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good morning god bless you all i want to come on for a moment and give you a few updates on some meetings we have and i want to give you an encourage this morning so uh holly you're joining me say hello and where you're joining from also share this broadcast if you would because i wanted this message to get out help me spread the word because we have some powerful upcoming meetings next week it's going to be september 23rd 24th and 25th at reborn nation in the savannah area it's just outside of savannah but katie souza and dr francis miles are going to be with me and this is going to be a time and event that you don't want to miss so it's going to be power packed you don't want to miss it uh matter of fact uh i've been reading uh some of dr francis's books uh last night we had uh dinner together it was a powerful time and so if you're anywhere around the area savannah area or if you're far away get a plane ticket get in your car there's no regis there's registration but there's no charge for the conference it's a free conference of course we ask for people to sow into the meetings and to the ministry work because when we bring powerful ministers of the gospel together i'm telling you god is going to do something very special so while i see we have a few people joining us from different places around the world florida jamaica india uh indiana georgia so uh share this broadcast share this message out because i want to reach as many people as i can get the word out about the meetings that would come up it's called fire and glory 2021 fire and glory 2021 so again it's going to be myself katie souza and dr francis miles actually i want to show you their book dr miles and katie have written this book together called idols riot and so this is a powerful book on destroying idols and evil altars in your life so this is some of i'm sure what they'll be touching on while they're with us but i was reading through this last night it's powerful but um hallelujah um there's many coming on right now and as you come on i want to encourage you and um bless you this morning just with a word from the lord amen i mean you know the word of the lord says man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of god so truly every day when you wake up god has a word to speak to you amen god has a word to that that's proceeding forth a word that's coming forth out of his mouth to re to bless your life to prepare you to encourage you that you would be encouraged you'd be full of hope you'd be full of uh joy amen and so i want to encourage you during a time where there's so much uh uncertainty people really don't know what's going to happen next many times you never know what is going to take place it seems like but i want to tell you uh the lord truly uh is preparing his people uh for something so powerful something so great that it's it's gonna completely blow people's minds what god is about to do so i want to encourage you with that that don't be discouraged don't be disheartened but stay steadfast before the lord stand firm you know having put on the full armor of god and and continue to stand amen stand stand stand because god truly wants to use you in the last days to to proclaim the word of the lord to prophesy amen and so i want to look with you quickly at the scripture from uh the book of haggai the prophet haggai says this and i'm going to be kind of brief this morning i'm not going to go really in depth with this but in haggai chapter 2 it says in the seventh month on the 21st day of the month okay and really on god's calendar we're in the seventh month right now on the 21st day of the month in the second year of the darius king of persia says the word of the lord came to the prophet haggai amen it said speak now to zerubbabel son of shiotau governor of judah and joshua son of jehozadak the high priest and to the remainer of the people now this is very powerful because god specifically tells the prophet he says i want you to address the king i want you to address the priest and i want you to thirdly address all the people those three people groups so he was the god instructed the prophet he said i want you to address those in authority the king of persia king darius and i want you to address the p uh the priest okay so that would be like the church today and so you're addressing government you're addressing the church and you're you're addressing all the people and so he says this uh came the word of the lord by the prophet haggai tells them to speak to a verse three says who was left among you who saw this house in its former glory okay that's the key the former glory he said you remember what you saw the former glory and that's what many of us remember we remember the former glory of america amen and now we're seeing things begin we've been seeing things crumble be destroyed in destruction all around us it seems like because of bad governance people that do not have do not uh they're not capable of governing righteously amen and so that's what happens when you have a bad government like the book of proverbs says the people mourn when the wicked rule okay and so there's a morning uh in the land because the wicked are in play in a place in a position of authority illegitimately well the lord um he says you know we remember the former glory of america we remember the former glory that has rested upon this land and so what god is working to do is to restore not just restore but bring a glory that's so much greater so look what he says and he says how do you see it now is not this your sigh in your sight as nothing in comparison to that in other words the lord said i'm going to release a glory that is it can't even be compared to that it won't even you won't even be able to compare it to what you knew formerly so it says yet now be strong alert and courageous see god told them three things he said i want you to be strong i want you to be alert don't be asleep but be alert and i want you to be courageous i want to tell you right now we need the church right now the body of christ god's people to be strong to be strong in the lord and the power of his might we need to be