This video was sponsored by Harrys.
More from them later. What's going on, guys? Welcome back to white guy with a beard and a baseball cap
makes fun of people on the Internet. Times two, we've got spoons joining us
for the very first time in the channel. Finally,
I know you guys been asking for it, and I figured what better way
to do a collab with spoons than to cover the thing that made our channels
what they are today? That's right, Criss Angel's Mindfreak. We're going to be watching
two quick episodes today. The second one in particular,
I don't know how. I've never seen it until now. It is so bananas
that he did what he did in that episode. But you will see later on what I mean. Also, if you're noticing that it looks
like I just rubbed off eye makeup. There's no reason why I would have. I wasn't wearing eye makeup. There's no reason that I would. So I think we both look pretty good right now. You look spectacular. If you don't mind me saying
you look phenomenal. Thank you. Is it the necklaces? It's the necklaces. It's the necklaces. It's the eyeliner. It's the the sweet shirt. Oh, I forgot I was wearing it. Yeah. Yeah, it fits like a glove. You know, it's so natural. Yeah. Like a like a big ole, big, old, fat,
sloppy glove. Yeah. Sloppy is a good word for it. Yeah. And we didn't. We didn't buy 2XL shirts
because that was all they had in stock. We bought them because we wanted to. Yes, that is correct. We wanted the bigger shirts. They had a plethora
we could choose from. Yep. And here we are.
I mean, and I always wear these necklaces. I just take them off for the videos,
which, you know, it's. I didn't know
you had the same exact necklaces as me. That's so. Weird.
We have all nine of the same necklaces. Or so similar. And, you know, I never leave the
house without my my double oval. You know, it's the classic double oval,
you know. Who could forget the double oval? It symbolizes? So we've got a few episodes of Criss Angel
to watch today. The second one,
I think you can agree with me is kind of wild. Batshit crazy. Yeah. When you sent it to me, I was like,
is that real? Is that is that really what happens? Is Criss Angel really that kind of person? Which I mean, come on. But, you know, he did prove that he he is that guy. Before we start,
I do you mind if I chew this really loud apple directly into the microphone
the whole time? Of course, I was
actually I was going to bring that up. I was hoping you would. I just didn't know what
the right way to like. I just want to double check you. I've never done one of these before.
So sick. I was. I didn't know, like, the right way
to, like, ask you if you could do that. But yeah sick. As long as you're cool with it. I'll just. Mindfreak. Mindfreak. Mindfreak. Are you ready? My life has become just a ball of chaos. I need a break. I need to get back to nature. I think it's going to be
absolutely hilarious. Even seeing him in a cowboy hat with a bandana around his neck
instead of hanging out of his back pocket. That is such an odd thing to say. This guy really has been paid
to act like it's going to be funny to see Criss in a cowboy hat. I know it must be so draining to be like at the mercy of Criss Angel,
like these Mindfreak consultants are. They're getting paid to just really
just suck up to him the whole time. We're going to ritualistically initiate
Chris into the Mysteries of Fire. Man come on, bust that move. I can't think of a better like lottery to win
being born into the Criss Angel family because everyone that pops up
on for Criss Angel is just
they have a paycheck at this point. He is employed.
