How to configure OpenWrt as Firewall for your home network and Guest Wifi and IPTables explained

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So many of you have been asking for this episode – well, here it comes. Actually, I’ve had so many questions from you guys that we need to split this in two episodes. Here’s what we will do: First episode we will look into a firewall configuration for our internal LAN, a guest network and a separate network for our IOT devices. Second episode we will extend the LAN, guest and IOT Wifi to a second Access point using VLANs. Stay tuned. (intro) Let’s log in to the web interface (which is called Luci) of our first OpenWrt router. By default this is the address. Here we go to Network, then Firewall. As you can see, there are already two firewall zones predefined, namely LAN which is our internal network and WAN which is basically the internet. Now – let’s not bother too much for the time being what the settings here mean, I will explain them later. What we will do as a first step is that we create two more zones by clicking on Add. Let’s call the first one GuestZone and save. Same thing for IOTZone and save. Then – important – click on save and apply. Let me quickly explain what we want to achieve. Nobody should be able to get into any of our networks from the WAN interface. Our guests should be able to browse the internet, so they need to be able to get to the WAN zone but they should not get anywhere else. We do not want guests to browse our internal network. My IOT devices such as my vacuum cleaner should not be able to get outside in any way. I don’t want these devices to phone home to the vendor. So they should be confined in their zone. People in the internal LAN should be able to browse the internet plus they should be able to browse the IOT zone, for example Web interfaces of cameras which are in the IOT zone etc. Looking at the config page in Luci here we can see that there are mainly three different settings that can be defined. Those are Input, Output and Forward. The possible settings are accept, drop or reject. What do they all mean ? When a packet of data arrives at one of the router’s interfaces it can either be for the router itself, so it is a packet for the local host or for a process running on the router. Typical examples would be http – like we just did with the web interface. The process that serves this interface is running on the router. Or – alternatively – the packet could be for a different network. An example would be if we browse the internet. Then the input interface would be the LAN interface and the output interface would be the WAN interface. So as a first step we need some magic here to decide where the packet wants to go and whether we accept it or whether we deny or drop it. Under Linux this is typically done with iptables. IPTables has so called chains. The most basic chains are Input, Output and Forward. If something wants to speak to a process on the router then it needs to go through the INPUT chain first. If a process on the router wants to speak to the outside world then the packet needs to go through the OUTPUT chain. If a packet wants to go from one Zone to another then it will need to go through the FORWARD chain. If I wanted to browse to a page in the internet, for example, then I would first send a packet with a DNS request to the DNS server on the router in order to find google’s IP address, so this needs to go through the INPUT chain. The DNS daemon on the router would then need to ask a DNS Server in the internet for Google’s IP address. This request would go through the Output chain. Once I have Google’s IP address then my browser would try and establish a connection with it in the internet, so this request would go through the FORWARD chain. Iptables has – like the name suggests also various tables. The most important tables are called RAW, MANGLE, FILTER and NAT. Each table can contain rules for various chains. This looks very complex. But don’t be afraid – we can simplify this to a large extend. In real life for 99.9% of the cases we only need the filter tables. Plus we might occasionally need Pre- and Postrouting in order to NAT or rather MASQUERADE addresses. We’ll come to that later. For the time being we will concentrate on INPUT, OUTPUT and FORWARD. Back to our Luci interface. With what we know now we can much better understand the settings on this page. On the top we can see that there is a default setting. This accepts Input, so things for processes running on the router such as DNS, DHCP, the Web interface, or ssh access to the router. It has an accept on the output chain, so all processes running on the router by default may access all other zones. And Forward is set to reject, so by default everything is kept in its own zone. Now let’s apply the rules for the different zones. First the WAN zone. Here we don’t really need to change anything. We want to reject incoming traffic. Let’s move to the LAN zone. The default settings are OK for what we want to do. All three values are set to accept. Now there is just one thing to be aware of with regards to the forward settings. Forwarding from one zone to the other is shown in this left column and what this forward setting on the right means is forwarding between networks in the same zone. Presumably by default you won’t have different networks in one zone so don’t bother too much about the setting on the right. The most important one is the one on the left. Let’s see how we can modify this. We do this by clicking on Edit. Let’s do the first change here. We want our LAN users to be able to browse the IOT zone, so at the bottom of the Zone settings we open