16 Diabetes Foods To Eat Often To Help Reverse Diabetes!

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here are 16 best diabetes foods to eat for people with diabetes type 1 and type 2 number 1 eggs the regular egg consumption may reduce the risk of heart disease in variety of ways guys eggs have been shown to reduce inflammation improve insulin sensitivity increase hdl which is your good cholesterol levels and change the size and shape of ldl which is your bad cholesterol according to a 2019 study eating a high fat low carb breakfast of eggs may help people with diabetes manage their blood sugar levels throughout the day so have breakfast have high fat breakfast every morning previous research has linked egg consumption to heart disease in diabetics but that's not true however a recent review of controlled studies discovered that eating 6 to 12 eggs per week as part of a nutritious diet for your diabetes did not increase the risk factors for heart disease in people with diabetes there you go some research also indicated that eating eggs may lower risk of stroke hello everyone if you are looking for exclusive deals some blogs educational content every week delivered to your email subscribe to our newsletter at sugarmds.com right now number two greens with leaves now green leafy vegetables are high in nutrients and low in calories tada no surprise right but they are also low in digestible carbs or carbs absorbed by the body so they won't affect blood sugar levels significantly now many vitamins and minerals including vitamin c are found in spinach kale and some other leafy greens according to some evidence people with diabetes have lower vitamin c levels than people with ass diabetes and they may require more vitamin c through the diet most of the time vitamin c is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory okay increased consumption of vitamin c rich foods can actually help diabetics increase their serum vitamin c levels while decreasing the inflammation and the cellular damage number three avocados avocados have less than one gram of sugar there are very few carbohydrates they have high fiber content and they're healthy fats so they even spike your blood sugar avocado consumption is also linked to a better overall healthy diet good diet quality as well as lower bmi yes weight loss avocados are therefore an excellent snack for people with diabetes especially since obesity increase the risk of developing diabetes if you didn't have diabetes that is still one of the best foods for pre-diabetics and insulin resistant people okay so it really helps prevent the diabetes in 2019 my study discovered that avocatin b or avob that's a fat molecule found only in avocados inhibits the incomplete oxidation in your skeletal muscle and the pancreas and as a result lower your insulin resistance now we know that more human research is needed when you're taking you know conclusions from the my studies but still there's a lot of evidence to show that evidence that avocados can help diabetes prevention number four legumes i know not everybody agree with that but beans are an inexpensive and nutritious and they're extremely healthy guys so beans are a legume that is typically high in b vitamins which you need minerals like calcium potassium magnesium and fiber which almost all diabetics need that in abundance they also have a very low glycemic index right which is essential for your diabetes management now beans may also help in what the diabetes prevention so if you're pre-diabetic or insulin resistant also eat beans in moderation of course in a study involving over 3 000 participants at high risk for cardiovascular disease those people who consumed legumes had a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes number 5 is chia seeds now diabetic patients will really love chia seeds if they try it right they are high in fiber and they are very low in digestible carbohydrates in fact 11 of the 12 grams of carbs in a 28 gram serving of chia seed fiber has no effect on your blood sugar levels now fiber can actually lower your blood sugar levels by how does the fiber do that by slowing the rate at which food moves through your gut and the way it's absorbed now chia seeds can help you maintain a healthy weight because fiber curbs hunger and makes you feel full chassis may also help in the maintenance of your glucose control all day long if you had headed for breakfast a study of 77 adults with overweight obese type 3 diabetics they discovered that eating chia seeds promotes weight loss and helps maintain your glycemic control chia seeds have also been shown to help lower blood pressure and inflammation markers number six on the list is oily fish what are they salmon which most people love sardines herring anchovies their little people love and mackerel some people love that too they're high in omega-3 fatty acids dha epa they're beneficial to your health especially when you have diabetes right so i would say eat wild caught salmon or farm salmon even if you know where they come from if you know the farm et cetera now getting enough of these fats on a regular basis is especially important for diabetics because you know they are predisposed to heart disease and stroke now dha and epa protect your cells that line your blood vessels your endothelial cells and reduce the inflammation in there and may help improve the arterial function according to a lot of research people who eat fatty fish on a regular basis have a lower risk of acute coronary events which is your heart attacks and your strokes they're less likely to die from heart disease even cancer again eating fatty fish may even help your blood sugar regulation just eating fish without changing anything now a study of 68 adults with you know with weight problems or obesity in that study they discovered that people who consumed fatty fish they had significantly lower post meal blood sugar spikes than those people who did not consume fish or did not like fish now fish also a great source of a high quality protein which keeps you full and helps to keep your blood sugar levels stable at least i will say five to eight hours after number seven is a greek yogurt now a long-term study that actually involved health data over a hundred thousand participants they discovered that eating yogurt especially greek yogurt on a daily basis was associated with an 18 percent lower risk of developing type 3 diabetes but it also can assist you in