The Xbox Brand Faces An Inferno | Asmongold Reacts

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the Xbox brand faces an inferno uh oh by the way there were some Xbox Andes remember that Kareem guy well anyway he clipped what I said asmin gold responded to me in his video and he says here he what he says here is about the is about Xbox is the most amazing thing I've ever heard I love Xbox I I had the Xbox one I had the 360 I played all the Halo original GE got like five posters down there Gears of War when the new one comes out I'm going to play it I think Xbox is the best publisher right now they are the most ethical more so than Sony because they put their platforms on PC or their titles on PC as well I think Xbox is the best and he just immediately cuts it right there and then like there were a bunch of other Xbox Andes in in in the comments like bro I knew he was based I knew it they were so [ __ ] happy about it about Xbox because quite frankly there's a lot going on right [Music] now Xbox week from hell I guess they released a new Halo confidence in Xbox is seemingly at a low not seen in over a decade since the Xbox One's online check-in requirements and the TV first messaging instantly torched all of the momentum that had been carefully and brilliantly built up over the course of the Xbox 360 generation who wants a brand new Xbox yeah the root of the issue this time comes down to an existential question about the Xbox platform itself namely why should Gamers continue why great question why you to invest in it because right now the suggestion is that many of the things things that make Xbox valuable could find their way to rival consoles it started with Whispers of last year's Shadow dropped Rhythm action hit high-fi Rush being ported to Nintendo switch and possibly also PlayStation 5 subsequent murmur said the same about the long running live service hit sea of Thieves there's also like another element of this that I think people aren't talking about as much is that the like the FTC just got done investigating Xbox and Microsoft for a monopoly and they almost weren't able to buy out Microsoft Blizzard or sorry uh Activision Blizzard because of of that and so guess what happens well now they're trying to put their their games on other platforms so they don't have this happen to them again I think I I actually think that's the biggest reason I don't even think that it has to do with Xbox itself I think that it has to do with the fact that they don't want to be be seen as a monopoly and they don't want to be regulated I admit and I think that's why for example like right after because they did this with blizzard too and like think about it like the blizzard battle net launcher was the only place you could play Diablo 4 now is it yeah yeah now you can play it on Steam now you can play OverWatch on Steam I think this was done intentionally as a response to that lawsuit I think also Xbox has kind of fallen off off there's also that but I think the lawsuit is a much bigger reason B so you think they want to be seen as a publisher rather than a console platform or a Marketplace I think that's part of it yeah and also I think that the truth is that uh Xbox as far as I know from what I've seen I could be wrong uh but PlayStation let me see what's the new Xbox let's find out PS5 sales versus Xbox series s yeah so PS5 is outselling the Xbox series x/s by a nearly 3:1 margin PS5 22 million versus Xbox's 7 million nobody ever complained about there not being enough Xboxes because nobody cared that's just it bother me the way it irritated many in the Xbox Community II Rush is fantastic to be sure but it isn't a AAA Blockbuster release that draws new players into the Xbox ecosystem yeah he's right about that find it way to other platforms fine Xbox players have still had access to it for free as part of their game pass subscription since it launched and they'll continue to do so switch players would have to pay for the privilege of playing it as for sea of Thieves what's the problem that's a six-year-old game live service or not it's just hard for me to get worked up about that one why would you not want people to play a video game I don't get it so they don't want people to play the game these latest rumors if proven true have the power to shake the very foundations of the Xbox brand they suggest that everything might be on the table for possible ps540 Starfield Indiana Jones in the great circle and maybe maybe Sony can pay money to not have Starfield like you know how they pay like certain companies probably like money to stay exclusive to to to to PlayStation maybe they can pay money like to not have it on yeah and these are rumors which by the way sure look like they have some truth to them even that Xbox boss Phil Spencer took to Twitter to respond to the chaos saying quote we're listening and we hear you we've been planning a business update event for this next week where we look forward to sharing more details with you about our vision for the future of Xbox oh I can't wait for this [ __ ] end quote the whole thing gives off some