"Unseen Worlds: Jinn & Islamic Ruqya" with Imam Ammar Shahin

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Mooka Kelly met a fella here funk FLE let the g2 to Jack it has a staff as a dealer with a standard a Stein be left well Amanda so bro man and the Nostromo so when the Melrose loose a lot Harlem and then Umatilla which Tamara titanium Farooq a machine Lainey Absaroka LMG and cut cut a bevel Alec varlam and metal estimate on a yellow rookery Shaheen Leia Baruch a Alicia and cut cut above above our lake raffia to declare or just fell off this is one of the major a hadith that amendment now al rahim allah tala used in his book the for hadees a favor now e and one of the best teaching of rasulullah sallallahu taala to start off this topic because a lot of people think when we speak about the topic of jinn and magic and magicians and things that are related to tau is at and Tulsa and the amulet and all of that we are trying to scare people from the life of the unseen it is a reality and the prophecy Salim said to it now Bessie said protect Allah meaning following the religion of Allah and the comments of Allah Allah protect him and he said at the end of this beautiful hadith he said know that if all of mankind were to come together to benefit you they won't be able to benefit you except if at las peñitas Allah has decreed it for you and know that if they all come together to harm you they won't be able to harm you except what Allah has decreed upon you the pins have been lifted and the books have been or the books are dried meaning the cutter for lies said so if someone is going to be harmed he is going to be harm regardless of how cautious he is and how careful he is and if someone Allah decides for interval to bring benefit to him no one could stop that benefit okay one second point that is very important everything we speak of today is to give you information not to use or to scare you we are relying upon allah subhanaw taala and know that allah subhanaw taala is power is beyond any power that we could imagine so what's the Sunnah of this first of all this topic because of the time it seems impossible this topic is a workshop of six hours so if you want to stay here six hours I have no problem okay I am gonna only pick and choose from the topic that I feel that is relevant to our time and that is most important for you to take home and then I will pass out these papers of rupiah and the Quran rupiah to take with you as a gift and share a lot I'm gonna show you some stuff that I brought with me from the life experience Rasulullah sallallahu said in the hadith narrated by the head that I shall do Bhuvana she said the prophets of allah Rosalind complained for one month from an inflection of magic and when he used to see things that happens or appears that are not true so he would see that he entered his house and he ate something then you say to Aisha you know what I came early this morning I ate this thing and she said you didn't come to the house till allah subhanaw taala after a month sanjeev really is sena taqueria muhammad otaku you're complaining he said yes he said then I will teach you something to use he thought Rasulullah SAS Allah the best of rakia he said close your hands together and recite put our uber of big fellow and put our Dogra penis 11 verses why because la Vida Blue awesome the person who caused Rosalind to go through this magic illusion he was he tied eleven nuts and every knot he had a needle and rasullullah sallallahu Salam every needle they removed from the little toy okay I think I actually have it every needle they removed from from the body of Rasulullah sallallahu taala he felt complained so he said pull arrow develop envelop min sharri Mahalo that's that's exactly how it looked like the Voodoo that a lot of people are used to today so he said this this our Sulu lost us some time that's what libidinal awesome did to the prophet sallallaahu send them in the Hajis and he said every time they say pull out of a pill fella and one nut will be untied and the needle will be removed and he would say oh my body so it will hurt where the needle was exactly placed so a lotta thought his problem this concept of Rukia and this is what's more important if you understand this life of the unseen there are lots of hammer Tyler told us about in the for M as the first characteristic of the believers first surrender for Ellen is what after Fatiha so little battle a mosque father I said Alif LAAM Meem then he can see terrible ly if Fe he would have been worth talking correct who are those who talk in what's their first characteristic alladhina you owe me noona will wipe the table live in the unseen well one one of the creatures of the unseen or the gym and I'm gonna show you today certain types that that our houses might be afflicted with and how to deal with it so what is rakia Rukia is a spiritual healing it's the use of Koran or a hadith or has come or terminologies that do not contradict Quran and Sunnah and you're using it with an intention to cure yourself and to feel better now where did that come from and this works with everybody we today as Muslims are obligated to seek help from the experts when we get sick we have to go see a doctor no problem with that and he should and the religion encourages you to do so but what harm would you have if you put your hands together and read Surat al-fatiha seven times and then request a full code for the elk a roomful of our Hospital Rockefeller put our dobro penis and wipe over your body and ask Allah that the rivals you breathe bismillah on Pequot lobbyists feet and could lead an Uzi I asked Thomas rattled by his great name to give you full recovery and full cure and then he wife over your but what harm will that do any know any medication that you take with the benefit it still has a side effect the rupiah is a treatment from the Koran that has no side effect and now a lost hat Allah revealed the entire Quran as a mustard Wynonna's aluminum for any man who was she fair o Muhammad will move meaning we revealed the Quran as a cure she fell pure and mercy to the believers not only that that the Quran is also a treatment to the non-believers how the hadith of philomon Muslim when the Sahaba would want Obama him they were traveling and they got to a city and they spent few days there the people of that city did not offer them anything no hospitality whatsoever not even water they were very cheap so their leader got stung by a snake and he said any of you knows the rupiah that was even known before Islam the world rupiah is a treatment so the companion says yes I not appear but if I treat you you have to pay us something because you guys didn't offer anything me we were hungry few days now we need to eat you gonna offer us something said what do you want he said I need a sheep a goat he said ok he placed his hand on the place on the area and here at Surat al-fatiha and the man was completely cured and he gave him what they asked for when he came to the Prophet Salim this is the part pilot the from sanam hear the story then he asked so so how they said how do you know the Surat al-fatiha was rukia a cure he said the other solo block didn't Allah revealed the Quran as a cure he said yes he said I only memorize a Fatiha so I believed but it has to do with how much I believe and I believe any of the for any secure so I did it and I'm not here them the process LM said enjoy the sheep and live part for me or give me some of it now the companion the difference between them and us today is that we are lacking the trust in allah subhanaw taala in the promises so we do things to test Allah not trust Allah we drink water of Zemzem we make our own aura $2,000 we go to Hajj 7,000 or 8,000 dollars and then we drink a all Zemzem that we can from the source and we still sick why is the problem with the water of Zamzam no the one of Zemzem is the same water that exists at the time for us Allah before Russell run after us Allah it has to do the person drinking the water of Zamzam and how much they believe in what they are doing we read the Fatiha we read surah al-baqarah we listen to Quran and nothing changes in our life again is the problem with the Quran yes okay everybody's asleep is the problem with the Quran no we are certain that the Quran is taught the Quran so what's the problem the problem is how much you're trusting that Quran so when I tell people do this take water read this and pour it over yourself they're like okay okay I'll do them well there's a big difference between someone who takes in the water of samsung says bismillah all not pure me believing that Allah would cure him and someone Hussein Samsung okay why not why not then it's not gonna work same thing as you go to a doctor he gives you medication if you don't trust the knowledge that he has and you feel like this doctor is not hundred percent firm he's not good I I I don't feel good about the doctor or life he writes you the best prescription you will not be cured it all has to do with the mental and the heart how much you believe so the heart of propia that there is no time to go into magic story so I'll just jump into the questions let's I will introduce to you some of the information that you could benefit from and I will make it more of interaction insha'Allah so you could answer some questions together and then I'll show you some of the stuff that I brought and I'll show you how to use the rupiah and preform this spiritual healing on yourself on your children in the houses and so on the first question is okay maybe first three then why do this why are the Djinn called Jenny anybody know why they're called Jin anybody know when we time charm on Selma where we would go you don't know okay I know we'll go to general Chama yeah it's called Jenna why is it called Jenna huh thank you hit him anything that is hidden they call it Jenna like a garden that has a wall so he can't see the inside Jenna's the same it has doors and we're with today or these days we're supposed to talk about her solo solemn and it better better than anything but the mold of the problem and so on and so on the rasulullah sallallahu selling will be the first to enter jannah and the doors will be open for him then everyone after him so it's called jemna because you can't see what's inside and Jim are hidden creatures that we cannot see with our own eyes but they could see us every time and anytime so anyone this is the first point if you go to any shape or any person or any one who gives you some of these papers now is that or you guys call them Theresa I'm sure Joey's or pull some or whatever amulet or Armand or Jeff whatever you came from one of these words are used so if you go and they tell you that they are dealing with Jim or they see Jim with their own eyes in their actual form then this person is very good he's a liar X move on why because allah subhanaw taala says in that we are welcome who allah kabir who mean - I don't know that they see you and you can't see them so if you come and say all no but I I have I have more powers you know I just I was somewhere today and the brother told me that he sees angels and they come and they speak to him and then advise him and I kept telling him what why these are the shell team and even know where we have believes we have a man and horse believe must be according to the teaching