The World Over September 16, 2021 | Jesse Watters with Raymond Arroyo: JESSE SAVES THE WORLD

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my next guest got a taste of being in front of the camera while doing street interviews for the o'reilly factor on fox news channel now he's hosting his own show on the network waters world along with co-hosting the very popular the five more recently he has a loft to your goal in mind it's also the title of his new book how i saved the world it's part autobiography and part commentary skewing what he calls left-wing radicalism please welcome to the program jesse waters jesse thanks for being with us look i've got to start with this title first of all i didn't realize that you would save the world and if this is salvation i'd like a do-over i'm going to have to write another book that's what we're going to do because obviously the first book didn't take raymond but obviously the world is mine and that was the franchise that o'reilly concocted and if people read the book they know how bill came up with this and he didn't really even come up with this it was a mistake someone had put water's world up on the editorial rundown board as a joke and bill thought he had come up with it and thought it was brilliant because it's kind of a play off the biggest box office bomb almost of all time water world with kevin costner i think it lost about 250 million dollars so he said all right waters we're going to name this uh after a flop uh let's see if you can do any better than that so that's how we got waters world and my wife came up with how i saved the world so she gets full credit okay well good good give uh i hope you don't give her too much of the royalties because you know that can get really expensive just she'll spend it all on the clothes they all do i want to delve into the real jesse waters here now look you never struck me as an ideological guy now i know you grew up in a liberal home so where did this conservatism come from and when i listened to limbaugh and that's kind of how i became a rush baby in college i was inebriated and woke up from a stupor and they had c-span on it was republican senators on the floor talking about policy and i figured that's kind of what the founding fathers had in mind and the next day i tuned into rush and that was it and i was never a super partisan i'm more of just an american and if things work from this side of things work from that side that's good for me but trump comes along america first i always liked that i was big into pat buchanan in the 90s because he was all about rebuilding the american industrial base our manufacturing base keeping jobs here instead of shipping them overseas i always liked the tough war on terror attitude from george w bush and i thought obama was a disaster so when trump came along he really grabbed me and the rest is history what you see it on tv is what you get jesse i love how you even did the buchanan chop as you brought buchanan's name up that was that's wonderful how you did that now how did you come to fox and tell me about the o'reilly job interview which you relate in the book well i had been fired for many jobs in finance apparently you have to have a little grasp of arithmetic to handle millions of dollars of other people's money so i i was working on the campaign after getting fired from finance and uh that campaign ended the new york governor won and i knew someone who knew someone you know how that works raymond and i started off in the basement of fox no health care freelance making no money and i heard there was an opening on the factor and so i went in for an interview and it was his during his radio days the radio factor and he came in during a break and he sat me down in the room and he looks at my resume and he says what's your father do i think he thought i'd gotten the interview because i was well connected i wasn't that well connected my dad's not a banker so i told him what my dad did and the next thing i think he forgets i'm in the room dead silence so all of a sudden i said bill i just read your latest book it was amazing and all of a sudden bill's head perks up and he says you seem like a smart kid you start monday so he hired me and then the next week he almost fired me because i was a mess during a pitch meeting and we talked about that and how i saved the world yeah those are bru those pitch meetings with o'reilly were brutal i mean that was like you know a vikings viking epic tell me what did you learn from bill jesse i see some of his style in you i have to tell you well just kind of being a producer for his show for almost 20 years it's hard not to pick up on some of the mannerisms and the gesticulations but bill was always a hard news guy from the beginning you know he came up in cbs abc and he was a real reporter so it was very important that when he delivered his opinion as when i deliver my opinion it has to be fact-based you have to base your opinion on facts and i try to do that on water's world and on the five and so that was something he taught me and he taught me also a lot about fairness you do want to give the other side either guests or the democrats an opportunity to just kind of say what they believe in or address the issue from their perspective and then you can hammer them but you got to give them a chance so i was trying tried to be fair i tried to be fact based and then in the field he taught me everything about how to be aggressive kick down some doors get in people's faces and that was something that really started to take off when we started ambushing bad guys judges who gave soft sentences to sex offenders and that kind of put me on the map yeah well you write in the book how those men on the street interviews and occasional ambush interviews on o'reilly spring break reports aside waters helped put sex offenders behind bars several states passed jessica's laws as a result so i mean in that respect you kind of did save the world well yes unironically we did save a lot of children from sexual predators because the whole point behind jessica's law which was a mandatory minimum 25 years to life for first time child rape so a lot of judges were giving perps probation or a year or two for raping children for sexually assaulting children under 13 years old and you got to take the discretion away from these judges who believed in restorative justice the soros methodology that these guys they can be rehabilitated but they can't they they're recidivists meaning they they repeat and repeat and repeat their crimes there's no healing these perverts so you have to keep them off the streets so they can't reoffend and after this i guess 50 state assault on these stupid judges and politicians we had 45 out of the 50 states eventually passed these tough mandatory minims and that was something i was very proud of yeah you should be it was important it's very it's crucially important in protecting a child's innocence but what could be more important than that you include a chapter speaking of innocence family you include a chapter dedicated to your mom's text messages which you regularly read on the five but in the book you respond to her and you've said she cried when the book hits doors are you still speaking is what i want to ask first we are on speaking terms raymond yes okay can i know you saved the world but can you save your family your mom writes texts like and you quote these in the book what makes you think it's appropriate to viciously disparage insult and dismiss a member of congress how does that behavior contribute to any sort of civil discourse humility helps character counts think about that jessie she writes in another place she says please pronounce your ings the word is pudding not putin pig peeking restocking and elsewhere she says i am honestly concerned about your colleagues they've begun to roll their eyes at your diatribes so i guess this is just you're trying to keep things friendly and light here but it is good that you're communicating with mom and she has a very different political take on things she's not salvageable raymond she's beyond saving that was the one thing i couldn't