These “Psychics” Are Using Magic Tricks

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- I'm gonna try something with one of you out there, just one of you. There's one specific person that this is going out to, that this will resonate with. I want you to keep an open mind, I'm picking up a name of a loved one, either an M or a J, and this could be either living or deceased, it could be the person you're with right now, or someone that's passed on. An M or a J, and I want you to think about that person. And I'm also picking up something, there's something that's red. There's a red object, they're showing me a red object. What is this object? Just think about this object. There's something about this object that's really important. Also there's a picture, recently that you have moved, or either have reframed or just repurposed or put somewhere else. I'm also picking up a shirt, and this is either a shirt that you thought you were going to wear, or that you are wearing that's missing or has a loose button. Maybe a favorite shirt, or a shirt that this person wore that has a missing or loose button, that you recently found, or that you were going to wear or that you're wearing right now, or that you thought about wearing. Also there's somewhere along the left leg, there's a scar, a scar on the knee or something with the ankle, or something there. I'm also picking up an heirloom, some type of jewelry that you're currently wearing or thought about wearing, or brought with you, or have on you. That's maybe a ring, or watch or something passed on to you from this person, M or J, living or dead. And there's something about the number three. Whether that's the third month, or the third of the month, or three, I don't know if that's three siblings, or three, there's something about three. Let me know in the comments if you thought that I was speaking directly to you. This my friends, is known as cold reading. - But he says, he came in and told me things that I already seen, you got a scar on your knee. Everybody fell down and has a scar on their knee. Those are cold readings, you see? - Today we're going to be looking at some videos of psychics and mediums, and the techniques that they use which magicians, and mentalists and mind readers have been using for a very long time, that are absolutely identical and indistinguishable from real psychics. It's very important to know before we get into this video, I am not here to tell you there is or isn't and after life or to tell you that psychic readings are or are not real. What I am here to do is inform you of the techniques that I am aware of that are being used, one hundred percent by psychics and mediums and fortune tellers. These techniques can be studied, they can be practiced, and they can be used for good and entertaining purposes, as well to collect money from vulnerable people who have lost loved one. And together we're gonna look at whether or not you think these are real, or whether this broadens your perspective and horizon on the fact that these may just be techniques that anyone can do. There are three types of readings that you can have, you can have cold readings, warm readings and hot readings. Cold readings better know as Barnum statements which is from the circus Barnum and Bailey. There's something for everyone. These statements are usually found in horoscopes, they're something that is appealing to absolutely everyone, in that if you're looking for it, you will acknowledge that it is personal to you. Bringing out the letters M or J, dead or alive, that just covers a wide scope of things that may or may not have something to do with you. Warm reading is when you have a little bit of information, and a lot of this is due to psychology. So for instance, if you're in the fifties and sixties, and you come to a psychic, chances are you're there to connect with the loved one, and because you're fifty or sixty years old, chances are that loved one is probably your parent or your uncle or your aunt, someone that's much older than you. There's also a chance that their name started with M or J, Mary, John or Joseph. And because I know that information, now I can warm read. If you give me a little bit of information, I can sort of piece the puzzle together around that information. Hot reading is the most deceptive, and this is the hardest to detect on camera, when you have these TV shows. Usually what happens is, the audience members are brought in hours before the taping even starts, they're put into a lobby. The lobby is rigged with mics and cameras. You're probably even asked to fill out a form of your name and your address and all this, and then people are going to do their research, you know, on Facebook or whatever it is, to get personal information out of you. So those are the three types of readings, and throughout these videos, we're going to be studying that, looking into it, and reacting to it. And hopefully you guys can pick up on it too. So let's have a look. All right, so this is psychic Char Margolis, who is on a TV show. It's important to note here that we're not only going to look at the fails of these psychics, but we also are gonna look at some of their actual readings, the ones that