Milf Manor Is The Worst Reality Show I've Ever Seen

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Have you recently been thinking to yourself  "Man, I wish there were more dating shows.   There simply are not enough. And also I only  have one TV channel and it's TLC." Well you   probably don't exist. But if you did I'd say you  my friend are in luck because last Sunday the   new hit dating show MILF Manor dropped on TLC. The  learning channel, TLC, that one. Or as it's better   known these days the "look at those people. Aren't  you glad that that's not you?" Learning channel. Of course I was excited when I found out about  this show because even without watching it for   a second. I knew it was going to  be the perfect storm of cringe and   I was right but my excitement was misplaced  because man, this was a - this was a hard   watch. The show is basically a group of  moms going out to this island retreat to   find love. And just like most dating  shows like this, they may find love,   they may find drama, they may get their hearts  broken, maybe get made fun of on Now, while the show does air on TLC, I was able  to watch it with my Discovery Plus subscription.   Sorry, my second Discovery Plus subscription. I  have two. When I did my Mountain Monsters video, I   signed up for Discovery Plus through Amazon Prime  Video which is where I get all my shows because   everything's there. But the day that I needed  to go get my footage for the video for whatever   reason, the Prime Video Servers were down. So I  had to go to Discovery Plus, the website, where   I was not able to use my Amazon Prime account  to sign in. So I just had to sign up twice. So for the first and hopefully only time in my   life, I'm going to say that I'm  glad that I have Discovery Plus.   And also Discovery Plus. But with all that out  of the way, let's take a look at MILF Manor. "My name is April Jane and I am in my fifties.  I live in Studio City, California and I have   three amazing boys. I don't think any of my sons  realize that I have an extremely high libido." -Yeah, I don't know any reason why  your sons wouldn't know that about   you or why they wouldn't be actively  discussing it with you all the time. "I thought I had my whole life  planned but now I'm here open   to the adventure. I'm open to having a  connection with another younger man." -I thought I had my whole life planned  out but I guess just for some reason,   being on the show called MILF  Manor wasn't a part of that plan. "My name is Pola. I am originally from Mexico City  but right now I live in Miami, in a paradise." "Hi." "Hi." "How are you?" "I'm good." "My name is Pola. Nice to meet you." "Hi, Pola. Nice to meet you too." -'Hi, nice to meet you.   Um, yeah, I think I'll start off with a shrimp  cocktail and if I could get another glass of wine,   that'd be great. Oh, no, no, no. I'm not a  waitress. I'm one of the other moms, one of the   other milfs. Oh, and you know what? I wouldn't say  no to some roles. I - Okay, I'll be right back.' "I'm expecting for some guys to  walk up and introduce themselves   and here comes Pola and it surprised me." "Nice to meet you Pola." "Welcome to Mexico." -It kind of just sounds like the show  wasn't explained to you that well. "I'm not necessarily a competitive person but I'm  confident and she doesn't have anything on me." "Do you like Mexico? "I love it." "It's beautiful, right?" "It's gorgeous. "It is. Yes." "If someone proposed while I'm here,  that would be great news. Uh, I don't   know what - if it's going to  happen or not but let's see." -So far, especially with Pola, we've  got some pretty high expectations set.   She looking for love and I hope she  finds it. I hope they all find it.   On MILF Manor - on TLC. God,  this is so fucking stupid. "Oh really? Can I ask you your age?" "No you can't." -That's right. Never ask a woman her  age. Unless you're another woman who   is pretty much the same fucking age.  I feel like she can ask her her age. "My name is Soyoung. I am 50 years old.  When I meet good looking my type of man,   I introduce myself say 'hey,  I'm Soyoung and I'm so [beep]." -Okay, I'm sorry. The videographer in  me and I use that term quite loosely.   I can't help but notice how grainy  the confessional footage is like   on the green screen. It looks like  they filmed this with an iPhone 3GS. "I'm a fire love. I have to have  those fire love to have sex." -I know that right now Pola's thinking "Oh well,   you're drinking - you're drinking water  too. Cool. Now, I'm just the only one   drinking wine at 9 fucking AM in the morning.  