The WORST Movies of 2020 | I want to put my head through a wall

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so we did the best and here's the rest or the worst or at least the most disappointing that is right i have my positivity and happiness shirt here in honor of the worst movies of 2020. some of these are in a completely different realm of bad some of these i acknowledge are just like they were disappointing to me so i'm putting them here to like stir the pot and it might seem mean to go after the worst movies but there's like an entire slew of like in between movies that just don't get talked about at all because they're not in the best category and they're not in the worst category so one might argue that it's like worse to be one of those one might but i've currently been attending digital sundance meaning that i have been watching eight to 11 movies every single day since last thursday it is currently wednesday i've got another five movies to watch today from the awards panel stuff so i thought it would just be a good time to to talk about movies i've already watched because i certainly don't have time to watch anything else and it's nice to kind of reflect back on the things that we love to hate and hate to hate but to make it a little bit more positive i'm going to go ahead and offer up some things that you should be watching that didn't quite hit my best of 2020 list or things that weren't movies so these aren't really ranked i just came up with interesting little category titles for each of these for my own entertainment including first up most disappointing to keep things spicy and for me it's tenant now this is a potentially controversial choice because it seems to have like a 70 all across the board even on the ranking sites that don't actually go by we're ranking this movie 70 it's just 70 of people gave it a high ish rating like rotten tomatoes but i did not at all like ten it when i saw it i think i gave it a very generous three out of five stars on letterbox so not horrible but again i feel like that was a very generous three out of five stars and that was mostly from the sheer spectacle of what i was watching some of the more standout performances the set pieces but even with all that so much of this movie annoyed me every once in a while i feel like directors go so far in the direction of things that they're known for that they like out do themselves like sometimes i can still enjoy the film by being like yeah you certainly out insert director named here yourself uh but other times you end up how i felt about uh aronofsky out aronofskying himself with mother which to me was not good we get it it's the bible and that's kind of how i felt after watching tenet not not anywhere is near as bad i had fairly strong emotions after i watched mother we'll just clarify i did like ten it more but tennant had all the audio issues that we've grown to associate with nolan that literally made the movie incomprehensible and i don't mean the story's incomprehensible but there's definitely issues there for some people too i mean like i could not understand what people were saying and then a lot of the dialogue that i could hear was just horrible if i can't have you no one else can everyone and everything that's ever lived destroyed in my son yes absolutely if the world is going to be imploded or reversed exploded yes your son is also going to die i don't even need to get caught up nitpicking the logic in something like this i am totally willing to suspend my belief but for a movie with so much exposition i assumed it would have worked better and it's a shame because i think the story would have made an amazing mini-series but maybe that's just like too much time for nolan to work with and like the inconsistencies would have become more noticeable with more time but i wish this story had more time to breathe because so much about this works and is compelling the set pieces are beautiful the action sequences are mostly great pattinson is a genuine highlight in this movie but i feel like washington and debiki were criminally underutilized everybody was really talking up kenneth branig but i personally thought he was the low light of this movie that's again that's a personal opinion you can disagree with me but like the lines that he delivered were so horrible to me no it's unfortunate because this movie just ends up kind of feeling like spark notes for a larger thing that actually worked i tried watching this again before recording but i literally watched about 50 movies for sundance and i just i didn't want to but hey i too live in a twilight world every damn day so there's my hot take i am gonna be revisiting this movie with subtitles and it's probably great if you're just looking for a big action movie but let's get on to some of the stuff that you're expecting from worst of superhero movies are something that have really ingrained themselves into our society and i'll be honest i like them you know i love my art house indie flicks but i get great enjoyment from these larger stories that just impact and inspire people all around the world but this year was kind of a break from the marvel cinematic dominance and it was a break that a lot of people welcomed but just because there was a break from that stuff doesn't mean we were without superhero stories and some of them were not great so the worst superhero movie of 2020 award goes to new mutants with wonder woman kind of as like a close-ish behind it now with new mutants a little bit of it is my own fault it had me bamboozled there was so much back and forth in terms of releases some of the trailers actually started looking good so then by the time it actually was announced that it was coming out i was excited i was dumb but i love coming of age stories i love horror put them together with the x-men and it should be a recipe for success and i only have myself to blame i should have just stayed home and watched x-men evolution what we got was something that didn't do horror or coming of age particularly well it never committed to either of those aspects completely and it also didn't blend them together well either it was just hard cuts from horror to coming of age and it didn't work at all it makes me feel like they saw the success of it chapter one cut the trailer to make it feel more like a horror than they might have initially shot it to be and then got stuck trying to make that work in the movie