Kingdom Pace - Week 7 | Sept. 5, 2021 | Drew Moore | Message

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hey everyone welcome to our final week of the kingdom pace series we're all living at a pace and there's something driving each one of us around here we always want that to be jesus and this week we find out how we do that best together glad you're jumping in [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh listen we've been doing this series kingdom pace and we're continuing we're actually gonna wrap it up today and i'm excited for this i'm gonna ask you to have a phone or something to write on out with you you can take notes on your phone you're not going to capture a lot and i'm not actually going to ask you to write down a lot of what i'm going to say but i just want to invite you over and over to listen for what god might be saying to you today what we're going to do is we're going to try to take all that we've been doing for the last five or six weeks and bring it really practically right into our day to day lives more you are a hero give it up for maury everybody you know sometimes you start talking and you realize you're holding something you have nowhere to put it for the next 30 minutes and then maury shows up so good uh listen we we uh we just want to take what god is saying and walk it right into our daily lives we're going to do that in a couple of different ways today now for any of you who may be jumping back into church or into this place for the first time in a while you're like listen i haven't been here for five to six weeks no problem that's not a big deal at all here is all we've been saying in a nutshell everybody lives at some kind of pace and something is driving that pace whether it's fast or slow whether it's fear or accomplishment acquiring or attaining there's always something driving our pace what we want more than anything around here is for jesus to be the one setting the pace of our lives what those of us who call ourselves christian especially here at canyon ridge we've just discovered that when we live jesus way things go better and the good that he has in mind for us not judgment condemnation and all the things that lots of people expect from god the good he has in mind for us that he invites us into we experience it best when we live at a pace that jesus sets rather than all those other things so we just want to join jesus so uh listen jesus actually said it this way one time he said you can't serve two masters all of us are being driven by something and you could call that our what's mastering us our fear our desire for achievement or attainment or anything else what we want more than anything is for jesus to be the one who sets the pace and so we're looking constantly at what that looks like we've been doing that from matthew chapter five but shortly after that jesus actually says something really really important about how we set the pace of our lives he says it this way in matthew chapter six he says don't worry about these things now how many of you know lots of things worth worrying about in life right now tons of things everybody's worried about lots of things you read the news everything's fear and it clicks to one more thing that says listen you should be concerned you should be concerned there's all kinds of stuff happening but he says no don't worry about lots of things he says don't worry about what you're going to eat what you drink what we'll wear now that seems really simple but for a lot of us that's just the truth will we have enough will we be okay will we be safe will we be able to retire will we be comfortable all these kind of things that drive us and become our master but jesus says no you can't serve to he says these things actually dominate the thoughts of unbelievers but your heavenly father already knows what you need this is what makes us followers of jesus that's what makes us christian that we acknowledge god's got us and so we don't have to live the same way everybody else's we don't have to live at that same crazy scurrying pace and try to look good doing it instead we can do what jesus says where he says listen seek the kingdom of god above everything else and live rightly and he will give you everything that you need so this is what we're running after how do we live at a kingdom pace we're going to do this in a couple ways today one is this jesus says really clearly seek my way above all else seek my way he says above everything else don't let anything else cut in and take your pace in a different direction don't let anything else set the pace in a different way one time my wife and i uh i don't know how i talked her into this but on our anniversary trip we decided to go out to catalina island and hike the trans-catalina trail which is like this 35 mile trail up and down all over the island from one end to the other and you stay at a different beach every night so she heard beach and i think that's all she heard and so she was stoked the problem is is we were supposed to take a number of days to do it but my mom who's coming out to watch the kids flight got canceled and so we left a day late we're like okay no worries we'll catch the ferry out to the island the next day we'll just start in the afternoon and we didn't hit the trail until about 3 p.m for a 13-mile hike to the first campsite in the mountains and i am just feeling the pace i'm like we got to get there i don't even know what this is going to look like so i'm just like running up the side of this mountain and she is like i didn't realize how frustrated she was about three and a half miles in we had a chat you know what i'm saying a friend of mine kevin calls it intense fellowship or it became clear that this pace is not sustainable you see i i'd re-prioritize the wrong thing getting somewhere and going at an unsustainable pace was not really going to work when really what we had gone out there to do was to celebrate and enjoy our relationship and that is not what was happening in our little chat we needed to reorient just a little bit and set out at a different pace remembering what the primary goal is and really that's what we've been doing in this series is it's easy to let other fears worries concerns or change in circumstance take us to a