The WRONG WAY to Organize your Home

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hey and welcome back in today's video I'm going to share with you the wrong way to organize five huge like Mega huge organizing mistakes that you are probably making before we jump in do me a huge solid And subscribe if you haven't already and like this video I know you haven't watched it yet but let's gamble because the likes actually make a huge difference and they make me so happy the first big organizing No-No is don't try to organize your entire space all at once we have to break things down into smaller chunks so I don't know why this is human nature but we're like it's Saturday today's the day I get my life together you know you put it on the calendar you're prepared you've got some boxes and bags maybe you put the kids in daycare and you trash your house that's what we do take everything out organizing everything except really just making a big mess and four hours in you're exhausted things look terrible you've made zero progress and you just want to give up and never organize ever again this is so normal and it I feel like it's made worse because you watch organizing videos like mine right or you see things on Instagram these huge Transformations whoa It's crabtacular hoarder special with like dead cats magically four hours later it looks like a house and home magazine but here is the truth I have 13 years experience organizing so when I'm doing a makeover in a day it's because I am taking years of organizing experience but the second truth is it's way easier to organize someone else's space and it's faster to organize someone else's space you definitely don't want to try to tackle an entire space all at once so here's what you do want to do you do want to organize one small project at a time hopefully things that are going to take like 30 minutes or less yeah you want to organize your whole kitchen but we're doing one cabinet or one drawer or one area of stuff like spices and only spices and why we resist this is because say we just organized this and but we have like a pile of things that don't belong like I don't know mixing bowls it's like a Give a Mouse a Cookie situation you're like I have The Mixing Bowl I'm gonna try to put it over here but this area is full so now I have to organize that area and then I have to or we're stuff shuffling and organizing so here's the solution it's good enough you have this mixing bowl you're like it doesn't work in this beautiful cabinet I just organized we're gonna just shove it somewhere else in your kitchen we're just shopping we're just that cabinet is for another day and if that cabinet's full what can leave that can be donated to make room for this mixing bowl and if you legit have not one place in your home for the stuff that didn't fit and where you just organized you have too much stuff sorry but something has to go like literally this mixing bowl just throw it in the garbage or donate it stop stop shuffling one project at a time and embracing the good enough with the stuff that that's the secrets you guys that is the secret to long-lasting organization I'm about to make your life easier because I know you might be an overthinker I have a macro organizing guide that just breaks all your projects down into those 30-minute projects I was talking about so you could just it's down below check it out in the link in the description I'll pin a comment pick one thing just like eeny meenie miney mow it pick something and organize that that way you're never gonna get to a place where you've trashed your house in the name of organization it's one small thing at a time and this can definitely help you stop the overthinking and do one project at a time I said that but you know the second big giant no no don't do it when it comes to organization is a bit controversial don't get mad okay listen don't sort your stuff into lots of little piles I'm not judging because I feel like this is something we all do but I'm going to show you an example in my junk drawer of our natural tendency I don't know if somebody told us this is how we organize but this is what everyone does we start taking things out and we're like big honking batteries I'll make a pile here little baby batteries I'll make a pile here there's a random safety pin it gets its own pile for some reason oh a pile for pens and a pile for screwdrivers and oh I have these batteries that I nobody knows what they're for but we buy them over here some sort of Chopper things that needs its own pile over here you're getting the idea right we take a big pile we make 10 million little piles and then we look at this and we think boy what do I do now I've just worked for an hour and done absolutely nothing except spread my crap out in neat little piles and now I don't know what to do this happens to everyone we all do this when we first start organizing what we end up doing is this foreign and just putting it back in and and that was a useless waste of time even if we do put it back in neat we're never putting it in this many little separate piles so why are we wasting our time in the first place it's a no friends if you want to know how you really organize when we're taking things out we do sort into keep and go and that's it and sometimes it feels like this is going to be more work I'm going to sort to then sort again I don't want to double sort cast we get something called decision fatigue when we're organizing and if you have to think about which little pile every single thing goes into you're not going to think am I actually using this that isn't even coming into your brain so we're not decluttering as we organize we're literally putting our random safety pins in our own little pile we can't have multiple decisions at once so the first decision is am I keeping this do I use it do I like it so we take things out we're like yes no this is a yes this is yes this is a no that's what we do that's how we sort that is the magic that is how you actually get an organized home and yeah we're gonna do the other stuff I'm going to show you how to sort in a second that's the third new window so you can actually have them organized but the initial pull out or dealing with the pile we cannot make a lot of decisions it has to be yes or no and then we'll organize the yes pile the next big giant don't do it when it comes to organization is again kind of a bummer okay do not buy containers before you know what you're going to use them for we do this I do this we're