Phasmophobia But It's Extremely Hard

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uh all right let's ready oh so you're you've added all the things that we need you've added everything i don't need to add anything okay already up sure no response no replies i was no i got everything you can see in the equipment i was just making sure also you should do a jordan cooks video where you're trying to make ice cream with an ice cream pan uh i'll keep that in mind bridget i'll keep it in mind renin ferriera thank you for gifting a sub chaos master 200 bits list of punishments one chip challenge little nitro gummy bear face a fear scarier the better spicy chocolate full face makeup done by your mom my mom doesn't do makeup so i don't think she'd do my makeup and uh keep it for the next dream youtube did want more that's those are good leave them in the comments on the thing and that's that's pretty sweet dude that's pretty sweet bridge i read the trials part i read the trials part dude it was it was dope it was dope we'll see we'll probably do trials again in the future um dino trash thank you for the twitter bits hey cap donated and told you i got fallen kingdom merch for my best friend and it came today it's so comfy i'm glad you've been enjoying it i can hear you i can hear you from sorry oh my god you're talking i was taught i had a lot of notifications that from like an hour ago that i hadn't caught up on so i was talking to them sorry chrome sorry i was also talking to my channel dino trash i'm glad you're happy about the uh i'm just talking to you guys oh okay all right why aren't you streaming because i'm tired and i just got home from school wait you were in you were like at school yeah my school doesn't think which like you go there in person and you online how often do you go in in person um two days a week okay like what time are you in from until oh my gosh that took like 10 years for you to get in my game is cara broken kara is broken oh she's breaking this is cool look it says we are unsure if the ghost responds alone or to a group oh my goodness cara is broken we're all here though oh okay you're playing two games at once you fool you fool um uh no we're fine now we're good we're good now oh my god wait what was happening she's playing two games at once uh okay wow so we don't know the specifics interesting dude oh it's kenneth all right my boy kenneth clark wait you were afk to grind rust oh my god all right crum are you ready for this are you ready for spooky ghosts that can open doors on us and they can they listen to our voices yeah they can open doors so we gotta hold the door shut yeah the ghost can hold the door or we gotta we gotta hold the door shut and then also we can't talk now if we talk they go after our voices which is kind of what i always thought it was anyway so so but i don't talk anyway so i don't have to change that but they'll try to open the door on us and and obliterate us to infinity beyond yeah yeah yeah they open the door okay see you next time go check upstairs okay i'm going upstairs it could be in the master bedroom you're right it could be oh i had this door open this door opened okay did you find fingerprint this one opened yep definitely this room it is it is kid's bedroom upstairs you mean up here oh can i not get on the bed anymore uh oh cool cool what oh jeez i'm gonna drop my cam here and just go get some other stuff did you not hear that no i heard nothing you dropped the book like weirdly you did a bad book drop oh yeah i freaked out because the camera freaked out alrighty guys so we gotta grab some other stuff i can't wait for a hunt to happen bro i can't wait for a hunt to happen it's gonna be cray cray dude oh nice nice and quick okay so oh you want another emf i was gonna do salty boy but i guess i could not okay i'll do another emf whatevs dude whatevs give crumb the bear what do you do in this game oh you gotta you gotta go into a house or a building and then nice uh wait i could i could take a photo did you take a photo or do you need me to take a photo i have a camera okay where is it it's on the kitchen table okay i'll go do it i just moved something it moved the book on the ground yeah are you here uh okay so we got three on emf [Music] that was a spook oh got him got him oh what an ugly boy okay he just he just posed for that though he just posed for that photo beautiful hold on i'm coming back for the i'm doing the bone then i'll come back oh there it is um a bone for dinner wait it's it's floating that was impressive did you do that or just no i was just there that's cool why are you using your walkie-talkie all the time because of why are you scolding me [Music] because i want everyone to hear me okay so uh spirit box fingerprint and uh ghost orb so we're good we're doing a picture of the dirty whoa is there a bird in this house i've never heard a bird is that part of the new update oh my god there's a bird in the update where is it we gotta find the birds oh my god that bird sounded like it was coming from the bathroom is it in here we need to find the dirty body yeah but they they usually don't do dirty water very much the ghosts are dumb so what else do we need to do uh prevent a hun and daddy water if possible frick i didn't mean to do that why can't we get dirty water it's nowhere near i mean it can happen it's just unlikely anyway so as i was saying the goal of this game is you go into a building and then what you do what you do in that building is you have to diagnose the kind of ghost and then you don't do anything about it you just leave the ghost there to continue terrorizing but at least you knew what kind it was that's how you that's what you do so it's pretty cool i'm on push to talk yeah i bet i wish there was a mute rather than a push to talk but they haven't implemented that are do we want it to hunt so we see that oh right because the crucifix right right right crum are you ready to be it could spawn in hunted hallways right now you're eating what pick up some activity chips sounds good so you want to move one of the crucifix it's off the ammo freezer as well i don't know who has it what was that that was a new noise i think that was the phone baby uh who who has the crucifix i don't have it yeah [Music] does he have he's he's got itches that need to be itched oh oh the crucifix disappeared we got it is that white oh okay cool we can go now all right nice we did it we did it it's a poltergeist poltergeist we've done it got it everyone got it wait wait chrome do you have it i'm ready okay cool uh let's see synchro rld thank you for the sub k2 walker thanks for three months blonde sparkles as a punishment bro that we can't do anything that's like that crazy permanent dude unless unless the series gets like oh we're good okay if the series ever becomes something that gets like millions of views on an episode okay maybe but we can't be going blonde for not a super high crazy payoff you know um i'm here sabre burst thank you for the 245 bits uh you should eat durian fruit as punishment that's that's one that i could actually potentially do yeah aren't they just like smelly and gross secret love child thank you for two months novanetti thank you for the five sub gifts much appreciated much appreciated yeah cara is crazy [Music] yes i tell you what guys i will do a bleach my hair punishment if one of the episodes gets 5 million views all right you heard it here first we get to five million views on one of them then then yes absolutely i will i will go blonde on a failure yep you can change difficulty now so tell all your friends to watch it i'm not going blonde at five million i'm just saying at five million we will unlock that punishment okay aaron play 3x8 with the two of bits jardon has to cook his own dinner for one night as punishment and whatever you make you gotta eat that i don't think that counts as punishment to most people who watch who are like yeah i do that every night so yeah in your pants that's not backpedaling that's what i meant i meant i like the punishment has to be for what happens in an episode the punishment can't just be um like if it gets five million views i have a punishment no it has to