The BEST Home Organizing Ideas for 2023

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hey and welcome back if you're new to my channel I'm Cass from clutterbug and I help people identify their unique organizing style so they can actually set up systems that stay tidy for good and I'm excited about today's video because I'm gonna show you the best organizing ideas for all the different organizing Styles I'm going back years to different clients to show you their organizing transformations thank you [Music] thank you before I show you these incredible organizing Transformations and share a ton of ideas I want to talk about how this clutterbug philosophy of organization isn't one size fits all really came to be you guys know that I was a super slob and I struggled with clutter and mess and just managing laundry and dishes and everything else that comes with being an adult and I never really made a change to a tidy person until I understood why I was failing I'm just not a detailed person I need a less organized laid-back approach to organization and when I started organizing like that things stayed tidy so I thought there was two ways to organize a detailed traditional way or like a laid back way and I started helping friends and family and then clients people started calling and it was crazy pants but I was so insecure about the fact that I'm helping people and charging money to organize their home that this was my marketing strategy if I organize your home and it doesn't stay organized for the next 30 days I'll come back and organize it for free guaranteed this is how I marketed myself and my clients some of them called back you know and they're like it's messy it's two weeks later and I would go back and I would organize it for free I'm a people pleaser but also I'm crazy this was not a good marketing strategy because Joe was like we're gonna go bankrupt and I was spending so much time reorganizing people's spaces that I had it was like sink or swim I had to understand why they're not able to keep it tidy why is it not staying organized and I do not believe that people are lazy I don't believe that that's true they organize differently and so I really worked hard to identify four different organizing Styles and here's how I know that this works when I identified their style and I organized their home based on their style they didn't didn't call me back I stopped having to go back and organize it for free and that is where the four organizing Styles came from that's how I know it works and I'm gonna break them down for you and show the best ideas for each of the Styles right now starting with the b a b is a really naturally detailed person they tend to be perfectionists a little bit but they're also visual they love to see their stuff they tend to pile till later and they leave out all their favorite things they're always on the go and my client Marge is a traditional bee I don't think she's ever decluttered anything in her whole life she wants to reuse everything everything is special she wants to see everything and this has added up to a ton of clutter in her craft room I mark I'm very nervous and I'm also very excited this has been my space for quite a few years I have a lot of stuff many many cupboards and many many totes everything I am going to use one day so I'm not sure how we're gonna Purge but I need to get organized I need that in my space to make me a happy sewer the one thing about the B organizing type is that they have the hardest time letting go of any other organizing type I cannot go into a bee's home and fill 25 trash bags immediately it has to be a slow gentle approach a little bit at a time even if they're letting go of one thing that's what we need to keep the momentum going for the rest of their life it's about showing bees that decluttering isn't scary that it's a positive experience and once you can get a B to start letting go I know that they're going to continue long after I'm gone old worn looking placemats I don't want you to see these as money because they're not because they're not being used I don't want you also to look at everything for what it could be turned into because you're doing like look at those cool things those bags what would you use these for no donate that makes me so happy I love it so much foreign [Music] the secret to organizing 4ab is to keep it really visual so have lots of bulletin boards open shelving clear jars anytime that you can get something on the wall that's going to be how they keep it organized they want to see their stuff so take it off the surface get it on the wall and like magic the space is going to stay organized so we wanted I know you love flowers and you love spring so we wanted to bring some spring oh oh I gotta work here I'm so glad you like it I'm so glad so look at all the best don't cry around the fry come see so all of your project boxes beautiful here and then we have more project boxes down here so everything's organized by priority because I know your little B brain you want to do all these things we also made you a little bored with all of your come over here so I can see all of your orders so these are where all your orders go right okay I just made them up because I don't know what your orders are but we have the pads of paper so you're like you know I have to do this for Susan or whatever and then some of the things you've already created can be hung nice I love it and we sorted all your thread and buttons and all your small little bibbidi-bobs oh so it's all super organized for you we love it this does make me very happy I'm so glad you like it everything has a home and everything's labeled and I feel like it feels like you fresh and springy and full of love and life [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] these days [Music] another space that I did for a b is my father-in-law's garage he is very much a typical bee super perfectionist wants to see his stuff but bees also tend to kind of have a lot of procrastination clutter or procrasta clutter I like to call it because they're waiting until they can do it perfectly so this garage was filled with stuff he was going to get to later whether it was putting away the Christmas decorations or even just taking out the recycling he was just kind of tossing things in there till he had time to do it right so the first thing I'm gonna do is honestly just put things that don't belong away I'm taking action on all of this procrastination the most important thing that I can do when organizing a b space is to create visual zones for things so I really wanted to create a section for tools with a workbench and going ahead above that and adding a pegboard so it's super obvious that all of the tools go in this Zone and because it's up on the wall and it's really visual my father-in-law is going to put things away he's going to see what he has but he's going to be motivated to put it back because it is done in such a visual detailed way and I did this throughout the entire garage zoning different spaces and making sure that it was really visual so I'm using an alpha system to Zone this spot for gardening underneath is where we're going to store the lawnmower and I've installed pegboard so we can hang all of the smaller gardening tools and have little pots everything they need for planting their Garden in the summer and on either side that's where all the larger gardening tools will go foreign golf clubs are used almost every single day so they definitely need the prime real estate in this garage which means we've zoned this section right by the door for all of the golf clubs and hung this Alpha pegboard for all of the golf accessories [Music] now it's time to show my in-laws well that's so cool cool foreign [Music] my name's Sarah I live in Chatham Ontario with my husband Jason and my three boys Lucas Cooper and Cruz today we're going to work on my pantry so our pantry has a lot of jobs to do for us it has to house extra food it has to house all kinds of things for the boys from their backpacks their lunch pails their homework everything that they come home with then write down to everything coloring books craft activities there's just a lot of stuff that has to go in there I am guilty when company comes over I do have a bad habit of just taking things off the counters making it look nice and neat and tidy and putting in the pantry and shutting the door I'm actually really excited about this space because it isn't a lack of organization you are so organized it is not too much stuff it's not that you have an abundance of stuff this is just not taking advantage of the valuable real estate so anything you're I'm short I'm just gonna say it it's true you're slightly short so anything thing up here you can't reach that's right and this is the spot where you're using all the time right so here's my plan for this space right here we're going to have a drop zone for their paperwork that they're coming in the kids school work it's gonna be like Mom's purse Drop Zone to keep it off the kitchen counter this I think is the perfect area for a lunch making station right now this is filled with like coloring books and construction paper that isn't being used every day but this is the most valuable real estate in here and the kids can reach it so we're gonna relocate all of the kids snacks down low and put their lunch pails right above so this is a little lunch making station and everything let's use less often we're going to create like a Costco Corner up high with sacked clear labeled containers mom's a little on the short side so we're gonna put things that she's not accessing every day way up high and just relocate the things that like maybe don't even need to be in here overall this is going to be a really fast easy organizing job and it's going to be long lasting this is going to be so easy for them to maintain and I'm really excited to get started so we're moving everything out [Music] [Music] so that was fast it was fast you really don't have I mean it looks like a lot but honestly it's not that bad at all but there I'm noticing that there's a lot of things that probably don't belong in that hub for your home I agree so we want the things that you're using at least weekly to go in there and if you're not using it one time a week it's going to be real you have a ton of storage you don't know I don't feel like you have so I started you have a great toy room in the basement and I get it you have three kids so we're not going to put markers we don't want them coloring okay but we are going to relocate things like stickers and coloring books that they're not using at least once a week okay downstairs they can go get them and bring them up this one they want to color so that's what I want you to do is to go through and then if it is things you know you want to stay we're going to have one empty one here okay that you can put those in too perfect I'm having Sarah quickly go through and sort her things into keep toss donate but I already see her little be perfectionist brain coming out she's like cleaning things bees man [Laughter] [Music] it's fine everything in your home is very very clean well there was a little dirty I'm just dead panning right now [Music] that is the most bee thing I've ever seen look at this best intentions always so it's empty so here's the honest truth um you're busy you work full time you have three children you're never going to do this probably not no because there's only so much