They left it out for a reason god damn it! "I'm a fire love. I have to have those  fire, love to have sex. If I don't that,   I could have sex but I can't kiss  anybody because it's disgusting." -You know, most of the shows that I've  covered on this channel are ones where   like their kids probably don't love  that they're on this show but oh man,   if you are a preteen or a teen boy  and your mom goes on MILF Manor,   you are done at school. There's, that is not  going to - that's not going to go away soon. "My name is April. I'm 43 years old. I'm from  Detroit, Michigan. I want to date younger men   because a lot of guys that are older, they're  like in 'papa mode' and I want to get a chance   to do me a little. So, when it's time  for me to be grandma, like I'm ready." -What are you talking about? Isn't she 43? How   many guys is she meeting in their  early 40s that are in "papa mode"? "Ladies, where's all the men at? Are  you kidding me? You guys look great." -I'm starting to think that nobody explain  the show to them at all. They're like,   just go to the bar, watch Pola drink some  wine, and we'll figure it out as we go." "My name is Charlene. I'm from Jersey  but currently, I live in Los Angeles. So,   I'm wearing two necklaces today. The  first one is infinity necklace that my   daughter Ashley got for me and she's my oldest  daughter. She would be 28 right now. She just   had a birthday but she passed away when she  was 27. So, it's not even been a year yet." "Losing her was by far the hardest  thing I've ever had to do." -Well, that's not very funny. "I'm Kelly. I'm 50 years old and  my alter ego is Disco Mommy." "Hey, girl..." "Disco Mommy loves house music and Disco Mommy,  she's really spontaneous. She's just fun." "What can I get you ladies to drink?  Do we need a shot?" [Laughter] -I know that when she started pulling out those  shots, Pola was like, "thank fucking god". "Kelly has a big personality." "Don't play with me." "I do think that for me, it's really too much." -So, Kelly, the 'let's take shots' mom, she is  that person that I up in most dating reality shows   of this nature. She's the token reality show like  does the most kind of girl. They're always blonde   and this has nothing to do with it, they just  always happen to have a lot of plastic surgery. "All these women look amazingly hot, but they're  not me. Always good vibes. I have six amazing   kids, three girls, and three boys and I feel like  I've been judged by having multiple kids from not   having the same dad. In fact, that's the number  one question people ask me like - like 'From   the same guy?' I'm like, 'No, why would I  have six kids from the same guy? Hello.'" -I mean, she does to have a point even  if it is a point from Nick Cannon. "And then I realized I can teach  younger men a lot of things." "What are these things you can teach them?" "I don't know if I can see that on TV." -I mean, you could say it here. We're just  going to throw it up on Discovery Plus. Wait,   Discovery what? Discovery Plus. It's a  streaming platform. It doesn't fucking matter. "So, how's dating going for you now?  Do younger guys gravitate towards you?" -Goddamn, round two already. Pola  is - she is so relieved. She's like,   'I am so glad I'm not the token alcoholic'. "I already feel I'm the woman that  will get the least attention." "My read on Charlene is she probably  was very hot when she was younger,   more in shape. I just feel like she  doesn't know how to clam herself up." -Damn. It is not even been 10 minutes. "I was asking them what they do and then  now I'm thinking we should try to guess." "Just guess what you do." "Would you - I feel like you do  something like with human resources." "She's like corporate... Yes,  I was just gonna say that." "Yeah. Yeah. Right?" -Whether she meant it or not, that is such a diss.  Imagine just someone looking at you and being   like, ‘Yeah, human resources. You- you got that  human resources look to you.’ I would be livid.   Even if I worked in human resources, I don't want  to look like I work in human resources you know? "Have you guys been dating during  COVID? Have you been dating?" "I haven't been." "Not since." "Well, I'm open, you know, it's just whatever God has, I guess." "Amen to that." "Right? Whatever God's plan is." -'So what have you guys been doing? Have you  been like dating during Covid still? Well, I   don't know. I've been kind of all over the  place doing whatever - God's plan, you know?' 'No, I don't know. What the  hell are you talking about?' 