THERE'S MORE IN ME | Charles Metcalf

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one woman refused to budge from her bus seat in 1955 even though she'd ridden that bus hundreds of times before a refusal ignited a revolution at sweat Montgomery and America enlightening Minds leadership developed in ordinary moments one man tried thousands of ways to build a light bulb failure became so common that he merely claimed he found 10,000 ways that didn't work he saw more failures than successes before he illuminated the world creativity flourished in failing moments we see the miracles from the mundane everywhere every day a singular see drops into the earth and glows into a great forest eventually small things arise to greatness a simple dinner party changes a block meant a neighbourhood and begins to reshape a city simple moments rise into significance a single word of calling plants purpose into a human heart and the alters the trajectory of a life small degrees raise up lofty miracles greatness is in each of us in each heart its awakened in the mundane and the ordinary greatness reveals itself in the average in the daily in the unremarkable greatness hides and the simple not in the profile making itself easy to miss until God arises in the insignificant person to make significance happen we don't find greatness greatness finds us and makes glory from common clay c3 family hello hello and welcome to church we are so glad that you're here today and so glad for what God is going to do today listen right now I need you in the chat right now to type it say God is going to do something amazing today listen we I believe that you are here on purpose today that regardless of how you got here regardless of how you heard about c3 NYC I believe it's on purpose and I believe that today you're gonna leave this moment feeling encouraged you're gonna leave knowing that God cares about you that he loves you and I just want to take a moment to really say thank you to you as a church to pastors Josh and Georgie for this amazing opportunity that we get to be together today I absolutely love love this church I say it all the time to Pastor Josh and some of the team but if I was not at transformation Church I would move tomorrow you hear what I'm saying I wouldn't move tomorrow to be a part of this house and I'm saying that because sometimes you're in something and it's your life and it's your experience and it's easy sometimes to take for granted the blessing of the house that God has put you in but I want to encourage you I mean this is the best house to be a part of I want to encourage you to get involved to be in dinner parties to give to serve because what God could do when you're planted what God could do when you commit yourself to a house I heard somebody say it one way one time they said you know what you can go to the gym and stare at the weights but until you start lifting something until you start doing something it won't have the full effect that it could in your life in the same way I'm so glad that you're here and joining on today and if it's your first time I want to welcome you like if you have not been part of a church experience or maybe you've been hurt by Church or maybe you just in the middle of this pressure time and in the injustice and the frustration in our world maybe you said you know what I'm gonna give Church a chance I believe today God's gonna meet you you're gonna be encouraged today but for those of you that this is your church home that you're a part of this house I need you to jump in I need you to lean in I need you to get involved because I'm believing that God is doing something special through c3 NYC and you know me and my wife pastor Josh mentioned about married to a beautiful girl named Abby we have a little chicken named Arlo Phoenix he's 1 years old and then we have a baby girl that is due in July so pray for me I'm about to get a lot less sleep but we send our love from Tulsa Oklahoma from transformation Church we absolutely love the church that we're part of in the family there but I'm excited to be here today because I believe that this is a moment in history and it's a moment that God has a lime that's the thing you need to understand regardless of what's going on right now regardless of the pressure regardless of the tension in our nation I believe that God is still on the throne he is still in control and regardless of what is happening he has a plan and a purpose for your life Jeremiah 29:11 says I know the plans that I have for you and when he said that he wasn't he didn't Kove it didn't catch him by surprise racial injustice did not catch God by surprise he is still in control and so I'm bringing faith today and I am bringing encouragement I love any time I get the chance to speak here with really family I'm feeling like that cousin that kind of invites himself over to the party it shows up and I'm so excited to be here today but I want you to know that I believe this word is on purpose for today it's not just a random word this isn't just a recycled sermon that I pulled out this is a new and a fresh word for this moment I prayed over this message I fasted for this message because I believe that God wants to speak right where you are today so I need you to lean in I need you to type let's go in the chat and buckle up because we're about to go in here's we're gonna do we're gonna go to first Kings 19 first Kings 19 is where we're gonna be today it's a story and again if you're new to this space if you're new to church we're gonna be talking about a story of two prophets Elijah and Elijah so it's gonna be a little confusing you could track with me just shut and jaw you will be all right you'll know where we're going but I'm gonna jump into the scripture today and I'm believing that to be a powerful powerful day as we gather in church then I keep saying that because sometimes you know you think church is a building you think church is a brick and mortar the church