time in your day so sometimes you can over organize our lives and this is a really good example of it it's better to just have an envelope that you stick them in that you've moved to your car and moved back in the house so it's like let's just be good enough and be done foreign [Music] okay so now we're organizing their markers and craft supplies they're going to stay up here when they do their homework but the thing that they have like no kids going to use this you know what I mean this is so micro what kid's gonna take the time to put things away not any other solution is just a bucket filled with a bucket filled with junk so instead we're gonna opt for a cleaning caddy and a bunch of Cups I'm gonna use Solo cups I'm just using these little Dollar Store cups and that's going to be our divider so we can add pencils and pencil crayons and all of the things sorted but fast and easy to find and put away in their little homework caddy okay so now that it's empty and it's macro sorted it's time to put everything back truth be told I'm not exactly sure where everything's gonna go yet this is going to be like a work in progress but ideally the stuff that's used less often hi the stuff that's used all the time low you're getting the point so let's start moving everything in [Music] foreign [Music] wow that looks way different look guys so we have spots for your bills we kept this because I loved this like matches with everything it really does so we this is completely empty we have your baseball things below everything else we found homes for in here but we left you empty Drop Zones I want you to have like yeah empty drops so this is where your school papers will go that Mom has to sign okay bills that have have been paid bills that are need to be paid okay are in here we have a spot for your purse and it matches everything it does I was so excited and then all of the boys memories are here you ready so you get to make your own lunches so all of your snacks nice and down low for you all organized okay now I can just eat whatever we want you could totally just maybe not eat whatever you want but I agree that your lunch pails are above here so yeah I have your own one and then so you can when you unpack your bag you can put your lunch bill in here and your homework can go in here wow this looks fantastic awesome and then I love this so much you guys do homework and do crafts oh I love that and all of your extra art and craft supplies are up here [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you the next organizing type is called a butterfly and a butterfly just like a bee is really visual they want to see their everyday important things but unlike a bee they are not detailed at all they're super laid back big picture thinkers when they're done with something they're not thinking about putting it away they're kind of just dropping it wherever it may lay which can look like a lot of mess I want to share some really easy solutions for butterflies and I want to introduce Stephanie to show you because she is such a perfect example of a classic butterfly my name is Stephanie um I have two kids my daughter is nine and my son is six and my husband of course lives here as well this is my brand new kitchen that we just recently renovated so it's kind of like my dream kitchen and I thought I would totally be able to be organized once I had a new kitchen but I am not so I love Stephanie's kitchen and the first thing I noticed might be something that you've noticed at home too when I'm trying to diagnose you my friend your friend this is the first thing I look at when I go into somebody's home is you know when I'm trying to diagnose if they're visual or hidden right it's the front of the fridge yes because I'm seeing a lot of visual things I'm seeing the cookie jars on the counter and I'm seeing the things you use every day are out and that doesn't bother you you like that yeah I don't mind it but I also get a sense that you also don't want any clutter right I think there's a perception about what organization looks like home edit right right everything lined up and in pretty containers but the truth is I can't see you decanting your nuts no I just feel like that's not you and that's not me either so we're gonna set up a system so it's kid friendly yes it's fast easy organization but it's still pretty because that I think is what that's why you don't feel like it's organized because it isn't pretty pretty we can do that we can do fast easy macro organization and make it pretty but it starts with decluttering okay okay let's do this okay could somebody wake me up I don't wanna be here and let the world pass me by yeah I just see your face wherever I look she's standing in the crowd definitely the biggest issue when it comes to butterflies is identifying that valuable real estate because you have to see and have quick access to the things you use every single day or else it just becomes a jumbled mess on surfaces so anything from waist to eye level is what I call valuable real estate and we have to make sure that the only things that are stored there are things that you're using all the time for Stephanie she loves to cook so she had every Gadget she could peel she could dice she could slice in a million different ways and this stuff that she really didn't use very often was in her valuable real estate so she didn't have a spot for food in fact I couldn't really see her food at all because it was shoved and hidden Here There and Everywhere so the first thing we have to do before we really even take back some real estate and organize is definitely do a fast declutter this is going to hurt you here's what we're gonna do if it doesn't have a lid and a bottom that we weren't going to