There's Good News | Good News | Sept. 12, 2021 | Drew Moore

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hey everyone welcome to week one of our series good news everybody needs good news all of us and not good news for a little bit or for some people but good news for everybody and for always this week we kick it off and set up the whole series so i want to encourage you lean in here we go [Music] i see so many headlines so many retweets so many links on my timeline there's so much news that i can't find time to read everything but i know these are trying times and it feels like every other day there's another major break another front page article that screams in my face things are not okay and listen this is church i know i'm supposed to pray i'm supposed to read these awful stories and i'm supposed to say god's got this under control and go about my day but i won't lie to you i can't anymore i read the news and i'm afraid there's violence between spouses there's not enough houses the stock market is up and then the stock market's down some there's political scandal another leader i looked up to their churches in shambles after the story broke on how they couldn't handle them sorry i'm sorry i'm starting to ramble see the news keeps changing we keep rearranging ways to say things aren't going well and then we put it on pages and wonder why we're scared and confused throughout the day see what i'm learning is we need something permanent we need something that won't change every time we're on the internet we need good news that's not dependent on policies or presidents we need news that's bigger than our personal circumstance we need a news that's true and that's honest and that's powerful and i need news that can look me in the face and promise me it's going to last we need good news forever for our future and our past and for real thank god the gospel is actually that see the good news of jesus is here and that's fact we have a headline to share we have a story to tell if we really receive it and believe it ourselves we have the news we should be ringing the bells we should be shouting from rooftops don't keep this to yourself we got to share this good news our world needs it for real and if you don't believe me please just ask yourself this what do you need to get through the week do you need a hope a light a piece do you need permanent news because trust can believe we have the headline god wrote it for us for you and for me and y'all it's good news in this news his news is exactly what our world needs [Applause] i don't know about you but i know that every single person that i meet every single person i encounter from my neighbor to my coffee shop to my co-workers and in my family needs good news everywhere we look there is another inflammatory headline of all the things that are broken and going the wrong direction and something behind all of that that every once in a while you'll see this little crop up of something good but it's so fleeting it's so temporary and it's only for a few what we actually need is the kind of news that is good for everyone and for always and so we're going to lean into this what we know for sure is everyone needs good news is there anyone in your life that doesn't need good news i mean every single person that we know needs this and so i'm just here with some good news here it is here's the first good news out of this whole series we're jumping into there's good news for everyone every single person there is good news that is not fleeting it is not temporary it is not shaky it will not change and it's the kind of news not only that will last and not only that invites everyone into all the implications of it but it's actually the kind of news through which we can see every other news that comes our way c.s lewis said it this way he said i believe in christianity as i believe that the sun has risen not only because i see it but because by it i see everything else this is what we are looking at we're going to dive into the very core of our faith of being followers of jesus at the heart of christianity at the heart of following jesus is the gospel the good news and so we're going to spend the next few months just going right at it and so listen if you're someone who is just kind of wondering about jesus you would not identify with him you don't really orient your life around him you don't call yourself christian and honestly you might be a little afraid to based on some things you've seen you are in the perfect place this is a place you can belong way before you believe and for the next several weeks we're gonna look right at the core of everything and so if after the next several weeks you're like i still don't know at least you'll have a picture of what is at the center of all that we point our lives toward what god has done on our behalf and what he invites us into you get the perfect picture along the way best to do this alongside someone so whether it's someone who is a follower of jesus or just a friend who would go on an exploration with you look well together however there are many of us who are followers of jesus like the gospel has turned our life right side up and has started to put us back together piece by piece by peace and so uh the beauty of taking time to look again and again and again in eight straight weeks at the gospel is that it just fills us with this deep sense of gratitude like followers of jesus can i just get a head knot or something here along the way that says god has made things so much better since you pointed your life his direction right this is the good news like we're finding our way into this and uh the beauty is for the next several weeks i don't know that some of this is gonna totally revolutionize whoa i never knew that but at the same time it allows us to return again to the core of who we are it's kind of like my wife and i we've been married over 20 years and every single time we go to a wedding we sit at this wedding we're like yeah that's what we're going after yeah just to kind of remembering what we set out to do together a life where each of us are kind of emerge as the very best people because we're doing this together that god would be honored our relationship we just get this beautiful picture that kind of lights a fire again i hope this does that for all of us who are followers of jesus but don't settle