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[Music] [Applause] and I'm certainly persuaded to believe in this power that we're living in now the reason why people are not to run into the old time they don't know that once you go in you will never come out do you always hear do you realize brothers and sisters just like there was a place called heaven that is the dwelling place for the righteous there is a place called hell that will be the abode to know him in a saving way and when you talk about a him talking about a man with a party it's gotta be going on I was flipping through the channels entitled I hope they serve beer inhale I said well great dog is that what people think hell is all about you get down well you can just fill up and have my brothers and my sisters because the hell is a place well the world is your cup in here not only the other worms not know but the Bible says that hell is a place it is a place of weeping and gnashing of people it's not gonna be the party people think it's going to be that's gonna make you wish every day that you could commit suicide just to get out of that place the Bible says in the Old Testament like the Reuben he says consider your ways and that's what God has said to us he says the greatest body of believers check yourself every day not so I ended the fake you can examine yourself every day it's not everybody else it's not since that first time that you got save is your faithfulness still 10 do you still pray do you still see still excited about serving the king he says you better go back [Music] [Music] great some diverse places famine pestilence and disease Jesus and that would be things like you better get your face in the were [Applause] they running in the trees but we look crazy they shoot needles out between they pose the toe and what are we the crazy were they waking up with people they don't even know they may look at somebody telling be lawful and stays so family God has certain expectations of us you know what the first almost expectation is God expects us to make it but it's a matter internal neighbor God expect you to make it didn't save you for you to turn around and go back God expects you to make it did you hear what I said God expects you to go all the way with him he then save you for you to get a rich shot and then turning your back on him God expect you to go all the way so we have got to fight until the day is done we gotta keep moving until it's over with we can't jump out in the middle we got to keep going until we hear God say well done I want to receive every promise that God have spoken over my life those promises don't just exist down here you know what he told us yeah mission he said no man heaven there pounds of men mothers fathers riches and all of these things he'll get it back in this life and he turned life in the world to come I want every house he got for me down here I want all the land he got from me down here I won't he has for me down here but I ain't tripping over that stuff I want it all but I ain't in myself pulled it out but I I will never promise but he promised me that if I lived right happened belong to God could I could I preach up in the heat so Pamela we got the labor in the kingdom of God the kingdom of God is where we work the kingdom of heaven is where we retire to go in here that's a matter say when I retired I want to move down to Florida hello man working in Texas but now I don't want to retire in Texas I'm moving to Florida do you know what I tell them I work in the kingdom of God and when I retire I will retire to the kingdom of heaven huh but always saying nothing here we gotta keep moving until the day is done so we've got to make sure that we are sustained and maintained until he calls on he who must be a poet and I didn't even know it the number three first number three you got it second Peter 3 and 3 hey what'd he say is knowing this first the facts are come in the last days scoffs these are the last days and there are scoffers walking after their own lust and said where is the promise of his coming he said in the last days people would make fun of you and tell you to look at me living it up they'll womp after their own lusts look at him y'all we don't see them some a naturally God could see yato I don't want me to preach this tonight some of them backslidden and then and I'll tell you how you know you're crazy when you went to this church for 20 years and you all have been doing six months and you come back acting like you don't know what we believe no way Sam look at them getting quiet here that's all right I'm gonna preach and I don't care if you're saying man hey man a man you know what we do and what we don't do and I see them all the time come back and they just parade up and down and when the music stopped playing oh they depress once up on the ground and they depress one shot and they got pictures all up on Facebook love them in the club doing the button the bumping up in here hey man you see it all but they don't even have the respect enough just say I know what poor gospel believed and even though I'm not there anymore if I'm don't call there at least for two hours let me act like I got some respect look a child getting quiet that's all right hey man he said they would scuff how open living like that like Jesus will come he can't do nothing and he said but they would walk after that oh look at people nothing they're like they making all the rules of life ain't nobody got no authority to question them or what they do he said but in the last days that would be straw first I say where is the promise of his coming for since I granddad is bad they've been telling us Jesus was coming huh when I was looking for the stretch get enquired here hey man thought sit up here and make fun of us just cuz he has not put me out that means he's