Cooking Oils Explained - When To Use Olive Oil, Avocado Oil, & More

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you oftentimes hear me talk about avoiding processed inflammatory oils like canola oil sunflower oil safflower oils soybean oil I talk about it all the time and I say replace those in your cooking and the food you eat in the middle aisles with extra virgin olive oil avocado oil virgin coconut oil grass-fed ghee the better for you oils but a lot of people say that's great but when do I use them how do I know when to use extra virgin olive oil versus avocado oil when do I use ghee versus virgin coconut oil and that's what this video is all about but I wanted to start on something very very interesting because so many people use cooking oil sprays including meat included this is the Undisputed leader going back to the 80s when I was growing up right this here but forget about the fact for a second that it's canola oil in here which is the processed inflammatory oil how does the oil come out of the canister well if you read the back here it says it comes out with a chemical propellant and they don't tell you what the propellant is but when you start to look online it's very easy to find out it's either butane or propane propane is the same stuff that comes into your gas grill and butane could be the same stuff they spray to get the deodorant out of the antiperspirant go ahead are you sure yeah I'm not not a problem no no you can do your shopping don't worry about it and the problem with butane is that it's often linked with Benzene which is a known carcinogen you don't want that coming out of your oil spray onto your food onto your pan and then there's an interesting ingredient here called dimethyl silicone it's the Cujo the dog of ingredients it's an anti-foaming agent that's so this thing doesn't get all sudsy and foamy ew yuck no so what do you do it's so easy you just get ones that don't have any propellants or any anti-foaming agents this is avocado oil spray with one ingredient this is another avocado oil spray here with one ingredient and don't be fooled come on oh we'll save that one stay stay good don't be fooled by this made with olive oil because it still has the anti-forming agents and the propellants you don't want those in your body now I know the swap let's walk over here let's start with extra virgin olive oil if you're at Walmart your best bet would be these two Brands here but what's great about extra virgin olive oil yes it's not prep uh processed it's not inflammatory it's high in polyphenols and antioxidants but when do you cook with it well the most common applications are raw you don't cook with it necessarily so I'll use it to make a really good dressing with rose rose has an amazing recipe for a maple horseradish dressing and we put avocado olive oil in there it's phenomenal when I make pasta I'll drizzle it over the top and get that nice freshness of fruitiness or spiciness depending on the olive oil but a lot of people won't cook with extra virgin olive oil I do because when you refine it one step down to olive oil like this one here it requires a little bit too much processing and heat for me and you can cook with extraversion repeat you can cook with extra virgin there's so many Mists out there that you can't do it it's got a low smoke point it's going to burn it becomes carcinogenic total fake news I use this to cook all the time but I don't do crazy high heat cooking with it so for example when I made chicken Salt and mocha the other week and I wrapped the chicken breast in prosciutto and I pan fried it in my flave City cast iron pan I cooked in extra virgin olive oil let me have a list here of the other things I cooked with it ah I roasted cauliflower in the oven at 400 degrees so I drizzled it on the cauliflower ahead of time I made a roasted artichoke salad with a crispy lemons and olives it was what's up oh and capers too it was delicious and I put some extra virgin olive oil on the artichokes before it went into the oven around 4 10 4 15 and Rose and I make this roasted acorn squash with a maple syrup glaze and the glaze has maple syrup vinegar spices and a little bit of extra virgin olive oil and it comes out of the oven super creme caramely and Creme Brule like it's delicious so you can cook with extra virgin olive oil just don't go crazy and like do 500 Degrees that's why you want to cook with it because it's cold pressed it's unrefined and it's really good for you but the truth of the matter is when you start to learn about most probiotics especially the ones in the grocery store they don't work the actual bacteria are inferior and they die in your tummy acids they never actually make it to your colon seed makes it to your colon because the capsule is a pill within a pill the outer layer is the only thing that dissolves in your tummy and because it has fiber it's a Prebiotic and the inner air capsule makes it makes it to your colon and the 24 strains of bacteria are not only surviving they're