The Door Looks Different - Charles Metcalf

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what's up everyone welcome to Red Rocks young adults YouTube channel we're so glad that you here we hope that through today's message you would leave challenged and encouraged but ultimately have a new encounter with Jesus Christ so sit back relax and enjoy this message we please give a great young it all welcome for the one and only Charles Mack Campo [Applause] [Music] but sounds good for me but can you give it up for season if you love Jesus up in here I am is anybody excited to be in church on a Thursday night hey listen I would here's want you to find a neighbor find a neighbor find a good-looking neighbor find a good-looking neighbor find a good-looking neighbor it's about to be real telling it's about to be real telling look at your neighbors say neighbor I waited all week to sit next to you so I hope this is good now give your neighbor a high-five and you can grab a seat grab a seat grab a seat well listen Before we jump in tonight I want to take a moment and just let you know how excited and honored that I am here to be here with y'all tonight I believe tonight's gonna be a special night it's gonna be a powerful night I gotta take a moment to think I literally feel like I've never met the exact opposite of me but I feel like Andrew my trunk like I'm short little tan skinny he's tall strong and bald like it's like the exact but no thank you so much seriously Fran I don't say that lightly what he said it's a big honor to be able to have somebody to come in and I don't take it lightly and so tonight we're gonna build a house tonight like it's cool we're gonna get better is anybody ready to give better tonight and grow I listen something I want to say and he didn't tell me to say this but I say this anytime I get the opportunity to come speak somewhere is the the short of it is do whatever he tells you to do like and I say that jokingly but I mean it's easy for me to come up here and come speak one night and then I'm gonna go back home to my wife and my son and but they're people here the team Andrew they're building every single week they pray for you they believe in you and they don't want something from you but they want something for you and I just want to challenge you if you're not serving you need to serve if you're not going to read conference you need to go to read conference and this is not like this isn't about like oh we just they need people no this is about your life being changed forever and sometimes you're in something so much that you don't realize what it actually is and from someone on the outside I want to tell you that this is special and that the more that you get involved I'll illustrate it this way you can go to the gym all you want and look at the weights but it's not gonna do nothing for you but until you gut get involved and start picking up some things and put your hand to it you'll start to see the return in your life I've already preaching and this ain't even I'm talking about red conference right now in the same way you can come to church and sit and observe and look but until you start serving until you get in a group until you start reading people to come to this thing you that's the only time you'll start to see the true results in your life and so I just want to challenge you no matter if you've been following Jesus your whole life or maybe you're new and you just somebody tricked you into coming and regardless of how you got here I think you're here on purpose and I want to challenge you to get involved come every single week to this place and make sure you stay a part of Red Rocks you young adults is anybody ready for the word tonight all right um I gotta let you know this is gonna sound harsh like are we free can we be friends are we friends oh dang okay we ain't friends that's cool here's what you gotta know like and I say this with all with all just like seriousness and humility and and it's gonna sound really spiritual but it's not as spiritual as it sounds I had a completely different message that I was gonna preach and literally this morning I woke up and it was a compare was like something was in my heart like no you're not preaching that you're gonna preach this and I don't say that like you're like oh well that's so spiritual it really is not this but it just woke up knowing like I'm not about to preach what I decided I was gonna preach I'm gonna preach what God just told me to preach so there's someone in here tonight there may be more than one person it may just be one person and I'm okay with that that this if you've been waiting on a sign to wonder if God cares about you if he loves you if he's concerned about what's going on in your life this is your sign like the moment when I start talking you say oh that's sound like that sound like maybe that was something that I was like take that as your opportunity of God loves you he cares about you and here's what I got he wanted I grew up in Bowling Green Kentucky so my dad's a pastor and and so I grew up like hearing preached preaching and I don't know like it's my first time in Colorado so I don't know how y'all doing here but I'm about to preach preach like I'm not going to wait for you to come along so it works better if you talk back so if you think it's good just say oh that's good if you don't think it's good be quiet turn in