match them all okay it's going end of story deal I see a lot more Lids than bottoms so I'm excited [Music] you can use these that's a no everything I know you're trying to think of a lie thank you can I say it say it Stephanie sages her house when ghosts follow her home the coolest life it's crazy my only goal when organizing a kitchen for a butterfly is to make things as visual as possible even behind closed doors like in drawers and cabinets and to make sure that I'm really using that valuable real estate so the most important space in the kitchen when she opens the doors I want to make sure she can see her most important stuff which is food I want to make sure that every drawer is organized so it's really visual so she can easily see what she has and more importantly put it away fast you want to see this Pantry wait till you see oh my gosh I went with these clear bins that are perfect for butterflies but they're a little bit bigger and we can have them stacked behind too we have room to spare in this pantry now which is crazy like it's not all full we also added another shelf here just to really maximize the space she likes to keep the cereal way up high for the kids so this is just snacks X extra food and drinks at the bottom but now it fits there's no more shoving everything is so organized and I'm just in love with these containers for butterflies they are perfect this is my favorite part are you ready [Music] look at all the food okay this is I know we've I can't I can't stop talking about it the food before was hidden behind the spices which is kind of bananas because you have to eat right and I know she makes a lot of things from scratch with fresh ingredients but you still need rice and pasta and pancake mix and all of the canned goods were lost and now all of her spices are super organized in this drawer it's the little things that excite me and this makes me definitely excited I feel like this is just gonna make cooking so much easier for this family this kitchen wasn't about a huge transformation it wasn't really messy to begin with and it wasn't really that disorganized either but it's the simple things like moving the cutlery drawer here under the plates and dishes it just changes the entire flow of the kitchen it makes it so much more organized I love that this butterfly kitchen really demonstrates that you can have things on the counter there's so many things on the counter but it's still organized and it doesn't feel cluttered I love too that we made a little coffee station with all of her favorite things and instead of having things shoved which doesn't work for anybody whether you're a macro or a micro organizer everything there is easy to get to and better yet it's easy to put away they were leaving things on the counter because it was hard to put things away before decluttering and just reorganizing has made this kitchen so functional this was the biggest problem area in this kitchen this was their Dumping Ground they were coming in the door they didn't have a landing zone so everything was ending up here especially calling the husband they don't have a garage so he all his tools all the things he uses to fix up the house everything was dumped here and dumped in these two drawers which were both junk drawers now come on this is cool everything has a home they still have a lot of junk in their junk drawer but because they don't have a shed or a garage it makes sense that they're going to have more than the average home but now it's organized you can see at a glance everything they have and over here this cabinet is going to just change everything this is what I'm calling Collins cabinet and that's because everything that he uses to fix up the house or things that he's coming home with he drops here so I cleared this out so he can now drop it here it's all of his tools and the speaker when they're having a party in the backyard in his drill so now we've created a designated Zone just for him and a landing zone for the incoming mail and their keys and their sunglasses which was normally right here on the counter so we're keeping the counter clutter free and just picking a subtle shift this is what organization is all about it's about creating homes for things where you naturally put it down if we had to to have him put his tools outside or someplace in the basement he just wouldn't do it if it's hard to put away you're not going to so make sure you're creating homes exactly where you naturally pile it [Music] foreign I also had the privilege of organizing other spaces in Stephanie's house like her basement her basement kind of just a bit of a disaster so the things that are bothering me is my husband's stuff is everywhere and you I can't really blame him because he doesn't really have a space so his dressers in there some things are hung up here we have a sock bin he has a lot of shoes he's a landscaper but he also likes nice clothes so there's a bit of everything going on down here for him things just get thrown down here because I have no other space no garage so so much clutter just gets put down here I feel like my kids play area gets cluttered with stuff too so two big issues is laundry room and calling stuff and kids room chaos I was having Stephanie declutter her space using the three golden decluttering rules which are if I haven't used it in the last year if I don't love it and if I wouldn't buy it again it has to go and leave but Stephanie she didn't really want to let go of too much and she was like making up lies why she needed to keep things do you know what you do I love it [Music] the goal in this laundry room was to create as much visual storage as possible and she was actually doing a great job above the washer and dryer using all