the worst movie series ever made has finally ended

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you know I have to give a high five to the after movies because I don't think I've seen a movie series start this bad and somehow get this much worse the first one was just a very typical Ram drum about a goody good college girl who gets wrapped up with the local bad boy and has her whole world turned upside down by his amazing knuckle tattoos then the next three movies are literally just the same thing over and over again but like somehow it's just worse and now here we are with the final after movie I hope but talking about the fifth after movie AKA after I lost all my brain cells is actually kind of hard because like more so than any of the other movies in this series nothing freaking happens are you ready here you go here's the movie Harden goes to Portugal to write his next book and while he's there he realizes that being a bad boyfriend is bad somehow they stretch this out into 90 minutes like you would not believe how many montages are in this movie but all the same sure let's check this movie out and just old yell this entire series but before that really quick this video is brought to you by surf shark VPN surf shark VPN is an app and browser extension that lets you change your IP address to be pretty much anywhere in the world you want now what this means for you is it protects you from websites and other users trying to Snoop on what you're doing and from where maybe your country has some like weird strict content censoring laws or you just don't want people to potentially hack your accounts well surf shark VPN can help you with all of that but it also has a lot of very practical dayto day uses like allowing you to watch the Netflix libraries from almost any country fun fact Slovakia has by far the highest number of movies and TV shows you can watch with over 7,400 titles compared to 5800 in the US and all you got to do is just install surfr VP and tell to put your IP address in Slovakia and there you go you have access to an extra 1,600 titles or Japan 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advantage of this deal right now okay back to the show so like as if anyone cares at this point but Harden is now a famous best-selling author because he wrote a book about all the ups and downs of his relationship with Tesla all of which were caused by him of course like I don't recall the instigator of any fights to be Tessa or sorry Theresa as he calls her so it's been like 2 years now since they've spoken to each other and gosh darn it Harden just can't move on my failure was thinking that I was writing my journey my story but it was our story just you know if any other guy messaged you this much like you'd probably think that was kind of weird wouldn't you so one day when he's talking to his mom she tells him that some girl named Natalie has moved to Portugal you know just apropo of nothing the way moms always do hey Mom how you been you know son I saw there's an opening at the local Costco they have a great dental plan uh mom I've had a pretty successful YouTube channel for like 5 years now exactly no girl wants to be with a man who's unemployed you know a change of scenery might do you some good might be inspiring to just get out of here for a while I met Natalie over Christmas how is she she moved to Lisbon and so after like a six more montages set to the breathi indie songs you've ever heard Harden decides to go to Portugal as well to hopefully help him get his mind off Tesla or at least figure out what his next book is going to be about because the deadline is looming I've got a meeting so you can let yourselves out we didn't really get a chance to talk I'm going to need a rough draft of the book ASAP otherwise you're going to have to pay pay the advance p and so he runs away to Lisbon finds out where this Natalie girl is and goes to meet her but she's not quite as welcoming as you might expect what are you doing here I was hoping to I'm in the middle of an appointment you need to leave I don't need long honestly I just wanted to please I came all this way to find you please hm I wonder if there's some kind of dark backstory here so then the movie gives us this flashback of 5 years earlier where we learned why exactly Natalie is not a huge fan of Mr clearly never gotten a sober tattoo in his life much like with Tessa back in the first movie Harden made a bet that he could get a goody good girl like Natalie to do the old Devil's Tango and as proof he took a video of it and sent it to his friend who in a shocking plat twist sent it around to all of his friends someone put it up on the internet you know it's a typical Jen Z love story but for some inexplicable reason she decides to meet up with him later on anyway how how did you end up here just seemed like a good place to startop over you were you were on your way way to un I lost my scholarship with everything going on and it turns out my support system was conditional yeah also we find out that because all this happened to her she lost her college scholarship her family like threw her out I think is what's being applied here basically Harden completely ruined her entire life so much so that she had to move to a different country but hey don't worry everybody okay it's fine because Harden feels kind of bad about it I already wish I could just go back and then what I would I wouldn't I'm trying I am I'm I'm I'm trying to be a better person trying to be a my dude do you have any idea how easy it is to not share someone's nudes like turns out it's actually really simple to just like not put them on the Internet who knew and so this is basically the entire movie Harden has to confront his past and learns that lying to girls to win a bet is maybe bad or something or trying to control Tessa's entire life and also share all the intimate details about her with the world without permission is perhaps not a thing that good boyfriends do you know wait you didn't ask her permission to write it I really thought that sharing our story would help people the same way that it helped me to get through my [ __ ] and figure things out but obviously I Now understand that I should have gone and published it to the entire Shrek world without telling her I know that now oh you know that now right after you destroyed two different girls entire life now you know this dude has the frontal lob development of like a seven-year-old no no you know who Harden is okay Harden is freaking Caillou that's who he is what do you mean I shouldn't put my sister in a blender but real talk though as hilariously absurd as the premise for this movie is I mean it doesn't it's not nice being exposed without your [Music] consent I'm I'm sorry he's just like he's like wait a minute other people have feelings too like like even worse than all this is Natalie's entire storyline so here's this girl smart witty gorgeous she's going to make it somewhere