'Well it's just like - okay so like,  you see the way I look at it is I'm -   I've fucked so many guys in the last 3 months.' "I've always been, you know, a believer. I  love the lord and I think it's important with   relationships. I think your partner having  God as a foundation is very important." -Does she know that she's on the TV show  MILF Manor? She's on Milf fucking Manor. "And we'll see what happens on this  amazing journey. I'm so thrilled." -So at this point, you may be wondering as I  was when I was first watching this, where's the   host? Is there a host? And the answer to both of  those is no, there is no host. I'm assuming they   did it to save money and they're just ripping  off the Zoe 101 - give everyone a fucking phone   thing. They will receive text on that phone and  that will guide the show and us as the viewer. "I'm a little excited but also nervous  because we have no idea what to expect." -But now that we got the chance to meet  all of the moms, it's time to meet the   guys and I'm so excited, I - I hope  they're all just big fucking himbos. "What's going on?" "Wait, they're our moms? Holy [beep]." "I'm like completely shocked. I see my son back  there and it's like 'Who are all these guys?'" -I am being 100% serious, I did not  expect that going into this. What   an awful awful genius fucking idea.  Knowing that TLC produced the show,   it's - everything's coming together  and making a whole lot of sense. "I knew my son Gabriel was  going to be in Mexico with   me. I thought he was going to be on  a separate dating retreat. But he's   in my dating pool and I'm going to  have to see my son date these moms." -Okay that makes a ton of sense because at  first I was thinking how do you not know   you're going to be on the same reality  show with your mom but knowing that were   intending to go on different shows makes  this believable, so I appreciate that. "I'm gonna be honest. I'm thinking first pick in   the draft. like I'm looking at  everything else before my mom." "Thank god for that." [Laughter] -Awesome Ryan with the - the  bare minimum. I'm glad to. "I'm here to find love. Don't get in my way." "Honestly, honestly, older women are very hot and   I know I got the swag and  I got the game for them." "Wow, this is like news to me." -Yeah I don't know why I've never had a  conversation about being into older women   with my mom who is an older woman. "But whenever I bring a woman home, it's all  up to my mom whether I'm dating her or not." "Yes!" -Why? "Been winning. Been winning." -Okay, so the son said "swag" a few minutes ago   and now she's saying "winning". What is  with this bloodline and dated references? "All these women are significantly older women.   So, it's pretty alarming. Not  in a bad way. Not in a bad way." "Let's go. We need to hit the bar." -I'm sorry. I have to point  out this guy's outfit. What   the fuck is that? He looks like a tech deck dude. "Hey you guys. I've got this text. So it says,   "Greetings. You are about to  start a unique dating journey." -So it was at this point of  the show when I realized okay,   they - they really don't have a host.  That's like for sure. It's 16 minutes   in now. They're just going to keep doing  the phone thing and you know that they were   just like hoping that everybody is a clear  and proficient reader for everyone's sake. "In the real world there's often  a double standard where an older   man with a younger woman is accepted. But  an older woman with a younger man isn't. Mm-hmm. "Not here." "Whoo!" "Okay, I got one too." "Oh." [Laughs] "Over the next few weeks." -'No way. I got a text too.  Says, Verizon Wireless,   your bill of 137... Wait, hold  on, it's just my fucking phone.' "You'll be part of a dating experiment  that will level the playing field   and see if you can find that special  someone from a different age group." "I got a text guys." -I hope they saved a lot of money not hiring a  host because this phone shit is getting old just   like going from person to person receiving the  text. I really didn't think a reality show could   get lazier than Next Best Influencer having Alex  Warren host the show via FaceTime. Although it   is TLC which gives them no fucking excuse because  they're a giant TV network and Awesomeness TV is   owned by Viacom actually. I forgot  about that. Never mind. I think it   was Next Best Influencer. That was the last time I   did anything Awesomeness TV related and I  was shook when I saw Viacom in my emails. "Out there actively searching, are you?" "Jimmy thinks so but who knows,   right? We might find the perfect love in  here. Uh-huh. Jimmy don't know about me." -Can I - can I just fucking go home please? "So, you're going to be 24. Your son's 23. "No, he's 20." "I'm about 21." "Oh, you're the baby." -20 years old. Holy shit! I don't think that's  okay. Very bare minimum, they should be old enough   to drink. Ideally, old enough to rent a car. Not  even just so he can drink, it's just - that's   so young. What if one of the sons was just like  11? Like they didn't flush out all the details. 'Yeah, we didn't really think this one through.  We just - you didn't have any other sons.' 