The Origin of Demons - Jim Hammond

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we're picking up from where we left off last week last week last week's message and this week's message the text I'm using and sometimes I'm just gonna read right out of it directly out of it because he can I want to give credit where credit was due and and the man can say it better than me in a lot of cases is a book that's no longer in print by brother Kenneth E Hagin that's my parents spiritual father he's in heaven he died when he was I think 87 back in the early 2000s and this book is called the origin and operation of demons and it's here's the book and you know he wrote this book a long long time ago and this is this is an intense subject you know but I you know outside of grace and righteousness and mercy I probably have done this type of message more besides those three subjects on this subject because I see in a church this size you know you run into people that are just going through hardcore things and you know sometimes I hear the bigger name some of the bigger name ministers they kind of they kind of pushed this aside a little bit because I think this subject was abused maybe in the 80s you know you had people flying around up in airplanes thinking they could get close to those principalities I'm thinking if they bound the devil from an airplane up in the air it would be more powerful or at the top of like the IDs or skyscrapers go up into the atmosphere and you know it can be overblown but but I will tell you that when I don't do this every day preemptively it's usually a rough day it's usually a rough day and there is an enemy there is a devil and a lot of churches don't even teach that they don't want to talk about it you know and and and the churches around here and there's such a wonderful churches but a lot of them aren't they're not the same kind of focus as living word they have their focus and God has their place you know a lot of times it's to get people into church but I'm telling you what we're sharing here is in the Bible it's Scripture and you have to talk about this you have to educate Christians on this because in many cases and I'm going to start next week next week's sermon just kind of given you an example of a story and then I could just switch the whole subject next week we could end it with this little series at the beginning of the sermon next week all right and then go into another sermon but I'm not giving glory to the devil and how powerful at it he is last week was the origin where'd they come from how'd they get here at the same Inn same time we talked about you know how science does line up with the Bible how creation lines up God's creation actually lines up with science and and that was that was the origin of demons and the pre-adamic creation and so the Bible says that the spiritual war we're in is more is more real alright and there's a spiritual world that is more real around us I mean if you could eyes could be open it's more real than the chair you're sitting in and I'm gonna read this straight out of the book here straight from the book that I showed you and this is this is a story that Kenneth Hagin told he said a pastor said one time he was pastoring a church in England and and that a returned missionary was going to speak at his church and he meets this guy the day before church at a railroad station and he hadn't seen the guy for five years and so they've been in the car 5 minutes and this missionary looks at this pastor and he says you're not up to par spiritually you're not right somes not right with you spiritually and he says something's something's wrong with you and the pastor could couldn't believe in the missionary said spiritual health is just as obvious on someone as physical health a lot of times you can tell by how they're speaking spiritual health what's coming out of their mouths and so but he but but he said that this pastor you know it wasn't he wasn't he could feel that he was not radiant and alive and that he was downcast about something and that something was wrong and and the missionary said that to the pastor and the pastor didn't say much about it but then later he got with the Lord about it and you know what was going on was in his little town he had a he had a non-denominational full gospel church and another guy came in that was exactly like that and this pastor felt like this other minister had almost like recruited some of his church members and so this pastor had gone around telling that this minister he was telling on this guy and he's saying he's stealing my sheep even though he didn't know for sure and and this thing was just getting him down and so finally you know he's like that that missionary kind of called me on the carpet this thing that has just dominated my life so he goes over to this other pastors house falls down crying asked him to forgive him if he pray for him because he told him you know I've been I've been talking about you I've been telling you I've been saying you're stealing my people the other preachers started crying and asked that to forgive him because he admitted he had been working on his people there are ethics and ministry and so they they you know they're both on the floor they're crying and they started praying together and they basically got in line spiritually and from that point both churches completely took off and the guy that was downcast his church doubled within a year see but there was something standing in the way you know what I mean there was something in the way and you know sometimes it's it's it's obvious when we're under a load I think it was obvious I was I was I was under a load yesterday in the office just and just just usually it happens before you you're gonna I found I have manhood tomorrow morning so I was trying