Theo Von & Jim Breuer Trade Norm Macdonald Stories

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we get to the gig and is packed and they go now listen there's kids here and there's students and alum and the dean and all those people here so that's the worst yeah clean i get it no worries norm goes up i'm not even exaggerating the first thing he says he goes out against and [ __ ] [ __ ] at me first person even curse all right i went oh [ __ ] he cursed he goes so if you're gay would you rather be the ass guy or the dick guy [Laughter] spade makes me laugh mcdonald makes me laugh i know everybody you norm makes me laugh dude hold on i'll do that thing about norm so he did this thing one time he gets up he go from one room into another room right he stops at the doorway and he's like what is this what is like a what is this he's like banging on the door like just the doorway like what is like a portal to like another what is this and his ass he's literally asking the people in the room right what do what what do you call this thing it's like a like a portal to whatever how do you just go through where am i and he was just talking about a doorway but it was so he makes anything funny yeah i remember it was me him he came it was i think he was doing a show with spade in irvine and uh i went to go watch and he came at it we went we went like by the dumpster afterwards and it was me him i wonder what you're talking about outside yeah that little outside area where you park yeah yes yeah and i don't know if it was there was one other person there i remember was there soon as uh he said very are you stoned i would not man i stopped because what jesus christ [ __ ] guy from here babe you can't [ __ ] stop getting i [ __ ] you dying he was so angry till i didn't want to get high he was so pissed he was genuinely pissed the [ __ ] is that who's the [ __ ] brewing [ __ ] hey jesus christ the [ __ ] his word are you sure you again jesus cried through what the [ __ ] he was so you judge me now and no no i just i stopped for a while man that's all i joked at all i did everything i smoked as much as i beat the [ __ ] out of marijuana yeah it's hard i think you won one hit i was crushing it i'm meeting up meeting vaughn years before talking about punching elephants in the nuts been there done that i did it yeah dude he uh one time i had to open up for him and this is at a casino we're doing like a casino gig in shawnee oklahoma and cherokee creek casino i think and it could have i don't know this cool lady that i think maybe try to make love to somebody but she also helped us get the gig and um norm was [ __ ] up i think that when he went on he went on after me like i don't think he i don't even think for the first seven minutes i don't even think he said anything right but the crazy part was the next day um we were at there was like a we had to play cards too the next day you'd like be there for the weekend you know so we'd go to the card tables and norm's like a lot of a lot of good [ __ ] in here and i don't know him really well so i'm thinking i'm looking around this room bro there is zero attractive women right they're zero attractive men okay so it's not even if you wanted something scene there's nothing yeah it's a casino and it's a it's a gambling game it's poker yeah five card poker you know so and i'm just thinking well i guess i just agree with him you know he's getting older and you know maybe he has a different perception of what's attractive i'm like yeah man there's sure easy goes [ __ ] no there isn't like he had played me you know like he's like this is the ugliest batch of people i've ever seen i was just talking about him the other day now i was there for one of the greatest norm moments in comedy history i think he he was kinked he was kicked out of nebraska that sounds realistic um and i you can maybe look it up later versus norma mcdonald was kicked out of state by the governor and he went on he went on letterman to talk about it uh and i want to say it was like 1996 because i just finished my first year at snl it was 95 so it was the summer of 96 and i remember going on tour there you go you saw it go down yeah kicked out of iowa that's me talking about it okay uh but anyway should we look on a video or should we no no don't look at that i want to see the real there has to be a headline how nor mcdonald got kicked out of iowa yes okay gazette there you go okay all right so many were disgusted some were delighted so he's supposed now you understand something okay he his first time me touring with a star okay we go to the airport and people like oh my god you're norm mcdonald wow this is everywhere we went oh my god you're norm mcdonald we show up at the university he's like yeah i gotta go golfing with the [ __ ] governor they made me a [ __ ] golf [ __ ] governor yeah yeah what did that game were yeah right so i'm like he's he's with a governor this is huge who gets to say that so i'm i'm it's me daryl hammond and him and you you all both you guys went we're all we're on the gig okay okay we're going out he's telling us yes and so uh we get to the gig and is packed and they go now listen there's kids here and they're students and alum and the dean and all these people here so that's the worst they're like yeah clean i get it no worries i go we're in sunny lagos that's why we got you guys because you're used to live tv pull up so daryl goes up first does his 20 minutes does impressions does his comedy hilarious um i go up do my 20 feel great crush it norm goes up i'm not even exaggerating the first thing he says he goes out he goes look it's like i'm preparing i'm like this is gonna launch my crew are you kidding me this is gonna be huge i'm gonna be off he goes ah [ __ ] where the [ __ ] at me the first person even curse all right i went oh [ __ ] he cursed he goes so if you're gay would you rather be the ass guy or the dick guy this is what he starts off with so i go i go daryl you got to come see this and he's going and he won't stop he's there because if you're depressed to them people are grabbing their kids running up the aisle they're i mean i never saw a place clear out looking like a fire alarm was going off but the college students were staying and they were howling with laughter and he one thing and then in the middle after about 15 minutes he goes jesus christ do you mean [ __ ] airplane jokes he went [ __ ] 7-11 