Why Cars is a Conceptually Bad Franchise

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funding for Schafer illness is provided by Nord VPN the sponsor of today's video tune until the end to hear all about their amazing service okay guys bear with me for a second I've got a little quick video for y'all cuz as I was driving just now I was stricken with an unbearable truth and I don't want to be the only one cursed with knowledge listen after all these years it finally hit me why the cars franchise is so terrible I don't know why I took this long but I get it now this isn't a review or retrospective of these movies maybe that'll come another day this is just a quick breakdown about why cars at its core is fundamentally broken but in order to fully explain this we need to take a look at toy story now I everybody loves toy story because toy story is fun and exciting and entertaining and whatnot but more importantly than that toy story is conceptually sound what's the basic idea here toys are alive okay what do they do now that they're alive well what's the toys purpose in real life to get played with by a kid there you go that's what toys in this universe ones each movie explores a different concept that stems from that one branch and idea first movie what if my kid gets a new favorite toy jealousy arises a conflict that is unique to toys stems from said jealousy second movie I'm a disposable piece of plastic what happens if my kid breaks me and decides to move on should I go live inside a glass for eternity and be safe from that happening but also never be loved again boom conflict unique to toys third movie uh-oh my kid grew up should I stay with him or move on to a new kid or make a bunch of kids happy at a daycare unique conflict fourth movie my new kid doesn't like me maybe I should just get lost literally and help other toys find owners with my sheepherding GF unique conflict for a toy so that's four different movies that all present different plot lines that specifically revolve around the characters being toys but there's another piece of the puzzle setting name the first toy a related place that comes to your mind I got one Toys R Us ooh too soon sorry but like a toy store probably comes to mind they go there in the second movie how about like a daycare they have toys boom third movie ooh what about carnival with all those stuffed animals you can win fourth movie a moving van yes an antique store yes a garbage dump an arcade crane game pretty woman yes yes yes yes yes Toy Story has locations explicitly related to toys or places that would be interesting to see a toy navigate like an airport or a garbage dump or something something it explicitly ties all of its concepts characters and settings back to the idea of being a toy now let's look at cars everyone and their mother has asked why are they cars which I always interpreted as how are these cars living and breathing and talking and what happened to human society but know this whole time the real question was what narrative or thematic purpose is fulfilled by them being cars how does the existence of sentient cars tie into the plots settings and character arcs the answer is it doesn't what comes to mind when you think of cars that they drive ooh there's racing they race and what about a demolition derby that that's a thing that cars do yeah that's about the extent to which the idea of living cars affects the world there's racing and there's a demolition derby in the third movie and guess what both of these concepts could have been accomplished by humans driving cars I mean I guess if Lightning McQueen was a person driving a car he couldn't have stuck his car tongue out to get that three-way tie in the race so I mean I guess that justifies the mean livin cars I'm sure but really stop and think about this first movie a hotshot racing guy gets stuck in a small town and he learns to enjoy the simple life that is not a story that needed to be told by sentient cars second movie third movie hotshot racing guy gets injured because he's old and he needs to retire he tries to prove that he can still do a good job racing that is definitely not a story that needed to be told by sentient cars more on that later there is no thematic cohesion between the cars movies each Toy Story has a unique Tori related theme and conflict that all tied together when viewed as a franchise but all feel distinct within their own movies what's going on with cards well for starters and none of the themes are car related cars aren't alive in real life so the only feeling we could realistically imagine a car having would be how they feel about humans oh boy I hope my human drives me today or gets me a new paint job golly gee or maybe cars rosette humans were forcing them to drive places against their will I hate my human overlords I want to rebel against them okay those could maybe be stories I guess but no there are no humans the cars are essentially the humans because they have no connection to real humans they just live in a suspiciously human-like society and act just like humans and have human aspirations and there's no real societal obstacles in their way to achieving these human aspirations because they live in a society built for them and only then so in a good Pixar movie like ratatouille the whole idea is that Remi has human-like aspirations despite being an outsider to human society that's the conflict and watching him overcome that is great there's a reason within the story for him to be a rat now we see how the rat in the human worlds intersect cars is a boring world that has no reason to be about cards when no themes that really delve into the idea of living vehicles instead it's about a sports star gets humbled by a small town and following your dreams and not giving up even when everyone has told you it's time to retire because you need to stop embarrassing yourself okay I should probably mention the car elephant in the room Cars 2 is a cinematic disaster everyone knows that but honestly after everything I've just said after taking into account how narrative lis and thematically barren the cars franchise really is what else was there to do with this series the very concept of cars is so dumb and so nonsensical that in a weird way turning it into a spy thriller isn't such an illogical step why not once again we have a movie that is no conceptual reason to be about cars but at this point why not embrace the inherent insanity of this universe why not do something completely batshit crazy that destroys any preconceived notions about what a car's movie can be it's not like anything in the first movie warranted everyone being a car why not make that fact all the more blatant in the sequel just to clarify cars too is a frustrating got off a movie but that's not because of the concept I don't mind sheer insanity when it's done well and this was not it and hey tattoos credit it at least has plot points that revolve around cars using a certain brand of oil and blowing up as a result and there's like this secret society of lemming cars or something I don't remember man I'm just going off Wikipedia these aren't compelling plot points or themes that needed to be this way but at least this movie tied its plot into the whole car world concept somewhat even if it was horrible but then everyone says