hit, and dissect those. A lot of these psychics have their own TV shows, so you can expect a three hour session to be condensed into a 25 minute digestible session, which will only include the good moments, the hits as we like to call them. However, sometimes these psychics attend live TV morning shows and that's where it gets really interesting, cause they're not in the edit room themselves. So let's have a look at this one here. - [Char] May I read for you? - Okay yeah. - [Char] I need you to be open minded, about everyone living and deceased. Do you know the names of people deceased and living, grandparents, parents, okay. - Need you to be open minded about everyone living or deceased. That's a pretty broad statement, so already she's laid the canvas for any possible error that she might have. She making sure that if she has a miss, she can be like, yes, but it might be living, or deceased or anyone in general that's ever lived. - See an M or J person, do you have- - M or J person. The name Mary, Marie or John or Joe or Joseph, are very common names, especially sixty or seventy years ago. Maybe eighty, maybe a hundred years ago, that's where she's starting. So she's starting with the broadest canvass possible, to get a reading. - Somebody family, that is a J or an M. Yes you do, duh. - She's saying yes you do, duh. Now it's on her, it's not the psychics fault, she's making it the hosts fault. - Oh yeah. - Is it a J a M? - M - Is it a male, or a female M, I don't know. - Female - Is it spelt M-A-R? - Yeah - Like Mary? - Yeah - Is that your mom? - That's my daughter. - Oh it's your daughter? - I mean that's self explanatory here. She's just fishing. Why didn't she just say, is it Mary? So she knew that after the M-A there was gonna be an R, so she just threw that there to get a hit, and she's like, yeah. - Your daughters okay isn't she? - Yeah, I mean I don't know- - [Char] She's living, but is there another Mary, or Marie, deceased or middle name like this from your husband? - Deceased or middle name like this. Now she's just throwing anything out there, she's like, maybe a middle name, maybe a nickname. - Okay, I think there may be, but anyway. - I think there may be, but anyway. So she's actually telling her, I'm right, but we're gonna move on. - Starting a new project, or a new after school something, or a new- - I don't know what my daughters doing (laughing). - [Larry] They don't talk very much anymore. (laughing) Does that matter? - Maybe I should shift you over to Larry. - Does she have a boyfriend? - She's only six. (laughing) - She's only six, okay. - Saying is there something new, like a new, like a new afterschool program. If she'd had known that the daughter was younger, would have been so easy to be like, no, I don't have anything. But she thinks in her head, this lady looks like she could have a teenage daughter. She's old enough, so that's a little bit of warm information that she's hoping for. - Okay, I mixed up about that. I didn't know how old she was, I do communicate with the spirit world. Who's the little boy that she's friends with then? There's a little boy that she's very close to, I feel like he's a J or is there a - - I don't know (laughing) any of her friends. - Okay, everybody's got intuition, everybody's got a hunch, big deal. But if you say, hey, I've got this amazing ability to read minds and sees things or whatever, what can you do? - [Char] Okay now, that's what I don't do. I don't read minds. What I do is, I communicate with the spirit world. - So vague. - [Larry] You failing miserably here, to predict a problem. - [Robin] It's part my fault. - But I picked up a Mary, I said it's her daughter. - I picked up on Mary, I said its her daughter. - Is it spelt M-A - Yeah - R - Yeah - Like Mary? Is that your mom? - That's my daughter - Oh it's your daughter? (circus music) - She's trying to cover up her miss, with a hit that she didn't actually get. Yes she guessed that the name was Mary, but she had no idea it was the daughter, she thought it was and older relative. But now, she says, I picked up on Mary. I knew it was your daughter. - I picked up on Mary, I said it's her daughter. - You didn't say Mary, you said an M or a J. I mean I got an M and a J in my family. You got an M and a J in your family? - Isn't Mary the most common for girl name? - Terrible psychic, terrible, terrible, terrible. So this is just John Edwards, very popular psychic, and he is reading an entire audience here. - I am being pulled into this section, somebody passed in a car accident. And I feel like the accident that happened was not their fault. Which means something had to hit them. Either they're in the passenger seat, or something happened, but need to say it. But it's in this section over here. - Either something happened in the passenger seat, but I say it, it's an accident, it's not your fault. One of the leading causes of deaths in the states, are car accidents. There's a fair chance that someone in here is going to be effected in some way, by someones death related to a car accident. We're throwing a large canvas, and we're going to start narrowing in, narrowing in with all those little hits and hits and hits until we get (tongue click) and