Every single person in his. Dancing cousin is in it. Like, you know, that cousin that wears
jeans all the time. You just you want him to hang around,
he can do something. You want a job you want to hear. Just break dancing in this hallway. Here's
a hundred grand. I don't know what I could do. Well, we'll find something. What he said. Guys, I'd like to take a quick moment here
to thank the sponsor of today's video. Harry's Harrys makes high quality razors and shaving accessories
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now back to Mindfreak. Come on,
Criss We got to get to production. What's your name? Barbara. I want to punch him in the face. So I was going to say, like once
I saw him do that I'm like the only thing separating Criss Angel from some lunatic
outside of a quick trip at 3 a.m. is $70 million. That is the only thing separating. Those two. People, because when I watch him,
most of the time, I'm like you. You're lucky you're filthy fucking rich. Because you don't look. Well. And then these people where it's like,
imagine is having to like they're like, okay, hey, can you go get some ice
for the hotel room? You're like, Yeah. And you walk down the hallway
and you've like, Oh, it's fucking Criss Angel
I forgot we're at the fucking Luxor. And he's like, Hey, come on over here. You're like, Oh, fuck. Fuck. I really have to. I just took my fucking Zzzquil
God damn it. And he's definitely the guy in the group
who takes every joke too far. Yeah, like that
stomp routine could have ended right
when his cousin stopped breakdancing, but. They're too afraid to cut the camera
there. No one, no one has the confidence
to be like, Hey, that's good, you're good. You're good. It's fine. I need you to think of a number
between 1 and 100 right now. What is it, 32. 32. Look for 32. Is there a 32 there? Oh, right. All right, there's a 32. Anybody have some money on him? I love how he's asking, like,
if anyone has any money on him. Like, he's not the richest man. Like,
within three square blocks of this hotel. Yeah, just down the road,
I got a mansion with, like, 20 supercars. Anyone have any money on them? You do. You have a lot, actually. You don't have, like,
anything in your pockets right now. You've got, like, these poor actors that are just
just trying to get through the day. He has a chain link wallet. There's a chain link to his wallet. There's definitely money in there. I was like at first I was like, are we
are we overdoing it with the necklaces? But like every time I see him, like, nope,
we aren't even there. Look at that. Oh, my gosh. Oh, now look look. What is that. No way. Look. Wow. I'm convinced I don't think they know
what a continuous shot cam means. The continuous shot cam is supposed to be
continuous shot of him putting his hand through the glass and they're filming
all the reactions of the people I know. You know, they put the text on the screen. So it's a continuous shot
because they put continuous shot on it. So because they put it on there. Yeah. It doesn't matter
if it is a continuous shot they.. it says continuous shot. So it's.
Oh. Yeah. So you're okay, you're stupid. And he's smart
for being the magician that he is. Yeah, he's much smarter than me.
You shouldn't. You shouldn't question what he's doing
because continuous shot cam. Yeah, yeah. No, I'll stop talking. Yeah. Come along for the ride. We went out to the Sandy Valley Dude Ranch
about 100 miles outside of Las Vegas. Criss is just so cool. I don't know if there's anybody cooler
than Criss Angel riding through the desert on a chopper. Puting the boot in the camera. He was the coolest thing in 2007 and and now he just. I don't know. I don't know. No, I don't know what he's doing now. He's
he looks. The same pretty much. The ranch was so off the beaten path
for the last mile, I had to ride my quad to get there. And when he got there,
he felt the need to do donuts in their parking lot
and kick up a bunch of dust. I mean. He's criss Angel. He can do whatever he wants
because it's sick. It's sick. It is sick. Granted, it is very sick. Beautiful out here. I wonder if this is
what life should be all about. You know, this tranquil environment,
peaceful animals, mountains, fresh air. Chris, let me tell you, Criss Angel looks
absolutely hilarious in that cowboy hat. I think it's going to be
absolutely hilarious. Even seeing him in a cowboy
hat with a bandana around his neck, he. Oh, thank you. That was a lot of fun. All right. Enough horsing around. As Criss is getting comfortable, you know,
being out in the wilderness and relaxing and being away from the city, he decides
he hasn't done anything weird yet, so it's time to do something
weird and hypnotize the chicken. He got away from all the chaos
to come here and hypnotize. Chicken and introduce some chaos to these
normal people out here making a living. These poor souls are out here farming, doing their thing. We didn't know you were weird. When we signed those papers. Fuck what do we sign up for? God damn. The fuck is this guy,
how many necklaces is he wearing? Obviously you can't. Like, humans
use words like relax and sleep. That guy gives the worst interviews. That is the stupidest thing
I've ever heard. You had nothing to do that
everything he says is simultaneously really smug
and really dumb. Now he's not being harmed at all. He just gonna sleep. Oh, my goodness. Wake up! Unbelievable Hey, little fella. Thank you. That thing has to have brain damage. I don't know what he did to it, but, like,
that is not going to be a normal chicken after this point. No serious,
serious problems are coming after this. You know, that that that that chicken
that Criss Angel did that shit, to? He just stares at the wall every day. Now he is his brain is just mush. He stopped producing eggs. He's pretty much useless at this point,
I'll admit, what Criss Angel did was magic,
but god it. Fucked this thing up. He fucking ruin this chicken's life. All the other chickens are scared of it. He's fucking you pukes every day. It's just. It's a it's a nightmare. We might have to put him down.
