the youtuber forced to lie about her age for years: danielle cohn

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Today’s video is sponsored by Skillshare. Today’s video is about the lengths people will go to just for a drop of internet clout. Well actually, she has 16 million followers . . . A tablespoon of internet clout. Who’s Danielle Cohn and why does anybody acatually care? 15 years old, millions of followers on Instagram, billions of views on TikTok, silver play button? Hey guys, um so my new plaque from YouTube just came! No, gold play button! But I wanna say thank you everyone so much for getting me to a mil, you guys are the best and I love you guys so much. Someday. She’s already gotten brand deals with Fashion Nova, Target, Bang Energy! Then again, Bang Energy would sponsor a molerat if they had enough followers. Oh look, they did. Mom, so how’s Costa Rica? It’s great but it’s so freaking hot! You know what? Yeah, what? You look super hot. What? You wanna bang? I’m your mother! I just wanna give you a bang- I trash talk so many companies, it’s a wonder any of them still sponsor me. Speaking of which, today’s video is sponsored by Skillshare, the online learning community with over-- Alright let’s be honest, we already know exactly what Skillshare is. You join, get the classes, expand your creativity. Great. You already know how the script goes. This is the part of the ad read where I’m supposed to show you a Skillshare class and hype up the author, but you know what? I wanna hype me up. I wanna be the author. It’s me. Sorry, Jazza. I love you. So here’s what we’re going to do. An annual Skillshare subscription comes out to less than $10 a month, but the first 500 people who sign up with my link below get a 2-month free trial. And I believe two months is just long enough for me to come up with my own Skillshare class. So if enough of you click the link and join below, I will start my own Skillshare class about YouTube, just for the people who joined for free. And I know how to make money online, because I’m about to collect this sponsorship money, and Skillshare instructor money. I just finessed my own sponsorship. Click the link. Join Skillshare. And I'll start filming our class. Anyway, back to the video. So how did Danielle Cohn become one of the biggest influencers on the internet? What skill does she possess. What talent does she have? Well none, silly. I told you she was an influencer! But she is a triple threat. She acts, dances and sings. She’s just not good at any of them. Good luck. Bye. Hey, wait, you forgot something! It will for sure make the flight better! Bang? Caffeine free energy drink??? She’s more of a triple slight warning. But she knows how to pose for Instagram, and that’s all you really need in today’s cutthroat job market. The only issue is . . . She’s not 15. She’s not even 14. She’s actually 13. See this fancy Jeep right here? She’s not even old enough to drive it. Dani’s age was just a big lie that she had been telling for years. So when the internet found this out, the internet did what the internet always does. Blame the victim. Ding. Ding. Ding. Here we have a 13-year-old masquerading as a 15-year-old which puts her in the prime spot between having a legion of adoring teenage fans and an even bigger legion of people who hate her for lying and not acting her age, which creates just enough engagement for an increasing portfolio of brand deals which she posts to her instagram that I can only assume is followed by 50% boys who have a crush on her, 50% girls who wanna be her, and 100% creepy adults who don’t actually follow her but stalk her page for free bikini pics of a literal child who JUST entered her teenage years. The point I’m trying to make here is: this isn’t something a kid would come up with. Behold: Jennifer Archambault. Archambault? Archambault. ARCHAMBAULT. Archambault. Jen Arch, she goes by. Thank God. So this Jen lady is on Instagram and TikTok? For some reason? Imagine being old enough to have a grown child and having 100,000 followers on TikTok because you’re, as your bio says, the mother to Danielle Cohn. And Chad Arch! If your only life skill is having famous children, I hate to break it to you but you don’t have any life skills. Just kidding. I love to break it to you. Then again, she’s gotta be skilled at influencer management. It’s just that the influencers she’s managing are her kids, but you know that doesn’t always end poorly. Look at Justin Bieber! Oh, wait. Look at Lindsay Lohan! No, wait. Look at Macaulay Culkin! No, wait. Why do these kids keep becoming stars if they know it’s going to end so badly? Kids are so silly. So yeah, all jokes aside, she’s exploiting her child on the internet that way she can cash the checks that her child makes by posing as a playboy bunny for the enjoyment of uh . . . whatever kind of person wants to see a 13-year-old dressed as a Playboy bunny. You know there’s a word for that kind of person and it starts with a P ends with a jail sentence. And cash the checks she did, because the moment Dani’s socialblade turned green, Jen quit her job, packed her kids up, and moved the family out to LA. With Danielle’s money. Sadly, adults exploiting their kids on the internet is nothing new. You can’t go more than five videos without seeing some kids channel doing a sponsorship for some shady company. Remember folks, kids can’t sign contracts, so either that contract isn’t binding and laws are being violated, or the parent signed the brand deal and has contractually obligated their child into performing services for money. In other words, other laws are being violated. Those parents are going to have a field day when the Department of Labor gets bored and decides to start to regulating us. Well not us, them. The people who exploit their kids. So, in theory, what Jen Arch is doing to poor Dani shouldn’t be surprising. Especially not to me, because at this point, I tend to expect the worst from internet people. But the more I looked into this situation, the more insidious it became. Jennifer Archambault is a bad person. Allegedly, you know. Getting sued is so 2019. See as disturbingly adult as Danielle