What Weird Thing Would You Make Socially Acceptable? (r/AskReddit)

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what weird thing would you make socially acceptable if you could asking a potential employer what the salary for a position is before jumping through 50 hoops with the application interview process only to find out the pace crap calling out customers for being rude i had a job as a teller at a credit union back in college and i will always say the manager i had was one of the best i've ever had i once had a lady who kept asking me for a new credit card and handed me her debit card i looked on her account and said there is no credit card there's a debit card which is what this is but that's the only card on this account i can issue you a new one no problem but if you want a credit card you'll have to fill out an application she was adamant that what she had was a credit card no matter what i told her she said it was a credit card and demanded a new one at one point she said are you stupid or something to which my manager overheard and pushed me out of the way and said you will not speak to him that way and if you're going to continue behaving this way you're going to have to leave i will not tolerate you speaking to my employees like that i wish more managers were like her destroy the thought of the customer is always right draping myself in velvet a george divided against itself cannot stand i'm a guy and i get a lot of flack for complimenting people's clothing i don't think it's weird but apparently it means i must like men if you got nice shoes i'm going to say they are nice shoes as a woman who is dating a man who is very fashion forward and compliments things like that constantly i highly encourage this compliments from women about your clothes is one thing because we complement everything and your dog but from a man just it's different being able to move your body more in everyday situations it is often socially expected to sit and wear clothing which makes it impossible to move i would like to be able to randomly squat stretch and the like complimenting other men nice [ __ ] thanks it helps get the hens to lay being able to be honest about how you feel without being bullied or belittled being able to sit in silence with someone without it being awkward people shouldn't feel obligated to come up with conversation it makes interacting stressful i do not believe in awkward silences talk about something when it comes to you and conversations will feel way more real and interesting when you're able to sit in silence with someone comfortably i feel it shows you enjoy their company me and my best friend sometimes do this we order food a lot and find a deserted place usually the roof of some building and just sit there eating most of the time we talk but those moments of tranquility and peace are really nice he was the best friend i ever had we still don't talk sometimes being able to just wave or say hi to people you hardly know there's nothing worse than an awkward five-minute catch-up chat at the store with someone i haven't seen in years hey sorry i'm kind of in a rush but you look great and it was nice bumping into you have a great day proceed to run into them three more times in the same store yet not a fan of the stop and chat neither is larry david sitting on the floor or anywhere really cashiers need to be allowed to sit the fact that most places won't let them is a load of bs aldi grocery store cashiers sit at their registers openly talking about your finances with other people a lot of people don't realize they are underpaid because nobody talks about wages it's so bizarre to me that it's a taboo subject we all rely on money in some form let's just discuss it in sweden you can view anyone's salary online i was weirded out when i first found out but now i really like the transparency it helps workers bargain if anything keeping seller is a secret is more advantageous to employers than employees lots of government jobs have their pay online also lots of government jobs have the step great pay system so you know exactly what someone makes especially once they top out if other people are at my house having fun but i'm tired i just want to be able go to bed but they can stay and have a good time had a friend's dad that would say well we better get to bed so these people can go home when he was ready to call it quits i just go upstairs when i'm done with whatever is going on the wife is the social butterfly and remains to entertain it's usually about the time the drama starts or the kids start getting winnie i'm an introvert so she counts it as a win when i drop in to say hi my dad doesn't say anything at all he just disappears later you'll find him watching reruns of csi miami in his room munching on gummy candies he doesn't care the peter principle needs to end not all good work should be rewarded with a promotion hell back when i worked retail they were talking about some of the weird workers they had and there was this one guy who was a trolley boy for 13 years he could have been manager by the time and effort he put in so they just gave him a raise because he systematically refused every promotion he was perfectly happy being a trolley boy some people are really really good at doing grunt level work but suck at any sort of management or anything with responsibilities we should notice and respect that but still give them the rewards they deserve a raise is much more valuable than a promotion to a lot more people than we think so this is a wendy's friend of mine was the first to get an apartment out of our friend group we all would hang out there all the time and just do whatever even after she had to sleep early for work the next day sometimes she'd wake up early and all of us would still be awake doing who knows what but it was just pretty casual