Thanks a lot, Criss. I got to earn my keep here boss lady. Thank God
you're finally doing something useful. I know. Don't do whatever you did
to that chicken, to those horses. We need those. Those were expensive. So don't break them. We need them alive.
We need them working properly. We need them not like rolling their eyes to the back of their head
and like speaking Latin. By the time you leave,
if you can try not to do that. That would make Chris want to do it more. I think that they told him not to. I was presented with a unique challenge. Exactly what he would say. I've never been told
not to do magic before. So today I'm going to kill, like, eight
horses. Like. Okay. Yeah, well all of our horses. Just jumped off a cliff. So if you can please just leave,
we will terminate the contract. Just leave. You get the fuck out of here. I'll be fixing
a scarecrow right about now. All right, I'm going to start off. I'm going to put some hay.
I asked for a head. And what did I get? I got a head, but in life, but
I got a pumpkin for now that look good. If a friend of yours or someone you cared about was doing this,
would you not be concerned? Well, just seeing him do
this is like when your parents
would put on, like, a party or something, and, like,
everyone is drunk and then, like, you'd go do some weird kid shit,
and they'd be like, Wow, look at that. What? How'd how'd you do that and you're like,
doing a somersault and they're like, Wow. Good job, Criss!
You're doing so good up there! What is that, a pumpkin? That.
That's not its head. I like to cook them but I burn them. Watch. Don't put that back in the bag no! Criss no! And they all have herpes. Yeah. Just like we know you live in Vegas. Like you're Criss Angel. Like,
there's no way he doesn't have something. It's the grossest place on earth. Kind of. Like, you know, that he hangs out at the bar, down at the Luxor,
and he's just scoping. Scoping and scheming. Scoping and scheming. Just everyone just running out of their hotel room
to grab ice in the middle of the night and I just like, hey,
pick a number between- ahh Fuck, shit. Everybody in the hotel avoids them. There's only one ice machine in the whole,
whole hotel and it's on the floor that Criss Angel just like walks around
the halls at night, just like magic. magic magic magic Mindfreak
Mindfreak Mindfreak Mindfreak. Mindfreak. I can't. Sleep. Close your eyes. This is the guy that's good with hypnosis. No seriously, put them to sleep Gerard
you do this wash Keep your eyes my fingers I'm gonna count back from five four three
and just sleep things relax. Relax. Thank you Gerard. He's gonna sleep two days. Cover him up/ Cover him up? Yeah. Cover them up. Yeah, yeah. I killed him. I don't know. I did something wrong. He's- cover him up, cover, move. Hurry up, hurry up. Get the blanket. Dude,
it was like 10 seconds. Yeah, I fucked. I fucked up.
I know what I did. You know what I did to that chicken. I did it like ten times worse. He's really he's really out. He's not dead, but he's. He's a vegetable just just put,
put the sheet over him right now. He turns to everyone around the campfire,
nobody say a word. It gets, like, so serious with them. You want to end up with that
fucking chicken. You shut your fucking mouth. Look at that chicken.
It's on the fucking roof right now. Why is it on the roof?
All right. I don't know. You want to be that chicken on the roof?
Is that what you want to be now? Oh, God. You know, at this point, like, if you're gonna fuck with me in my sleep,
just draw a dick on my face. Don't do all this. Like, just draw. The dick in my face
and just be done with that. Don't go through all this. If I if I find out that you had me covered
in a sheet five feet in the air when I was sleeping, I would
I would never hang out with you again. Join me. Want to join me? Oh, okay. We have a volunteer. Oh, we have two. This is great. What a fucking legend. What a fucking legend bro. That is so fucking pimp. The girls just can't resist
a good levitation. They can't. And they're like,
Hey, what happened to that guy? And he's, Come on over here.
