The WORST Roblox Car Wash...

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yeah she says stop goldie i'm sorry girl you have to listen to the road rules i'm here first yay go through [Music] so the other day i was on roblox and found this game washies hoffman we're going to the car wash finally let's go beep beep out of the way people watching this beautiful gold car today oh wow it's really busy in here guys you guys why is this the car was so busy look at everyone else try going to lane why my car is dirty i need to get through because you must stay in one lane uh do you see the person beside us i'm going around excuse me excuse me car wash car wash let's go into self checking funny will you do the honors and check in for me all right oh you get the double are you checking in yeah yeah all right self checking i don't think you click anything let's keep going i got the regular ticket because we're trying to save money so we can get a nicer car as we can wash golda rainbow did you spend robux do you have google do you not see what that girl says she said stop yeah she says stop goldie sorry you have to listen to the rules there's a collision up ahead you're gonna get a ticket i like how she's holding that sign and this person looks like she's just gonna run into her like look she's like this is chaotic how long do you think this is gonna take i mean it's chaotic i don't i don't know this is like a real car wash is there like another car wash we can go to this is there an express pass oh those cars are fighting over there oh my gosh you guys it's just a car wash was trying to come out cutting the line i'm asking to go into the lane can i go and thank you there's a butter stop there you go hong kong okay wait that girl says you're gonna get a warning to this green car oh you're gonna get a ticket this better be the best car wash ever this is thinking i'm yelling and saying hurry up hurry up and move hey i'm wait your turn no they're breaking our cars um hello operator i have a deluxe we want it for free i already paid for it what why did you waste money we could have asked for free all right deluxe wash wait she just washed she's just rolling you in she's not giving us the deluxe wash rainbow no ah this kid okay did your car get stuck no no it didn't get done oh my gosh we're literally stuck we start this car with money come on stop sending cars in stop all right go go rainbow go i'm showing i'm stuck she pushes um i think our car's stuck and all the employees are helping us what do you mean it's getting clean it totally works this is the premium i feel that your car is getting a lot shinier rainbow oh yeah yeah it is i don't deserve this treatment let me out of here you're really going to leave two gold i don't think there's one to drive like this there's people actually working go to lane no it's fine and i deserve good treatment you're gonna ruin my pink sedan how is your day they say i hope everything for blah blah i wanna hello tickets please no ignore draco you guys got to wait your turn they just said bye i'm here first yay go through go through hold on you're gonna get kicked out no i'm not you guys it was open hi there everyone still over here um sorry she is very sorry okay i will back out draco we have to get our heartbeat i'll have good actually go back and i will back up yellow shut it sorry welcome how was your day i hope everything is open and we got bumped say deluxe say extra extra deluxe deluxe extra please extra can we just give it stop stop jumping into my beautiful deli and this time try not running over the employee guilds she's telling her yeah just wait wait until she drops it excuse us excuse me please wait gold do you not see me there's a traffic jam so long we paid robux can you go faster i lied we didn't pay robux oh she lost through though oh hey girls hey what where are you friends oh you went to lane too pink truck behind pink car wow this seems like a stressful truck was trying to butt me but this stop sign operator you know what i'm sick of this i'm just going to walk to the front of the lap on hey can i can i join anyone's ride can i join yeah you can get in goals are they gonna yell and i join can i join i'm in um did you see the car behind you yeah i think that's what they get for tailgating butter there's a butter in line butter after pink chocolate yellow oh i'm pink i'm pink i'm the big truck truck buddy someone behind us says crew hello no no no this is penguin we're good at disguises right go go go they say go go go hurry oh my gosh i'm getting my car washed do you think i'll ever get our car wash because we've been here i don't think so i got my car your turn draco whatever we're still waiting in the parking lot man okay guys make sure you drive your wheels perfectly straight got it okay you guys never anticipated for this ever what kind of bubbles do you want guys i want uh bubble gum yellow lemon i want the glamorous bubbles toothpaste