The Worst Airline Experiences - Key & Peele

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[Music] economy plus oh for the discerning passenger [Music] we're not in kansas anymore khatto good morning ladies and gentlemen we are about to begin boarding south northern airlines flight 34 to grand rapids excuse me boarding group one i'm gonna board a group one excuse me i'm importing group one and we would like to begin pre-boarding with our first class passengers first class passengers only please next our business class passengers may now board okay now we would like to welcome our regal alliance elite members regal alliance elite members okay now all passengers with children anyone with small children you may board now okay we would like to continue boarding with uniformed military personnel what why could this is thank you for your service thank you so much for your service god bless you thank you for your service thank you for your service all right people in wheelchairs any priests nuns rabbis imams what why do they get special treatment asalam alaikum i've never that's typical any old people in wheelchairs with babies [Music] any old religious people with military babies what's a military thank you for your service jason schwartzman anyone with a blue suitcase you may now board finally no not you sir not me this is a blue suitcase that's a blue computer bag so you're not you're not gonna let me on then god damn it anyone who doesn't seem cranky drunk people who will now be boarding any drunk people drunk people nope it's my bag ooh hello oh hey christian yeah totally well you have your favorites and i have my favorites okay call you later morning group one [Music] i got him i got schwartzman [Music] [Applause] [Music] get a boarding group one [Music] he talks too much that's why i like you you don't talk you just listen it's good and the captain has turned on the fasten seat belt sign got a little turbulence coming up should be no problem just remain in your seat until the sign is turned off thank you for your cooperation okay excuse me i'm gonna go to the bathroom hi excuse me yeah yeah i need you to take your seat the fasten seatbelt sign is on yeah i'm just gonna go to the bathroom for a second i'll be right back okay i understand what you want to do uh unfortunately i'm gonna need you to observe the fasten seatbelt sign that'd be much appreciated right just i read on the internet that it's not against the law for me to go to the bathroom while the fast and seat belt sign is on so see about sign but is it against the law though the light is on is against the law you see that there's a picture of a seat belt on that side no but is it against the law though the fascinating thought but is it against sir what is it against the seatbelt sign is on but is it against the bell sign but is it against the law it's only time the toilet can you lower your voice i have to piss and i have to okay lower your intensity you're louder than me you're yelling you're in my face sorry you're the one who i think needs to tone it down right now you are screaming at me you're hurting my eardrums that wasn't a word you're not saying a word this is a word that's not that's not a word that's a tongue trick okay sir sir sir if you would like i would not like to i would not like to sit down what i'd like to do is go take the bathroom because it's not against the law so i'm gonna go to the bathroom okay mark with a k uh so [Music] ah [Music] [Music] oh your captain has turned off the fasten seatbelt sign feel free to move around the cabin thank you for your excuse cooperation oh excuse me sir are you sitting in 26g yes have i done something wrong no no no we just wanted to ask if you would mind switching seats so that a mother and a child could sit together but i'm back there right yeah but you'd actually be sitting here [Music] which is an economy plus um it's actually an upgrade upgrade you say economy plus yes sir oh don't mind if you do great great uh carry on carry on yourself alex thank you [Music] economy plus for the discerning passengers [Music] we're not in kansas anymore ladies and gentlemen this is your captain speaking we should be leaving topeka in the next 10 minutes i stand corrected looks like we're gonna have a smooth flight trust me i know the captain and he's one smooth guy [Music] [Laughter] of course he knows the captain he is the captain oh oh move over colin mockery there's a new face in the biz his name is captain we have to be an economy plus to cut it i guess [Music] extra foot room one inch at least [Music] oh dog ears from my convenience lord of the rings cops lord of the rings tables [Music] holy shatsu massage economy plus it hurts a little bit but i like it so and i thought i had an upgrade yo hey y'all hon y'all excuse excuse me oh man oh man oh man i tell you one thing if 9 11's toward to happen up on this airplane don't worry we got this okay okay i have no idea what you're talking about he's saying that fdm terry's just gonna try some up in here today like the bounce boogie and bump that we got this do you help mean baby he ain't talking about terry guard and i certainly ain't talking about no terry cloth i mean if a terry up on this plane even thinking about trying to do something we're gonna wax him up you you're gonna you're gonna what we're gonna drags you know scouts i think what my partner's trying to say is if any terrorists come up in here we gonna get our bergeron did something happen or did i miss something as hypothetical or oh we're going to definitely drop some hypotheticals on that terry's clavicle because i'm talking about don't you just wish so don't you just wish in your heart of heart some terry would come up in here trying some grab ass and the touchy feely that's the opposite of what i want to have happen on a plane okay that's unfortunate conference this was unexpected it certainly was i'm thrown right now as to who's gonna be our comrades he can still hear you doesn't have the heart not a gumption you're literally right next to me oh three break three you who i got an idea feel free to say no but can we switch seats i will not take no for an answer why that's the combat seat jonathan livingston's ego if you're going to be in the combat seat then you got to be willing to blast up on some carries because the great power comes great a trilogist okay i just i just wanted some leg room um okay max leg room you get yours meanwhile i'm gonna go hayden pantanieri on some terries especially when they get froggy ribbit baby um you gonna have to be ready to kidnap a terry i don't you gonna have to be ready to touch you a tear i don't think that's necessary absolutely you have to fireboard those mother gems i don't even understand what that means do you trust me no i'll take that at the yeah okay draft these terry's come up in here trying to act froggy then we going to give them the rainbow connection yeah won't get from getting from there frog box cutter oh you best believe it baby we gonna be eating like diane keaton 2.35 inches baby [ __ ] wax perfectly league well and if those don't work you know i'm working up that plan b brother [Music] god oh yeah 3d printer baby 100 percent polyurethane they can't detect these mammograms oh [Applause] [Music] drax hello [Music]
Channel: Key & Peele
Views: 2,432,680
Rating: 4.9212747 out of 5
Keywords: Key & Peele, Key and Peele, Jordan Peele, Keegan-Michael Key, keey & peele, Key & Peele full episodes, key and peele show, sketch comedy, key & peele characters, airplanes, airplane, planes, air travel, airline, airlines, plane, boarding, boarding group, pre boarding, first class, business class, plane tickets, plane seats, seatbelt, turbulence, flight attendants, flight, upgrade, economy, bathroom, passengers, terries, funny, funny video, comedy videos, funny jokes, funny clips
Id: v4lpI8t4ySY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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