visual storage but we needed a space for clothes [Music] foreign Look it's even got the Shelf oh my God I feel good I feel he's it's sucking in things isn't that hilarious this is coming home with me how do you feel about letting this go absolutely not Are you seriously keeping this why not it's funny okay fine we'll keep it I'm gonna wear it [Music] okay so let's honestly I have a feeling a lot of this is you're just filling because she's got ADHD she's she's stopped talking and she started feeling like a mid-sentence I have a feeling a lot of this stuff is like you were on doing Pockets or something yeah just random things in a laundry basket and you're just like you know where it's gonna live in a pile forever that's literally what this is oh my everything I found everything so what if we make it a little bit bigger you need a random junk but what's in here this pretty what's are you serious stop it I swear that's like so many socks I know foreign more socks [Music] so Stephanie's gone and the big transformation in this space is going to be the open closet Colin didn't have a place to actually store his clothes he's a butterfly he doesn't use a dresser he lives at a basket and it was really hard to access anything hung so we're making him an open closet they already had this existing closet made system on this wall we shifted it and I found the matching unit which I'm super excited about so we can make him a giant wall open closet which is perfect for his organizing style I'm going to assemble this I'm going to put all his clothes I can't wait for them to see this amazing transformation foreign foreign I'm so excited for you so what I did is all your casual stuff on this side and all your dressy clothes on this side I like it right I sorted them so good I folded them you don't have to fold in the future but you're you're the type of person who doesn't use a dresser you were living at a basket so why not have a basket system all of your Landscaping branded t-shirts folded and organized thank you a lot of escapes Landscaping number one for landscaping and sprinklers in Windsor Ontario you fit your family has a lot of socks this is your sock it's sorted into bins it's perfect everything sorted into bins okay so look you even have a little like Center and all your shoes too because you have you have just like full it's cool it's cool look at it it looks amazing yes this is good these are great totally worth trashing your house right honestly yeah it was great you helped my house hostage and that worked out a butterfly I can do anything I also organized Stephanie's playroom for her kids which was right beside the laundry room and honestly this was such a fast and easy little makeover using what they already had just trying to tweak it so it worked better for a butterfly Hudson and Hunter don't have a lot of toys but the ones that they do have are organized in this toy organizer it's not my favorite toy organizing system but I actually love it with picture labels the reason I didn't love this system was because the toys were hidden and kids are really visual but now that we added the adorable picture labels to the front not only does it look so cute but it's actually functional they know where everything is inside and it's really easy to put things away anytime I'm organizing Nerf guns I want to put them on the wall and a pegboard is the perfect way to do that it's cheap it looks fantastic but it's really functional too easy simple organization but I know they're going to be able to keep it tidy and that's what really matters I'm excited for this space it feels bright it feels fun and I'm gonna bring the family home right now and see what they think [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] type is what I call a cricket and a cricket is a hidden organizer so they prefer their things behind closed doors out of sight but they are crazy detailed a qriket is definitely what you think of when you think of a traditional organizer Marie condo is a cricket on steroids crickets are pretty they're pretty perfect I wish I was one I am not but that's okay but we're going to get into all the amazing things that work for a cricket the truth is any organizing system actually works for a cricket they are the most adaptable organizing style as long as they have something set up they can use it but they prefer to have things behind closed doors out of sight and really super sorted into lots of categories because they want to find things quickly so in this garage I just took shelving that they already had and used some solid bins with lids that stack to really sort and create amazing Cricket organization one thing that was working in this garage is actually this shelving unit you need storage for all the things you want to store out here but we're going to make it even more organized by adding all of these Sterilite containers to really maximize the vertical space so I got a lot of different sizes I'm lining them up in the driveway so I can sort all of their things into the containers put them back on the shelf and label them [Music] all right [Music] foreign I recently organized my parents kitchen and my parents are such crickets they take time to sort their chocolate bars and all their medication into tiny little containers so it was really fun organizing a kitchen for their style because it's all about the containers it's all about putting things into little categories making sure it's labeled and clear where everything goes and doing fun things like decanting their food decanting all their spices putting things into alphabetical order crickets love Perfection that doesn't mean that their home always looks perfect because because they have such high expectations of themselves