fit the series idea right but anyway we're talking about the the main channel video minecraft speedrunner versus punishments so if you're watching on on captainsparklez2 you haven't seen that and you really want me to unlock the punishment of dying my hair blonde for for that then go watch the video i guess yes what's up why did you think he's so awesome because i was i was finishing up a sentence with with chat about dyeing my hair blonde and and yeah what why are you dying i'm not dying my hair blonde i was they wanted me as punishments michael's buying his earphones no no no as punishment for a a video um i said i was not going to do anything as crazy as dyeing my hair blonde unless it was like crazy amounts of views so i said hey if the episode gets to 5 million views then the next time i could do that as punishment but i don't think it's gonna hit five million views so i think it's a safe bet just a new what do you mean it's your thing i got because i told my chat if we got 2 000 subs i dye my hair blonde so i have to do it now cause i got 2007. they said nothing they they brought this up this was not i didn't i had no idea um okay salt ghost event dirty water red no purple no yes purple purple no you guys can be twins no no no no no no no no no no no no no they say it was already blonde it's already been set before it's already been set not yet though because uh every salon is closed but once they open have you been have you been other colors before wait why can't you dye your own hair blonde why can't you die wait it's already 12 degrees right here what the heck is this have you ever tried bleaching hair no i had professionals do it at super cuts okay so wow it's right here huh especially on hair as dark as mine is not good it would fall out are you here no yeah spike goes if you get born here and you leave a blue shirt then you would look like the ocean because it's the beach yeah you're right i would look like the ocean and then i could go to the ocean as part of the punishment you should do that you can do that i will definitely definitely do that if i'll tell you what i'll tell you what guys i'll go blonde and go to the ocean if it's 5 million at 10 million i will do purple and green there you go i will do it i will do that okay so what do we need uh crucifix we need salt and salt oh you did okay um i can put more or i can get oh you got the book okey dokey the the well i mean either the new video i posted or if i do more episodes than any of those episodes so what yeah are your unique tv shows no just youtube videos [Music] okay we'll see so you're gonna you're gonna watch it crumb to help me get to 10 million views okay i will watch it while i am studying for my no no not while you're studying that'll be distracting do you get those views oh is it cold in here it's freezing thing oh is it that's cool i am freezing all right let's see what oh the book the book got written in oh cool did you try did you try a uh spirit boxing yeah it wasn't talking to me nearby when i was by myself what if it likes everyone are you here give me a sign talk to me talk to me whoa crumb is getting spooked are you over there okay doesn't seem like it whoa are you okay i literally threw my mouth through my mouth i'm just trying to eat chips oh yeah we haven't found the bone yet we should do that you're trying to itch your mouth and then it just went in there i don't know if they had me what about i'm looking you're looking for the bone i'll look for the bone elsewhere yeah can you go back to your front i think i do my flashlight on accident [Music] um where is it oh okay oh we could uh we could move around the voodoo doll try to make the ghosts get really angry does the luigi board make the ghost angry yeah yeah no guys taking pictures of the voodoo doll doesn't do anything oh wait no no it does do interaction i forgot it does it does how old are you i forgot it does is that a picture of the bone how old are you uh no that was a picture of uh the voodoo doll this ghost is so old 48 i'm gonna be 48 soon yeah so i'll be 48 soon yes get in the room get in the room we gotta hold the door we got a hoe door through the door through the door what the frick dog it got me through the door [Music] what the heck i got got through the door bro hello wait what well this is sad so if your sanity is at zero the ghost can go through a door but the ghost can open the ghost can open doors now so you have to hold him shut the ghost seem to to be extremely with killing after the update got it okay well bird with teeth thank you for six months if you're ever looking to get good at speed running you should contact uh i don't know what the something for he's been coaching people who's really good at 16th place 1.16 uh he got tifu a sub 27 minute personal best in like 10 sessions it's impressive i feel like there's a lot of luck involved with that though um jarek thank you for the five months of savage much appreciated what's best is hide in a room if you're in a closet or a locker i think you have to hold the door closed i don't know if you have to close like hold the you don't have to hold the door closed if it's like a regular room yeah oh my god it works maybe jordan was sunny was so low that he just walked through the door because yours is on zero oh maybe [Music] wait they can go through regular doors anybody have a confirmation who's played this if they can go through regular or it's just like lockers and stuff walking away like after the hunt as i went downstairs oh wait hurry uh so what do you do then do you hold it shut what's the plan yeah what's the plan okay got it creme what do you do you pray you pray and be quiet what welcome back oh god so i was told ghosts can go through regular doors yeah so that is correct so uh what people in chat said um shut it and pray yeah so yeah so i think if you're in a room hiding you should just get away from the door yeah in a closet or a locker you should hold the door closed i think that is yes but i guess they can still open it even if it's a i guess it if you so i'm reading the patch notes now it says uh the ghost can now open doors closets and lockers when hunting this can be stopped by holding the door oh my god but if you hold the door it doesn't have the click shut right because the only way you get the click shot is if you let go and as soon as you click on it again it unlatches it so how the heck do you hold it i don't know yeah i was doing i was holding a door upstairs and i couldn't tell if it was like technically open or not yeah cause like even if you get the click i think as soon as you interact with it again like that overrides it yeah i think i think my strategy is i'm just gonna just catch it when it starts to open maybe oh my god i'm terrified dude we have grafton and asylum uh let's try grafton again maybe although asylum we can run from the ghost if it's not a revenant oh that is true yeah asylum is now looking pretty good might be better yeah these just outrun the ghost and rather than hold the door true probably yeah sparkles are so sad i know you were just silently standing there not saying anything it was i was sad watching it i didn't know what to do i didn't know you died sorry it doesn't die you're i know i know you like your hands go to your face and then it's the end of the road all right let's go okay hmm ghosts are more powerful than ever i am very big scared at least i didn't have any skin in the game on that one i didn't lose anything so that's good it's gonna be great until we get a revenant all right let's see let's see we're 11 000 views so far so only only four million and a lot more before we uh before we get to me unlocking dyeing my hair okay we're almost there we're almost there just finished watching the main channel video 10 out of 10 highly recommend wood watch again i i appreciate that that's that's good to hear dude that's good to hear also while you're out here i totally forgot to do much of an intro but hey if you're watching on youtube make sure to like the video sub to kevin sparkles 2 hit the bell playlist for more plasmaphobia and also follow it slash captainsparklez that's a great place to be so you can watch live and enjoy and all