of Rasulullah sallallahu taala the only ones who could see Jim are three the only ones who could see Jim are three okay number one huh so they merrily Salafi was able to deal with them and see them number two rasool ullah sallallahu are your settler and I'm talking about their actual creation their form of creation number trees they're not animal now number three is not a it is not a human huh well angel they could see the genders we can see angels either donkeys okay other than that no one sees the Jim except what we were told number two what are they created from huh no no they are created from the flameless part of fire and why is that important because I've been debating doctors and psychiatrists for years now and they still some of them don't get it the Allah says Allah didn't say we created them from fire allah subhanaw taala said well ha ha ha Jan mean marriage in me not and marriage it's the smokeless part of fire so the top part it's not it's the one that you could put your hand in and out without being burned so in reality it is like air so it is possible for the gym to enter someone's body and control him it doesn't of course it doesn't happen just any gene walking in the street will just enter any human being there are process there are certain rules and and fundamentals that they have they have to follow also so it's not something that it's fun meaning that if I'm walking by any gingka just attacked me no it doesn't work like that jinn are scared of human beings like human beings are scared of gym they don't like to deal with us by the way they don't like to interact ok they are in our houses they do interact on a certain level but we will see but they don't like that so you understand that the smokeless part of fire why is that important for two things one they are no longer in that creation meaning they are no longer fire is that clear I'll give you an example that remember when I talk about values member hanifa was the call D it was called el culo the judge a man came to him and he said you you claim that Shaitaan will be burned in Hellfire you know he said yes he said how you claim something like that when he is created from fire how would fire burning fire mmm hanifa says forgive me for what I will do and you could take me to a higher judge or to the holidays Rock and he hit him in his head so the man said like squad mechanically they said before you complain to the Khalifa did it hurt his her of course um oh I'm almost bleeding he said you're created from what 20-month so how did not hurt you and the man said I forgive you that I got it you cleared it out it's clear there's no need for the Khalifa no it is so what we know about them is that they were created and in the hadith of bokhari when the son of loss of the wasallam there was a Shaitaan crossing by him and he took him from his neck and he squeezed them and then he returned back so how they said they all Sola you moved in sada what are you doing something he said yes no she's been trying to cross by and he tried to stop him but he didn't stop so I took him from his clothes to his neck and I squeezed them on him till I felt his saliva on my hand and then I remembered that Ralph a bride of Suleiman ELISA Lam then he met to Allah and that power is only given to Suleiman so I let him go now he felt his saliva how is he from fire and there is saliva Allah Adam we don't know that creation so wish and we should not go deep into it to a point where we need to know every thing about them no they are created from fire they are no longer fire move on is that clear in salah type question number 3 and i'm gonna try to go fast i don't know the time that I have oh so till I finish them right do yet have gender what's the proof this is basic information I haven't got to the deep stuff yet they do have gender yes when you enter the bathroom what do you say Allah mania who to becoming a prophecy meal what hobbies female of what of the jinn and this is something that here is a point every time you enter the bathroom you must make that dryer the reason is Colleen seldom a hadith later Allah Muslim Medina are you know genie Wow a lot of new and yahood bismillah Allah when you become hopeful read the cover between you and them for them not to see you so be very careful and I like to put some pressure on that point for a reason our sisters meanly and I am I am intending to scare you all right there you go I'm intending to scare you so you could use the dryer because some of us we just enter the bathroom and we most of the time forget and we forget to teach our children imagine imagine you are in the bathroom area and people or someone is watching you how would you feel it is scary we wouldn't like it Rasul Allah SAS Allah said if the cover between you and them is that - I am meaning Allah Satan will protect you that they won't be able to see you in their eyes they won't have the vision to see the individual but imagine if we don't make the drive to a point that some of the scholar says if you forget to make drama you should make it inside secretly silently why for allah subhanaw taala to protect you from the eyes of the gym so they do have gender they produce a lot span italics agenda for em in any matter you don't have the message it will they believe second ml Gini professor from ml Rob be a detective he donor who was early yet them Allah said you're taking Shaitaan and his offspring okay so he has a wife and they have children and their children have children and they live and they die like us except except Iblees it leases the only shape on who live till the day of judgment because Allah gave him the extended life other than if listened the shape on and your Kareem lives with you and dies with you and we're gonna get to that too you know mmm sharp your mama it was a funny scholar I mean you know someone asked him he said yeah mmm it please has a wife this is how Muslims do and Imam said yes he said how do you know that he said the Quran a factor hidden away the riittää offspring he said what's her name shabih said I wasn't invited to the wedding they didn't send if I had the car they would know her name but it's not important move on things that a lot cleared it for us enough we shouldn't go deep into why how do they have this or that except what Allah says what are the names of Jim now anybody know okay first if he is just like the creation please Allah Allah Allah he is from the gym meaning what he is created to be a gym but when he disobeys Allah Allah called them Shaitaan is that clear so now for example we are all humans the ones who believe in Allah they're called Muslims or Mormon the one who disbelieve careful and the one who disobey fast so we have memes so as Jim are just the creation okay there they're all the creation of allah subhanaw taala now if those Jim has a job which are allow am the resident that exists in every single house of ours there are some people who see shadows in the house they are voices in their houses upstairs and no one is upstairs or there upstairs and they hear some noises in the kitchen I tell them first first you need to check if there's a cat raccoon something under and the roof don't assume this up right away it could be your husband at night picking something up from the refrigerator but he doesn't want you to know it could be that you're on diet but you're cheating whatever that is so I'm saying that me and I am you is very mama however oh yeah this is they yeah I am I just noticed that right now no no no shall on you see it is fun om you are the resident gem that lives with us in the house and they are on levels they are our a man who just residents of the house so they cause no harm they don't do any any problem they don't cause they're just living in a place where you live and they like areas that you're not living in so if you have a house back home or empty house that nobody lives in most likely they will be living there now the second type of however are the disobedient Jim those are the ones who might steal your money if it's uncovered meaning anything that is not in a box or in majore they are able to steal it the prophet sallallaahu sell themselves they are not allowed to open something that is locked so at night make sure everything is locked now I know this this could be a meme to problems you know your husband left $1000 and did this you take it tonight and then you say that she took it no I'm not saying that I am saying that if you leave something valuable valuable in the house there are sisters that we were reading on she used to leave her gold somewhere in in her house and every once in a while she would be missing gold so when we read in the house we actually recited the Quran and we sprayed the house one of the jinn spoke and he said Jim so-and-so is the one who steals their gold and they we were actually able to bring back hamdulillah that is something that happens it does not necessarily when you're missing something there for your son is taking it or you it could be one of the Jim now the third armor are the ones who appear in the houses to be shadows they have hearing people's form they might come in in in in a form of your husband or your wife you might see someone sitting with you on the bed and then they disappear they might be the one harming you at night all of this the solution to the resident Jim are in a very simple way number one you take in number one you recite or you listened to surah al-baqarah every three days just play solo to Buffalo every three days when you enter it number two when you enter your house you say bismillah assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah you give salam even if there is no one in the house the shell teen will take a side or they will leave as the process LM cell number three when you start eating you say bismillah and then you make the door they will stop there lift their hands from the food so therefore you are protected your house is protected your food is protected otherwise you could go through this harm if you feel if one of you feels that there is something wrong in the house you hear voices you see shadows if your kids tells you you know I saw something running by my go take it very serious they could be the resident a lemon who are harming the house or were causing harm to the house easy way if you feel it you take this paper right here then inshallah we could pass it after after the club after the lecture so you take this paper right here you take some water and then you recite this paper propia of the quran into the water and you take the water and every time you read something you you you blow in it and blowing I will teach you the Sunnah that's ours you narrated from my share to his ship to rasulullah saaw Palladio said mother connected chain the process Ellen told the Sahaba when you are in Salah and you're distracted or when you wake up of a nightmare you should do it first you do what you say all the blames of tourism and then now you don't spit this is wrong no no you blow on your left because this there's a problem you know if your wife sleeps on your left I know I know all the friends I brought it all today you know you step and then she wakes up with weight and she's like what happened I don't know Marla it might be Jim it doesn't work like that or she does the other way around okay so how do you spit that in salaat for