is not a building the church is the Spirit of God that is alive in people so regardless as if you're in your living room right now if you're with somebody if you're by yourself this is the church and so we're about to have some church in here to day first Kings 19 starting off with verse 19 this is what the amazing Word of God says it says so Elisha departed from there and he found Elisha see there's judge you got to keep him separated for a second he said the son of shaphat while he was plowing twelve pairs of oxen before him he went with the twelfth Elijah went over to him and threw his mantle on him he left the oxen and ran after Elisha and said please let me kiss my father and mother goodbye and then I will follow you and he said to him go back for what have I done to stop you so Elijah left him and he went back then he took a twit then he took a pair of oxen sacrificed them boiled their meat with the implements for the oxen and gave the meat to the people they ate then he stood and followed Elijah and served him would you take him over right now and I want to take a moment and invite God into this service and pray for a second look we love you Holy Spirit you're so good lord I thank you that you are outside of any circumstance lure God and you stand above it so right now we invite your grace your peace in your mercy Lord I pray that you would speak through me Lord God may I get out of the way so people can hear you I think you know you're speaking to individual situations I thank you that you're speaking to the hearts of people I think you that today people are gonna experience your grace love and mercy in a new way it's in the beautiful name of Jesus we pray amen man 20 20 20 20 the year did you see the memes about the year of vision I mean it was just it was an easy layup joke but this is 2020 the year of vision we're gonna be able to see clearly we're gonna be able to know what's happening and you know I was thinking about it and I think 2020 has done just that it has brought sight it has brought perspective it has brought insight it has brought challenge in a way that maybe we didn't anticipate maybe we didn't expect but I believe that has brought the sight that we really needed as individuals and this is the tension of following God many times God will bring what you need in a way that you did not expect it and many times because we get so caught up with the packaging of what we're expecting we get so caught up with with what we think it should look like that we missed the purpose because it was packaged in a way that was different I'm believing that this year was not by accident that God hasn't bailed on 20/20 that he isn't caught off guard but I believe that he is using the things that the enemy has meant for evil to bring perspective to bring insight I saw an article that really kind of challenged me and and honestly had me kind of cooked if I'm being real with you that it was showing all the crazy things that have happened in 2020 and this article it listed things that happened just in the first hundred days of this year I think many of us no matter where you are right now you're experiencing the tension and the inner turmoil of a year that seems like it just hasn't stopped the things that there's been thrown at us over and over and over again and in January there there were fires that were going across Australia and and then also in January there was the loss of Kobe Bryant and his daughter and seven others on a helicopter and then in February the world got introduced to this thing called Co vid 19 and there were so many other tragedies that happened in February we there was the tragic loss of of Ahmad Albury and then in March 2 the President issued a national emergency for for every single states us to start closing things and quarantine and separating and then in March also the loss of Brianna Taylor and then the list went on and on and on and this was just in the first 100 days and I started looking at everything going on and I thought God what what is like why now like have you asked yourself that have you have you sat in a moment and asked God like what's up with why this year like why this was the year cuz I know some of you you had your plans you had your journals out you had your head clipped on a fit body now you shut up in the house eating Doritos and you don't look like that pic but I'm just messing with you listen but I think this year it looks different than what we thought it hasn't gone according to our plan it hasn't gone according to what we expected and now we're in the middle of a time of injustice and really a racial revolution and upheaval in response to the murder of George Floyd and I'm asking God why why has all this been thrown a thrown at us all at once you know it's not it's not just it's not just the fact that there was a pandemic it's the fact that it felt like it was just all thrown at once it's not just the pandemic it's the fact that in the middle of the pandemic we had to be quarantined and separated and isolated and people who struggle with anxiety and worry and depression now had more things that were cast on it wasn't just the pandemic and the fact that we had to be quarantined it was the fact that we were there were family members that we knew that we're losing their lives and suffering from the sickness and it wasn't just that it was also thrown on us that there's still racial injustice and racism that is still alive in our country and it wasn't just that but it was people were dying in and not being held accountable for it for what what was done to them it was it was all thrown on us at once have you ever felt like there was just too much thrown at you at once that there was just the pressure was just too much that I was just like I just can't handle any more you know I was thinking about seasons of life where I feel like a lots been thrown on me and it was actually when we found out we were having our little girl my wife Abby she she called