strong like Bull and they work for digestion poop skin Health immune system even the kids one that's a powder it's coated in a lipid and it survives the tummy acids of the kids and makes it to their colon too bottom line if you take a probiotic or you're in the market for a probiotic try seed best in the business my link down below gets you a 15 off your first month supply free shipping ships International for a flat rate and it's 30 days risk-free try it out next up would be boom avocado oil avocado oil is fantastic because it's neutral meaning it has no flavor which means it's the perfect swap for canola oil canola oil is neutral has no flavor and is used for high heat cooking so anytime you would use canola oil swap it out for avocado oil the reason why I like this is because it's anti-inflammatory and actually good for you where canola oil is GMO highly processed highly refined and inflammatory if a recipe calls for one cup of canola oil while you're baking swap it with avocado oil it's the perfect swap now what do you cook with this well the other week I made my version of Chick-fil-A tender for the Chick-fil-A sauce unbelievable I'll put the link down below and I pan fried my chicken tenders in avocado oil instead of canola oil I look at my list of other recipes oh I made salmon kings in the flave City ceramic pan I fried an avocado oil I made fried rice actually the video when I did budget fried rice from Walmart I cooked it in avocado oil too and I did pulled pork I seared pork shoulder in my instant pot and then cooked it for about an hour and shredded it I seared it in avocado oil because it's heartfelt healthy it's anti-inflammatory and it is the perfect swap for canola oil where is it ghee grass-fed ghee my favorite brand fourth and heart for actually a good price 998 is cheaper than the price at Whole Foods right now a lot of people don't know about ghee but it's getting more popular ghee is like butter but it's better and it's pure milk fat the way they make ghee is they take butter grass-fed butter in this case and they cook it until the milk fat separates from the milk solids because this is pure milk fat it has no casein it has no lactose and it has a toasty nutty flavor it's delicious so the question is when do you use the ghee we use it all the time so according to my list that I did before I got here cookies Desi will bake with this they actually make a vanilla version of this fourth and hard ghee whenever a recipe calls for butter she uses the vanilla bean infused ghee it is crazy good I will make pancakes on The Griddle so I warm my grid up to 300 and Rose and I put the ghee on The Griddle and we make pancakes I'll make tuna melts for lunch on the keto bread and I'll toast or griddle them in the ghee and this is a great ingredient from Baba dani's famous braised cabbage and pork she melts like three quarters of a cup until it gets very very high heat and pours it over the cabbage and pork so it's sizzling and then braises in the oven it's delicious he is fantastic scoop it for sure and last but not least coconut oil now if you have the choice between virgin coconut oil and something like this with liquid always get virgin virgin is cold pressed unrefined this is in a liquid state because they refined it to a point where it's stable at room temperature like this it's been too processed and too refined and you start to break down the oil and it becomes inflammatory the cool thing about virgin coconut oil is if you're dairy free and you want to cook with this or bake with it go for it Desi used this recently to make frosting for hot chocolate cupcakes for Valentine's Day with rose it's absolutely beautiful it's dairy free also coconut oil is high in something called lauric acid which is incredibly good for you and even though a few years ago they tried to blackball the entire coconut oil industry saying it's a bad saturated fat it's actually a good saturated fat and they're trying to convince you instead to eat things like corn oil canola oil Crisco stuck with the heart healthy which is a joke this is way better for you all right friends that is it I hope you found this video helpful when it comes to the good oils the extra virgin olive oil the avocado oil the ghee and the virgin coconut oil now you know when to use them and why you want to use them but that is it like subscribe share all that good things but from the grocery store my second home I leave you like I always do hashtag keep on cooking mad love and peace later
Channel: Bobby Parrish
Views: 235,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: healthy cooking oils, best cooking oil, olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, cooking oil, cooking oils, healthy oils, healthiest cooking oil, healthiest oil for frying, extra virgin olive oil, bobby parrish, flavcity
Id: a4xPZt3bNSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 23sec (563 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2023
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