5 Steps to a Clean and Organized Home

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hi and welcome back if you're new here I'm Cass from clutterbug and today we're talking about the five real life steps that you need to take to get a totally organized home [Music] no matter what area of your life you want to improve an organized home can help because your home is like the foundation for your entire life and when you're in control and it's solid everything improves your relationships your finances every aspect your self-confidence more than anything else and I know this because I used to be a super slob and when I finally made that transition to organization it's badonkadonk's crazy how much my life improved and I want to help you too but here's the thing it isn't just going to the store and buying containers we can't just solve the problem by spending more money and buying more stuff there's actual real steps to transforming your home through organization and I'm going to share those with you right now starting with the very first one and this one is critical the first step is having a written plan a goal without a plan is just like a dream we have to actually write down the thing that we want to accomplish not only does this shift things in your mind and make it like a real goal but by breaking down that goal into lots of little chunks you're also way less likely to feel overwhelmed and procrastinate I call this brain dumping so think about organizing your home don't put I want to organize the kitchen we have to break this down into tasks like organize the junk drawer do all of our upper cabinets do our lower cabinets work on the pantry this seems like a lot of work but it's so simple grab a piece of paper and just bring dump all your thoughts all the different spaces that you want to tackle and make sure that each one that you're writing down doesn't take you more than 30 minutes to an hour tops so one shelf in a closet or maybe just all of your t-shirts doing it this way making a plan writing everything down is key to overcoming that procrastination it's key to shifting your mindset and really declaring what your goal is so that you can make it happen step two is so critical this is something that we just don't do I don't know this isn't Tides like time management why are they teaching us this is the critical step for seeing success and that is taking a look at your big list all your brain dumps all the things you want to accomplish picking one and scheduling a date to do it like picking I'm doing this Friday at 4 pm and put it in your calendar you can put it in your electronic calendar you can put it in your planner whatever you use to plan your time you have to schedule a date with yourself because if not we're just going to continue to procrastinate this we're going to put it off and not make it a priority this is key every single thing you want to do you have to set a date with yourself I didn't come up with this brilliant time management experts have shown time and time again research and Studies have shown that when you put something in your calendar when you set a date to achieve a goal you are way more likely to actually do it step three is the Mantra five minutes matters I'm great about making lists I can make lists all day but I also tend to procrastinate who are like snooze the events right I mean that's human nature we we always are looking for the shortcut the way out of doing the work but the five minutes matters Mantra means that you just repeat to yourself I only have to do this task for five minutes maybe you're supposed to be doing the junk drawer today you only have to get up and work on it for five minutes that's it set a timer we can do anything for five minutes and what this really does is it tricks our brain to get up and get started and even if we stop at five minutes we're gonna be way further ahead than if we had done nothing at all but what usually happens is the hard part is getting up it's getting yourself motivated but once you have that the momentum will carry you through and so five minutes matters mantras has changed my life I schedule things I write down all the things I want to do I schedule a date with myself and when that alarm reminds me that it's time I grudgingly get up and say I only have to do it for five minutes and the magical thing is I accomplish amazing things and I've talked to so many incredibly successful people that I respect and this is their secret they write down their goals in actionable small bite-sized pieces they schedule a date to do each of those things and they force themselves to get up and do it just for a few minutes eat that frog it's called get up do it it isn't about adding a lot more work to your plate it's about creating a real-time management system so that you can have long-term success and that you're in the mindset of like it's go time I'm gonna take back my house I'm gonna organize the space because I deserve it step four is the actual organizing part and you can try to jump right to this but this is why we fail we have to do the planning that that's like 90 of the job is the planning the organizing part is actually the easiest part of this but here's how we organize properly we start with whatever space whatever small task and we take everything out everything out of the drawer everything off the shelf not your whole kitchen not your entire closet one small project at a time take it out and now put things back starting with the things you use the most often we always start with the things we use the most often because that's fun it's like shopping our stuff but it also really shows us what we don't need and you're gonna find a ton of stuff that can go this is so important to declutter we can't organize excess so as you're putting things back when there's random things left over you're like I don't know where this should go why is it even in here I forgot I owned it put it in a bag to toss or donate immediately you are going to see amazing success when you declutter there should never be a space in your home that you're organizing where something doesn't leave decluttering is key so move from space to space one drawer one