losing weight and keeping your blood sugar levels stable because of high protein and high fat content now yogurt and other dairy foods may help people with type 2 diabetes lose weight and you know of course improve the internal fat composition the visceral fat now yogurt also is what high in calcium right high in protein as we discussed and there is a type of fat called conjugated linoleic acid that can actually mill you feel fuller and longer now greek yogurt has six to eight grams of carbs per serving which is way lower than the regular yogurt so pay attention that you're actually eating greek yogurt again greek yogurt is high in protein so it will help you with the weight loss and and try to go with the full fat i don't really care if you know if you're not trying to lose weight you can go for full fat now nuts are the next they're tasty nutritious everybody loves them unless you have allergies to it and majority of the nuts contain fiber and they're low in net carbs as you know and some contain less carbs than the others now regular consumption of variety of nuts and i think my favorite knot is walnut and almonds they have been shown to reduce inflammation and lower blood sugar levels and avon sea levels which is a long-term three-month marker for a for blood sugar management they even lower your ldl which is your bad cholesterol now nuts may also help diabetics to improve their overall health because it helps with the ldl right so in a study in 2019 16 people with type 2 diabetes involved and they are eating you know peanuts like walnuts and almonds and hazelnuts and pistachios i love that too those people actually in that study when they ate those nuts they had a much lower risk of cardiovascular disease heart attacks and strokes and of course it's going to help your blood sugar levels if you're consuming nuts as a synagogue for example now another study with type 2 diabetes when people consumed walnut oil on a regular basis even that helped the blood sugar levels well that's really important because you know with the type 2 diabetes you frequently have insulin spikes or blood sugar spikes and you're always looking for something to snack on i think a nuts will be your best friend now broccoli is your number nine why is broccoli so important well because it's the most nutrient dense vegetables pretty much on the earth okay a half cup of cooked broccoli contains only 27 calories my friend and only three grams of digestible carbs so you can just eat as much as you want as well as like there's vitamin c and magnesium in there which is super important for your diabetes now broccoli may help with the blood sugar management for those reasons now one study discovered that eating broccoli sprouts literally reduce your blood sugar levels so if you didn't know that the food is medicine there you go broccoli you can use the medicine eat every evening with your regular meat with some meat dish or whatever is going to help you with your blood sugar levels now how this vegetable actually helps as a medicine because there's actually things that are there's some chemicals in there like sulforaphane for example they're found in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and sprouts and so forth next one is gonna be extra virgin olive oil extra virgin olive oil contains something very important it's called oleic acid it's a type of mono unsaturated fat has antioxidant properties and it literally improves your glycemic control just like a medicine and it improves your not only your fasting but also post meal blood sugar and even triglyceride levels that's again important for people with diabetes because you know they're the one having difficulty with their blood sugar levels and the triglyceride levels most of the time at the same time now what else oleic acid does it actually stimulate a glp-1 hormone which is actually now used as a medicine so you can use olive oil as a medicine to improve your glp one function okay so you don't have to necessarily take a medicine to do that if you need a medicine in the medicine i'm not saying don't take medicine but you can use these foods for medicinal purposes for example in a large meta-analysis of 32 studies examining various parts of fat olive oil was the only one found to reduce the heart disease remember that polyphenols which are antioxidants are also abundant in olive oil now what does polyphenols do well they reduce inflammation they protect the cells lining your blood vessels again they protect you against the ldl cholesterol or oxidation of the ldl cholesterol and it also even help lower your blood pressure because extra virgin olive oil is unrefined it retains antioxidants and other beneficial features if you are trying to choose which olive oil you want to go for go for the extra virgin olive oil from a repeatable source again as many olive oils are most of them are blended with cheaper oils such as corn or soy oil so pay attention to that number 11 is flax sheets now flax seeds are known as common flax or linseeds or whatever you call it but they're high in heart healthy omega-3 fats and fiber and other unique plant compounds lignans for example which make up a portion of their insoluble fiber may actually help reduce the risk of heart disease which most diabetics die from and it actually helped improve blood sugar management as well now they did a review of 25 randomized trials they discovered a significant link between the whole flax seed supplementation and glucose reduction here you go another medicinal food for you now flax seeds may even help with your blood pressure reduction which is almost as important as lowering your blood sugar in 2000 study in a study with pre-diabetic for example consuming flaxseed powder on a daily basis reduced their blood pressure and improved their glycemic control and insulin resistance as well again don't expect this to happen overnight but if you're having in your diet for a while you're gonna see that we need more studies for prevention of diabetes but initial studies are indicating that the flax seeds are really good for your heart for your gut and for your diabetes again flax seeds contain a high amount of viscous fiber which improves your gut health insulin sensitivity and feelings of fullness which most of you i'm sure will like it right vinegar or apple cider vinegar so that's also a known topic but i'll explain a little bit uh both apple cider vinegar and regular vinegar actually have a lot