one day closer to coming again but here what he saying he says the reason why God has not sounded the alarm yet what reason my god one reason why he has parried it's because he is long [Music] [Applause] that's the reason why [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] but he is long-suffering not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance for God so loved the work you ought to be reaching you always saying nothing here you ought to be carrying this gospel scoffers are coming but the Bible says he's not slack concerning his promise if he said it he's going to and you know the sad thing sad reality is there's some people that are going to let go of God's unchanging hand at the eleventh hour and he's gonna come right probably the day or two after somebody said you know what it's getting too hard for me it's getting too rough child huh I don't know if I can do this too much longer he's carrying now but one day that's all going to be over with because he that shall come will come and once he's coming no more terian watch he breaks through those clouds that's it everybody that's ready going straight up [Applause] Bishop what if I'm not standing up I'm still going straight up he's thank you Paul Paul says it's gonna be a mystery a mystery because nobody fully understands how is gonna happen he's sad but I tell you one thing the trumpet it's gonna sound I went to a church the other day they said we don't believe in music I don't don't rain that music in here have music don't belong in the church do you know what I asked him how you expect to get up on that break at number but the Holy ways you gonna know it's time to go it's called the trumpet go Sam he said the line [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] of the last days bishop how does it make you feel it makes me feel good make me feel alright to know that I'm ready I don't have to wake up every morning wondering if I'm going I know I'm going I'll always say nothing here so you know what that means for me that means I can go about my day I can drive down the street in my car ain't got to worry about it I know that when he comes going some people don't have that assurance some of you sitting up in here now don't have that type of assurance you still guessing whether not you're going with him when they come that's no place to be as a child of God I gotta get busy trying to win other people every morning I wake up you know what I gotta tell God keep me in the center of your wheel I'm gonna do your wheel as you give me the power now let's go I'm gonna do your wheel and she'll give me the power now come on let's go can I go about my day you gotta be ready here this said I'm through hunt through he says in the last days those words how to ring a bell and every born-again believer because every time he says that it seems as if they're reading on newspapers everywhere scripture where you see him say in the last days it's almost as if they've been looking at our newscasts and wrote the scripture after that they used to tell me the Bible is more up-to-date then tomorrow's front page one more scripture I'm gonna let you go second Thessalonians two I want you to get this second Thessalonians chapter number two you got it look at verse 1 now we beseech you which means we beg you please we ask sincerely brethren by what the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and by our gathering together unto him that she be not soon shaken in mind or be troubled neither by spirit nor by word nor by letter as from us as that the day of Christ is let no man deceive you by any means for that [Music] except there come a falling away first that man of sin be revealed the son of perdition he says there's going to be a great falling away he didn't say they would leave Church but they would be removed unto another gospel which he says is not another gospel they will be taken captive by something that sounds like gospel but he says it's not gospel they will be hoodwinked by something that has enough truth in it to present itself as truth but at its root it is deception to sana fide you know what deception is deception is not deception unless it can fool you into believing that it's true deceivers are not deceivers unless they can get you to believe that they are one thing that they're not so why is it now he said we would have deceivers but we can't find nothing oh everybody save now everybody - got a church and standing up or feeding preachers say oh that's a man of God y'all better stop saying stuff like that the Bible says touch not mine anointed I'm looking for his anointed ain't seen it yet [Applause] everybody of knowing it now told you a few years ago looking some add a task I'm anointed for what daddy is anointed now the question is anointed for what what are you anointed for shall I went over there and I got no money he didn't say they're not sure what the ATM machine he said it's still not and that destroys the yoke showed me where yokes have been destroyed and I will admit to the anointing he said I marvel that you are so soon removed from this gospel to another gospel that's not even a gospel you had the truth and we're looking for the truth though even makes sense you had the gospel and went looking for gospel now look at him he said there would come a great falling away family listen I don't care who come I show don't care who go I still know what I know that's how I live my life doesn't matter to me what people say whether listen they can do what they want to do I still know what I know and I'm not looking for nobody to convince me other you know certain conversations I don't even have with people child I found this scripture and I looked it up myself and listen listen I still know what I know I know holiness is right and not only is it right but it's the only thing