then its like, there you go, I proved it. - May is connected, or the 5th of a month is important in some way in the family. And they're telling me to talk about Tommy, Tommy, Tommy. So May is connected or the 5th of a month is important, in some way in the family. - May is connected, or the 5th of a month in some way is connected to the family. - Talk about Tommy, Tommy, Tommy, Tommy, Tommy. So there's gotta be a T name, either living, or connected to this. - Tommy, Tommy, Tommy, Tommy, Tommy. He's seeing people shake there heads. So he's like, there's gotta be a T name, either living or connected to this. He just jumped from Tommy, if somebody in that audience did have a family member named Tommy, that would have been a massive hit for him. He would have, oh, so good! But because there was a miss, he jumped straight to the T, and then said there's a T name connected to this living somewhere. I just want to be really clear, somebody did pass in a vehicle accident. - Yes - [John] And it was not their fault, from what I'm being shown, correct? - No. - Now, I don't know why, but they're showing me five, so the five to me would mean somebody's birthday or anniversary is in the fifth month. There's something about the 5th of a month, for somebody else, that they want me to connect with. And I feel like I need to talk about dad, dad, dad, dad. - Again, he's talking about the 5th. He's really trying to get a hit here, because he knew that she stood up. He doesn't know why she stood up. There's the car accident, maybe it was something else, so he's coming back on those previous statements, hoping that it will connect. If it doesn't connect, he's already jumped from the five, the 5th, to dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, like completely off course, hoping for a hit here. Is your biological father passed? - Yes - Okay, whenever the word biological falls out of my mouth, I know there are two fathers. Which means you gotta have another dad. So would be either a step dad, or there's a father figure for you in some way. - Or there's another father figure for you in some way. - Yes - [John] Okay, and they're telling me to say either, Maureen, Mary-Anne? There's an M name, where's the M connection to you. - Again, with the M, M is the most common female name. - [John] Living or past. - I have a cousin by the name of Mary-Anne. - [John] There it is, and Mary-Anne is living? - Yes - Okay And somebody either passed from breast or lung cancer. - And Mary-Anne's living? Yes, she says, I have a cousin named Mary-Anne, not I had a cousin, I have a cousin. He picked up on that, jumps into a response like, and Mary-Anne's living? And she says yes, as if he already knew that. He only knew that cause she told him. But he's repeating that to her convincing her that he's the one that came up with that information. - They're showing me blackness in the chest. - My mother. - [John] Okay, and she passed from the breast of the lung cancer? - [Female Audience Member] Lung - [John] And was that- - And she passed from the breast or lung cancer? The breast of lung, like as if it is one disease. That's two diseases that are very different. But that can effect old people. Is Jennifer-Marie connected to you guys? Or a Jennifer and Marie, but Jenny Marie? - There's a Jennifer. - [John] The Jennifer is living? - [Female Audience Member] Yes - Okay, is the person that passed in the vehicle, was that her friend, or is like your contemporary? I feel like you need to put it below. - It was my son. - [John] Your son, okay. - [Female Audience Member] He was five months old. - [John] He was five months old? - [Female Audience Member] Yes - [John] Hence it can't be his fault. - Hence it can't be his fault. Odds are, in an accident, it's not your fault. It's an accident. - [John] Friend Carol, C or K, either living or passed. Oh that's your aunt. You have the aunt with the C or K. On your dad's side of the family, you have the aunt with C or a K. - M, J, C or K? How many more letters does he have to name, until she starts nodding her head? Do you guys see what I'm saying. Let's look at something that didn't go as planned. This is James van Praagh, doing a cold reading on The Circle. - Okay, I would like to start with this lady right here who is sitting right here in the first row. I have a mother figure very strong coming around you. With the name of either Mary, Margaret, do you understand the name? - Mother Mary. - Mother Mary, okay. - Again, we're gonna M, M, Mary, Margaret. He's pointing at an older lady, obviously her mother is probably not around, cause she's already 80 years old. - Okay Mary, and I've gotta tell you that, before she passes over though, there's a hard time to walk or hard time to get up and get things going, do you understand that? And also a hard time, did she have medicines before she passed? - Well she was on medication, but she didn't have any painkillers. - Right, but medication she took, because I feel this very much when she's coming in here. And I feel some arthritis by the way, there a lot of arthritis, and there's a bone problem. There's also something with her back. She's sitting with a pillow at the back of her, or is that you? - No. - No? That