totally different place but jesus says listen life with me is about doing what is right in light of what jesus made us to do that we seek the kingdom we seek the place where god gets god's way we seek the kingdom and we live righteously not not self-righteously not holier than now what it means is god has invited us to live his way he spoke us into existence he has an idea for how this works and it works right and that's what we're christians are finding the more we live the way jesus invites us the better things go that's what righteousness really is about and he says listen seek the kingdom live in a way where i set the pace where he is king in a kingdom a king reigns and we want god's reign jesus reign in our lives as much as possible now i want to acknowledge even as we wrap up this series that there might be people here who are like i don't really know i don't really think i want jesus i don't know enough about him to really trust him or let him set the pace no worries you are in the right place you can belong way before you believe and actually starting next week we're jumping into a series that asks this essential question over and over for eight weeks who is jesus and why does he get to be king we're doing this series called good news because jesus is the very best kind of king for all the other kind of kings that set the wrong pace that make us go way too fast or way too slow or way too fearful or way too worried jesus isn't like that at all he's the very best kind of king and so if that's you and you're not really sure you want to live at a kingdom pace or anybody gets to be king in your life other than you the next eight weeks perfect jesus is the very best kind of king well we're gonna lean in so i encourage you jump in with us over that season but for a lot of us we want to live at a kingdom pace we've pointed our lives in the direction of jesus and so we want to seek the kingdom above all else but here's this one way that i got to just highlight really quickly before we jump into real practical steps that we don't want to seek this alone we've been looking at this for six or seven weeks and my fear is that sometimes we take what god has said and makes it very personal to just us and that's true jesus does work in each of us his holy spirit moves in each of us but he always intends for that to be expressed developed and lived out together in community so we don't just seek the kingdom above all else we seek the kingdom together too many times we make it individual when actually the whole context that god has always invited us to is together think about this for just a minute the core of what we've been looking at is in matthew chapter 5 verses 1 through 12. in fact it's going to show up on the screen i want to encourage you grab your bible we're going to go there in just a second matthew chapter 5 1 through 12 of your bible or if you don't have a bible no problem just download this app right quick and we'll read it together in a minute but even in all that we've been basing our teaching off of for every week really it was to a group of people when jesus says blessing to these kind of people blessing do you have good in mind for you everything that we've been talking about it was not to individuals it was to a group of people and then when he sent them out in pairs to share the good news and say listen let jesus leave your life he sent them out not alone he sent them out in pairs when he commissioned them at the end of their life and said go make disciples he did not say do that alone he said go together said it to a group of people after jesus ascended after he had conquered death and invited us to god he says i have the holy spirit for every single one of you just wait until he arrives these people waited together they prayed together they celebrated together they gathered together they ate together and then when the holy spirit arrived the holy spirit arrives while they are together they prayed and waited as a group and even when they stood up to declare the gospel they did this together peter was the one speaking but he was surrounded by his crew he had rallied his people together and they stood and they proclaimed good news when they got arrested they got arrested together when they got out of prison they got out of prison together and they went to people and prayed together are you picking up on the theme yet have i beat that horse long enough so as we keep going i want to invite everyone to hold intention these two things god is going to have something unique for each and every one of us and he intends for us to seek after him and it together ideally beginning in our family whenever that's possible rallying three or four people that we follow jesus closely together whether family friends neighbors co-workers whoever it is people committed to running together and then of course across our whole church that we want to be people who seek together now i want to remind you what jesus is saying here in matthew chapter 5. so if you have your bibles we're going to land there right now matthew chapter five we're actually going to start in verse three but what this is is the beginning of what we often refer to as the sermon on the mount if you can picture this it's um in the north of israel there's a sea called galilee there's these huge slopes that come off the side jesus ends up on one of those he's surrounded by lots and lots of people the crowds are asking for lots of things and so he says listen all of you who want to hear what i have to say come up the hill with me and so he heads up and all of those who want to live jesus way he kind of gives them what could be called a manifesto like a like an extended statement of belief and an invitation or a description he says listen if you want to follow me if i'm going to be the leader this is what things should look like this is what a kingdom of god could look like and so from matthew chapter five six and seven we get this whole thing but it begins with these beatitudes that we've been reading and i just wanna remind us how they go follow along in yours if you have it matthew chapter five verse three jesus doesn't begin with judgment condemnation or correction he begins with blessing god blesses those who are poor in spirit and realize