the drop down box that says “Allow forward to destination zones” and tick the IOT box. Let’s save. The settings for IOT seem to be OK. I do not expect an IOT device to open a browser page on my router, so we can leave Input accepted. Now for our guests. We do not want our guests to open the web page of the router configuration or try to ssh into the router, so we set input to reject. We do however want them to be able to browse the internet, so we need to edit, then again go down to the bottom of the Zone settings, then open the drop down box that says “Allow forward to destination zones” and tick the WAN box. Let’s save. Before we click save and apply let’s quickly double check. LAN can go to the WAN and to IOT. It can access the router itself. IOT is blocked from everything except the router itself. Guests can only go the internet but not the router itself or any other zone. Looks good so far, let’s save and apply. Before we define the network interfaces and the Wi-fi SSIDs we need to talk about two more little things here. First, there are two exceptions which we need to define for the guest network. As we deny access to the router itself, a client from the guest network is blocked from two essential services: The first one is DNS, I have briefly expanded on that before. The second one is DHCP. We do not want our guests to define IP addresses for themselves. This should be seamlessly provided by the DHCP server on the router. So for DNS and DHCP we need to define two exception rules. This is done on the traffic rules tab. Let’s add a new rule here. I want to call it “Guest DHCP and DNS” – we can pack both in one rule. Protocols are UDP and TCP (even though DNS would strictly speaking only need TCP and DHCP only UDP but then we would need two rules). The source zone is Guest, the destination zone is INPUT, so this device. And the destination ports used for DHCP and DNS are 53, 67 and 68. Action is accept of course. Cool let’s save, then save and apply. Next let’s quickly talk about masquerading or NAT which is short for Network address translation. The number of IP v4 addresses is limited. There are more devices on this planet than public IP addresses. Therefore some IP address ranges are private, namely the 10.x range, the 172.x range and the 192.168 range. You can do whatever you want in these ranges and these addresses will never be routed in the internet. But how could a packet find its way back to us if it comes from one of those private addresses ? We just tell the router to masquerade everything that goes out to the internet with the public IP address of its WAN interface. This can be done in two ways. Either by ticking the box “Masquerade” here on the zones or by adding a specific NAT Rule here on the NAT rules tab. (explain NAT rules) Awesome, our firewall setup is complete and we can now add the Interfaces. We click on Network, then Interfaces. At the bottom I click on Add new Interface. I call the first interface guest. As protocol I will use a static address and please tick the box “Bridge Interfaces”. This will help us in the next episode when we add VLANs to extend to a second Access point. Leave the interface unspecified for the time being. Click on Create Interface and now we can type in all details. Let’s give the guest interface an address in the 10.x range, for example Very often routers have the .1 address at the end, but there is no rule for this. I chose a class C network mask, that is three times 255 dot zero and I leave everything else at default values on this tab. Just need to make sure that the router acts as a DHCP Server, so I click on the DHCP Server tab and click on Setup DHCP Server. The default values should be OK for most use cases. Last but not least, we need to assign the interface to a firewall zone. This is done on the Firewall settings tab and here we specify of course the guest zone. Let me quickly do the same thing with the IOT network. Pretty much the same steps, just a different IP address range. Here I chose the address. Just any address I randomly picked out of the private address range. Great, last but not least let’s add the Wi-Fi interfaces. Let’s click on Network, then wireless. As you can see, I have two Wi-fi Network cards. One for 2.4GHz and one for 5GHZ. The most important setting here is the security. Guys, I will not go into detail on the wireless settings. I have already made a couple of Wi-fi videos. Please do watch those if you have questions on bandwidth, Roaming etc. Just one detail here, we need of course to add the right interface to the right firewall zone. So IOT for the IOT wifi and guest for the guest wifi of course. That’s it. Save, then Save and apply and we are done. Perfect, we have successfully segmented our network into three firewall zones. We have a Wi-fi for Guests, for the LAN and for our IOT devices with adapted policies. Guys, that concludes today’s episode. In the next episode we will extend the three Wi-fis to a second Access point over a single cable using VLANs. Until then, many thanks for watching, liking and subscribing. Stay safe, stay healthy, bye for now.
Channel: OneMarcFifty
Views: 34,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to configure OpenWrt, OpenWrt as Firewall, Firewall for your home network, Home Network and Guest Wifi, Guest Wi-fi, Guest Wifi, OpenWrt Firewall, OpenWrt Guest Wifi, IPTables explained, iptables firewall, openwrt firewall explained, openwrt firewall tutorial, openwrt firewall luci, openwrt firewall zone settings, guest wifi setup, how to configure openwrt firewall
Id: UvniZs8q3eU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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