save in writing this book she's now just as hostile she does she keeps it to herself during the trump presidency she was truly radicalized she'd gone to the women's march she was just just flew off the handle at everything and so you used to get inundated with these vicious texts during the show which is live right which at the beginning it was rattled me a little bit like my own mother disparaging me my character my integrity and then i'd have to go back to the next station and do my thing but the book gave me an opportunity to respond to each of these horrible attacks on myself and i tried to do it in a fun way but she's gone no i was following reasoning still she worships fouchy you know she's not i wouldn't say she's antifa left but i maybe maybe squad light she's squad like raymond oh boy so she's not exactly a member of the buchanan brigades is what you're talking about oh no no okay did you tear down that statue if one was ever erected well maybe your next book could be how i saved the world but lost mother i mean this could be a great collection of the text messages i was screaming reading that chapter by the way okay in the book you write that you see yourself as a cultural anthropologist because you've traveled the country you've seen all these different people in different uh you know ambush settings give me your take on the state of people as you see them now americans everyday americans beginning with manners with the way they interact with one another particularly coming out of this covet thing or maybe we're in the middle of it it's a really great question because there is a silent majority which you're in touch with because you travel and you don't spend a lot of time in manhattan but if people got out of manhattan and if people got out of the swamp they would see a country that's actually unified raymond and you know this when you go to restaurants when you go to football games when you're out and about at the grocery store people are friendly people are polite and i'm not just talking about blacks and whites and hispanics men and women of all ages from all backgrounds no matter where they're from are genuinely nice people in the united states of america and they're respectful of each other and what the media does and they zone in on conflict racial conflict especially or conflict regarding vaccine on vacs as you see today and they exploit these conflicts and inflame these conflicts so regular americans think we're at war with each other raymond we're not at war with each other everyone's fine that's true i'm fine you're fine maybe i get heckled sometimes and get called a nazi on the upper west side that's me most people don't get that right and you see that out there but if you live in a media prison you'd think this was 1930s germany you would think this there are clans walking around burning crosses nothing could be farther from the truth yes there's some police misconduct in a extremely small perspective you know yes there's i don't want to say the word but there's jerks can i say jerks to raymond to royal there's jerks out there making fools of themselves and throwing punches and acting like animals okay but most people aren't like that raymond most people are like you no well groomed polite mannered well-educated people that just want to earn a living and go out to dinner have a few drinks maybe maybe watch some sports take care of the kids mow the lawn get a new car that's the kind of life we live in they want to take care of their family and their community right a nice happy life with their families that's it right hang out with their friends and the media the media fans the flames of division and the tiny things that divide people and and and metastasize those into what the country they believe looks like on the other hand we see in these school boards all across the country these parents coming together becoming very vocal for their children by the way that's not a political movement but right as you mentioned a moment ago it's about protecting the home front it's about protecting the family so in some ways this rot all of these attacks might be a catalyst for positive change i would agree with that and that's another good point i hate telling you you're making these great points because it's going to go right into your head too that is a really good point i know because if people do go crazy there's going to be a majority of people that react to the crazy and it is a majority that are reacting to crazy and i would guess and i don't even need a pollster to pull this and you know that there's a majority opinion on against critical race theory in this country 75-80 percent there's a majority opinion in this country they want strong borders they want an orderly process at the southern border they don't want wide open borders a majority of this country wants clean water clean air they want to preserve green america okay a majority of the country doesn't want to pay 350 for a gallon of gas these are majority opinions in this country but because of social media and because of the left-wing media we're put in a position where we're having to defend opinions that are shared by 80 percent of the country like we're in the minority we're not in the minority raymond we are in the majority it's a very loud annoying angry minority that's trying to call the shots and a lot of it is so annoying sometimes we submit to it we give them what they want we say okay go away but if we keep saying okay go away we'll give you what you want they're going to take everything you give them an inch they take it right so you just got to say no knock it off we're not playing that game and they'll just go around and find a softer spot to penetrate you know i was going to ask you what the secret sauce was to the five dominating the ratings for so long but i think you just revealed it you are defending kind of common sense middle ground america and it reflects a majority opinion i mean that really is the secret sauce i think well the secret sauce is gut-felt let's let's be honest is the tasty secret sauce but right so it's a conversation on the five just like a conversation at a bar or a dinner table we listen no one listens anymore and you form different opinions based on hey maybe that makes sense uh maybe that doesn't make so much sense and that's why people watch because it's at the top of the show maybe you'll get newsier and more partisan in the back half of the show you know we're doing stuff on netflix which people can relate to barbecue cultural stuff which again people can relate to where animals are great so that's why the show's so appealing but before i let you go if you could do one thing jesse waters that you are not doing now professionally and i could grant that wish what would that one thing be you save the world but you don't you don't have any other options for what you would be doing now raymond i'm not going to answer that question because i'm not going to take the come on people are watching people are watching i don't want to step on toes i'm very happy where i am right now i'm very grateful for these great opportunities we were talking before we aired this you fake it till you make it i'm happy i'm not fired raymond is all i just want a nice long career i could be a game show host at the end of it try not to get fired say what i believe let the chips fall where they may well jesse there could be an opening at jeopardy any day now you know they keep revolving through uh hosts so maybe there's a possibility but i want to just mark this for the time capsule i finally got jessie waters to give us a politically correct answer i thank you for that only you raymond pull that off well this barbara walters and me were the only two people capable of this uh how i saved the world by jesse waters it's available at bookstores everywhere online jesse thanks for being here see you soon thanks i'll see you on water's world raymond new bed [Music] you
Channel: EWTN
Views: 1,471
Rating: 4.9682541 out of 5
Keywords: wot06179, wot_spot, ytsync-en
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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