how about mint why it's so basic gold i want you to get a truck like that a truck with gigantic wheels this is more exciting this we will get a gigantic truck and we will run through this car wash and crush all cars it's just a car wash she said hi crew and i said no we are penguins gold we've been making okay whoa it's time wait guys being a staff is actually stressful it says keep car washed and restocked by crates huh their job is actually challenging you have to actually work hey guys what i'm scared the strangers trying to enter in our car it's okay it's okay i don't know who you if you don't make eye contact they cannot enter the car right you guys don't work hard knocked the doors in the car you lock the car how gold there's too many i know don't worry i will keep the doors even if they're kf's hello kf but we gotta get the car wash first yeah we have to get here yeah you're sitting important okay go block the car yes i did that sounds quite remember always lock your car it's true the operator said we cannot stay here and then i said can people walk in the car wash for free baths oh i wrote base all right we're ready for our free bath for everyone hello why isn't the shift manager kicking this track cold bye gold gold i didn't know you worked there wow that's one fabulous car wash worker um pinkie sparkle says they give amazing bass yeah free baths oh what do you recommend oh look you guys are getting washed right now yep it's like rain all right let's get this car dry this is the most jammed car wash we are having a blockage because somebody is trying to reverse wash hey there's literally a shift leader right there hello shift leader kick this van i will report you to the group manager it's not easy to get to shift leader you know she's doing a job everyone's saying rainbow yeah the car wash oh my god okay i have to get out i feel like i was trapped in there forever what am i doing this would be like a monster car show thank you i guess they were looking in their shift leader check dracula for your complaint draco stop complaining what is this the soap section we're like a car centerpiece why is our car getting now this is it's going through pasta noodles why um i don't know mine's peaceful i feel claustrophobic i think this is chaotic and claustrophobic a little bit hey funny look i'm going to commend the shift leader you're the best shift leader everybody crap yeah we should all clap that was that was a pretty good job everyone clapped for shift leader yeah they were literally just really good they got the job done everyone clapped yeah that was amazing we love you shift leaders we love you thank you shift leader for letting us get this car going the fellow kf's clean they are very happy oh look at them they're like what is wrong with these people guys let's do it again no really you want to go back in the car wash bro yes why go down the other lane track we need different cars this time we need all of kf all right everyone we must get our cars cleaned all right go rainbow we're going to get this car cleaned this is totally do you think they'll let us through uh yeah i think i think they'll let us through okay let's go to self-checkout this time i'm a really good driver all right listen up we're gonna clean humans this time okay this is the car that wants free baths let's go come on rainbow you gotta make everyone happy i have a deluxe baby oh thank you carrying a lot of passengers rainbow yeah rainbow i have a deluxe ticket fellow operator for free baths you need a car what no that's my car right there no they're in a car we have people let's tell them it's the pink back i'm dehydrated i'm dehydrated can you please let us get revast she said oh okay thank you thank you dude this place is the best all right everyone we still have our manners everyone has to say thank you and that person just said i haven't taken a bath in weeks thank you oh you're welcome yeah yeah everyone this is such a great feeling um free bath wow isn't free baths nice everyone do not do this up group up for the rinse everyone hurry up ah and we are squeaky clean i feel better guys yeah this is way better than going to the hair salon don't listen to her whoa no someone's trying to reverse they're trying to leave all of us here they want us to stay clean forever i gotta say guys that was pretty realistic for a car washing a simulator game right yes best experience ever but this is amazing 10 out of 10. but now welcome to washware a game where you do laundry all right i like to clean up your room whoa whoa rainbow okay it's so messy rainbow i didn't expect this from you never be my apartment you gotta clean up everything what a liar okay lunas is pretty clean wait where's my apartment last one to clean the clothes has to pay for the laundry uh don't look at my clothes no your side table on your couch look this is not my this is not mine it must be some random person who threw their clothes in my room