The WEIRD World of Jimmy Neutron Vol. 1

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i'm tired because of the nightmare adorable spooky  things chasing me i ran and i read but i can't get   away jimmy neutron despite the title is one of my  favorite shows especially to look back on nowadays   and see how weird dark and downright crazy some  of the plots characters and well the whole show   in general was we have covered a singular weirder  episode here on the channel already regarding carl   carrying and birthing an alien baby for those that  didn't know that or didn't see the video i made   yes that really happened but upon re-watching a  majority of the series there were quite the amount   of standout moments that left me either speechless  or straight up terrified so today we're trying   something new instead of covering a singular  episode of a show we're going to take a look at   a good portion of the show in general let's take  a look at some of the weirder moments from jimmy   neutron overall and see how we all feel about it  after a stroll down memory lane so before we jump   into this weird video i just want to genuinely say  thank you for all the support on these videos and   for the channel in general i'm very thankful you  spend a moment of your day watching and joining in   on the discussion in the comments it means a lot  to me make sure to drop a like on the video as it   truly does help out the video and i appreciate  it beyond words okay let's get right into this   y'all like lima beans i sure don't it's not for  the taste it's not for the look it's simply the   fault of an episode of jimmy neutron the episode  i dream of jimmy from season one took us into   the mind of carl due to his increasing nightmares  causing him a lack of sleep jimmy the boy genius   he is uses one of his inventions to enter carl's  dreams and nightmares to help find the root of the   problem in parts of the dreams we see that carl  sees himself as the boy genius and jimmy as the   not boy genius even going as far as to use  him for a show-and-tell moment for the class   that puts jimmy in an electric chair and shocking  him only problem is he feels the real pain of it   you die in the dream you die in real life you're  in a dream this also makes me think that there   is some underlying jealousy turning into hatred  within carl's subconscious that is being portrayed   here like carl i know you're into jimmy's man  but that doesn't mean you need to torture and   eliminate jimmy over it we later find out that  the root of carl's nightmares is his fear of   lima beans yes lima beans underneath carl's bed  in the dream is a small anthropomorphic lima bean   playing a harmonica nothing too worrisome right  that is not correct as jimmy turns his back on   the lipo being to reassure carl that it's just  a little lima bean behind him we see that same   little lima bean eat the harmonica and grow in  size turning into a full lima bean monster that   proceeds to chase them this is why i don't like  lima beans seeing this when i was a kid terrified   me to my core the eyeless sharp tooth monster lima  bean gave me nightmares i vowed back then to never   eat or in fact ever acknowledge their existence  as real food until making this video let's just   hope i can sleep tonight the rest of the episode  is filled with weird and wacky moments within the   dream to help carl realize that he's dreaming so  that they can escape but once they do escape the   lima bean follows them out of the dream portal and  continues the chase until quickly being crushed by   a large hammer then in an oddly gruesome way  being shown cut up and eaten yeah that's uh   that's something to think about the episode  left such a large impact on me for the horrific   lima bean i'll never forget it for that reason  when i think back on jimmy neutron this is one   of the top episodes that comes to mind just  because of that fact alone and hopefully i   don't have to say lima beans another 87 times  next let's talk about the episode my son the   hamster which is not a scary or weird episode or  anything it's just weird but this time in all the   right ways for both the odd imagery and genuine  hilariousness here similar to the movie the fly   side note the remake with jeff goldblum is  my favorite version of the fly jimmy gene   splices or in this episode's case adam swaps  himself with carl's new hamster accidentally   nothing too crazy happens here in the episode  it's just such a weird image to look at for the   rest of the run time a giant jimmy with the head  of a hamster and a small hamster with the head of   jimbo it's weird it's funny and it's something  that i fondly love to look back on for the show   similar to that episode is trading faces where  jimmy and cindy who are continuously at odds end   up having their bodies switched the consciousness  and soul of jimmy and cindy were transferred into   one another a freaky friday like father like son  situation we've seen a million times over and   over but the real crutch of the episode comes  towards the