or maybe they just couldn't write the two together effectively which is so weird because josh boone literally did like the iconic coming-of-age teen death story fault in our stars i get that he had a blueprint from somebody else but like still i know there were rumors of reshoots but those never happened maybe the reshoots would have addressed some of these issues you guys know that i love my gay representation in movies and they couldn't even do that right it just felt so terribly awkward and mismanaged one minute rayne is talking about her gay religious shame and the next minute she's making a move on danny i just what something must have gotten lost in the edit then the decision had ileana pop off a bunch of racist one-liners that she never has to make up for in some very questionable interviews with the director just put a holy yikes on this which is damn unfortunate because i love the x-men i love the new mutants and this just bums me out maybe i'll make a full video it's it's we were kind of late now and wonder woman 1984 which i will say was not as bad to me as it was to others but still a movie that took everything established in the first and kind of said nah i think they could have had a really fun campy movie reminiscent of the early 2000s comic book movies for better or for worse but it gets lost in this stupid world destroying plot of people being shitty nation takeovers and some questionable logistics and how they brought steve back i was fortunate enough to go into this with highly lowered expectations so i didn't end up hating it but that doesn't make it good so some alternatives to these would be catching the netflix series the umbrella academy which is basically like a more realistic version of the x-men i literally have a video where i compare one of the characters to jean grey and the dark phoenix storyline and it is just delightfully weird it tells the story of a bunch of super powered individuals that had been adopted at birth by sir reginald horograves and trained to be a group of crime-fighting kids but as one can imagine someone who adopted kids just to raise them to be heroes is not necessarily providing the most loving environment for seven children and there's a ton of dysfunction that follows and i think it's great it handles a wide variety of topics and issues and trauma incredibly well for this type of show if you want to know more check out my videos that are now obviously dated in terms of elliott page because none of us knew at the time sadly there's no way for me to change that in the videos now so just keep that in mind there is nothing but love and respect to elliott from me here but i really like those videos so if you're interested in the show or you watch the show please check those out and in the movie world honestly birds of prey i thought it was a fun popcorn movie which is just really nice sometimes i really like margot as harley quinn huntress was fun the moment where black canary needs a hair tie was great it's not perfect but i had fun with it if you're waiting to hear about the boys we'll mention in that later now the award for worst wow did this really need a sequel and oh my god they already filmed the third goes to kissing booth 2. i made an entire video about this movie and i am still struggling to remember specific details i had to re-watch my own video to remember that it started with her objectifying this young man on the loudspeakers over the school she's heavy third wheeling accusing her boyfriend of cheating when she's the one being extra flirty with marco here who i kept calling marcus in my video because that's how much of an impression this made on me i don't know the whole video was just predicated on a severe lack of conversation and honestly the fact that you should probably uh dump your high school significant other if they are moving across the country for college if you want to know more check out my video on the kissing boot too where i also go over what happens roughly in the first kissing booth and an alternative here would be the half of it another netflix teen coming of age story but it was a real gem at first glance this is gonna feel like sierra burgess is a liar which you all know that i don't like or if you don't know you can find out if you watch my video but it is so much better and it is so much more it centers around ellie the daughter of an immigrant living in a small town who's hired by paul to help woo the girl he likes but surprise ellie likes the girl too but mostly this just ends up being a solid movie about friendship paul is the best on-screen jock ever it avoids falling into a lot of the expected tropes it obviously has conflicts around the setting but it was just nice and i'm kind of hoping we get the other half next up is biggest bummer award and it goes to ammonite which is totally different from the biggest disappointment award that tenant got because i said so but holy [ __ ] what a bummer i was so excited when i saw the teasers for this movie and even when the bad reviews started rolling in i spent 20 bucks to watch this thing from home i know a lot of people really like this and i am genuinely happy for you because i want movies to bring people joy even if they kind of crushed me emotionally a little bit this was a horrible waste of sercia ronan who tried her best and kate winslet how do you waste that star power that academy power i felt that there was almost no chemistry between these characters and i wonder if it's how the director might have been getting kate to play the part but there's you can have characters that are like iffy with social situations still come across as intimate and have chemistry with other people this just didn't do it and in a movie that hinges so much on the audience being invested in these characters that immediately shoots it in the foot i've seen better intimacy in movies that had no explicit or intended romance but it was also a pretty bad portrayal of real people the director said that history so often washes over genuine lgbtq plus individuals and relationships which is true there's an entire subreddit dedicated to it and it's shitty if you don't want to address that aspect of a person either don't make the movie but also don't make them straight if you do make the movie but i also don't know if this was the answer either i don't have a problem with exploring this as an idea looking into whether or not mary may have been gay