example you're not gonna turn it in Salah your left hand spit on the person exterior that's disgusting you know so the process Allen settles haben and look at me here because I'm narrating to you and the actual figure how the percentage thought the sahaba and how are you - till they told us you you're praying you look to your left not your left shoulder you turn to your left your eyes and not your head and you go so you're blowing out without saliva okay you're just blowing out three times whether you're sleeping or not one of the sisters told me every time she wakes up she sees like she she she's wet her face and all of them and I told her it just for a camera at night and she did she said my husband wakes up and he follows the sooner he doesn't do it on purpose he actually does it he doesn't see her that's not an excuse to do that so however are the resident now where were we oh you take the water you put it in a spray bottle and you spray every corner in the house you spray your bedsheet spray the room three days if you really feel something if if there is something in the house that is causing harm their hormone increase so you will hear some voices you'll hear things running again we need to make sure there's no cat in the house there's no dog in the house there's nothing in running our around the house go outside and see if your kids are there so on you spray it if you do the screen for 15 days in shell mothers should be gone and nowhere is in Charlotte they should live and not harm me I'll rule the spirits in this version are mainly inflection toward children these are the kids Jim they only harm our children they play with them they mess with them they make them do things that are crazy sometime they're special they're called a roof and one of the one of the there is a specific time that you're not allowed and you should not let your kids run around and play anybody know that time ah sunset time your mother it sunset time - mother call interview so Salomon now cbn.com you should withhold or hold your children away from it because the shell team spreads at that time so you know most people they take their kids out to the park around five o'clock for a theory four o'clock which is the shayateen time and then we complain the kid doesn't sleep he jumps off the bed he's behaving this and that if you feel that your kid is misbehaving or doing something that is abnormal abnormal means what that they're doing it constantly and they are overdoing it that could be that they have extra energy if it could be that this is their behaviors they don't take out their energy and anything so they take it in the house so you shouldn't consider playing sports with them or some you know when I was at Florida I used to do the rupee I've read on people day and night when I was doing that so I had a brother he came at 2:00 a.m. he not done my door at the hotel yeah she my son has a gym and the I name is Kim the kid was 6 years old build me awake so I said to him your son is a gem himself mashallah he jumps all the time I see him at the machines is good he said no Allah has gym I said ok can you bring him tomorrow at least the kid I feel bad is that you have to read he been jumping from the bed to the ground all night okay I put my hand on the child I start reading fatiha I tore he felt asleep the father said you see the gym is there I said okay how about you take him in the gym and go home rest and shut London bring him tomorrow so they may return my game tomorrow the kid was fine it was just playing around he was playing we shouldn't this this this right here is to give you awareness not to give you a hangar where you hang all your problems on it so everything that happens in our life because of Jim anything that happens because of magic anything that happened because of tau YZ anything that happened because of evil eye anything that happened because of envy has said oh they look at my son he he's not doing good you know why he's not doing good because he's not studying simple easy this became became our hangers in in our house where we it becomes much easier to just complain or to to rely upon something other than our phones I'm not saying that don't exist I'm giving accurate amount I'm here for that but I'm saying it's not to the level or to the extent that Muslims have taken it today that everything happens because of that persona Shaitaan is the devil or the disobedient Jim or this believing Jim married are the ones who are used by magicians only they are now after in seminary setup and mulatto are the complete power they have very strong power and they have a lot of power to do evil things and they're used mainly nowadays by magicians and our fleet is the top top means you have if a person has our fleet working for him I'll tell you right now how many people here are from India everybody [Music] most two years ago the magician's met don't ask me how I know magicians met and they left every few years the top magician so the tooth show the the two chosen was one from India and one from Yemen they became the table top magician and the reason that the the Indian person of course is not Muslim so he goes no relationship of missing anything he is he's dealing with a three and seven of them he has a fleet and they have seven after it with him that they are doing things for them and he is if one no no no no no no not this one house so these are the names of Jim and their levels of harm so we have anybody remember Jim we have how everybody know that one now now we got the ship in trouble oh and how about we use the plural form however it's much better number three or or the spirit and this order afflict eg if you feel that your son has a problem this is all you do take this paper right here read on water and shower it them every three days the kid should be completely fine if you feel there is something else going on take him to somebody who could reform the Rokia the complete recitation on him and I wish that we have enough people to do rocky and reform it and learn how to do it correctly because we have so many fraud rocky of our time than actual real rocky a sister just came we've been reading on her for few days now and this person she went to this person to cure her so he gave her three things he gave her this book right here it's called kita bono cut this the Bible you read this thing right here this thing right here can everybody see that this is to protect from the eyes but the evil eye okay and he gave her this one was this offered yeah this one to bring in risk all right now if I were to do an auction today how much would you buy this for huh two dollars although we didn't even spend to those how much anybody who said 10,000 if also has a problem of yourself how about donate that 10,000 to the messenger Allah will increase your risk this thing right here she she made $550 and I told her anything changed she said my life is worse this is the problem as I said we seek the help from other than the guidance of Quran and Sunnah we fall in the hands of those people who does things that might lead to and the props to sell himself Mahalo Tammy Martin / - what anyone who hang this as a Tamina is an amulet for protection then he disbelieved in Allah he has committed and later and shall all speak about the part dujun eater drink yes they do eat a drink they eat your food and they drink your your drink if you don't say bismillah if you say bismillah then the Muslims gin will come to your house they'll eat the leftover or the food and then also sell themselves don't break the bones if any of you like to do that please stop you don't break the chicken bones especially the chicken kids love to do that I don't know why but chicken bones and bones you don't break it or something says Allah with reformat they'll become fresh again for them to eat Tama again you shouldn't go home and try this but eat the chicken but the bone and wait all night you know there's already eight and they left and you're still looking at the phone because their life you have to understand this their life takes in different timings and different zoning than ours and I'll give you an example to clarify the difference between that and the life that that it's the hereafter or the item of IVF the unseen anybody know how many minutes or hours do an actual dream takes anybody study psychology before huh don't know if you say I need something specifically they say a dream mostly takes between what and what huh I can't hear anything two minutes no okay let me ask you a dream that you saw yourself going to India you visit your family you saw your relatives you ate with them you into your favorite messages and you came back usually how long will that take you if you really want to do it in real life all right few hours okay any dream takes between 8 and 12 seconds all of these things happen in what you see so don't try to understand how how do they eat this bag I'm telling you your own dream takes 8 to 8 to 12 seconds and you see yourself some time go to Hajj and coming back and you took a shower and you did that Haram and you saw your friends and all of this which could take few days but you see it in in 8 to 12 second well to you if somebody's sitting next to you it's 8 to 12 second but to you it was what hours do you understand now that what I'm saying that the vision so they do things that they have Allah give them certain powers to do things in a way that we can understand and so like man when he wanted to move the throne of bill T's from Yemen from Yemen to Palestine it takes three months of travel and I free it he said to him what I could bring it faster than faster than a blink of an eye faster before when you blink before you your eye your sight to return the throne is gonna be here when he saw that he said hamdulillah that nobody could do them this power is beyond anybody's power even though someone myself that the other person who brought it was a righteous person type where do the jinn live they live anywhere where people don't live they live in places of garbage they like to live in areas depth of ocean and only ones who are logged in the depth of ocean today are the jinn that worked with Suleiman ELISA them and after him their offspring Jerusalem Emilie Salam when they start causing harm and they start learning magic he loved them in a place and then he sent them to the depth of the ocean now when so lame and ike they returned and they took all the books of magic and they placed it under his throne so when the magician scheme he told they told them come and learn magic people said magic is haram this is known to every religion magic is forbidden to learn they said no you we find we found these books of magic under thee the throne of sora e memories seller so they brought it out Allah Subhan Allah said to Rasulullah well tell our method to share Tino are able to Suleiman one Mecca for a Sulaiman o alikum Michelle Tanaka for your ally moon unnecessarily man did not practice magic they are the disbelievers they are the kuffar that's why till today we still have what they are called how items will matter Suleymaniye like the rings of Suleiman or the papers of Suleiman that looks like this if any of you have seen it or if you seen it anywhere be very careful of it because this right here is magician act that could bring harm to your family things like that any of