for that if you're a follower of jesus this is not just gonna be like attending a wedding it's gonna be as much like gearing up for a game too many times in the church we think that our gatherings are the game they're like the way we express our faith that is so not the way we see things around here our gatherings are like half time we come in we debrief we gear up we look again and we launch out into the place where our faith is actually lived which is moment by moment day by day tuesday afternoon thursday evening saturday morning every place that we go along the way in the front of every face that we see because we know that god has not only brought good news to us but he has it for everyone around us and so we think about these times as a gearing up and so as we go along every single week i'm going to hand you we're going to hand you headlines like good news just little snippets that you could carry everywhere you go and when they rise up in you just snap a picture or write it down put it as your phone background carry it through the week so that you can spread this positive gossip this good news that's actually lasting and permanent and for every single person that you'll meet don't miss the headlines carry them with you and pass it on like newsies all right so here we go um as you jump into the next uh several weeks we're gonna do this on two layers one is gonna be in the middle of the week we're gonna offer you a resource to look over and over and over at good news i'll say more about that in a bit but on the weekends we're gonna look at this out of a letter in the book uh in the bible a book called romans so if you have your bible or your phone i want to encourage you to go to romans chapter 1. now any of you who have ever encountered the bible or been around church if you have ever taken a journey through the book of romans it is a systematic unveiling of what god has done in jesus this guy named paul who like committed his life to getting the world rid of christians met jesus his life was turned right side up and over the course of the rest of his life he went from place to place declaring the good news was for everyone what had begun among one people group he actually took to all people groups and by the end of his life he writes this letter to followers of jesus in rome we call it romans and it is so precise it's like a legal defense an explanation of what god has done and we're gonna take piece by piece some chunks along the way over the next several weeks i've never ever met anyone who took an honest look at the book of romans and didn't have faith light up in them there is something really strong in what god has said in this part of the scripture and so i want to encourage you to lean in with us on the weekends but also uh in through the course of the week uh we're going to jump right in in romans chapter one verse one through seven we're gonna set the whole stage paul invites us into the big picture and that's what i'm gonna do today it says this in verse one this letter is from paul a slave of christ jesus chosen by god to be an apostle and sent out to preach guess what the good news god promised this good news long ago through the prophets and the holy scriptures what he would have been talking about was all of the what we call the old testament the history of the people of israel god for a long time said i'm going to make this right i'm going to make this right i'm going to make this right watch and see he made promise after promise this good news is about his son jesus in his earthly life he was born into king david's family line and he was shown to be the son of god when he was raised from the dead by the power of the holy spirit he is jesus christ our lord through christ god has given us the privilege and authority as apostles to tell gentiles everywhere what god has done for them so that they will believe and obey him bringing glory to his name and you are included among those gentiles who have been called to belong to jesus christ i'm writing to all of you in rome who are loved by god and are called to be his own holy people may god our father and lord jesus christ give you grace and peace this is just the opening letter it's like your text like what's up his version has a little more packed into it a little more dense and so we're going to break it out piece by piece he announces this good news and what you need to know right from the start paul makes it very very clear is that the good news is first and foremost and always about jesus don't get me wrong it we get caught up in this good news that is about jesus it has massive life-changing transformative implications for each one of us but the moment we try to make the good news about us we make it too small the good news is first and foremost about jesus you caught it in what he said god made promises listen actually he spoke creation into existence everything that is is only because he said it would be and it was created for good but along the way those who bore his image said listen we'll do things our own way and separated themselves from god and so what was created for good was damaged by evil and we live in that that's why the headlines are what they are at the backside of any turning away from god there's just brokenness and hardship we live in this world that is damaged by evil but god who loves so deeply said i'm not content with that and so he enters his creation to restore it for better long before that he made promises god's promises came true in god's son and who was raised by god's spirit in case you're keeping track that's all of god brought into brought to bear on the rescue that he had in mind and so this good news it says paul says this he we read it just a moment ago this good news is about his son in his earthly life he was born in king david's family line meaning for thousands of years god had been orchestrating this and he was shown to be god's son or by the son of god when he was raised from the dead by the power of the holy spirit listen all the things that jesus said if he didn't raise from the dead he should be chalked up as a crazy person because over the course of his life while a powerful teacher and while having done powerful things in his life he claimed over and over that he actually was god come to rescue us which is just crazy talk unless you can demonstrate that and what paul makes