that makes sense chayo y'all just bound that that's not real I'm sorry if that's holiness I don't want to live like that well fine more room for me in heaven because I'll tell you like this I'll tell you what the Bible says the Bible says follow peace but all men and guess what else he said and hold it is without which no man shall see the Lord if you ain't holding you ain't going and he said you got to be holy in all mount of conversation dancer the way you talk you gotta be holding that step just penny he sent down to the way you talk you got to be Harlan and then I heard him say whether you eat or whether you drink you do how do you know you can eat and drink to the glory and honor God so don't tell me it's Betty he said I could eat to his glory due out as unto the Lord so nothing that holiness requires of us is pity let me get to this yeah yeah let's go to the South scripture text he says in the last days he said perilous which means difficult tedious hard times are going to come let me say this before I go on I know this is election season and everybody every living soul and I mean every living soul is making promises you vote for me I'm making dinner but he said the last days would be characterized by perilous people making us promises if you put me in I'll do this and I'll do that I don't even look at me like that everybody is promising us they come to the church to promise us that if we put them in everything is gonna be better but the Bible said the last days will be characterized by perilous times politicians will never be the answer to the world's problems God is the answer to the world's problems that's why it's only when the righteous are in power that the people rejoice am I telling you not to vote no I'm telling you you ought to vote you ought to it's your duty to vote but don't get it twisted no sufficient says never don't come through politicians your sufficiency it's gonna come through God look at y'all getting quiet on me don't make me go down Bishop I know you ain't gonna say they don't super Sunday I hope you were not in voted I do but understand in these last days God is gonna have to strain things out or no man will have the answer oh I'm gonna be a Republican I'm tell you now I'm a Republican cause the mascot is elephant elephant is strong and he never forgets mm-hmm it's a sign of strength but you know what else I can tell you about a elephant it'll always be wild it or never be tamed and soonerlater is subject to turn on you oh he didn't did he yeah I'm a Democrat God nine see I just felt like that heard a whole lot of I'm a Democrat and gave me my 40 acres and a mule so I'm gonna ride that don't get till I get it [Applause] God used the donkey in Old Testament to rebuke a preacher even Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey wasn't the fact that he wrote a donkey was the fact that the don't get carried the word you showed me a donkey to carry a word and I'd go with him and just cuz you ratted okay don't mean you not gonna face misfortune Jesus wrote a donkey Sunday they killed him later that week that don't mean you're gonna escape misfortune cuz you rather don't care as Absalon he thought he could control that donkey got too close to the tree and hung him I'm Tea Party you know what tea do dirty up the water I'm putting my trust in politics you better come back and realize who you are involve yourself in the process but remember no sufficiency will never be of a man it is always going to be in God a rather impulse I'm a Democrat on the Republican I'm Tea Party I'm independent I'm the real God if you gonna boasted anything boast in the fact I'm a child of God first and foremost then whatever else I am I am he says in the last days perilous times shall come don't nobody have the answer they came prevented he says it's coming in the last days here but he says me and shall be lovers of people now don't care about nobody but them's do you know you got people that are called themselves with you they'll sell you out for a position people don't care about nobody but themselves nobody they'll be lovers of their own self hear what he says how about just boasters people now brag more than they preach how they talk about I got a I got my jet my jet and I was in the Rolls Royce other day and I spill my Grey Poupon they hit a bumper and I'll listen people now boast about I heard Bishop Cannon said you got people now to boast about being humble I'm the most humble person hot know you ain't more than me I'm a longer than you I'm the most humble person God ever sent through this way he said people would be like that you act like you don't know about it it's boastful always bragging I'll get you noticed some people will only call you when they got some new [Applause] they don't ever just want to talk they just conveniently bring up the fact that I got some that you don't have boosters in the last days Wow yeah but he says blasphemer and what we're seeing now is blasphemy people now were not ashamed to blaspheme the name of God they not afraid to do anything in the house of God that's blasphemy to do things and say things in the house of God they do not respect him as the Great God that he is he says disobedient to parents and you got some kids now you know what they'll do now they'll find a grandparent who don't like holiness trying you ought to be able to do this you ought to be able to where you even though mom and I'm just being too hard on you you know what the Bible said he said remember now that creating the days of thy youth he said children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right he said you will honor them and your days will be long on this earth you don't understand young people have you got yourself shot [Applause] parents trying to raise you in God and you listening as disobedient to parents