migrate a physical server to a virtual machine on proxmox

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As a part of my current network  and infrastructure make-over   I am replacing my old little home server here  that is running on one of these zotac z-boxes   with something still small but a bit more  powerful – this ultra small factor pc here   which has a better processor, more ram and more  disk. But how am I going to migrate all the stuff   that I am running on this old server to the new  one ? I think I’ll make it virtual. Stay tuned. (intro) In some of my videos I showed you how to build  virtual environments. For example in this video we   built a whole little home network in virtualbox.  In other videos I showed you how to build your own   home lab server with virtualbox or Proxmox. Today  I will use the proxmox server in order to migrate   my old system from physical or “bare metal” like  it’s called into a virtual machine running on   the new server. Guys, please use the time markers  to skip to the chapter that you’re interested in   if you don’t want to watch the whole  episode. First let’s prepare the old system. The first thing that I do is I  log into my portainer because   al of the services on the old machine are running  under docker. There is just one particularity   on my system and that is that I am not using  Docker to autostart services but rather systemd.   So I wrote a short script to disable all of them  by launching systemctl with the service name.   One thing I forgot though – would be nice to  still have portainer itself, so let me just   restart that. I’ll stop it but leave it enabled –  that will be convenient once I have migrated the   machine. Just taking note of the USB identifiers  on that machine such as the smart card reader, the   satellite receiver and the UART which interfaces  with my central heating system over ebus.   OK, good night old server. Shutdown. Cool, so now I have disabled  all services on my old system.   This way I won’t run into situations that my  backup starts and possibly backs up data from   the wrong location accidentally as soon as  I start the machine in the new environment.   That enables me to start the services on  the new system in a controlled manner.   Next - let’s convert the physical machine  to virtual and import it into ProxMox. And   guys – this would be more or less exactly the  same on virtualbox or any other environment. First I need some additional disk space where I  can store the converted disk images to. I have a 5   TB USB Disk which I just quickly mount to a folder  on my linux PC. As you can see, I have roughly 2   Terrabytes available – that should do. The command  which I will use in order to convert the physical   disk (which in my case is /dev/sde) is vboxmanage.  So my plan is to just output the content of the   raw disk and pipe it over to vboxmanage with the  convertfromraw option. Now this option has two   operating modes – one that reads a file and the  other which I want to use and that reads from the   standard input. But for this I need to specify  the numbers of bytes because stdin has no end   of stream marker. Launching fdisk on the old  disk tells me that number of bytes here. So I   copy-pasted that value into the command line. And  here we go, here is my converted disk vdi file. Awesome, as you could see, converting a  physical disk to a virtual environment   really requires no magic. It can be done very  easily. Now – this disk is quite big – it’s   got 120 Gigabytes. On my proxmox Server I  have a 1 TB SSD but I don’t want to use up   more than 10 % of the available space just or  this one disk. Also, only 30% of the disk are   used – what I’m going to do is that I will  shrink it before I import it into proxmox I will do this in a virtual machine. I do not  want to mess up the original disk but rather   stick to the golden rule number one of forensic  operations – and that is “Always work on a copy!”.   I will first add the target disk. And in order  to save storage space that shall be a dynamically   allocated VMDK disk. It shall of course be at  least as large as the original disk but as I   will copy only the shrinked partition it should  not become larger than let’s say 40 gigabytes.   I like to do that type of operations  with Knoppix. So what I do is that   I add both disks to my virtual Knoppix machine.   Once both disks are added, I can then start the  Knoppix VM. In Knoppix I use the graphical gnome   front end to parted, which is gparted. Here I can  nicely resize the disk by just sliding the marker   to the left or to the right. Once I confirm my  changes then gparted will launch all necessary   tools in the background. It will align the blocks  at the beginning of the partition, then shrink the   filesystem and then shrink the partition itself.  The second partition which I had deleted here   was the swap partition. That can easily be  recreated. Great, the process is finished –   launching parted quickly shows me that the first  and only partition on that disk is 42.6 Gigabytes   in size. It is actually an MBR partition, so  it is not a GPT partition scheme. That means   we need to use fdisk or sfdisk in order to now  copy the partition schema over to the new disk.   Quickly checking the new disk shows  that there is no partition table yet.   If you launch sfdisk with the d option then  it will dump the partition table of a harddisk   and the nice thing is that this can be  piped over to sfdisk on a second disk   and what this will do is that it copies the  partition table over from one disk to another.   And tadaa – the second disk now has the  exact same partitions as the first one.   Now we can copy the shrinked partition from  the first disk over to the same partition on   the second disk. For this I use dd. Be extremely  careful with dd. It’s very easy to mess things up.   Let’s monitor the progress on our host system  where we can now see the vmdk file grow.   As predicted, it stops to grow at  roughly 40 Gigabytes even though   it’s exactly the same logical disk size.  OK I think we’re done here with Knoppix. As I have showed you, you can shrink a disk  with an offline linux that you booted from a   USB stick or that is running from an ISO in a  virtual environment. The process takes a long   time – in my case it was nearly a day. But I  know that if I hadn’t done this then it would   constantly nag me like “Why is this half  empty disk using so much space” – so I had   to do it once and I’ll be good for a long time.  Great, next let’s import that disk into proxmox. I have already created a VM with the identifier  999 so now I can use the qm importdisk command.   I am quite sure that I could as well just have  copied it over to the repository but – let’s   go by the book. That again is a quite  lengthy task so let’s accelerate this a bit.   Don’t you sometimes whish you could just  fast forward like this in real life ? Cool,   the disk is listed in the hardware of the  Virtual machine and just needs to be attached.   It was a SATA disk in the real world so  I’ll just keep that in the virtual world.   All other values look OK so  I leave them as they are. That looks good. Next I just need to  make sure that the VM gets the hardware   it expects such as the card reader and the dvb  satellite receiver which both are USB devices. Under Hardware – I click on the Add  button and select to add USB devices.   With this I can pass through  the USB device directly   and it will be presented to the VM as if it  were attached to it directly. Here we go. As we have just seen you can  easily map hardware devices   directly to a virtual  machine. This works with USB,   but it can also be done with PCI devices. Very  convenient. Great, let’s start the server. A brief quick check on the  parameters. They look good,   so lets go – I start the VM and connect  to the console – and – it’s booting.   Perfect. Quickly logging in with  the old root password works – great.  Awesome, the server starts and everything  looks OK. Now let’s go to portainer   and launch the docker containers in that  machine so that my services are back. In the new system I have just  checked the network configuration.   Now let me see if the USB devices are ther. That  looks OK. So let me be optimistic and just start   the first container which is my satellite TV  receiver. Let’s check with the KODI frontend.   And – TV is OK. Perfect. I’ll do the  same with the other containers later. Cool, that’s it – we’re back in business  – file, backup and tv – all running again   and I can now sell the old PC on  eBay – I don’t need it any more.   Over time I can now migrate single services such  as the shinobi video surveillance system over   to linux containers and hence integrate  them directly into the proxmox console. But – again – that will be  a separate episode. Guys,   many thanks for watching, liking and  subscribing. Please leave a comment and   share this video with others if you found it  useful. Stay safe, stay healthy, bye for now.
Channel: OneMarcFifty
Views: 43,362
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Keywords: home lab server Proxmox, Proxmox Server, Proxmox Home Server, Home Lab Server, build a home lab server, build a home server, tiny home server, Proxmox, proxmox install, home server setup, Migration Virtual Physical, physical to virtualbox, physical to virtual linux, physical to virtual migration, proxmox physical to virtual, P2V proxmox, P2V
Id: X3q5nLNBHig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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