THERE IS NO GAME... (or is there...?)

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well i guess there's no game here so thanks for watching that's the end hello everybody i am kindly kian and welcome to there is no game the most confusing not game game that we've never not played what i've seen a lot of suggestions to try out this not game so that is precisely what we're not doing so let's begin by not clicking what i feel like i'm being trolled already i'm gonna click i see i see very bright arrows telling me to go this way so i'm gonna go this way and i'm i'm gonna quit you just really yes it's a trap quite literally just exited the game but i did get an achievement for it went ahead and loaded up the game again just gonna not click to not start and then we'll click on the the no game here section it says right there it's a game mize in a mime i'm gonna click it i don't know what's gonna happen but i clicked it when this icon appears exit the program immediately to maximize your chances of corrupting your auto safe oh my gosh it's not like this non-game has a hint system so there's no reason to click on the icon below to get a clue that would be too easy okay so let's keep an eye out for that not clue button act one of the not game i got oh my gosh it's right there it's already there the help button is already there no don't press it it's not a game anyways so why press it let's do this chapter one my sinbaim i don't know what that means is either a different language or just gibberish i'm pretty sure it's gibberish uh click the screws who's doing all this knocking it's not me there's someone in here what just a minute please what is my speech i'm getting a speech who's giving me i almost forget the title yeah it's not a game don't panic i'm kind of panicking what there is no game there it is hello i'm speaking okay i've got some bad news what's that actually there is no game yeah i can't figure that out i hope you're not too disappointed uh i mean you can still watch tv it was on the box okay yeah there's no game but just between you and me avoid asking for a refund if you can okay you know my creator has got to eat that's true very sad and his wife who is sick when he finally finds one oh still working on that being careful is that thing going to hold it's holding one side is well it's been fun but time to go now is the game over you can quit there's nothing to do here really i don't believe you try not to touch the title it's kind of a match i'm gonna do it i'm i'm clicking the extension point i was running out of glue oh what whoa oh my gosh okay i'm destroying the sign with the with the the exclamation mark yeah i'll show you program [Music] i think i need to knock down all the letters but i'm very bad at this not game i'm just an ordinary screensaver that's it come on let's all leave okay got it i gotta destroy her destroy er destroy the emergency room that's awful what about all the emergencies there we've done it we've destroyed the sign i'm crapping virtually thank you for your virtual cloud ruined my beautiful title well if that's the way things are going to be let's make something sorry huh so the game is destroying the there is no game sign oh this is gonna fall overboard this is gonna fall i should click it leave the title alone i'm not gonna leave it alone i'm clicking the breakdown this is tilted stop tapping everywhere it's annoying i'm tapping i can't close the program myself you have to quit i'm tapping the t because it does look like it looks like a screwdriver you want to play your game all right yes we're going to play we're playing um i don't know you know it's the one with rock paper scissors i know i know how to play rock paper scissors paper covers rock right and scissors paper i always thought i needed scissors scissors scissors let's go he got me okay uh scissors again okay this guy's cheating this is so much fun no no he's trying to distract me he's trying to distract me i'm going to take his car can i no okay keep clicking the t keep tapping the sign it's not doing anything maybe if i tap the rope no i need to take the scissors up to the up to that thing okay i'm going to try a different card maybe try a different card try paper oh this guy is totally people i would never retire yeah i've noticed rock you're gonna pick paper of course he's a great gamer he's trying to make me quick by making me lose every single time i know what he's up to program guy maybe if i use paper he'll use scissors and then i can take his scissors i took his scissors okay that totally worked i love it oh my gosh this is awesome luckily i thought [Music] we need to pop this balloon somehow that's why we're going to stop now and you're going to leave happy to have played a fantastic break breaker and an incredible game of reshambu that was not at all wicket it was very rigged leave already instead of playing with that metal letter so we gotta do something with this we need to pop the balloon get this balloon out of here oh yeah it didn't work maybe if i drop it on the sign no oh wait there's something up there oh oh look something's falling it's the sound button i muted [Laughter] i am definitely going to touch it again and i saw the mouse cursor yeah yeah okay i'm gonna there you go i use the mouse cursor to pop the balloon this is actually amazing okay yeah look at what you've done a brand new title if you want to break things go play battle of beauty instead i i'm i'm liking this a lot more okay so now i have the mouse pointer which is sharp for popping balloons and we have the screwdriver but we also have an arrow over here that i'm kind of tempted just to press yeah let's let's remove the screws right okay okay all right we've removed one remove the other one what do you think you're doing i