at some point she made copies of her front door's keys for us all this was me i got kicked out at 17 got a rent house to myself with my grandpa's help all my friends came over when they were displaced during hurricane harvey i had eight high schoolers not including myself sleeping in my little two-bedroom 800 square ft slum for at least two weeks for a couple years i let a lot of homeless troubled teens i'd went to school with have a roof to sleep under a shower to wash up in and sometimes food to eat when i was actually able to feed myself lol we all struggled together sounds like she is there for you when the rain starts to pour i would like to make it socially acceptable to tell employers that you're only in it for the money and it being a legitimate answer what am i supposed to tell employers that i have always wanted to work at a part-time job and get yelled at by karen's so i could just make ends meet yes like you have to act like your 9-5 job is your passion and comes before everything else i'm an executive assistant because it's easy and decent pay that's it no passion not my dream just a job i started a new job in june and would have weekly check-ins with my boss since we're all working remotely she asked me if i'm enjoying my new responsibilities and i answered enjoy as a relative term i don't dread turning on my computer in the morning luckily that made her laugh like it's government contracting it's not fun and it's not my passion it's f in nobody's passion let's stop pretending we have to enjoy our jobs what are you going to get out of this job sir this is a wendy's where do you see yourself in five years a union job with benefits my boss at work recently told me how much they hate people who just show up for the paycheck i guess it's common perception that people who are only in it for the money don't care about their work but that's not always true both my coworkers and bosses tell me i'm always reliable and do good work but i don't give a sh about company loyalty or the actual work i'm doing i work hard because my job pays well and i don't want to give them any excuse to fire me people in the service industry should be able to tell a customer when they are being in a hole my old boss from when i worked retail flat out told me on my first day that so long as i wasn't being a total dick he would always have my back if a customer was being an a and i didn't bend over backwards for them he banged a few people from the store over their antics while i was there and blew a couple karen's minds when he told them to shut up and act their age when they tried their usual screaming fest i loved that job that's awesome when i was a lifeguard my boss was the same way thankfully in that line of work the customer isn't always right but it was still a great feeling to know your job wasn't at risk if karen went berserk i once had a guy totally flip his lid because a new cashier took his money 10 minutes before free swim started but i wouldn't let him and his daughter in the pool because it was still lap swim he ended up storming into my boss's office and complaining for over 15 minutes afterwards my boss called me in and said if anyone asks i'm reprimanding you great job handling that situation keep up the good work having your work ethic not your accusing skills prioritized and appreciated both in jobs and school eating alone at a restaurant or a solo movie trip i mean sort of limited now due to covered but before covered when people would hear of me doing that they said they felt terrible and how depressing that sounds i'm like you hhy just another day for me doesn't feel weird or anything it's quite nice to get away from constant chats and have a nice quiet meal while being out and about i just ate at the bar pretty much every place lets you do that you can watch tv look at your phone and have a meal in peace i used to do this before going to see a movie alone i loved it i really miss a nice solo night out to recharge i'm literally my favorite person to hang out with i used to worry about that when i would be out of town working i always thought that i was being judge lol then i realized that i enjoyed it the solitude of enjoying a meal and my thoughts on the plus side no one knew who i was so why would i care short naps at work happily now that i work from home thanks covered this has become a reality for me i am not a big napper but i get cold a lot so i love working at home and taking a hot bath while watching a tutorial about something i have to build for work and clocking it i am hoping when things get back to normal they'll be more open to us wfh more work naps and weird it's where you have them neutral facial expressions people act like anything that isn't definitely a smile is some sort of insult another reason to appreciate masks what's the matter absolutely nothing this is my face wearing cloaks lord of the rings style f jackets or my homies wear medieval cloaks i dig this idea outfits can be so boring i want to go out dressed like them and delorean or something taking a social time out without having to smoke or occupy the bathroom my work day is 6-8 hours it's an open plan office lunch is social and i have at least an hour commute per day that's at least twice my maximum social energy per day commenting on this while occupying my works restroom to take a break from people really wish i could just tell my boss i need a few minutes please do take a walk that's what i do now i just bring a protein shake and walk around the lovely industrial area my workplace is in lol similarly not being expected to socialize with co-workers during my lunch hour i desperately need the alone time to recharge but i'm sure people think i'm ammon to social a whole because i'll straight get up and walk out if someone comes in the kitchen while i'm there i'll greet them quickly and be nice