Don't worry about him. He's like, Don't worry, I don't even know. Don't worry about him. Though. You have the opportunity to have Jeff McBride on the show
who's been an inspiration. Jeff McBride ladies and gentlemen
I don't know what culture he's appropriating, but I imagine whatever
that is, they just fucking hate this guy. He's legit. He's the best techno tribal shaman around. And I don't know any other techno tribal shamans, but he's the best. I think. He's the only one he's got to be
at the top. He's hanging out with Criss Angel. And, you know, that's
where all the winners hang out. Yeah. Or wandering the halls of the hotel. You want to dress up like a techno
tribal shaman and come to a lighting ceremony for me? Dude, I just need to get some more towels
for my hotel room. I don't even know who
you are. Let the richt begin. In the world of magic. How much money would they have to pay you
to take this seriously? He's doing everything
that would normally get you to be like, Bro you're scaring the hoes, but like,
they're obviously getting paid enough to where they'll just, like, ignore that. I'm just happy to be on TV. Like,
I'm on TV. They're like, What channel am I on? A&E. That's the same channel with Hoarders,
right? Fuck. Got them. And they're like, Weighing their options. It's not TLC, so I'll take that. As one is birthed from one stage
to another, almost like a Phenix effect, where one is burned in the fire and rises
again. Fresh, new and alive. You know, Criss Angel is a lunatic. When the guy in Juggalo makeup with fire on his fingers
looks more normal than Criss Angel does. He looks possessed. Yeah. He looks completely distraught. He didn't. He didn't sleep that night. That's fucking John Boy's fault. It's fucking John Boy, I'm glad he's dead. God damn, John boy, you fucking loser. Criss, Criss, Criss! I can finally see you. Did you see that guy that brought his
two year old baby to the fire ritual? He must live like a house down
or something. There's no other reason he would be there. They couldn't find a babysitter. I don't think the whole ritual supposed
to end in someone appearing 30 feet away. Do you think the fire shaman
was pissed that that's not how you're supposed to do it? Like, that's not the way it goes? If I know anything about techno
tribal shamans. More than most. Is that.. I have no idea. Okay. And that is more than most people
know, too. I mean. All of a sudden he was there
and then he was gone. That quick, he's bat shit It's about
the strangest thing you'll see out here. So now that we've got that
first episode out of the way, it's time
to watch arguably the most insane concept for a Criss Angel Mindfreak stunt
that I've ever seen. It's quite possibly
the most ridiculous thing he's ever done and the most insensitive thing
he's ever done. Probably
because it's not exactly what he does. It's the context. The context is, I think, what makes this the most bananas thing
I've ever seen in my life. Well, I lost my uncle from an accident
that put him my Aunt Poppy
and their dog in a compromising situation. I wanted to dedicate this episode to them. I'm going to be duct tape as if I was
abducted, thrown in the trunk of a car. That car with me in the trunk
is going to be dropped into the water. And I'm going to do it in a fashion that
you would have to do in, about to drown. Can you imagine dying
a I'll say it not so great of a death. And then years later,
you're just looking down and you're you're you're shitfuck of a nephew. Your millionaire, your gazillionaire
nephew is just like, you know what kind of feel like I'm built different
and I think I could do what you couldn't you know matter of fact,
I'm going to duct tape myself in a trunk, and I'm still going to show you that you. You weren't shit,
and I can do what you couldn't. I'm going to prove to you that I can
escape a car crash better than you can. You stupid dead uncle. Also, I'm gonna invite your fucking wife,
and she's going to watch. She's going to watch me. She's going to. We're just telling her
she's getting a free trip to Vegas. She doesn't even know about all this
mind freak shit I do. She's going to watch. When you really think about it,
that's like so mean. I know. It's like, come relive
one of the worst moments of your life, and I'm making a show
out it of a magic trick out of it. But you get a free hotel room
at the Luxor, but you don't walk outside of your hotel room
between the hours of 11 p.m. and 4 a.m., because that's when Criss
is roaming the halls and. We don't validate parking.