you has any of these papers at home anybody I went oh brother is from any way to visit his family and he said he sees things at night and his wife and all of these things I found one of these papers in a frame hanged on the wall so I said to him what is this he said this is for the poor Akashi and he said then you're complaining that you have gin in the house all of this right here are names of gin if I were to read it out loud then gin will actually come out right now this is called a laughter oh well around 2:30 the first promise of Solomon you see these these letters okay I didn't want to go into that but because we anytime anytime anyone gives you a piece of paper that is tau YZ that is useful protection that is useful you notice the right thing here has what Allah is named yes that shooting for you this one has you breathe Mieke ill I sort of feel a surah al ali abou but the problem is with these letters those people who study - wheat they know what these letters mean each letter in the suite has a number Aleph is a number one bath is 2 g ms 3 del is for her is 5 after the hell was hot the elements these letters we I'm going to show you something that they use as a trick now if you see any time square like this with numbers and letters if you see circles like that with numbers and letter if you see a stem or this dagger thing that they considered the the sword a lot of these has mix of honey and poison okay it has honey and poison the honey is this part right here what is this I entered courtesy yes this is a of course in right here so what's the problem of having air - courtesy the problem is now with that of course see there are two things they mess up the name of allah subhanaka alice was never written right number two they add little words in between or numbers to bring in the jinn so there danaiah so if you were to read the ayah without knowing these numbers you think is just a head of courtesy because that's how you read in it but when they read it and they transform it this is what they called the sulaymanu Felipa that's what I lost her I thought I said what they followed what the shell team sent on the throne of Suleiman one man can follow Suleiman Suleiman was a prophet he never used this as scoffer to bring Djinn or to bring in the help of jinn but the shayateen are disbelievers because they have thought people magic magic that does what one it separates between the husband and the wife this is a lot a lot nowadays you know there was a sister her mother-in-law did some magic for her so she would bring her heart and her husband's heart closer because her son was all over the place so she wanted him to settle so she went to a magician in one of the countries okay one of our countries and the magician made the spell wrong so it turned the spell that the husk or the son hated every women that faces him even his mother so she did it to bring in love and the magician did it wrong so in telling that he hated all women including his wife and his mother that we read on him and it was a big issue any if you have problems with your husband go see my mom do counseling and honestly if you feel that there's something really dramatically changing the relationship things when 180 degree there is problems in the house there are things that you don't have a reason for or an explanation like you see your husband in a form that is not his meaning when he cut gets closer to you you see him in an animal's face or so however the appearance if something like that yes go seek the help from the rupiah and all of that but bringing in the loss together and that that's in there ah spotted one of ours you just to release that one of ours you a woman came to me she said I want you to do me some tau YZ for my husband to love me he said very easy but if you uh I'll do it for you but you have to bring me here from a monkey monkeys here okay so I could do it for it she went to the zoo she sat there all day watching the monkey there is no way that she could get here from her monkeys running all over the place so second day she got the trick she brought some banana okay some nuts and she came closer to the monkeys cage okay trying to please the monkey and the monkey Kim stole the banana ran away okay then she came closer do with the nuts the monkey came sold the nuts ran away okay third day she came in she dressed all yellow all right colors of the banana that he likes she brought nice bananas she kept it far away from him she had some nice perfume on attracts the smell the monkey smell then the monkey came closer and she was very nice smiling then the monkey tripped and installed the dependent and ran away fourth day she added to what she did some singing and you know very nice and anyway after six seven days of doing all that she was able to pull the hair she went to the ship she said a hundred laughs I brought you the hair of a monkey right here alright this is not a very fun one condition it actually was done magic we just resolved it was three hundred so she said here is a monkey's here he said how did you get it all she told him all I didn't you don't know I had to buy perfume makeup dress in yellow bring banana see what he likes music he said well I if you do half of that your husband he'll he'll be better than a monkey yeah if you're able to please a monkey in one week you did what you did to a monkey one week and you gotta hear you can't control your husband or life you dress one time and sing for him you'll be happy and if that's the case go home I'm not gonna do anything for you you get the point that's that's the point number four number seven what is their powers allah subhanaw taala said in nikita shaytani can a barista the plotting of the Shaitaan is very weak we make them strong meaning what the weaker we are in the connection with Allah the stronger they are against us it's like a triangle all right you're here the Shaitaan is here and a lots of high regard as above if you get closer to Allah you're getting away from the shame now if you get farther away from Allah from Allah the Shaitaan will easily attack you Allah has told you Shaitaan is weak you cannot defeat him let me tell you he came to a bow to him to obey open account I didn't everybody by Muslim and he said go babe kneecap was reciting Quran and this man can just came to steal from the zakat money so he caught him first day second day third day is different from hadith of Arroyo so obeying the third day said you know what I will take you to the Emir and he would know what to do with you he said you can't and he said why not he said because I will harm you and he was talking aggressive to obey even capital the Rinaldo then he said he lifted his bowl that he was wearing and I saw his feet as a sheep or a goat feet so I knew that he would not he was not a human being so I let him go and I said what why he there is nothing you could do I have a third courtesy and when I recite it I'm protected from you that I could coerce Shaitaan cannot come closer to a person who recites an ethical Shaitaan cannot have power over you when you sleep at night and wallow reciting them are with that or the four-pole and of course in the last three verses of surah bacala and surah al-fatihah they say fun cannot come closer to you when you read la ilaha illallah wahdahu la sharika lah level multi-colored hum doha could leshenka deal a hundredth time every day one of our CEO was reeling on a brother and he told us it's time to leave the body the gym kept saying no I'm not leaving and then he said ok I will leave with one condition the chef said what he said I would leave if I enter your body and the chef said go ahead come on for us we said no he said go ahead we didn't say anything we were we were silent few minutes and we're waiting and the brother passed out in front of us we are waiting for something to happen all we hear is weeping someone crying and then someone else said you cannot do that because he recited la la la la la la sharika lah lah Vulcan or hunter or a coalition but here a hundred times today and you know that when they do that they are protected so you made a promise upon yourself that you cannot fulfill and he left the body just because but I she knew what he was doing on we were very scared because we don't mess with them the process Ellen said that Amendola Calado first you don't wish to meet your enemy and some people by the way they think dealing with Jim is something that is very scary no it's not they speak like us they put by the way but then Hollywood and Disney made it seem scary on purpose our kids now has the vision of the Shaitaan they'll shake fine with horns right you know they fly they have red eyes and they speaking in a tone that's the tone I've been I've been in this field for over 15 years I have spoken to over what call it a million Jin I don't know how many on earth seriously they they are either male or female one sister I was reading on she had seven Djinn on her seven they were speaking like a family they're actually Christian family the father is convinced of Islam the mother and the daughter are not and the sons are with the death so we're talking they said the shahada they are saying no and they're arguing that Islam is the religion of Christianity is there and they're talking and we're just sitting down we're just watching the debate they're talking normally these voices and sounds that that the TV and the movies have described to us is to get the fear in our heart from the shadow team that we start getting scared and we have the Koran that protects us from them Abu Huraira he saw the ship on three days didn't he and at that was awesome told him what you know who you've been talking to for three days you were talking to the Shaitaan and he taught him he could see it wasn't scary they speak like us they talk like us they have different birthday of course they have different language it depends on what Jen what I'll tell you a kiss that that came to my mind one of the strangest case I was reading on a brother and I was sure that this brother has Jenny a hundred percent but the problem is the jinn did not speak for almost a month so at the end this person was an older man he was illiterate he didn't read or write so one day when we recited Quran he starts screaming very loud and he start asking for a pen and a paper so I brought him we brought him the pen and a paper and we gave it to him and then he start writing he said you dummies I'm trying to tell you that I am mute that's why he wrote literally and I can't speak you're saying speak and I can't I'm trying to speak but I can't speak after we finish you know the Shaitaan left his body and he woke up I asked his family he said your father knows how to read or write they said he have never held a pen in his hand he doesn't even know the letters so I showed them the right thing and they say no way so I said okay brother can you take this pen please write me bismillah ar-rahman rahim and the old man got very angry and he said are you making fun of me like because I don't read or write I don't know how to read the right I said okay calm down that was that was something strange so there is nothing to be scared off but the processes don't wish to meet your enemy and if you do meet them then be patient and be strong so one of the reasons that we have this a flexion of gin in our life and most of