your Bibles to John 7 John 7 is where we're gonna be I have a lot of different scriptures literally I was on the plane riding this message and there was like a thousand scriptures under my head but this is where we landed and I think this is where God landed and so that's we're gonna be tonight so who in here has a real Bible like you didn't have to charge your Bible put your Bible up if you got it my goodness we're gonna get in heaven before everybody we're gonna show him our Bible y'all Bible gonna be dead you have to charge it alright I got a real Bible cuz I'm just I like it that way so here's what the Bible says John chapter 7 starting in verse 1 it says after this Jesus traveled around Galilee he wanted to stay out of Judea where the Jewish leaders were plotting his death but soon it was time for the Jewish festival of shelters and Jesus's brother said to him leave here and go to Judea where your followers can see your miracles you can't become famous if you hide like this you can't get the blue check Jesus if you won't post pictures you can do such wonderful things show yourself to the world for even his brothers didn't believe in him jesus replied now this is not the right time for me to go but you can go any time for the world can't hate you but it does hate me because I accuse it of doing evil you go on I'm not going to this festival because my time has not yet come after saying those things Jesus remained in Galilee if you're taking notes I would encourage you to take notes it operates as a Fastpass when you get to heaven you show him your notes they put you in the short line get you right in the title of the message tonight is the door looks different the door looks different I'm going to pray and we're about to go into this thing Lord God we love you so much Lord Jesus in this moment we don't need just another gathering of people in a building Lord God we need to encounter with your spirit but I think you're the only person that knows exactly what each individual person is going through and you can speak to their heart so clearly but I think you that you would fill my mouth Lord with your words not mine lord help me get out of the way so people can see you in the beautiful name of Jesus we pray and everybody said everybody said all right so a little bit about me I really enjoyed you probably thought this because I'm just strikingly tall but I really enjoy playing basketball I play basketball all growing up come on basketball shout I have to basketball y'all are just excited for no reason okay yeah just wait till I start preaching y'all gonna be really excited but I grew up in Kentucky and so like basketball is like the thing in Kentucky and so when I play basketball it's like the only time where I like forget that I'm saved and then I'm a pastor and I just start talking trash and it's just more fun if you talk trash like if you don't talk trash and basketball I promise you there's like 50% of the game that you're missing out on because it's like it's just so much more fun that way I got a kid I would talk trash because I was insecure and I was really short and I was trying to like act like I knew what I was doing now I just truck talk trash because it's fun it's just people get all worked up and I'm like Dawg like we in the gym at lifetime like do you ain't never gonna be in the NBA it's calm down but it's just fun to watch people get worked up and some of you other people that get worked up and you're like blah but I put the team on my back watch this it's like wow Dawg okay just you waking up and going to a 9:00 to 5:00 in the morning so just calm down so anyways I talk trash during basketball but one of my favorite things to do is I like to find me like on the court in sixth grade and what I mean by that is there's always one kid that's like super young that was like you had nine people or it's like we need one more and there's some kid off at the corner shooting myself is like yo you come play and I always like to find that kid and I just gas him up so hard like I just right I always picked that kid because that was me I was all super trying to I never got picked and I would always pick that kid I pick him I'm like listen bro every time you get the ball shoot it okay none of these people hold you're out here you're better than all of them their knees is weak their trash you're better like I don't care where you get the ball half-court layup you shoot the ball and we'll get the rebound all right and he's like at first he's like yeah you're weird don't talk to me like what but literally at the whole game I'm just get right when I past shoot it boy shoot it you better shoot the ball shoot them he's trashed look at him his ankles is already : you better cross him over my god like I just start like I'm talking trash on behalf of him and he's like if you don't be quiet these grown people gonna beat me up but this happens every time I start gassing them just like come on Dawg you got to go by the end of the game literally there was one time I'll do it in this kid hit four threes in a row like just like I was like come on it's the last play of the game he literally walks across and he literally takes like two dribbles past half court and I'm like shoot it baby you're on fire like just I said and he just chucked it it was like slow motion and just cash I literally picked him up put her my bag let's go let's go what like