The XIAOMI MI Router 4A Gigabit Edition

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Hi chaps, welcome and thanks for watching.  Here is the breakdown of this Episode. Please   use the chapter markers if you  want to skip or fast forward.   We will have a closer look at the Xiaomi  Mirouter 4A Gigabit edition today.   We‘ll test the Ethernet switching and routing  performance plus the Wi-Fi performance, first   with the stock firmware and then with OpenWrt.  But before we flash the device with OpenWrt we   will have a look at some – well let‘s call it  specifics of the original firmware. Stay tuned. (Jingle) In my last video I compared three routers  and how they perform with OpenWrt.   Many of you left me comments on youtube –  thanks for that – asking if I would want to   have a look at the Xiaomi Mirouter 4A (I hope  that I do pronounce this correctly – leave me   a comment ;-) ). This device costs roughly 30  Dollars and has Mediatek Hardware, so it should   be the perfect fit as a home router. So – I was  curious myself and hence I bought one on Amazon.   That means that I am not in any way  affiliated with Xiaomi – they did   not provide me with the device and they are  not paying me to do these tests in any way.   First look at the device – it‘s quite small,  really flat if I compare it for example to the   Archer C7 here – it has 4 antennas and it has  three Gigabit ports, two for the LAN and one   for the WAN. It does not have any USB ports.  There are no wall mounting holes or anything   so either you put the device on a table or desk or  shelf or you need to 3D print clamps or the like   if you want to wall mount it. It‘s really small  or rather flat – will it have enough juice to   provide Gigabit connection ? Let‘s not judge  a book by its cover but see for ourselves. Cool, so let‘s have a quick view at the  Installation and the user interface.   When you plug the router in for the first  time, then it will act as a DHCP Server   on the LAN interfaces and will be reachable on  the address. The first thing that   it asks you to do is that you select your region  and agree to their terms and conditions. I suggest   you read those terms and conditions. It  will become clear why later in the video.   Once I have read and accepted the conditions  I will then have to put in a password for the   Wifi and web interface which will be printed  out in clear text on the next screen. So just   make sure that nobody is watching  over your shoulder when you do this.   The router reboots and once I reconnect  to its IP address in the web browser,   I am greeted with this QR code which would let  me download an app to access the router remotely.   I am not doing this, I just want to use the web  interface. Here you can do stuff like manage the   Wi-fi, some very basic network settings, activate  Quality of Service, DHCP and dynamic DNS or VPN. The user interface is really slim and down to  earth with the most basic settings here. One   thing intrigued me though – look at the URL –  that does look like OpenWrt. Does the router   already have OpenWrt installed ? we‘ll see  later. Before that – let‘s get shell access. The documented way of installing OpenWrt on  that device is actually to use an exploit   called OpenWrtInvasion which you can get  from Github – link is in the description.   The easiest way to use this is to run it in  docker. So let‘s do that quickly. The container   is built and when I run it, it asks for the  router‘s IP address and the session token which   I can just copy from the Web Interface. Once the  exploit has ran then we can telnet into the router   and do stuff there. Let‘s first do the speed tests  and then we will look around a bit on the device   to see what‘s under the hood. Guys, if you want to  see a more detailed video on the flashing process   then please check out that video of fellow  youtuber hoddy who also wrote a guide and   more importantly pre-packed the pxeboot utility  in order to unbrick the router on his blog.   Please do show him some love and give  his video a like! Many thanks guys! The test scenario in my last video consisted  of a combination of htop running on the device   itself in order to monitor the impact  on CPU on the router and iperf or iperf3   from the outside in order to measure throughput.  We don‘t have htop on this device but we have top   which is not so colorful but it will do the job.  So let‘s go. First scenario – I switched off the   DHCP Server on the router and then connected  both LAN interfaces to my LAN on one side   and to my laptop on the other. Now I can  run a speed test from one LAN port to   the other which should not trigger routing  but rather happen on the switch hardware.   As you can see we get quite decent performance  here. Top shows no CPU load, just as expected-   there is switch hardware inside the device.  