and of what organizations should look like they tend to pile till later they kind of tend to it's an all or nothing mentality but when a cricket takes time to set up a system they will have no problem maintaining it so to all my crickets out there to schedule some time decant your spices add some labels organize under your sink it doesn't matter what supplies you use or how you do it once you sit down and make a system you have no problem maintaining it [Music] foreign [Music] style is a ladybug and ladybugs just like a cricket love things behind closed doors they don't want to see their stuff but they are not detailed like at all like at all at all they're like fast easy fast Solutions which means they tend to hide and shove so the whole house might look really really tidy but if you open a closet or a drawer it's a disaster and because of this shoving and hiding and this real anxiety that comes with seeing their stuff there's a cycle there's a cycle of everything being crammed not being able to find anything so you have to pull everything out to find what you need and shove it back it wastes a lot of time and it causes a lot of stress so I because I'm a ladybug love organizing for ladybugs the most because it can change your life when you use the right system behind closed doors so you can still shove and hide but have it go into an organ sized system in the first house I want to show you is Kelly Kelly is such a traditional ladybug I walked into her house is spotless I didn't see a thing out of place until I started snooping every drawer every every closet every cabinet was stuffed so full she could never find anything she was rebuying things over and over and her anxiety was at an all-time high why do you think you have so much food I know we've just met and this is a personal question but this is a lot of food yes um I think because I didn't know what I had so I would buy duplicates of it right so I needed some peas so but I did have peas already in the back of the cupboard but I would go buy more peas because I need them at that moment so right and you couldn't see them so I'm gonna guess a lot of this is expired yes yes because I think a lot of this is forgotten so here are the rules we're just gonna start tossing anything that's expired okay if you come across something that you bought that you don't like and your family doesn't like I want you to let go of that scarcity mindset When I See This I see what if I better have just in case yes but if you haven't eaten it and you don't like it let's donate it to a food bank okay so that your kitchen has breathing space so when you go to cook you can see everything you have it's really obvious and it's not hidden behind food you'll never eat and don't like [Music] six trash bags of expired food but I feel good do you feel like stressed about this or does this feel like a weight off your chest this feels like a weight off my chest yeah I don't feel stressed at all about this so these trash bags we're putting them to the curb and we're moving on to dishes and appliances are you ready I'm ready let's do this [Music] when I first came to Kelly's house I came in and I'm like why am I here it's so tidy but I know I found a ladybug because I asked you if I could Snoop and I opened this door and I can relate are you ready for it oh my God closet this is where you hide stuff yeah this is your Monica closet yes I love it so much you know I looked at it and I was like there's a bat is this like protection yeah you don't have to need the bag because if you open the door this will fall on their heads and Crush any Intruder that comes in your home just having functional storage in here we're going to turn this into a pantry of your dreams we're gonna empty this entire closet okay I know there's things at the bottom that have been in here for four years I want you to really be ruthless okay stuff shuffling is how you got into this problem things have to leave yes at the end of the day Kelly took all of the expired food and her husband actually waited at the dump 285 pounds just of expired food that doesn't count the donations it doesn't count all the food that went to the food bank this was the most I had ever decluttered from a kitchen ever and yet you would never know that the house was even messy at all you wouldn't even there was nothing out in this kitchen which really shows the power of a ladybug's ability to hide and shove once you've decluttered for a ladybug organizing for a ladybug is so fast and easy this is by far the easiest style to organize for because it's all about being a basket case it's about baskets and bins no lids and just having big categories so you can still toss things away but all the snacks go into the snack bin or all the I don't know baking supplies go into the baking supplies bin one trip to the dollar store for some oversized baskets is all you need to organize an entire ladybug space this is where Kelly has her current junk drawer and this is actually such an important drawer it's where she stands to pack up lunch it's really close to the sink it shouldn't be a junk drawer it should definitely be where they keep dish towels and maybe sandwich bags and plastic wraps so I'm gonna take everything out we're gonna actually create a new junk drawer in her entrance way so I have four baskets that will fit so I'm creating four categories just by looking at what is in here I see a lot of like covid related type things so we're gonna have one for health we're gonna have one for home papers are gonna find a new home I think we're gonna have one for batteries and one for miscellaneous now that we know each of the categories it takes seconds just to take out and organize [Music] this is the spot in Kelly's