their need for him for the kingdom of heaven is theirs god blesses those who mourn for they'll be comforted god blesses those who are humble for they will inherit the earth god blesses those who are hungry and thirsty for righteousness for they will be filled god blesses those who are merciful for they will be shown mercy god blesses those whose hearts are pure for they will see god god blesses those who work for peace for they will be called children of god and god blesses those who are persecuted for doing right for the kingdom of heaven is theirs right from the beginning in this manifesto jesus says listen i have a kingdom you are invited but the kind of people who will find the blessing i have in mind are not who you might think it's not the powerful who are pretty and have it all together it's not those who just breeze over or deny all the brokenness around them it's not those who think they have it all figured out but are hungry to figure it out over and over he flips things right side up to the world it must have felt upside down i was thinking about this we've been talking about these things we've been teaching each one of these through the last five or six weeks and i was thinking how do we respond to that not how do we just know more about it or be aware of it but how do we actually respond and so i was thinking i was imagining being on this hillside with jesus and these people are like wow that's so different that's upside down but the moment they would have realized they want to point their lives in god's direction what would that look like what if we flipped these on their head and said no we will be that kind of people jesus has blessing in mind but what if we said yeah let's do that i'll be those kind of people what would that sound like and so i wrote kind of my own version of this manifesto as a response to him instead of him to us it sounds like this this is the kind of people that i want to be and i hope that we in response to what jesus has said want to be do we want to join a long line of imperfect but spiritually comforted people who are able to face our own flaws which when they're met with god's love only make us more hungry for him to make things right first in us and then around us and so we show up for others with mercy and compassion just like we've received hearts and eyes fixed on god an expectation a confident expectation that together we can actually be bringers of peace even in the face of adversity and so we anticipate we count on we're expecting hoping for both now and forever the good that god promises for those who live this way most of all his presence among us and so here's what we do we adjust our pace of life we adjust our pace to his paul would say it this way we keep in step with the spirit we adjust our pace of life to make space for this to be our way and to hand this way to others and in this way we seek god's kingdom first this is the sort of people i believe jesus is inviting us to be this is a way we could respond to him and say yeah let's do that and so here's what we're going to do for about the next 10 or 15 minutes i'm going to go line by line through that you'll see how it lines up perfectly with what jesus said and i'm just going to ask some questions and my hope is that every single one of us that as we're listening one of these or a couple of these will rise to the top for you and god would invite you to a next step to actually live this way not to think oh that's a great idea or oh i'm glad to hear that or oh i feel better no a response that says i will live differently because of what jesus said okay so here's the overarching question if you were going to write a question down this is the question we're going to start with and land with it's the most important one you'll hear a million versions of it in the next 10 or 15 minutes but here it is what must change for me to live at a kingdom pace what do i need to add to my life to live at a kingdom pace what might i need to subtract from my life to live at a kingdom pace or what must i modify where have i been seeking something but you couldn't call it the kingdom what must shift or change and it's its motivation so add subtract or modify this is what we're gonna i'm gonna invite you to watch for and look for all along the way all right so we're gonna go about five six rounds here really quickly the first one will be a little longer the others will go a little faster but your goal is to listen for what god is stirring in you to take a next step to live at a kingdom pace you all ready look at the person next next to you say are you ready hopefully hopefully they're like oh yeah we go jesus said it this way god blesses those who are poor and realize their need for him and that god blesses those who mourn now the way i'm thinking about responding is this that we join a long line of imperfect but spiritually comforted people and so if we're going to live this out if we're actually going to live at a pace like this there's got to be something in our life that leaves space for reflection to look at our own life in an evaluating kind of way and say where am i still imperfect what is it that god is stirring in me right now to make different or make right or better yet let's make this together because we do this together right you could ask it this way who do you let your guard down with who do you talk to about the struggle or the next step of things in your life that are like man it's just not right yet i'm still struggling with this where do we acknowledge our imperfection out loud which is nothing more than really just acknowledging our humanity right you'll never meet a human who's perfect right jesus the only one every single person is totally flawed every single one of us but for some reason the world baits us into pretending that we have it all together we polish and we filter and we do all the things so that people don't get to see what's real but jesus says no i got blessing for you when you acknowledge your need what would have to change about your relationships or your friendships or your conversation with your family to be more vulnerable and support one another in those imperfections we know as followers of jesus it's not our efforts or our knowledge alone that make us better it's