That‘s good. Let‘s do the next test. In order to test routing performance we will  run the speed test between the LAN interface   and the WAN interface. Going from one subnet to  another will force the device to use the routing   functionalities. Iperf3 shows really decent speed  figures here and – no CPU load. So the device   must be using hardware offloading. Ah ! That  makes we want to test quality of service – you   remember ? On OpenWrt we can currently not  use Qos / SQM / Smart queuing and Quality of   service – together with Hardware offloading –  it‘s either the one or the other (at the time   of making this video, that means in November  2021). But let‘s do that after the Wi-Fi tests. The device can do 80 MHz channel width in the  5 GHz band, that means a theoretical maximum   speed of 866 Mbits. So realistically I would  expect something around the 500 to maybe 600   Mbits speed here with one client. Here is the test  scenario explained quickly again. One Server is   running iperf3 on ports 5201 and 5202. My iPhone  is running iperf3 in client mode and is connecting   to one of those server instances and my laptop to  the other one. First with one device. As you can   see we do get I‘d say a quite stable 400 to maybe  500 Mbits – In the beginning of the test I have   been moving around with the phone. Not too bad.  The interesting thing here is that the device only   shows roughly 20% CPU usage. Let‘s add the second  WiFi client. The impact is immediate and obvious.   The total performance drops to something like  300 Mbits, 200 on one and below 100 on the other   client. Not so good but still OK given that we’re  pumping a constant data stream over both clients. Cool – so much for the tests with stock  firmware. I am curious to see how we will   perform with a full OpenWrt install –  given that there will be a different   environment from a Linux Kernel and  driver perspective. But before we do   that let‘s look around a bit on the device  now that we have this nice shell access. The first thing I did before I implemented  the exploit was running nmap against the   router in order to see which ports are open.  Open ports on a router can be red flags for a   network administrator as every single application  that has an open port could potentially increase   the vulnerability of the device. From the LAN  side we can see a lot of open ports here – I   am curios to see what they do. From the WAN  side all ports seem to be closed – that’s OK.   Once I implemented OpenWrtInvasion it does of  course show additional open ports, namely tcp   ports 21 for FTP, 22 for ssh and 23 for telnet.  Let’s telnet into the router and first query   some basic variables. The proc file system will  be our friend here. Also there are a couple of   tools like uname, netstat and lspci which can give  us further information. First the Kernel version.   It looks like the router is running on a  Version 3 linux kernel. Lspci shows 4 devices,   that will be the Ethernet cards – apparently  there are two of them – then the 2.4GHz WiFi   and the 5 GHz WiFi. That’s it. Let’s see which  modules we have loaded. We can see the usual   modules like the drivers for the Mediatek hardware  but also some other ones like Voip / SIP support.   Let’s check the running processes. There are a  couple of processes here that you would not find   on a standard OpenWrt installation. We’ll see in a  second what they do. Also I can see here that the   router pings an api host every 2 minutes. that’s  actually an Amazon cloud hosted instance here.   Next let’s see the listening ports here – whoah –  loads of open ports and applications listening –   let’s see if there are established  connections to the internet. In other words,   let’s see if the device is phoning home.  Big surprise – there seems to be an active   MQTT connection to this address here.  Looking it up with nslookup it shows   yet another Amazon cloud instance. I have  also tried to subscribe to that MQTT server   with mosquitto_sub – which works but yields  no result if I listen to the hash topic – so   at least not everyone can listen in to the  traffic that my router sends to that address.   But what does it use it for ? Presumably  this is the communication channel to the App   which the router starting page invited me  to download. Let me explain that quickly. These days people expect Consumer hardware to be  accessible via an app on their mobile phones. Be   it checking the webcam at home or checking  or adjusting the temperature of a thermostat   or – like in this case – the WiFi router. In  technical terms this is quite easy to achieve   when you are in the same network, for example  if you are at home and you are in the home WiFi.   But people expect this to work everywhere  in the internet. The problem is that it is   not easy to get into your home network from  the outside. That’s what firewalls are for.   