Rescuing the BEST WORST Space Marines on eBay

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what's up Hobby friends my name is Casey and welcome to another miniature rescue today we're going to take some insanely messed up Space Marines and try and give them an overhaul this video is sponsored by but more on this amazing sponsor in a little bit one of my favorite things to do in this hobby is going on eBay and scouring listings for hours until I find something genuinely worth rescuing the hunt in and of itself is a lot of Joy here there are thousands upon thousands of listings for used Warhammer models on eBay and tons of things worth buying and saving every so often though I run across a model or set of models that really speak to me and are in desperate need of attention the other day I found a couple of listings for some older Space Marines that I knew I was going to have to buy the prices weren't the worst for a set of five models although you could usually do a little bit better by buying a full set of 10 for around two dollars a model still that wasn't why I wanted to buy these models what really got me was the genuine attempt at higher level painting here was it technically successful well no not really but there are a ton of things on display here that remind me a lot of the sort of painting that I was capable of or were like really not but you know what I wanted to be when I got to Warhammer when I started painting I wanted to put time into each model and make them unique placing extra lines in for contrast in Louisville wash which I didn't have or know existed when I started painting attempting the freehand that was on display in the books trying really hard to make my lines look as good as the heavy metal section of my codex I see a lot of myself in these particular Space Marines and I really want to take what we have on display and Elevate them to the next level hopefully doing Justice to the original artist here and making them more like what they might have been picturing in their head when they actually went to paint these now they're opened up we need to take a closer look and see what's going on and decide the direction from there from the pictures I know there are some missing pieces possibly broken pieces and definitely a ton of paint that's going to need to be removed the paint here is pretty thick and you can definitely see mold lines that need to come off I'm a little concerned about how the models have been assembled as well the glue looks a little thick in a few places and while the paint is covering it right now it can be an issue when trying to strip the model in full the thing I really like about these particular models is how the original painter really went for it and tried to make something that would stand out the fact that the paint is thick and the assembly could have been better is something that you can get over pretty quickly in miniature painting we eventually learn how to build models remove mold lines and apply thin coats of paint in order to get a smooth coat down on our models what a lot of us tend to struggle with is going that extra mile and putting little bits of freehand on those models these are great examples of someone who is trying really hard to make something cool and just didn't quite have the experience yet in order to accomplish that goal I have to imagine that the person who painted these is probably a pretty good painter now especially if they kept at it after these models came out which was pretty long time ago at this point [Music] I'm not sure which one I want to do right now I think I'm just going to take the blood angels toss them in we're going to clean them up because I really like this blood angels captain now I'm not sure what's going on with this uh sword something's weird about it so we might have to end up replacing that the shoulder pad seems kind of funky on it I think this was kind of Kit bashed together so we're going to clean everything up get rid of the paint and go from there foreign Fry Basket [Music] one other thing I wanted to mention before we really got to cleaning these up and part of the reason that I want to document this you know aside from just rescuing the model and and getting it to look maybe the way the original owner intended is that there's some cool stuff going on here a lot of these models especially these Dark Angels ones remind me of the models that I painted when I was a kid so I don't blame anybody for the result that these ended up with realistically it's just a result of painting to the ability that have at the time that you have them so I wanted to point out some of the really cool things that I really like about these that we are going to try and carry over we're going to try and save these models paint them basically like they were intended but hopefully with using a little more modern tech make them look the best they possibly can oh foreign before we continue let me tell you about today's excellent sponsor CMO games is an epic hobby store that has been selling online for more than 20 years they focus on Games Workshop products almost always selling at 15 off and they carry a wide variety of paints and supplies to get those minis painted on top of a ton of tabletop games board games and tcgs they carry hobby supplies Pro crew Vallejo and scale 75 just to name a few so you can always find the supplies and paints that you need and get them shipped quickly and at a good price CMO games also takes care of your pre-orders so if you need to get in on the newest Games Workshop release they go live at 1201 am on the absolute earliest day possible so you don't miss out head on over to using the affiliate Link in the description below and check out this fantastic store using MyLink won't cost you anything extra but greatly helps out the channel so thank you and thank you CMO games for sponsoring miniature painting channels like this one now let's get back to those minis once all the models have had a bath I can clean off the excess paint to see the models much more clearly there are mold lines that will need to be removed and some glue that will need to be shaved away from Models particularly around the backpacks foreign Space Marines aren't too bad certainly not like the new ones all of the primaris Marines but proportionally they look pretty decent one of the bigger issues that these models have always had they're completely covered in mold lines and in weird places things that they've since fixed and you know I've perfected the casting techniques to get these