The Wind and the Word | Pastor David Elms

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welcome to the wind and the word i'm so glad that you have joined us and we are excited today to be joined by pastor david elms the pastor of cathedral of pentecost in the fort lauderdale florida area and pastor elms has been one of the visionaries and the driving force behind the winds conference that was started last year during the pandemic we've been talking about it for a number of years but we are so glad today that pastor elms is with us and pastor elms tell me a little bit about what you're feeling about this particular season that we're in right now well thank you brother myers it is an honor to be with you and be a part of this tremendous convention uh this is an amazing time of life and we have never seen a time like this in my generation i don't think we've ever appreciated coming together so much as we are learning to do it now we've always loved uh the gathering of god's people we've always believed forsake not the assembling of yourselves together even so much the more as you see the day approaching but in this era this last era of the sickness the shutdowns i think there is a brand new appreciation for the coming together of god's people in a manner that before i don't know that we had we've always enjoyed it we've always wanted to have church but when you're forced to not be able to in america that was unheard of and now to have experienced that last wins conference was the first conference from my perspective that had occurred after the shutdown and i remember a lot of trepidation with regard to shall it be or shall we wait and just the holy ghost pressed us yes and you were brave and took the step forward and god smiled on that the the response of god was the sanction that we were looking for and then of course the this might be a small thing to some but the no reports of anyone getting sick after that it was as if heaven said i love what you did and therefore the coming together is something that i think is irreplaceable and necessary more than i ever have understood it to be therefore having a convention like this there's going to be more scares there's going to be scares that will come i had a member of my church tell me that they are already in the works of creating some hollywood movie called covet 23 i believe is the name of it um but we're they're going to capture the fear industry of moving this forward but the church has got to be the church yeah absolutely do you feel pastor that this pandemic that we we started dealing with early last year and we still find ourselves battling this this health crisis as it were do you feel like that there's any kind of a spiritual attack to it or do you think it's just just part of this natural world that we live in you know romans 1 tells us the invisible things of him the lord are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made so i don't believe you can separate anything that happens in the natural realm from a revelation of something that occurs in the spiritual realm therefore all disease is a symbol to a degree it was scripturally it was looked at biblically by jesus as not just an ailment but it was attached to spiritual realities therefore i am convinced this is part of the pestilences that shall come and it's another revelation that we're at that last day last day yeah 2021 ladies and gentlemen last day yes last day yeah it's still last day yeah in fact one of my children growing up instead of saying yesterday um always would refer to yesterday as last day last day dad last day we went to the ice cream store right well i said yes it's last day son yeah we're in those last days yes yeah and what do you think in terms of the posture that the church should have during this season what what should be i know we're dealing with fear uh i know we're dealing with uncertainty as you mentioned pestilence we're in these last days what should be the posture of the church what are you feeling in your spirit about that you know i take a cue from daniel and those boys that were stuck in babylon uh we know them as shadrach meshach and abednego they had hebrew names yeah but they leaned into it yeah they did not hold back we shall not defile ourselves it was a strong word to use regard the king's recipe the king's kitchen said this will make you best and daniel and the boy said we shall not defile ourselves with the king's meat and that atmosphere of babylon is where we are politically spiritually as babylon as any generation we are facing it and even the depictions of the emotional twists of getting them to bow it involved music it involved social pressure it was the first tick-tock pressure system you're gonna bow when everybody bows i sense that babylon has come and it is in ways that we have not anticipated i didn't know it would show up like this but this is our hour and the church to me should not cuddle like a covey of quail and huddle and just wait i believe that this is the time to stand and say we are not afraid o king to answer you our lord he is god and that atmosphere of babylon i don't think it has any grip on god's people yeah absolutely you know you mentioned shadrach meshach and abednego and i think about our original discussion about this conference was that we wanted a an apostolic environment that would would really equip and empower uh millennials and i think of shadrach meshach and abednego as being millennials that were hungry uh for god and and was so widely used of god what do you see pastor about this millennial generation that's very special to the heart of god oh brother myers there's two things i want to say about this millennials one of the under appreciated commandments of god that was played out in luke 2 or actually the first chapter of luke by john the baptist as we know when john the baptist came he would come in the spirit of elias we know that he spoke of the coming of the messiah he would prepare the way his fan is in his hand and he will thoroughly purge his floor we know all of those beautiful depictions that have made our easter dramas about john the baptist but i think underappreciated in the prophecy of john