that good good stuff it was top tier quality content all right heck yeah dude heck yeah all right crum i'm gonna try to stay alive this time you're going to be like really awesome and cool so i will also make sure that you stay right this time thank you we just have to run when the ghost happens because because we don't want to hide we just run away and it'll be fine we can't run we can only walk slightly faster i know that's why i have uh i have my sprint keybound to my w keys so it's always i'm sprinting sprinting so fast it's the fastest sprint ever oh my god i'm so fast wait how do you do that just go into your options and set sprint to w so easy isn't it this is the best idea that ever existed [Music] speed i'm speed i'm so speed see something a fast person would say i'm usain bolt olympic gold medalist in the 100 meter dash and um it's so crazy yeah that's what a fast person would say or you would say wow i'm so fast or they would be sonic what is one of sonic's catch phrases that's lightning mcqueen that's not sonic the wrong character chow chow's though dude chows were they were a thing in sonic adventure you had to raise the chows and if you threw them a lot they would turn all black and evil and then you then you i feel so badly i did it a couple times because i wanted to see what the extremes were it took a lot it took a lot to get your chows to be like happy blue ones but you could just eat them across the whole place and then they'd turn into really angry black ciaos and and they would be like nasty and yeah but it was really sad you mean the dog because they we're not talking about dogs we're talking about little blue fairy dudes i see are you seeing ciao a child no look up if you google image search sonic adventure ciao it's c-h-a-o ah yeah [Music] man i bet if i brought them up they would look so low-res what's wrong with your computer yeah she is she's playing rust at the same time unbelievable no i closed it i actually didn't really unbelievable i'll go upstairs uh okay uh cara's going upstairs left side i will go downstairs wait the breaker is off you said that's fine where's the breaker you never know oh my god it's downstairs all the way to the uh i'll go there i'm going in that direction it's fine okay it's all the way right not in the end it's downstairs to the right not the end room but the one before us okay sounds good sounds good we got this crum and i are on the case it's make or breaker roger that roger that i hear you loud and clear what's your thermometer i was gonna go downstairs oh i have a thermometer crummy thermometer no then cara it's in the van you should you should get it in the van uh my code name is whiskey pepper um okay what's your code name uh i don't know lucky times i like lucky charms okay you know they put like unicorn shaped marshmallows in there i did not know that they added those no when did they add those like a while ago whoa dude that's crazy did they ever make a lucky charms that were just marshmallows i feel like they'll be like okay to eat would that be too much but you eat reese's puffs it's different how is it different it's candy for breakfast okay but if you eat the marshmallows then you literally only eating sugar yeah but isn't that what reese's puffs are no it's not it's not it's not it's not i'm going to have i'm going to send you an essay a google doc it'll be 12 i'll be talking to you about why reese's puffs is better than just marshmallows is that right you should you should um also don't don't do that instead of doing your homework though okay you got to do your homework too oh you know it's sad i finished my project early because i thought it was just but then it turns out it's due tomorrow so you're working on the project in class for both of my classes so i didn't get to do anything and i just stopped here for an hour and 20 minutes okay but you're you're ahead then that's good no but everyone completed the project so everyone was just sitting there oh so it's just boring you're just sitting in a room doing nothing yeah we're not allowed to talk to each other wait why why are you not allowed to talk to each other because my science teacher will get angry you're just supposed to sit doing nothing quietly for an hour and a half yeah he was like oh no talking in my class no talking unless you were spoken to like can you speak to each other and talk and he was like no that's a that's a really like deep intimidating voice that you made there i wouldn't i don't know that i'd want to meet your science teacher you sound scary uh nothing downstairs so far but we hit the breaker i don't know if you guys [Music] noticed well the only only thing left is uh left side downstairs that is what i am on right now is your like so why are you in is it a science class or is your science teacher like you're that's just where you go when you go to school like were you in science class or or is it like because you don't go in for very long right you just go in for a short amount of time no i go and try now right so is he is you going for an hour for science class or he's just like your homeroom teacher no he's just my science teacher okay well can he explain ghosts and why we're able to hunt them and why they can go through doors he's my science teacher i think if i asked him that he would drop kick me what he would drop kick you for asking about ghosts what a loser he's not prepared to fight he's not prepared to fight ghosts yeah because car is right next to us do we need to report your science teacher to the authorities oh wait a card enough thermometer yeah i'm gonna go straight there okay okay we should go there too uh are we at the stairs on this side yet um i thought they were right over here weren't they maybe maybe is it the room you know i'm not there yet but the door's open oh you didn't open any doors oh okay well that's probably it then wait there's a bone oh i missed the bone apparently where is it where is it where is it chad doesn't miss when it comes to the bones where is it where guys where it at where is that there we go all right the bone has been acquired we're going to get mad money did we have a dirty water task on this i forgot to check i'm letting you know when i get back okay cool so it is that room i assume cool cool so the exact opposite side of the breaker nice yes hey off night thank you for the support and a ghost event oh we could get a we could get a full full 100 completion all right it's not looking very freezy in here please [Music] it is very spooky can you give us a sign can you write and look please show yourself can you please write in the books oh i just said move the book on the there's too book things happening we gotta we got it to write in the book we gotta write in the book oh just close the door right now oh it's right there oh my god oh my god it's right there it's right there we got it we got it right here right here right here right here no i missed my i think i got the photo of it though i think it counted i hope oh my god we gotta run we gotta just move just move just keep moving just keep moving just keep moving just keep moving we're gonna be fine oh god it's definitely right behind us but it's okay we just gotta keep going as long as it's not a revenant we'll be okay i'm yelling so that it comes from me not you you you just be quiet you just be quiet it'll be it'll come from me if as long as i'm left no no no no no no don't be loud don't be loud krum don't be loud krum you must be quiet okay we're good we're good we're good oh that was terrifying but we made it out alive good teamwork there teamwork i don't think it is teamwork i think we just ran down the hallway screaming a lot it was supposed to just be me screaming though okay i did get a photo of the ghost oh we got an interaction and a ghost photo heck yeah so that should satisfy some criteria okay okay cool cool cool i'm gonna run back to the uh bus and grab some other stuff cool um oh yeah chrome we should check our sandy we might be pretty insane in the membrane right now [Music] yeah it does mean all right how are we doing we are at 30 yeah we should we should get some pills here oh they're getting hunted i suppose so alexa set downstairs