You could of course use a technology called  port forward which would mean open a small   window on your firewall but this is quite hard  to secure – it requires strict firewall rules,   additional authentication and dynamic DNS in order  to find the home network from the internet. So how   to solve this dilemma? Vendors have started to  attach cloud based services to their products.   The way this works is that rather than trying to  go into your network from the outside the device   which you want to control phones home – or in  technical terms it connects to a well known   instance in the internet. The app which they  provide to you connects to the same instance.   It is kind of a proxy or relay configuration.  Both connections are outbound, hence no hindering   firewall. You do something in the app, send it  to that cloud server and that server uses the   established connection to relay the command.  So is this a problem ? And if yes, why ? Well,   in my personal opinion it’s not a problem at all  as long as you are aware of it and you consent   to it. In other words – you need to be OK with  the fact that someone else controls your device.   If you know all the facts – like WHO is using  your data for WHAT and HOW LONG they are using it   and you make an educated decision that this  is what you want then that’s totally OK. But wait – I am a citizen of the European Union  and I am protected by the General Data Protection   Regulation – the GDPR. That means that I have  rights here. They should have told me about all   this. Have they ? Yes – they have! You remember  the very first screen when I set this router   up ? It asked me to agree to their User Agreement  and Privacy Policy. Luckily I kept a copy – and –   screening it – yes – they tell me – Marc, we are  collecting your personal information – and here is   how we use it. They also do have a representative  in the European Union who I can contact if I have   any concerns. Guys, I am not a lawyer, right  – this is a tech channel. Just be aware that   if you are using this router with stock firmware  then you are transmitting data to them. Right ? Looking around I found a couple of things like  that messaging task which connects via MQTT to   the AWS instance, the constant ping, some  firewall rules which would open ports on   the WAN side – and of course – yes, this router is  running a heavily customized version of OpenWrt –   we can for example use the uci command  to query the OpenWrt config data.   One thing that has particularly intrigued me is  the fact that the router can do quality of service   QoS with apparently 0% CPU utilization.  Actually there is a lua script running   which seems to be responsible for this. I might  have a closer look at that in the near future. OK, I do not want my router or webcams  or thermostats or any device in my home   to be accessed or controlled by any  3rd party – hence I will go ahead   and flash the device with the real  thing – with fully fleshed OpenWrt. Right after this – CALL TO ACTION – I need you to  get involved please. I would like to hear from you   if you are using cloud-controlled devices  like IOT devices (thermostats, cameras etc.)   and if you do have any concerns  about security or privacy.   I would also love to hear from you what your  take is on having a router being controlled   over the internet or by a 3rd party. Please  do leave me a comment. Many thanks guys ! Before I flash the router though I want  to take a backup of the existing firmware.   Usually I would do this on a USB stick. Since  the device has no USB port, I need a different   way of pulling an image of the firmware here.  I could mount a volume on my NAS or over NFS   or write into a file on the temp file  system and then download it with ftp   but ad hoc I can also just use nc or netcat  and pipe the output of the dd or cat command   to a network socket on my local host. Let  me show you an example of how this works.   On the router I do something like for example  just print hello or output a text file and then   I pipe it over to nc which expects a counterpart  on this IP address on port let’s say 10,000.   On my workstation (which has the IP address  which I just specified on the other end)   I let netcat listen on that port 10,000 and –  tadah – the content is sent over from the file   to my local workstation over the network. So I’ll  do that with the content of the MTD block devices   which do actually contain the firmware  and write the output into a file.   If I have something to generate hashes like  md5 or sha256 I can even verify the content   on both sides and make sure that I have an  accurate copy. In this case the checksum   will always vary on the mtd7 device because  this is a read write overlay file system   and also on the mtd0 because that one contains all  the other mtd blocks. The other checksums are OK. Cool, we have a backup of the original firmware  – now let’s go and flash. The process is very   well documented on the OpenWrt website – all we  have to do is pull an image over the web using   curl or scp or ftp it to the router and then  write it into the MTD block devices. Let’s go.   