serious resigned to third place energy from Microsoft well they haven't resigned third place they're just actively competing for it every single time like in my opinion why the [ __ ] like the only reason I buy a PS5 is because the exclusive games and I stream the games if it wasn't for that I would never own a PS5 why the [ __ ] would I buy one of those like the only console that's worth buying in my opinion is the Nintendo switch because it actually does something that a PC doesn't do well a steam Tech does now so left longtime Xbox fans people who have invested thousands of dollars over multi multiple console Generations wondering why they should still support Xbox wasted thousands of dollars over numerous like so what so like now because you bought the PlayStation 3 now they have to make a PlayStation 6 like but I bought the other ones like I dude where are these people coming from man and just go buy a PS5 enjoy the many Stellar exclusives that Sony has spent the past decade plus cultivating and get whatever Xbox has to offer over there eventually by the way [ __ ] Sony for making these games exclusive to their shitty [ __ ] console wish I could play it on PC in short consumers have shown Microsoft loyalty but now it feels like perhaps it's not being reciprocated you can't just run away okay so like let me get this straight all right so let's let's go ahead and let me just make sure that I understand this okay so you have you have Xbox and you have PS5 right so I if you but like I If if they get rid of Xbox and then the Xbox games go onto the PS5 ass assing by the Next Generation this would be the case wouldn't that like wouldn't there be like more games that you could play and wouldn't it just be better because now all you have to do is buy a PS5 and you can play all the Xbox games and all the PlayStation games because like from my perspective i i i i that's that's how I'm seeing it you can't understand this man they're a different breed less Dev time yes but they have a monopoly on the console Market well Nintendo's there Nintendo's huge and also I think a monopoly on the console Market is bad like you're you're definitely right but like I don't want Xbox to just keep making Xboxes and like make these forced exclusives in order to create competition for PlayStation like I I don't know it doesn't seem like a strong enough argument to make people spend $500 every six years away from your problems truly Xbox game pass is really the console now series X or series that's a good point that's smart I agree with him it's been trending this way for a while it's admittedly weird to wrap your head around what like look at that [ __ ] bro like Xbox game pass it's not this is like old Netflix remember whenever Netflix first came out and it was like does Netflix have the movie the answer is yes like it's got Persona BR power world it's got the good games on it it doesn't have like um you know bills Adventure making uh you know [ __ ] Banana Splits Dairy Queen and it's a game with the graphics on a PlayStation 2 and it sucks these are like real games it's interesting to see it doar you'll still get that good Xbox game pass deal and get it first on Xbox but will that be enough to get people into your ecosystem it would be for me there is a potential winning strategy here in a moment but there's one other massive problem that's making all of this worse for Microsoft and for gamers right now what's that messaging I've been covering Xbox for a long time and to be frank I'm not sure its messaging has ever been this terrible frequently it's hard to decipher what the company means last year Phil Spencer told Euro gamer that quote that's because they're trying to figure that out themselves the truth is is that it's obvious that Xbox is trying to move into more of a publisher role it's obvious that they're trying to reinvent how people buy and consume video games with Game Pass and I think they're doing a very good job of it so the reason why XBox doesn't have a consistent message is because XBox doesn't know what the message is in the first place because they are inventing the message and they are constantly changing what that message that they are inventing is based off of the feedback from the people in their audience and from what the market says think our available in more think but offered no concrete parameters around what that means is it more places in the Physical Realm with Game Pass going quite literally everywhere via phones and other portable devices y or as the rumors suggest do more places equal rival consoles poor communication around what Microsoft perceives as a place for Xbox has done nothing but damage to the fears and the discourse around the brand maybe you should have I am unwilling to accept that there is actually a functionally important group of people that give a [ __ ] like there's like seven dads on Twitter with Xbox hats on that are mad but like I refuse to accept that there is an actual audience of people that this will impact no bo I a life of meaning on top of that Xbox's messaging is almost always reactive rather