the things happen because of that is our children going online they're searching it through sheer google they're reading books and one of the most famous book that falls in the hand of people today is called chef Solomonov that is sold and on Amazon for $15 only that book is considered to be the top magic book that exists in history of course not the full version but at least part of it when you see your kid searching these things you need to stop them because the more they search it up the more they look into it the more harm that they bring to their life tell them you want a search option yes memorize so to gin you ran a search option memorize the Quran and Allah protect you and Allah told you everything about genuine the Quran so that's that's where you should look for them not through these websites or these books that they read type can we go quickly over this or that's good The Times few minutes time can gene transform Yano yes okay they honestly can't but with one condition if they learn a spell the magic spells to transform other than that they can't meaning you cannot just see someone there okay a person and then they disappear and then they come back and they visit UT they can't do that they could transform a domino collapse at any because the original dimension generation that they cannot transform unless of us heartily gives them the power of knowing the spells magic they use certain words certain magic to change and the proof for that is the Haditha February when the companion of rasool ullah returned from a barrel he saw his wife outside of the house he said what are you doing outside she said wait till you see so she came in he came inside the house he found the snake okay a snake or one of three right are one of two two things a snake is either and the animal a snake or a shape an origin we could say it's just an illusion three so what did he do he took his sword out and then he did what he killed the snake and the snake killed him so they both died at the same time the professor Salim said in America who on Okinawa you will fill Medina you have your brothers who live with you in Medina so if you see a snake samu say bismillah first and then if they leave then they are achin if they don't leave then they are Shaitaan or a snake and you could kill them why wasn't he able to transform to another object as long as they transform into an object then you could get rid of them and kill them but if you ever see a snake you need to do this you point at it again from far away yeah don't go on like the vase Nicky baby you know there's no all right you don't do that from far away you say bismillah I ask you by Allah and the Covenant the promise that Suleiman have taken upon you to leave my house three times if you say that three times and they leave alhamdulillah we have seen it with our own eyes if they don't leave they are either a snake so you could kill it or they are a Shaitaan who's locked in a body of a snake so you could also kill it you have full control over it so don't ever see a sneak and kill it right away because it could be harmful to you they could actually turn and kill you at the same time as they did with the companion of Rasulullah sallallahu son so they do transform they transform into a human beings okay - they transform mainly into snakes that's why if any of you sees repetitive dreams of snakes then you need to discuss it with someone who knows these things if you see dreams if you see a lot of dreams a repetitive now one time ten years ago you saw a snake I'm talking about something that happens once a month twice a month snake running after you mainly there is a problem with the house with the person there's an inflection of Shem somehow that is related to this snake thing a snake a human a snake a black dog the process al himself a ball or arrow said that black dog is a shade pawn they said yeah all right always the difference between a black dog and I'm like what's the difference between a black dog and a white dog or a black dog another bug he said a black dog is a shape I'm Rasulullah told me that he I mean they transform into black dogs do they transform into cats black cats so far tell-tell what I'm standing right now 15 years of experience I haven't seen them and I haven't even heard it from the jinn that they transform into black black cats so the idea that Muslim said black cats are also said a thing that's not true black cats have nothing to do it because the salon said they are part of the FM they have religion yes yes and the worst of the jinn are no not gonna say just to say well the jinn yeah lost heart I said when Dominion Muslim moon some of us are believers and some of us are non-believers okay we have the righteous and the unrighteous a little memory are misused to recite on people so he has the gym do you have sex like you have groups you know this this group and this group and that group that like us anyway we have groups right he said they said yes he said well what's the worst group that you have seen is a diverse group that we have seen are so and so she searched open Shaolin on your own but will the inter-gender Hellfire yes yes let me ask mr. name from kablamo a legend there are so many ayahs that describe that the women of paradise would not were not touched by humans or jinn before meaning what meaning jinn will have the pleasure of Jenga and they'll also be punished by Hellfire why because they are obligated to follow what we follow so sometimes when you read on a person that person could have a gender is Muslim origin that is non Muslim origin there is Christian origin there is a Jew origin there is atheist Asian with Nora it's possible so it depends which one you deal with and who deal with we have different strategy on doing that do the jinn know the future know things that they tell you or you know this is the problem the fortune tellers fortune tellers palm readers card readers and sidekick what's the other one that I'm looking for horoscope horoscope all of these are equal to one of two the process Ellen said if you go to someone a magician or one of these lawyers over there if you visit them and you ask them and you don't believe it like when they tell you something but you you guys just ask curiosity your salah is not accepted for 40 days so you still have to do solo knowing what no it's not accepted you start to perform solo 40 days and if you believe what they tell you you disbelieved in what Allah has revealed to Muhammad SAW Allah Allah much is the Quran this is very dangerous you don't see them at the mall and you just say oh let me check it out can you you know that they always tell you the same thing by the way these two lines right here means life you're gonna marry someone that you like and the brothers like no not really I'm stuck with my wife you know you know this this is your job you're gonna be fired from yourself I just got it last week man what they make they they are telling you things making you believe in things how do they know some things about you remember every and each one of us has what we have to Kareem Zhu Kareem there is Kareem is like a partner from the Angels and a partner from the gym that lives with us 24/7 now you're Korean the evil one the gym the Shaitaan yours is yours he's born with you he lives with you and he dies with you I said even your soul ooh I have a Kareem he said yes even me I have a cream they whisper now your body knows all your information correct you say how do they know that what they live with you 24/7 like the the SIM card you put in the computer gives you all the data about the person now if this woman or this man asks you for your name or your mother's name especially mother they don't ask for father's name name mother's name then you know that this person is a magician they asked for these two names they matched them somehow but also lost all of his name is I think everybody's asleep so I'm just gonna end it today and someone rasoolís name is Mohamed Salah I said it so you have to mean his mother's name is Amina you have one meme all right so they taken in the two memes they match it with the first meme people turn the numbers they had it then they divide it by a matter of course I'm not gonna they're saying like I'm not going to teach you because I don't want you to go home and do that anyway when they divided the name of Rasul and his mother he was he was in the type the category of water they divide humans into four categories here fire water sand or soil it depends which category you are so if they want to do magic to you they have to know which category so they take your name your mother's name they match it together and they find it now resusci anne des monts water in the category of water so when they did the magic for him they tied his hair because the woman the servant she stole his comb and it had hair so they tied the hair and they buried it where in the well of water not in the grave because he's not money he's not from the mud category they didn't put it in a purse feet to fly away because he's not air they didn't put it in fire to boil because he's not fire he was water water means that the magic would only take place and effect if they do it right so when they take your name and your mother's name they take the report from your cream they ask him this this process takes the eight to twelve second what is he what did he come for so this women could tell you oh you came from this country you have four brothers and three sisters your mother passed away last year you know you lost your car few weeks ago on you lost your keys and then the diamond wow how do they know that Kareem is reporting your Kareem reports to them that's all they know so they start telling you things that are all complete lies and fabrication Rasool awesome said if they say the truth once they have a hundred lies to it because they don't know what's coming but you believe them so much that you are convinced of what they are telling what they are telling you by you can any human citizen in there for Moo said no can we use the help of the jinn with matters in our lives I would say no even though some scholars with all due respect believe that you could use the help of jinn to cure magic for someone I asked magicians I have met few magicians in my life some of them have repented hamdulillah they're Muslims very famous there on YouTube I could refer you to some of them they told their stories and I asked them personally what's the problem of using jin-kyu pure magic the problem is most of the Messiah with all respect to all the members of mache they they read about these topics in books so they're taking it from the theological part of it theories now their reality is the question is how do you use Jim to do something for you what do you need to do for them to be able to help you out because the process of wasallam needed the gym when he was migrating to medina he needed the gin with the harm of Mecca he needed to help did he ever call upon the jinn to help him no never so when you say it's allowed to do it for a benefit I need to tell this Messiah do you know what are you gonna do for the jinn no Jim on earth with help an individual unless this person sacrifices something for them is that clear you know there are some magicians in the u.s. well-known Criss Angel and um some of you knows knows them the process