Cohn’s videos are, it could be argued that Dani herself wants to make that content, but that excuse falls apart when you look at the videos that her mom posts of her. 13-year-old. Yoga pants. Pop your p----. Posted by her mother. Her mother chose that song. I know Jen watches these kind of Danielle Cohn commentary videos, because I’ve seen her comment on them before. So to you directly, I’ll just say: We know exactly what you’re doing. That’s all, because if I spent the rest of this video talking to her, it would be a lot longer than ten minutes. So instead, I’m just going to explain exactly what she’s doing. First things first, Jen is making her daughter a target for online predators. You can look at Danielle’s social media for half a second and see the blatant objectification, the poses that she’s making, the outfits that she’s wearing, and the image that she’s sending forward. Danielle is not choosing, buying, and posting all of these outfits by herself. In fact, there’s video proof of Jen goading her daughter into being racy on camera. Dani. Show them your body so they can be quiet. But don’t let Jen hear you say that, because according to her, Dani takes all her own pictures and Jen begs her to stop doing social media. In fact, that leads into the second thing she’s doing. Shifting the blame onto her daughter. Besides the fact that this is emotional abuse, she’s not even doing a good job of it. She’s allegedly begging her to stop social media but she’s the one signing her brand deals? You can’t even make that make sense. Dani is a child. She didn’t handle all that Fashion Nova correspondence, her mom did. Also, none of her Instagram photos are selfies, so someone is taking these for her. I don’t know what’s bigger, the moral deficit she’d have to have to shift the blame of her actions onto her own child, or the logic deficit she clearly has if she really thought we’d fall for that. The only thing worse than a stupid person is someone who thinks the world is as stupid as they are. But the issue, Jen isn’t stupid in the least. She knows that the people who see right through her are incapable of stopping her from her degenerate actions. The third thing Jen is doing is meddling with Danielle’s relationships. Here’s a video where Dani forgot to remove the camera audio. The more edits you guys get, the more edits go out, the more followers you get. Here we have her mom pressuring her to create more content with her then-boyfriend all for more engagement. This actually gets more disturbing when you consider that one of Danielle’s boyfriends was 17 years old at the time. Now, this wouldn’t have been much of an issue if Dani was 15. But again, if this literal birth certicate and the word of her biological father is anything to go by, Dani was 13. Jennifer tricked a 17-year-old boy into dating her 13 year old daughter for more engagement. When his parents discovered this, they quickly ended the relationship and went public with Danielle’s real age, which sparked a feud between the parents that Dani responded to. That’s right, Dani responded to. Because the fourth thing Jen is doing is using her daughter as a mouthpiece. Listen to the way Danielle addresses her video to her boyfriend’s parents. So, don’t come at me because you’re mad because everyone knows the truth about you, Katy and Delvin! And, are they just mad because they’re getting evicted because their son can’t pay their rent anymore? I’m done with them, these grown adults coming at me! Why in the world would you put a child up to defending you against other adults? But this is far from an isolated incident. Jen makes Dani speak up for her a lot. Just last month, Dani posted a 12-minute defense of her mom, where it's obvious that she’s just repeating what she’s been told. But we’ve had CPS come like 3 times this year already, to investigate, and like—they’re like “We can’t take your kids away if we literally like come here and we see nothing wrong”. It’s obvious. Also you can tell from how she talks that she’s clearly 13. The final thing Jen does is leave Danielle to take the fall. You’re not going to find YouTube videos of her mom speaking up, because she’s always behind the camera. Just look at the situation on the internet. Where is most of the attention being directed? To Dani. I could have gotten a million views on this video if I had named it “Danielle Cohn is bad”. But I’m not falling for that. Danielle's mom is allowing her to take the brunt of the hate because the biggest thing that people like her mom do is stay in the shadows. But you know what? Jen can set her daughter up to be a target to online predators by making her seem older. She can shift the blame onto her for the attention she gets from those people. She can meddle in her relationships and set her up with people far older than her. She can use her daughter as a mouthpiece to issue blatant lies and shoddy justifications. She can even leave her daughter to take the fall for the entire situation. And you know what? I can’t do anything about it. But I can place bets. Who’s going to finally take Jen Arch down in the end? Karma? Child Protective Services? The United States Department of Labor? Honestly, with the way she’s groomed her daughter into the prototypical, drama-obsessed, scantily clad, backstabbing LA influencer at the ripe age of 13, I place my money on Danielle Cohn. Anyway, hope you liked this video. I post videos just like this- well, a lot more casual and a lot less fancy but otherwise just like this every single day on my second channel, so be sure to find that in the description down below, as well the comments. Anyway looks like I’ve gotten ten minutes of content out of this, so leave a like, tell me what you think, and subscribe if you haven’t already. Thank you for watching and a big thank you to my 300,000 subscribers. Okay bye.
Channel: D'Angelo Wallace
Views: 1,405,341
Rating: 4.9827275 out of 5
Keywords: d'angelo wallace, funny, commentary, comedy, satire, the youtuber forced to lie about her age for years: danielle cohn
Id: mTIKQis3XTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2020
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