GIANT SINKHOLES Swallow EVERYTHING! - Donut County Gameplay

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hey everybody I'm blitz welcome to a brand new game called donut country today we're gonna take the role of this little guy a little raccoon as he has an app on his phone I don't ask I don't understand they do that allows him to eat like make holes in the ground and then it eats everything it's kind of a cool game I want to check it out with you guys today so let's start I pretend a new one over write to our current save file and get to it Oh who's a nice little house that's Mira's house and there's kitty cat meow okay Oh bed presents Oh No so it's heavily physics-based as well oh where are you coming to work bored quiet I'm dead I've died please have some respect what why are you dead because a goose Oh goose back yeah no no no no stop stop you dumb Rock hoon okay thank you the hunky man oh the hunky man won't be up again at the Hawk of done talking unbelievable don't worry oh great I'll revenge you be careful duda the guy really honks what is that even mean yeah whatever come to the donut shop and stop feeding your dog bread TV it's the bread to live he's a certified loaf okay I'm leaving in five minutes bye hey okay doughnuts look at this it's a game is heavily physics-based open that up push the button open the door oh it's the honking men we will eat him P so that's the object of the game knows we get a little hole a little doughnut hole in the ground or we can even Boeing we need balls we can eat those things and then we're gonna eat the car oh it's not big enough yet can I get the dope yes I got the D oh oh oh wait in the end in the U and the T in this one it's grass hey stop driving stop hey you guys the cool doughnuts doughnuts do good well that's sweet okay I gotta keep him down so he doesn't drive away before I get you big goat here these that oh my god he went out Oh level silver donut country donut shop yay we made it to the donut shop I think oh there's the raccoon again let's cruise the trash King there we go did you actually just do something to the honking man yeah yeah don't worry about him I just delivered him a doughnut oh they donut the donut hole thing okay yeah okay lol alone I guess it distracted me guess what I'm level nine now I obviously leveled up on his little app because he ate that dude Wow much nice at level 10 I earned my quadcopter Oh sick congrats for a bus route like kings okay CBC six weeks later and oh hey we're going down in a hole ourselves and the quadcopter is broken Mira how could you smile back object who cares about your stupid quadcopter how could you destroy the entire town he leveled up too much and made a hole and destroy the entire town 999 feet below donut county country county country Hey look at all these people I've never destroyed anything I'm kind oh what'd you use that stupid app to open up holes all over town and now we're stuck in the ground everything here looks fine to me except my quadcopter I'm the victim there's Donuts everywhere well someone back me up here Potter it's obvious that you did it I got swallowed by a hole right after I ordered a donut from your shop what does that have to do with Mira smash my pickup stupid trash man what happened here oh I didn't see if that's it Oh pup my sweet pup and boy it must still be up there somewhere what oh this is Potter's Rock that was part this is where Potter lives there's a little guy in there left click to deploy hole okay oh hey now I get to eat these things okay Rock first wait let's do this one mm daddy goes okay well we do that one and then that one and then this one and that one and then up it went in okay that one and then I'll open the rock up you know can I get this get in get it no oh well I got this go can I get this thing yet yep come on my box I got it and shrimp hey I did it that's so cool I did okay oh now I have to eat the dog bone yep and then the brick oh I opened the door up that's cool let's see the cactuses and the rock is no plants in this thing yeah get in the hole thank you hey thank you I can't eat anything else let's go in here eat this thing got it Oh next part oh you know what you're not allowed to be a Potter anywhere okay never mind he'll let you be the putter that must be the pup inside interesting Gail with the rock and the boxes and in the table table and now we'll eat you Oh next part okay oh this looks difficult oh no don't break them the clay pots how do I do this without breaking things okay and then this one well I'm how they broke again that's not good I didn't do it I didn't mean to I'm sorry Potter I didn't mean to oh wow I got those okay what do I have up here that this looks really messy let's grab that what are those things called it's got some some fancy name I forget what they're okay so let's try this side first I don't want to break these things oh never mind we just broke everything anyway and we'll eat that it ate the kid nope oh there's a hot-air balloon oh shoot um that's like a forge thing oh it must be a kiln for drying the clay it's awesome oh no it's on fire oh no I'm starting a fire can it it's hot it's burning the hot air balloon the things outside rocks hey give me the oldest okay we'll grab all that whoa goodbye goodbye cruel rock place senior Oh things are blowing up oh no oh no the donut broke get in the hole get in the donut hole you get don't get in the donut hole get in got it and then we'll get this baby come on you know in the hole got it okay we'll go over here and yep got that one and that one and Oh made it okay what do we have over here we had the gate oh