don't know man i don't know but you sound real upset with me i'm gonna keep doing it [Music] there was a play button behind that door a very not welcoming door i am gonna click this arrow oh interesting get out of here it's like private this is backstage opening you should not be here you're going to catch cold go back to the title no there's got to be something here that i can mess with i can turn the page draw me a goat draw me a cog can i do something with the cog oh you know what here do this oh look at me now i'm doing stuff i have a cog i don't know what to do with it but i have it let's go over another screen i think the doormate isn't stuck down nothing what's he he's talking about the doormat but we also have the the language selection screen here is there something that we can we can mess with oh you see that as soon as i go over this key my cursor gets bigger so okay i think we're gonna have to come back here with a key maybe okay let's go back to the door okay so he said the doormat there's a key of course but the key is not gonna be for this is it yeah that's what i thought it's gonna be for that other area too bad okay okay oh we're on to you not game we're gonna use this here yes i just took france what do i do with the french flag maybe i can put it there under the door i don't understand what you're doing i don't understand what i'm doing either you're exactly right he knew because i can take it in and out of the the door but i don't know what that's accomplishing but i can't take the flag back so it's definitely supposed to be here oh am i dreaming or are you trying to pick the lock with the mouse cursor yes you just knocked the key that's on my side onto the floor wait what we put it back there we go wait he said that i knocked a key to the floor when i tried to pick the lock stop pushing the key where is it oh you know what i think i figured it out if i do this he drops the key on the flag and then i pull it out and i get the key yes where's the key [Music] brilliant don't open the door oh i'm opening it dude i'm opening it let's go yeah i am i'm uh what oh this will calm you down don't bother trying to open it the lock is completely busted still don't know what to do with the cog spinning it it's useless very rude oh cog yes yes put the cog on there and then close it and then okay hold on nope that's what okay maybe maybe if i spin this thing now it'll do something doesn't appear to be doing anything oh there's a there's another one i need another one right here so there's a smaller cog somewhere stop moving from screen to screen you can't stop system doesn't like that i don't care especially when it goes too fast he doesn't like it when i go from screen to screen too fast so i'm about to go from screen to screen as quickly as i can and it's kind of making me sick but he does not like this i'm doing it i'm breaking the game i'm saturating his ram see i wanted you the cog give me the cog give it to me this is it this is what i needed that's incredible oh my gosh i love it all right we got the small cog put it right there it was the broken loading screen that is truly amazing okay so now this thing should work right oh yeah we're hitting that button there's nothing left i can use to help me i have no choice what are you doing what's he doing let's go wait what program loading what bad luck you were able to press the button i'm very upset no the problem is loading and there's nothing i can do to stop it you're good you've beaten me i'm not buying it it's taking a long [Music] [Music] would you stop it [Music] the program is going to close due to an unexpected use error the program has quit unexpectedly please restart the machine you sound nothing like my consciousness [Music] you guys heard that too right this program he's messing with my head and i don't like it but he told me not to go to the prohibited folder now we did get some kind of number code oh he's got a oh i need to give him a nut so he'll give me the key and i probably need this key to open this folder okay we need to find a nut for this crazy flying squirrel pictures any nuts i don't care [Music] don't care water plus sun equals happy plant future hazelnut tree we need to grow this tree let's go to image number two open the drawer what's in the drawer turn it upside down dump it out you get a can opener or bottle opener okay cool image 3 your conscience advises you to hold your finger on it i'm not going to do it off never i'm not going to do it conscience this is my id card huh if i rotate it oh wait nine nine one one what there is a nine in there for some reason why is there a nine it's the only nine i'm very confused i should probably figure out what to do with this what is s kite huh oh it's skype i get it i have no contacts though i have no friends what no memory bar i need it i need a new memory bar and it's angry what i'm getting all kinds of ads on skype zinwip will make me skinny let's go the clock the administrator password is required to access the time system do you think that was that number code that we saw earlier but i don't know what it was i can't remember leave me alone conscience you're going to turn off your machine no i'm not save humanity i get it but i'm not let's go to the music section track one the nutcracker lovely uh track two [Music] excessive shaking has broken the system don't reboot okay elevator music i love that that's nice oh relaxation sounds just just rain that's pleasant okay i don't know what to do with the music player but playing track two does kind of break the game you should always listen to your conscience and your conscience says shut down shut down shut down shut down shut down shut down leave me alone conscience let's go the private folder do not shake i know what to do turn on