to get two sermons ready and it interestingly enough in the past it's happened where that week so I have two different sermons boom something just and I know it's something assigned I can't even tell you why I'm experiencing anger and oppression right there in the office and so and so you know we all deal with things like that but in a way what Kenneth Hagins saying is it's dangerous he said we open that door and let a wrong spirit get ahold of us everybody gets in I'm not saying just a bad mood I'm saying that guy that guy was he was obsessed with the fact that dude was stealing his his sheep obsessed to where he started what opening his mouth about that guy and it started to dominate him and what Kenneth Hagins saying it doesn't mean you're not saved but it means you're opening yourself or yielding yourself to the wrong spirit and you have to be States starts with being big enough to realize that Paul told the church at Ephesus they shouldn't give the devil any room at all that we don't have to give him any place we should shut the door on him and so Ephesians 4:27 says neither give place to the devil 427 place place that word place in the Greek language is topos t.o.p OS it means ground you can literally give him space in your mind it all goes back to thoughts everybody is gonna have thoughts they're not supposed to have but my point is this is how do you take them and you take them in and do you dwell on them or that that preacher he's stealing he's stealing your sheet well I I cast that on you God you just take care of it you you beat my defender you be my defender you deal with them he's a man of God I'm not gonna I'm not gonna obsess about that you either give place to the devil what happens two verses later in context you start talking about it you think about it and you think about it and you think about how you were wrong and you're offended and you're offended and you think about what you'd like to do and you think about what you'd like to say and then it says let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth for Twentynine only that which is edifying that ministers grace to the hearers only speak the grace and you can keep from giving place to the devil because that's the bottom line is you're gonna start to speak it eventually and so and then it goes even and more in depth in verse 30 what happens because when you do that when you give him place and you give him that space and that's all you think about it says in Proverbs as you think in your heart so will you be so God's saying you have to pay attention what kind of ground are you giving the devil in your mind because this is where it all starts about allowing Satan humans to operate in your life and use you for their cause they want to use you for their cause it says verse 31 all bitterness wrath anger clamor evil speaking be put away put away so give no place and it's it's obvious that the devil and the demons we talked about last week are fallen beings and and you know what they were free moral agents just like you are have you ever wondered why he didn't send Jesus to die on the cross for them why didn't they get a plan of redemption do you ever wonder why because there was no devil to tempt them they didn't have a bad guy on the other side they just freely and willingly decided to go after God and try to take his place but you know for us Satan was there in the Garden of Eden with Eve and he tempted her and you know it's one thing for a person to knowingly and willingly do something it's another person it's another thing for a person to be tempted or misled and so he gave us a plan of redemption from the hand of the enemy Satan became the enemy of God was trying to get back at God God knew it and we've been laying the foundations here you know where you know you have to get you have to do something you guys and it's best to do it preemptively I'm trying you know a lot of big-time preachers they kind of they kind of shoe this away but I notice when they get in emergency situations they are binding the devil I'm saying don't wait you know your weaknesses by now you know you know and and you know think about John the Apostle or the the the disciple John when he's the older man had a vision or a trance and saw the whole book of Revelation in a vision or a trance and writes it down Peter was on a house top to pray and the Bible says he went to a trance and saw a great sheet let down from heaven basically he had a vision saying the Gentiles get this they get to have this but that was all through a trance in the spirit he saw into the spirit world you know Paul went up to Jerusalem and was he was in a trance while he was praying in the temple and Jesus Christ himself appeared to him and told him they're not going to accept what you have to preach here it's dangerous throve it for through a trance or a vision you know when you're when you're in a trance or a vision like that your physical senses are suspended and a lot of times you don't know exactly where you are it seems you're in another world and actually you are in another world they're in the spirit world at that time these are biblical examples and in the spirit world according to the Bible is more or just as real as the material world God is a spirit and he created the material world in quote it you know Kenneth Hagin had a vision of Jesus where if he read details of that vision he heard him walking down the hall and he walked right in his room it was very very real and he said I'm gonna teach you Kenneth Hagin concerning demons devils and evil spirits he showed up and he taught him right there on the spot right there on the spot and he said that what is known in this and in his word as the discerning of spirits would operate in Kenneth Hagins life spiritual gift these gifts first Corinthians 12 7 