we're seeing it right now children HoloNet the mommy in the store the devil is a lot you'll make me sick I wanna go to Johnny's house don't speak to me what listen they'll have to call for cleanup on our six [Applause] disobedient to parents unthankful and unholy a lot of times has not been unfaithful to everybody else it's how we show God that we're not thankful God Hills people he delivers people you know now it's a sad day when Christians won't even give God the glory we don't even testify to what God has done anymore I'm thankful then he says unholy we're seeing that now these are the last days he said they would be unholy not only that but here this without natural affection we are in that day right now with our natural affection people now just and have you noticed you can't hardly look at the news cuz they trying to break you down from the inside every other story is about homosexuality you look at the ticker going across the bottom of the screen gay this gay that gay this okay they just bombard in this generation with that he said they would not have natural affection I was in Atlanta Georgia about three weeks ago and they told me well now you know about Hotlanta they told me down there now I'll say this respectfully that was a man that got arrested with a horse in his possession that's how I'm saying it I'm just don't don't make me go he got arrested and when they asked him and detained him he said he was in love and who are we to tell anyone if we can't tell to me and they can be alone or came Billa then how you gonna tell a man he came off a horse that's a matter of the heart you you stay out of that you can't tell me I don't love him that's in my heart love is a matter of the heart well he said he loved the blessin y'all laughing but the Bible said in the last days this is what you would see I'm trying to tell you cuz listen this stuff the Devils even trying to desensitize the church to this no let me give me a couple of minutes and I'm out of here did you hear Monty be talking about the church shouldn't preach against people not having natural affections cause if they left the church the church wouldn't even have no members the devil is a liar I am number [Applause] Jimmy the church wouldn't have them if they're trying to tell us that's just the way of the world today he said they would not happen now you've got father's falling in love with their daughters mothers falling in love with their own sons they would not have natural affections we're living in that time true spake breakers vows accusers incontinent mean people that can't control themselves everybody now boast about the K heavens they even preach about it in church you can't help it you can't keep from saying it you just you're gonna do it every day because you just human in the Lord knows that you are just flesh he said in the last days people would have that can't help it and we're seeing that now fierce despisers of those that are good he said we would be persecuted for righteousness same people don't like us because we're good traitors heady highminded lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God if you pass in a baseball tickets you'll have a line down the street you pass out flyers that say come to the revival people are throw it down on the ground people don't love God like they used to he says having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof you know we're right there he commissioned the church one thing he said go and heal the sick raise the dead cast out Devils have you noticed you don't really see people casting Devils out no more because Satan can't cast him out you don't even hardly hear about that anymore Satan being cast out demons being you don't hear about that all we see now is the form but we don't see the power of God on display that's what the world needs to see they need to see God's power displayed in the body of Christ again these are the last days brothers and sisters Jesus has come in he's coming find myself more and more having a unction to preach this message because he's coming and is coming soon people have to get ready they have to prepare themselves to meet God the Bible says it like this he's coming at an hour when you think not thinking about other things the next thing you know it's over have you ever thought about what the moment after the rapture is gonna be like I can see people having heart attacks all over the world one second sitting there talking to people the next second boom everything going the world has changed and I told you that's quicker than a hiccup the world has changed people are going and you realize that I have missed it Lord people's hearts are gonna fail them he's coming they don't have to be said for you my brothers and my sisters he's coming again he's coming soon I'm going did you hit me when I said I'm going I want you to go with me I'm going to heaven if I have to go by myself but I don't want to go by myself I won't harden you to go with me I want to see every one of you when I get there and I'm going I want to see you that but sadly a lot of people are not going because they're settling for coming and having a good time at church that's all they want that's the whole experience I want to go have a good time tonight but they're not saved that's not gonna carry you my brother's my sisters this is time for you now to get yourself ready to meet your God I want everybody to stand I don't want you to walk but I want you to stand I want you to stand if you're not a ministry worker don't walk because many times that's how the enemy distracts us
Channel: 214mrobjy
Views: 70,667
Rating: 4.8330073 out of 5
Id: KGJwq3Z-its
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 7sec (3187 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 20 2018
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