what some of those closer relationships might have been you can absolutely take creative licenses for the sake of a story but i just don't think this works for me and it is probably just all down to that lack of chemistry i think pointing out the importance of women in her life is great but i just wanted more from the story mary anning was a very real paleontologist with a lot of major accolades to her name that were often not attributed to her because she was a woman and she deserves to be known for those accomplishments not having cersei ronan sit on her face actually a lot of people probably want to be known for that i'm just gonna we're gonna skip on like we don't know maybe something was going on with her and charlotte murchison but why stake so much of this movie about an accomplished paleontologist on speculation like the movie does show how she was often overlooked how her name was removed from contributions but it's not the crux of the story and that feels like a disservice to her but hey if you loved it that's awesome as an alternative tragic gay story check out summer 85. though not perfect it was a solid coming-of-age story as our lead alex grows into himself after a summer that would change his life forever some people are really gonna hate aspects of this movie but i enjoyed it now the simultaneous worst use of robert downey jr and kids movie goes to doolittle now i don't tend to watch a lot of kids movies in general so maybe there was something worse that came out this year but this was horrible and it lost universal a ton of money and i saw it early on a saturday so the only people there other than me were families with children and there were no laughs like maybe one and it had no reason for being that bad honestly it had an all-star cast that had robert downey jr in the lead but then you chose to have a scene where he stuck a leak up a dragon's ass i refused to rewatch my own video to remember all the reasons why this didn't work so you can just watch it down below and for a better movie that's safe for kids i recommend wolf walkers just a solid film worst this is not a superhero movie where the lead character was definitely a superhero goes to mulan mulan is not a superhero now i've talked in length about why this movie felt like a slap in the face to the original animated disney movie and for something that's supposed to be more in line from the chinese source material from what i can gather from the individuals who actually did grow up with the stories of mulan it did a [ __ ] job of that too also something i forgot to mention in my review i put in a clip of the director who bless her soul seemed to really be trying her best and was really excited about this but she said people don't sing songs when they go off to war which was her reasoning why there would be no songs in this but that's not true actually no that's not the truth mickey that is absolutely something that is historically documented in warren if 1917 can have somebody singing a song before they ship off to the battlefield so can mulan what an uninspired piece of unnecessary garbage disney if you insist on recycling your ip at least do a good job with it please also don't sue me so for something that is supposed to be about superheroes but they're really not always that heroic i recommend the boys absolutely what superheroes would be like if they existed in our world in this show they're a corporate commodity their rescues are coordinated the core group of the seven is highly curated and maintained for optimal public optics they make movies merchandise toys branded drinks can you imagine having your face on a drink i still need to make my entire video on the boys and when i do i'm gonna make the exact same joke and no one can stop me and now what i believe to truly be the worst movie of 2020 but the award is titled the why the [ __ ] was this piece of trash garbage made and the award goes to the murder of nicole brown simpson wherever i go he's there like he's haunting me another of my early videos last year the murder of nicole brown simpson is a horribly exploitative movie about the murder of nicole brown simpson and it is trash trashed by a director who just loves to do this kind of [ __ ] and thinks that he's doing something positive with it and this is even his worst that goes to the haunting of sharon tate it was so horribly handled that even tate's own sister went at the movie and then he tried to reason with her by explaining why it meant so much to him because he was born around the time of the manson murders like sorry you lost your sister but this is about me if you want to see more about the letter in the movie in general i have my link to that video down below as well to this day i wonder what the hell is going on in mina savari's life that she chose to take this role like still love you queen loser and american pie are both movies that make me wish i was a teenager and not a child in 1999 but then i'd be even older than i am now and i as an alternative i don't i'm just going to recommend the kid detective they don't have much in common other than the fact that they are crime adjacent movies and while it wasn't a perfect movie i want to see adam brody in so many more leading roles it's about a private investigator that started solving random little crimes like the hardy boys as a kid and then when the city is devastated by a crime that he could not have conceivably solved as a child it kind of ruins him and he becomes a beacon of failed potential in his town until a young girl comes in to ask for help in the death of her boyfriend there are some incredibly tense moments in this movie and if you like detective flicks or adam brody i would definitely recommend watching it next up is the award for worst teen drama that shouldn't actually be for teens but it definitely still is and it goes to after we collided the wattpad one direction fanfiction sensation that while it does have some great moments like this the movie as a whole is a dumpster fire and not the entertaining kind we're all used to the unhealthy portrayals of teen relationships and movies and you know some of them i even have a big old soft spot for the stockiest one of them all well you are my life now actually i do think that harden is worse than edward cause this is next level you literally watch the lead character tessa become the absolute worst version of herself the longer she's around hardin like