they had to go through they have to be isolated for 40 days now if this Jim is disobedient but he's bad they asked the magician that I met he repented hamdullah they asked him to go to a place 40 days to isolate from this is not charitably you know normally shouldn't use anymore this is some people tell me why the 40 days here I don't know why it's divided into 10 20 30 40 s the 40 days of jama'at w does on North Island for the tower and isolation of dunya an increase in math they are doing it with them intention to purify their Eman and they lost heart Allah help them with their mission and male ostrich Allah guide them to do the right thing because we are not able to fulfill some of that so they are doing it may Allah reward them the magician for it is is different so please don't don't ever accuse the Jumeirah or anybody who like I heard the ship same 40 days and you guys are no there is no analogy no clears here okay so they told him to go 40 days you know what he did he took that for em he divided the Quran into two halves and then he wore the Quran in his feet as a slipper the one half and other half and they told him you do not use water to purify yourself or to clean yourself at all for 40 days imagine that don't use water at all and at all I mean at all whether you whatever wherever you relieve yourself you do whatever of course and they asked him to do a lot of other things they asked him to curse the mohel fin for 40 days every single atom they asked him to walk with that 4 m in the one of the christians magician he's known he was asked to take the bible into the bathroom and to urinate on it and to bring in blood from administration of her women and to color off the bible with it so they could help him so they know everybody's religion so there is no way those shoes and our lemon who says it's fine to use gen because they can help you to help someone else really you don't know it what to help they would not be able to sacrifice or to do some work for you unless you truly sacrifice something for them and I just gave you one example of what these people do and you could imagine what is beyond that from the evil that they commit in their life may Allah so parent Allah protect all of you you know I brought with me these these little things that we just saw in the these are all magic that we just dissolved one of the sisters lost her daughter and this ship sent this paper to her and he actually had it in this nuts right here I don't know how he sealed it he was very you know genius you know so they opened their up in front of her and I told her inside there's nothing it says some hi of the Quran and then the names of jinn and then the name of her her daughter and I told her were you able to see your daughter she got lost for a few months she actually she came to California and she left her daughter in Virginia so they don't know anything about her she said yes she called me right after I did this I said yes you know why she called you because the jinn caused her to call you so you could believe in this and disbelieve in Allah Subhan Allah but I know that all any of these things doesn't benefit this this brother right here but this beautiful poor handbook may be in Muhammad could look at you'll be the best to read but this is not except Allah it is for n it has so little cap and so of the surah al-anam a new letter tailor foot wash it on and so on but it's written all over with magic words and he kept it in his house and his mom was afflicted for over 20 years and then when I saw this book under that we finally were able to dissolve the magic we found her the magic being buried overseas not here and he traveled with his mother to to one of the countries Yanni and he found three things and he sent it to me and subhanAllah it was all magic this book right here you know how much he paid for anybody want to give a number here huh this one he bought it for fifteen hundred dollars online $1,500 this is what Muslims are buying these things are here we took it from some brothers and we took some pictures of it these things are here are being sent from places like Egypt Morocco India Sudan online there they're selling it right now each one is 500 $600 they're used for protection they're used for to give you more risk they're used for children to have more children they're used to do so many things one of the sisters but this one right here I don't think I have it here this one right here come on the the magic that is written in this picture subhanAllah this one right here it's fake the person who did it is not even a professional like man is not a professional magician okay so he did it he did it wrong this is 15,000 15,000 giving it to a woman so she could have children and have good life with her husband now with that she had some thread here in dissolved in the in the orange juice and she drank it all every time she has a child she goes through the pregnancy up to six months miscarriage six month four month miscarriage subhanAllah we read on the sister and after a while of reading we start giving her water that has a recitation of Quran to read to drink as soon as she started drinking that she start throwing up balls or full of hair balls black but I just don't have the I think the pictures on the other computer I keep copy of all of this just to to show people and to earn them something like this yummy clothes something close to that all right like this here right here balls up here inside of her body so Paula we did the reading under left she was feeling fine three years later I went to that state to visit they called me for a conference so when I went the father came he said I want to invite you to the house we have our Akiko for hurt when she had twin boys and I was fat Allah blessed her so anybody who gives you any of these things you know now they magicians in in some countries they all magicians are not almost professional they just learn this person sold this paper right here all right to a brother and he gave it to him in the what he called it in a foreign whip you called the amulet now easier but he gave it to him in a black tar weave okay like this one right there the one on the left far left okay so this paper was inside this little black thing and he was hanging it in on his chest so I said to the brother can he open it up he said no the Prophet that man told me don't open her up he bought a box from him for over three thousand dollars so he shifted from overseas to here good business know why not and it's all covered so I opened it up and the brother was very skilled in front of her people in the message so I opened it up okay I said I smelled a mess over here you go that's it huh yeah and I said you paid three thousand dollars and the brother said she'll mark may be threatening invisible image and they said okay give a dog to lick it for you and it's invisible ink that I told him your magician that you trust the guy and he still said he's a book I said the guy did not even bother to do work yeah at least at least some writing fire how have you paid at least some writing he gave him a piece of paper plain white why because he was sure that this person would not open it he told him don't open it because if you open it harm will come to you so he kept it on his neck neck neck as a Nicholas and I notice it subhanAllah just I was talking to him he was telling me some stories and I said what is this on your neck so he gave it out a lot of these things this book right here written by a great email I don't want to say that name of day ma'am all right written by a great email it's all all has to do with magic these books right here are sold for about $1,500 $500 $600 I said subhanAllah if you give a message it that $1,000 that you spend for this box wallah you would have seen a change in your life and a better connection between you and your wife for the rest of your life but you end up going through this harm because of these things that you see and you have anyone who has something like that or someone that tells you that they're able to give you something to keep you protected or someone that tells you that I know the future and I could help you out and I know your problem and even if he does help you out and even if you see changes know that this this is the action of the Shaitaan why to trick you to give you fitna to fall into deflection and the harm of these people may Allah protect your community from them and may allah subhanaw taala keep this masjid protected and keep you in trouble of protected and may wash my Nutella Plus remember I'm them and forgive me for the time that it took everybody is still awaiting hamdullah but I want to pass this out in sha allah dhu there are brothers and sisters the least that you could do with your children is read this Rukia on water just take the water like this and you go your eat this meal a mango rahim at hand blowing into it and then you go and then you read and have this water mix it with that five gallon or so and have it through clear water your children drinks from it in the morning shower them with it if you want why over their face with it the best if any of you have dreams nightmares things that you see that you don't like in the house my advice to you take olive oil read the same rupiah I'm all about come here take some olive oil rub over your body every night before you sleep and when you wake up in the morning shower with the water that has recitation of the Quran inshallah I promise you within 15 days things should be fine with your children if anybody has any other question or any other concern please send me to you know the brothers just created the the new peace it's called Imam Ahmad calm you could go on it in sha allah send your request this is the website here send your request your phone number your email your complaint we look at it every every week we look at all the complaints we have of course right now we have thousands so we look at the most important just titled magic gin something that is real serious but if you have a dream mmm inshallah will interpret for you I don't do dreams interpretation no more because of a different field maybe a different night insha'Allah if I'm never invited again that was my that was my so yeah few questions I shall love is Mela yes yes from one brother one 161 brother yes [Music] okay I'll tell you how do you know very simple take this rope yeah okay and listen to it or read it and listened to surah al-baqarah at least once or surah - soft fed or surah - too hot or surah - Jim if you're able to read it with no problem you're able to read it you don't feel any dizziness you don't feel any pressure in your body any numbness in the skin then I hummed Allah you're fine bond and things are fine if you feel some of that continue the reading for 15 days with the olive oil on your body and the water it should go in sha Allah unless it's a flexion with jinn you need someone to help you out with them yes yes very safe I just don't recommend this is this is what happened can you give me one minute sit down to them this is what happened I'm just gonna okay when you're reading the rukia okay on yourself the problem is if he's afflicted pass out he will pass out dancing out he won't be able to continue or to hear it to listen so you need someone to continue the reading so if you don't pass out and you're fine but sometime