me on the phone I would never forget it I was in a meeting and she called me and I immediately text her I said hey babe I'm in the middle this meeting is everything okay she said call me right now I said oh goodness what did I do something what is happening I didn't know what was going on she called me and she said Charles I'm pregnant and I said oh snap we were in this season obviously we had our one-year-old Arlo he wasn't what yet but in the time and honestly it felt like it was just thrown at me and I wasn't ready for it like and some of you out like this was not baby girl is on the way but we were not we were not ready as all I will say I know that it happened because me and my wife are married but we were surprised in that and in that moment it felt like okay God like we trust you we know that this is the timing and we know we wanted to have more kids and now I'm more excited than ever before to have a little girl to spoil and and to beat up her boyfriends I'm not gonna do that that's bad but just to take care of and protect and I'm so excited for this moment but it felt like it was just thrown at me and I started thinking back to the birth of our son Arlo and Arlo he had a traumatic birth experience he was moments where he wasn't breathing when he came out the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck twice but the moment when he started crying and I finally heard that sweet cry you know in that moment the title of father was officially placed on me before that moment I didn't know what it meant to be a father I couldn't experience the real love that of a father I didn't really know I I had ideas of what it would be I had our ideas of how I would love him and what he would look like in his goofy little laugh and the fact that he would call me Dad and instead of dad and all these random things but in that moment when the title was placed on me what was always in me started to come out you see what happens in life is sometimes there will be things that are placed on you and unless they are placed on you it is impossible for the things that have always been in you to come out you see I didn't know it but there was more in me I didn't realize it but there was another level of love there was another level of grace there was another level of a fatherhood there was more in me than I realized and that's the title of my message today I came to encourage somebody that in the middle of this pandemic that in the middle of the racial tension that in the middle of the hurt in the middle of the enemy feeling like he's attacking your mind there is more in you and I know you don't feel it but I came to encourage you and as a messenger from God that there is more in you someone needs to type that in the chat right now there's more in me I know that they've doubted me but there's more in me I know that I've doubted me but there's more in me there is more in me I know there's more in me and I know there's more in you because there was more in Elijah Elijah didn't know it but he was always a prophet Elijah didn't realize it but he was always a prophet we find him in first Kings 19 and he is a regular day something need to realize what the context of the scripture said he had 12 pairs of oxen that he was driving what this would have is that he was actually a part of an affluent family he was a part he was not looking for a job he was not looking for a new calling he was not looking for something special and brand new but in a moment someone walked up to him and really the calling of God walked up to him in the form of Elijah and Elijah walks up to him and it says Elijah went over to him and threw his mantle on him can you get this picture he's out there working just sweating just pushing these oxen and rolling and he's just chilling and this guy just walks up it doesn't say he says anything he didn't even say thing he just walks up to him throws his coat on him and it just walks up if I am Elijah I'm either about to fight him or I'm just confused I'm like what I don't what are you doing what is going on I didn't ask for this and I thought about that like Elijah didn't ask for the coat to be thrown on him he didn't ask for the mantle but to be put on him just like many of you will find yourself in situations that you're saying I didn't ask for this like I didn't ask for a pandemic I didn't ask for family members that I loved to be sick I didn't ask for my skin color to be this way and because it's my skin color that people judge me and there's injustice to my brothers and sisters I didn't ask to be a part of us but in a moment where he wasn't asking for it God called Elijah and I just realized that how do you respond when it feels like something is thrown on you that you didn't ask for that's what happened to Elijah something was thrown on him literally a mantle was put on him that he did not ask for I want you to write this thought down what was thrown on you was not a mistake it's a mantle I'm gonna say it again what was thrown on you is not a mistake it is a mantle you see this thing that was put on Elijah it represented the anointing of God it represented the power of the Prophet Elisha and it wasn't actually by happenstance it wasn't just a random moment but in fact God had orchestrated and ordained this moment in scriptures before God is talking to Elijah and he says hey listen I need you to find a replacement there's somebody that I've anointed that I've called and I want you to go to go allow him to recognize in this moment that he has been called you see what seemed odd and random and out of the blue kind of off to Elijah had been ordained by God and some of you find yourself in a moment where it doesn't make sense where you're not understanding what's going on but can I tell you that it is not a mistake that you're in the family that you're in it's not a mistake that you feel the conviction to stand up for injustice it's not a mistake but it is a mantle it is a moment that God has put