Kitchen where they were naturally piling all their snacks on the counter and it was driving her crazy so we're creating a snack cabinet right above where they naturally pile and we have baskets labeled baskets for all the different types of snacks this is going to transform their kitchen just one cabinet filled with baskets the biggest transformation in this kitchen is definitely adding a pantry this closet was a hot mess what an amazing opportunity to create food storage I just installed really inexpensive wire shelving now I'm gonna fill it up with all their food foreign [Music] [Music] so I don't want you to see your pantry yet I just want you to Snoop in the cabinets and check it out [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] are you ready to see your pantry yes get in there all right pantry [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] transformation wowed me and I'm I'm just like Yeah The Power of a basket for ladybugs what more could I say but I wanted to show you another transformation for a ladybug and showing you Kathy's laundry room Kathy is a client that I worked with a couple years ago who had a beautiful beautiful home thoughtless except when you open the door to her laundry room hi my name is Kathy and I'm a stay-at-home mom and I have four children it's just chaotic here all the time challenge with my laundry room is it becomes my dumping Zone because I don't have time to put things away so it gets shoved into a basket into the laundry room and forgotten the first step to organizing this space is to take everything out foreign [Music] [Music] Kathy had a lot of excess it's just years of hiding and shoving in this room she forgot what she had she was re-buying things and her kids had outgrown a lot of stuff so we spent a solid two hours just decluttering do you use this do you love this would you buy it again if the answer is no it had to go and she ended up getting rid of quite a lot of stuff so that I could organize her laundry room and actually have space to do it right so this whole section is kids yep I mean you have a lot of kids so I I have a lot of kids stuff do you have a toy room in somewhere in the basement yeah you do okay awesome so ideally I would have no toys in the laundry room just craft supplies so as we're going through here too I have a feeling you're like when you're tidying you're picking things up or things that the kids about growing it's probably gone in there to die like I'm gonna do this later so we're dealing with it today so really fast I want you to pick it up because the kids have not played with it they're not gonna miss it it's gone when in doubt throw it out perfect okay so grab and we're only keeping the stuff in this pile that's a king perhaps we have hats they can be donated but I don't know who wants them but do you want them no then they're God throw them over there we can get rid of it [Music] so I'm exhausted and we're done in one day you guys in one day in just a few hours we decluttered we took everything out we reorganized it put everything back and now it's time to bring in the homeowner Kathy come see are you ready I am a coffee wow no way that's how your counters look for days I have a counter you have a counter and you have a spot for random papers will you come in who are all the kids school artwork it comes in there and I'm gonna share this with you in a second but this is like your dump zone so instead of dumping here okay and we actually cleaned out an entire cabinet for you so you can still put all your papers and your extras and things you have to deal with okay but not take up your beautiful counter space awesome and everything has a home you got rid of so much I did I'm so proud of you thank you and because of that you have so much functional space are you ready for this yes oh my isn't this fabulous and you had all of these great organizers I mean you had so many incredible organizers we just took things out of packages to really maximize the space we found so much fun but I love it it's so organized now that looks much better than before so over here you have sort of your tool section okay so it has your 3M strips and the like outdoor crafty stuff for the kids and Bubbles and all of that is sort of here and then in this cabinet it's all of your paper products ready for the party and it's so easy to access and everything's really organized for you so you can just pull it out you kind of for doing this definitely before but because you purge much because yeah encouraging was really um so important in this space and yeah we just a little bit more organization thank you so much I hope you enjoyed your gorgeous space I will I'm so envious this is my dream laundry room so it was a great we had a great time Morgan I think thank you so much thank you that turned out awesome foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign Amy were my most recent ladybug clients and again super obvious what their organizing style was because you walk in their house and you will not find a thing out of place it was so tidy immaculately organized or it looked like it from the outside but their storage room it was full I'm going to show you how we can clear this out really quickly with some concrete rules so we're going to declutter with some rules and the first rule is if it's a baby item it's going unless it's sentimental okay the thing is if you haven't used it and don't have a place to use it right now if you haven't used it like in the last year if you wouldn't buy it again can we agree that that's going to go yes yep you guys are easy yeah I've got you here I need to yeah foreign [Music] [Music] thank you pack out this huge donate pile so much stuff is leaving this home tell me you're