he was like mom get this guy but never saw him again but it's a real story I promise but I just love I'm thinking like everybody needs that person in their corner that's just like don't know you don't really know anything about you but I'm gonna gas you up just cuz like really for me it's just fun to watch him like slowly build his confidence he's like maybe I can't shoot from half-court it's like dog you can't get the bar that far but it's okay but but I just think like everybody needs that person that's like gas in them just regardless and Jesus brothers are gassing him in John 7 they're like Jesus they don't know who you are you can't get famous hanging out here in Galilee you need to go up to these fools up in Judea and bat out with the miracles and let them know who you are that's what like that was one of the ghetto ones I don't know which one that was something you know about me I'm half black half white so I make both jokes so I made go like some of y'all are so uncomfortable calm down oh gosh um but like there was one of the things I was like listen you just need to show them who you are show them what's up and like you need to come like and the thing I felt like if I was one of Jesus brothers I'd be like Jesus listen just do the water to wine thing I've seen you do that like you just hit the back of the whoop BAM and then we got one and we gonna be good like I need you just to do the wine thing just or just do the thing where you walk on the water where you just like Shh like dude Jesus I would just be asking him all the time like y'all watch this and Jesus go ahead never I just feel like that's what I would do if it was his brother but Jesus is like yo I'm not I'm not doing that like it's not my time and the issue that the disciples had is they were really just trying to gasp Jesus because they saw the potential he had like they knew like there's Jesus there's more inside of you than what you're doing and like if you don't start showing people that you can do miracles that you can heal people you won't have a good following now fast forward to today and this is what a lot of our friend circles are telling you listen there's more in you and if you don't start posting about it if you don't start a YouTube channel and tell everybody about it they won't know and you can't get famous hiding like that we are in the generation of trying to prove our potential walking around saying like yeah I know I got potential I know there's something in me I know I could do it and I'm gonna prove it to people that's literally what they said to Jesus look at the scripture he's sitting there and he says listen you need to you can't get famous hiding like this you can do wonderful things so show yourself to the world the disciples are talking to Jesus like Jesus listen like I know you're trying to chill man you know you just gettin started it's your first year in ministry I know you was chilly I don't know what you doing for 30 years you live with your mom and that's a little weird Jesus but we ain't gonna talk about that but just you like you can do there's more in you you need to go show people you did Google how to prove it you got to show the potential that's something inside of you the only problem is is sometimes there are people around you that will only be able to identify your potential but they are not connecting it to your purpose so they will try to get you to prove your potential not knowing what your true purpose is and you start moving too soon I want to break this down for you because Jesus is in a moment where he could have stepped in and said I'm gonna go and start doing these miracles and he said it's not my time yet and we're in a generation right now where so many people know they're called from God they know they've got a plan they know they're supposed to start the business they're know they're they're gonna be in that relationship there's no and some of you are in here maybe you're discouraged maybe you're feeling like I don't know if it's gonna work out I don't know if God has plans for me God has a plan for you is gonna come to pass the things he said over your life they're gonna come true you're gonna have purpose you're gonna have it's going to happen my only tension in the message that I want to bring you tonight is please do not move out of your potential please do not because potential is a funny word because potential speaks to what you could do like when I was young and say yeah you've got potential as a basketball player well they didn't know I was gonna stop growing after eighth grade and there was no potential after that but what I mean by that is it's easy to identify potential and not no purpose but here's what you'll do if you don't know the purpose that that person is supposed to truly accomplish you'll assign them to something else that's way beneath what's actually in them so the disciples didn't know what Jesus is true purpose was so they said you should just go do a bunch of miracles but Jesus knew my purpose is a lot bigger than miracles and I'm not trying to live up to my potential I'm trying to live out my purpose these are two very different things can I burst your bubble you are not supposed to reach your potential now some of you you like let's just think about Jesus did Jesus reach his potential like think of what Jesus had the potential to do like what could have Jesus had the potential