at the store we see a beautiful basket we're like this basket's so pretty it has to come home with me this basket's gonna change my life or we think Walmart has a great deal on bins do you know what's going to solve my clutter problem yeah my house is a wreck I just need to buy more stuff and we throw plastic at the problem we're gonna buy containers to somehow magically get us organized like organizing equals stuffing our crap into stackable bins nope that's not we how we get organized at all that just adds to the Clutter now we have closets filled with random bins or we buy those three tiered drawers from Walmart you know the plastic ones you know which ones I'm talking about I hate them they are my Nemesis and then they're so filled with random crap that we might as well Chuck the entire thing in the garbage plastic bins will not get us organized we don't buy stuff first that is a No-No here is what we really do we buy the containers to fit the space so after we've done that initial like keep go then we have this empty drawer and we have to see what containers are going to fit in there we don't have to overthink this we can use cut up Kleenex boxes or old Amazon boxes it doesn't it's not about money but we do need to organize for this space not our stuff this is my random keep pile right here right it's like on this is all going back in but this these are the containers that fit in my drawer they're random ones I didn't measure these are on sale I know that the width of the drawer I can have two bigs and a medium baby small one that's what fits so these are now my categories instead of sorting into a million piles like we did before I have really three categories to sort into so take a look at your crap and how do you organize into three categories instead of making a bunch of piles we now only have to make three piles so this one is perfect for like pens and highlighter so you just pick up all the pens and highlighters and you drop them in we organize for our space not our stuff this will be batteries this will be tools and this will be writing things you know what I'm saying easy peasy lemon squeezy so it's fast we don't have to overthink we're not going to get decision fatigue and we know that this is gonna fit like butter in our drawer this is how we really organize a space before we get to the last two huge organizing mistakes I have to think today's sponsor hellofresh I'm gonna be honest with you I am not great at cooking and because I'm not good at it I don't enjoy it it's like my least favorite chore so I treat myself to hellofresh a few times a week and I'm telling you this not only makes my family happy because the meals are delicious and I have so many recipes to choose from but I'm starting to enjoy cooking because it always turns out amazing they have step-by-step instructions I don't have to plan I don't have to go to the grocery store everything is pre-portioned I just put it together and have delicious healthy gourmet meals I'm learning to be more confident in the kitchen it's like a cooking class and I am thrilled right now you can get 65 off plus free shipping go to and use the promo code clutterbug 65 for 65 off plus free shipping that's promo code clutterbug 65. the next huge organizing mistake is don't try to aim for Pinterest worthy right away I am kind of guilty of this too because we look at social media their junk drawer has like beautiful rainbow colored macaroon you know those cookie erasers or like their pens are all color-coded and gorgeous and I'm like wow if only I got organized my junk drawer would look like that right and no because guess what our junk drawers filled with ugly crap we have screwdrivers that are covered in paint and mismatchy pens and we're not gonna go out and buy things so it looks pretty so when we have this expectation that our house is going to look like we see on social media I don't know about you but when I'm at the grocery store I'm not buying my kids school snacks based on the color of the package right our pantry is never going to look like that I'm not buying different colored pasta noodles so that it's like in these clear containers that's ridiculous and if that's our expectation we're going to fail every single time because that is not real life also whose eyes twitching when we use one of the pastas and now the container is not full which we have to go to the grocery store every time someone eats something so that everything's always perfect oh my gosh my brain would explode I wish I could be like that but hey I'm kind of lazy and B I have three kids and c I want to just live my life organization is about making my life easier I'm not working at organization it's working for me no I'm saying so here's the do we only organize for function organization is about finding things quickly and putting it away even faster it has to be so easy to put something away you might as well put it away instead of putting it down we have ugly screwdrivers my mugs are mismatchy that's fine my my snacks are all different colors and sometimes the cookie jar is half empty and I do not care because that is not my main goal if your goal in your brain is like I want it to look like the home edit you're going to fail you're going to never live up to that because that is not real life that is fake for cameras and so the goal is function it's better it's progress that's what we're aiming here for we just want a home for our crap and everything in its crappy home you know what I'm saying let's put that on a t-shirt or make a meme or something but that's real life and that's what we're all living here so the goal is not Perfection it's better than it was yesterday the final huge organizing mistake is don't try to organize clutter this is the one myth that I hear the most this is like the biggest organizing lie if I only got organized then I'd have room for everything your house is full and all your surfaces have stuff on them and we tell ourselves I just need to get organized and the truth is that organization does not create more space decluttering creates more space the worst thing you can do is try to organize clutter and I Define clutter as stuff that you're not using and you don't even like it anyways why are you trying to put it into bins or sort it or make it look pretty this is funkadonks right and I used to do this this I was so guilty of this I was trying to cram 10 pounds of stuff in a three pound bag it was like Tetris it was Jenga you know what I mean my closet should be stacked