than proactive he's very right about this and Sony has much better messaging and Sony is much more proactive forward thinking he's totally [ __ ] right constant defensive State it's been this way since 2013 and it makes Xbox look weak honestly well that's because back then Xbox tried to pull some [ __ ] and they were weak and [ __ ] them and thank God Sony was around to keep them in check that [ __ ] they tried to pull with always online with the camera on all the time they can suck a dick for that just aren't like this but anytime time Xbox takes a step forward if you've noticed there's seemingly a rake on the ground that smacks them in the face and causes them to stumble backwards that that one there is called Halo 4 that's Halo 5 and all of these are the different seasons of Halo infinite and that's Xbox right there the cars 343 and it's always self-inflicted case in point already in oh actually you know what no the car the car is actually uh Gears of War because there's no one inside it's completely ignored it's abandoned and it's always self-inflicted case in point already in 2024 we've gone from yay the developer direct was great to this whole mess now last year they had a killer start to the year with the first Xbox developer direct and the shadow drop of high-fi rush until they failed to see the train wreck that was redfall until it was far too late hyping its first ever $70 first party game to be the next big thing from renowned developer Arcane how many people are playing redfall right now man of seeing what was really about to ship and resetting Community expectations accordingly that constant one step forward one step back as much as anything well it's true that Sony has a much better lock on quality control than Xbox does and I think it's probably because Sony is much more Hands-On it seems like at least they are from like my completely disconnected perspective I think Sony is much more Hands-On Microsoft is like I think Microsoft is like he just go [ __ ] do whatever the sh you want to do the game go ahead you got to have it out really soon though and like that's it I don't give a [ __ ] I think Xbox fans are simply exhausted at this point as a hardware manufacturer and first-party publisher in the industry and one of the biggest companies in the industry overall now more than ever Xbox just needs to be better that's it tell people what's awesome about the platform and then prove it show some confidence which brings me Xbox the reason why Xbox is failing is that it doesn't provide a unique benefit so Xbox can't leverage exclusives because people can just play them on PC and because Xbox is simply a like you know this is Microsoft this is Xbox Xbox is is big but Microsoft is you know it's [ __ ] Microsoft and so really they're never going to be able to say that you need to buy an Xbox to play this video game because if they do that then they're [ __ ] over all the people that are already in the Microsoft ecosystem by owning windows and so again whenever you go and you play an Xbox game on PC you're not getting one over on E on Microsoft because you're you're playing it on their operating system that's it and so I think that what Xbox needs to do is they need to find a way that their console can add value that's not through exclusives like I don't know if that's being portable I don't know if that's being uh you know a pseudo computer type thing I think that they really need to be creative with this because Nintendo was creative with it with the Wii and the Wii blew everybody out of the [ __ ] water I would say the Wii is the second greatest console of all time second only of course to the PlayStation 2 which is the greatest console of all time everybody knows that the point is the Wii totally revolutionized gaming it was the first time that anybody who was a non-gamer bought a gaming p a gaming console it was insane it's like it's it's incredible whenever you think about the cultural impact that we had and then you go with the the Wii U which was a big [ __ ] right but the Wii U paved the path for N64 was [ __ ] trash compared to the Wii who gives a [ __ ] about the Nintendo 64 who cares like if you think the Wii if there is no argument that the Wii is not at least the second greatest console of all time that's just the way it is it's just a fact with the impact that it had on the culture come on anyway point is that the XBox doesn't have that hook like the switch has the hook of it being a uh what do you call it of it being portable PlayStation has the hook of a bunch of exclusives there's no hook for Xbox the GameCube Oh you mean the worst version of the PlayStation 2 give me one way that the GameCube was better than the PlayStation 2 I'll be right back okay all right anyway just [ __ ] ban this guy I don't want to actually listen to that [ __ ] [ __ ] guys an idiot all right next let's see the rest of this the possible light at the end of the tunnel what if in the end Microsoft Is Right Sony has masterfully built its PlayStation Walled Garden and Nintendo can continues to successfully March to the beat of its own drum