to 75. all right are they okay they're looking okay oh little demon child on the floor behind him oh my god little demon child what spooky little demon child on the floor oh my god did they get emf uh well they didn't get emf it's okay they're gonna make it they're gonna be fine nice job nice survival okay what should we bring in jack has that i'll bring in another emf reader and uh crum you want to bring a glow stick wow again again cara's pretty low car is low sanity but we need to bring her some pills i know that's what i was gonna do yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay is she walking away from creepy baby creepy bibi is it creepy baby i do not see creepy babies no i don't i only took one bill jack's taking a pill i think maybe no oh he hasn't taken a pill wait did jack take a pill i don't know if he took a pill in ibiza crazy we only have one left really huh maybe jack has it on him maybe jack has it on him man why is it going crazy okay cara you need a pup up hills because you're 13 that must be why it's hunting more regularly yeah yeah why do you see pills like puffer pills pills here it's from a video game it's from a video game called left 4 dead that was a funny voice thank you i try [Music] oh my god what the frick is happening i don't know does jack have pills on him [Music] there's one more i don't know if jack has pills on him because we don't know we don't know where the final pills is i may not put all the pills um oh you didn't put four pills oh no oh no i'm not sure i usually do but we'll see wouldn't demon be freezing temps wouldn't demon be freezing temps because people in chat are saying that it could be a demon because of all the hunting yeah there's not freezing in there it doesn't matter uh a demon only just hunts at like 60 it doesn't matter how often it hunts earlier oh nice okay okay i'm go i have i have stuff i'm equipped d jj rgb thank you for the five sub gifts much appreciated do this very very generous very generous i took some pills so it should hunt less now oh yeah yeah dude i like going ghost we're going ghost don't run back to the van we'll just run uh to the room but in a circle yeah yeah keep looping around the middle block although it did try to juke me and cut back the other way it was very scary oh dang the ghost is smiling yeah that's not good i don't like smart ghosts the ai got smarter what does that sound there's a sound what's going on in the map what sound are you gonna freak me you hear that sound oh it's like it's your mic i did not realize uh yeah i thought there were like plumbing was happening in the asylum i live near road so there's lots of surprise okay i see all right i'm gonna drop drop it like it's salt yo crappy baby i'm breathing my hand in my ear man i should have my emf on when i was happening all right crappy baby come on crappy baby show yourself show yourself show yourself show yourself yeah cara how could you how could you leave jack out to dry like that crappy baby crappy baby here i've already taken a photo we've already got a ghost photo that actually caught me off guard that caught me real off guard but the emf didn't go off oh we got emf we got emf jack jack did it i think it went five for like a split second it was literally like a split second apparently it was four not five rip okay have we only got ghost riding still yeah i think so oh yeah in spirit box i didn't write that down [Music] it's not freezing temps definitely not freezing temps so you said you said it's fingerprints or what he was trying to tackle you keeps doing four yeah check uh it just touch the store check for fingerprints on this door okay probably not um it's emf [Music] it's still just four or five it's on four it's on four five five five five five five five we're good we got five let's go to the van now we must go to van let's go right behind me it's right behind me i think it's amoni i think we can sleep i think it's a car i it i got emf5 we know what it is i went this way sorry for going this way sorry for following sparkles it's fine it's okay we don't we we can't we don't die but so it's looking it's lucky oh keep running krum keep running crum yikes very spooky scary you're okay everything's fine i yelled that because we got a mf5 i yelled it oh i couldn't hear that nice man that was some panic painting breathing crumbs yeah yeah we're done we're done i have never said oh my god so many times [Laughter] there we go 100 percent it's an oniy you can prevent ghost hunts oh my god is saying you did not yell it actually i don't know what happened i yelled it i was like oh you met five oh maybe maybe the hunt had just started and i was on the radio that might have just happened yeah if you're on the radio then it went into right right yeah the hunt started as soon as cara said oh i thought it was hunting then oh okay yeah yeah let's see we had off night with a sub and star with seven months beast of epic with nine months gatling gun with a sub and 200 bits thank you very much that was maximum payout heck yeah not bad um macaroni and cheese thank you for the 11 months i'm doing my best to protect crumb um i with the six months time lord with the fiber bits what about upping the stakes and providing an incentive for you to keep getting better at speed runs every time you beat the game in under an hour the next time you have to beat it in a shorter time let's say you do an hour you do it next time you do it in 50 minutes you fail you have the amount of time back i have actually thought about doing that yes um for sure but i have to beat it in an hour and then yeah and then i'll go like 55 minutes then i'll go 50 minutes and then yeah um so yep was thinking about doing it d j j r b thank you again for those five sub gifts you know what i'm gonna go p as well right now i'll be right back uh ready up oh okay we can load it while we okay i got p1 sec everybody hmm why is everyone playing why does everybody go at the same time i was eating this really good cake snack that i got from the savory monkey it was like peach flavored and my feeling it is too soft but i really like snacks like that so it's okay and i was eating i had this really good cream inside and in between the cream they put like a peach jam and it was really good because i get to look at all the food because my mom can't buy a lot so i go there and i like watching the fishes in the pants the ones that we eat though so i know if you forget to eat them it's just kind of sad but that's the key because i like fishes this tastes really good it depends on what kind of fish i don't like from their problem they have steamy bones oh it's pretty good tilapia is so good tilapia we talking about food yeah i like eating tilapia with like a dijon mustard i like eating food salty enough by the way quick reminder to everybody who's watching right now if you haven't yet you should be following a that was really good you ate what what uh so you put rice and then you put fish and stuff on top yeah yeah no i know what sushi is is it but this is different this is normal sushi yeah you bake it in the oven oh you bake the sushi oh oh i get it i've had i've had a baked roll before that's true my baby is not having a good time does perry not not like sushi bake i would assume so perry the platypus does not like sushi bacon we're in the prison we're going to prison accused us of baking badly with the sushi baking bad that could actually wait that much that show must already exist on youtube because if not i could totally name that it does dang it how could it not though i'm saying actually you big pretty good no but i i have jardon tries not to poison himself but i could change it to baking bad dang that's so good that would fit me so well but someone must have already done it okay i'm going left side i'm sick really wonderful and then maybe you can make it bacon good because i'm sure you're pretty good at cooking food no no i'm not i'm not dude i'm definitely not is that why you have the chef come on yes that is why i had the chef yes definitely why that's why wouldn't that cost like a lot yeah it's the most i've ever spent on a meal but man it was good oh my god hey hey hey hey when you like to