through 11 I did five weeks on the gifts of the Spirit last winter but the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man every single one of you in here has this or has the ability to operate in these gifts for one is given to profit to profit all for one is given verse eight this is first Corinthians 12:7 through eleven the spirit of the word of wisdom he's gonna give you a word not a long thing but a word about the future if you're listening okay that's a gift that you can operate in or another the word of knowledge past or present present or past it's helpful to get a word of knowledge on something in the past when you're dealing with another person very helpful when you're ministering to someone to get a word of knowledge about their past you don't always speak at home I just saw this about you it doesn't come always in a vision a lot of times it's it's just his still small voice and after you have to learn to trust it it says to another faith by the same spirit this is not we're all given a measure of faith this is special faith this is another level of faith this is almost like somebody with an out an arm without an arm like something creative creative miracles another the gifts of healing by the same spirit to no other working of miracles working miracles Moses parting the Red Sea Jesus controlling the weather yeah yeah you you all have this more than one we just we just think that's so unattainable we don't think about these things that we can have these things that we can operate in these things to another prophecy to another discerning of spirits some people can see into the spirit world I just had a girl send me a two-page letter said she had been praying for me as part of the reason I'm doing this sermon because I had heard a couple of big-name ministers lately kind of just you know shoo-shoo kind of what I'm talking about and so I was just kind of starting questioning man am I wasting my time here Laurie going after this stuff that I know is coming after me and my wasting his time BAM here comes the thing started out you know I saw I saw you you she was praying for me at 2:00 in the morning I saw you and I saw you binding and loosing and taking your authority on a daily basis over certain things I saw it she confirmed it it's almost like as soon as I started to question it the Lord had someone write in gave someone a vision had him write in you know basically saying keep doing it it was it was very it was a deep deep vision that she had and it was it was it was it was it was awesome the only only only it had to be got to have those types of details the devil's not going to write in and say keep binding me Jim right and so discerning of spirits I'm in verse ten to another divers kinds of tongues to another the interpretation of tongues all these worketh that one in self same spirit dividing to every man several of these these are gifts you don't earn these because you're so good these are gifts you know if my child got in trouble in September October and November I still gave them a Christmas gift if they got bet if they got in trouble in February I never took the gift back it's a gift from God then we're supposed to be operating in and Kenneth Hagin says many times I've ministered the people and prayed for them and never had any kind of manifestation at all then on a later date there would come a manifestation and then I would deal with that spirit there's others where I just never saw any manifestation at all I mean you know you're not always going to see something right then right there even in the Bible there's times Jesus boom cast the devil out of someone later he walked away he didn't stay around and yeah you know give Jesus in your heart say you have Jesus in your heart what's your name he didn't he didn't if you get what I mean there were times boom he cast it out walk the thing came out later the Bible is very clear but Kenneth Hagin says we just need to preach faith in the Word of God and get people to believe for starters and then we need to expect God to manifest himself through the Holy Ghost through these gifts through these gifts first corinthians 12:7 the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit all not ask to profit all you know thank you Lord okay let's look at some examples of this at acts 16 16 through 26 came to pass as it went to prayer a certain damsel possessed with the spirit of divination Metis which brought her master's much gained by soothsaying the same followed Paul in us and cried saying these men are the servants of the Most High God would show unto us the way of salvation does this because she followed him around and this she did many days acts 1618 every day all day walked around you know yelling the you know just sing this over and over and over and over but Paul being grieved turned and said to the spirit this simple I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her and he came out that same hour did I say it came out right then the same hour did it say he kept saying it came out the same hour when the master saw that their hope of their gains was gone that spirit left her she didn't have that ability that same ability to make them money and they caught Paul and Silas drew them into the marketplace under the rulers brought them into the masters saying these men being Jews do exceedingly trouble our city I just want a little side note let's just I love this story teach customs that are not lawful us to receive neither observed being Romans the multitude rose together against Paul and Silas the magistrates tore off their clothes and commanded them to be beaten and when they had laid many stripes upon them they cast them into prison charging the jailer to keep them so he stripped all their clothes off in public and beat them publicly many stripes many stripes