together for you to stand in your spot because there is more in you there's more in you than you realize there's more leadership in you than you realize there's more grace in you than you realize there is more conviction in you than you realize there is more ability to communicate on the behalf of others who are suffering in you then you realize there is more in you and there is more in me this word mantle the original word it literally means greatness the word it means when you would look out unto the sea and you would see how vast and how beautiful and how great it was and literally I thought about it that in a moment when he wasn't asking for it when he wasn't looking for it greatness was thrown on Elijah what I believe right now is even though it doesn't look like it greatness has been thrown on you even though you don't feel like it greatness has been thrown on your family even though you don't feel like it as a parent greatness has been thrown on your children greatness and there is a moment right now a decision a mantle that has been placed on you not by accident not by happenstance but because God knew that there is more in you than you realize and it's because he created you he created you specifically he created you with every quirk with every odd thing with the bad jokes that you tell every single piece of it heap knits together he said before you were in your mother's womb I knew you there is more in you you see in the scripture I see that that that what is happening is something is starting to awake in Elijah something is happening that that that is different than what he experienced in and what was placed on him it wasn't an accident but it was on purpose this next thought I want you to jot down right now it says what is on you is bringing out what has always been in you think about it if the mantle of prophet is not placed on him what is has always been in him does not have the opportunity to come out I like she always had miracles in him Elijah always had greatness in him Elijah always had those things in him but if God is an ordained this moment where something is placed on him what is in him cannot come out I didn't realize it but I always had the father of our low on the inside of me I always had love for him on the inside of me I always had the ability to comfort him like no one else can on the inside of me but not until the burden or the pressure or what felt like the weight of fatherhood was placed on me that what was in me could start to come out I am believing by the power of God that in the middle of this hard time in the middle of you trying to find your voice and speak up that the pressure that has been placed on you is bringing out what has always been in you I feel this thing listen you have been doubting you have second-guessed who you were but there are things on the inside of you that you do not even realize and God is awakening those things today and it's coming out not in a in a big moment not out in front of everybody but in the middle of a pandemic there is more in you there's more in you I know it I can feel it there is more in you there's actually a mantle on you now you say Charles I don't you talk about Mantle's you're talking about more I'm just trying to keep my mind straight in the middle of this quarantine I'm just trying to stay focused I'm just trying to to really keep my head above water I'm just trying to not be angry when I see people who remind me of those who treat me unfairly I'm just trying to I'm just trying to keep it together and you know what many times greatness it doesn't feel like a mantle it doesn't feel like this big moment where something special happens and the heavens opened up and it was like greatness was coming down to rest on you right now but as Scripture I was reading it and it caught me off guard it says Elisha went over to him and he threw his mantle and the amplified version is put in parentheses it says his coat they threw his coat on him he threw his coat on him and I thought you know what a coat is a coat is a common opportunity assigned to you it's a coat like this was a very common moment like this was not like a special like we're gonna align all the things and we're gonna invite all your family out and we're gonna officially say you are the prop no this was a common moment this was a common opportunity it was a coat and literally there was a coat that was thrown on him a common opportunity that had been assigned to him and many times the greatest moments the moments where we will change the fabric of history the moment where racism will stop the moment will injustice will have to die the moment where you will break the generational curses that have been in your family it's not going to look like a great moment it's gonna look like a common opportunity it's gonna look like you're in the middle of the mundane it's gonna look like you're in the middle of something that doesn't seem like this big special moment it doesn't seem like it's all gonna work out but in the middle of a common moment God called Elijah and I believe he's calling you right now I believe there's a coat that is being put on you there's a coat every single day when you wake up there's a common opportunity that has been assigned to you and in the middle of that common opportunity I believe there's more greatness I believe there's more on the inside of you think about it Abraham the father of faith it was a common day and God said hey I want you to come outside of your tent and look up into the Stars and see that that the stars of the skies how many descendants you're gonna have it was not a great magical moment it was a common moment think of David David always had giant-killer and King on the inside of him but it wasn't in a great big moment it was in a common moment can you take some sandwiches to your brothers it was in a common moment that had been assigned not to everyone not to everybody else but to him and in a common opportunity assigned to