eat at restaurants and you haven't eaten at a restaurant in an entire year you'll break like me too okay you'll collapse and break down do you get lots of fancy stuff uh a lot what do you mean oh i love donuts mmm donuts are good too [Music] no why have you sent me to jail dude because you do not have the spirit of christmas oh my god my leg is cramping oh my god why is your leg cramping the spine of christmas yeah i don't i don't like receiving gifts please don't get me gifts well just because i'm breaking out of jail i broke it out we got to solve the problem you'll never catch me copper you'll never catch me copper you'll never catch me why are you so hot on my tail all right so i'm so fast area are you really are you usain bolt i'm lightning mcqueen it is not upstairs i am chef boyjordy of baking bad i went i went left first floor okay yeah speaking of baking bad i bet they bake pretty bad in prison oh my god i forgot this was a yeah yeah i bet it's not very i'd i would prefer not to um yeah i remember i usually have a thingy really get free school lunch he made a macaroni and cheese and he was just a block oh no and i have to go to the nurse's office wait you had to go to the nurse's office because it was oh i found the bone found the bone because your mac and cheese was like as hard as a bone it was like bunk and i started crying and you're my friend was like don't tell the teacher don't why don't tell the teacher you didn't want to get in trouble yeah but that was the school's fault that it you munched your tooth and chipped it on a block of raw mac and cheese mac and cheese is supposed to be boneless are you frying that my school's mac and cheese had bones sounds like it i prefer my mac and cheese boneless personally yeah i uh i have not found i have not found it either not in the when you have server super expensive dinner did you have dessert yeah the dessert was uh it wasn't there wasn't too much dessert it was just a um it was this like donut kind of thing but um it was it was a donut with these jams and it was like minimal but already i i eaten a lot of food already so found it it's uh top floor of the uh prison block a so annoying yeah it is it's a big area literally the last place left to look well oh well it'd be what it be it was about oh yeah it was a boneless doughnut mm-hmm okay let's drop this here we just you're right i could have but i didn't because i'm i'm dumb all right let's go get other stuff okay wait so it's thing yeah it's upstairs also though yeah like so by the time dessert was served i mean it was like eight courses so i was very full so i'm glad it wasn't more than that otherwise it would have been too much i think the most fancy thing i ever ate was when my mom took me to this pasta place and they had toasted bread and you could dip it in this thingy like a vinegar and it was really yummy oh it was yeah so it was like olive oil and vinegar that you could dip your bread in yeah and you're like black yeah balsamic vinegar yeah that's uh you know there are very expensive they're very expensive balsamic vinegars it can get very expensive oh because it's like aged for a certain amount of time and they're fancy places that do the aging and they make it expensive it's like think of it like a wine but it's a vinegar so if i just kept it in my pantry for a really long time then i could eat not exactly not exactly hello joe thank you for the raid but who's joe sorry i shouldn't i shouldn't do that [Laughter] um welcome everyone we're playing the new plasmaphobia update where uh where ghosts are spooky and stuff um all right let's see uh sorry what i i missed you because i was saying hello to a raid i missed you too i missed you too dude i don't need to grab the camera okay so what do we need to bring in still um salt might help because it's quite a large area uh we need a uv light in there i will bring a uv light and salt cool we're covered dude we're covered no no i i saw that it was joe bartolozzi i was making um it was people in chat always liked to do the joe mama thing and so i was it was that it's a bad joke it's a bad joke admittedly and probably i'm not the first to do it and i should be ashamed of myself um but anyway i appreciate it i appreciate the raid yeah i'll catch up notifications after the stream and stuff hold on crum sorry i have to respond quickly to a message because my car is ready for pickup but i got to pick it up tomorrow sorry one sec how many okay oh my god i need kind noises and now there's an actual car outside that's scary i'll uh uh i hope it's i hope it's a cool car making cool noises i actually don't know if it's car anymore okay let's go okay cool we're good we're good i just had to uh i had yeah yeah there's a car summoning ritual do you have to take your car to your car please because i will follow me i did yeah mm-hmm but they fixed it now oh was it it looked like it was more permanent but i'm glad it was washable they took it and then they took a napkin and they wiped it off and now they're gonna charge you two million dollars two million dollars i can't i can't do that 2 million that's more than i paid for dinner that's more than i paid for dinner well i guess you won't be having dinner for a while now oh my god guys i'm gonna starve i can't make my own food this is a problem you can just get reese's puffs you know maybe i will maybe i will my diet is gonna consist exclusively of reese's puffs cereal now i could just clean it myself and save two million dollars how could you do this to me i thought even if it was washable no it looked like it was a key at least the message was nice yeah i mean it was but that's very expensive i feel like i could pay someone a lot less to get a nice message oh geez just when i get here uh running away now now we gotta go back where we came from my camera i don't have my camera okay okay apparently the upstairs is split in halves so all right cara you better get that photo of crappy crappy ghost it's upstairs still oh god it's gonna drop on our heads can it do that oh my god can it drop down on our heads oh it's behind you oh it's red oh we're good we're good we're good we're good it's really quick it's really quick i think it might be a reminder wait did car get wrecked yeah it was really quick oh no wait oh yeah where's her body what happened she just disappeared i thought she was fine now she's not i think she got swollen what ghosts can swallow people whole her body got you to do another ghost dimension oh i'm really scared now no we should just say revenant and leave i i actually kind of want to did it drop on her head because i saw it go back up the stairs and then all of a sudden it was just what no it was just that quick it did come down the stairs it's just that quick teleport yeah dude her body's gone i didn't know the ghost could carry you elsewhere dude body snatcher ghost oh my god no she was right there she was at the door and i thought she was fine and then she wasn't fine wow okay we were talking about usain bolt and i think the ghost channeled that energy first you have to pay two million dollars when you cried and you got chased by a ghost and now your friend is gone wait this is a really big series of unfortunate events lemony snicket ain't got nothing on this so a revenant would be if we stuck around it would be emf5 fingerprints and ghost fighting i believe it you believe it did we get anything at all i don't think so okay cara return concrete yeah probably because she should be absent not doing anything for a long time so choose revenant and go i guess [Music] what is that i thought you have to take a picture of me and change there was no body and there's no insurance unprofessional yeah apparently the insurance is actually by picking up keys in the house and it's also non-professional multiplayer ronnie that's the that's how it works all right everyone good on revenants my new friends got okay nice it was a remnant it wasn't we just needed a necessary sacrifice to figure it out yeah it was a worthy sacrifice yeah it was oh my god holy cow um i gotta buy everything again so feel free to pop that is unfortunate list respeckless how did i change my things so i can be sprinting all