The Worst Liquid Challenge (EXTREME)

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welcome back to the boys everybody yes today we are doing the Extreme liquid challenge we are going to be playing roulette betting on either black or red 50 50 chance if you win you're safe if you lose you have to pick a cup from in front of you and we have many different things in these cups I I know none of them fish sauce strawberry flavored lubricant really yes lubricant there's actually lubricant disgusting half of them are good and half of them are bad but they're all mixed up so we don't know it's a it's a mystery so if I say red and it's black me and Josh lose and we have to pick a cup and drink it it's Americans versus Australians world war three yes sir the roulette we're using is on a site called gamdum who've sponsored today's video yeah no say the whole thing again thank you again is a gambling website if you're over 18 and you are not in the US or Australia then uh go ahead and hit the link in the description and check it out because it's fun it's fun and I have a fun gambling fact 99 of gamblers quit before their big win so stop trying to put off the fact that me and Molly are Master gamblers what do they always say they say that you should fail a lot before you win and me and Mario have been failing a lot we ain't drinking no [ __ ] fish sauce today we have to come up with some epic team names so deliberate amongst yourselves you know bang your little rocks together whatever you Australia to do we should start a lemonade stand we are team triple blinkers that's gay you don't know about the triple blinkers bro okay what's our thing uh Josh and Molly team Josh and Molly team Josh and Molly nice you guys go first gay Gaylords or whatever you called your gay name triple [ __ ] sphincter we bet on either red or black red red red go go go go go go go go go go go go oh that ducked on there's the first one pick your cop boys yeah Tillman stop he's like a claw machine you put little quarters in his butt and he picks things up can I just pick from here like I feel like we just made a grand mistake oh dude that is the worst one for you narrator shut up oh sorry he's seen it he's seen it he saw it oh what is that oh oh that's apple cider vinegar I'm catching notes to just feet yeah it smells like feet have a sip juicy [Music] that's intense wow you should have bet better what's your team name again team Game Gear okay triple sphincter that sounds like a gay train it's triple blinker what's that triple stranger let's just say triple sphincter I said triple blinker triple sprinkler and what you're acting immature right did you say triple stinker oh okay yeah that's a great name all right you got 10 seconds boys go okay what are we picking we got 10 seconds uh uh uh uh red we're going red because when I spank my ass it goes red here we go red red red red red red red red red red red red yes that is some [ __ ] [ __ ] that's one point to Josh and Molly we're winning we're winning we're winning we should put money on this we're winning ah boys what are you picking wow you guys look thirsty you guys look gay Eddie call it black we're going black that was a team decision come on baby come on Big Money big money come on game them come on game them dude what what oh damn boys Australia wins a gambling you're damn bad narrator literally is his stomach is about to implode and fall out of his [ __ ] you've had one drink now to grow up stop listen if we get all the bad ones out of the way first then it'll be really nice what'd you get [Music] [Laughter] down bad right now oh bro and he has to drink first he picked it the Aromas oh don't do that bro please please don't do that [ __ ] I have the weakest stomach medically and scientifically scientifically I have the weakest stomach just by the smell I can tell what it is oh no oh no oh no oh no just drink it narrator come on you'll get there as soon as you drink it do you need the Box narratives about to FedEx himself to another state feel it out faded you're really acting like a true loser bro oh no oh God he finished it obliterated obliterated obliterated dude you look like you want to cry right now how'd you enjoy your little tea party a little fish sauce fish sauce apple cider vinegar Tea Party Boys what's your [ __ ] color there Skippy all right Trump's favorite color black please let this be black it's red we shouldn't have trusted Trump hey you guys gotta follow our footsteps you gotta get that fish you can warm those [ __ ] throats up big boy you're gonna say stop okay [Music] stop oh God what did you get I want to see this I want to see this reaction I think it's like cream or something we got a cup of milk [Laughter] even when we lose we I'm betting blessed black black black black black come on bro I swear come on bro I'm gonna [ __ ] freak out all right all right that's seven Reds in a row oh God damn it I want that middle far cup I want that one right side middle show the camera don't look boys don't you [ __ ] dare we got Jolly Green Giant come didn't we we got [ __ ] chupacabra snot all right I got that oh no oh it's the one thing that hates the most what vegetables there is gonna be found dead in a one bedroom apartment after this recording he's gonna go back to his doctor next week and he's gonna be like what the [ __ ] did you do I know you got this my tummy's full of fish going you like vegetables don't you narrator oh my God pass it before you throw up in it so in case