[ 10 ] TOOT Beats the Game! • Bloodborne Randomizer

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get all the umbilical cords there another boss after this one understand before you say this about like the optional stuff understand this is a randomizer and I can not I like I I literally can't go into the game and be like I'm going to go get this item because I don't know where the that item is that item could be anywhere so if there's a spot where like it takes an item I can't do anything with that I got one of them though yeah I did get one of them though that doesn't disregard my statement what what I just I got one randomly I did not choose to get it it I can't just get the item but you got one though are there any that are actually accessible to what I have now you go back to the college there's another pair of big double doors at least another optional one okay I could probably do that then is it the electure building is that the school there was a [ __ ] ton of stuff in there right uh a big double door I hate this enemy I [ __ ] hate this enemy was it that door right there I [ __ ] hate this enemy he's like literally right next to a door that I was trying to open before going to run to the door it actually has my stuff there's nothing in here the three cords uh oh yeah it's down the pit about this uh what the fu Beg For Life the enemy was like in the wall got a key oh is this going to teleport me somewhere else now I should be something else [Applause] that's the enemy that like [ __ ] froze the game before down here is this okay to do is that is that okay I don't know if I [ __ ] I don't know if I'll die doing that all right well I'm down here now that thing is killing everything over here what in the world everybody down here is dying slowly to poison just melting away oh what's up big man this wasn't even the right way was it oh here we go here's some more over here again again again I guess [ __ ] that item with that's over there cuz I just don't [ __ ] doal that [ __ ] oh hello that item or I'm out of heals I am completely out of heals bro there's still so much more oh my God I'm so used to like [ __ ] Elden ring just being able to kind of cut through and jump down oh Shield that's cool oh I'm not going down there wait what [ __ ] that please tell me there's a uh [ __ ] like bonfire over here somewhere oh God God I tried to jump and it did not J oh my god oh get on the [ __ ] thing is it this oh my god look what's in there look what's in there I'm not [ __ ] going in there I'm [ __ ] going in there with no help what the [ __ ] there's got to be a a a [ __ ] is there not a lantern anywhere here nice I'm throwing knives and an old guy you have to have some health please please no I don't need this [ __ ] Haze [ __ ] oh well there's this I guess that's that's the [Music] elevator shot what in the world what who are you you bad guy good guy it doesn't even [ __ ] matter where the [ __ ] were you why weren't you here before I have 11,000 Souls I might as well I don't want to [ __ ] waste this but I might as well just go back and at least try to buy some [Applause] health wait did I never light that no way did I never light that I I would have been [ __ ] big time Big Time big time maybe I I can I get some more all right uh he the old man here we go I'm coming in and I'm missing so [Music] loud frame this more in this fight as well 60 FPS mod cannot save you in this one that one [Music] easy all right where's the next optional one where where is the I mean I guess I could go see if the I can see if this envelope is like normally where it spawns right um I'm just going to see if it's if it's there it's found in the upper Clinic sick room in the Forbidden Woods why you make me go back to the [ __ ] wood oh God oh God is it easier to go through the checkpoint or is it easier to just this whole thing oh is it by the hole oh my God why I did not want to be here oh this is that's why chat that's why I [ __ ] realized it that's why we never [ __ ] went that way because it [ __ ] breaks you see what you [ __ ] did you see what you [ __ ] did see what you [ __ ] did that's why we didn't [ __ ] go that way man I have to go to a different seed and then run run it back it like bounces me back it's so weird doesn't H it doesn't happen with like that on the other seat but over this way wait is it is the is there a fight here is there a fight here as well what is that oh wait what everything's dying here this is the place to farm the souls man I'm getting way more look at all look at all the [ __ ] money I'm getting here this is great you just look at that 3,000 just keep going just as I just did here this is this was this is way better another 600 500 another 3,000 [ __ ] 32,000 already just by sitting here just going to have to let this [ __ ] run overnight and just sit here and like just continue to farm this until uh I have so many levels that I can just uh Outlast that other boss you know God what is holy [ __ ] that was a [Music] mission I don't even remember this spot um is this still the right way climbed up here is it back here I went this way I definitely went this way