The Most Satisfying Snips - Snipperclips

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this is this is so satisfying this is ridiculously status Jason what are you doing there no eggs see there are no egg levels yeah all right which one do you think is an egg the froggy reunion doesn't have eggs the titling yeah but frogs legs what do we what do we do what do we do here oh so we got a guide the frog I'm trying to open up the latch here okay I'm gonna be like this and you you have to you have to yeah we should okay can you okay okay oh oh he jumps oh he definitely jumps go go run run no every time I move stop that stop that froggy stay there now go oh oh you stopped Timmy stop Jim no go no go okay okay I got in there hold on jump you got you got no when he jumps once you rotate rotate there you go there now you jump no he's almost got it all right I'm gonna close a lunch [Music] anything crazy thank you are we gonna be I think so it look like we were gonna be gears for this one oh oh no or we're gonna put yes yes we are the gears no we're gonna push them yeah so so so so I've got an idea I've got a idea so what I want to do what I move okay okay now we need you to rotate clockwise just a little bit you keep rotating okay and I keep sniffing okay so you need you need to regen I like my hairstyle it's not gonna work or too small okay all right so I'm gonna put myself right here now keep rotating stop I'm gonna rotate myself a little bit I'm gonna rotate a little bit more okay rotate back you okay let's it back no rotate there you go two more two more two more go back go back okay one more you're you're so smart you look amazing I'm not lying what so no please don't god snip you know okay how are you gonna do this trust me I got alright so now you rotate and then I snip you fine this is fine this is fine this is okay now what okay you've got a rotate rotate do the dotted line one no it's gonna do with eggs like watch oh look a pencil a pencil oh hello okay Oh your did it we win okay okay okay if we can do this without having to snip any Cooper's there's gonna be the snippety-snip of snow we're changing wheels make it wheels of changing wheels we gotta get that thing over there all right you stay there okay i'ma do dis me until rape there you go now you can scooping scoop scoop scoop look at that okay all right what you guys hit me oh I do I do I do you got you got to make it so I yeah like you're like like a barrier yeah like a ramp perfect all right I'm judging judging everybody what's in the way your fat butts in the way okay wait okay can I get on top you like touch the hearts touch device more gears oh all right you get over here you get over here okay you ready rotate rotate rotate rotate this is this is so satisfying this is ridiculously status Jason what are you doing all right I want to stab you you rotate why are you rotating why are you rotating because I'm smart that's why all right well this is the Jessica gear oh look it doesn't work that's cuz you're not using your thumb right kill me you actually killed me yeah now rotate rotate rotate rotate rotate okay okay and you are very small this is not going to work watch Buffy have faith in me I feel like we have to get the hearts over here so I'm gonna I'm gonna start faith in me the princess she's on the tower she what's the hearts you've got to get them to her okay don't have faith in me anymore just just think all right all right so this time this time this time we're gonna make you a little bit bigger so can you rotate and rotate a little back a little back a little bit no back yeah and keep going keep going keep going keep going no warning and you ruined it she the heart Jason I gave you a haircut look your little guy likes it oh you didn't regen triumphant right there you go she's got one heart I gotta hold this she already had two hearts why should need three more because she needs a lot of heart [Applause] so you need to jump on me and get that thing okay i'ma jump on you okay you absolutely failed can run jump on you okay okay yeah you got more of a hook to you so hard I put the gear down I'm the gear and make this turn I dropped it I dropped it I dropped it I dropped it kids keep going just keep going you know what just take it the princess can wait gotta get this heart to her so she can live and love oh no please please just go nope just tippy toes tippy tippy toes tippy toes no topic baby baby baby I'm not I'm not good at this okay this passion is taken to fish my entire life all right so this race is a Kia Soul and what does that do okay oh we got to get the fish here and push them over so you're doing a good job I don't know how you think I think you you have to be snooped into a bowl okay so could you could you beat you upside down and put you put your butt down okay now you get on top of me and then I jump in yep and jump oh you got it you got it you did it okay no my toes are stuck look at my toes don't take more I'm trying to rotate more it's not working all right let me let me snoop your snoop oh yeah yeah let me let me do