to save humanity without guilt ever going to the cross like he if Jesus is all-powerful all-knowing think of what Jesus could have done think of what he could have said think of all the people he could have healed he could have with one snap of his finger healed humanity for the rest of the like it's not because he had a lack of power Jesus wasn't worried about his potential he knew he had to reach his purpose and tonight I want to I want to tell you and talk to you about how sometimes in life you will look at in your maybe your potential will look more attractive but it's not the door you're supposed to go through so now I don't want to talk about the doors in your life that you've been looking at and you've been trying to figure out which one is going to get me famous which one is gonna be more seen which one is gonna make me feel better about myself which one is gonna end tonight I came to bring some news that sometimes it's a yes but not yet like some of you this is the exact word you came yes God is going to do it just not yet yes you're gonna start that business and it's in your heart and you wrote it down in your journal and it just not yet yes you're gonna be like you're going to do it and you're called to minister you feel like maybe I'm supposed to be a minister I'm supposed to lead worship or maybe I'm supposed to serve in this certain area yes you're going to do that but maybe it's just not yet like mate because we're in a generation we're trying to outrun the pace that God has set for us and we're doing all these things not what we should do but all the things we could do because we're trying to live up to our potential and the pressure of potential it makes you feel like you got to prove it like you got to prove that like I got to prove to people that I'm talented I got to prove to people that I'm that I'm you know that I'm somebody and so I'm gonna get in this relationship and if I meet that person if they see me with that person and if I'm dating them then I'll prove to people that maybe I am worth something or maybe you're trying to prove to somebody who wasn't there for you as a child that maybe I'm better than that I'm gonna move on so you're doing things that really you weren't supposed to do but because you had so much potential you're trying to prove to people that really don't know you and really don't know what you're called to do and really don't care about you so they spoke things over you that they weren't even intentional wins but God knows you but you're out here trying to prove things to people that you don't know that don't know your purpose and it's running you ragged I didn't come tonight to make you feel fluffy and great about yourself I came to challenge you with the message of please do not keep running after things that cannot fulfill you please stop trying to prove things to people who don't know what's on the inside of you God put something on the inside of you and so he's gonna call that thing out at the right time he's gonna call it at the right time there was a group of people that that were trying to get Jesus to prove it the entire time of his ministry it was the Pharisees they've come up to Jesus and be like well you know you just like is he really the Son of God these were the religious leaders of the time they knew every single law they followed all these rules they saw they read the scriptures they memorized the scriptures and they were the ones and they were coming to Jesus say like it says this really is he really like the Son of God I don't know about him and he doesn't he doesn't hang out with the people that he's supposed to hang out with and he doesn't talk like a messiah is supposed to talk and he doesn't do what a messiah is supposed to do and these people they almost and many of them did miss the purpose of Jesus because the packaging of Jesus and this is the tension and the really temptation of the enemy in your life is to get you to focus on what it looks like so much that you miss out on the real thing this is what happens in so many of your lives you look at what you think the path of your life is gonna be and you think okay at this age I'm gonna I'm gonna graduate high school and I'm gonna go to this college and then after I go to this come and get that degree I'm gonna get this job and then I'm gonna marry Betty and we're gonna have two kids and they're gonna be you know then we're gonna adopt another kid and they're gonna start this business and then we're gonna move over here we're gonna live in that neighborhood and then the first time it gets off playing you're like whoa whoa what it would uh like but it was because you you thought it was gonna look a certain way and that's what the Pharisees did they thought Jesus was gonna look a certain way but I thought he was gonna hang out with a certain type of people they thought he's gonna he's gonna look like this he's gonna come in this way his kingdoms gonna overthrow the Roman Empire he's gonna come he's gonna do all these things and it's gonna be amazing and that's what Jesus gonna be and they assigned it so tightly that when he showed up they didn't realize it was him and here's what they did they killed the very thing that was sent to save them and John 10 Jesus is talking he says I am the door I am the Shepherd and anybody comes to me though they'll be able to enter in and out and they'll be in pastures and