The WORST Map Expansion in Genshin Impact - Sumeru Fanboys crying

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yo this is bench gamer here so in the recent patch for genchi impact 4.7 I mean 4.6 they finally added the inaccessible area to the north of sumeru and this has being the subject of some contention from what I've read on Reddit uh and that's is this is because of the fact that there is really nothing there and the land mass that they added is actually rather sizable So when you say it out loud like this it doesn't sound that weird for there to be like this land mass in an open world game that doesn't really have anything there because obviously you need some filler space not everything not every single place in the world in an open world game can have stuff going on there but genin impact has always had a very formulaic way of doing things that you always have a chest over there and then you have a challenge over there and then you have uh things to kill over there to get mats that you need to level stuff up so it's not like the most amount of work to put that stuff there in the first place and you can really see this on the Hool Labs Maps tool where you can see all the pins for all the different challenges and chest and all that stuff and practically every single piece of land mass that you can Traverse in the open world has this stuff except for this area in the north of sumeru and this is much R than you would think because when they added land masses uh such as km and sumeo they actually added more chest in between those places and the places that they connect with so in between Sumer and liia and the chasm and old liia they actually added some chest that you might not have known but I did it it's not like I could count them but they added like maybe a 5 six seven eight chests in between those places so that they don't feel just empty Dead Man's Land and that is essentially what this new place is in the north of suo and it looks really conspicuous because it's extremely large it's like half the size of monat and I think a lot of the a lot of the backlash I wouldn't necessarily call it backlash it's just some people complaining on the internet but it does feel kind of weird to have just this like gigantic land mass on the of tavat that has nothing there when practically every single other place does and I think this is for two reasons one this patch is not about the north of suu obviously this patch is about uh the rura the the place in the middle of the Inland sea that you can go to I I assume it's about about Rua I can't pronounce it Rua but I haven't actually done the world quest so I'm not completely sure but from what I have heard it is about rura and it's extremely good so it's not like they didn't add anything to this patch it's not like this is the biggest deal of all time it's just that when they added rura they also added this Northern place in suu and the problem is that when suo initially came out in 3.0 we got all the so we got in the entire force part of the map in one patch and every single patch after that was just desert desert desert desert desert and a lot of people got burnt out on ginch impacts exploration during that time because we just don't like seeing the same thing all the time right one desert patch is okay two deser desert patches is kind of okay as well but then three desert patches in a row that's maybe a bit too much and so a lot of people were suspecting that they were saving up another patch for suu at some point and that this would either be in the south of suu or the north of suu and now that we have the north of suu added it doesn't seem like that's the case in fact it seems like it's the most like it this is the place in all the open world that has the least amount of content so far and unlike the places in between liya and suu they don't seem to have added all that much there there is one Waypoint that you can go to called beta port and there's some NPCs there that you can talk to so it's not like there's absolutely nothing there but then you go to the west of that and then it's just literally nothing there's nothing to pick there's no mint to pick there's no chest to pick up there's nothing to kill uh there's maybe like I think there's maybe one chest on top of a mountain or something but the entire desert area to the to the east of the desert that we had before this patch is just there's nothing there and personally I'm okay with that I don't think every single place in tbot needs to have all this usual stuff that we have like there's nothing incentivizing you to go to this this place either the only way you would ever go there is because you know you just happen to walk there and you want to go in One Direction there's no Quest there that you would have to do so it's not that immersion breaking but I do think that this is kind of a worrying Trend because along with this new filler area is a lot of optimization they have done to make the game size a lot smaller I think I believe for PC it's now 20 GB smaller and for mobile it's maybe like 30 or 40 GB smaller so the way they did this was to have more aggressive calling of objects in the distance uh there are some comparisons that you can see on the internet if you just go search for them and another thing that they did was that they actually simplified some of the existing land masses right so if you look at North vanana there used to be waterfalls there and now there's not there used to be two waterfalls in the Mount of North vorana yeah I'm looking at the comparison video right here right now and there used to be multiple waterfalls actually and now there is no waterfalls there were there were like four waterfalls holy and there's just nothing there now there's a lake but I assume they they cut this out because it's just too graphically intensive they want to flatten the area a bit for the places that are not that important to the overall theme of the world I guess suar has done and it just feels kind of unimmersive and besides that the way that we go to rura the island