and so having received a charge thrust him they put them in the inner prison put their feet in stocks after all this @midnight what were they doing were they crying were they complaining what were they doing or they saying you missed God Paul you missed God you miss Scott that's why we're in this position hey I told you not to come to this town I told you and you we came anyways and look at us now were they doing that no they were they prayed and sang praises unto God so loud the other prisoners could hear him and suddenly there was a great earthquake so the foundation the prison was shaken immediately all the doors were opened and the whole places bands were loosed and so it says after many days of the woman doing this to them he finally turned around and cast the devil out of her and it was real simple I command you in the name of Jesus Christ come out I think it went many days because he didn't deal with it the first few days because the spirit didn't give him discerning of spirits I think eventually he saw he saw it on her but one day he saw it he turned in thought so he turned speaks to the evil spirit not to the woman he didn't say woman shut up and it came out and she was and she was delivered it has to do with spirits and not people something that runs through certain denominations and some nondenominational Pentecostal churches as you hear sometimes well I have the gift of discernment I have the gift of discernment there's no such thing as a gift of discernment there's discerning a spirit sometimes people are referring to the gift of discernment as maybe a word of knowledge they're catching something in someone's path it's just a word and really it's to help them to to minister but a lot of times you talk to people and they see a demon on every doorknob and it doesn't take a lot of time to realize they don't have a spiritual gift at all they just have the gift of suspicion they're suspicious of everybody they look at everything bad that happens to everybody and try to figure out what demons behind that they see demons everywhere everything they see is always bad they never see good there's more good spirits than there are bad spirits the devil only took one-third any and they're limited see he doesn't have unlimited number of soldiers he's limited sometimes you know like I imagine for whatever happened yesterday to me for about two hours he took from someone else can I borrow someone's home tone tone tone so just to put this down on the smack down on Jim Hammond for about two hours and so and you know if you have the gift of discerning of spirits you're gonna see angels as well as demons and just we're just looking at biblical examples of really operating and seeing in the spirit world said Kremes King six eight through 18 get this then the king of Syria Ward against Israel took counsel with his servant saying and such in such a place shall be my camp the man of God sent until the king of Israel saying beware that thou past not at such a place for there the Syrians are going to come down the king Israel listened to the man of God sent to the place which the man of God told him and warned him off and saved himself more than once it says sang King six eleven therefore the heart of the king of Syria was sore and troubled now listen to this he called the servants and said unto them basically said which one of us is a spy somebody's telling him what our plans are verse 12 and one of the servants says no my lord but Elisha the prophet that is in Israel tell it the king of Israel the words that you speak in your bedchamber Wow wouldn't that be something would that be something to save a nation to have that kind of information you have more more ability than he had he did not have God on the inside of him hey you guys aware that Jesus Christ hadn't died was raised again he had a different covenant he said go and spy where he is that I'm I send and fetch him and he told him saying behold he is in Dothan therefore he sent send here their horses and chariots and a great host and they came by night and compass the city about and when the servant of the men of God was risen early and gone forth a host compass the city with horses and chariots and the servant of Elijah said alas master what shall we do and he answered fear not for they that be with us are more than they that be with them so the king of Syria found out where Elijah was when surrounded him with his army his servant is like what do we do and Elisha is like don't worry about it we got more Elisha prayed and said Lord I pray they open his eyes that he may see the Lord opened his eyes of the young man he saw and behold the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha God had his own army there and when they came down to him Elisha prayed unto the Lord and smite this people I pray thee with blindness he smote them with blindness according to the word of Elijah his servant was sawed into the spirit world to go on saying he saw just for a moment what was there the protection that was there and so and Elijah prayed to see it oftentimes you know I take this I use this I said I want to see I want to see I want to see God said can't handle it you can't handle it if you could open your eyes and see everything there is to see demons angels even just driving down the road Kenneth Copeland used an example you couldn't handle it it would be chaos the devil would have already killed you if he could have are you aware that he wouldn't have waited around if you didn't have some sort of protection he would have already finished you off and so that's for someone in here scared of death this thinks about that you know and so that's a spirit you know that's a spirit of fear that you have to go after with your mouth and so the Syrian army you know I mean that that that's just why but he