somehow because it's without all of the weird dominant sex stuff harden seems less adjusted than christian grey and a sequel just amps up that insanity and there's two more of these suckers on the way link to my full video in the bio but as an alternative i will offer up spontaneous which is a movie that i might make an entire video for after i read the source material but spontaneous while not being perfect is a coming-of-age story starring hannah baker herself aka the sister of josephine langford lead in after we collided so we are on brand and pitting sisters against each other that also falls into one of my favorite give-a-shit categories the movies that express how fleeting life can be in the beauty of just living and not needing to have everything figured out and to do that this literally is movie about teenagers violently and spontaneously exploding this was a big year for teenagers exploding shut up there's no explanable reason for it they can't quite explain it and maybe it'll never stop so what better reason than to live life to the fullest and the word for wow netflix told the same story but did a better job goes to the turning now i have videos on both the turning and the haunting of blind manor so feel free to check out both of those and while blind manor is adapting numerous henry james stories it and the turning both have their setting founded in the turn of the screw and while i thought play manor was fantastic the turning was not so much man mackenzie davis keeps getting the shaft this year she's the co-star and happiest season and the whole internet was like no we want aubry plaza but the turn of the screw is a pretty ambiguous story in terms of how it's interpreted and that's why it stayed so relevant for the past hundred years and the turning instead of trying to take a stance either way or exist more in metaphors just did three completely disconnected endings that don't feel like endings at all i also find a jarring when a movie distinctly sets itself in a time period in this case it was the 90s it literally starts with the death of kurt cobain but then they go out of their way to use a bunch of modern music that they've crafted for the movie itself like it was good music they had soccer mommy and a lot of it was just written to feel like 90s grunge but it just it's weird i won't say more here feel free to check out both my videos i'll have a link down below and yes i will offer blind manner as the alternative here and the award for holy [ __ ] how did this get made and get a rating under nc17 and it goes to none other than 365. i was also just informed today that the book is being translated into english and obviously you people enjoy my suffering so be on the lookout for that video sometime in march but this is a movie that would immediately make more sense to me and probably be better if it just was an actual porno because that's about what you can expect from that kind of content but for a book that was allegedly written because the author felt that 50 shades just didn't go far enough at some point you just have to admit that you you made porn i watched a movie that was literally about the horrific reality of being in the porn industry at this year's sundance and 365 still felt more explicit this movie is about a guy who sees a woman on the beach just before going through a traumatic experience and becomes obsessed with her hunts her down kidnaps her and when she freaks out he's like no no it's fine it's just for one year and then you can leave if you don't fall in love with me just kidnapping a little bit not permanently i feel like this is extra messed up because of like a real life case in that area but we'll probably touch on that when i sadly read the book it's loaded with all sorts of messed up stuff like him getting a girl to fellate him while she's cupped to the bed to somehow make her jealous like no i'm so jealous that you're just sitting there having your poi poise sucked and not providing any pleasure to her why isn't it me this is a dumpster fire and i hate it baby girl are you lost baby girl like i don't even know what to offer as a potential alternative to this like maybe just watch twilight again like somewhere along the line this contributed to it and to end it all off a special category worst book of 2020 goes to ready player 2. now i will admit i didn't read as much last year as i normally do and i also didn't read a lot of things that were actually released in 2020 but holy [ __ ] ernest what did you do wade is so explicitly made the baddie in this but then it's never just said like oh yeah wade's gonna be the antagonist by the end of this again full video on my channel but there were just like some questionable choices that were definitely made to try to seem more inclusive in some ways but really just reduced it down to whether or not wade would have sex with the character very weird some of the quests they went through were almost impossible to get through i didn't like it as an alternative i recommend the best book i did read from 2020 midnight sun which is twilight as told by edward cullen you be the judge as to whether or not i'm joking so that's gonna do it for today's video let me know if there's anything not on this list that you guys watched that you really hated and let me know what some of your surprising finds were of 2020. i keep track of everything i watch on letterbox and while my 2020 year really went off the rails in terms of the rankings it does just kind of give you an idea of what i liked and what i didn't thank you so much for watching thanks as always to my patreon supporters subscribe to the channel if you're new leave a like on the video if you're into that kind of thing i hope you're having a fantastic day i'm mostly okay and we'll catch you all later you
Channel: Amanda the Jedi
Views: 232,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2020, top 10, list, 2020 recap, best of 2020, Worst of 2020, worst movies of 2020, 2020 rewind, amanda the jedi, amanda the jedi 365, hidden gems, 2020 underrated movies, the kid detective, umbrella academy, the boys, spontaneous, best of netflix, worst of netflix, coming of age, twilight renaissance, ready player two, langford, after we collided, explained, rant, comedy, mulan
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 59sec (1319 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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