The WORST Foods To Eat If You're DIABETIC...and What To Eat Instead

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i've been wearing this for the last 30 days it's a glucose monitor and it sends all the results to my phone so i can track exactly how my blood sugar has been reacting to the different foods i've been eating for the last 30 days plus and it's been a lot of fun because i've been putting this thing to the test if you follow me on instagram or facebook stories i've been eating high carb meals low carb meals complex carbohydrate meals because for the last x amount of years i mean heck i've been making videos on youtube for 10 years but i've been saying if you're diabetic you want to eat complex carbs in moderation well i thought i should actually put that to the test and say at least for my own body right yours might be different is what i'm saying true if you do eat low carb does it have a minimal spike on your blood sugar if you eat high carb how does that affect your glucose if you eat complex carbs how does that affect your glucose so i tracked it for the last 30 days plus i'm going to show you what i eat share the results and break down some info so let's walk around and show you exactly what i ate let's start with breakfast what did i have for breakfast on my high carb day well it was something that a lot of americans i think would look at and say it looks pretty healthy it was here i haven't had one of these in ages it was a bagel now keep in mind when i was getting stuff like this i still try to keep it somewhat bobby approve dish i didn't want to get like a super cruddy bagel so this is probably the best bagel you can get on the market and what i did is i took the bagel i smeared my favorite dairy free cream cheese which is on sale right now for a great deal i put a little bit of bobby approved jam on here not as much sugar as some other ones but still it has sugar in the form of fruit juice concentrate i had eight ounce glass of freshly squeezed orange juice i had a black coffee with about a teaspoon of coconut sugar in there and i had my eggs and look what happened to my blood sugar it spiked 69 69 to 69 points the good thing is you'll notice it came right back down that's something that mark sisson of a mark's daily apple calls metabolic flexibility the ability to come right back down because my body is used to processing those kind of carbs but that was a massive spike on a scale of one to ten on levels that was the worst it was a one and that makes sense because i mean look at this a bagel like this one bagel has 45 grams of carbs or 42 net carbs a cup of juice has how many grams of carbs 28 is there and then you add in the coconut sugar the jam you're talking about a breakfast with over 100 grams of net carbs and like i said i think most americans most people in the world would see that breakfast and think oh it's kind of balanced it's pretty healthy that's not healthy that resulted in a massive spike fortunately it came back down really quickly now let's switch to what i ate for breakfast and keto day for keto breakfast i had a couple slices of my favorite keto bread here i had eggs crispy prosciutto and the cream cheese and if you look at the blood sugar there was minimal to no spike at all actually there's certain days like last week or uh yesterday i have three slices of bread now how can you have three slices of bread and it doesn't spike your blood sugar because any kind of keto bread is gonna have that reaction this is my favorite because it's super clean there's no refined oils it still has six grams of net carbs per slice and when i have three slices it still doesn't uh spike my blood sugar and yes this one is expensive right you don't have to use this one i get it when it's on sale any kind of keto bread this one's not quite bobby approved but it's not bad carbon nuts on sale i just don't love the ones from like aldi or costco because they have soybean oil and they're very processed but the same effect is going to happen you're mitigating all the excessive gluten and starch and carbs and you're gonna have a hefty breakfast without spiking your blood sugar at all so you start the day right and when you have that kind of heft to a meal with the eggs and the fat and the bread you're really gonna satiate your hunger a long time now for next breakfast it was complex carbohydrate day and that was actually pretty interesting complex carb day was a great excuse to finally try these probably the most bobby approved grain-based english muffins these are ezekiel sprouted muffins i had one of these english muffins with the cream cheese i just love this cream cheese and the eggs and if you look at my glycemic response minimal to nothing the score was 8 out of 10 and it resulted in a very minimal rise why well it's something i talked about for years right the proof is in the pudding i've been saying it i finally put it to the test when you eat foods that are high in fiber and protein like this a half of a muffin and i had a whole one a half has three grams of fiber and four grams of protein complex carbohydrate city when you do that it slows the absorption of sugar into your bloodstream minimizing the glucose spike and the proof was there it barely went up plus these are sprouted grains organic sprouted grains are the best you can do very nutrient dense uh very easily digestible in your tummy this was a fantastic uh proof that if you eat complex carbohydrates in moderation you're really gonna mitigate that spike there are many folks over on instagram and facebook stories who are asking me about this the sensor and the app that i was using uh the sensor is dexcom g6 i've also done this using the freestyle libre but i get it from the same place where the app comes from it's called levels levels is great because if you're keto or more important if you're diabetic yes it's good to see the chart of your blood sugar but with levels you can input like i've been doing exactly the food you're eating when you're eating it and your activities during the day like a workout or a post-meal walk i join levels a bunch of people on instagram were interested so i'll put the link down below levels is 200 a year you get access to the app but they also sell you these sensors at cost they don't mark them up at all and you can get either the g6 dexcom or the freestyle libre but it really gives you accountability of how exactly the food you're eating the meals the workouts the activities you're doing affect your blood sugar it's very valuable so if you're interested like i know a lot of people were on instagram and facebook stories uh check them out using my link down below but it was the dexcom 6 monitor and the levels app i had a turkey sandwich for lunch each of the three days i had it with cauliflower low-carb bread one day starchy white bread the other day and then complex sprouted grains the next day for low-carb keto day this is great you've heard me talk about these all the time what's better is