This process takes a couple of minutes. But once  the router has rebooted then it will run OpenWrt   and hence be available under the  address. As I have installed the snapshot image,   I will have to install the web frontend manually.  I can do so by ssh’ing into the router, then I   launch opkg update in order to update the software  package list from the OpenWrt repository and then   I do an opkg install luci. Luci is the name of  the web frontend. If you use a release image,   this will already be included and you can safely  skip that step. For the speed tests later we will   need htop in order to monitor the CPU usage, so  let me also run opkg install htop to get that. Just checking that Luci, the OpenWrt web  interface, is available on the IP address All working, all good. By the  way – if I want this to look a bit more modern   then I go to system-then software and I search  for theme. The look and feel of luci can be   adapted with themes, for example the OpenWrt2020  theme makes it look a bit more… you know modern. But now let’s go for the  performance tests. Same scenario   like with the stock firmware or in the  previous video. First the Switch test,   that means both endpoints are connected to  the LAN1 and LAN2 interfaces and I run iperf3   in order to measure the Ethernet throughput  without routing – in the same subnet. We can   see that we get roughly the same performance  like with the stock firmware here and 0% CPU. Now the Routing test. No surprise, the  performance is not great as it uses the CPU.   We can see the CPU usage here in htop. So let’s enable software offloading  in luci under network-firewall. Yes, this is much better. Last but not least I tick the hardware  offloading box – and – that gives roughly   the same performance like with the  stock firmware – but keep in mind   that Smart Queue Management SQM and Quality of  Service QoS will presumably be unusable as of now. One more test to go – the WiFi performance test. I  have two iperf3 server instances running on ports   5201 and 5202 on my proxmox Server and then I  connect via the Wifi with my laptop and later with   the iphone, both will run iperf3 in client mode.  One on the 5201 port, the other on the 5202 port. Connecting the first client –  roughly the same Throughput like   with Stock firmware but with higher CPU usage. Connecting the second client and the  throughput drops to 200 Mbit on one   and roughly 100 Mbit on the second.  Quite similar to stock again. Awesome. Let’s sum up quickly. I have summarized the findings here in this  table. The performance of stock firmware   and full OpenWrt are about the same  but with higher CPU usage on OpenWrt. With regards to the built in data collection  and cloud Management capabilities of the router   I have decided that there is no way that I would  use the stock firmware but rather be in control   and use OpenWrt. And again guys, I have decided  this for myself – I am not your dad – at least   to the vast majority of you – so you are of  course totally free to decide for yourselves. Given the fact that the device only  has 2 LAN ports and a WAN port,   so 3 Ethernet ports in total the use  case as a router and switch might be   limited. But it definitely  makes a good access point. Comparing it to the D-Link DIR-2660 which I  tested in the last video it turns out that   the device performs not so good, I’d say at 80  to 90% of the D-Links performance – but hey,   it only costs a fraction of the D-Link’s  price. The D-Link sells for 100 to 150 Dollars   while the Xiaomi can be bought for roughly 30  Dollars. So given the huge price difference I   think it is definitely a go if the limitations  like the number of Ethernet ports, maximum of 867   Mbits on the 5 GHz band, the missing Wall mount  and the missing USB port are not a showstopper.  I also checked if the WiFi hardware supports  mesh point mode – and it does – so a good   use case could be to actually use the  device as a mesh point in a 5 GHz mesh.   I might make a video on that shortly. So far for this episode guys – do not  forget to leave me a like and a comment   and to subscribe so that you won’t  miss out on the next episodes.   Until then - many thanks for watching,  stay safe, stay healthy, bye for now.
Channel: OneMarcFifty
Views: 13,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Xiaomi Router, Xiaomi Mi 4A, Xiaomi Wifi Router, performance test router, OpenWrt router, OpenWrt wifi, iperf3 linux, linux, Wi-Fi Router, Network security, cloud privacy
Id: a4fDwG3aEb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 58sec (1438 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 06 2021
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