the time uh i don't know if you can do it in game you go into your options and you change your uh sprint to w okay i'm gonna go here okay yeah you should do that um is there anything i should buy in particular um any pills maybe just characters hello hello hello oh wait i don't know no sanity pills are already in yeah i had no but for next um time the insurance you don't have to pick up keys you have to take a picture you just get a hundred percent on amateur 50 on intermediate and zero professional just like a flight oh okay it's not affected by anything you sound normal yeah maybe it'll fix in the game hmm maybe it'll fix once we're in uh let's see where did we leave off on dem notifications i think we had uh king wick with seven months happy seven months started on love the content can't wait for many oh wait uh can't wait for many more months because i'm not on subbing until i'm out of the military in may 2024 well i'm happy to have you around dude and uh yeah thanks for sticking around as a sub white rabbit with 17 months mr bacon wookie four months four months already thank you for giving me my best childhood um i started watching when i was eight just turned 18 now thank you so much japan has a long time watching thanks for sticking around for 10 years and uh gigi wellesley thank you for the 14 month supreme george three months djjrgb with the fiverr to bits how many things can i fit in one message jardin's birthday is the same as mine oh it's my granddad so i can never forget my granddad's birthday um or you never forget mine been watching since 2011 please do a captain vlog style video just once once i i do the webcam videos every now and again you know list your cars because uh no one exactly you have in the discord chat um rabble rabble rubber rebel uh we have got um we got the gt we got the gt3 rs we got the m2 and then we have we have special surprise inside um uh leonard thank you for the two bits tell crumb about your cooking name chef boyjordy i think i did did i mention that i think i did um bracklight thank you for seven months i don't know what to type but watching videos helps me relax sometimes thank you being you no problemo thanks for tuning in and uh okay we'll read others later sorry i was reading notice but now i can talk okay what are we doing here oh high wait you warm it up in the microwave and do what it's like oh okay was that for the you being old back thing earlier ancient too though right cara are you older than 21 ancient okay really wow if you just follow this survey you'll be able to get a free cool hey ghost give us a sign give us a sign oh yeah if you read your notifications that's okay because i'll just talk to myself okay sounds good no but i i try not to in the game i wait until we're in the middle of games you know yeah yeah yeah yeah okay we got uh nothing there hopefully the ghost will ring the phone please ghost ring the telephone ring the telephone wow oh wait is this is this it this might be it oh wait i thought is this door open was the door already open i can't tell huh well it's not cold in here though i thought i just found an open door but maybe not oh it's warm in there is there someone on the left side first floor oh wait there's no door never mind there's no door there is no door broken door yeah we were bamboozled ghost please ring telephone how do you know which is the science room it's like solitary to the upstairs side now i gotta uh i gotta go back because we didn't open the bathrooms i didn't open the bathrooms because i was i'm over here i'm back over here hello who's there who's there hello this is your car insurance person we had a discussion with the people from clean jayco and it turns out you're not paying 2 million dollars wait really i'm not paying two million dollars oh my god i can eat dinner again they're paying you two million dollars you're paying me two million dollars yes in the spirit of that's your christmas gift it just went to negative 10 degrees when i pointed it where the heck did it just go to negative 10 degrees oh oh i think i think it's in here oh yeah it's a very cold it's a very cold locker room wait i pointed it in here earlier and it was not uh oh this is only accessible from this side okay yeah a locker room locker room back left side first floor across the ghost is in here it literally says oh that's the spirit okay oh indeed yeah guys i think it's a spirit actually sparkles how does it feel to be the first person in the world means spike to be a millionaire uh he feels pretty good i do have that on my birth certificate my name is um my name is sparkles and wow dude so wait did when i get two million dollars from the insurance company do i get my car too are they buying my car from me it's all in claims and you get your car back what i get my fixed car and two million dollars oh my god i've never heard of a better deal in my life so i hit the lottery it's all in pennies how much would that weigh somebody calculate how much were two million dollars in penny's way i bet it'd be really really heavy how many pennies are in 2 million that would be uh 200 million pennies it's a lot of pennies okay well we should go we should get other stuff [Music] got it got it got the ghost i'm going ghost does it count yeah we got the ghost we got to go oh frick balls we we gotta run oh [Applause] it must be a revenant how did it catch me i was out the window i was out the window or at the door how did it catch me that must be a revenant too no it's it's two 200 million pennies guys 200 million pennies here's my gold stick you can have it now so you can see where you're going i protected though i did protect didn't i 1.1 million pounds [Laughter] 1.1 million pounds oh my god five 500 tons wow oh my god i don't know why you guys are saying two million bennies we were talking about two million dollars in pennies that's 200 million pennies by the way this is very disappointing i can't believe i unlived oh wait freezing temps is not a revenant evidence oh it's happening again you stupid little crawling little dick look no this thing's fast as frick dude this thing's fast it's freak you see that it's going at full speed i couldn't even keep up with it that thing's fast as freak though dude we're alive i don't know what happened why did the ghost just disappear dude i think jordan oh my goodness um what are you why are you saying swear jar we don't dick is not a swear jar anyway let's see we've got bracklight with seven months don't know what to type but watching your vids helps me relax sometimes thank you for being you thank you very much mentioned lyric with 16 months of subbing is it another hunt bro this is crazy though um leonardo thank you for the 300 bits i did a 10 course omakase uh at a japanese restaurant in toronto called yuzu nohana highly recommend have you ever come to toronto um whether for fun or for george gt all right i will keep that in mind uh morgan's or morgens thank you for the 11 months very close to a year bro this goes to be zooming though um we got no jew with or now jew with 200 bits can't get over how adorable crumb is i love it comes pretty cool dude crumbs pretty cool we protected we we took the bullet dark borealis thank you for seven months this is pockets indeed fallen foxes thank you for 15 months thanks for being my number one youtuber for the last eight nine years feel old saying that even though i'm 20 uh you make my day no matter what so thanks for all the laughs no problemo thanks very much kyonik's pos with 10 months smart ms with a sub and row farge with 10 months all right god 550 tons uh whoo boy that is a lot hold on i'll verify right now i'ma verify let's see we've got weight of penny 2.5 grams 2.5 grams 550 tons assuming 2.5 grams yeah okay that makes sense yeesh that's 500 tons in kilograms so 550 000 kilos that's a lot of weights i love talking about math as a ghost dude i am the ghost i am the math ghost i am the ghost of math i was walking towards the room and it opened the door as soon as i got there i was just being polite but still yeah crum you must come in are you scared krum no i don't believe you can bring stuff in you can move like books and stuff though what is crumb