dirty socks on your pillow gold how about your apartment you didn't even go there yet oh i don't have anything i see gold's apartment she does have an apartment what do i see i'm adding stuff to the laundry bag right now because my apartment not look like this is clean gold where's yours i live in that apartment top floor penthouse gold you're live your apartment's right stop dying no it's over here funny where i am luna do not tell me where my apartment is over here everyone it's over here guys come look at this it's so messy i think it's grosser than rainbow dash yeah you got like some old food over here a lot of leftovers you know midnight snacks you never have for all of these stinky clothes no no no no you can't do that you can't all right how do we start washing reserve washer add detergent why is this so realistic i love it oh insert line okay we got game and then we got moonlight set fabric softener i didn't add clothes to my washer before starting it what's the point let's put regular can i make the time shorter i don't want to wait here for 10 minutes wow this takes quite a lot of clothes well unless you want your clothes to be stinky fine i'll put on spin open the door i'm gonna put all the fabric softener and all the detergent oh you could load the machine oh it drops in too i guess i could just drop everything in 70 almost like 100 pieces of dirty laundry this will take me ages to clean i think the capacity looks full lesson learned do not port up your clothes yeah cause laundry will take forever closing draco's trying to hog all of it yeah he has a lot of dirty clothes wow who's cleaning um drago are you wasting money no there's nothing in your washer yeah i know i forgot to load it okay just ignore it jaco you know that you can pause the machine open the door and put in your clothes right uh i totally i know that i don't think i don't even watch it wait what happened let's just throw our clothes in here this laundry machine is pretty big we got we have dumpling flaps in here what i'm going to do it's the i'm gonna do it close and let's put it on click start oh my gosh i wanna see how realistic this game is will the clothes come out smelly who knows probably all right all my clothes are gonna be done in 10 minutes i'm gonna go play games now okay see you guys on 10 minutes i'ma play crew eats like and subscribe if you want the laundry to go faster it's taking forever it's like watching paint dry and i picked quit whose dumb idea was this to wait for laundry in real life i'm done my washing machine's done before all of yous that was the most happening getting my clothes happening i'm so excited for laundry mindset too mine's two minutes mine's almost mine's two minutes me too did you just take all your laundry draco we didn't shut the door wait wait are you hanging them hanging it hey you're not gonna put in the dryer um is anybody gonna tell rainbow that her apartment's still messy what turn around oh rainbow what were you washing rainbow no no no no no look out the window clean up everything this is what you have when you do and then your room's messy again i think this is rainbow's worst nightmare of a game that's my worst nightmare oh well here we go look at your room dirty clothes whatever at least i have some clean clothes hold on i'm getting my laundry bro this is a nightmare oh my gosh it's making me wash my clothes again [Music] another 12 minutes for you funny i'm leaving i'm gonna go see what the clean life is like what is the clean life like it's no clean life it's just always dirty this is a true horror game it's a game of endless laundry and cleaning getting my laundry we're gonna take it all out do i get to wear this clothes no you just get to wash it what do i do when it's dry do i fold it i don't think so acting like you've never done laundry wait a minute watch my clothes still damp and wet this is ridiculous it's a washing machine oh my gosh and guys because i didn't put laundry detergent in all my clothes is dirty so i waited 10 minutes for nothing all right well guess what we challenge you kf to go play this game and wash your clothes for an hour you guys this is what a clean room should look like it should smell like a fresh flower patch of daisies [Music] and
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 1,351,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, itsfunneh roblox, youtube itsfunneh, itsfunneh minecraft, itsfunneh krew, itsfunneh videos, no swearing, no cursing, roblox funny moments, roblox roleplay, roblox funny, funny roblox, funny roblox game, roblox obby, roblox funneh, roblox krew, roblox story, roblox games, roblox car washing simulator, roblox washiez, roblox washware, roblox laundry, roblox car, roblox car wash, car wash
Id: E2plAesflT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 16sec (1216 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 27 2022
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