doesn't make sense to you? And what about trouble with the legs? - No. - Okay. Back, legs, okay? - Who has the problem with the legs then? - Well my father's had two hip replacements. - Two hip replacements, he does not walk as well as he used to. - Oh no, he walks well. - [James] Okay, okay. (trumpets) - Right, was your mother buried? - Yes - Cause she talking about being buried, and a wake, or a funeral rather. And she knows about it, she was very surprised by it all. And who's Cathy, or is it Catherine or Cathy? Cathy, Catherine or Cathy? Oh she's talking about that. - [Audience Member] Kate? - [James] You know about this name? - Well Kate. - Katy, who's that? - [Female Audience Member] A cousin now, that's just had surgery. - Just passed, okay - Come with me today, but she just had to have a surgery. - Let's talk about her, she's praying with her, okay? I also know who's catholic, but there's someone who's catholic, background. - We all are. - You all are? - Yes. - [James] So there was a mass said for her, she wants to thank you for a mass that was said. And there are prayer cries that are said, there's a picture of Mother Mary somewhere around. Picture of Mother Mary, would you know about this? Oh you know about this. Picture of Mother Mary. - [Elderly Audience Member] Well all Catholics have Mother Mary around somewhere. - There's a picture of Mother Mary somewhere, and as soon as she nods, he like, you know about this, as in, now he's deflecting the blame on her. And making her be the one to acknowledge what he's saying, so don't listen to me, look at her. She's telling you that this is the truth. - [Elderly Audience Member] You should be knowing this. (laughing) That was what, a 1000 years ago? - [Elderly Audience Member] They've still got them. - But Nola's mother's name is Mary, and Nola's mother died when Nola was only six. - That was in 1950. Do you go backwards? - [James] I do go backwards, I backwards, I go sideways also. (laughing) so I want to talk about something else with you, music, music, music. I don't know why, but music. Did you not do music? Were you going to do music when you were younger and you stopped doing music? - No - How broad is that? Like right now, of everyone watching this video, how many of you have dabbled in music? In one form or another, at some point in your life. - [James] You never wanted to play the piano. - No - Okay who was that, that wanted to play the piano, or music? - Don't know, no one in my family is musical. - [James] I want to talk about this lady here, your husband's passed over, or your father's passed over rather. - Father, yes. - I don't know if he like cars, a thing about cars? But there's something about cars with him. - Oh wow, the old man liked cars. - He told me about this. I don't know if he just recently got a car, that he was talking about getting a car, or changing a car? You are living or dead, do you understand? - Does someone you know living or dead, have a car, had a car, talked about getting a car, or changing a car? And still no, like this is the worst day of his life right now. Like he's throwing out, how can I go more general? Does someone in your family speak English? Yes, that's the one. - [James] Do you have his ring or his watch, also? - Yes - Are you wearing it? - Yes - Thank you, he just told me that in my head. - As I mentioned before, that's a warm statement, you're there, you have someone who passed, you're wearing a ring or watch. That's just a very broad statement once again. - [James] See you very open. I want to talk about a picture that you had redone, of him, after he passed over, or you moved the picture of him, correct? And I don't know who Paul is? Or Pauly, or Paula, the name Paul, you understand that? - [Audience Member] Paula - Yes, who is that please? - A friend. - [James] Okay, he wants to say hello, or thank you to them. Because they helped when he died, they were there, they were here, they were around. You don't know that? - So cringed, so absolute cringe. And that's where we're gonna end it for today. So okay, I didn't go into this wanting to take a dump on these specific leeches, but looking at it, it's so hard not to be empathetic to these people who have lost loved ones. It's sad, people want closure, and that's just the way life is. You don't get closure sometimes. And for these people to make money off of that is disgusting. I have so much more to talk about when it comes to cold reading, and even teaching some of it, cause it is something I love doing, for entertainment purposes, not necessarily with dead loved ones and stuff. But just reading peoples minds, and that type of thing. Using the same techniques here. If that's something you guys wanna get into and learn more about, please by all means, like this video, subscribe if you're new here. Guys, we'll see you on the next video. Peace. (classical music)
Channel: Chris Ramsay
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Keywords: chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, puzzle, puzzles
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Length: 19min 19sec (1159 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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