doing from why do you look so melancholy krub is very sad right now how am i the only one who is unalive tonight i'm the only one nobody else has actually it's false cara has gone down i've gone down twice though but cara's gone down once man oh man man oh man i've taken a bullet for crumb twice now dude yes crumb is grieving are you doing crumb i'm coming she's crumbing what are you eating i'm going to life i need ice puffs did we get that already pre-1982 pennies were 3.11 grams yo so pre-1982 200 million or two million in pennies would have been crazy i wonder how much pablo escobar's cash weighed because he had like what you're like billions of dollars in like small denominations of bills can you even imagine that what i wonder what percentage he lost every year to just like decay and rats eating it and things doing like that can i pick anything up in here i want to pick things up and haunt them we have orbs nice what else can it be [Music] do you think [Music] we dribbling we dribbling dude that's so silly no it's gone far away my basketball is playing basketball what he's playing basketball well you should be able to throw a basketball at a ghost wouldn't that be great you just chuck a basketball in its face and it's just like i don't know what to do anymore hey little you'll crawl crawling little dick oh yeah you better run you better i'm about to peg you with a basketball get pegged in the face you idiot yeah that's right run away run away we bully ghosts out here dude your lowdown on the hierarchy of ghosts i'm a bully you're a r-r-r-a-ace ace ace that's it it's right here you better run you better run yeah that's right that's right disappear go back to your stupid other dimension of ghostery so why did the ball go over here my basketball i need to get my basketball dude yeah ace race that's right ace race indeed dude dude what a coward bro what a coward how the frick did it eliminate me when it's such a coward irl uh was fingerprints the other one wait spirit box even fingers reading it acknowledge me acknowledge me i'm not feeling very acknowledged right now there's only one book in the van i have a friend oh let's throw the ball crumbs uh you can come over here oh yeah two right in the center i can't believe i'm alive for so long dude what an idiot ghost it's mayor phantom or um how did i get caught by something that wasn't a revenant like what is what is this embarrassment absolute embarrassment dude give us a sign there's a sign reveal yourself lanny scarlett thank you for the sub much appreciate oh oh what's this was that a hunt that i just heard there did i guess not oh cara got got oh i thought that was a hunt yup oh car got it hey cara can you hear me wait it's mickey hey can you hear me i wanted to open the door wait did you not did was it a hunt i can't tell when it's a hunt not a hunt i don't think it was it was that was unfortunate bro when i oh it was such a i could open it wait why were you trying to close the door but i could see it open the door all right if you want to go i'm going to oh so you sacrificed yourself for game design that's that's nice so um yeah but the hunt started like just as we were in there and it was really bad and not fun and then uh we had to ring around the rosie inside the room and then we made it out i made it out i was in the hallway running full speed and then the ghost caught up to me but it wasn't a revenant wasn't it how did it catch up um i couldn't quite understand okay um where'd my ball go okay so we had freezing temps we had i lost my ball yeah well i didn't lose my ball don't lose my ball i'm like jordan yeah we go crystals and i'm gonna guess that it was ghost what which means excuse me what that's not how that works oh is it not says the biologist you have something in your book cycle i hope it's a yuri i hope it's a yuri uri it won't yay yeah that didn't that didn't really help me much and caramelized i gotta buy my stuff again i just wanted to open the door uh okay this might be my last one [Music] i i like having five of everything but i bought one of more things and now i have six of some things uh it's just all gone to george oops i bought i bought way too many sanity pills yeah put your sandy pills in i did i thought i used them last time and i forgot and i bought a whole bunch and now i'm broke after this yeah i'm gonna have to play some games and win some championships to get my money back do we have everything i believe so okay cool guys i'm so broke i can't go below 17 000. i also do have two million pennies yes all right i'm not gonna i'm alive this time there's no way couldn't happen dude i don't know we were running we were in the lead and it caught up to me it was the weirdest thing that's ever happened ever never seen anything i was making noise though so it was it was going after me i i saved you i protected don't do that i'll do it if i want to okay so motion sensor emf smudge hey maybe you should stop vlogging no i can never stop wanting to protect i go upstairs now you can't just go oh i can oh i can just protect all i want to i think it's i think it's upstairs in the kids room it was 12 degrees wow ready nice yeah yeah yeah it goes 12 degrees also yes we live in a society yep it's definitely here okay cool are you here yeah let's redeem ourselves from last time i got uv and emf i bring smudge and the light there nice where's it at okay i'm gonna do it real quick hold on i gotta smudge i'll i'll go get it real quick uh i i do give me give me one moment give me one moment and then i will i will hammer it up take a picture of the door if you want to get a camera at any point okay and then crum where is it nice cool it's very very that poltergeist i'm pretty sure i heard it throw something already so i actually might be able to guys all right um let's see what else we do yeah yeah okay so it would be ghost tops i'm gonna go check for those do it do it do it speed run this world record let's go wait where's the fingerprints what i don't see anything oh okay going back into the images okay just gonna get that uh emf reading and then we good hello please show yourself oh there we go speedrun we good let's go let's go let's do it easy yeah we got the bone and everything same txp thank you for the sub much appreciated wow that was the speediest run ever oh no we didn't do that yeah do we want to do that all right all right all right enjoy yourself reveal yourself what's his name i'll come here for moral support give us a sign show yourself [Music] staying outside of the room just in kill case hello reveal yourself why are you looking at me like that it's like it's like a baby daughter and it's like why are you looking at me like that that's how i feel when you get like girl baby girl ghost something called like david clarke i don't think i've seen i i've never really not seen the tick tock but yes i like it when baby girl ghosts are named david captain amer thank you for gifting us up much appreciated come on show yourself show yourself show yourself show yourself show yourself spooky spooky bloody mary bloody mary very very scary scary scary hunt hunt hunt oh my god oh my god so spooky wow oh no no no no i'm screaming i can't oh wow wow you should hunt you should hunt f c word bloody mary bloody mary bloody mary bloody mary bloody mary bloody mary catch the ball and touch the ball push the ball and touch the ball david david you want to play some ball and show yourself we'll play ball i'll play ball with you david double check the names david david david why are you kicking that ball across the room show yourself krum are you there are you there review yourself crumb is the ghost crumb isn't speaking look it's not it's moving it's walking it is walking around walking around and i like it that's the dark yeah i know we already have fingerprints though wow david just doesn't want to cooperate this is sad okay guys all right we got a photo with david very good i got a photo of david with cara's arm through the [Laughter] oh door god okay i think cara is the ghost she's going through the door i don't know what it looks like all right everyone make sure you got pulled in yep all right crum hopefully you got it we couldn't hear