'Watters' World' investigates 'white privilege' campaign

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paper pencils and privilege that's right Democratic student leaders at Elizabethtown College in Pennsylvania have asked their peers and professors to wear white puzzle pins to bring attention to white privilege we wondered if their campaign would just cause more division among the races instead of bringing people together so water's world traveled to central Pennsylvania to see what it was all about why are you wearing a white privilege button because I'm acknowledging that I have white privilege because my skin tone is white you look a little flushed though not completely white yeah cuz I'm embarrassed me talking about food what is white privilege I don't know if I'm qualified to answer that question your wife white privilege month here at a school how do you guys feel about that nobody really cares yeah white privilege is a myth white privilege month don't you guys think you're taking away from Black History Month ah that's an interesting question I don't feel like I would be turned down from a job or anything like that because my skin color I turn you down for your hair how does it feel to have white privilege well I think being white I don't necessarily feel it I think it's something that other people are noticing it oh wait you don't know that you're white do you mean I'm not white oh yeah no I know I'm white maybe they might look at me and maybe if I dress a certain way it might look like and I look like I'm that's a dog or something oh because you have a hoodie hoodie right yeah there you go yeah I'll make me I might look like a bad guy if you could change your race would you do that mm no because that would change who I am fundamentally so you like your white privilege I that's a good one that's a double-sided one do you believe white privilege exists in this country yeah then how do Obama become president it is easier in America to be white but I do not believe in white privilege is it easier to be white on the dance floor I mean I can't dim save my life I trip over patterns in the carpet do you feel guilty about your white privilege sometimes but it's just a part of me I wouldn't change that I'm white race is a social contract so you're not white I am Italian I'm American so isn't it more determinative to be have American privilege than have white privilege okay I'm going to stop all right we were doing so well I thought joining me now with his take on all this is deputy editor of The Daily Caller as well as the author of the brand-new book no campus for white men Scott Greer so I talked to all these college students and I still don't even understand what white privilege is can you please explain it to me well white privilege is a term that they use for all Caucasians living in America and other Western countries have these inherent social privileges such as they can walk into a mall and security won't be eyeing them that they wait why will I want security I meet when I walk into a mall because they apparently according to the theory is that mall security only targets minorities they give more attention and apparently that hurts their lives okay so they say that white White's benefit this they call it an invisible knapsack that we all carry around and we get all this privilege it's these social privileges you really can't legislate it about policy and I don't know how wearing puzzle pins is going to change anything about it I mean just making you look silly yeah I don't know when you put the puzzle pieces all together I don't know what that's supposed it's too much white privilege for anyone to handle yeah so assuming that there is a little white privilege let's just take that for granted what am I supposed to feel guilty about that yeah I think that was I feel guilty that's what they want you to feel to feel guilty I mean the whole purpose at elizabethtown is like we're putting these puzzle pins on just to show our shame for having white privilege no it's something that you didn't even have an eCourse over we didn't determine our color or skin or birth you know it's we didn't check it office like yeah I want to be white to have all this print I didn't pay white privilege it's something that you have no control over yet people are supposed to be feeling guilty about it so if you feel guilty about your white privilege what are you supposed to do about it what can I do well as the examples just feel bad about it I outlined it much about feeling bad yeah I aligned in my book do okay mr. white and all the examples of like how it's just about making white people kind of feel bad for all these privileges and now we even have Hillary Clinton last year in her camp in her campaign campaigning on I I do have white privilege which is well what are we supposed to do about that you know I think white privilege does exist but there's no white privilege on the basketball court because when I play I can't jump I can all I can do is shoot I mean I'm a mess out there so I don't think it's an across-the-board thing no it's not I mean everybody in life has certain difficulties that they have to overcome it's or advantages that other people don't have and just reducing it to a racial thing just creates more division and doesn't ease race relations it just makes them worse so I think it's it's almost keeping things around that we shouldn't have that's trouble I mean there's also there's handsome privilege there's tall privileged I think everyone's privileged in one way or the other but I don't feel that guilty about it I have to say thank you very much sky really very few
Channel: Fox News
Views: 1,852,038
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Keywords: Jesse Watters, Watters World, Education, College, Controversies, On Air, Personality, Primary US, US, Fox News, News
Id: biCVmdEMvyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 36sec (336 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 25 2017
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