they'll have and they'll be able to come and this is where we goes into he goes into John 10:10 he said he starts off with eye on the door and he ends by saying the thief comes to steal kill and destroy but I have come that you may have life and life to the full the Pharisees killed Jesus because the door looks different than what they thought it would because the the path to what they were actually supposed to do look different than how they made it up in their mind and I want to come to you with the questions and I of what doors have you killed because they look different than what you thought they would look like in your mind what opportunities have you shut down because you thought it would come through this relationship and so you put all your investment all your energy all your time with them and then they broke up with you and so you just decided I'm not gonna let anybody in but you're you're gonna if you shut down completely there's gonna be a door there's gonna be an opportunity there's gonna be something that comes but because it looks different you you killed it there's gonna be like there's and I want to talk about this because what the opportunity and what you walking and your purpose looks like I promise you it's not what the picture is in your head right now and this is so important that we understand this because so many times we assign our obedience to God if it lines up with the plan that we already made like we can't don't come in here and be fake like you there's it's just a waste of time you will say god I'll do whatever it is as long as it's option one two or three like whatever you want to do and so many of us we're getting caught up and there's so many people believers not believers and you're in this point of extreme tension and pressure and it's not because God doesn't have a purpose for you it's because the door doesn't look like what you thought it would it's because you walking in your purpose does it look like what you thought it would it's because you being in that relationship doesn't look like what you thought it would and because you decided it was gonna be this way because you decided this is how it's going to happen we're missing it and I just think there's a group of people in here tonight that if you don't remove and separate your obedience to God with how it has to look and let's get real like you walking your purpose some of you you're ready to like go right now but God asked you to serve in the kids ministry in the like stinky two-year-old room and you won't do it and you killed the door that was sent to save you like some of you you like God's told you to save money but because you're trying to keep up with so-and-so like you you spend money over and over again but you're killing the door because what you don't realize is that person that you're trying to prove something to is gonna need help from you one day and God wants you to be so blessed that you can actually help them but you you killed the door because like some of you you're supposed to be the leader and you're you will be on this stage like this one day talking to people but God's asked you to like don't tell anybody all that like every message is it for your Instagram feed like don't post you don't have to post all of them like just keep these right now and I'm gonna tell you when but because you're trying to prove it because your truck like and I'm not saying these things out of like oh I'm trying to get you I'm saying these because these are real things for me that I spent years trying to prove to people that yeah I am called by God and you need to know it if God called you what does it matter what anybody else thinks about you like [Applause] me and my wife right now it back in September actually we were living in a rent house in Tulsa and we had our first conference as a church when we had the conference and went awesome and we got home and we woke up the next morning and we both had this weird sense like like this something weird like do you just feel like I don't know like the house seems off like it feels like just out of place or something so we kept talking about it and one day I was I was journaling and I was writing down and I felt so strongly just an impression of God saying like hey this like you need to move out of this house this isn't your house like this isn't it I was like what you mean this is my house I send the rent every 1st of the month but he was saying no like very clearly like hey this isn't your house and I need you to move out and move in with Abby's parents I said the devil is a liar you better Satan where are you I know about literally I wrote it down in my journal and I was like I am NOT saying that to Abby you know how dumb it we got a baby we had a six-month-old baby at the time I'm not moving in with her and her parents or gray is just like I'm not moving into a room like that's not me we live in a room right now but and I'm saying this because in that time God said hey listen I will here's what I want you're dealing she move out of your house keep paying rent for it like god I thought we saving money like with them keep paying rent and unless somebody else live in your house because if you sow that seed somebody's gonna do that for you oh okay it's been 8 months and we still in this room and I'm like God hey listen player I talked to Kyle real I don't be like Lord but Jesus begat heavily I just