of benefits not just lowering your blood sugar levels despite the fact that it is made from apples the sugar in the fruit is fermented into acetic acid so the finished product has actually less than one gram of carbs per tablespoon now data studies of course bunch of studies in the meta-analysis of these six studies involving over 300 people with type 2 diabetes found that the vinegar actually improves fasting blood sugar levels and eventually improves your a1c levels as well now other health benefits of apple cider vinegar include but not limited to antimicrobial and antioxidant properties and then we know that we need more research on this uh you can do more research definitely for this but we have a lot of benefits already proven now start with i will say two teaspoons of mixed in a glass of water which each meal incorporate apple cider vinegar into your diet we are coming up with our own apple cider vinegar gummies which is easier to consume but if you want to consume real vinegar then you may want to really dilute it and put some maybe lemon juice or something to make it more palatable i typically use it on my salads for most of my salads number 13 is are berries strawberries blackberries blueberries okay strawberries are they're high in anthocyanins which are antioxidants that give them that red color so if you're seeing a fruit that's colorful go for it okay polyphenols are beneficial plant compounds with antioxidant properties that are present in these berries in 2017 a study discovered that consuming polyphenols from strawberries and and cranberries for six weeks actually improved the insulin sensitivity in adults with overweight issues or obesity issues even when they did not have diabetes well that's really important because the insulin sensitivity or insulin resistance is a major issue that ends up causing the diabetes down the road and sometimes some people even end up with heart attack before they become diabetic due to insulin resistance now a cup of strawberries contain only 53 calories 12 grams of carbohydrates and three of that is basically fiber now this one serving also contains more than 100 percent of the recommended daily intake of vitamin c there you go just have some strawberries and you're good again some additional anti-inflammatory properties as well now of course we're going to talk about garlic right that's number 14. garlic is incredibly nutritious considering it is small size and low calorie count right so again garlic has been shown in many studies to help your glucose management your cholesterol regulation and even your blood pressure management one clove of garlic weighs around 3 grams that's it number 15 is squash well a lot of people love squash which is good right there are a lot of varieties of the squash of course but it's one of the healthiest vegetables available now it is dense it is a fling food it will fill you up and typically has low glycemic index and fairly low calories now acorn pumpkin and butternut squashes are winter varieties with a hard shell as you know and there is a summer squash that has a soft peel that is edible zucchini and italian squash are for example our most common varieties when it comes to that and squash like most vegetables they're high in antioxidants squash also contains less sugar than sweet potatoes so you can actually replace that instead of sweet potatoes right it's an excellent substitute now pumpkin polysaccharides which are found in the squash have also been shown in studies to improve the glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity and of course lower serum glucose levels eventually although there has been not a ton of human research but as far as we know a lot of uh animal studies shows that squash actually can reduce your blood sugar levels relatively quickly now barrier melon is one of those that we use in our supplements which has the most highest potency in a concentrated form no wonder why we put in our supplement there now more human studies are needed to confirm that but again i would say squash is a safe bet for diabetics to get their blood sugar down now shirataki noodles are next shirtaki noodles are pretty excellent for dabbies and weight loss why well because these noodles are high in something called glucomannan glucomannan is a fiber derived from a konjac root we have other videos about this as well if you want to go back but this plant is basically grown in japan and processed into something called shritake it can be noodles or rice and like we said the glucomannan that's present in there is a it's a viscous fiber that makes you feel full and satisfied now in addition to that it has been shown to lower your blood sugar levels drastically after eating that and improve your risk factor for heart disease especially if you have diabetes or pre-diabetes or insulin resistance now there is a study for that as well now the glucomannan for example significantly decreased the fasting glucose serum insulin and cholesterol levels in diabetic rats shirtaki needles contain only 3 grams of digestible carbs and 10 calories per 100 grams serving these noodles typically packed with fishy smelling liquid some people don't like that but they must be thoroughly rinsed before the use and you will be okay i promise the noodles should then be cooked for several minutes typically in a skillet over high heat and so forth without any added fat to achieve that noodle like texture if you're into pasta and so forth well there you have it my friend i kind of came up with the 16 great foods that you should at least try look up some recipes and so forth and get it in place get in your diet i think you will love it again check out our website at sugarmds.com for more information and resources and guess what subscribe because you don't want to miss my next video hey guys i hope you are enjoying this channel so far and i hope you subscribed already if you didn't do it and if you did watch this video right there i think that will help you too
Channel: SugarMD
Views: 3,055,058
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Keywords: diabetes foods to eat, diabetes foods to avoid, type 2 diabetes, blood sugar, diabetes diet, diabetic diet, diabetes friendly foods, sugarmd, sugarmds, dr ergin sugarmd, dr ergin
Id: IJV1HeuiwWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 14sec (1214 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 15 2022
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