project whatever you have scheduled that day organize one at a time and make sure you're decluttering along the way step five is complete the cycle and what I mean by this is don't stop until you've tidied up any mess from organizing that that's why we start with really small projects because what I used to do when organizing was I would start organizing a drawer and then there would be a ton of stuff that didn't long in that drawer but I didn't know where else to put it so I would kind of like put it in a bag or a box and leave it to the side and then I would have a ton of random clutter everywhere that I would just stuff Shuffle from room to room completing the cycle means actually putting that stuff away and if it doesn't have a home you think where would I look for this first and you put it there and we don't organize the space where we're putting it that's not what this is about it's about getting things into a good enough home and if there are things that you're like I honestly have no idea where I would look for this I don't even know that I owned it it's super random it's like a little broken piece of plastic and you don't know what it's for get rid of it stop the stuff shuffling you are not done until you're done finish each project do it you will be even if you're just putting things back into the drawer we're not creating more mess for ourselves because we want to see progress and nothing but progress completing the cycle is critical to having success when organizing your home I've helped hundreds of clients organize their home and the thing I find really fascinating is the people who struggle the most to get organized are almost always perfectionists and they're really looking for the perfect solution they want to buy exactly the right organizing tools or they want to know exactly what it's going to look like when they're done so they're reluctant to get started but I'm here to tell you that it's that thought process that's causing you to have a cluttered messy home and the way to overcome this is to embrace good enough make a plan schedule time get started it isn't about perfection it isn't about making it Pinterest worthy it look like some gorgeous Instagram thing getting organized is about having a functional home that stays tidy so you never lose anything you know where everything is you can find it in seconds and even better you and your entire family can put it away without even realizing that you're picking up after yourself that is what organization is all about and once you've gone through and done your entire home then we can go back and level up then we can buy beautiful containers and make it look the way that you're dreaming it looks but that is the final step that's like the cherry on top of home organization it begins with a plan it begins with a meeting with yourself and it begins with letting a ton of stuff go I hope you're feeling inspired to try again when it comes to home organization and if you do nothing else after watching this video I hope you grab a piece of paper and a pen and you just brain dump write down all the little projects that you want to do break them down into bite size small steps and then just pick one and schedule yourself to do it this weekend Embrace that good enough you guys you deserve this and the best way to tackle a huge thing is one small step at a time if you're looking for extra support and help don't forget that I have a 30 day boot camp that you can sign up it's just a dollar a day just thirty dollars to transform every little tiny area of your home I'm gonna put the link in the description below and make sure that you hit that subscribe button and come back because January I have the amazing incredible organizing Transformations for you I can't wait to show you these are awesome and I will see you then hey guys thanks so much for those of you who have stayed to the end if you've watched my channel for a while you know that I'm a horrible driver like the worst driver ever I hit curbs I've had to have multiple rim jobs because my my rims are so bent on my car and um I've hit carts I've hit walls I've hit buildings never another car though except for the neighbor when we backed into each other like this coming out of our driveway but that doesn't count because it was anyways the point is my daughter just got her driver's license yesterday she's 16. she took the test she failed the first two times got it on the third and now it's teaching her to drive time I have so much anxiety driving myself now I'm just holding on to the bar gripping the thing and I find I'm like oh slow I'm doing this the whole time so I don't know if you have taught a child to drive please give me your advice because I don't want to pass my anxiety on to her but for some reason when she hits the gas I get Whiplash like you've never known and when she breaks I swear my face is going through the windshield every time lightful Izzy light foot Izzy you can do it and the cars are coming and I'm like and I forget the rules of the road too like can you go and if you stop I know it's the person and then the person on the right but what if you both stop at the same time here who gets to go first it's a nightmare okay teaching a kid to drive has been the most stressful thing that I've done in a very long time so I welcome your advice if you've done this I think I might just pay for driver's ed I think I might just pay to someone else to teach her so we both don't have a brain aneurysm thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Clutterbug
Views: 331,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: organized home, how to get organized 2023, how to get organized, organization tips, home organization, organizing tips, how to organize, organized home 2023, get organized for 2023, organize with me, tip of the day, whole house organization, professional organizer, home organization tips & techniques, home organization ideas, home organization hacks, home organization videos, home organization tips, home organization on a budget, home organization dollar tree
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 27 2022
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