alert in the spirit and god is looking for courageous people amen what does it mean to be courageous i'm gonna tell you what that means to be courageous what is the word courage courage is not the absence of fear but courage is what rises up in us that confronts fear head-on and overcomes it by the spirit of god amen and so it says o zerubbabel uh says the lord be strong alert and courageous o son of jehozadak the high priest so he had to address the church amen he had to address the church he said i need the church to be strong i need the church to be alert and i need the church to be courageous in this hour so he he said he's speaking to joshua the high priest he said and be strong alert and courageous he says the same thing twice all you people of the land says the lord he said you need to be strong alert and courageous everybody in the land needs to be this okay god wants to to release strength he wants to bring awakening he wants to release courage that could that directly confronts fear in the face of fear in the face of challenge in the face of adversity the question is how will you respond will you be strong will you be alert and will you have courage in this hour he said god this is what god told them he said i need you to be these three things he says are the people of the land says the lord and then he says and work and work do the work of the ministry he says for i am with you says the lord of hosts amen the lord of hosts is with you and so it's powerful because he says and work because all the people in office are are telling you not to work they're discouraging you not to work they're paying you to sit at home but the lord said no i need you to be strong alert courageous and work hallelujah you know the hebrew word for work the root word is actually the same word the same root word for worship so your work is your worship to god everything that you do is worship to god your work the work of your hands your entire life is an offering before him your entire life is a fragrant sacrifice unto the lord and so the lord says and work because this is your worship to me he says i'm with you says the lord so he continues on the prophet continues on prophesying and let me tell you that we we need bold courageous prophets that are going to confron government leaders that are going to confront the church leaders and they're going to speak to all the people of the land okay this is what prepared the glory and so god is raising up prophets he's bringing forth the prophets that are going to speak to all three they're going to speak to the government leaders they're going to speak to people in high places of authority they're going to speak to the religious leaders the church leaders and they're going to speak and address all the people notice the prophet haggai addressed all three and so he says i want you to receive instruction from the lord so that you would know what to do but listen in verse five he says according to the promise that i have covenanted with you when you came out of egypt so my spirit stands and abides in the midst of you he said my spirit is standing in your midst the spirit of the lord is standing in your very midst i want to tell you something god has made a covenant promise with you and he's made a covenant promise with america hallelujah he's made a covenant promise he says according to the covenant promise see whenever you're facing challenge and adversity you always need to remember the covenant promise that god has made with you and then you need to begin to recite that and begin to release that and begin to declare that and begin to remind the lord of his covenant promise that he's made with you begin to prophesy and declare the covenant promise of the lord that he's made with you and with your nation hallelujah so god had to remind them through the prophet he said according remember the promise that i covenanted with you when you came out of egypt when i delivered you and brought you out but then he reminds them of this my spirit stands and abides in your midst and this is the promise the part of the covenant that he has made with us that his spirit literally stands with us in the midst of adversity in the midst of challenge in the midst of everything that's going on in your life in the midst of sickness in the midst of plagues the lord says my spirit stands and abides in the midst of you fear not and so we we dispel fear we rebuke fear uh we we pronounce that fear is no longer relevant it's no longer it's a thing of the past in your life it's no longer controlling you in any way because the glory of the lord is coming in and being released so he says for thus says the lord of hosts yet once more in a little while i will shake and make tremble the heavens the earth the sea and the dry land he said everything will be shaken around you the heavens are shaking and trembling why because of the glory that's manifesting so the heavens are shaking literally the heavens are shaking they're roaring the earth is being shaken the sea is being shaken and the dry land the land is being shaken okay so in this shaking you're seeing god shake and sift the nations god says in verse 7 through the prophet i will shake all the nations all the nations are being shaken every nation including the united states they're being shaken but hallelujah we have a righteous foundation all he said i will shake all the nations and the desire and the precious things of all the nations shall come in and i will fill this house with glory says the lord of hosts hallelujah so there's an a glory that god is releasing in his endtime plan it's not going to be like the former glory of the past 20 years or 100 years or 200 years but this is an end time manifestation of the glory of the lord that we have yet to see or experience it's going to be so powerful and it's already started it's already coming in now i want to tell you that antichrist spirits are challenging us on every front why because of the glory of god that is coming into the earth see this is god's end time plan the only way to overcome the antichrist spirit that's so strong in the earth is the glory of the lord okay the the anointing will confront in challenge