you no one can hear me no one can hear me why ghost was it please tell me help help uh i don't know now we can hear you oh my god oh my god did you get the ghost no we couldn't hear you cause i was like michael's i was like what kind of ghost is it oh no oh no oh no all right well that was a good speed run though yeah uh uh uh oh wait i can't head short in there what you can't hear me there's a song oh this is awkward oh my god welcome back looks like there are others out there in need of help hello hello hello are we doing another one uh i think i i think i gotta i think i gotta do another thing i think i got it um yeah i think i gotta okay we do one more because chrome couldn't okay a house we can do a house though yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we can do a house because chrome we couldn't hear from no it's okay it's okay we'll do one more house we'll do just the house it's okay we'll also speed run this one yeah we better okay ready enough yeah we're good oh you got your pant you have peels in pop up up hills here mm jag thank you for gifting a sub to h bomb much appreciated what's that you seem more energetic i don't know about that all right we're here take a look at the equipment all right we're he's here energetic because he is happy wait what what what's wrong happy jordan no i would never be happy that would be that'd be terrible okay ghost event motion sensor ah dirty water i'm unhappy because dirty water is a thing it's a house it's a house though i can't get it no we'll never get it [Music] you're really happy okay i will be happy if dirty water happens oh no well this is unfortunate you can't break it you can break it this is awkward yeah get the key oh my god i got it i got it oh my god i went back to the truck too oh you broke the door okay okay enough then it just opens oh crumb the professional lockpick criminal i'm preparing so when i break into people's houses i can get very easily wow that's that's good to know how you think i'm able to get so much reese's puffs oh you steal reese's puffs from everybody oh my god yes i saw the best cereals by the way i literally never had it but it's candy you might as well just have lucky charms marshmallows only no it's different no you might as well have lucky charms marshmallows only i think it's upstairs if you eat the marshmallows the only thing you're only eating sugar yeah but you're only eating sugar reese's puffs i mean cereal cereal is 100 carbs anyway so it's basically sugar you guys like do you guys like apple jacks yeah dude i like that your name is apple and in uh and amungus okay i don't know where this ghost is i'm about to check the dining room yeah maybe we overlooked it because it's right at the entrance and it wasn't cold enough oh apparently there was 11 downstairs uh honey nut cheerios are good oh um i'm not getting it not seeing it no sorry crumb what was your question maybe it's great check the utility room what do you eat oh it isn't here this is the first time i've ever seen i eat all of the good food that i i can order on an application on my phone it is here yeah are you here nice and cozy in here all right let's go get stuff i'd love to have a professional chef if i was jeff bezos you better believe i would go and poach the number one chef in the world and pay him like a million bucks a year easy and they'd cook me all the best meals ever okay so anyway what do we need we need motion and dirty water it'll bring i guess i bring that and then we'll bring salty boy true true it is elon now because somehow tesla's gone up like 10x in the last year why didn't i put all my money into tesla in march maybe i could have hired i could have hired that chef if i put all my money into tesla in march i'm an idiot why didn't i do that it's so dumb what was that oh handprint on the door okay how old are these oh let me get up wait so where where's the handprint oh sphere box [Music] he says he's closed write in the book write in the book it will bro i actually had a decent amount in tesla back before he did his sec violation things of like all buy back tesla when he hit 420 and i was like i don't know if this is gonna work out well with him doing that and i sold it all and it's gone up like 20x since then so yeah no that was a good good move good move yard on good great move jarred on yeah good move jardon god dang it god dang it that's really good hello sparkles have you seen any dirty recently no i haven't i haven't make the water poopy make it poopy dude did you see my joke did it make the water poopy didn't make the water poopy yet uh so is there anything else we have spirit box and we have uh uh uh fingerprints your box and fingerprints yeah [Music] give a sign i think that's a crumb is that common believe that's crumb so how's that emf going oh okay only a three oh four more more come on come on scale it up scale it up at least there's not a lot of places to go in there you can do it you can do it you can do it we're hyping you up we're hyping you up you got this one more why wasn't all these i could feel the vibrations from that helicopter oh my god come on come on one more one more that was like some military helicopter the heck dude i literally could feel my desk shaking from that that was gnarly wait what are the options oh what do we do with here what do we do here what do we do what do we do run run run run run come come on come on close oh god not me again are you kidding we closed three doors three doors it went through three doors that were closed also if everyone was quiet are you kidding are you kidding i did protect crumb again i was waiting for crumb to get in oh man dude oh my god this has been this has been a heck of a night oh god is it hunting again now you stupid little trash baby dude they move fast now the frick oh oh [Music] oh my god no oh god your body was going crazy [Laughter] i don't know i think i think our sanities must have been zero wow that's very sad that's so silly oh stupid this was this is a bad idea going another round should have taken the speed run oh no stupid baby wonder what their sanities are yeah at least we can keep each other company in the afterlife [Music] i don't know what the net what's the last thing i'm saying you're not christmas yeah it's very dirty water is pretty silly oh cars 100 now they're gonna be fine ghost isn't gonna hunt them yeah we can we can go pick things up and throw it at them yeah get angry get angry let's load up the room with a bunch of random items i can get a cup i'm gonna get a cup i can't get a candle can i get a monitor can i pull the computer the entire computer throw a piano yeah i want to throw the piano at him you get the hammer i can't get the hammer oh yeah i can get the hammer i get the hammer oh really yeah she can't hear me she doesn't have the ghost sense how come you die like every single round i don't it's only been twice three times three two only three times [Music] [Music] i was trying to keep the doors open for you so that you could but then and then close them but then it got us did they say poltergeist oh okay we're good you poulter guys they closed the car almost [Music] wow those ghosts are mean my money going down the tube super not stomps wow this is rough today okay well that's it should have stuck with the speed run i must go now all right thanks for playing okay farewell everybody sorry head to yawn i will see you all i will see you all later boys is he doing okay bye-bye bye all right everybody thank you for tuning in to plasma phobia i hope that you have enjoyed make sure to like if you're watching on youtube also subbie captain sparkles2 hit the bell uh let's see what else what else is there to do playlist if you want to catch more plasmaphobia uh where i don't own alive as much and also make sure you're following it slash captain sparkles because that's pretty cool stuff too okay see you in the next plasmaphobia
Channel: CaptainSparklez 2
Views: 63,540
Rating: 4.956449 out of 5
Keywords: plasmaphobia, phasmaphobia
Id: 01-m87qwY7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 55sec (7315 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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