shocked I already feels good yes this is amazing how much stuff we got out of that baby it's it's amazing but it's kind of sad too to think that like this whole time we just had this we never even really paid attention to it the five is just such a heavy thing on us and we just never yeah they wait and we never yeah we never really had the oomph to do it together because this is this is overwhelming just thinking about it and getting started was the hardest once we were getting into it then it became so much easier just body doubling body doubling get it out get it out get it out right and this was maybe five hours total yeah yeah not even a whole day yeah not even a whole day super impressive organizing for a ladybug really does just come down to lots of containers bins and baskets and I was so lucky because Matt and Amy's storage room already had all of the shelving in all of the containers I just had to rezone the space pack things a little bit different so that this space would stay organized Finishing Touch is time we're just gonna add some labels and then bring the family down and surprise them [Music] thank you [Music] okay I'm making them close their eyes on the couch three one two three open your eyes oh my god wow [Music] so this is your memory Center and I wanted to make it really easy for you because kids come home with a lot of stuff so they come home and they've got report cards okay this is how you do it I kept the lids off soon oh you're organizing yes for photos to keep that dust free but this stuff it's about easy access I want you to be able to go through them and look at the memories but also put things away really fast and really easy so you have baseball cards yes but now you can like pull them out and go through them it's all organisms and it's really easy to find it's so many just sweet memories and now you won't have that clutter upstairs you just come down and you just toss it away this was like the nagging to-do list right the rest of your home is gorgeous and now your storage room matches the rest of your space yeah this is great I'm so happy thank you very much I also did another little makeover of Matt and Amy's bedroom this space was great because it didn't cost a lot of money to make a really big change in their bedroom they just needed some more ladybug friendly organization they had lots of hangers and dresser drawers but that doesn't really work for a ladybug because you have to be able to put things away really fast so installing a new closet organizing system having lots of bins and baskets and simplifying and letting go was all they needed to make a really big change [Music] thank you foreign [Music] yeah it's like before you walk and I was like this is really nice I know this video was a little bit longer than normal but I just really wanted to not only show you the different organizing Styles but show you real life examples and solutions and ideas that you can use in your own home if you don't know your organizing style you can take the free quiz at fill out the questions make sure that you're answering not for Fantasy you but real life you and you'll be able to identify whether you're a detailed person or you're more laid back and if you need visual storage or you prefer things hidden and once you know that once you know your organizing style you can set up a real system that stays tidy all the time thank you so much for watching if you haven't already hit that subscribe button ring that little notification Bell it's important hit that like button and make sure you come back for more organizing tips and tricks each and every week I'll see you then hey guys thanks so much for those of you who have stayed to the end it's one week until Valentine's Day and I really need your help because I want to do something nice for Joe we've been together 22 years 20 two freaking years and we've never celebrated Valentine's Day ever in 22 years we don't get each other gifts we just never have at first he used to like hand make me some Valentines that ship has sailed we don't do anything for each other but I want to do something special this year because mostly I feel guilty I just went to Mexico on a girls trip without him left him home alone with the kids in the house and the dogs even my parents dogs it's complete craziness so let me know in the comments something I can do keep it PG people there might be children watching this video and in the comments so something PG that I can do for my husband that isn't like a big thing but it also feels like a grand gesture I don't know can I clean his truck that seems horrible I don't want to do that let me know in the comments below something I can do and also if you celebrate Valentine's Day I don't want chocolates and flowers I don't want you to buy something for me on this day just because you're supposed to and Joe and I have never done that but I definitely want to make this year a little bit special thank you guys so much and I'll see you next time
Channel: Clutterbug
Views: 838,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clutterbug, organizing tips, ideas, home organization, organize, home organization ideas, home organization hacks, home organization tips, home organization and cleaning, home organization videos, what clutterbug are you, organizing ideas for butterfly, organizing ideas for a ladybug, organizing ideas for a bee, organizing ideas for a cricket, organization before and after, clutter before and after, organization makeover, organization 2023, kitchen organization, the minimal mom
Id: X0A7Vc8FqJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 8sec (3968 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 07 2023
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