god's spirit in us but he does that with the support and prayer and encouragement and truth telling of others who follow him in our lives we've got to do this together go one step farther think about not just the people around you or what might need to change in your world but what would change in the impact of your life around you if you owned our identifiers as imperfect but spiritually comforted remember comfort or this morning that jesus talked about was we're sad about the things that are jacked up and broken when people's lives are a mess that's just heartbreaking it doesn't have to be that way but we also don't freak out because we know god can handle that we just want to bring jesus into that scenario and stand with those who are hurting and so if we show up with that kind of spiritually comforted listen we we don't hide from sadness or minimize it we just step into it with confidence god has something meaningful to say to it we can show up in that kind of way maybe these are the ways that we need to start showing up for those as they bring their brokenness to our lives instead of judgment correction or anything else just oh man i'm just as messed up as you are but jesus isn't and he can help us both together in fact i'm really kind of belaboring this first one because this is how far i want to encourage each of you to go with which whichever one resonates but think about the impact beyond us when we stop showing up with convenient answers or acting like we have it all together in fact how do you want somebody to show up in your world when you're sensing and experiencing your own imperfections you're not looking for someone who has it all together you're not looking for someone who has all the answer you're certainly not looking for a random meme on facebook that seems to solve all the world's problems right now we're looking for a person who acknowledges they're just as imperfect as we are and that there's hope from somewhere beyond them and us i've been thinking about this particularly in light of some of the social issues around us think about how people are showing up politically these days would imperfect but spiritually comforted i don't have it all figured out but i know god can walk us through it i don't always hear that tenor in a lot of the things that are being said politically and we got to step back and ask is that how we're showing up or do we have all the answers do we have it all figured out when i think about uh racial reconciliation which uh when we get to persecution later i'll come back but when i think about the challenges and the division that people are experiencing too many people are showing up as if we have it all figured out or there are simple answers when if we would just show up acknowledging that we have both been at times all of us at times part of the issue and have the capacity because god will join us to be part of the solution that we can grieve the brokenness and consequence but at the same time not lose heart or frustrated or attack others instead bring something helpful to the conversation when we show up as imperfect but spiritually comforted people we actually create space for people to encounter god and god says i'll bless you in that moment when you recognize your need and when you're not afraid to grieve brokenness when you mourn i'll meet you there he says what might need to change about the way we post and share on the internet what might need to change about the way we portray ourselves in different places for us to join in this long line of imperfect but spiritually comforted people that's how far we're going to go on each one of these y'all with me but i'm not going to narrate each one i hope that you'll think within me what needs to change in my relationships what needs to change and in the way i communicate jesus to others what might need to change to live this way let's go to the next one here it is god blesses those who are humble this word in the scripture actually is meek which doesn't just mean i rightly view myself but when others criticize me i don't need to like buck up and defend myself right i don't need to be the one who fights back in fact this is why i would say in our commitment it's this way we're able to face our own flaws when people point out in me what's messed up i should be able to face that because i know god's love is not going to change just because i'm messed up i know i can show up and own that in fact we actually communicate jesus way better when people point out our flaws and we own it than when people point out our flaws and we try to minimize or hide it not only do we are are we able to face when people point out our flaws but we are able a person who's really meek can actually receive criticism that's not even true and still be at peace when people falsely accuse us so we're able to face the flaw flawed world that we're in maybe a way to measure this is this how easy is it for you to offer a wholehearted apology without any explanation if that's pretty hard then meekness would be a great step to invite god to help you take when was the last time you were able to receive false accusation without defending attacking explaining and just say wow think about all the ways in which that happens const the amount of assumptions that people make about us these days they're really inviting meekness to the table i i heard one time this guy i always forget who it is i can't seem to find it on the internet the google is not my friend on this but there's a guy in england who someone publicly wrote a letter just totally defaming his character only a fraction of it was even remotely true a well-known public figure totally trashed in the media of the time and so he writes a letter back very short letter and he says sir you don't know the half of it he's like listen you got all kinds of negative things to say about me but if you really knew me you'd have a longer list because we all actually know ourselves right we're able to face our flaws jesus doesn't judge us for those he meets us in those he walks us out of those and when those things are met with love it just creates hunger in us because it goes on maybe this is you maybe this is a step you want to take god blesses those who hunger and thirst for justice god blesses