him the greatness that was always in him came out I am believing today that the greatness that has been on the inside of you since you were born the greatness that you have doubted the greatness that has been attacked by the enemy is coming out not through crazy moments but through a common opportunity that has been a mind to you that's what it was Elijah had a moment we're in a very common situation and a lot of pressure and it was assigned to him it was hey I this I want to put this on you and when that plate when that coat was placed on him it started bringing things out of him that were always there he just didn't know it and I believe that in the middle of 2020 in the middle of this time where you're trying to figure out what is going on and and I didn't expect this and why is there so much weight and why do I feel the burden of those who are hurting and why when I when I get on social media I continue to see things that that infuriate me and I'm trying to to push this thing forward and we're trying to to bring reform and bring change to a nation and trying to why why why is this happening why was it all thrown on at once it wasn't a mistake I believe it was put on you it see the thing is it's a common opportunity assigned to you not to everybody not to your whole family but to you there are things that have been assigned to you and I believe that when this pressure has been put on you it's bringing out what has been in you you see when the coat is put on you have a decision to make Elijah had a decision to make I want to give you three quick thoughts that I that I see in his story the first thing that Elijah did is you have to commit to your coat he committed to it like he the moment it was placed on him the common opportunity that had been assigned to him the moment it was placed on her says Elijah left and he went back he took a pair of oxen he sacrificed their meat and he gave the meat to the people he was not playing he was committed he said you know what I am NOT gonna downplay this moment I'm not gonna downplay the responsibility that has been placed on me but I am gonna commit to this thing I am so tired of seeing believers who will not commit to the coat that God has put in front of them they won't sell out to the thing that God has put because of what other people would say what they would think about me and that'll mess up my feed because you know I got this certain aesthetic if I post about Jesus people may think I'm weird well right now people don't need a post that looks good they need someone who can save them and as long as we continue to downplay what God has called us - as long as you downplay the calling on your life what's happening is you're giving yourself an excuse to require less of you but there's more on the inside of you and today I'm believing that something's gonna stand up and you're gonna stand up in confidence and your kind of commit to the opportunity that has been assigned to you you got to commit to it you got to sell out to it there have been so many moments where I remember I somehow I don't even know how it happened but I got hired as a youth pastor at 19 years old how a 19 year old going past her 18 year old I don't know pastor Josh I wasn't I could tell you that I was trying to pass her myself goodness gracious anyways but in that moment I realized that as I continued to grow older and ministry that I had a I had a I had a common opportunity but I had to commit to it and I think there are so many believers who want to commit at a half way but see the full impact and expectation of people that you look up to or people that you see on a stage or a moment but until you commit to the not the great moment the common if the mantle represents greatness but the coat is a common opportunity assigned to you I think right now we're in such a beautiful space where people are speaking up against injustice people are speaking up and it you know what I had this thought that racism has been prolonged because people did not take ownership of coat moments common opportunities common moments where a joke was said common moments where a racial slur was said common moments where they saw injustice and didn't speak up common moments where where they knew something was wrong but they thought you know what our family's always been this way and it's kind of how the society is know but when you commit when you step up when you own it when you say as for me and my house we will serve the Lord when you make a decision that I'm gonna commit to what God has called me to do I'm not gonna compare it to other people I'm not going to wonder what they would think about me but I'm going to commit to the calling and the mantle and the greatness that God has placed on me the second thing I love that Elijah did is I wrote this down you have to carry your coat what's so interesting to me is after the coat is thrown on him it doesn't immediately become his look at the scripture it says he gave the meat to the people they ate he stood and he followed Elijah and served him the NLT says they all ate and he went to be an assistant you see what you have to do is really in a common opportunity my question is did you enter the opportunity with the heart to serve in the middle of the time we're experiencing injustice in the middle of a time where there's tension where there's pressure were in the middle of a pandemic when the opportunity when the common moment and when the greatness has been assigned to you what's your heart posture are you there to serve people are you there to push this thing further Elijah I made a decision and he literally enters a season where he serves Elijah he's not serving his own agenda he's not serving things that he that he thinks he's not serving a good idea he had he's serving the authority that God has placed in him and I think it's so important that we do not lose the mindset of a servant jesus said I did not come to be served but to be a servant of all if the creator