was talking about the spiritual eyes Elijah's like open my servants spiritual eyes Ephesians ones for at 17 18 I always pray the God my Lord Jesus Christ the father of glory that in me grant unto us the spirit of wisdom and revelation insight into mysteries and secrets and the deep and intimate knowledge of him by having the eyes of your heart flooded with light your spirit man has ice do you go I'm saying it has eyes to see and Paul is praying for you you should pray this prayer every day to flood the eyes of your heart with light why so you can know and understand the hope to which you have been called wouldn't you like to know what you're supposed to do and so Elijah the Prophet asked to open the servants eyes who's talking about his spiritual eyes and so let's see a fusion 612 we wrestle not against flesh and blood you're going into work in a secular place or whatever I in the ministry it doesn't matter the battle is not against people it's not against people but against principalities powers rulers of the darkness of this world spiritual wickedness in high places he's talking about four classes of demons or evil spirits principalities powers rulers of the darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places if you study this out Paul was starting with the lowest ranking demons working its way up to the highest ranking demons the highest class of demons is spiritual wickedness in high places Colossians 1:13 he has delivered us from the power of darkness you're supposed to be delivered from it the Greek translation for power actually means Authority he's delivered you they're not supposed to have authority he's delivered you from the authority of darkness if you understand it and you know it and you know what how to use it they're not supposed to have authority to mess with you he said Jesus told Kenneth Hagin face to face spiritual wickedness in high places are the most intelligent types of spirits you'll ever have to deal with Kenneth he said he told Kenneth Hagin the devil as well organize these spiritual wickedness in high places rule over other spirits and tell them what to do and so the spiritual wickedness in high places they rule over those who walk in darkness the unsafe people but they also try to dominate Christians and this is this is straight out of that book origin and operation of demons word-for-word he said this this part of the vision when Jesus appeared to him Jesus appeared him said you just told me he would show me how these spirits get ahold of people he said sometimes they finally possess people and and and you know what that's that's hard for him to do I believe it takes years to possess for him to be able to possess someone and said that he said they will even possess children of God if they let them if they let him that's what he told Kenneth Hagin that means we don't have to have it that way Paul wrote at the Church of Ephesus don't give place to the devil this means not to give place any place in you that means if he does have a place in you it's because you gave it to him in the vision I saw Jesus heard him speak to me I saw a vision a form of a woman I never knew her personally I had met her one time and shaking hands with her when someone introduced to us I immediately recognized her because I had heard her sing at a convention as a fellow minister she was the wife of a minister and she was a worship minister I saw just like you would see a picture on your television jesus narrated the story from he said that this woman was his servant she had a part in the ministry but he said that the devil came and then I saw an evil spirit come and it came and sat on her right shoulder just like you see in the cartoons and whisper in her ear she was a Christian the devil wasn't on the inside of her he was on the outside but he'll work from the outside and try to get in as Jesus narrated the story he said the demon told us she was a beautiful woman and that she had been cheated in life and in the world she could have had fame and fortune and popularity Kenneth Hagins words he told me that she knew that was the devil and she said for Satan to get behind her he said that the spirit left for a season he saw it run off it came back again and whispered in her ear that she was just a beautiful woman she's being cheated in life let's go quickly look at Luke 11 24 through 26 I came up with this one later good they have it the unclean spirit is gone out of a man he walked it through Dry places seeking rest finding none he said I will return to my house once I came out and when he cometh he find it it swept and garnished nothing was put in then he goeth and taketh him seven other spirits more wicked than himself and they enter in and dwell there and the state of the man is worse than the first jesus explaining something here he's explaining something here you know not listen not in the in the book another Kenneth Hagin was telling me or not telling me but I was listen to one of his teachings where I commonly told the story where there was a man who had he was a retired college professor and he was in his 70s and he started just because he was bored he started reading all these these criminology books and he got into a section of books on on the the law enforcement investigator take on the under on the on a pedophile he started reading about the personalities and the lives of past pedophile pedophiles that have been caught and he did this for a few years and within four years he was molesting children and they came to him in a convention and said will you lay hands on me I'm and he told him his story he said I know it's it's a spirit it's a spirit Kenneth Hagin said I'll do it but here's the thing here's the thing I'll only do it if you swear to me that you will pray in tongues thirty minutes a day and you will read