mold lines out of the way which is nice so going back to older models like this it's kind of a good reminder that things have actually come quite a long way because after taking all the paint off of all of these models I'm having to do more work just removing little plastic Burrs and mold lines than I would if I were probably to just build new ones the other weird issue is this guy now he's got a resin sword and arm on it and it kind of like I think it might be Forge World I'm not 100 sure but I know that's not okay whatever's going on here it's like the casting is so thin that there isn't a sword left it's like a failed 3D print almost that's doesn't have quite enough layers to it I'm gonna see if I can find another sword arm like this in my bits box to replace this completely because this is this is not good this is not gonna work that we can't we can't have that it's this floppy thank you I just really like it when this happens so I went through my bits box I grabbed out I don't know a handful and in two seconds just happened to come across a blood angels Captain arm from this Space Marine and it's it's literally perfect it's it's almost the exact same sword but whatever material this other one is made of is obviously wrong actually that was pretty neat now that everything is good to go it's time to Prime the models well those are drying I'm going to do some research and see if there's some good info on how to get these painted I just happen to have the supplement codices for these armies from back in the day so let's take a look into what the original paint here may have been inspired by in order to want to paint the minis like this I love keeping older books like this there are a ton of good references for older models like these and we can see some of the things that were really popular when these came out when I got my first codex I remember taking it with me pretty much wherever I went I had it in my backpack to read at school took it on road trips just poured over the pages and read everything multiple times the paint jobs are really something to shoot for and I tried my hardest with my first minis to replicate the look in those pages didn't work out very well much like these ones but the inspiration that these few pictures provided was invaluable looking through the blood angels book and comparing him to the original minis it almost looks like they might have been going for some kind of successor chapter the black Edge on the shoulder pads are really the only thing that stands out as different than a regular blood Angel model though it's a little hard to tell considering they aren't totally consistent for that particular chapter the Dark Angels seem a little more straightforward most of these are meant to be Deathwing models and there's just one regular one just a green guy so that's what we'll shoot for and since I want these to be pretty similar to the original Vision we'll keep the knee pads with the checkerboard patterns there are examples of using checkerboard in this book so at least it's not totally left field to have that on the models and it should look pretty cool too since he's probably the coolest model in the bunch I'm going to start with the captain of the squad I start with the dark red as a base using multiple thin coats just to build up that shadow color I don't want pure black in the recesses but it still needs to be dark on the underside stepping up to a brighter red I'll cover a majority 30 of the armor this will be the main color for that armor and the goal will be to try and leave some of that dark red in the shadows so shooting this from the top down like a xenophile highlight will give us a nice transition in value and keep those Shadows looking pretty good finally a little bit of orange is mixed into that red for the very top of the model the back of the legs and the top of the knees and I want to overdo this color because blood angels don't exactly have a ton of orange on them but I'm planning on using a wash to darken this down and get the model lined with black so it should knock down the orange a little bit and bring it closer to the other red while still looking more like a highlight now I did some work on this guy's Power sword but I ended up not really liking the way it was looking so I eventually just decided to repaint it silver so for now just ignore that and pretend like it never happened once the armor is blocked in I come back in with black and base coat the things that are eventually going to be silver as well as the cloth and undersuit of the armor I also painted the trim on the pauld roots in order to really get each piece of armor to stand out even more I opted for an edge highlight light with some of that orange we use to mix into the red armor looking back in the book it does look like they use a lot of orange to Edge highlight the armor for most of these models but then some of them almost look like they went for some kind of bright yellow or off-white I like the way that the orange looks so I'm gonna stick with that for the red armor I don't want this to come across like pink at all and the orange will give the red a more fiery look next up we'll be filling in the Aquila and small ornaments with some gold now specifically I'll be using Vallejo metal color gold which has great coverage and a smooth finish but it also has quite a lot of green in it which helps these pieces really stand out from the Red Gold can be really warm and red and we don't want it to get lost in all the red armor that we already have so cooling it down with some green and highlighting with silver later on should help it look its best and of course a nice silver for pretty much everything else metallic thank you [Music] the best part of this particular model has got to be this guy's head the only one here without a helmet on so he needs to stand out I'll start with the pink flesh as a base coat making sure that each layer dries in between coats the last thing I want to do is overload the details on this face so it's best to work thin and be patient with it a while back I made a pretty fun video about painting faces so if that's something that you struggle with or you just want to learn more about then check out this video in the description or click the link in the top of the corner of the screen once the main color is down I grab some reddish purple and thin that down into a glaze this color goes into all the recesses on the face and is pushed towards the Shadows this will bring a little life into that face and help Define those shapes [Applause] [Music] following that up with a little bit of original flesh tone and some off-white in order to give him that more pale complexion and with only a little bit of work we have a pretty nice looking face the eyes of course are in an entire category of their own which is why I recommend you check out that other video if you want to go more in depth with that what I generally prefer is to give my models a nice glowy eye effect some black mixed into that shadow color laid into the eye a little white dot on top of that and some kind of wash or contrast paint to bring in a different color some kind of spot color that goes with these models generally blood angels have that cool blue as a weapon effect spot color so I went with a nice icy blue to make those eyes glow no wonky pupils and a neat effect for a standout model these older Space Marines almost always look weird with actual eyes painted in so over the years I just stopped doing it the last step with this guy will be to bring in an oil wash and panel on the model I mix this up with some Winsor Newton black and a little bit of odorless mineral spirits the black will get right into the recess detail and help it stand out quite a bit and darken down some of that orange it also helps unify all the colors with a consistent color over the top and deepens that red a bit which I like more than the super bright red all over [Music] foreign [Music] does it for the blood angels a nice simple color scheme that reflects what the original owner may have intended and now we can move on to the dark angel Squad and make them look as good as new I'm going to start with the green one because the last video I did was literally painting Deathwing Terminator so I don't want to really rehash that too much that video can be found in the description below or at the top of the screen right here the colors go down in the same way as the blood angels I'm just switching out colors of course a dark green to tint though shadows and a nice mid-tone green for a majority of the armor I did follow this up with a kind of muted green for a final highlight but kept it really small the top of the helmets and shoulder pads and backpack got a very small amount but Dark Angels are definitely more of that dark green than anything so I want to keep it pretty simple all of the metallics will be silver for this guy and of course the casing on the gun needs to be that classic red since I have the paint out I'm just going to use the same three colors I use for the blood angels to basically do the same for the gun a black oil wash all over in order to get those recesses lined and once that dries I can fill in the rest of the details for an edge highlight I went for a yellow green so you could really see the lines and even referencing back to the old book they definitely go hard on the yellow green edges now this particular model was missing the shoulder pads and luckily I did find a few lying around so I was able to put the model back together with a nice studded shoulder pad and one that had a cord over the top of it very dark angels and fitting with the rest of the models and since this is the only green one I thought that giving him the upgraded shoulder pad made him stand out a little bit better all in all not a terribly difficult color scheme and really effective with the green and red for contrast personally I do prefer painting the red armor of blood angels but I can definitely see the advantages of the green armor for an entire army green feels a little bit more forgiving to me it's darker you can kind of hide things a little better and highlights come easier with yellow green than anything on red armor but at the end of the day I'd rather go with that bone armor for Dark Angels than any anything else and I think that's what the original painter may have been thinking with these I gave these Minis that death Wing treatment and did a little weathering on the bone armor as I did on my Terminators I followed that up with some checkerboard patterns in the knee pads and finished up this second Squad it's interesting to me how far things have come since these minis have come out the newer Space Marines we get today just feel so much more designed for painting than I almost forgot what it was like to paint these guys it's honestly harder than I realized to get a good finish on these models the lines are soft and not as defined as the newer ones the spaces you need to reach are often blocked by something that makes it really difficult to get in there and paint still there is just something about these older marines that I really like there's a Simplicity to the way that you can paint them and still end up with a pretty good result the open blank spaces really give you a canvas to play around and make your models your own and that's exactly what the previous owner did sure these were probably their first minis but they actually went for it and tried to do things that they liked even if it didn't turn out how they wanted I think we can all take something away from these models we're regardless of your painting skill at the moment don't ever hold back when you want to try something that just sounds cool you might not nail it but you will be a better painter for having tried something and the more you try new things the better you get it just takes time and eventually if you paint bravely every time you sit down you will be where you want to be thank you again for joining me on another miniature rescue if you like something about this video please consider liking sharing and subscribing as it really helps out the channel once again I'm Casey and I will see you in the next video and of course here are the finished old school blood angels Dark Angels Space Marines thanks again thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: eBay Miniature Rescues
Views: 507,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, Age of Sigmar, Warhammer40k, AOS, WHFB, Painting Miniatures, Ebay Rescue, ebay miniature rescue, emr, mini painting, airbrushing, 40k painting, Beginner mini painting, beginner warhammer, start painting, cheap airbrush, rescue mini, miniature, model, figure painting, restoration, miniature restoration, scale modeling, painting models, fixing models, space marine, oldhammer, bloodangel, dark angel, deathwing, bone armor, warhammer face, painting space marines
Id: nHbB8oYSXTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 43sec (1183 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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