that i have this with turkey from costco and a smashed avocado packet look at the blood sugar response zero it was a 10 out of 10 it barely went up and then i went to work out about 45 minutes or an hour later and it actually went down so one thing i noticed throughout this whole experiment anytime you ate a meal especially a high carb meal if you go for a walk afterwards that really helps bring your blood sugar down and mitigate that spike so keto lunch was by far the winner when i have the white bread with the potato chips spoiler alert anytime i have potato chips it does spike my blood sugar but i love them so much but this lunch here resulted not surprisingly in a high glycemic response because there's tons of carbs now what i kind of messed up is complex carbohydrate dame i used one of the best sprouted grain breads but i had it with crackers and i picked the wrong crackers these are delicious and bobby approved but they have a little too many carbs coming from the cassava here it's not terrible it's 10 net carbs but that actually caused a spike because i had too many crackers i should have had it with like flackers which are the flaxseed crackers or just the avocado mash like i did the other day with the keto sandwich but this bread if i do it again have this it won't spike my blood sugar as much because this is basically the same as the ezekiel sprouted muffins my english muffins that i had for breakfast the other day this is really great and right now it's on sale remember this was an aldi fine the other week this is cheaper than the aldi fine so this is actually diabetic safe not keto safe but i'd say diabetic safe because of the protein the fiber the complex carbohydrate make for a much slower absorption of sugar into your bloodstream just like the english muffins so i'll do that experiment again but this was a success this was a success this was not shockingly a great failure for dinner i want to focus first on the complex carbohydrate day because i had beef stew rice salad and then ice cream cone for dessert and there barely was any spike why well i did a very interesting way if i reach into my cart the rice we used was wild rice and because wild rice is loaded once again with fiber and protein it slows the absorption of sugar into your bloodstream but the wild rice salad i made a lot of people are requesting on story so i have to make it again and post it on my blog but it's wild rice with roasted cauliflower and kale roughage extra fiber from the cauliflower tons of fiber tons of protein in that salad combined with the beef stew you get a lot of good protein a lot of good fiber that's fantastic and then i went for a wok afterwards which helped slow the absorption of sugar even more and get the process going and then i came back and had an ice cream cone the ice cream was cosmic bliss the cone was the sprouts coconut cone they don't have cosmic bliss here at whole foods for some reason but that's by far the most bobby approved ice cream around and even after that the spike was very very minimal so for that kind of meal on paper you'd be like ooh it's high carb it wasn't necessarily and because it was so dense in protein and fiber it barely caused a reaction of blood sugar at all for simple carb dinner we had fun we had taco night we did tacos on if you're going to eat corn and gluten the most bobby approved tortilla with white rice and i haven't made this in ages but i made my coconut cashew white rice it was phenomenal but look at the chart one out of ten meaning the worst glycemic response you can get i think it says like 64 point uh response but i tried to mitigate that we went for a walk right afterwards and it kind of came back down but then it did the double dip if you were like a stock market guy that would be the head and shoulders right it went back up and then started coming down so white rice starchiest can be the opposite of a complex carbohydrate white rice actually used to be brown rice but they strip away the outer hall and the bran and they make it a simple carb i call this dead food there's no nutrition in here all it does is spike your blood sugar it's terrible for you in my opinion and then these are good quality but they're going to spike your blood sugar so that amount of carbs you can go for as many walks as you want it's still going to spike that was pretty much off to the races but it was pretty much what i expected too for keto dinner i had a chicken cauliflower mash a glass of keto wine which i'll talk about in a second but for dessert i had something that's great this is keto cookie dough the peanut butter chocolate chip is my favorite you have a big tablespoon of this it's as clean as they get boo makes amazing keto stuff but it's three net carbs and one gram of natural sugar in there and if you look at my chart it was basically no reaction something happened towards the tail end of the evening or didn't transmit but it was a very steady response you can drink wine if you're keto diabetic but it has to be what i call keto wine now at a grocery store like whole foods this is the closest you're going to get the natural wine section natural wine basically means old world style no added sugar no chemicals at all most wine in a five ounce pour has three and a half grams of carbs natural wines or keto wines should have about point three grams in the whole bottle i drink something called dry farm wines and that's a hundred percent super low carb super strict i'm not a hundred percent sure about the macros of this but if you want to have wine when you're keto and diabetic try dry farm wines i usually have a promo code on instagram but this was a basic keto dinner and dessert very filling very satiating i even had a lovely piece of keto dough for dessert and there was no spike at all which is very consistent with the keto meal all right family that is it for what i ate the last 30 days plus and how i tested out the glucose monitor but go over to flavo city instagram and facebook i'm going to do more testing of eating white rice and potatoes that have been cooled overnight and then reheated because i've heard studies that when you do that the starch binds together and it becomes resistant and it doesn't spike your blood sugar as much but i'll do those in short form videos over there but that is it it's been a lot of fun if you're interested in the sensor or the app check out levels using my link down below but that is it i'll see you soon hashtag keep on cooking mad love and peace later
Channel: Bobby Parrish
Views: 456,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: foods for diabetics, type 2 diabetes diet, diabetes diet plan, best food for diabetics, foods for diabetes, diabetes foods to eat, diabetic diet, foods not to eat for diebetics, diabetes diet, blood sugar, foods bad for blood sugar, meals for diabetics, flavcity, bobby parrish
Id: qg0RmlutDsg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 04 2022
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