oh hey wait we didn't eat the house oh that thing was stuck on top of the house nice okay now eat the house oh I'm sorry hopefully the kids not in there oh oh there's another rock up here oh that's everything we know there's Potter my Potter great delivery oh and I'm leveling up so I'm this is like going back in time and we unlock the quadcopter here very cool have a garbage day garbage day is Monday and Thursday I think that said 999 feet below donut country okay what happens next I just wanted a surprise pup of the donut sniff now he's floating away oh that was the that was the guy out here balloon no he's not if he gets swallowed first how do you know pump is in the balloon the story is full of holes your braid is full of holes this is the entire town thanks to you just doing my job wait I mean not true I'm innocent wait pup is in a hot-air balloon I saw a hot-air balloon floating by my ranger station you saw pup which way was he heading I don't know I got distracted I just had ordered a doughnut hungry what I'm anxious Lal anxious about what believe it or not snakes oh great there's snakes okay with a spotlight with snakes that's kind of cool hey there's a snake oh yeah we got a snake let's get this one what it's like a silly snake we get nope I can't slither away from me okay maybe we'll eat some things no no I got it he's right in the hole eat the cactus eat the cactus we got this we got this let's eat everything wait good bye rocks goodbye goodbye grass and stuff goodbye cactus in large rock Oh goodbye snake oh that that rock came back out ready he said go we in the hole in the hole got it okay let's go back get the big rock now and I want to save this snake for last oh it's up on the rock maybe not we I got it okay get in there and this one thanks okay so there's no more snakes oh there's a snake in a cage what do we have there oh I didn't open it up uh-oh nope what happened baby baby rubber snake de jar oh we can't let the snake danger get you high that's my guess oh we got a snake in our cage we oh that's cool oh did I get snake danger extra high that's not good that's not good can i push the buttons bad snake okay laughs oh this is so cool a this I can move your chicken around the Turtles I can move the chicken around okay weird what oh now snake danger super high yeah what happens next I get it extra super high good I can't eat anything right now [Music] okay oh there we go it broke something remember super danger stranger danger Oh No oh there's more snakes okay that's good that's that I mean that's kind of good I'll just eat all the snakes in the snake hole and the chickens yeah let the chickens get away lay that up believe this okay big Tower nope come on snakes let's get them all don't make any bigger things whoa that was unintentional I didn't know my mouse could move that way and then we'll go in we'll grab that big rock grab that big rock we'll grab that big rock we'll grab that tire okay we got the last of the snakes it's all good all good everything's good now and goodbye we down we go down we go great delivery we're level 10 real soon wow we have a lot of points for that one okay racoon company or hurl me into a dumpster that must be their logo what a great logo 999 feet lead ballon doughnut country we are back to hear more of the storyline lol sounds like you should be thanking me for solving your snare wait so was you hope in the holes what no I'm just saying whoever did do it was totally doing you too solid he's probably a really cool and nice guy did anyone else see pup yep eyes up up with my telescope you mean my telescope oh that's what I said my telescope where did you see him well me and pepper or food and again so I move my trailer to mint river he took a liking to this bird Hey yep a bird made for like it I was admiring the bird till I was hit with the hunger so ordered a doughnut by the way the doughnut coated shop and then the whole game oh so we got another one makes sense wait what is the duck because the dog that's so dumb looking under the fish they're flopping okay get we got a fish okay get it oh another fish we're fishing or fishing with holes okay oh no in Auto career dock are you gonna do next oh poor doggy poor dog oh we just ate him in the hole okay so that's the bird in the telescope you're looking at Oh what happens I drained the lake wait what I don't like that idea oh that's so weird okay splash it out of there cuz things don't I might need to go get the rocks okay that's weird get the fish swim in my hole it does I think I might have messed up this is not good I don't know how to win now Maya doughnut hole is full oh there's the bird Oh what why is the birdie to water it's drinking it I'm guessing that would make sense not okay we got it oh there's a ball at the bottom of that Lake enter a river from slurp slurp and hold no first eat fish eat fish eat fish do I have to drink all of the water hey you're not allowed to come back up here get in the hole I'll do the other one end up getting stopped and then in and in and in oh that's a big ol hole right there and down okay leave these eight the doghouse just does it's big and I want to eat it dad can I eat the trailer yet yep whee whoa get in there yeah there okay I got it there's a coffee okay now we got a big ol Andy I know drink that up there's a little fish little fish big fish that is so weird I don't understand why oh there's a bird ready to pop is it getting bigger it was that was weird we know the birds fallen great delivery oh we're back down below what happened to pup now what is happening oh wow so you are saying like in love with a bird yep