you feel tingling in your body or numbness or you feel pressure on your head or you feel there's something moving in your head when you read this rope here or when you listen to the Quran or you feel it all the time crying is not a sign because we all cry only here for an ontology you see people reacting if you feel something like that stop your recitation go and contact someone who knows these things and they could help you within Shambhala but be very careful of the fraud rope ah you know I just came a sisters always tell you right now I recommend you doing the rakia the best rakia the best preformed spiritual here in reading is the only do for yourself what line that is better than anybody else why because you don't care about yourself more than anybody else if I am sick in my mama comes and visit yes he still feels bad for me for a few minutes then he's going at his house with his children and I'm still sick I am feeling my pain and no one else will feel my pain best of rope he had to do it yourself but if you have a real problem sisters three things that you should be careful of especially sisters number one if a person ever touches you you slap them on the face and leave honestly there's no more talking about it I just came from Australia they took 20 cases to court Roka for sexually harassing sisters through the rupiah and the recitation and I don't want to tell you what they do it went beyond it went to court now I had to go and deal with this matter on TV and debate some of them on what they do when they touch the sister they're wearing gloves with all the respect is still touching her okay they're wrapping over the chest area with recitation of metal courtesy that's sexual harassment and the sisters are giving up their there go ahead we need it and the husband is there watching a person asks you for your name or your mother's name and person recites things that you don't understand words that it doesn't make sense if here is quran' you know quran' but if you start reading things that you feel like a bumbling then you need to stop number three if he ever does this he gets closer to you touches you directly without someone else like your husband putting your head in your head then you put your hand fine but him touching you directly I just had a Rakhi I reported him to the to the authority what did he do he reads on a sister she pass out he start writing a tour course in her arms and her legs and the sister was like is there normal I said do you think that's normal do you need to ask like you still asking is that normal there is no question as something like that you know that this person is is fraud this person is a liar this person is bad so sisters need to be extra careful with that I'm not that's why I incur sister to learn if a sister or two could learn to do the rookie on and the sisters there will be much better then a brother donate on a sister but if you don't do it if you don't go to do it do it on yourself is there a difference between the protection Rokia versus the treatment Luca yes so the one that you have right now is the protection raffia that's not the treatment the one that you have in your hand first of all all are sold out okay I didn't give even one back it's not normal that's the protection rock here if the protection rukia causes you some harm or some weird feeling then you do need someone to do rookie there's something going on with you but at least now spray your house with the water inside the house with that rock and silver what happened to the water from the rupiah used to shower that we read for and on you know the best way to do it best way block your your bathtub you know the old style bad thing put something on I'm standing in a plastic container whatever that is and just pour it over your your body and take that water in the plastic container and throw it outside of your house or in close to your don't let it go through the drain are the same even though if you do it's still fine but yummy for the children you should shower them this way do it every three days if you feel there's a harm in the house all you need to do spray your house so someone said Solar toolbox are recited and Anna in a house it will stop the shell team from harming the house for three days laical solitude become a layers of the oil bottle so little baccarat the magician's cannot even come close to it meaning you're protected so this protection at least better to protect yourself before harms takes place in Shaba any other question yes run so remember what we said at the beginning of the lecture remember the hadith the harm is only what what did also Allah said if not best if all of mankind would to come together to benefit you they won't be able to and if they come together to harm you they won't be able to harm you these things have no heart because they've not done for me these things were done for certain people so the magic that is done for certain people only Affleck's only causes problem to those individuals it doesn't mean it doesn't transfer harm doesn't transfer and having those things I don't take them to a house I keep them in a place that is away from the house okay but if hunter left did I go through harms at the beginning when I read on people yes I used to see nightmares I would see black dogs under my car and when I look down they disappear I would hear voices at night coming from the garage my room was next to the garage when I'm walking you feel there is wind coming into you a lot of things but the more you death was a lead for me to never miss my of God don't never miss my Salah to never miss my recitation of Quran if didn't scare me off it actually helped me to be better so now every morning I said to myself if I don't do that car maybe someone will come to me today I have to read on them and they have jinn I will be harmed so let me protect myself it actually is a good lead to be a better person but you shouldn't go into it if you don't what is I meant what is mental illness mental illness okay like some sometime we'll read them people who have seizures a seizure attack is a different from a seizure attack and I'll tell you one difference that you could notice and I tell people if you come the first thing when they come to me I refer them to a psychiatrist to check them out maybe that person has bipolar maybe this person has depression maybe this person has whatever from the Fenian anymore that ends with finian so what is it called circle Vania and are all this crazy words that they have okay but the problem is doctors nowadays they are a little loose on it to a point that they store any medication and prescribe medication without firmly diagnosing the patient right away it's depression right away so that's right so I tell people go and see the treatment and also see the Quran treatment see which one works so one of the things that we have seen in practice and I have done that in a clinic that anybody who has a seizure attack due to the chemical of the brain being damaged or reduce of the chemical of the brain when they pack when the seizure attacks they only fall on one side they only fall on one side they either go on their back and they start reacting where they got their side and they start reacting but they going down at one side per time a person who has seizure due to a gene possession they start going around like crazy jumping to the front standing up falling to the back so when you start reading their moving back and forth that's proven medically in the British clinic in Egypt Cairo by some day psychiatrists were there and we tested out through people as Jim and people who have seizure due to them that's one thing to notice so sickness I mean mental illness it is something in there needs to be discussed in our communities something not to be shy off to give treatment off but we also need to consider the spiritual part of it yes yes through the recitation of the Rokia if he comes to me and says I hear voices there are two things this person might have miss West whispering this person might have shaken whispering this person might be sick mentally sick so when I perform the rupiah I am able to tell if there is afflicted through jinn or magic or this needs to be treated by the doctor and I'll tell you a surprise now even though I'm in that field and you know be a good advertising business 85% or more of people who come to us have no general position they are either mentally sick have mental problem but they are denying it they wanna something easy so we I I work very closely in that field with psychiatrists I respect their opinion especially Muslim psychiatrists because they know the spiritual part of it too but not Muslim they might be neither but even though they have it in Christianity and Judaism they also have the huh what is it called exorcism so they practice it but the law law has a problem with it so that's why I said the only one who could differentiate is someone a lot of people when you go to them they butcher their hand and then all brother you have evil eye how did you know that you didn't even read if somebody does that they know that this person only read few books or something they're not expert yes okay so she said if you hear voices we already answered that how could you get rid of them you know if it's gin or not as I told you let someone read on you and that person when they preform the reading they'll be able to tell you that what you're going through is possession of gem or harm of gem or due to magic or that positioners to do with mental illness and if he does tell you you don't have gym you have mental problem go see a doctor Rosso Salem said that our wherever the law taking the means of medicine because a loss and a flexion and he sends the cures for now yes so lots to question the shop - one - and then later anybody so we don't hold people more and some yes they use the help of okay I don't know what is referring to us when you said them what are the slim jim that he's working with yeah okay then you tell him thank you very much have a nice day and I don't want to see you again are you there is no I told you there is no way you know I I just had a person right now but they just don't call him what kill so it's maybe terminology this person he tells me that this shake deals with a Jim who lived from the time from so Lula is a companion so I said to the shake marsala how did you have firm you saw his ID and the she said no he told me he saw Rasulullah and then he's still living till today I said okay and that Jen does things for you he said yes I said okay I'm Marcia well then good luck anybody who does that please stay away from them these people are there cause they could be working with the gym they could I'm not saying that they could but the only way to work with Jim Jim I'm not just sitting there waiting for you to to tell them I'll do this for me do that for me they are workers now go to the Home Depot you'll find people standing outside pick up a worker and tell them come and do my garden and at the end I'm not gonna pay you would they come that's what the Shin says you want me to help you do one two three now the more hard or the more benefit that you want me to help the more disbelieve you have to do so they could help yes they are able to help but they are helping with the harm now how do we know whether we are afflicted with evil eye or