those who are hungry and thirsty for justice justice meaning what is right according to god all of us are hungry for what is right according to us that's not necessarily who god blesses he says no no god has good in mind for all of you who long for what god longs for the good that god wants to bring into the world and so when people even acknowledge the brokenness around us or the flaws in us it only makes us more hungry for god to bring change in us and around us it's easy in this world to think that we are the authorities on what is right or wrong what is just or not just but god is actually the source of righteousness not me and so the question is how often are we going to the source if we're going to be the kind of people who experience the good that god has for us then we've got to ask how much time are we listening to what god is saying how much is what he thinks about the world filling us up if you set your screen time alongside your time listening to either people or the scriptures themselves about what god says how do they stack up if we think about the amount of time that we scroll through any number of feeds that fit our preference and set that alongside listening to what god says is right man i got we gotta ask some hard questions about what it is we're really hungry for are we hungry for entertainment are we actually hungry for things to be made right in us and around us as we think about our conversations with other people not just in organized times where we talk about what god says but in our conversations with our friends our text stream all the people who are in and around our lives regularly how much of our conversations with our people are seasoned with what god says not just the latest news latest opinion or perspective a buddy of mine says it this way when we really spend time daily giving god voice listening well to him we have each day fresh bread to offer other people too many times the bread in our lives the things that god has been saying gets a little bit stale it's a little past and we're full of other things what might you give to be more hungry than ever for god to make us right and bring right around us is it worth a five a.m wake-up time is it worth half an hour earlier how hungry are we maybe it's one less activity you know we said what are you going to add subtract or multiply maybe we need to subtract something from our lives to make space every single time someone says oh man it's so good to have a group of people around you rally some people do the thing right 100 people out of 100 people 80 people will say i don't have time yeah you do you're just using on something else the question is how hungry are we for what god is saying and will we make space maybe we need to subtract something else that's good in our lives for something that's great in our lives our appetites along the way reveal what we're actually longing for and what jesus says is seek together and seek above all else is the desire for what god wants one of the greatest desires in our lives or not and am i joining with others to bring heaven to earth jesus says that we are the scripture says that we're sent together in his name to bring healing everywhere we go when god makes us right we rally with others who are being made right by god and bring right everywhere that we go by the way that we love by the way we show up with compassion with empathy with mercy with god's truth and an invitation to walk deeply with him this is how right is brought around us if we're hungry and thirsty for righteousness let's be made right let's bring right around us two more god blesses those who are merciful god blesses those who show up with mercy we talked a lot in this week about judgment and how quickly we are invited and tempted and rewarded for judging but jesus says there's a better way god blesses those who are merciful and so we show up for others with mercy and compassion like we've received in fact we just talked about how much space to listen for what god has been doing in our lives it's when we remember how much mercy and compassion he's shown us that we can show up in that way for others this is what we long for no one no one when you show up to others longs for everyone's judgment or their worst assumptions about you based on your worst day but too often that's the what we afford others no no we want to be people who show up with mercy and compassion like we've received with a listening ear instead of a sharp word with someone willing to see things from the way we've experienced it even if they still disagree but just to be heard to be valued right we show up with mercy and a kind of compassion a longing for good in others and jesus says these are the kind of people who experience this this is the kind of people we want to be so ask in your life where has judgment taken too firm a hold where in your life when you hear something or see something on the back of their vehicle or see something in their feed that you immediately draw a laundry list of conclusions about that person based on one impression are we showing up with mercy and compassion if not maybe god has another step yet for us to take he goes on and he says this god blesses those whose hearts are pure and who work for peace those who are persecuted for doing right the way i would respond to this or just my own version of this is we want to be the kind of people whose hearts and eyes are fixed on god pure in heart we long for god's solutions not just our preference and we expect that together together with god and together with our people we can bring peace not division not judgment not truth bombs from a distance not compelling memes that state our position but instead we can actually enter into relationships with people that we actually know their names and we can see their face we know the way they drink their coffee and their middle names we rally people around us who have a wide expression of life and we can bring peace across that because of jesus even in the face of adversity every single time i bring up racial reconciliation in here people they draw immediate conclusions like oh he must align with this organization or this movement or all he must assume this about everybody no i just think jesus invites us to look deeply in us