'Then why did you put me on the show?' -I mean you're a fucking milf. "I'm going to be 22." "Whoo! That's what I like to hear." [Laughter] "And I'm probably the oldest." -Is she the oldest? I mean I know she's  got that been smoking Virginia Slim 120s   for 36 years voice but like I didn't think  she was that much older than anyone else. "Oh there's no way. There's no way!" -I'm not going to lie, Joey, he's got the risk." "Joey, Joey, which one's your mom?" "Yeah." "Ha!" "There she is." "You really want me to point her out?" "It's pretty obvious." "Joey is just a young bug and he's just  probably going to do something to my   mom and then try and hit on another  girl and then another girl so..." -Alright, this guy is giving Chris Angel a run for  his fucking money. Look at all of those necklaces. "Gabriel and I are both here because we wanted to   take this adventure. It literally  fell in our lap from the heavens." -I'm pretty sure this is the fifth outfit  we've seen him in and every time he changes,   it's a bit more of a jump  scare than the one before it. "I can't. I'm sorry." "Can you stop and just let me talk?" "Can you do it again? Can you not  see - Why are you seeing heavens?" "Because that's what I'm  saying. I - I'm my own person." -God I feel like this show just took MTV's Date  My Mom and then said 'what if it was real?'   Real bad but also real. I'd be willing  to bet this is the realest show that I've   watched in the past year. Which is not good  but I figured I'd point that out at least. "Attention daters. There are eight duos here.  And there are eight bedrooms in the villa." -So now our fabulous host phone  is going to let us know how the   living situation's going to be.  And spoiler alert, it is awful. "And there are eight bedrooms in the villa.  Each duo will room together. Not all the rooms   are the same. They are two large master  suites with hot tubs inside the room." -A lot of times when I watched these shows, I  always think about how funny it would be if I ever   got on to a show, mainly because of my YouTube but  also it would be fun to just fuck around and not   really take it seriously but I think with this  show, I am going to take the hardest of passes. "Head outside where the moms who are the most  in touch with their sons will win the suites." "We get the text that we're going to  be staying in the same bedroom and my   Mom and I we're really close but dating  lives are very separate. I don't want   to see who she's trying to flirt on and  now we're going to be living together." -Is it just me or is this guy like  sound different every time he talks?   He is changing up his accents more  than that guy changing outfits. "I have twins." "Do you?" "Three boys. Gabriel's a twin." "Oh wow!" "But they don't look like, fraternal." "Fraternal." -Imagine being the twin that had to do this like  god fucking da- why - why didn't Kevin have to do   this? What did Kevin do? So now it's time for  our first challenge which will determine who   lives with who and I can't imagine this is going  to be any worse than anything we've seen yet.   And no, I'm not saying that setting up a joke,  like it's actually going to be really bad, okay? "The moms get a blindfold and they have  to go up and touch all of the young men   and figure out by touching their chests and  abs and shoulders which one is their son. -Ha ha ha ha, you gullible piece of shit. Why  would you believe me? Why would you believe me? "The two moms that figure out who their son is the  quickest win the best suites in the whole house.   So, the competition is on." -Man, whoever wins this one, it's like  "Yeah, cool, you won but at what cost?" "There's still mommies in the house!" "If I pick Joey, hopefully I  don't pick him first because then,   yeah, we'll have a nice room but it's  like, I kind of want more than that." "Hmm." -I'm not trying to complain too much because  cringe and uncomfortableness works well on   my channel. I benefit financially from it  but is it not harmful to our society that   every time a new reality show comes out, it  has to top the previous ones by being worse? "Ugh. That's nice. Ugh." -Once again, great for my channel. Maybe harmful  to society though which is what I live by. "Me and José train every day at my  studio, so this is really easy for me." "This is José." "Oh!" -You could even see the faces on the  moms. They're like, "Yeah, good job,   I think." God, I don't I don't like this actually. Watching this, I was especially annoyed when  I heard that someone off screen was blowing   a horn because that means that there was  someone who could potentially be a better   host than phone. You know, if anything,  that person's probably sending the text. [Laughter] "Soyoung's style of trying to  pick her son was very aggressive." -I - I don't even have to  say anything. You guys know. -"I have a text. 'Congratulations.  Your time is a winner." [Cheering] "You get the suite." "Wow!" "Who's the second winner?" "Hit the hot tub." "Wait another text." "I got a text message." -See like right here with the phones they  got their first winner and now they're just   like "Hey, where's the - where's the second  winner?" and someone's off camera like... "Who's the second winner?" -Okay can you give me a goddamn second?  