your word thirty minutes a day and he gave him the scripture we just read because if we don't if I cast this thing out and you don't put something in you don't you don't put something in you you don't put the Word of God in you and you don't pray he's coming back and he's coming back with more you're gonna it's gonna be worse that's the only way I'll do that and the guy said that he would so he cast that demon out of him and he saw the man like and the wife three years later said he looked like a completely different man completely different man totally free totally delivered and so we're talking about the operation of demons okay I know this is heavy but it's real it's in the Bible we're reading stuff out of the Bible here and so he the devil back to the lady he told her again in the world she could have fame popularity well and she began to entertain Satan's suggestion and you can learn something here the only way the devil is going to be able to get into you is through your mind your mind is the doorway to your spirit one of the greatest weapons is suggestion the devil suggested to Eve in the Garden of even God in the Garden of Eden God didn't want her to eat forbidden fruit because if she did she her eyes would be open and she become like God it was suggestion it always starts with the suggestion she followed his suggestion and so Jesus told this woman who began to entertain the thought that she was a beautiful woman she liked to think she was beautiful and the Bible said in Ezekiel we read this last week the fall of Satan the one thing that happened to him when he felt he was lifted up why because he thought he was so beautiful that was the bottom line he was so beautiful bride so he's using the same thing on her he took he told he told me that she began to entertain these thoughts so she didn't she didn't take care of it yeah that's right I have been cheated in this life felt like she been robbed felt like in the world she could have had fame and fortune then in the vision the woman became transparent she was like a glass and this thing was in her head like a black dot they see give no place to the devil she had given that place is it too late no it's not too late she told me that at first she was oppressed Jesus told me at first she was oppressed by this spirit from the outside at first she rebuked him then she began to listen and be and and continued to think his thoughts Jesus told me she was now obsessed with that kind of thinking he said it wasn't too late even then she knew what to do she could have put that out of her mind if she would have wanted to she could have refused to think like that but she wanted to think like that she desired to think like that so she kept doing it she left her husband she left the ministry she went out into the world I asked the Lord why is he showing me this he said I'm showing it to you to let you know how demons and evil spirits will get ahold of people even Christians and believers if they were if he permits them she left her husband and took up with several different men he said finally she lived with several different men at once she wasn't satisfied with just one man I mean think about it you guys this is like the 60s you know different different day he told me that finally this thing got down into her spirit or her soul it got in her heart and I have to say I do not agree with everything in this book so there's a lot of revelation a lot of grace that I but but you know he does a lot of preaching in this book but I just take the vision that he said you know what I mean in the instructions that Jesus gave them and and I saw it go from her head down inside of her she began to say she didn't want the Lord Jesus anymore she had to say it say it she turned her back on him before she completely turned her back on him I asked the Lord if he wanted me to cast the devil out of her he said I couldn't cast the devil out of her because she wanted it as long as she wants it that way it's going to be that way some people don't want to be delivered Jesus told me not anyone not even himself when he was on earth was able to exercise authority over a human spirit duyan saying over someone's free will God himself does not exercise authority over someone's free will he did exercise authority over evil spirits and demons and any believer in the church can exercise authority over evil spirits and demons but if the human spirit wants the condition to remain as it is then there's nothing we can do about it have you ever met someone like that that doesn't want to be delivered they might say they do but they don't really want to be you guys you okay you guys this is this is really quiet can the thinking said we can't cast that spirit out if they don't want it out they gotta want it out he said I've have had people come to me who think they've committed the unpardonable sin I told them if they never turn their back on Jesus then they haven't different opinions about this okay no matter what you've done or how far away you've wandered but this is for sure no matter how deep and sin you've gone even if you said some things against him in a moment of passion or anger he wouldn't it hold it against you okay you can always come back do you understand that you can always come back to God and and and you know it's it's it's not I can personally because I argue it that once saved always saved I really do I can give you 25 scriptures Jesus said you shall have once you get eternal life you'll never perish why don't we just listen the words of Jesus once you get eternal life you'll never perish once you get eternal life you'll never perish I give you 25 scriptures like that but you know what there's an argument on the other side because of some of in my opinion obscure passages but I'll tell you this we're not gonna know