this let me rotate and I'm gonna bend down okay there you go yeah yeah there we go all right now get big at that one and we're gonna hit this all right daddy bringing him over now jump onto that that little pillar you got begun you got him oh you don't go you don't got him you got that at the pointy one get the green one get the green one almost got him almost got him got him oh I don't want the other fish trap up there we go got him got him this plenty of stress he's trapped he's trapped we got him you got oh we just push her look now I'm the princess it's your beautiful princess what where'd she go wait wait push that button it's your favorite one push button what are we doing that helped her get the okay yes I'm gonna snip in this yes snip the inside because I feel that's not I had to keep going alright now what oh it's a little remote control get up there and be a princess I'm gonna be this really what we're doing oh there's a man stir we don't like me answer where the other diamond we got a snipper around the we got a sleeper around the monster alright I think the diamond no way are the diamonds hidden here look yeah I see the diamonds right here so like you see like the little cutouts right here yeah yeah so what I think you need to do is can you cut me to like a little bit of a narrower path yeah you cut that top off yeah yeah so now I gotta be okay I need you I need you to get over your swing okay okay but you can't we can't put her next to the monster because I know I'm gonna go underneath we're gonna go underneath we're gonna go so first we're gonna make a little pathway like yes and then we're gonna make a little pathway like oh she's way too tall we need to make it we need to make a big okay alright and then we're gonna go down I like a little outfit look at her it's a triangle Oh she'll die oh no she gonna die oh no oh no well no I could I could sit here but I could be the platform for her oh okay all right I just shut up so we can keep going we can keep going oh oh okay it'll totally work okay all right you be the platform wants me you be the platform wait you can't be the platform for her what help me get up there with a little princess okay oh okay all right now if you can get all the way please No how did you do don't do dis and yes Jesus and then I'll turn so make a little ramp but I'll do here and then and then I'll do this and that need you I need you to come over here we did make a little bit tall when you make a little bit time cuz our princess Isadora Lee is adorably Tom I think I think yeah let's do it I get hurt I get to be the oh that's region I feel like the third one is gonna be the hardest to monsters I never thought that could happen my friends my friends all right so hmm so what I'm thinking is what I'm thinking we can we can we move the monsters first and then regen it here so I have a question so you go there get ready to hit the button you ready to hit the button so can the monsters fall could you I think yeah now could you hit the button again see what happens do the monsters respawn back in their original locations all right so what I think we're gonna do here is get the top one first so get this one the one I'm boss over doesn't she's gonna have to go like it's gonna be like a little bit of a like a weird why'd you where it's gonna she's gonna go down a little bit go between these monsters and then back up to the top and then we'll regen it and then we'll cut a little path down to this last job okay all right gotcha okay so I need you need you just give me two a pathway all right use a pathway okay okay hopefully hopefully that's enough all right all right can you jump up and fat she's not that fat oh she's so fat all right all right yeah yeah yeah no no no let me get on top you I got an idea okay an idea that I don't have to be sniped we're just gonna worse than ever it's gonna do dis no no don't get down get down yeah we're just gonna do this there we go hopefully hopefully yeah she got the first Jim I like her little sassy walk I want to walk like that can I walk oh that's no one you you already do what oh thank you all right so now can we regen it or does that Reaver let's hope hmm no no no we don't have to we don't have to you can just fall down yeah I'll just come it's gonna go scorched okay this is my husband everybody I married him all right top of me then [Music] killer killer did you you've unlocked new stages a silly science and you'll never do the dot lines one ever again it says that I was a fish II think that's a fishy alright guys that was in person if eclipse if you enjoy [Music] Oh [Music]
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 21,047,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft Roleplay, roleplay, minecraft, mod, spotlight, showcase, aphmau, playthrough, yt:quality=high, 1.10.2, aph, no swearing, no cursing, game, gameplay, funny, kids, 2019, new
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 15sec (1155 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 02 2018
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