I'm the only one doing this shit. "So it says congratulations. I was second place.  I get the suite with a hot tub on the patio.   You're all welcome." [Cheering] "Yeah, José!" -Oh awesome. I get to share a room with my son.   The one with the vibrating  beds. Cool. Can't fucking wait. "You're not worried a little bit like  to sleeping in a stranger house with..." "No. I'm just going to stay close to you." "Oh you have a good relationship so there's..." "So, it's okay right?" "I mean, I guess." -'I mean yeah, we have a good relationship  but I'm trying to bag some pee. So,   maybe some distance wouldn't be  the worst thing in the world.' "I mean I honestly learned a lot from  like all that talking. I mean..." "You did?" "Everything that's come out of his  mouth has been just straight facts." "I'm just wrong. I'm just wrong." "And I'm just like..." "You're welcome. This is your dad." "Mom..." "Oh, wait. I just got a message." "Where are you? You said,  'Come up here.' Mom! Mom!" "Could you take it from a ten  to it two? We've relapped." -Okay, while I do admit this is not something  in general, I want to do with my mom at all   nor would I want to share a room and hear all  this stuff but Kelly's right. He needs to take   it from a ten to it two because every  time he opens his mouth, it's just... "What are you doing, mom!? Mom!  Oh my god! You gotta be Joking. "Just chilling." "Joking!" "I'm cock blocking my mom because first  night no. You've known her for 6 hours.   You can't just immediately go into you  know, I want to... and then... yeah." -Dude it's - you are on the television show MILF   Manor. Everything decent has been  thrown out the fucking window. So, now that day one's out of the way,  we can finally get to know each person   and get a better idea of what they're  into. Like Jimmy for example and no,   I'm not sending up another bit. Okay I - I  would never - I would never lie to you guys,   except for that one time or  unless it benefited me directly. "I find Pola absolutely beautiful. I'm a  man of great taste. I like great things.   I'm a very big feet person and Pola has  these feet that I just want to like oil   up and lather and just massage and get  real warm and then paint her toenails   maybe a color and like suck the acrylic  off them toes and shove them in my mouth." -You don't learn do you? You  don't ever fucking learn. This   is why you'll never get ahead because  you let me lie to you hand over fist. "We can't be vanilla bro. We got, like, moms  here. Like we gotta really step our game up." -You know that guy after hearing  this is just like slipping his   feet back into his Gucci flip  flop trying to hide his toes. "So Pola, I was thinking I really  would love to get to know you and   go on a paddleboarding date maybe  if you're like interested..." "Yes. That's cool. Let's do it. Yeah." "So, it's down on the beach. Uh, the paddleboard's  over there if you like to go with me." "Yeah, let's go." "Let's go." "Let's go." "It's our paddle boards." -Just watch like they're getting ready to  paddleboard and then she just says 'Alright,   let me just get on my boat  shoes and we'll be ready to go.' 'Oh you don't have to, you know, you  don't have to put those things on.' 'Yeah, I just want to protect  my feet. That's all. Perfect.' "Let's go." "Faster." -I gotta say, it works out pretty swell  that she's paddleboarded before because   I don't imagine it going well if she  hasn't. That shit looks really hard. "Hola. I get the fantasy suite tonight." "Never." "Kelly is not the type of  girl for José. I'm 100% sure." "You see his body language though? Look at it." "No." "Whether she likes it or not, I'm going to  do whatever it takes to take my man home." -Okay, this shot right here, José looks like  he is older than every woman on this show. "I like to win." "Hey, mom." "No, I can't." -The more that show goes on, among other  things that cross my mind throughout,   I can't help but notice how right I  am about her being the token reality   show woman. She's just hitting everything  down the list. Like she's starting shit   now which - she's not starting shit.  She just like to have a good time. "I've had my eye on José from day  one and I'm definitely going for it." -Wait, what happened to the guy from last  night? The - Was it Craig? Because she was all   over Craig last night. Granted she was slashed  but she was trying to get him up to the room,   trying to - trying to do stuff but now the entire  narrative has shifted and this is only episode   one. I don't know how many they're going to be.  