this and then go to this folder here we go here we go that's incredible okay all right we've accessed the private folder by shaking it violently we've got some notes in here that i'm hoping will give us some information the truth about roswell hello due to a technical problem the content of this document has unfortunately been lost sorry the fbi ps oh yes it was a weather balloon oh i'm getting a phone call from not me hello greetings you don't know me and my voice isn't remotely similar to an existing program i'm going to contact the authorities right away regarding the classification of this game non-game what not me profile occupation retired program likes trees kites and the number 51. he hates bugs and goats and his favorite food is the cpu 51 huh that might be something we can use right it's not 515151 is it no it is not an update has just been downloaded your conscience advises you to restart your machine stop use this time to take a two-week vacation i'm not going on vacation stop it like it does every week let's go to zen whip we haven't done that yet have we oh i can't maybe if i use that oh oh that's interesting i can change the size of stuff using that we haven't been to the trash yet oh can't go into the trash because there's nothing in there three hours later oh my secret code i figured out his secret code um i was not expecting that to actually work to be honest but basically i used his favorite number which was 51 which we figured out in skype and then there was that nine in the the binary id card and then there was four one one now i genuinely am not sure what to do with the clock no no i think i know i think i know if i make it daytime right okay i can remove this to make it pm uh that'll make that tree grow oh yes um but like how long do i have to wait i need to give this thing water how do i give it water oh what if okay what if i do this and then go to no because we've got rain right but can we can we do something with the rain i need like a cup oh you know what i just opened the trash can i can now play the worst pinball ever that sounds awesome i'm playing bad pinball do i have to beat that high score get him no i can't okay ah no what is going to be bitten he paused it what's he doing that's better i don't like that how am i supposed to get any points like this all my points are disappearing oh here we go i can move the 100 point thing now oh my gosh this is awesome your high score means nothing to me i have too much power i've done it i've defeated your high score give me this oh i can use this to get water yes hear me out we go over to the music and then we get some water oh my goodness this is incredible go over here give it some water grow a hazelnut tree oh it's awesome okay now give me a hazelnut where's my hazelnut there it is give it to the squirrel get your key oh no i have to crack it open nutcracker i know the drill boom right there enjoy buddy enjoy that hazelnut and i'm going into the prohibited folder oh i gotta shrink it yes gotta shrink it again all right there you go oh man you've crossed the line no no i haven't i'm just too smart we're going in don't launch the program this wasn't planned you were supposed to leave edges ago oh no i gotta click it click it where stop stop stop okay just stay in one spot maybe oh he's slowing down i did it i did it what have you done user you've just launched effect program from within a fake operating system that's impossible yeah i mean what's going to happen no i don't think this at all i've loaded the fake game where are we now i'ma pull the rope namaste user this is the program speaking i have some bad news actually this is not a game i hope you are not too disappointed you can still watch a bollywood film take a walk around the ganges learn to dance such a cliche who is it what are you doing in my game i mean my not game what this is my game now they're i mean they're battling what are you talking about go away you should not be here you have a funny accent are you russian russian do i wrote the r like that sir of course not overreaction typically i am not russian idiot you woke him up oh no what you need to quit the program first i'm begging you what i guys don't touch him user i use aliens table the only one around here is you glitch mr glitch i have nothing to do with this of course this is absolute madness i'm still i'm clicking the glitch he's breaking the game he's destroying the game a little bit at a time hello comrade user dead game i hope you are not too not disappointed how do we get out of here you are spy okay this one truly has machine it's getting insane you are show me papers we are going to die don't be so dramatic it's just going to sting a little bit okay so obviously there is a lot more to this game than we initially thought because it's a game but it's not a game either way this is super super awesome but i'm unfortunately out of time for today so i think we're gonna have to save the rest for a future episode let me know if you guys want to see more by hitting that like button and letting me know in the comment section down below but that is gonna do it for this episode of there is no game i'm kind of starting to think that there is a game if you enjoyed it be sure to hit that like button as always thanks for watching i'll see you guys next time watch out for mr glitch [Music] you
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 1,309,536
Rating: 4.9049926 out of 5
Keywords: there is no game, no game, there is no game wrong dimension, game, there is no game full gameplay, there is no game walkthrough, kindly keyin, keyin
Id: M-G76sN6B2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 13sec (1573 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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