very clear is in the resurrection in jesus giving his life and raising from the dead he showed himself to be exactly who he claimed to be and if he can do that then we look back at everything he said and assume that it is not only true but it is possible and so this good news is all about him he is jesus christ our lord this good news is first and foremost and always always always about jesus don't lose that lens all right the good news is about jesus but it's also about relationship if we ever start to look at the good news or the gospel as anything that is not relational we have lost sight of what the gospel is if it's just transactional if it's just informational we have lost a complete picture of what god has actually invited us to and so uh here's your first headline good news everyone everyone everyone is loved by god he says this so deeply everyone is loved by god look around for a minute make awkward eye contact with at least three people right now listen every single person every face you see in every place you go even the one who mistreated you even the one who was offended by you even the one you don't understand the one who looks different the one who looks like someone who hurt you in the past every single person is loved deeply by god and everywhere i go no matter what kind of veneer people put on their lives there are people everywhere wondering if they are loved and for a lot of people everywhere they go the clear answer is no you're not and into that god shows up with the greatest of news and into that he calls all of us who know him to show up like him in the same way with the best of news i don't know about you i'm 42 years old which makes me a zenial that means i was i had like an analog childhood but a digital young adulthood i'm not a millennial or an excerpt i'm like right in the middle and so uh for those of you who are on the like the younger side of that i'm sorry let me try to explain something to you before we had cell phones we had pencil and paper if you haven't seen it check it out somewhere in a museum and so when you're in third grade and she's just across the the room and you're like i'm pretty sure i want her to be my girlfriend there's only one way to find out you write a note i like you do you like me check yes or no and then you fold it and you desperately pray like if you weren't like a follower of god before you are in this moment then it goes to the right person and then it comes back checking yes listen if roman says anything is that god gives every single one of us a wholehearted yes i don't know if your parents did that for you i don't know if your siblings did that for you or your coworkers have done that for you i don't know if the look on people's faces when you walk into different places does that for you and i would understand why those unprinted headlines across your experience in every single day might make you question and wonder if you are loved or even lovable make no mistake i have good news you are loved more than you could possibly fathom some of you have stayed distant from god because you wonder you're not sure if you showed up exactly how god would respond to that god has made it clear in jesus he shows up not with judgment and condemnation but with love and invitation that if you would point your life in his direction he would invite you into an ongoing relational everyday experience of his love paul goes on and says it boldly in verses 16 and 17 he says i'm not ashamed of this good news about christ because it is the power of god at work saving everyone who believes remember i already said god the father god the son god the spirit all of him employed and rescuing us back to him but it's not just to move us from one place to another it's not just a transaction it's not just information it's not just a right list of beliefs instead it's an invitation into the kind of relationship full of affirmation full of possibility full of strength along the way that what god does in rescuing us is he moves us from stuck stagnant wondering doubt into confident developing ongoing walk together remember i said the good news the good news is all about jesus but this is where we get involved it's also all about relationship not information not transaction relationship in fact as you go on you see this word saving now um god makes us right with him is what it says that this god this good news tells us how god makes us right in his sight we know what it is to encounter someone where a relationship is not right right we often run the other way throw some shade do something in that moment it's like hey let's all just be clear this is messed up but in the middle of the story that god is writing he is making us write with him this is a relational word this is not just a standing or informational word in fact saving is a deeply relational word now at the risk uh at the risk of being critical there's an experience that many followers of jesus have had that actually isn't it doesn't hold enough of what this word means you'll hear people have you been saved were you saved are you saved you got to get saved if you pray this prayer you'll be saved but that is not at all hold what the bible actually has to say it's not wrong from a moment to say god from this moment forward i want you to begin restoring and rescuing me absolutely that the moment we point our lives toward him and say jesus i'll trust you put me back together we are without a doubt in right relationship god makes us right because of what he did not of anything we do from that moment forward but what he does is he takes us from a distance from him into a relationship with him where piece by piece over time we are restored together the saving act is actually a relational invitation the moment we say yes to him it's like the wedding and a marriage begins you could never you could never hold all that a marriage is in one ceremony of a wedding could you that's crazy talk it's a it's a trend it's a step it's a moment of stepping into what saving actually means is put back together made whole made right restored for better we said a few weeks ago restored to what god always intended and that's something that happens over time what saving the act of saving that god does is he brings us into this relationship full of possibility full of capacity full of his presence of his power of his spirit so that