Opening Our First AQUARIUM In Roblox!

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welcome to my aquarium because fish are friends not food i heard they sell free fish here hello dracco my arch nemesis of my aquarium no one wants to go to your aquarium because i'll eat fish oh wow draco is a fish market not a fish market your fish yeah can i take one home oh there's one right there you cannot luna the security's gonna get out of my thank you you're making them dirty well this aquarium is pretty nice uh-huh uh-huh it looks like he's missing a lot of stuff everyone it's time to open the best aquarium dracco take this with a fish a flake that makes no sense like instead of a grain of salt a fish a flavor it's a threat like a fish a yeah a flake a fish you guys are wasting my time i'm gonna have a frog on the aquarium okay i don't know how are you gonna catch a frog samples eileen don't tell draco oh dracula i understand she meant take it with a fish a flake yes oh like a grain of salt what with the fish of flakes oh take it like a grain of food yeah i'm gonna turn your business into fish and chips you know you know the way you're saying it means it's not gonna happen right i don't funny let's go make our own aquarium the best wait you two are working together again gold always works together she's like funny come with me gold hurry up the aquarium is opening now wow welcome to yeah you better think of a good name when i get the walls up floor ceiling a base we also need a tank and a tank filter i got it my golden fun aqua mourinho no one's gonna remember that name a horrible name let's do something pretty when they get in let's get what i don't have pearls but that's fine i could just because i took your pearls and i'm wearing it around my shoulder and that's okay coach you can't wear the economy okay ready watch this we got a glimmering chest for the fanciest sea friends what ooh hello welcome we're gonna max out our filter using ropex what type of fish can we put in here we can add a new fish to this tank which fish oh we only have one gold what what is that type of thing it is a corvina and it's hungry hello hungry fish eat eat okay gold your job uh sichu actually can't do anything in the aquarium your job is to go spy on the competition to make sure that we have the best stuff at our aquarium okay more decorations a base a c sign do you all have c signs that is no sound filter what's the point of buying the upgraded filter with robux is it worth it um it breaks down less you could just buy a repair man well i don't want to buy repair man that's expensive and another piece of it's actually cheaper than the filter but okay let's get underwater vanity i think i'm out of fish oh i can add another one a cobia okay cobia have some fish flakes i definitely need a window and an info center this is where all the customers could be like hello marlin marilyn where are you it's marlin wait you have one too i feel uh no like i said frogs only in my aquarium i'm not getting anything frogs can't get this exhibit yet because i'm broke i'm at the fishing pond i need to get some new fish because the ones we have right now are common fish and you don't go to an aquarium to you know see regular fish that you can literally see in the supermarket what if i do boring oh i caught a catfish oh my gosh catfish for cat wait you could actually sell them for money too i'm not gonna do that though i'm gonna put them in the aquarium and to make money off of them that sounds horrible okay so far no luck with any rare fishes lunar what is that in front of your museum what is what i see shiny things oh is that a marlin whoa whoa what luna can afford this luna said her i can't it's gonna be the scariest yeah with robux i don't wanna fight okay so here's gonna be the free aquarium also funny i have some news for you it's not looking so great you know what uh our aquarium looks like the other competitions aquarium they're all the same stand out uh that's a bad sign okay we need to find the rarest fish in the world and gold you gotta go fish something because our aquarium so far is looking the same you know what we need a sidewalk how are the customers walking up here without noticing sidewalk uh let's not edit that tank yet let's get in a popcorn stand some farriers and a podium i'm gonna switch this fish out for the electric catfish get it oh you could put multiple fish in a tank what oh as long as they don't eat each other of course you can yeah but draco sometimes fish eat each other if you don't know that dark fat well they shouldn't be eating each other if you're feeding them well they are eating while they're eating the best fish flakes in all of the olive roblox all right fish flakes over here hello electric catfish have some fish flakes can i jump in here while i get electrocuted nope oh a candy machine this gift shop is the perfect place to obtain more money and a photo can go in here i cannot glass fence wall we have a cafe in here oh that's cool golds i have a new job for you you can work at the seafood cafe i hope we don't serve like