is that legal it's not about the bird it's about the bird is about the bird you're hopeless dude oh that better not be the bird hopeless we're all hopeless them what coyote I thought you moved to the way to the desert I did became must be targeted folks who are down on their luck coyote you're the original owner of the donut cutter shop right yep going out of business and the raccoons movies in town I sold the raccoons a shop move out to the desert oh no I'm sorry coyote can't be helped the caddies life it's like a sad country meet some modest living si selling vegetables suppose it was my way of giving back to folks okay so we got cornices like uh this is like a farmers market out here how does their corn in the desert doesn't make much sense okay there's multiple coyotes I'm going to get more oh do I get to make popcorn that'd be awesome goodbye I didn't mean to actually it did mean to because it was funny and go down and then okay we're gonna eat the fire we can gotta eat the corn first wait the core that I gave the fire let's get the rock back here kind of a sneaky little rocket it knows their fire I ate fire okay it's on fire oh I'm making popcorn I knew it I knew it I told you I'd make popcorn okay we got to eat the birds though is there any eat my popcorn no bad birds bad birds getting the whole kit whole bird okay microwaving the bird got it pop pop pop pop get the rocks good job good job blitz you're doing so well thank you and then we'll go in here we got it up beautiful it Ted we rock Kelly just had to because I mean it's fiery and hot down there can't wait all this make it oh there's a big sign I need to eat this I hate this sign please I'll eat the rock first and only the sign oh I don't need to eat the sign yet I want to eat the sign great delivery come on coyote come on down you're the next contestant on the raccoon is right or something I don't know that didn't make much sense oh that's my sad story don't you have something to say - coyote yeah vegetables stink yeah wall man I mean like an apology sorry you think vegetables taste good sigh maybe they don't stink I supposed my sweet tooth feeling lonesome thanks dad why I ordered a doughnut from you see mirror that's why I apologize for dealing with this pathetic vegetable eating coyote at donut you wrecked his business twice and stop saying your deliver Donuts which exactly what exactly do you think doughnuts are gonna say exactly who can say against it what is it doughnut without a hole Wow very good question we should really stop the part of this or as long as possible I don't know without a hole is still a doughnut yeah like jelly doughnuts long johns fritters doughnut holes wait doughnut holes don't have holes they don't have holes they are the hole Wow that's pretty deep change it subject BK Niki robot did you move the hopper Springs right yes we moved out for our retirement to watch the bunnies bunnies at heart Nikki and I married 40 years as you order a doughnut to wear oh my got a new phone so here are the doughnuts to celebrate Oh debride I get it now oh there's carrots there's made out of carrots weird there's a big oh man there's a lot of bunnies out here and they're kind of moose people it's awkward but I'll eat all the carrots it'll be great Go Go no I need to eat stop moving I need to eat these tiles see the ball quick and then we'll come over here so we'll eat these one and the two and leave that one and that one I eat the big is it do you pick a carrot if you eat it from underneath like this oh I got a problem here bunny oh here you eat that cared for me someone else eat a carrot too I can't get in there my carrots stuck stuck eat carrot I need someone to eat right carrot oh I got an idea I got an idea if I make the buddy come over here because he's the blue Bunny's following you'll go through the game then he can go over top come on little do bunny come on over I mean you're jumping on the top of that that's cool don't mind us go go why would he go get this care what he has three carrots in his pen I don't know you got I got the bunny okay now [Music] okay eat that one and then we'll eat these they're still making baby buddies down into a bunny hole everything's going as planned there we go and we're eating it all green it all right there okay and we'll go over this way we'll grab this one yeah this well goodbye oh they were making more bunnies again that is that's so that's so awkward hey guys I mean you two can make more bunnies for me too please good bye there you go think I got in the hole it's an old and more bunnies that's that's really weird yeah not sure what to think about that okay Oh buddies are rocketing out Oh what is going on and now the house broke because all the bunnies broke its up this is just a little bit past weird yeah there we go and all in the hole in old in though everyone in all everyone down everyone down everyone down and turn around and donut country okay so there's the two bunnies they're the Moose mooses hey guys I think that'll wrap it up for today's video of donut country if you enjoyed it let me know kind of a weird game that was fun thanks for watching thank you for sticking on the ice we'll catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 685,699
Rating: 4.8609357 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, donut county, Donut County Game, Donut County Gameplay, august2018, donut country music, donut county soundtrack
Id: nFe_Bqmmnco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 24sec (1224 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 28 2018
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