that we go to rura from is also super un uninteresting it's not immersive they just give you a waypoint and I was worried about this when they first announced that we would be able to go to Fontaine directly at the start of the game without actually having to do sumo's Quest first and this is because they just give you a waypoint that you can teleport to to Fontaine directly from monat once you've done the first part of story and I think that was okay in concept but my fear was that they would rely on this type of teleport uh traversal more and more over the course of time and that seems to have happened with rura before in the past when we went to like another map or something like the chasm we had to actually like physically walk there and when we had to do when we went to enomia we had to do an entire quest in watatsumi to go there and now for rura it's just like it's just that this place in the middle of the Inland sea that is is kind of like separate from the entire the entire rest of the world which is fine it's an island right but you have to give us an idea that's an Island by letting us actually you know swim there or go there on a boat why why do we have a boat if we don't use the bows well what is the point of that mechanic if we don't use that mechanic it's like what what's the point it it feels like they're moving in a in a direction that is making the world a bit less immersive in my opinion it's not just the fact that there's nothing in the north of suo it's not just that we were expecting some sort of forest expansion at some point and we didn't get it it it's that the whole world of tavat feels like it's being trivialized a bit and I don't like that feeling because one of the Core Concepts of genin impact is that we have this persistent open world right that it is immersive that it feels like it's it's a real place and slowly bit by bit it feels like that is becoming less the case and I think that is important to point out because because there are very few things about genin impact that is keeping older players around one of them is the fact that this game is very beautiful that has that it has an immersive world that has deep lore and if you if you cheapen that then my fear is that it's going to become less important there's going to be less reasons to stick around right so I don't think in a vacuum this northern part of samaro that has nothing is that big of a deal I went there I thought it was fine from a geography geological standpoint it looks like it's on par with original monat which is not like like the most beautiful most like perfect place of all time in terms of design but it's serviceable it had the atmosphere of the beginning place that you go to in every single open world game so it was fine it's just that there's nothing there and that's basically it I I hope that in the future they reconsider how they do the open world and please stop using these new waypoints I I want to actually Traverse the world one of the reasons why I got burnt out in genin Impact in the first place is that I realized that when I was doing the open world traversal I would literally just go to every single Waypoint and get all the way points so I could teleport to them without actually having to look at the world and one of one of the things I realized as I started a new account was that it was actually fun to Traverse the world because I didn't have all these overpowered units that could just reach every place instantaneously I didn't have a Wanderer to like teleport me up to the side of a cliff I didn't have yon to uh just run around all over the place and the fact that I couldn't do that all the time actually made me appreciate the world more it made me look at the world more and the fact that I couldn't just teleport to every single new point and wait for the new patch so that I could just you know get all the way points again and then teleport you those way points it made the world more fun it made the world feel more real I really do hope that they do more to make the traversal of the world more interesting uh this was one of my complaints that I didn't really talk about which is that traversal of gench impacts world has become less interesting for the previous reasons I mentioned the overpowered units that you eventually get if you do Target those characters I didn't even really Target those characters I just thought Wanderers looked cool but eventually I did get enough characters that I could trivialize the open world reversal and now they've trivialized it even more with these teleport points and now they have these areas these dead areas that you're not really supposed to go to even so it makes it makes the concept of Walking In One Direction and finding new things to do even less viable and that is one of the tractions of the game there are rumors that we're going to get mounts in natland so if that is going to be the case then holy um I don't know how they're going to do that and make the world TR World traversal interesting I'm assuming they're just going to make the map way bigger with less way points in between honestly I would love to see an entire like map expansion that does not have way points like you just have to you have to use your own way points Remember the Time those times when we put those teleport waypoints on bosses and then we would teleport them to them because they were hard to get to when it comes to like actual farming stuff now they just put the way points right beside the bosses so there's no point anymore so it's just one more trivialization of an old mechanic and now you don't have to farm for the way points anymore I haven't done that since maybe the beginning of the game when I was farming those geoc cubes anyways this been gammer signing out uh I will see you guys sometimes bye-bye
Channel: Benchgamer
Views: 128,254
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Id: SBfQxogxgr0
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Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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