not evil eye has signs I didn't have time to cover that so maybe another luxury evil eye has signs numbness in the body yawning yawning a lot nightmares headaches all of the yummy berries I have but here you go I have I have I have a lot of things that I can't I can't there's no there you know all of these things could be a sign for evil eye okay all of these things yawning burping allergies rashes most sisters they are hit by gin every night and I'll tell you I'll tell you why maybe some fuels a tree with Nona do you ever wake up with bruises like bluish and your arms or your legs yeah if anybody does that first you need to check if your husband is raining you up at night again if not mostly that's the diversion these are the gym that have flex they cause these bruises like you see you stand up sister told me she was taking a shower few days and then she saw a bluish on her and her arm like somebody had or she hit something so she went she took a shower she laid down she slept second day she saw bruises here so I told her read when Shira she heard very strong voice in the house so she spread out so come to gosh she's fine now but that that could be a sign any of these things bruises laziness laziness doesn't mean because your son is lazy then he has Jim know I'm saying evil eye these are things that could appear as all of this here headaches there I may be next election shot maybe that's too much when I throw care myself my eyes keep watering tears and yawning among that could be a sign of the sister who says this or the brother when you do look here your eyes are your eonni and your eyes are dropping tears a lot that that could be a sign of an evil eye that could be a sign of an evil eye all you need to do is that if you know the person who gave you the evil eye you ask them to shower okay how do they shower for you they make will do this is what happened you saw something that you like you saw a child playing here like oh your children is very strong for you he has green eyes how did you have his child has green eyes you know there's a sister I don't know why she's doing that to me I hope I'm not on camera now oh yeah okay she's in our she came in so first when I first bought my house my car she said AHA modernized car you know the kids were cleaning your window today they look bright I went home I went outside that window and cranked the front window so I took it to the guy to fix it all right they came back my wife I told me off the story so she saw had the message in she's like you know if it's the window five hundred dollars yesterday it's just time he said what window I just saw it outside it was it was fine one lighting we went outside after Salah crap so I took it to the guy that I told me how do you break the window the same way every time like it can't be you know that the crack is the same shade I told him don't worry about third time then the sister was like I said tequila please say my soda please so she didn't say masha'Allah she said why my scar the window and I said you know what I'm not gonna fix it just leave it like that I left it like that for two months till they actually spreads then I had to to do it so an evil eye could be true so I know the person what should they do they are making solution they're making will do like this all right they make will do with water and you collect their we'll do in in a container if you know them machine and then they wash their knees and their stomach area in that container so the water that they are using to be collected and you take it and you shower with it by you have another person that's actually anything behind I don't know that person by taking water Samsung water be better and then olive oil I recite the rupiah and the olive oil and every night I rub my body skin you rub your skin from head to toe at night and then that's take it when you and you sleep when you wake up you take a bottle that has the rope here recited on and you shower off the olive oil and then second day you do the same thing you do that for 15 days in Charlock day evil eye will be away from you and you'll stay on in an old double stop if not then see someone who's specialized and grow here to do the full rupee on you to see what's going you the question huh one second sir the Buddha level had the erotic let's cut the condom she you need someone to read on you to be able to tell if it's magic evil eye will be able we have to know that had a chronic best if they will man with olive oil for 15 days if you don't feel better after 15 days inshallah contact me on chauvelin okay they're hadith narrated by lemon Muslim under 30 for cash out of the law and all thought when he said he has the porcelain to make him among them and he said you're one of them the hadith has so many explanation number one people who don't ask for roja less the cool even hotter a whole labor now remember they said less the cool means that they do not seek rupiah that is there is this belief because the prophet shall have said to the Sahaba are you go away Yahoo come tell me how do you do rupiah that means they were doing rocking God Mileva Savile Row commanded me a confession there is no problem have a group here if it's not this belief so the process anyone who preform Rokia that is that has any worrying that is disbelief or anything like that they are not from the 70,000 one second explanation says no the word latest are cool means that they do not ask for opium they rely upon Allah they don't ask for Rocky alright when they are reflecting number three according now alas the poor means they do not ask it more often because of our Ummah so said la did rocky and he is among the 70,000 for sure and she breathed it rakia for him so they said but he give him a Seabreeze to do rakia so they said from the tsunami or visit someone who's sick you preform Brooklyn done before they ask you so the hadith has explanation I agree in toward the explanation that the rope here that is against the Quran and Sunnah is what's meant endure honey why because he said at the end of the hadith while I repeat me a talk alone and they rely upon Allah so the Tawaf could can not be mentioned twice so when he said he saw some said estoppel he said to us math I see your kids being very skinny what's wrong you don't feed them well she said ya rasulallah they're always afflicted with an eye evil eye he said you need to preform rupee on them they will feel better him saying that to her didn't he won her soul asylum to be from the 70,000 why would he Salam Salam make her miss a chance so that means that he allowed it so the one last up pool has an interpretation they don't ask for it or they don't perform the haram Rokia which is the amulet and all these things they must question so blah because I am I've been out since Faysal three works up a day if a Muslim person door Opia at home and although they hear the gym or ham we're both here in conversation leather you won't hear any jian conversation don't worry if you sprayed the house or you do rock here and your home you are getting rid of the gym you are keeping them outside of your house you won't hear them talking you might hear you might hear someone running you might hear something you might see some shadows in the house but they won't if they to harm you to a point that you could hear Jen that means there is a problem with your house that you just can't get rid of them with water that's a bigger problem so when you spraying the house it's like you're keeping it protected so as soon as the jinn sees the water the Koran being recited they just decide to leave the house and they don't come back two three days so there is no harm on you don't don't be scared there's no you're fine yes oh yeah as I said with the workshop is six hours so I did it in a few hours that's impossible but how do you get rid of them as soon as you see something like that in your house first step you need to make sure there is no there is no no no you open it off first okay this is the paper paper is closed or as I told you do it these papers were wearing these nuts they were actually sealed like that alright so I opened it up I found this paper inside what should I do first I make sure there is no sand or soil or incent the core the smell is not nothing nothing in there if there is anything on there you pour it to the water first you you bring in a container you read for em in the water and you put it next to you so you put this in there alright you dissolve the paper I mean I mean sorry you put the sand in there or the whatever that's in there if it doesn't have any sand then that's simple you read that Fatiha it will courtesy three times the for cold or real Katherine : and then you burn it okay and the burning might take some time I was in my brother's house he lives near llovera Folsom and I came to his house and he had one of these it took out it took us three hours to burn the paper every time we burn it the whole papers burned except the writing we put the writing on the fire it doesn't burn so you do your best to burn it and then after you burn it you bringing all the ashes into the water till it dissolves you take that water you bury it somewhere in the ground and shall Allah get rid of the magic for you yes you put the ashes in the water and you leave it in the water for a few hours or you just take it put it in the water and just take the water outside of your house the people who dissolve the papers first and then they burn it it becomes very hard because when you have a wet paper it's it's almost impossible to burn after that it takes more time so I recommend burning it first and then having it in the water except as I said if it has any sand or soda if it's something like that then you have to break it to pieces leave it into the wall in the water for one day the water that has reading not just any one water that you read so you have the container in front of you you put your mouth in and you blow this millennium Hungary I mean you'll finish so till Fatiha you go like this in the water this water is what you're gonna dissolve in and that's what the process Salim did now the other type is this type right here do you see these nuts yeah you have to undo them you cannot just burn it or dissolve it like that you have to undo the nuts and then put it into the water and that's the sort of isola that hadith narrated by the members area and muslim and other so each each one has its own way of burning it or getting rid of it so I would prefer as someone who's experienced and show him like some brother who sent me the picture and I've taught him do this or do that who knows second love everyone me lost heart Allah blessed is gathering mellow strategy was protected from the harms of the shayateen of the humans and the shield in addition sometimes the humans are even worse than the machine in their heart so miyawaki was all protected insha allah ameen so had a climber from Dixie delaila mystical corner tabbouleh is that mafia for the invocation come to lay off man by the time and all of the effort but may Allah bless you [Music] we [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Muslim Community of Folsom
Views: 26,269
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Length: 109min 2sec (6542 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 17 2019
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