before I remember that oh yeah this is the beginning of the game so am I just going back into the [ __ ] am I just going back in here wow the very first randomized enemy can't get in there it just says uh P to the left there another says there's another ladder is it regular one up here where you thought you went already but you actually didn't oh so is this the wait is this the wrong way I don't here why there so many items here though oh oh Father G what are you doing here man so good to see you you want to come back with me I guess oh no he can't do he can't do ladders he doesn't need to do [Laughter] ladders so that that's the be it was so then it was it was uh this wait I'm all [ __ ] jumbled up now this way I could have sworn I went this way oh well he can't climb this ladder I actually don't know where he is I guess he [ __ ] off already my sword being broken is very annoying thankfully most of this [ __ ] is like one shot it's not a good deal here we go where the [ __ ] oh there wait that's it right there okay now where do I use that oh my god oh is this where you get one of don't you normally get the umbilical Cort here God try to kill her should be able to hit her I can't it's not working I thought this is yeah I thought I thought I did this before but guess that part that part's [ __ ] then not going to be able to do that anyway where do I uh where do I go to use the uh [ __ ] this thing here Crossing swap seed uh I guess I could now I could swap it and see what happens here that might save it maybe [ __ ] it we try it f it oh oh it's somebody different now God can I hit you now brother hey it worked 11 thou 11,000 but no item yeah I mean with Starfield coming out tomorrow I highly doubt like once we start that unless it's like absolutely abysal I highly doubt we'll come back to this so we're just going to have to see it through and this is probably going to be it I'm going to have to [ __ ] just I'm going to have to probably just fight that final boss that shitty final boss and just uh be done with it I'm probably not going to be able to beat that other boss I need another 11k do I have enough uh is this one here okay where do I go to actually like use this oh there's like a giant Stone thing I guess that I have to like interact with oh where's father G man he's usually here all right CL is it this thing this thing looked out of place so [Music] ookie bye oh it's the snow area oh oh what the [ __ ] I just heard the bo Boop something like unplugged on my computer I remember this area ow Nas is underrated I haven't drank it since getting that branded deal so what was that oh my God I'm dead I can't even move [ __ ] off man oh my God I don't even give a [ __ ] about my Souls man just take me to the next boss oh my God there's a lot of puery up here though guys you're freaking isn't this one just on the rooftop is there is there only one boss in this area and it's like on the rooftop or it's like at the very top normally I think oh I'm just [ __ ] speed running through this [ __ ] um is this the right way or is it the other way going have to commit to this I guess oh my God it's like everything in here is a ghost and it everything is spawning as soon as I get close to it what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] oh my God what the [ __ ] I don't even I I don't know if I can get through this because this big [ __ ] in the way oh maybe I can things are like popping in out of nowhere and [ __ ] is this the right no oh [ __ ] he's still alive is he still down here or is he just yes he is what's up man got some do I need to go that way where the [ __ ] dog is or do I need to go the other way there's an item over there oh how does that how does that happen did I say anything about playing armored Core you're you're going to ask that question in here are you are you someone someone better inform you as to what I said about armored [ __ ] core man how dare you ask this question in here I love me and I'll play it tonight funny you asked it's actually on the agenda right now I just I love love Mech so so [ __ ] much that I just have been I've been waiting to play it not down here oh my God wait he that guy in the corner has my stuff oh my God [ __ ] it I don't want it I don't want it I don't want I don't want it anymore I don't want it don't want it don't need it oh my God I'm going to die here bro how do I feel about Titanfall same thing I actually never played the second one that everybody like really liked but Metal Gear when when the [ __ ] when the when the gears show up it sucks at least you at least you're like lighting them in that though but the giant [ __ ] things in Star Wars they suck not everyone has to be down for everything thank you thank you being reasonable I mean there's a lot of people that like they they get tired of like the zombie genre I love zombies and I'll [ __ ] I'll any zombie game even if it's done to death but I know there's people that don't like the zombie genre and they're like why is it always zombies it's like uh like that for me with mechs I [ __ ] hate it is this even the right way to [ __ ] go in the in this there's no other