for better and for worse but console growth is not accelerating mobile growth is if Xbox is everywhere on consoles PCS and phones is that the winning long-term strategy does gen Alpha talking about the 14 and under crowd here even care about platforms do they just want I think that they probably do because uh 13-year-olds are stupid and if you're stupid you probably care about your gaming platform so I feel like uh yeah I bet they probably do care about it yeah for sure I mean these are the kids that were beating each other up whenever they were like 9 years old over fortnite skins guaranteed they're getting in fights over Xboxes 100% it's not even a question games on all devices but especially whichever device is closest to them at that moment whether it's a phone or a console or a PC see but even if Microsoft Is Right it sure could do a better job of telling everyone why it's confident it's right instead Phil Spencer's message of in effect we hear you we'll get back to you next week is not particularly reassuring no I I don't I I think that Phil's saying that is totally [ __ ] Fair like what's he going to do tweet out like the business plan of Xbox he's going to have to take some time and figure out what they're going to say I mean to be fair Elon Musk would probably tweeted out but I don't know if they would want that to happen right yeah future of Xbox is likely to look very different from both its past and its present but in this present we are watching a monolith of a company attempt to rewrite the Rules of Engagement in real time they already did they already rewrote the rules with the game pass I don't think that people realize that like it already happened and it worked that's the thing is it [ __ ] worked might work but will Microsoft throw away 20 years of hard-earned brand loyalty in the process stay tuned that's a good point yeah he does bring up a good point that there are a lot of people that will just buy the new Xbox because it's an Xbox and well no but like don't they sell consoles at a loss I've heard that consoles are generally loss leaders I don't know if that's still the case but I remember this was the case even for Sony yeah I mean there it is I mean imagine a PS3 probably wasn't sold to loss it [ __ ] was overpriced as [ __ ] but all the rest of them I bet it would be yeah Sega Genesis had a Game Pass in the '90s it was called Sega a channel yeah and Xbox had a sorry and Microsoft had a tablet in the '90s too but nobody gave a [ __ ] about it then because the world wasn't ready it's the same as Google stadia Google stadia in 30 years will be viewed as a great decision it was just at the wrong time same with the Sega uh Sega whatever the [ __ ] it was Sega connect or whatever yeah what the [ __ ] is Google stadia that's my point there it is I think this is kind of fair video again I really you know again like I I try to spend as much time talking about like what I think is best for gamers and I personally think what's best for gamers is uh well being able to play video games on any console I'm really glad IGN has been pumping out a lot of these videos that are just like some guy talking about something because they're better for me to react to I like this I hope they keep doing it this is great for me so yeah give the video a like give them pat on the back so I can uh I can keep doing this the Magnavox Odyssey has to be in the top five right the Magnavox Odyssey was only big because it was the first hand it was the first console like you could say it's in the top five but like it's really only there because of its historical relevance it's not there because of the games who who this was a uh it was a relic created 3,000 years ago by the ancient Dwarven races it was forged uh underneath a mountain uh you know in in like the the core like under magma same as the weight yeah yeah very very rare and um 3DO is better than N64 uh I'll die on that hill Oh I don't remember it's it's been a long time my point is that uh I think that Xbox needs to reinvent itself I think being a good console that plays well isn't enough you can't compete with Sony because I'm going to be honest guys if I had to if I could choose and play would I rather support Sony or Microsoft I would rather support Microsoft without a doubt because I think that they have a more consumer friendly plan and they have a more consumer friendly business approach and by the way if they pull some [ __ ] again like they did with the the the last Xbox then I'll go back over to Sony [ __ ] them but right now I feel like I'd rather give my money to Microsoft and so the truth is that I would rather buy uh an Xbox and a PlayStation but I'm not going to do that whenever there's no reason to do it because I've already got a really great gaming PC you know that's just what it is
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 274,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: Qp6Zm4l7mB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 24sec (1524 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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