be like listen God okay if I hear one more no but I'm not even gonna go there but I'm saying during this time I felt so much pressure and here's the crazy thing I was dumb enough to get up I was preaching one Sunday at T C then I got up and I was like God told us to move out of our house we were in a series called crazy faith and we moved out I was like we're moving out at crazy faith oh we're moving out in crazy faith and we gonna do it and gosh sakes gonna give us a house you know I'm like going off like yeah and everybody screaming and then I'm like oh dang okay I told everybody and now like we're still in this room though and what I'm saying is I started feeling like this pressure to like prove that like I didn't hear God wrong like let's talk about really following Jesus like you get out there and be like God told me to do this and then it's like did God really tell you cuz you're looking stupid living up in that room right now but I felt like this pressure of like God like you got to do some cuz I don't got up here and we got like we got like we got this baby in here and like and I'm feeling this pressure that like I gotta prove it and I don't like God is that you and we're looking at different houses maybe that's the house and not God you gonna do this one who's gonna bless anybody know a millionaire just hit him to hit me up like if you like and I'm trying to figure out like God is that you and the door would close and as God is that you in the door would close now and literally we looked at 10 different house god is that you know the door would close and I kept and I said God like if you don't do something like everyone felt like that like God like okay this is no hallelujah your way maker but right now you feel like a haymaker cuz I'm about to hit you upside your head if you don't but like like let's talk about real like I'm in this thing I don't have a house I got a kid and like I still ain't got no money cuz I'm still paying rent on this goofy other house that was supposed to be a blessing and I feel this tension of like God you got to show up like you got to do something and in that moment I I was thinking why do all these doors keep closing like God like if you were supposed to do something why do you keep closing all these doors and I was reading my Bible and I want to share with you the scripture it's Haggai chapter 1 and this is what the Bible says it says you hoped for rich harvest but they were poor and when you brought your harvest home I blew it away why because my house lies in ruins says the Lord of heavens while all of your busy building while all of you are busy building your own fine houses I read the scripture and honestly in the time of being in this room with my wife and our baby and we're trying to figure out we're trying to save money we're trying to look at different houses and try I kept looking of like all these doors just kept closing and all these things just and that's what happens in life sometimes like you try to step out like god I'm gonna obey you I'm gonna walk in my purpose and maybe this is the right timing like you finally waited and you weren't trying to prove it to people and you say okay God this is the timing and the door closes and okay god no you build your faith back up and you step back out of government and they just kept closing and any time I felt that pressure I feel like God I just like I just don't want to blow it like I just I don't want to go too soon like I don't want to get in something and it was like oh shoot you did something I was about to give you a house but your dummy you just went and did it yourself like and I felt this tension of like just don't blow it like just don't screw it up like and there's so many times and I literally just started reflecting of like God I just feel like I'm gonna mess this up and you spoke this word and I would rather you not have just told me I would rather you not have told me that dream I would rather you not have told me that I was gonna beat this because now I'm at a spot where it doesn't look like that where it doesn't feel like that and I would much rather you just not have said anything to me and I could have lived my life without feeling all this pressure that you're not doing what you said you would do and I started thinking of all these different times of literally feeling like I'm just gonna blow it I'm gonna mess it up like I can't I can't do it and I thought of a time in sixth grade I was playing basketball and the it was coming down to the last like 10 seconds of the game our team was down by one I throw the ball and they fouled me in the clock ran out like no time of the clock but I was about to shoot two free-throws one we tie two we wins get him to line do my little routine I'm not so sure I had to jump on a free-throw I was like and I missed it oh my god I just started bawling crying like for all these people and so I'll get back up if like the second free-throw I'm like RI just make this one a tie it and I shoot it and I missed it we lost the game and I quit basketball after that cuz I was like I just I blew it fast forward a little bit part of my story people kind of ask is kind of random I've been a transmission Church for three years and you wouldn't know this but me and my wife started a church four years ago in downtown Tulsa and we were doing once a month we called him gatherings they were like a church