of the universe the person who had the most greatness on the inside of him could lower himself to serve people Thank You Holy Spirit he served people who mistreated him think about it Jesus and I know this is tension and I'm about to speak very directly clear to this but we cannot um in the middle of a pressure moment pass over the life that Jesus lived Jesus served the people and was hanging on a cross serving people that put him on the cross you can't do that in your own power you you can't see injustice and not flame fume up with anger unless there's a divine power working on the inside of you you see the reason I know there's more in you is because it's not you that's in you you see the Bible says the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives on the inside of you so that means when you see things you can respond differently that means that there's something different on the inside of you that you can stand up and see it and you can make a difference and you can speak to it and you can still serve them in that season there is more on the inside of you somebody put it in the chat again there's more in me there's more in my family there's more in my mind there's more in there's more creative ideas that are coming through my business there is more racial reconciliation that's happening in our country there is more justice that is coming in our country there is more in me the last decision and moment that Elijah had is he had to pick up his coat in the scripture he serves Elijah serves him for a long season and he says you know what he comes to the end of this movie says Elijah I want a double portion of your anointing like everything you got I want more like I want a double portion and Elijah says something very interesting he says if you're with me when I'm taking up to heaven you can have it fast-forward the story there's a moment they're walking together in a fire of cherry a chariot of fire comes down and it splits right between the middle of them and in this moment Elijah's swept up into heaven and after the dust settles and it kind of chills out the coat that was placed on him and then he carried is lying in front of him you know as a decision to make will I pick up my coat will I pick up this opportunity that has been placed in front of me well I take up the responsibility that has been assigned not to everyone but to me and I believe you have a decision to make today that there's a moment there's something that's been placed on the inside of you there's a mantle that has been placed on your life and you have a decision today are you gonna pick it up are you gonna pick up the responsibility to speak up for people who can't speak up for themselves are you gonna take up the responsibility and pick up the mantle and pick up the coat pick up the greatness to pick up the things that have been placed on the inside of you the last thought I have what is on you is bringing out what is in you this is the part right here so God can do something through you what you need to realize today is that the reason it's been placed on you is because someone needs what's in you I'm gonna say it again the reason it's been on you is because there's someone who needs what's in you you know I was thinking of the story of Jesus and this scripture and really this coat it applies to his life you know talk about common you know it was common it was actually very common for people to be crucified Jesus wasn't the first person to die on a cross it was a common moment and I realized that there are cope moments there are common opportunities that have been assigned to each one of us moments of greatness moments that could change the fabric of history moment so that could change how your children are raised moments that could change the fabric of a nation and they're disguised as common you know Jesus he's as he's being prepared and led to the cross there was something that was placed on him it was a crown of thorns and when the crown of thorns was placed on Jesus what was in Jesus started to come out you see the way that the gospel works is that we are separated from God because of our sin because of our error because of our wrong there's no doubt you can tell that there is something not okay with humanity when we lash out the evil and the rage that is so clear to see in this time the Bible refers to that as sin and sin has separated us from God but you see God knew that something had to be placed on Jesus because there were people 2,000 years later that would need what was in Jesus they would need pure blood that would flow so cleanly and it would purify hearts and it would start fires and it would transform people the the inside of people and it would burn away the things that weren't like God and it would start to start something that really changed the fabric of the nation you see Jesus knew that there was something that had to be placed on him [Music] because you and me needed what was in it I want to encourage you today that there's someone that needs what's on the inside of you they need you to speak up they need you to have that awkward conversation that would make you feel uncomfortable but would actually bring change there's someone who needs you to raise those kids there's someone who needs you to start that business there's someone who needs you to say you know what I'm actually I'm not gonna stay in that relationship because I know it makes me feel good but it's not good for the greatness on the inside of me I came to encourage you today that there's more in you that there's more than you realize there's more in you there's more in me there's more in our nation there's more in this movement there's more today I want to challenge you to not downplay for another day the coat that has been placed on you the greatness that is on the inside of you not another day will we downplay not another day will we second-guess but will realize that just as Esther in scripture was spoken to scripture it says