but then we need the glory to overcome and wash out the enemy amen it's like when the waters came rushing back in and crashing in on the egyptians it's like they when the red sea closed on them that that's like when the glory closes in the glory comes in and overtakes and swallows you your enemies so uh isaiah 57 19 though the enemy comes in like a flood the spirit of the lord lifts up a standard against him so this is the thing that he says though the enemy comes in see in many translations in english translations they put the comma in the wrong place in hebrew the comma is after though the enemy comes in comma i will lift up a standard against him i will fl i will release a flood of my standard against him amen and wash them out so literally god comes with his glory and overtakes his enemies and washes them out there's nothing that can stand against the lord of glory who is this king strong and mighty who is this king this king of glory hallelujah so he says once more i will shake the nations they will tremble the heavens will tremble the earth the sea and all the dry land everything will be shaken so there there's a flood of the glory that is going to shake everything and i want to tell you it's already begun throughout the nations of the earth amen because you're seeing uh the lord told me he said don't just see the darkness because the mouth of the prof the false prophets are so is so loud through the media and through different outlets don't just see the negative don't just see the antichrist manifestations but remember to focus on me says the lord and focus on my glory in this time in this hour for this will be your refuge and will i not be your strong tower says the lord that the righteous run into and are safe for glory of the lord shall be your refuge in your hiding place hallelujah so this is very powerful the lord says the silver is mine and the gold is mine says the lord of hosts the latter glory of this house you hear this the latter glory of this house shall be greater than the former glory did you hear that the latter glory of this house okay shall be greater than the former glory says the lord of hosts and in this place i will give peace and prosperity says the lord of hosts see when the glory comes in this is how you know when the glory is present when the glory comes upon your life it will always release peace and prosperity upon your life so the glory is what causes you to be a complete shalom that word there for peace is shalom that means completeness the glory is when it comes into your life is what completes you because it's god himself manifesting in your life so he says i i'm the one who completes everything in your life when i come and manifest my glory in your midst when i release my presence over your life and your spirit soul your body upon your life i make you complete i make you whole you're at perfect peace it's a tranquility it's a stillness in his presence it's where it's it's like when god says be still and know that i'm god so there's a peace that it's it's a it's more than peace it's a wholeness it's complete and the lord continues he said peace and prosperity and that means the lord causes you to prosper in every way everything you put your hands to will prosper i think we forget that everywhere the lord says everywhere your foot steps because my glory is upon your life you're you're going to claim that place for me you're going to claim it for my glory and so the glory causes uh the glory upon our lives takes territory as we carry his glory throughout the earth we take territory with every step that we take we're taking territory because his presence is is flowing with us his presence is upon us so he causes us to prosper not just in finances but in every area in your health in your body in your spirit in your soul every area he will cause you to prosper when his glory manifests upon your life every area and this is that latter glory that's going to overflow and come upon his people so this is so powerful and i want to remind you we're in a supernatural time right now we're in a supernatural season but we because we just crossed over into 5782 we just crossed over into a new uh year on the new jewish new year it's a new time it's a new season we're in the 10 days of repentance and then we're coming in uh to to some of the hot the fall feast of the lord which was kicked off with the blasting of the shofar which is the sounding of the alarm and then the lord is going to usher us in he's going to bring us into the day of atonement which uh is the holiest day on god's calendar because that's when the priests would come in and offer sacrifice on behalf of all the people and uh he would enter into the holy of holies just that one day a year bringing a sacrifice to offer on the altar for the sins of all the people and so that was the day that you're said that the people's sins would be atoned for that they that the the atoning is that their sins would be covered over by the blood hallelujah and then we come into the glory the glory feast which is the feast of tabernacles this is where god says i will come and tabernacle myself among you amen so it's a manifestation of the glory of the lord these are appointed times and seasons that god has said by his own authority and so they're not the feast of israel the scripture says they're the feast of god they're the feast of the lord so they're not exclusively for israel they're god's feast and so when you when you enter in to this glory movement the purpose of entering into god's times and seasons is to enter into god's cycle and economy of uh of blessing god has an economy of blessing and when you begin to recognize and enter into his times and seasons that he's appointed you enter into the cycle of blessing it's like a farmer understands a cycle of blessing because he understands seed time and harvest so i want to um i want to remind you of that uh that the lord is he he's working to bring you in to the cycle of blessing and how do you enter into that just by acknowledging his glory just begin to acknowledge his glory in your life begin to seek him call upon him while he's near seek him while he might be found and call upon him