joe said jesus christ [ __ ] out of here so the next day in the paper usa today or the cassette like norma mcdonald's out wow governor wants him out of this state get out of my state but to witness that was i i have so many more moments in my life my first press conference with norm was they prepped us into like you know is he gonna speak and it's just some it's live bbc and he's a bigger star than you so you have to sit there and kind of pay you have to be it was him and spade right next to him you have to be second fiddle at the moment or were we yeah man i just got i'm i'm the new kid on the block we're all a new cast it's all new cast except for spade tim meadows and nor mcdonald wow and we're like whoa and even looking at norman spade i was like oh these guys are star like this is huge yeah i'm really looking up to them and uh the press conference go and i dropped the ball right out of the bat right out of the bat um they asked me the lor the head of nbc who fought for me to be there goes uh jim what was it like growing up watching snl and now you're here you're from new york and now a fellow new yorker i said i didn't watch snl growing up well you can hear i was like oh i saw i went oh that was spade went so he said i knew right away like oh man that was really bad that was a bad and so he goes i go well i i i wasn't allowed to because i was young and he goes what about when you were oh he's trying to prep me he goes surely when you got older and and you were allowed to watch it and i went i was out on saturday so i wasn't watching tv and and and norm's like they're gonna like you you're gonna like you yeah this guy is my guy and he's smoking he's smoking and and marcy klein was just going no put out the singer i think i'm not done this guy's gonna get fired so i think i'm gonna get fired because i saw lauren michael's face he was pissed so are you sitting there super nervous at this point do i swear in my life from my kid's lives i thought i was gonna get fired because i just basically said i don't watch saturday live yeah and i never did and yeah which is not not a good answer the message in front of the press yeah and i didn't say it in a mean manner but i could just tell the boss man was like uh so oh jesus lord so now i'm sitting there thinking i'm gonna get fired swear to god and i'm just like oh my god even get i don't even make it the first episode i'm going to let me go this is what's going on my head the has there has to be a video this press conference in the black market somewhere i i've looked for it never found it it's the 1995 press conference ca and and so they asked norm they go norm you tim meadows david spade you've been here you you know the frat house everyone knows snl is a frat house what kind of what kind of practical jokes you got lined up for these new cast members and i swear to you i went i'm not even going to be part of the the frat house or the practical jokes and norm goes he first always annoyed he goes practical jokes is that what you asked what kind of practical jokes uh first we were thinking about anal rape you know like hey hey yeah take your pain we're gonna italy rape you welcome to saturday live we're going oh [ __ ] he's gonna get fired too you can't say you know rape you're from the president he said anal rape just suddenly you're like i'm back in there i'm in it i'm good i'm good and i went up to him after i went no he's like dana again you know he has a [ __ ] bro you know he's [ __ ] these guys and i realized he would pitch at the pitch meeting he just didn't care he didn't care and i learned so much from him just clearly he saw a lot and he's been there forever like he would i remember he gave he got he gathered the new cast up he's a geek sporting guys yeah don't write me any of your gay sketches [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] right now and i do a sketch it's getting on but don't put me in your gay little sketches [Laughter] i swear to god man i also traumatized him we were we would play football in the hallway because he was very competitive he's always betting and it was a very tiny hallway maybe as wide as this maybe and uh he's like come on baby thank you we're playing three in the morning oh [ __ ] come on ben [ __ ] playing football meet you colin quinn [ __ ] uh justin justin you [ __ ] [ __ ] the phone calls no one's calling three in the morning get getting a [ __ ] ball let's go so he would cheat would piss me off because i'm competitive and i'll never forget he keeps cheating and cheating and now i'm pissed how's he cheating it's like a hallway it's like a hospital hallway but he [ __ ] cheat he's a cheater yeah right so oh yeah he has a cheater i had boots on so i had i had work boots on yeah yeah because yeah you use those to write in yeah so is he running [ __ ] work boots on stone oh the ink's heavy yeah yeah so now he he he cheat i caught the ball and then he he grabbed it and pulled it from me he's like hey fumbled and he starts running the other way i'll never forget i [ __ ] kicked him as he's running in his in his calf on wow and he goes jesus christ bro why did you [ __ ] kick me in my [ __ ] calf i said you're just cheating say you [ __ ] kick me ah jesus christ and all he did all week he like [ __ ] really [ __ ] kicked me in my calf because i took the [ __ ] ball jesus christ brewer and spade just in the distance like yeah so those in a moment i absolutely i i loved more that stuff you know all of it was worth it all of it was worth it one needy but it was all worth it hope you enjoyed that video and you can watch another and you can watch this one you can watch this one different options different choices some guy just brings you one option not this guy two options watch one this one or this one
Channel: Theo Von Clips
Views: 463,352
Rating: 4.9206057 out of 5
Keywords: Theo von, this past weekend, theo von podcast, this past weekend podcast, tpw, joe rogan, joe rogan experience, jre, joe rogan podcast, brendan schaub, bryan callen, the fighter and the kid, below the belt, tfatk, theo von brendan schaub, king and the sting, king and the sting podcast, chris delia, chris delia podcast, joey diaz, bert kreischer, tom segura, bobby lee, tigerbelly, Clip, Highlight, Theo Von Clip, Theo Von Highlight, Norm Macdonald, Jim Breuer
Id: nRrYswAEG-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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