but i have to pho before the inevitable small talk starts or i'll lose my sh i eat in my car to avoid small talk staying home when sick i really hope this pandemic would improve that mindset but no people still think you're a lazy pose if you stay home when you're sick i have always genuinely gotten mad when people came to work sick a long time ago i was a restaurant manager and i just didn't understand why my gm insisted sick people came in and hack all over all the food we were almost never truly understaffed i moved to a corporate call support job and thought it would be better nope people were afraid of losing their jobs so they came in no matter what because it was expected even when it resulted in exponentially more sick people which led to loss in productivity we were a freaking software company where every employee technically had full remote capabilities yet it took a frigging global pandemic to normalize working from home staying silent if you don't really have something to say dressing however you want makeup dresses medieval cloaks whatever you want regardless of gender too that'd be nice i think people should be able to wear whatever they want as long as it covers things most people don't want to see just walk around in cosplay if you want to i wish everyone felt comfortable to dress however they would want to for day work weeks this is madness there seems to be more people excited about wearing capes than implementing four-day work weeks we need a 32-hour work week with no pay cut i think productivity would stay the same being awake late at night and sleeping all morning i've been like this since i kid circadian rhythm is just backwards can't fall asleep before three i wish people didn't treat me like i'm lazy or something i'm a pretty productive guy i just get my work done while you are all asleep i hate the judgment for sleeping in like dude i get my best sleep from 4 am to 10 am i'm not a bum i just don't sleep like normal human peter wow i did not expect this comment to blow up nice to see so many people relate thanks for the award staying completely silent in other people's company it's nice that it's completely accepted and really common here in finland since everyone hates small talk finland sounds effing amazing i do this and i find it makes the other person very uncomfortable i just have trouble keeping a conversation going and the same way i also find when people push conversations we end up talking about stupid stuff i don't care about what's so bad about sitting quietly and just relaxing i wish that people would stop conflating women not wearing makeup with being unprofessional i worked in a place where a girl was told she looked unprofessional when she didn't wear makeup yikes next day she should come in with clown makeup lol that would have been awesome she was pretty snarky in her response which i appreciated i just took a sexual harassment course at my new job created by the state and it said it is now illegal for a workplace to expect or demand a woman to wear makeup something about gender roles and gender-based discrimination blew my mind yes siestas in the middle of the workday wearing shorts at work during summer why wear pants when you could be more comfortable i worked in an office where shorts were allowed but not games ceo had some weird and he denim hang up eater no jordan no denim skirts either i could after three months for many other reasons not unusual denim is the low class fabric to a lot of people plenty of employers perceive their staff wearing denim as being barely a step above presenting customers with a team of homeless guys in smelly rags as a lifelong jeans wearer i've never been a fan fortunately i now have work with no dress code wearing nicer clothes than normal for no reason yes i'm usually in jeans and a t-shirt at work yes today i decided to wear a suit no i don't have a job interview or have to go to court sometimes i just want to dress up no reason just for myself i live in a small town and people actually wear their pyjamas out to the store when i used to go to the bar i'd be the only one in heels i love going to the city so i can dress nice and not be stared like i'm odd and feel like i'm trying too hard running in public to get to places quicker just look at your watch every so often people will assume you are running late for something back when i actually went to the office in the city i remember seeing this one woman a few different times running and not in your typical running clothes but in a business suit during your typical rush hour times the first time i thought she must be late to something a few more times and i thought wow this lady is always late finally i just decided she must just like running to from places she must be the player character in an rpg or skipping to get somewhere yes came down to the comments looking for exactly this i would love to normalize skipping as a mode of movement for people over the age of 10 it is faster than walking it's fun efficient and impossible to feel sad while doing walking my pig on a leash when my dog was a puppy we met a guy walking his pig on a leash my dog was so confused he just rolled over and showed did his belly i went to a dog park once and somebody there had a pig on a leash my dog treated it like another dog sniffed its rear end and then reacted in the most traumatized and over dramatic fashion i've ever seen jumping back barking a few times then rubbing his nose on the ground apparently if you're expecting dog a pig a smells really bad who knew being able to take a day off because you just want to as opposed to having to come up with an excuse for myself in the uk there's a bit in the leave application for details but everyone leaves it blank no boss cares unless it might f up a project the irs telling you how much you owe in taxes the irs wants to