oh wait there is another way oh God what if someone combine mechs with zombies um they kind of did the [ __ ] Dead Rising 4 had like some shitty exo suit that you would get on on Frank it was [ __ ] awful oh is this just a oh no wait is this just a checkpoint and that's oh what the [ __ ] oh there's a ladder oh there was a ladder back there oh [ __ ] I was about to [ __ ] go the whole way back around because I thought there was another way why the [ __ ] is there a ladder bro this [ __ ] guy and now now he's just going to [ __ ] leave where the [ __ ] is there b you're a [ __ ] bit you're a [ __ ] bit you're a [ __ ] [ __ ] for that there's literally there's no [ __ ] ladder here what what what what what are you talking about oh it's right here blind big money big money big money garbage where the hell is the boss at the parkour my ass over there this [ __ ] like doesn't even look like stuff that you should be doing in this game but I do remember doing that before I do use those ah there is all right let's see what it is I did not get like a checkpoint at all through any of this [ __ ] so who that oh it's so it's that [ __ ] fing thing that's like in the uh in the [ __ ] chalice dungeon one of the three that I was literally just fighting oh damn I feel like it hits harder though yeah oh my [Music] God bro I thought I was going to [ __ ] send it off the map oh my God I don't even know if you can I'm running out of bullets though damn like the way it [ __ ] just send them back though oh no no no no no no [Music] oh [ __ ] now I'm [Music] out God damn [Music] [Music] ow that guy was not that bad oh Crown is that actually like a wearable thing or is that an item oh it is a wearable I'm the king now going to sit on it there's nothing even there what the [ __ ] wait is there more to this I thought this was it uh I thought it was just the one visitor I claim no subjects but here lith our Throne NE a forus or get thee gone Neil Neil s yeah how about that H get out your chair easily orid get the [ __ ] up out of the chair come on all right uh I guess we're going to leave things on a massive Cliffhanger then chat I think it's a massive Cliffhanger we're going to go back and I guess spend the souls that I have on health and [ __ ] and then that's it one day maybe we'll return and and finish the game and or do the uh that other that other boss I guess the the double because that they're going to push my [ __ ] in but first I have to buy one level hey I said I would beat it I said I would beat that final boss but you guys aren't letting me so let it be known uh that twitch chat is not allowing me to finish it if I wanted to I would go I would go right over there I already know that end boss and he's garbage I would take him out easily do it then if I do it it's going to end the game we'll never going to we'll never come back if I do it uh it'll be over either I go in here and I [ __ ] beat the boss and you get a shitty ending or you get another shitty ending because I [ __ ] uh abandon the game for for an extended duration of time because Starfield comes out uh at the time of streaming this tomorrow so I won't be [ __ ] back to this game and I don't know how long so take your pick right now go ahead Pi take your pick either way take your pick it looks like for the most part it looks like people are voting to Just Beat the Boss Chad is now voting to Beat the Boss by a landslide so it is it is this is happening twitch chat wants an actual ending as opposed to a non-ending cliff [Music] hanger so we're just going to beat this guy's ass wait does it does this guy have a second phas it still might be this still could be bad I guess depending how this goes this first phase whatever this is [ __ ] getting destroyed here [Music] though I don't know if there is is there a second phase he's kidding [ __ ] this that's it that's it he's done that's it okay bro that was it all right I Quick Quit [Music] out never happened I did it I got 120,000 will it just like load me into the what if it loads you think it's going to load me straight into the [ __ ] ending now I don't know oh [ __ ] I still have it oh he's gone no wait oh [ __ ] thing is there that this is the ending cut scene okay well that's good then oh then I was fine to like end it there [ __ ] that well wasn't too bad if we come back we come back if we don't come back then that's it I guess I mean it's over then I guess I think it was still pretty enjoyable for a console uh 60fps mod and randomizer it ran pretty all right there was only like one instance where it kind of hard crashed and I had to do some Jerry rigging to get it to work again but other than that it all worked PR pretty [Music] [Music] well
Channel: UberHaxorNova
Views: 20,873
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bloodborne, bloodborne randomizer, dark souls, randomizer, all bosses, elden ring, souls, bloodborne gameplay, bloodborne bosses, bloodborne part 1, bloodborne walkthrough
Id: Y249YilMq7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 47sec (2327 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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