis chapter 22 god tells abraham to offer isaac and and he goes to and abra and isaac says god says to his father where's the offering and abraham says god himself will provide a lamb will provide a lamb in hebrew equals 562. so when you offer yourself as a burnt offering sacrifice symbolically you're expressing complete devotion absolute dedication to the lord which helps you to cleave to god and experience union with him in a greater measure so when when we cleave 562 to the lord by making him first in hebrew the word harishon the first the priority in our life equals 562 however shown the first we make him the first the priority in her life we begin to experience the glory of the lord of hosts the phrase the glory of the lord of hosts in hebrew 562 and we will be made white white and greek is 562 by the blood of the lamb and then the righteous will rejoice the righteous will rejoice 562. so just some keys to devekuto cleaving to god to greater intimacy to becoming his beloved one is through the messiah messiah yeshua is the foundation he is the primary way we cleave to god we can't cleave to god without him through studying and living the word faith without works is dead so by faith and study and living through sacrifice and through offering ourselves as a living sacrifice to him through being a servant another key is by imitation there's many passages where in the new testament paul says imitate me as they imitate messiah but one of the things that we do is by imitating the actions and the attributes of god so just like god visits the sick he visited abraham we visit the sick just like god consoles mourners we consoled water just like god buried the dead he caused moses to be buried right just as god clothed the naked he clothed adam and eve in the garden just as god shows kindness to animals so do we so one way we cleave to god and achieve greater union with him is that we imitate him whatever yeshua did we should do whatever god does we should do okay so this is his idea of god faith without works is dead there's a there's a moral aspect a a spiritual aspect to this okay other other practical ways to achieve david kuch right we've got to seek to know him and love him with all our heart and soul and strength and make him your all-consuming passion it's not always easy the fires ebb and flow we got to keep the fires burning you got gotta say there's a verse that says shavit hashem kennedy psalm 16 8 i've set the lord always before me that is one of the key verses i have set the lord always before me what does that mean we keep our mind focused upon him as we're going throughout our day we're thinking about him as we're going throughout our day we're inviting god god come into my thoughts come into my conversation come into my eating come into my drinking come into those every moment of my life invite god in think about the lord set the lord always before you continue to allow your mind to be drawn back to him it's really powerful try it this week try it it's really significant i've set the lord always before me i am ever mindful of your presence he is at my right hand i will never be shaken the more you set the lord before you the more you will be not shaken no matter what happens is what paul is saying whether you eat or drink or whatever you do do it all for the glory of god and this is just so powerful so just remember that just ask him to renew that first love it's like do you remember the first time you you kissed your spouse or you hugged your child you never wanted to let them go it was just so powerful well god wants you to remember that time and cultivate that time with him and not to forget that we are children of the king and that we have the right to approach him so i just want to say shabbat to shalom to you all i love it mads all the cells in my body are cleared to god well this is just i hope a very practical reminder of things we already know and things that i just want to encourage you in but i just want to just say the shabbat shalom blessings over you the the the shabbat blessings over you we just want to invite the lord in and even as we said i am the vine he is divine we are the branches that if we abide in him will bear much fruit so we just lift the cup up and say baruch [Music] holland i just declared that you should abide in him and bear much fruit we bless you lord for bringing forth the fruit of the vine may we be fruitful to your son and taste and see the sweetness and goodness of your blessing in our life the hollow bread [Music] amen blessed are you a lord our god king in the universe who brings forth bread from the earth he says those who ease his eye he says he is the living bread and those who eat of him he's the bread that comes down out of heaven yeshua and those who eat of him will never hunger again put a little salt on the bread and remember the provision and the blessings of the lord so friends i just want to ask for your prayers this week we are going to be starting to film a some some teachings on hebrew letters and numbers and some other exciting stuff we got rosh hashanah the jewish new year the new year 5781 coming up very soon so make sure you're connected to us you get that information we want to ask friends if you are blessed a lot of time and effort goes into the torah portion guide of preparing for these videos we're looking to do a lot more uh a lot more teachings a lot more learning with you all we're actually starting a prayer team to be praying more for your requests there's so many new things we got an app that we're going to be releasing there's really some really some more books we've got a book on the biblical holidays that's going to be coming out we've got some really exciting things we're continually looking to up it and the quality of it but we can't do this without you would you like it would you share it would you be willing to partner with us anything it doesn't matter how little or how or you know whatever you have even the widow's might matters to us and it is it is a blessing so we just want to thank you we're looking to to do a lot of new things that we will be sharing with you in coming up very soon so i just want to thank you all for this next week is parashat shof team the torah portion on the shelf team shelf team means judges and awesome one of the most important messianic prophecies in the bible deuteronomy 18 18. i will raise up a prophet like moses so we're going to be talking at least some next week about a prophet like moses again we go into a whole chapter on that in our new book mysteries of the messiah that's coming out in spring anyway shabbat shalom i just asked that i just speak blessing over you and i just sing shabbat shalom shabbat shalom shabbat shabbat shabbat shabbat shalom shabbat shalom shabbat shalom shabbat shabbat shabbat shabbat shalom i just wish you shabbat shalom in the name of yeshua our messiah that melako zero mashup again god should be your king he should be your oza your helper and he should be your shield your ma again and protect you in all things
Channel: Rabbi Jason Sobel
Views: 2,167
Rating: 4.9733334 out of 5
Keywords: Jason Sobel, Rabbi Jason, Messianic, Rabbi Jason Sobel, Torah, 5780, breakthrough, Messiah, Jesus, Yeshua, Mysteries of the Messiah, Re'eh, Scripture Study, Bible study, Christian
Id: OdxOUaG9Hhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 24sec (2724 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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