moment by moment day by day tuesday thursday saturday friday every single moment along the way we are together with him at work you see the good news is about him and what he does and it's relational and so it lands in our life salvation is relationship restored i was listening this week to a guy named john mark comer he's a preacher and i've really appreciated a series that he's been doing he talked about this lots of people will say listen jesus came to seek and save the lost but what he means is seeking those who were distant in relationship and saving them back into the relationship they were created for it's a relational word which is so beautiful because it's in relationship that we find our deepest needs our identity our purpose meaning in life the capacity to endure the hardships and the bad news headlines of life it's in relationship we don't need a one-time choice we don't need a certain set of information we need relationship with the one who has capacity to carry he is the one through which we see all things like my buddy mike mike was the guy who was in the video just a little bit earlier i met mike when he was 16 years old and he cared about three things at that moment he carried about who he was dating how good he looked and whether they won the basketball game that's what mike cared about and we sat down a couple different times over b-dubs and the idea of jesus changing his life he he knew that seemed important but didn't really know how that worked and so we talked about it and over time really by the time he entered college he found his way into a real saving relationship with god where it wasn't just some distant information he thought he should know but it began to be an interacting relationship with god and god started to put him together but if you watch a video like you saw just a few minutes ago you'd be like dude that guy's got it together he sees things it's clear he's able to capture some things look at the confidence on that guy but at 16 years old and slowly emerging through his early 20s that wasn't the story in fact we've been doing this thing lately where we capture our story of transformation in 15 seconds or less every follower of jesus can do this pick two or three words to describe you before jesus and pick two or three that describe you after in response to those so i text mike and i said how would it go for you and he said this there was a time in my life when i was trying to prove myself and i had a thin veneer of swagger that looked good but it was just false confidence shielding buckets of self-doubt had no idea who i was but jesus jesus gave me a sense over the last 10 years jesus has given me a sense of self that fills him he says with confidence to love others and express himself well as himself and most importantly he doesn't have to try as hard as he used to because in jesus he has nothing to prove do you have a transformation story like that followers of jesus we have these kind of stories and they are good news this is the kind of relationship with jesus that over time the things that were written wrongly in us to begin with get rewritten rightly mike's found a way into his identity and his purpose he's a he's a he works with the lyft company the company lyft lift company sounds weird i'm going to nashville i'm going to see him i want to take an uber just to offend him um but he's found purpose and meaning as a father of two stepping into a marriage that honors god wrestling with the real questions of life not settling for memes or gifs or quotes or easy answers because that's not how a life with god actually works but instead stepping into a meaningful ongoing relationship that gives him power to endure even the hardest and nastiest and most negative headlines of life which he has to deal with a few even just a couple of years ago the worst headline showed up in his life younger brother loses his life you see his younger brother had fought a lot of different challenges over the course of his life mental physical psychological all kinds of things and eventually those overwhelmed him and he lost his brother what happens in that moment you don't need temporary trite good news you need the kind of saving relationship with one stronger who can carry you through you see the good news is relational and if you sat down over some tacos with mike what you would find out is that god step by step by his spirit by his people by his word carried him through something he never thought he could handle on his own this is what we're invited to the good news is above all about jesus but it is a relational invitation from jesus good news everyone is loved and good news everyone is called to belong this idea of this relationship not only does god love you but god invites you to belong paul said this and i think verse four five or six i can't remember everyone is called to belong everyone you are called to belong i don't know what order you got picked in for kickball on the playground i don't know which groups turned their back to you along the way and said you're out i don't know how many things have been arranged where everyone is excluded except for you but i want you to know in the good news of jesus you are called to belong you have a place you step in to a people right paul says this in verses six and seven it says you are included among those gentiles now you'll see this word a bunch gentile just means anyone who's not a jew everyone else basically is how this word is captured not the people who had the longest history with god the people of israel or the jews but gentiles everyone else you are included among those who have been called to belong to jesus christ called to be his own holy people those set apart those gathered in those identifying with him paul goes on this letter is so personal and relational he says when we get together he says i want to encourage you i want to encourage you in your faith but i also want to be encouraged by yours here's the beauty of a relationship relationships are mutual they are two-way streets they are back and forth it is not just a heavy handed god telling you what to do instead is him entering standing next to us walking by his spirit with us interacting responding back and forth this letter that you'll read this letter that paul wrote to a roman church in the first century is so relational because the gospel the good