Well, this is going to be a long long journey. "So is - have you ever dated older  women? I don't think I asked you that." "Yeah, I - I usually go for older." "See, and I usually attract younger men." -Well it's a good thing you guys are on  this show MILF Manor. Which by the way,   do they know the name of the show now that the  Twist has been revealed? Or do the guys still   think that they're on like Love Island?  Like this guy that hasn't talked one bit. "Are you here - what are you here  for? I guess I'm just curious." "Okay. I'm here for the same reason  as everybody else is. I guess to   go outside of our - the culture values that  we have and explore different opportunities,   different relationships, different connection  with people that we would never do before." -'I mean I'm - I'm just like - I - I  think what I would be, like my goal,   I just really want to get my dick sucked.' 'What are you here for on MILF Manor?' "Am I putting you on the spot?" "No. Not at all. I mean - on the - on  the contrary. On the contrary. Actually   it's - it's actually very - very cool that..." "I'm just curious." "Yeah, yeah. And I appreciate your question." "José and I were really connecting  as far as I'm concerned." -What do you mean "connect"? That was  the most basic conversation I've ever   heard. I've connected more with a  grocery store cashier than this. "Who do I think will hook  up first? I would probably   say Kelly. Last night she was all  over Ryan. Now she's after José." -Okay maybe I was a little bit off on the  - the whole Craig name thing. It's Ryan   is who I was talking about. Editor, cut  that out. Jesus Christ. You wrote on the   notes. Leave it in. Make a funny bit  out of it. What do you want me to do? Okay okay okay god damn it. Just  forget it. You're ruining everything. "She definitely wants to be the  belle of the ball or the Barbie   but I think that's - it's a little  much. Like this isn't a game show." -May I remind you the show is titled  MILF Manor and it is on TLC. I give   more respect to Parental Control  than this when talking about love. "Oh, la-la." "We was paddleboarding." "I did see that." "It doesn't look like paddleboarding to me." "We did." "It's not what it looks like. I swear." "It was really fun." "You want rosé, José?" "We'll bring you some rosé, José." "No, no, no, that's fine." -I want you to know I rewinded this like 10  times, I turned on captions. I still don't   know what she was saying. He basically repeated  what she said and she was like "no, no, no." "You want rosé José?" "We'll bring you some rosé, José." "No, no, no, that's fine." "Beautiful, thank you" -So I don't know what the hell that's all about. "hat if José falls in love with Kelly?" "No, she won't." "You see his body language though? Look at it." "No." "It's talking. It's talking to me." "No, I know it's not." -She's like, 'Keep that  plastic SLUT away from my son. "Pola makes it very clear that she just does  not like Kelly. So, if Kelly wants José,   I'm thinking that Kelly's going to have to either,  one, go through Pola or two, go around her back." -Man, the more that I watch is the more  that I realize this is exactly how dating   should be done. TLC really cracked the  code as they always do. They know best. "I thought she came here to date  a younger guy, not her son." "It won't happen." "But what if?" "No, I can't." -Man, imagine how Craig feels right  now. Like he was a gentleman last   night. He was respectful, he  walked Kelly up to a room,   did not fuck her in front of her son and  now he's gotta see this... unbelievable. "I like to win. It won't happen." "But what if?" "No, I can't." -Well guys, that was episode one of MILF Manor.  I'm not sure how I'm going to go on with the   rest of the show. I might just either watch it  on stream, watch it collectively and make just   a part two to it to finish off the show. We'll  figure that out later but if you guys did enjoy,   leave a like rating down below, comment, share  with your friends. It all helps me out a ton and   of course, if you are new here and you did  enjoy, consider subscribing and hitting the   notification bell so you can stay up to date  on everything I do. With all that being said,   thank you guys for watching and I  will see you next time. Goodbye.
Channel: Chris James
Views: 622,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: this dating show is insane, MILF Manor Somehow Just Got More Insane, MILF Manor is Truly Insane, Weirdest Dating Show Ever, chris james, cody ko, leon lush, penguinz0, weird dating show, cringey dating shows, bad reality shows, just as bad as you think, kurtis conner, watch cut the button, bad tlc shows, chrisjames, gabi belle, longlivespoons, gunnartv, gunnartvlive
Id: awj6m0VdXHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 56sec (1616 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 30 2023
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