perhaps maybe you were born for just this moment for such a time as this I'm believing that there's more in you and you have been built for this moment the church was built for this moment I believe that that C 3 NYC was built for this moment I'm believing that your family was built for this moment I'm believing that your kids are built for this moment I'm believing that today as we take ownership of what God has placed on the inside of us that we will see what is in us come out and there will be something that starts in our nation but it would start really on the inside of us that would change things forever right now wherever you are would you take a moment to just pray with me would you bow your heads I want to pray for every single person who is listening to this right now that you would not another day doubt you would not another day worry or be afraid or or be worried to step into what God has called you to you don't have to doubt it you don't have to question it but today I'm believing that there is greatness that you are stepping into in the middle of the pressure in the middle of a pandemic in the middle of injustice what has been placed on you is bringing out what God put on the inside of you right now God I thank you for every single person who is watching look and I thank you for every single person look god that is under the sound of my voice Lord Jesus that right now they were stepping into a moment Lord God where literally they are recognizing the greatness that has been placed on them they're recognizing the beauty that has been placed on them they're recognizing Lord God the anointing that is unique that's not like anyone else that's not like their father that's not like their mother that's not like their brother that's not like their sister that's not like their uncle that's not like their group of friends but it's a common opportunity that has been assigned to them and I thank you Holy Spirit that you are empowering people to understand that there were more on the inside of them because you are on the inside of him I thank you Lord God that as believers and as the church we would stand up we wouldn't step back Lord God but we would stand up and we would fight we would fight for people who can't fight for themselves we wouldn't we let him grow weary Galatians 6:9 we wouldn't grow weary in doing good for at the proper time we would reap a harvest of blessing if we do not lose heart Lord I speak blessing over every single person I speak favor Lord God in the middle of a pandemic I think you Lord God your word says they're like trees planted by living waters and they bear fruit in every season I think that we can bear fruit Lord God in every season in racial tension we can bear fruit in Lord in justice we can bear fruit Lord in a pandemic we can bear fruit I think you look up that there is more in us we stay in an attitude of prayer right now there are some of you that the reason you are here in this moment is because you realized if you're honest with yourself that it doesn't feel like there's anything left on the inside of you maybe you've been fighting maybe you've been dealing with this time in our nation and you just feel empty you feel like I've tried everything I've I went to the protest I've I've spoke up I've had conversations but I just don't know if there's hope the reason that I can have hope in this moment is not because of any outward circumstance if you are looking at the canvas and the picture of our nation and our world right now there is nothing that speaks hope but there is someone who has stands outside of time there's someone who stands outside of this moment there's someone that is greater there is someone that is so much more than anything you could ever imagine and I promise you he loves you so much and there's some of you right now and you have taken on the weight of the world and you have literally thought there's no hope like I can't handle it I can't do anything I can't fix the problem I can't but I promise you that the truth is you can't fix the problem we can't fix the problem we can't do it by ourselves but there is a savior and his name is Jesus and He loves you he has always been in love you he is proud of you regardless of what has happened regardless of what you've heard about Church and about Jesus he is madly in love with you and all he wants is a relationship with you all he wants is to say listen I just I know that there's hurt I know that there's pain but you see when when you invite me in the Bible says he stands at the door and he knocks he says hey I want to come in like I want to help you I want to bring you peace that surpasses understanding I want to bring you I want to bring you contentment in your season I want you to bring you the voice to speak up I want to bring it to you all you got to do is surrender listen there's some of you right now that the reason you're here and today you're gonna accept Jesus into your life listen you don't have to clean up you don't have to I got to get my life together first and then I could come no you don't go to a hospital because you're fixed you go to a hospital because you're broken and you need the help of someone else to bring healing in your life Jesus stands ready and he is the great physician to heal every wound every hurt every pain everything that you have fought in this moment he is entering into your life right now if you would like to accept Jesus into your life I want you to repeat this prayer after me everybody watching repeat it together say dear Heavenly Father thank you for loving me dear Jesus I admit I've made mistakes lord save me or change me Lord transform me Lord make me new to the name of Jesus I pray amen [Music]
Channel: C3 NYC
Views: 3,942
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: -KNTc22V1BQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 55sec (2515 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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