while he's near begin to seek the lord seek first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you so i want to tell you this is a time of tremendous glory and i believe that god is fighting uh he's fighting with us you know this past sunday i did a teaching on uh a fresh teaching on warfare because see uh over the years the the the seeker friendly church has um hasn't trained an army and so now we have a uh a lot of people in the church that they don't know how to they don't know how to go to war and so what do we see when when the devil comes in and challenges us god's people just sit back and we don't do anything we don't know how to war anymore and so the lord is going to retrain his people he's going to train his army that's what he's wanting to do is to to train his army you know it's prophesied in the book of job concerning joel's army god's end-time army that he would raise up and that's the army that god is working to train up so that we would be able to respond not just respond but but to have a strategy and know what to do many things can be averted and stopped before they ever even are manifested so uh we need to be well trained why because the things that we're facing in these last days uh aren't like what we've seen over the last 20 30 years amen so we have to be god needs to upgrade us god's gonna upgrade us in our training hallelujah you know it's kind of like going back to school we need to be upgraded in our in our training okay it's like people in the military they they go to different trainings they have to learn new things so they can be well equipped and prepared for battle hallelujah so i want to remind you of that uh just to understand this war understand this warfare that we're in amen because god wants to to equip you supernaturally that you would be able to fight off every scheme plot and strategy of satan okay hallelujah yep the word of the lord is a powerful sword in your hand so i just want to remind you of these things that you are well equipped god has provided everything that you need to be well equipped to do warfare amen so every day put on the full armor of god and i want to tell you this that there is nothing that is greater than the blood of jesus so i'm going to close with prayer now and i appreciate you guys joining me and matt i want to remind you next week is our fire and glory conference for 2021. you don't want to miss that it's going to be powerful time with katie souza dr francis miles i'm telling you you don't want to miss it's going to be power it's going to be so much revelation am i myself i'm going to prophesy too i want to minister to minister to some people and so if you're anywhere around the savannah area savannah georgia area man don't miss these meetings it's going to be powerful three days of fire and glory september 23rd 24th and 25th you can go to my facebook page you can check it out uh get the details go and register it's gonna be awesome also next week uh my show will be airing on sid roth it's supernatural the show that i did with sid roth is gonna be airing next week september 20th and i'm telling i'll put together some awesome powerful teachings that are really like a school for the prophetic so it's gonna be uh i did four part cd teaching that that i'm telling you get it it is um called how to hear the voice of god and flow in the prophetic you you want to get these teachings i talk about the different levels of prophecy i talk about the five dimensions of the prophetic and i really break it down it's going to bring you into a deeper understanding of the prophetic and how to prophesy it's going to equip you so that you can prophesy amen so uh that interview with sid roth will be on every major television network you can get on youtube uh facebook instagram every major television network uh day star tv and all of those so you don't want to miss that it's going to be powerful it's going to be airing next week the entire week september 20th and that's also the week of the feast of tabernacles so i'm really excited i believe god lined it up for me that he would release that interview that show on the feast of tabernacles hallelujah isn't god faithful so people are asking how to get those teachings those teachings will be available you can get those through sid roth it's supernatural they're going to be available next week and i'm telling you there's a special bonus cd that i did that's also going to be added on those teachings called god's war chest i want you to hear that it's called god's war chest i did a special bonus cd uh for sid for his audience called god's war chest it's a powerful revelation the lord gave me that you want to get because it's for this season right now god's going to release his war chest to his people amen so i want to pray for you now hallelujah just right where you are in your home just lift your hands to the lord open your hands up to him father i just thank you for the viewers right now for those that are watching and lord i prophesy a supernatural encounter a fresh encounter with your glory right now be released upon the people that are watching father release that over their lives right now release your presence there's a tangible presence in glory beginning to flow through the broadcast and i just see it beginning to rest down upon those that are watching i declare and i prophesy fresh encounters this is a season of fresh encounters for your life a season of fresh encounters and uh i see the lord touching many people's eyes right now he's touching your eyes he's gonna cause you to see in the spirit realm with greater clarity and vision like never before but i prophesy this is a new season of encounter for you receive it receive that encounter with the holy spirit in jesus name hallelujah god bless you we love you shalom shalom we bless you in the name of jesus and i pray that you have a wonderful day today in jesus name god bless you all you
Channel: Myles Kilby
Views: 2,511
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: untrGMFcrQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 19sec (2059 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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