incredible in life right and then Harden comes along completely destroys the trajectory of her future just so he could like win a bet with his friend right and like why is Natalie even meeting with this guy why are you at the beach together why haven't you pushed him off the boat into the rudder yet like this dude ruined your whole life and you're just like well yeah but like he's so sad about it I had to run away to a different country where no one knows me and he gets to be a famous author and be more Rich than he already was but like you know she feels bad about it I guess I have to fall in love with him you didn't force me to do anything no but I lied to you now I didn't see it then but I do see it now okay yeah oh my are you freaking kidding me right now the premise of this movie is just so hilariously stupid I mean okay Harden coming to terms with who he was versus who he wants to be I mean like that's kind of been the whole stick of literally every after movie like I said earlier the first movie is just a very typical romance about Tessa trying to fix the sad anime boy and after the next three movies it's really just become more about Harden and Tessa just like putting up with him for some reason this we're just a bomb waiting to explode this was a wake up call you would never let me read what you were writing in there and now the whole world gets to I never meant for it to be published [ __ ] this never should have happened like this accidentally wrote a book and then you chopped it around to Publishers without asking me and now after four movies he's finally realized like man consequences kind of suck though am I supposed to feel bad for him or something like I mean I'm all for flawed characters and character growth character arcs whatever but like all this dude had to do was read one barenstein bearss book the barenstein bears learn about tricking someone into giving you nudes and then sending those to someone else SL uploading them on the Internet behind their back don't do it well shoot wish I thought of that so the end of the movie is is hard in rejecting Natalie's advances because he's still in love with Tessa I'm sorry no it's fine I'm still in love with Tessa I know she may have moved on I hav't and then Landon and Nora are getting married so he flies there to be the best mang and of course Tessa's also there because she's friends with him too and what do you know they get to like talk again or something or whatever SA hey he's a bit short terrible Dancer too you told me Bri and then things get emotional they both realize that the feelings have never gone away and they do some of that Devil's Tango and then uh and then and then this happens I can't imagine living another moment on this Earth without you by my side there you know Shrek I love you so much I want to marry you do oh no no no no no no no no [Music] no no no stop you stop right this gosh darn [Music] second and the very very end of the movie after all of this it shows us several years later with Harden being a Rich author man and he and Tessa are now married with their second child on the way which is also just like like I mean okay so the movies up to now have made a huge very Prominent Point that Tessa cannot have children like the doctor told us this so many times this should protect you from pregnancy for the next 3 months my concern is you may not need it it's your cervix you may not be able to get pregnant she was unable to Bear children of her own she couldn't let go of the dream of them he knew that and love loved her even so but he couldn't help thinking about the little versions of him she couldn't give him he hoped she will understand just how broken he was and see how much she affected his life this was a very important part of Tessa's whole character in the later movies and it drove a huge wedge between her and Harden it was a major plot point of the series and then ha psych just kidding now she has two kids what was the point of any of this you tried to make us care and then none of it mattered anyway to this movie's credit though it did remind me how much Tessa and Harden are just so annoying to watch like nothing with them ever happens that they fight a lot and cry a lot and then they do that for like four movies it's like the worst episode of Tom and Jerry you've ever seen but watching Harden interact with Natalie you know someone who's new and has a different personality AKA an actual personality was surprisingly refreshing to watch come on just try it yeah maybe you don't know what kind of person you are just came by to give you this it's still very much a work in progress don't worry I'm sure it's brilliant and if it isn't I just pretend it is like this movie movie is not good by any means okay but it is slightly more enjoyable than the others mainly because like I said it's not just Tessa and Harden again I think I've said this before but watching all of these like Twilight wannabe movies you know 50 Shades after 365 days that kind of stuff it's like everyone took the worst parts of Twilight and then they tried to make that the whole thing as dumb as Twilight was at least Stephanie Meyer tried to have a whole world in which the romance took place you know it's not just like who well Bella choose because her choosing between Jacob and Edward also had like his historical and cultural repercussions like these two weirdos fighting over her was also tied into this like long-running war between the werewolves and the vampires and it's like as cheesy as it was at least there was an attempt at substance and like between the romance there was a whole story happening all of these other like romance pules that have grown from the sepsis of Twilight like they all just took the hot guy with mommy issues Trope and then they just had only that so in all these movies like nothing actually happens they fight and they make up six times per movie and then they get married for some reason the end but putting all that aside now that the after movies are all done the only thing I can say is I'm happy it's over and I'm sad that it happened hey everybody thanks for watching this video if you liked it please watch another one cuz that's how the algorithm works so click on this one that's being recommended to you right now right here on the screen it actually helps a lot if you do that cuz like that's how YouTube knows that my videos are worth caring about also if you have any movies or TV shows you like to recommend send me an email at Alex Meers contg and I'll put them on my absurdly long list of movies that I need to get to at some point anyway hope I made your day a little bit better and I'll see you all next time
Channel: Alex Meyers
Views: 706,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alex meyers, alex myers, alex mayers, after 5, after everything, after movie
Id: y9Gu932YoEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2023
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