until we get to heaven okay we're just not we're not because of the argument on both sides my mom believes once saved always say my dad believes you can flat-out reject Jesus with your mouth and walk away from them and go to hell my mom and dad don't believe same thing okay and there's just some things you know you could argue about all day do you go what I mean that it's just a big argument Baptists believe once saved always say so and not that's not what we're talking about okay cuz cuz she kind of put his opinion in there you get what I mean he kind of put his opinion in there so she go corny the Bible Jesus Christ defeated the devil for us we have the ability to walk and consistent victory over him but it's more than just trying it once you guys as Jesus told Kenneth Hagin personally a person half doesn't have to have discerning of spirits to deal with the devil you don't have to see it you don't have to you don't have to have that spiritual gift to deal with it you don't have to be a minister if you have Jesus in your heart you can deal with the devil and keep him off you and off your loved ones and you know you'll hear and this book he says well you can't deal with you can deal with them in the church can't deal with no okay look if you work with a bunch of secular non-christians and there's a bunch of strife and division and competition and jealousy all right don't just try it one day and never do it again because it didn't work you have to start it or not those things have been there they don't want to leave in a way they have a right to be there yet until you start saying you know you don't have a right I can't control what they decide but you stay away from me pride strike division competition jealousy you stay away from me you keep me out of the drama in the name of Jesus and and what it does is if he knows if you show him you're gonna stay with it it will slowly push that things back from you and they be a war around you in the office and everybody can still like you if you keep your mouth shut you know cuz he wants to draw you in giving your opinion and get your on one side right but you you can you can affect things like that with your authority you don't have to have discerning spirits if you believe Jesus died for you was raised from the dead for you you have the right and authority to step all over the devil on a daily basis visions 1 20 through 23 which he wrought in Christ when he raised him from the dead set him in his own right hand in heavenly places okay where far above principalities powers might Dominion ranks of demons all ranks edema from the little guys Rick Joyner had a vision spirit of fear is nothing he's on the bottom level spirit fear he's a little guy about that big Rick Joyner Psalm read the book why not final quest he's just a little guy I bet it listen to this far above all that stuff he's put all things under his feet gave him to be head over all things to who gave him to be head over all things didn't we just talk about demons far above all principalities powers mind Dominion from the privates to the generals on the devil's side far above all those guys and who's his body it's under his feet who's his body Kenneth Copeland and Jesse Duplantis apart it doesn't matter what part of the body you are you're you hat you have the ability to dominate those things but you know what I'd say 75% of the Christian world just lets it come just takes it as it comes well that was bad oh I get in a major accident every three months something bad happens to me I just expect that accident you ever met people like that wicked wicked accidents at least once a year something just dramatic that's the spirit that's the spirit following that person around I'm telling you and eventually it's gonna kill if they don't start speaking to it and so I this is not a secret friendly service I understand that right okay okay verse 23 the Ephesians 1 we are his body we are the fullness of him we fill all in all he's not doing anything he's done his work is done seriously you guys and in that same vision I've told this story probably 10 times in the last 10 years I while Jesus is talking to Kenneth Hagin a little monkey-looking thing runs in the middle of them and starts making all this noise and he couldn't hear what Jesus was saying and he's like would you do something about that thing and she's Sam and do I've done all I'm gonna do you got to do something what a point huh you know all he said to that little thing get and it ran off and and so Jesus kind of making a point you know we are his body we are the fullness of him we're the ones that fill all in all he seated his work is done it's about using the name of Jesus and a lot of big-time guys put the blood of Jesus oh you don't need to plead the blood well when I do it it's great and when I don't do it it's not very good that's all I can say you know I mean I got Joseph's prints and all your covered you're covered you're covered you don't got to pleat it and I got Billy brim saying you better draw blood lines around your house twice a day Billy brim been around a long time I do it you know that's a whole other sermon maybe we do the go into the blood next week blood of Jesus but but Matthew 18:18 verily I say unto you whatsoever you bind on earth is bound in heaven whatsoever you know what bind means permit now don't permit permit don't permit whatsoever you permit on earth is gonna be permitted in heaven if you're just gonna let the accident guy follow you around and hit your house with the next you know some catches on fire in the basement in March and then in June your car gets totaled and you're in the hospital with a busted knee cap and then in August you fall down the steps Britain and and bust your elbow then that's just gonna keep happening he's gonna eat your lunch