cars three is the good one right no it's moderately okay it has a pretty nice story to it I feel like the whole I decide when I'm done mentality was a metaphor for the franchise after Pixar made that last abortion everyone was telling them to quit making cars movies but they were like now let's send this franchise out on a high note well good for them the movie is still boring it's filled with sport movie cliches and has a lot of tedious droning dialogue scenes the fact that their cars actually hinders the main could see the movie it's been an indiscriminate amount of years since the other films and Lightning McQueen is told today's getting old and needs to retire but like how am I supposed to tell that he looks the same how do cars age I don't like asking this philosophical car questions that everyone else does except here it's integral to the plot how did Doc Hudson die I understand Paul Newman died but there is no explanation given for the character the movie vaguely implies its old age but how is that possible that's max oh I need to know this now because that's what the movie is about it's a pseudo emotional story about lightning except in his role as an aging mentor figure whose best years are behind him but the movie never expresses how or why and yet despite this movie's best efforts the emotional beats don't work because cars is inherently a joke nobody came to this movie to feel they came because actually I don't know anyone who saw this movie in theaters I didn't see it in theaters I checked it out on Netflix when the Excel was bored and I remained bored throughout the film's duration because I can't empathize with Lightning McQueen he is a mean he will never be anything more than cut Shou this isn't like Shrek which has funny quotable mean lines but also a ton of heart and intelligence poured into 75% of the movies in the franchise with just the one bad film we can disregard the concept itself is fundamentally broken do you really think the story and the characters can save it those elements are decent at best but the entire can seat behind this universe undercuts the strains these characters can't a moat or interact normally the locations don't tie into the central concept the jokes are tepid and unfunny thank God for youtube poop otherwise I don't think I'd have any fond memories of this franchise I mean they're just giant hunks of plastic waiting to be thrown away that's all a car is so yeah I'm not sure why it took me this long to figure out what cars never stood a chance as a franchise Pixar has always been about showcasing secret worlds that of toys of bugs of monsters of rats of robots of emotions how these things feel how they interact with the world around them and their relationships with humans whether they get a sense of purpose from these interactions or a sense of fear a sense of longing to join them or a sense of oneness seeing these separate but connected worlds interact is really compelling but cars treads all over it and this cars mentality has tainted a Pixar movie that held way more promise I can talk smack about this laughable trilogy all I want but the good dinosaur was such a painful disappointment yet again we have a movie that doesn't live up to the potential themes of its concept the whole idea is that dinosaurs didn't get killed by the comet which lets them coexist with humans the title implies that dinosaurs are considered evil or maybe they are evil but one dinosaur will change that conception by befriending or saving a human it could have been such a cool idea but now instead we get a movie about an unlikable twerp dinosaur who's basically a human going on a super basic journey with a tiny human boy who's essentially a dog there is no reason for this story to be about dinosaurs there's farming and ranching and creepy death cults which are all human concepts don't really make much sense when you translate them in a dinosaur form all the cool themes that could have been explored about dinosaurs and humans interacting and learning to accept each other have been heated to the Shadow Realm for no good reason this entire story reeks of missed potential it reeks of laziness it reeks of cars and that sucks because unlike cars this could have been great and now it never will be hi I'm mr. Bama s'en one of the few people who edited the video that you are currently watching I agree with Shafer Ellis about how the good dinosaur was wasted potential but the premise that Schafer Ellis mentioned already exists someone and it's called How to Train Your Dragon the entire trilogy revolves around the relationship between our two protagonists and how it affects the world around them first movie what happens when you'd befriend a dragon second movie what happens when he turns against you and third movie what happens when you have to let him go the themes for the movie work because the protagonists live in a world where dragons and humans coexist if you haven't checked them out yet I suggest that you give it a watch it's very exciting and thrilling and the world that they live in is very interesting well anyway that's just my two cents I'm glad Pixar is returning to original work now but they need to remember what made their original original works great the intersections between different worlds and the powerful emotions that develop as a result an a it's not like the cards trilogy and the good dinosaur are the worst movies in the world they're actually pretty good by illumination standards also one more thing I just realized about cars hacking has got to suck in this universe because you can just take control of another person's body and make their limbs explode and stuff if lightning McQueen really doesn't want to have his entire body combust as a result of some evil lemon Society hacking into him he should really consider getting nord VPN and you should too hackers don't have access to your car like appendages but they can easily access your computer phone and all your accounts across various platforms plus with factors like changing political environments net neutrality litigation and the dangers of open networks Nord VPN is an invaluable tool to browse the internet safely and protect your passwords and identity Nord VPN is the only VPN to get a perfect score from PC Mag with thousands of servers in over 61 countries up to six simultaneous connections and a risk-free 30 day money-back guarantee it's easy to see why if you go to north VPN comm slash a free list you can get a special offer where north VPN only cost $2.99 a month 75% off its usual price that's less than the cost of Disney Plus so if you can shell out seven dollars a month to watch your boy lightning mcqueen win himself some piston cups over and over you should certainly spend less than half that amount to secure your online web browsing plus for a short time use the code Schaffer list for an ex a month of Nord VPN for free remember noir VPN comm /g furless go there for some incredibly reliable online security [Music] [Music]
Channel: Schaffrillas Productions
Views: 2,803,364
Rating: 4.7611203 out of 5
Keywords: Schaffrillas Productions, Cars, Pixar, Toy Story, vpn, online privacy, secure vpn, Best VPN 2018, vpn client
Id: 0o4702Isquk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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