aquarium snacks here honey i am fishing right now i'm trying to collect all well you just called it okay good job gold what draco what did you just say just called it the seafood cafe no no no i said the cafe where we don't serve no the cafe where you see food but not seafood hello aiden welcome to the aquarium cafe oh you're just gonna walk past our host it looks like the chefs back here are cooking nothing i like it trucker what are you doing hey nothing fishy guys draco is griefing get your butt out of my place draco i'm gonna buy them i'm bringing them to a better home you could fish here gold did you see that jack will try to fish in the tank he's being a nuisance don't worry i teleported here emma uh-huh do you see my rod funny what do you guys know where to fish for dolphins perhaps no the ocean guys i got a great whale white shark what a great white shirt robots no i fished it from funny's pond there must be my butt it's a rich no i actually just got a rare fish from my pond too yup gold gold coins yes everyone come here hurry no goals we have gay keep we must get oh wait yeah yeah i mean oh there's only guppies in here guppies and a pond yeah oh oh wait is that like a boot oh we just fished up a boot too that was pretty horrible i just got another shiny bunny what cool let me see shark huh oh hey look who's here she should get away with her there's rare there's only here there's only [Music] [Laughter] yeah why are you talking it's because she wants to eat hey so i was tuning into the radio station and i heard that you guys have rare fishes in this oh my gosh gold look look what happens when you talk i'm sorry i heard it's okay on the radio sharing is caring so we're going to go ahead and buy a nature exhibit i wonder what this is have you guys seen any frogs yet rainbow i don't think you're frog question is from oh well yeah this is an aquarium game what do you mean frogs belong in the sea too i'm gonna buy this so we can actually get a swordfish in the aquarium and obviously we gotta get a clown fish because we actually have the real finding nemo here [Music] is that your advertisement yeah from the movie yeah official from the movie we're gonna put up yeah well i got nemo's dad barley berlin black guy nemo's mom what oh no that's impossible nemo's mom's name i forgot um let's not talk about nemo nemo's not mom was named nemo's mom obviously oh a beluga whale how would this even fit in the exhibit i wonder you got a whale yep by music the power of roblox all right oh she's buying them with robots okay no one will fit in here sucks i'm hopping out of here and a dog is this actually a pokemon everyone come look at the dugong tell me this is broken gotta fix it oh sorry i wasn't managing it's okay gold you can see let me see where's your dude my dugong do you see it it's right there it's beautiful oh my gosh uh that does not look like a pokemon what it's um it's a chunky and cute i have some i think this tank is big enough for the sharks let's see a ladder for the ecosystem i want to make it look more you know like sharks so let's get the diving hound yep and a crusty treasure chest so it looks like the rare fishes actually don't fit in here so we're just gonna have to go with cod all right get your button in you need a bigger tank i know right none of this works we got our amberjack you want brown trout no one it's too full look at those fishies glass sand oh wait is this for a starfish no way or is this another simple aquarium thing commercial stand small fountain obviously we gotta add some flowers in here can i go to the next section yet ah heck yeah deep sea oh this is cool walls oh this is actually very cool it looks like a place where you can see the coolest sea creatures base tank come on i need to put my shark somewhere sharks are like the coolest filter boom boom i have so much robot blue marlin and there's the blue marlin compatible with anything how about a trout cool and a cot oh i just bought a sushi stand yeah this aquarium is kind of messed up okay when he means sushi he actually means not real sushi it's clay sushi and that's a fake fish wow this this game threw me for a curveball oh wait well there's also an arcade here an rk machine yeah gold you have to see this this aquarium is taking a giant turn this has to be the biggest tank we're gonna put our orca in it holy whoa how's this even possible with a giant squid okay giant squid doesn't fit let's put another fish in along with a catfish this has to be the biggest tank i don't think there's like a tank that is bigger than this tank but we have hello gold would you like some sushi um no not from here but what the orca how did you fit that thing in there i don't know it's because it's roblox girl i don't think a real orca would fit in a tank that small you should uh remove your sushi stand to the fishes um but i would love to but i already said it's fake sushi gold it's actually accessories it's not real okay oh toilets what uh don't look at this sculpt or dracco don't complain oh what's wrong with your toilets uh i'm going back to fishing we're