news is relational and so should our exploration of the gospel be i don't know if you caught the turn there in the a lot of us think that uh our faith or any kind of self-discovery is something we should do in isolation and that is nowhere in the good news of jesus that what he invites us into is a saving relationship with him in the context of his people and so if you're really going to explore what it is to follow jesus you cannot do that alone you simply can't if the gospel the good news is relational it is relational with god is also relational with others and we are the people who are called to belong and so especially for those who are followers of jesus i hope and pray that you'll have your head on a swivel not just to declare the headlines everybody's loved everyone's called to belong but to take action on that to call people into your world without judgment or or prejudice or anything else but to say listen come discover with me those of you who are finding your way toward jesus it doesn't matter whether you declare him as lord yet or not but if you're going to find your way toward him if you ever hope to find what life with god might be look like if you ever wonder what kind of transformation like mike has experienced could take place in your life you must do that in the context of people and so listen we're always inviting people to rally people around one another it's good to be together like this it's another thing to be with three four five other people looking together at what god has said and bringing that right into our own world even as i talk on days like this you have all kinds of thoughts that run off in different directions you have yeah buts and you have what about this and oh yeah that's so true there's all kinds of those reactions you have when you sit down with just a few people and let god direct the conversation from the scripture something even more powerful happens and so we want to equip you to rally some people and have some epic conversations about who god is and what that means in your life and so we've put together a a journey to go alongside these weekends it's eight different stories directly from the life of jesus and his first followers from which you can discover what it really looks like to follow and so let me show you here's what here's how you get to them you just go to our website all right you could do that right now but i want you to see what you're going to find because you need to find this soon like this week or next week my group of guys is going to start wednesday of next week we're a little bit late tdy all the kinds of things but we'll figure it out along the way when you go to rally your people it could just be you and a friend you and a sibling you and a roommate you and a co-worker could be three or four of you could be the people that you have coffee with could be at your work after work don't steal from your work by taking time but could be any group of people could be people that you see at your coffee shop all the time here's what you do you just click at the top there's a banner at the top and it'll take you to good news when you get there what you're gonna find is everything that you need to step into this you could do it alone but it's best done with people first off you're gonna find a series of videos that show you these are like five minutes or less that show you how to discover right from the bible if you've never read the bible this will help how to discover from the bible what god is saying then you can jump in to the study guide which each week there's one story of the life of jesus or his first followers inside this study guide you're just going to find everything you need a simple set of questions and some stories from the scripture that you can find so like in week one it's luke 15 11-31 you're going to connect with one another you're going to discover right from the bible what god is saying and then you're going to find ways to put it into practice and share it with others writing your own headlines if you don't know really how to rally people around or you're finding a better way to do that or you miss the training you can always click just below that and rally your people a short video is going to walk you through what we've done and then better yet we could connect you with someone who has been through it and talk through it as well beyond that if there's anything that we can help with you'll find a way to contact our team but listen don't go through this season alone rally one two three four five people sit down with your family once a week spend an hour or so looking at what god has said and then putting it into practice because listen the gospel is relational and if we're called to belong let's act like we do now because it's a relationship you have a role in this right if the gospel is first and foremost about jesus the good news about jesus and the good news is relational then of course it's going to be back and forth and so what is our response as we're encountering jesus here's the good news everyone is called to believing obedience the good news is transformational for every single one of us that the story that was written in mike's life is the story that a similar story can be written in ours that god transforms us but that requires our participation so everyone is called to believing obedience which is both now i can see on your face is how excited you are about obedience right everybody loves obedience you should come to my house i got four kids from uh nine years old to 14 year old and they just love it when they have a chance to obey right we love this not at all listen believing obedience is different when you trust that someone has good in mind for you when you hear that god loves us and he's called us to belong when you see his strength and his power and how he acted long before we knew we needed on our behalf then obedience is simply our invited response to him when we see how much he loves us that he's invited us to belong why wouldn't we respond by saying what's next if you started there if that's your starting place jesus all of that effort all of that teaching all of that love all of that rescue if that's where you started you just tell me what's next let's do that this is what makes us followers of jesus this is what makes us christians not some subscription to a set of beliefs not some subscription