service most similar to this we would have worship I'll get up and preach and then we'll get people in small groups and we were doing once a month and we were gonna launch in January we started earlier and we kept doing it I met pastor Michael this was before relationship goals and all those different things he had like 3,000 followers on Instagram it was posting eight times a day still just in it like and I was like I just need to meet this guy and talk to him and long story short I was spending time with him one time and God said so clearly shut your church down and go serve Him and this wasn't like that would have been easy if it was like the church was going really bad but it was actually going good like in six months we had 250 people come in we had saved a hundred thousand dollars we had signed a lease on a building like it was going good but in that moment I felt the pressure to prove like I can I can do this like I can be a pastor God spoke to me and now like 10 months later he's telling you to shut it down maybe God didn't speak to you like and I'm like let's talk RIT like I was sitting there thinking like God why would you tell me to start this thing and I left a job and people thought I was dumb and they said you're not gonna do it you're too young and then I do it and it goes great and then you say shut it down and literally was the voice that came back up in my head and said you blew it you missed it again this is kind of just your thing and that's what happens sometimes you you're trying to walk in your purpose and you're trying to do what God told you to do and you're trying to there's decisions that are in front of you and you don't know elections I'll do this one or this one and there's just pressure and that voice in your head is like just don't blow it like just don't don't mess it up like don't and some of you in here that's where you are like the enemy's like just don't screw it up like you if you try to step out and do that thing that God said you were gonna do you're gonna blow it if you try to get in that relationship and live pure and not have sex before you're married you're gonna blow it because you know everybody in your family had sex before they were married and some of them got pregnant and so you should just felt like don't mess it up like don't blow it like you and literally I read this scripture and something stuck out to me so clear it says you hoped for a rich harvest but they were poor and when you brought your harvest home I blew it away now this is gonna mess with your theology but I was sitting in a moment and God said Charles what if you didn't blow it what what if I blew it you hope for a rich harvest and when you brought your harvest home when you came home with that dream when that opportunity came home I blew it away this is God talking and I said and I said God why would like what do you mean you why would you and he said I love you too much I care about your purpose too much to let you waste it on stuff that is far beneath your potential so when you assigned yourself that was something that was below you I blew it away I'm the one that closed that door I'm the one that told them to break up with you I'm the one that made that business fail I'm the one that hasn't opened up the house yet because I know if you went through that door it would lead you to a place that you aren't supposed to go to and if you would stop looking at every door and trying to assume what God's gonna do what relationship you're supposed to be in assume how you're gonna be on the platform one day and if you were just wait and say God if you want me to go this way or you want me to go that way I'm with you because my obedience is not connected to an outcome it's connected to walking in my purpose I just I came just for somebody you're in here right now and you feel all the weight that you screwed it up the pressure that you're in the hurt that you're feeling you're holding the way thinking I blew it I want to encourage you maybe you didn't maybe God did maybe he knew you were strong enough right now to say no so he just took him out of your life maybe he knew like if you got the job you wanted right now he knows your character isn't strong enough to hold it up so he told them to deny you for the job and here's the thing the closed door isn't a sign that God's not with you doors don't closed by themselves and they don't open by themselves and so what that means is many times we look to the open doors to say that's where God is but I'm telling you right now I am more sure than I have ever been before in my life living in a bedroom with my wife in my one-year-old son that the closed door is just as much of a sign as the open door because I know that God's got a plan he's got a purpose and if he says yes if he says no if I'm in the room again for another year or we get a house tomorrow I'm confident that he who began a good work in you will be example to see it to completion would you stand up all over this room I want to take a moment and just pray over some of you in this room that made me feel like there's some pressure in your life and maybe you're feeling the pressure to prove it maybe you're feeling like you got to go a little too early you're trying to start something you're trying to do something and right now you have a sense in you that maybe it's just not time maybe it's not time to go to today or maybe