people don't know narrative does not like this all he eats is meat oh [Laughter] that's fish sauce spit thank you gamedom for the sweet gift you've given us it is our turn yeah yeah red red red we're picking red all right let's see let's go baby on red-headed stepchild we'd love to slap him give us the ginger oh here comes the oh no [ __ ] way yes two zero boys the gambling God Has Smiled upon us today nothing's changed we're still the ones making the content Hey Kevin how about you suck my dios mio we'll leave it to juice this is you bro this is all you bro black it's all been red yeah but what if I'm special and it will fail yeah yeah oh my God thank you so much oh my god dude it is our turn Josh which color what rhymes with slack black it is or should we change it no no should we change that's too late yeah yes if this is a bad cop we are no longer friends and penis you didn't say stop uh oops stop yep yep got that one you're not feeling me with confidence right now oh it's raw eggs it's like chicken curry oh god wow Josh swallowed raw eggs without throwing up oh that deserves a golf clap I'm actually I'm actually pretty I'm impressed all right your turn boys ah red red okay red come on please God you just do a little for you no oh no oh no oh no no no come on dude two zero still it's two zero still ready mind if I borrow this really quick just just for two seconds okay we're fine oh boy narrator is going to die you're narrator look at his face look at his face I have AIDS it's safe why does juicy look like he's dying juicy you look like a Russian immigrant on a ship right now there you go little fella it's okay you got it it's my [ __ ] ass stomach can do it you can't see what are you doing oh no you dropped your little cup little fella you gotta wipe your chin just he's having an out-of-body experience right now we're picking black it's been red black red black red black it's gonna be black this time right if it's green I'll piss myself yes why would you pick that why why [Music] do you know what it is no all right well I'm gonna drink it I'm not gonna tell you if it's bad I'm sorry we have like a 50 50 shot still I have no idea what that is it literally tastes like unicorn come okay it's probably Lube it's a cup of my anal secretions do you know what that is well Pepto-Bismol we had antacid medication oh I'm joking that's my [ __ ] no you're gonna get demonetized Pepto-Bismol we have to pick it is now your turn I'm gonna bet on [ __ ] red narrator is seeing red let's drink all the cups and no one could hurt us anymore right here baby we're so good at gambling let's go it's too old we are at a drawer right now so that means that we have to win this next one Josh otherwise we're losing I choose what's narrative you okay pick a color of [ __ ] [Laughter] because you're on a drawer all right fine I choose black this is green I'm gonna kill myself laughs oh they got clothes three two we take the lead again juicy it's now on you my man black another black I'm feeling lucky punk I'm trying to win it big at the casino online stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop yes oh okay okay it's red this time trust me Molly we're picking red no we pick black no we don't we pick red we red we pick red we're picking red for sure yes oh my God I'm picking Rick astley's hair it's three oh yes thank you bro four three all right here comes a red my team doesn't doubt me boys yeah but the US government does shut the [ __ ] up we're good we're good we're safe safe safe oh yes yes right here right here pick one write a black pick black black red black okay for all black this better be black bra black on the cards come on baby yeah oh my God I'm so excited I could suck a [ __ ] stop [ __ ] you just Shangri-La that cup it's oh my God Deuce of Sardine oh yes all right red all right narrator says red back at it narrator says red watch this watch this watch this win big win big win big win big win big win big that's a [ __ ] red if I ever seen a red that was not a shy room that was a confident red it was a very very confident red you're gonna leave me hanging they're winning okay what do you pick quick we're picking red as well you're picking red as well we pick red but we pick red more than you guys well that's that's impossible because it's only one red so we picked red way harder than you guys oh easy easy dubs baby don't call me Josh dubs for nothing let's swap it up okay let's go black okay I thought he's gonna say green I'm not making green there's like oh no let's go it's going go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go yeah let's go dude red red again red in bed Dead Redemption yes sir said Red Redemption Dead Fred please baby please please please please please please please please baby yes never gonna get oh wait don't get sued red again baby there we go [ __ ] oh what do I do boys call it I'm going black oh okay predictable Eddie always going for the minority okay wow no we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine oh no we're not oh no no no no no no no no that's red boys I don't know what happened right there boys don't plug that's red number one rule of gambling you can't win them all I want them all I'm going all in on cup number let's have it boys I'm so sorry are you about to fart no no [ __ ] shook the table dude oh my God it's so scary that's that's three on this side on this side the left that's it the other side oh oh no narrator is literally not going to make it home alive [Laughter] strawberry Lube or a unicorns thick come honestly thank you Pepto Bismol all right well it's our turn the Winner's Circle is back and we're picking red oh yeah easy red I'm gonna I'm gonna go black are you serious yeah oh you [ __ ] up Narada don't listen to him okay they don't know [ __ ] we ride or die narrator you're going black we've lost on black every single time so we're just gonna stick with our boy Red Red Dot boy oh man oh easy Reds red red red red that's our color no no that's I can pick red red color red stars we're gonna sue you you sue me I'm gonna something of yours are you [ __ ] [ __ ] serious great it's Green's just a flat loose if you betch something else oh we got another [ __ ] cup why didn't you pick grain what are the yeah why didn't you just say green nerdy [ __ ] idiot second back on the left that one's giving me weird Vibes it's a weird vibes [Laughter] [Applause] I hate his laugh dude she's gonna know exactly what this tastes like oh that's [ __ ] good Juicy's 100 had this before [Music] that tastes good what the [ __ ] are y'all drinking why the [ __ ] is your lips so glossy Bros I want some more [Music] laughs that's amazing wow that tastes delicious how many cups have you had now six six so if you lose again you lose yes all right well guess what we're gonna pick red no lube we're going straight in red no lube please baby don't you green us oh we're [ __ ] stop oh this feels full hmm what is it it is Rangers it's green juice we got green juice oh how delightful that's our vegetables done for the week yes done healthy eating KFC tonight all right what are you guys picking this could be the final pick red red red you're just gonna yell red okay it works for you guys please for the love of God stop stop stop stop stop stop oh thank God microphone he lives to fight another day our next one we've talked about it a lot we've talked to our family and friends um and the choice is simple it's red oh why does this always happen we always end up like on the last thing are you ready yep [Music] stop [Music] no why did you respond like that man [Music] all right whoa is that lemon juice it was lemon juice could potentially again be your final guess we're up to sun death we're both on six sudden death has never happened but now it has please Camden please save the Australians thank you let us win this I don't want to drink anymore I'm done going with red baby come on baby this is the winning ticket let me remind you if this is wrong you lose no [ __ ] no [ __ ] way yes yes yes we went first so you still have to go there's a chance this could still be tied this is some kind of Mexico rule man this is [ __ ] we started it we went first all right we're picking red okay here we go you might as well pick your cup now because I feel an easy red coming on foreign [Music] okay that sounds legitness red the Wilderness must be explored baby come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on that's red [Applause] appears to me that me and Josh have a big Dilemma on our hands everybody watching the US boys have just won which means we now have to win black are you [ __ ] kidding I think it was the black black attack black it's black oh my god oh wait it's on me now yeah yeah it's it's a it's a it's a 55th black I think we're addicted that's a black that's a black right there baby that's a black right there baby yeah there you go the boys have just won again which means we have to win this one or we lose he always gets like this are you ready we're picking red what if it's purple what if it's purple if you drink enough of all these cups they will all look purple oh my God we got [ __ ] by the green what a fitting end because you lost a one-on-one duel wouldn't it be fair that we picked the last cup that they have to drink I'm like that that's fair okay we accept your terms we like the one on Molly's left all the way in the back this one nope in front and front no in front that one there you go this could be the last beverage I ever consume oh that's a good sign guess what it was boys iced coffee even when we lose we win oh my God who made their cups how about this no [ __ ] off I'm not doing that oh he's making a super cup hang on hang on look at the lube dude ill your lips way stickier than ours this is what we call King's Cup you pick a color for us and if we lose we drink if the color's correct we don't drink okay red red now I said red this is the color that has supported you the entire time what a Bittersweet end if it would have came to bite you in the ass you guys have to drink it if we lose you Josh [Music] oh my God [Laughter] went on video ever hats off to us for winning oh my God baby food and hot sauce and beer thank you so much Camden for uh well the amazing roulette and go check them out if you're into a little bit the gambly gambly and above the age of 18 we had lots of fun thank you so much for sponsoring us go to the boys that store too and uh maybe check out some of these new clothes look at that look at this new hoodie oh oh the shorts too check out them pads bro dual spin oh there it is ah asked [Applause]
Channel: The Boys
Views: 1,897,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VR, Virtual Reality, The Boys, JoshDub, Mully, EddieVR, YourNarrator, Juicy, Comedy, Funny, Gaming
Id: uxwhTImFyGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 51sec (1491 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 25 2023
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