to a set of practices but a relationship with the one who piece by piece puts us back together and we just keep trying to say yes right this is what uh paul says early on he says listen this is the good news about jesus it's the power of god at work saving everyone who believes now listen we said believing obedience we'll get to that in a minute belief is not agreement belief is not awareness belief in every way you find it through the story of god is acting on the trust we have that we believe people have good in mind for us that god has good in mind for us this good news tells us how god makes us right in his sight and it's accomplished from start to finish by faith this faith and belief word are almost identical and they both carry both of these things a believing obedience a trusted response a listening to jesus and doing what he says if you really want to find out what the good news of jesus is if you really want to find the good he has in mind for you not only do you need to do that in the context of people but you will have to take action what relationship was ever thriving and based only on information you see someone oh super interesting we could be great friends or maybe we even date one day and so you go on the internet and you stalk them for days you find out everything about them but you never have a conversation you never orient your priorities you never take a different kind of time you never respond to what they want you don't have a relationship at that moment you are a stalker we don't want to stalk jesus we want to walk with him that requires obedience and so listen every relationship that has ever emerged in your life came by responding in action trusting and finding out if they were who they said or presented themselves to be right we'll have to do the same with jesus this is why we say believing obedience look at what he said respond by obeying if you dive into this study every single week what you're going to find is a challenge toward costly obedience what kind of risk might you take to find out if jesus is for real every single week is the only way if you stay at a distance and just gather information you will not have a relationship you will not experience transformation and the news will not be that good the good news is found in the context of relationship on the other side of believing obedience listening and doing hearing and acting over and over this is what we do and what we find in jesus is that he actually shows us how to navigate challenges of life that it's not some subscription of belief or of practice but we find ourselves in a relationship with one who is full of wisdom full of strength full of love full of compassion full of forgiveness so that even if we get it wrong in any given day we don't have to fear being kicked out or excluded because we're called to belong we're loved deeply all the way along the way that he piece by piece helps us know how to face all the challenging news every decision that we're not sure what to do with every hardship that we endure every loss that comes our way every fear that emerges as we look across the other headlines he meets us relationally in all of those and invites us to trusting response in him we call it believing obedience he helps us walk through this by his spirit alive in us we'll say more as the weeks go on but paul says it this way through christ god has given us the privilege and the authority as apostles to tell the gentiles which uh listen all of you who are believers he has given you the same authority the same commission to be ambassadors in his name to declare good news everywhere that what god has done for them it always begins with what god has done not how we respond but we're invited to respond and our response is so that we will believe and obey believe and obey not some unwitting ignorant obedience to something we don't understand but to believe to look at his character to see who he is to respond and obey not just belief not just obedience both which brings us to the end which is where we started the gospel is about transformation your your life will be turned right side up mike and i were texting yesterday about just reflecting over the last 10 years of this walk with god and even through text tears were clear over the deep gratitude and the change that god has brought in us the gospel is about transformation because over the last 10 years this relational walking with god and walking with god together has brought about and stirred up that kind of change the gospel is about transformation the good news is about relationship with the gospel and the good news earth first and foremost about who not us about jesus did you catch it bringing glory to his name he is the one who is worthy of all attention he is the one who is worthy of all glory he is the one who receives all credit mike and i do not look at each other or the transformation and say oh you're the one you're the one no no jesus is the one jesus is the one it's all about him so that he might be known so that people might see there is one who would walk with them who is worthy of all of these things and so we end where we started the good news begins and ends with jesus the good news of jesus is for everyone it's for always and it's all about relationship with him and his people so i want to encourage you lean all the way in follow along every single week jump into the group's content just grab a friend a roommate a family member a co-worker and discover directly from jesus what it looks like to follow him and be changed from the inside out he has good news for all of us if you need resources if you need content if we can support you in any way head to and you'll find everything that you need make sure you subscribe and share this with someone who you think it will help we'll see you soon
Channel: Canyon Ridge Christian Church
Views: 392
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Christianity (religion), God, Jesus, Grace, Praise, Gospel, Ministry, Christian, Church, Canyon Ridge, God First, Lord, Holy, Ministries, Fellowship, Ridge Live, Church Online, Drew Moore, Kristi Templeton, Canyon Ridge Christian Church, Las Vegas Church, Las Vegas
Id: jBl3xfCpPq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 32sec (2432 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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