a very fancy aquarium but yet we have restrooms that look like they're for the outdoors which is quite odd i fully upgraded this area and now i unlocked this place wow this aquarium is quite gigantic i don't remember crims being this big but i have one complaint where are the frogs because i've got a bunch of fishes draco you understand we have a bunch of fishes they're all the same we need we need axolotls to be exact oh i completed my tycoon i'm not gonna rebirth though it's time for a tour [Music] welcome to the fun aquarium aquarium do you guys even remember what the name is welcome to acronym are those free samples yeah yeah you want to try yeah can i have some it turns you into a fish rainbow but you have some for your froggy okay thank you hi follow us gold please give them a tour wow i will make sure they don't grand aquarium where when you walk in i thought you were taking care of yourself yeah aquarium is really gross i can't why aren't these things operated oh my gosh the poor fishies oh this treatment save save the fish i'm trying i'm charging this looks bad for our guest wait luna can fix it why don't you help fix oh it's because customers this is an interactive experience please help them that's too expensive why is this fish bellies up what there's no fish belly up no no it's fine jacko it's just teaching you how to belly float you know just give me a second and over here just uh just some fish flakes and this owner wasn't really prepared uh okay now this is quite the funny aquarium rainbow please look at one of our trinkets our merchandise they'll call me rainbow call me frogbo frogbo please go take a picture at the festival hey shut up [Laughter] okay instead of looking at the stuff that all of you clearly already have gold show dirty deep sea i'm hungry come over here okay what's the surprise possession at the funny gold aquarium don't step no further get get out get out luna and draco welcome to the darkest the deepest the scariest of the deep sea it's not that deep i can see the end of the hallway when you go in you cannot come out because of what you see in there wait i want to come out back out though i don't want to kill her i don't care go in no you won't disappear just go is that i'm telling you the story about this is the orca right bunny uh i think it's the beluga whale no isn't it no it's orca i was messing you up funny funny fish this beluga whale while she was in the deep sea on her broken pirate ship yep totally didn't buy it uh-huh wow draco youtube fisher whale yeah but it doesn't have any interest in food yeah that's because um it's uh only my beluga whale gold go on those are good stories sorry okay and um these are the souvenirs funny wait wait what's the beluga whale's name [Music] [Music] hey he's just trying to make it sound stupid don't listen to it continue on with why you should buy all this merchandise hey come back here rainbow rainbow look this is my favorite part these guests are they've run everywhere they're already sushi sushi these are this this is not i repeat not sushi it's fake aesthetic toys that the chef is probably going to mean then why is there a fish here oh my gosh okay to the next area this one's kind of more like the aesthetic area where you get smoothies for both eyes and okay but where's the washroom wow the washroom great you don't let me go to the washroom i'll go in one of your tanks hey jacka wait look [Music] paluga is that the beluga is this our new addition i did not see this hackle this is new can someone kick dracco out of the aquarium he's trying to fish up your fish hey excuse me i have a question what what is the question what does this stan say fries and i asked for fries and you know what he told me what he told me you don't have any fries ah that might be true because we only sell smoothies here that is so sad draco here's the washroom enjoy get out what does wc stand for wash wash shroom wash cash shroom w-a-c-h-r-o-m that's not it's locked someone's in there get out but the crazy part about this aquarium is that we have branched off to two aquariums what do you mean this is the great white shark it was a stormy day on the gold golden ship and this shark bit my boat and i almost sinked into the sea but you know what i used my sparkling net and i grabbed it and now he's here in this museum and now you guys are friends forever i still don't know how you survived a true sailor never tells her tale [Music] you
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 2,199,936
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, roblox funny, roblox funny moments, roblox funneh, roblox krew, roblox funnehcake, no swearing, no cursing, roblox aquarium tycoon, roblox tycoon, aquarium tycoon, roblox aquarium, roblox sea tycoon, roblox ocean tycoon, roblox tycoon itsfunneh, roblox tycoon funneh, roblox tycoon krew, aquarium tycoon roblox, roblox tycoon aquarium
Id: 11fhANWJXCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 30sec (1230 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 27 2022
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