as he spoke of what would occur in the last days he said that he shall turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and there has never been a generation i believe like the last generation in this generation in understanding the power of the younger generation we've always heard that a child shall lead them and the glorious things about let the children suffer the children to come unto me but to recognize that part of the prophecy of the last days a depiction of what will occur is that what you just did right there when you said what do you think about the millennials it was to me the prophecy of john the baptist saying here's what you will see occur in the last days you will see fathers turning toward the story of the children in a way as never before millennials i would like to say i am one not but to have a focus on the younger people to see what god is unpacking for this last hour as you mentioned to me at the approach of this dream unfolding you had a clear view of that group of kids i don't want to call them that they're adults right when i was there i wanted to think i wasn't a director but they're we're literally talking about 12 year olds yeah we're not talking about 19 year olds god is putting things in 12 and 13 and 14 year olds that obviously go up through that 35 35th year and that holds reign it's a big zone but that ecozone of anointing that god is creating among these younger kids when we turn to the children the fathers turn you know there's a striking story about how sacrifices are to be made in leviticus the second chapter and it's a description of the status of sacrifice god said if you want to you can bring a bull if you're able actually more it's a matter of ability bring a bull a bullock or a ram and then it goes down to a lower instrument a turtle dove and then there is the least of all which who can imagine status in the line of sacrifice but it was there a man comes walking up down the dusty trail and he's leading an impressive bull everyone in the line of sacrifice knew there's status there that man had supply but there's this amazing verse there in leviticus 2 where god says if you bring a grain offering you know what the grain offering was the poor it was those with no status and as much as i would like to think that has to do with monetary gain i believe it also has to do with status in life millennials they haven't had their dreams unfurled yet they haven't seen the visions of their encounter by the devotion fireplace that hasn't been seen yet they can't show up with dreams and visions that people say wow there's a bullock or there's a ram or they come with less status but god told the priest he said when they come i want you to keep beside you a bowl of the holy incense and when you put the grain offering down get the scoop and bring in some of the incense and put it on that offering so that a sweet savor fills the place what i witnessed last year at wynn's conference we saw young people we saw elders too i was among them but we saw people that did not know that others saw their their call or their witness or their calling of substance because they're just starting but i felt a fragrance of god's holy scoop getting the incense yeah and drop it on those kids wow i feel the holy ghost he drops it on those kids when they pray and those those 18 year olds that look up at that speaker and they they listened to us when brother stone king spoke and the elders that we brought in and they think can that be anything close to me and god said yes put on the incense i felt that last year it was an ambiance that could not be stopped and i think that was the sanction of god so maybe that was a long answer no that's good to the millennials but the way i see millennials in this next generation others may not know the encounter you have had with god but god was there and when you come to a place like this conference or you make the efforts i know the status to come we've got stories of sleeping in cars you know the things that we've done to get to a conference like this and nobody knew we were doing it but god sees it and he meets you and those encounters carry you the rest of your life so yes the millennials are not only seen they are chosen chosen for this time you know it's interesting when you look at scripture the bible says that your sons and your daughters will prophesy and when you think about the progression of faith you know early on there was belief and faith that if you know jesus could touch a sick individual they could be healed and then of course that progressed to they just brought the sick into the streets and the hoping that peter and the disciples their shadow would cover them but then there was this next level of faith where jesus even said it was great faith whenever the man said if you just speak the word and it seems like that with this generation there is this a progression of faith to where they can prophesy they can speak the word and you see that with technology it's illustrated you know we have these touch tablets and iphones that we love and we understand you know we can be in the vicinity of a router and we can get connected but yet we love this voice technology where we can just speak the word and something happens and i feel like in my spirit that this generation has a hold of something that is accomplished by the spoken word we name this conference winds because we felt like there were these prophetic winds that were blowing and we see that illustrated in ezekiel 37 where he said to prophesy to the winds but you know what's interesting pastor is that before the lord told ezekiel to prophesy to the wind he told him to speak to the bones to come together and i feel like that that's where we are with this millennial generation you've always had a powerful ministry with millennials in your church and your family and your children do you feel like that's part of what god is doing with this millennial generation is that he's given them that prophetic atmosphere to speak the word absolutely in the flow of things being unfolded what is the emphasis that the secular spaces are trying to capture the minds of the millennials uh i know you might think i'm young but