So thats on you. Mindfreak. After Carrot Top. I thought I'd visit a very special friend,
Sully of Godsmack. I feel like this episode is Criss Angel. Just name dropping
famous people that nobody cares about. But when is the last time anybody,
anybody bought a ticket to see Carrot Top. Or Godsmack. Or Godsmack? I'm trying to go through my mind. What's the worst case scenario? To me? It's he gets caught
or trapped on something. That guy's really just
stating the obvious. I'm trying to think
of the worst scenario here, and it's probably Criss dying. We duct taped him up. We put him in the trunk of a car. We lowered him into a lake. I don't know what could go wrong,
but something might go wrong. I mean, it's really hard to put
your finger on, you know, sometimes the sometimes you're just. Duct taped in your trunk in a lake. Criss is like framing. This is like, I want you at home
to be prepared for this, but it's like I will
probably not end up in this situation. Maybe your uncles situation. Yeah,
but not the one you're doing right now. This very specific situation
now is going to happen to like maybe 20 people
and most likely they're not. They haven't seen Criss Angel. I think like that's
what I love about this more. He's like, Honestly, what my uncle went through,
that's light work. I got to I got to nerf myself because I'm that much better than my, my shitstick. Uncle, I'm going to one up that bitch. I'm going,
I'm going to be duct tape in my trunk and I'm still going to survive. What a loser. Put some chains and a master
lock on the trunk while you're at it. Just to fuck with my uncle. Just to make my aunt realize how stupid
my uncle is. She I think. I think she's in the front. Row too, look. And suddenly she found herself upside down
underwater. And the last words
she heard from her husband. Are you all right? Are you ready? We only get one. I would not want you to do this because of
now of our family history, right? Sure. You know, Criss is like. Yeah, right. Sure, I hear you, but I'm going to completely ignore
you and I'm going to do it anyways. One of us has $70 million
and the other doesn't, so. Yeah, the entire car with me in the trunk will be picked up by a crane
and dropped into the water. I have to make my escape out of the trunk
through the backseat. What if they like the slightest
miscalculation of, like, them being like, oh, we I think it's one of those cars
that doesn't have one of those backseats you can kick out. We cover every other base we had. We almost we almost had it. We killed Criss Angel. They're lowering him down
and they're like, Oh, fuck. Did that car have one of the things
in the backseat that pops out? It's a 93 Camry. Fuck. Number one I'm gonna state the obvious
if you're tired, you shouldn't be driving. Pull over, take a nap. Unless you're related to me,
in which case, drive
as fast as you can into an oncoming train. He was praying to the chicken
that he gifted with, like, ultra omnipotence
a couple episodes ago like that, like, it's like, yeah,
that chicken is now like beyond our scope of reality. What Chris trying to do to escape
with the car. It's very dangerous and it's very scary. Yeah. I don't know if his aunt really
sounds on board with the whole thing. I can't see how she could. He's like,
yeah, my family totally understands. And then she goes, It's very scary. I don't want him to do it. It's like she's reliving her most traumatic experience and he's like,
Yeah, my family, they totally get it. They're totally on board with all this. Oh, come on. If Criss Angel's uncle emerges from the water right now
alive, I will delete every Criss Angel video I've ever done. I will too. Maybe even my whole channel. I will too I'll buy every piece of merch. I'll buy the $3 million bandana. NOW. He was duct
tape before when he was inside the car. And then the car was under the water
and he was inside the trunk. So I got the duct tape off
and he got out of the. Trunk and broke out of the. Car. So Criss Angel
successfully dunked on his uncle, like severely dunked on his uncle. The hardest dunk. Well, yeah, so that was arguably the best Criss
Angel episode ever, probably. Yeah. My mind was totally freaked, bro. Mine. Mine too. And I think dressing this way
with the necklaces helped. I felt more immersed. I felt more into it. Oh, yeah. If I walked into a church right now,
I would catch on fire. But yeah.
Thank you. Spoons for being here. Jumping on the channel.
Thanks for having me, man. It was a good time. Yeah, it was good to finally,
finally settle the beef. Yes, I think the beef has been properly
settled. I think so. Well, guys, I hope you enjoyed us making
some goofs and some laughs at Criss Angel. Once again, if you did leave a like greeting down
below, it lets me know you enjoyed the videos
and it helps amount out of time. But anyways,
thank you guys again for watching. Thank you to Harry's for sponsoring. And with all that being said,
I will see you next time. Goodbye.