I'm just gonna hang out in Galilee where people can't see me where I won't be on the stage where won't be obvious on the gifting that's on the inside of me but there's a piece that's settling right now that I'll have to prove it and I don't have to look at the closed doors as a sign that God's not with me but right now I just need a sense of knowing that regardless of what happens God's with me and he cares about me if you're in this room and maybe there are some doors that have closed there are some opportunities that haven't gone your way and you say I just need prayer to like keep going with this thing and keep having faith would you lift your hand right now I just want to pray for you all over this room you say you know what that's me that's not just got an area that I need God's strength in Lord God you see your people or God in this moment we're not lifting our hands Lord God saying that we all have it all figured out Lord Jesus we're saying we need your help look out we need your help to continue to walk in our purpose we need your help to not try to prove it to other people or God we need your help to find our identity and you love Jesus I thank you right now that people are getting secure in Christ Jesus come on some of you right now you've been trying to prove things to people I can hear so clearly some of you it was a mother or a father or a family member that right now you're about to do something it's to prove them wrong God says you don't have to do that I love you I care about you some of you you're trying to prove things to people that left you in a past season you don't have to do that because you're secure in Christ lord I thank you that are confident this confidence does not come from an individual it doesn't come from a certain amount of money it doesn't come from a certain amount of followers but it comes from as Christ I thank you that we are secure in you you can put your heads down every head bowed every eye still closed just for a moment there are some of you in this room and if you're honest with yourself you don't know if you have a clear relationship with Jesus Christ maybe you've been to church a bunch maybe you've never been to church maybe you you've you walked with God in a season and you walked away and maybe you're feeling the pressure of life like if you're honest you just feel the pressure of trying to do it by yourself and you're trying to please people and trying to prove it but you can't do it in your own strength and you can feel it and there's this pressure that you have but what am I gonna do and I feel like I can't hold it up and I feel like I'm not strong enough here's the thing you don't have to be some of you in this room you're carrying things that you were never intended to carry there's a man named Jesus and he came to this earth and he lived a perfect sinless life so you didn't have to carry the stuff that's trying to break you right now and some of you in this room what you're gonna do is I'm gonna count to three and on the count of three you're gonna lift your hand what you're saying when you lift your hand is I surrender to Jesus I'm not doing it by myself and here's the thing you don't have to clean up you don't have to stop doing anything you don't go to a hospital healed you go in because you need help and it's the same way in the Church of Jesus Christ you don't have to stop drinking stop smoking stop having smex sex with people if you surrender your life to Jesus he'll help you with all that other stuff the enemy would try to tell you you're not good enough don't make that decision don't lift your hand people are gonna think you're weird don't listen to that boys this is a moment where your life can be changed forever I'm gonna count to three and if you want to accept Jesus into your life it's gonna be the best decision you ever made one he loves you too he's proud of you 3 lift your hand right now if you would accept Jesus into your life come on all over this room we're so proud of you he loves you so much come on can we give it up for people accepting Jesus here's what I wanna do everybody if you could just repeat this prayer after me we're gonna all say it together cuz nobody prays alone say dear Heavenly Father I love you thank you for loving me dear Jesus I admit I've made mistakes save me change me transform me in Jesus name I pray amen [Music] listen if you just made that decision it's the best decision you could ever make hey listen can we give it up for everybody who gave their life to Christ hey listen get planted get planted and red rocks keep coming to church people love you here hey listen I think we're gonna take some time right now and just continue to worship God together wish you lift your hands right now we're gonna worship our good God for everything that he's done for us [Music]
Channel: Red Rocks Young Adults
Views: 5,098
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: charles metcalf, transformation church, church, red rocks, red rocks church, faith, hope, promise, god, jesus, christ, love, joy, peace, holy spirit, worship, bible, sermon, message, ministry, young adults, young adult, RRYA, red rocks young adults, thursday night, red rocks ya, family
Id: JhY7tBGhq8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 59sec (2459 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 08 2020
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