do this they are blocked by lobbying from the tax accounting industry in virtually every situation in which you ask why aren't we doing this obvious thing that's obviously better the answer is corporate lobbyists hell the reason daylight savings time isn't permanent that is we stop falling back as largely due to tv lobbyists who want it to get dark early so we sit at home watching tv i can believe that turbo tax spends million lobbying against it that's why every tax year i tell all my friends to avoid turbo tax frilly dresses for adults am i the only one i loved wearing them at christmas and easter as a little girl now i feel like i can't get away with it satin lace pastel colored ruffles puffy sleeves embroidered flowers and ribbons a skirt that flies out when you spin around maybe even a corset looks silly on a grown woman especially if everyone else is wearing blue jeans and shirts i sure miss dressing up like that though dude do it i've been wearing petticoats 24 stroke 7 since i was around 15. i'm 36 now people love it and it can be dressed up or down for various occasions usually when someone compliments my dresses skirts i'm like well watch this and spin for them always get a ooh do it it makes me feel fam and pretty you can too running jogging rather than speed walking sometimes my walk home after i park is like five minutes and i'd be there in two seconds if i could run without people thinking something is wrong just run no one cares just sprint while yelling run they are coming while periodically looking behind you people will be too busy running with you to judge you not being always productive and not devoting one's life to making money it doesn't matter if you get a fancy job running the us treasury or just spend your time making youtube videos of mentors and diet coke just be who you're meant to be men hugging each other often and showing affection i used to see this when i was younger then i think as a society we decided to label such behavior as gay capes no capes although i will say director krennic's cape was superfly i would also accept er strange's flying cloak if you've come to bargain there are many great capes in star wars see also lando calrissian's entire wardrobe skipping it's more fun and energy efficient than running i sometimes do it when i'm alone because i like the way it feels not drinking alcohol at gatherings correcting other people's kids not physically but telling them to quit their [ __ ] their parents and doing it yes and also being able to comment on parents being negligent with correcting their kids in public settings like restaurants if your kid is throwing food around and you do nothing to stop it i want to hold you accountable without you making a scene please probably we in your sack i hate when mine gets stuck in a weird spot but i can't move it until i get home i thought i was being discreet by putting my hands in my pockets to adjust my nuts but my sister pointed out that it's obvious as f i used to straight up do that in front of people yes or for women adjusting your boobs or underwear or trying to get an itch without appearing to grope yourself talking about our mental health issues we all face some level of depression or anxiety why are we lying and pretending to be happy all the time classifying women not wearing makeup as lazy normalizing a fresh face on women even to formal events sure it looks nice but can't a lady just rock some nice hair and a fancy outfit the same way men do you know that thing we all do where we're walking and suddenly realize we are going the wrong direction or need to change direction so we stop pull out our phones pretend like we read something and then start walking in a new direction yeah right just start randomly changing directions on the fly is this actually a thing i just turn around nobody gives a shot what i'm doing i'm just some random walking down the street why would they care if i turn around not wearing a bra i feel weird like everybody notices when i don't wear one in public and other women give rude looks i just wanna be comfortable my girlfriend used to think that she needed to wear a bra all the time for the same reasons i had to constantly remind her that all she needed to care about was how she felt now bras have become accessories to her outfits this guy supports am i the only who finds bras comfortable maybe it's because i don't wear ones that have underwire in them introverts being allowed to skip parties without being judged or just have i'm sorry i'm not up for it tonight being acceptable answer i'm an extrovert but have limited mobility and chronic pain i've lost friends i thought i'd have forever because they couldn't handle the fact that my joints dislocate for funsies and sometimes all it takes is a weather change to destroy any plans i had i got labelled a flake despite the fact that i was literally crying in frustration over missing a night out i desperately needed it is deeply hurtful men should be allowed to express emotions without being seen as weak it upsets me to see people in pain due to things that aren't their fault going out in more costume style clothing i'm not talking about overpriced halloween store crap either i mean being able to walk around in full victorian era clothing jedi robes or good pirate wear i'm tired of looking normal damn it look at any film of a crowd from before the 50s and you'll feel like you can wear whatever you want now it was just a sea of people all wearing the same hat [Music] you
Channel: Best Posts & Comments
Views: 67,620
Rating: 4.9470563 out of 5
Keywords: r/ask reddit, r/ askreddit, best posts and comments, askreddit top posts
Id: 5mumpJu7otw
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Length: 24min 14sec (1454 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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