for the brokenness we all bring right and so listen if we're going to be peacemakers we got to go all the way back to the beginning and say where have i brought not peace like i gotta go one more round i grew up in a town of 2000 people where exactly five of those people were not white there is no way there is no way that 18 years in a town like that doesn't form opinions and expressions and things in me that are worth revisiting not because i desire to see things from a perspective i just have one every single one of us has one and every single one of us brings different kinds of things but the question is in the midst of the adversity and the division that's going on if i bring meekness to this conversation where it's like whoa some of the things that are being said i can i can say wait do i need to evaluate that in me how am i showing up helpfully and not helpfully how has my past experience formed that how has the years since then informed that we get to step in and be peacemakers as god it makes us right an entrusted community as we grieve the brokenness around us and invite god to make us right as we look long and hard into what he says now we actually together get to step in helpfully and bring peace but every time i say that every time almost every time i say that some people leave our church or send me a pretty spicy email why jesus came to bring peace we should work for peace and whether people are right or not and whatever their version or their opinion happens to be we get to meet people with compassion and mercy and it's not just that we could go politics we could talk about that for days instead of just splitting and dividing jesus says no keep the main thing the main thing seek my kingdom first invite people to life in me you may disagree on a whole bunch of other things but listen we believe we anticipate now and forever the good that god promises for those who live this way we believe that if we'll work for peace if we'll be meek even when people falsely accuse us if we'll be humble and acknowledge our own brokenness and hunger and thirst for god to make those things right in us that we get to step forward and experience the blessing that he has and invite other people into that we anticipate this now and forever the good that god promises he promises blessing to you who live this way who fight for this kind of way of life above all you get my presence now you get my people now you get me restoring you for better now and don't be mistaken one day jesus will return and make everything right in all of the strife all the worry all the brokenness all the division all the sickness and things will be disappeared and every single person who has acknowledged jesus and pointed their life toward him and longed to live at a kingdom pace will spend forever with him exactly the way that it longs to be our hunger and our thirst will be fully and finally satisfied we will be a hundred percent at peace there will be nothing left to mourn this is our hope and so what we need to do in between here and there what i believe god is inviting us to do is adjust our pace to make space for this to be our way and to hand this way to others so i've worked all the way back through what jesus invited us to i've reminded us that jesus says i have good in mind for you blessing to you he wills and brings good into the life of those who live at this kind of pace so the question is what tangible step will every single one of us make to give god space to do something fresh and new in us what do you need to add to your life that's been missing is it time with him is it time with others is it time serving other what kind of what might you need to add a time of reflection at the end of the day around these things a time of prayer at the beginning to invite god to set a pace an alarm in the middle of day what do you need to add or what do you need to subtract what needs to step out of your life so that you can for the final time stop saying i'm too busy i love bob goff he says every thursday he removes something from his life he quits something every thursday some of us just need to quit some stuff not because it's bad because there's something better or what do you need to modify or change the way that you go about it in just a few seconds i'm going to give you time to talk so i want you to uh i want to invite you get it down to 10 words or less nobody next to you is looking for a paragraph right now okay 10 words or less not what might you do not what could you do not what would someone say you should do but instead what will you do to create a different kind of space to live at a kingdom pace i'm going to stall for about 30 more seconds give you time to come up with your 10 words if you're here on your own no problem just text somebody that is really important to you and say hey here's what i'm thinking about doing i want to tell you about it later or make a new friend down the aisle get past the awkward eye contact and then have a conversation or alongside the people that you came with who are supporting you anyway because remember we're not supposed to do this alone we do this together what tangible step will you take this week to live at a kingdom pace we live at a kingdom pace best together so rally your people cast a compelling vision and invite god to help you take the next step if we can support you in any way we'd love to in fact text dive into 9400 and we'll support you along the way with some reminders some scriptures some invitations to join in some things like our next series which is good news can't wait to jump in next week i hope that you'll join us i would love for you to hit subscribe share this with a friend if it was helpful and we'll see you soon
Channel: Canyon Ridge Christian Church
Views: 433
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Christianity (religion), God, Jesus, Grace, Praise, Gospel, Ministry, Christian, Church, Canyon Ridge, God First, Lord, Holy, Ministries, Fellowship, Ridge Live, Church Online, Drew Moore, Kristi Templeton, Canyon Ridge Christian Church, Las Vegas Church, Las Vegas
Id: V2tQLL7ub5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 54sec (2274 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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