and like super like I felt organized until I needed something I would pull something out and it would be like crap like Ranch you know all over or I'd have to like rip everything out to find what I needed and I was like why is my house messy again it was this vicious cycle of tidying and organizing just for it to be messy again a week later and the reason I was failing the reason I had that cycle of crap was because I was trying to organize my clutter I know we talk about decluttering you probably don't want to hear it you're like la la la I don't want to hear it but the truth is it's obnoxious and gross amounts of stuff that you have to get rid of in order to see lasting organization before you can have real success and have a home that stays organized for good so much has to leave so do declutter first always declutter First grab a trash bag grab a box play Easter egg hunt except instead of chocolate eggs you're looking for stuff that you can donate or throw in the trash like don't make a mess don't pull things out just find things that can go this is going to make the biggest difference in your house this is going to make organizing possible and long lasting the real real secret the real Secret is only having things in your home that you use and love and stop I am not a minimalist I'm a bit of a maximalist I do have a little bit extra but those old blankets we never use like you know just the towels that are gross and stained that I never put out because they're nasty that I'm like what if though everyone's puking at the same time what if I need these extra towels but those what ifs that never actually happen they don't make my life easier they're making my life harder and we have this like this like thing in our brain that's maybe like just not wired right that's telling us like be prepared have it just in case it's going to make my life easier I'm Gonna Save money but what's actually the truth in front of us is it's costing us money it's costing us time and it's making us miserable and the only way to really get out of that scarcity mindset is to do the hard work and throw stuff out I hope you liked this video before I said all that stuff because no one wants to hear that but I didn't want to hear it you have to do it to feel it to see it you have success this is the secret so just thought I'd throw that out there is the ending hope you stayed for this part thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you next time hey guys thanks so much for those of you who have stayed to the end you guys know I'm not super girly I'm not like uh hair and makeup isn't my jam and I don't do things like go to the spa very often but I have dipped my toe in the botox water I've been going to the same doctor and if you've watched my videos you know that the last time I went she told me that my nose wrecked my face she's like your eyes they're okay your lips stiff fine but your nose is hideous it wreck your face I fix I fix I fix and so she convinced me to pay her 600 to inject something in between my eyes like a cyclops and then it would lengthen my nose the only thing it did was made my this thing of a little puffy and me six hundred dollars poorer so I swore I would never go back to her fast forward eight months later and I'm like feeling a little wrinkly maybe I'll get a little boo-boo boo but he poops in my face and so I go back to this woman God Only Knows Why and she says make an angry face make a surprise face smile and I smile and I swear to you guys I don't want to shame her listen let's no hate to her her marketing strategy is freaking brilliant but I smile and she does this oh your smile and I was like what and she said so gums so gummy ugh your smiles is as bad as bad as is not nice and I was like oh my gosh she's like I fix I fix I fix I put some filler make your lip bigger we don't see that gummy smile and I was like oh no thanks like no lip fillers no ducks for me you know what I'm saying she didn't find that funny but you know what I'm saying and she's like why why why no beautiful lips and I was like I'm just scared and this is what she said I swear to you deadpin she said is scared to look good and I'm like no this woman looks like she's an alien that like made a human face to put on to try to look like a human but you know something ain't right because it's so much filler in Botox and yet she's shaming me and I kid you not so I said no obviously but I left and I find myself going home and I'm like smiling in the mirror I'm like oh my god I didn't even know it was gummy and now I'm insecure about something I didn't even know I had which is why she's a marketing genius also she's she's the devil incarnate but also how many women has she convinced to do things to her face by pointing out flaws that they didn't even know they had but I thought I'd share this with you because no I'm not gonna do it and yeah it's awful don't give a bunch of hate but I just thought it was also hilarious like how we let people affect us one comment sometimes is all it takes to crumble our self-esteem one even if it's an accident you're like oh that skirt doesn't look great on you one nasty thing we allow that to kind of live rent free in our house sometimes for years and so if you felt that way if you ever had somebody make just an offhand comment or say something and you're still thinking about it today if you're not wearing shorts because someone said your legs look like tree trunks I'm here to say I feel you and you know what let's practice not caring what other people think because you my friend Are Beautiful Just the Way You Are also let me know in the comments below if you have a gummy smile I didn't even know there was a thing but here it's usual it's a thing I'll see you guys next time
Channel: Clutterbug
Views: 557,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clutterbug, organizing tips, home organization, organize, clutter free, how to get organized, decluttering tips, organization hacks, messy home, declutter your home, organize your home, organized home, how to get organized at home, decluttering and organizing motivation, how to organize your house, home organization tips & techniques, decluttering minimalism, how to organize like a professional, keep a tidy home, keep a tidy house, keep tidy, stay organized, but first coffee
Id: ugyzLXcwRG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 1sec (1261 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2023
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