i'm not tick-tock wasn't created for me i i don't even have it on my phone i don't know if it's recommendable i just know it is in the purview of the police department i represent that's where a lot of the kids yeah are spending their day just creating or watching why because there is an emphasis in the last hour on the force and the power of that generation these uh is is millennial the description of the newest generation i don't even know there's a bigger category there that it's these powerhouses that were created for as we know such a time as this and to see them grab that with anointing with power hell hates it hell is frightened by it to see these kids that are unashamed and unafraid and they don't even know what they're facing but they are not hesitant and i believe i sat near a couple of young people yesterday that they were at a casual dining event and all they could talk about was the beautiful word of god not because they were asked by adults no it was what was reverberating in their spirit this is a revival of the last day an order like we have not ever seen and it gives off such a beautiful fragrance to the lord yeah absolutely it seems like too that god has prepared this generation for this season it's almost like you know the bible talks about how we're sent about grace does much more about he is equipping this generation of millennials to be able to deal with the challenges of this day and age that we're in well pastor elms and just wrapping up we're excited about this wins conference what would you say to pastors that are maybe considering coming or bringing some of their staff maybe even some of their youth leaders what do you you think would be most beneficial to share with a pastor that is considering coming and being a part of the wins conference this year this is a great question that you asked every pastor wants to have his um garden if we can call what the lord have assigned has assigned us to build is we're gardeners if you will and we want it to be a fruitful place a healthy ecosystem of fruitfulness more fruit much fruit fruit that remains so the question you just posed posed was one that an uh a pastor does concern himself with and i believe that first of all we have underestimated the power of atmosphere you get people in healthy dynamic atmospheres and great things happen and while i appreciate learning spaces i appreciate administrations and strategies of growth all of those are necessary we are a spirit-led church which means that you can never underestimate the power of atmosphere and when you get people in the right atmosphere explosive things occur and we are apostolic pentecostal churches built not on the best power points we can do all of that but we're built on a dynamic breakout the wind and i'm not playing with that word it is the wind that comes into a place and who has seen the wind who has corralled the wind only one spoke to the wind and the wind obeyed it scripture says jesus was given a breakdown to nicodemus it bloweth where it listeth and this wind comes about but you hear the sound thereof there's a sound to the wind so getting your people your leaders into the atmosphere is powerful of encounter and then relationships getting them to know other kids that are as hungry as they are and i apologize for using the word kids leaders these are their dynamic forces moving forward this is not a kid's conference right at all but getting their leaders into a place of vision and encounter and meeting other leaders with the same kind of hunger can never never be underestimated amen never be underestimated so i would say it's a worthy endeavor there's not many places like florida number one we don't want to bring up those beauties that are around but also this church you know you've got to make sure that you've got the right starting point and this church mirrors sacrifice community service energized teams not just leaders it's not just a church of leaders this is a church of teams and so even though that is not the emphasis of the conference it's impossible not to permeate the place and it's those interactions following service eating over in the family center uh being together in the altar meeting out in the glorious palm covered parking lot all of those things those interactions create connections that will matter in these days and i would highly advise pastors they're going to have encounter the music and worship is going to be explosive i mean we've got brother mark crowder coming this year we've got my wife who is a dynamic worship leader and so many talented people that will be bringing their worship not their talent their worship their worship into the place and then an atmosphere of prayer that this church has engendered through the years of having bishop myers and the other elders you know brother morgan was there and the great possibilities of others coming and being here to create more atmosphere it's just one of those and the proof was last year it was yeah and it will continue to be wow this is so good i'm so excited i get excited just hearing you talk we've been talking with pastor david elms they're going to be hearing more from him in our upcoming wins conference i so hope that you can join us we're going to have a great time just coming together and the lord just blowing his powerful presence on his people it's going to be so good so exciting and i'm so glad that you have tuned in we're looking forward to seeing you and you're going to get some more information you can go online and register now to be a part of it i know god will bless and reward you for the sacrifice and the effort to be in that apostolic atmosphere now may god bless you and keep you in jesus name [Music] you
Channel: Eastwind Pentecostal Church of Palm Bay, Florida
Views: 345
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: first, pentecostal, apostolic, sermon, pastor, david, myers, palm bay, melbourne, brevard, county, florida, upci, upc, bishop, j., e., jackson, ellis, Eastwind, Eastwind church
Id: IbQoxp2Rkf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 59sec (1439 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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