with accidents that's not coincidence that's not bad luck but one thing you know if you're sick all the time you need to quit saying you're sick all the time that's one thing that grieves see the Holy Spirit he wants to help you remember give no place to the devil a the let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth then Ben okay well I'm every time I hear I get sick I get sick at this time every time every year I get this yeah you do yes you do it grieves the Holy Spirit because he can't help you the angels are going backing off and the demons are like uh-huh uh-huh well we get this moment he gets the flu you know let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth Bible says you're snared by the words of your mouth whatever whatsoever you shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven whatsoever okay let me let me get let's go into the Greek whatsoever you don't permit on earth will not be permitted in heaven whatsoever you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven so I mean Jesus talking about it you know and you know what he told and I'm one of the other Gospels he says to Peter I'm about to give you the keys to the kingdom and then he quoted that here's the keys to the kingdom right here Peter and so thank you what I've just got to too much hair hair when we're going on an hour the name of Jesus is supposed to be used as a weapon the name of Jesus is supposed to be used as a weapon we're supposed to deal with the evil spirits the problem is we try to deal with the people we can't exercise authority over people outside the body of Christ right but you can go after those spirits if they're messing with you or your family at all you can deal with the spirits that are operating there Kenneth Hagin said how do I do it now this if you don't hear anything else listen to this Jesus Christ in a vision told Kenneth Hagin these are the words jesus said you can do it in the privacy of your own prayer closet he said you should say you foul spirit that's operating in the life of so-and-so or my life and hindering or embarrassing or whatever my family my business my reputation I command you to desist in your maneuvers in the name of Jesus another good word for that is stop I command you to stop should we read that again I mean Jesus told Kenneth Hagin this is what you say you foul spirit that's operating in the life of so-and-so yeah you could say this for other people or in my life hindering me what embarrassing me hurting me let's say I command you to desist in your maneuvers in the name of Jesus I don't even say it like that I mean sometimes I whisper thank you still here yeah and so one one final thing I know I'm going over here one final short story I was preaching in a full gospel church in California along this line a pastor told me a year afterward that he had three different families in his church that had given a lot of trouble he knew they were good people but he knew after I preached that it was just the devil causing trouble they were conscious unconsciously listening to the devil one of them was a Sunday school superintendent another was a board member in the privacy of his own study he simply took authority over those spirits and those people are on those people that were causing trouble commanded those evil spirits to stop and their maneuvers right then he said that it worked so smoothly it almost scared him he said that he'd been having trouble them for three years but it cleared up overnight and they became his staunchest backers before that they were trying to take money away from him you know because you have a board the pastor isn't in control a lot in a lot of churches the pastor is not in control but the board do you I mean like the congregation members can tell the pastor what to preach in a lot of churches in this day and age and so they were trying to you know they were trying to whittle down his salary or whatever and he said now their church was better off than it ever they had more money they'd ever had before and they're getting more people saved that they had ever gotten saved and so you know what that something as simple as that problems with three families and what he do it took authority he used his authority and he spoke to it and I'm just saying I'm gonna close this message with about maybe the first six or seven minutes next week I want to read you something real interesting all right and then we're gonna do a whole different sermon for 35 more minutes okay you guys okay if we do a little different actually right and so I know this is intense it's it's heavy but it's just real and shouldn't be afraid you know you know like how does what is the doorway the mind is the doorway what are you obsessed in thinking I remember many years ago I remember thinking it was an enemy this is in my 20s enemy kind of my party days and I thought and thought thought thought and thought what it would be like to go fisticuffs with this stick with this guy and I thought about it so much as he thinketh in his heart so is he I said I thought about that even then I had that kind of knowledge wow I thought about that for like three months or every day never thought that would happen it happened it didn't turn out the way I wanted it to hi
Channel: Living Word Christian Center
Views: 14,568
Rating: 4.8360658 out of 5
Keywords: Mac Hammond, Lynne Hammond, Living Word Christian Center, Online Church, Live Church, Church Service, Church, Christian, Jesus, Faith Explosion, Faith, Jesse Duplantis, Jesse Duplantis Ministries, Jesse Duplantis 2017, Duplantis, Kenneth Copeland Ministries, Kenneth Copeland
Id: k5Hgfy6fUlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 55sec (3775 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 18 2017
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