resolution where they have carl   sheen and libby help dump their brains into one of  jimmy's inventions then go through the things that   make them them and file sort them into the right  bodies just the thought of leaving these thoughts   ideas and personality traits up to the hands of  especially carl and sheen while literally lying   there with their brains completely dumped it's  not an ideal situation to say the least it is   really funny though seeing them all go back and  forth with ridiculous traits and deciding what   goes where and what either of them maybe shouldn't  remember luckily it all works out in the end maybe   then there's granny baby it follows suit with the  mix of the last two episodes we just talked about   jimmy is being babysat by his grandmother but  the rules quickly get reversed when jimmy sneaks   a potion into her medicine bottle to help her  experience youth again to stop her from describing   all the problems with getting old and having  health issues that all goes wrong when after   she drinks it she doesn't just get her youth back  she turns into a full-on baby one that can talk   where now jimmy has to play babysitter and take  care of his grandma a bunch of shenanigans ensue   and it's another fun episode in the vein of the  last two having less ideal situations to be in   with a wrapped up situation swiftly covering  everything up to the help of the main cast of   friends they are able to get granny to drink the  antidote to turn her back into her regular self   just as jimmy's parents pull up back to the  house and of course carl has to do what carl   does so naturally when thirsty drinks the antidote  thus aging him into an older man who now goes and   dances with jimmy's grandma forget jimmy's mom  it's all about jimmy's grandma now right carl i'm   really thirsty speaking of carl of course i have  to briefly mention the carl pregnant with an alien   baby episode who's your mommy if you want to see  more details on that i have a whole video on it   linked down below but the gist of it is that carl  well got attacked by an alien being that turned   out to inject him with a baby alien growing inside  of him the whole episode is weird and wacky and   he ultimately gives birth to the alien and the  day is saved the end i don't want to reiterate   too much of my original video but it felt wrong at  least not mentioning it here in this video another   episode according to many of you on the last video  that stuck with you and gave you some sleepless   nights is sleepless in retroville where the trio  are having a sleepover and jimmy being jimmy has   his slumbertron 9000 to help create the ultimate  perfect sleepover experience complete with pillow   fights pizza and of course scary stories after  having the machine set to tell the darkest   of stories they all get scared of mr dark the  machine's ai story and shut it off after falling   asleep carl wakes up in a hunger and asks the  machine for more pizza but in carl fashion ends up   messing up the command and through the machine's  error it combines both the pizza with the eating   children's story and now sentient pizzas with  demonic faces and pillows chase and attack   everyone in the house until jimmy comes up with  the sunlight being their only weakness and it will   scare them the plan works jimmy ends up letting  the pizza get cooked and melt in the sunlight   but that's not why you or i remember this episode  is it it sure was a fun slightly spookier episode   but it's the effectiveness of the last second  stinger the last thing that will resonate with you   that same pizza then awakes and exclaimed fools  haven't you heard of sequels but then everyone has   these different funny sequences of waking up from  their own bad dreams all leading up to it being   the pizza that then wakes up and then the pizza's  wife says it was just a dream and there are no   such thing as children even though there's a human  drawn on the back of the pizza shop they're living   in to be fair the pizza slash monster was only  doing what jimmy programmed the machine for albeit   through the error of combining the story and the  pizza but it did its job in scaring the children   only to be melted to death at the hands of these  kids so who really is at fault here as the bad guy   jimmy and the crew who were trying to have  a good slumber party or the pizza monster   who was literally just doing its job i'll leave  that up to you to decide in the comments now today   we really only covered a lot of the weird from the  first season of jimmy neutron and mentioning one   that we've already covered from season three so to  not make this video an hour long if you'd like to   see a part two of this potential series let me  know i love making this video and i love making   a follow-up going through the other seasons and  discussing some of the weirder stuff from there   so leave a like and comment if you'd like to see  that happen thanks so much for watching i am truly   appreciative of your time here and i hope you  enjoyed the video overall i have so much coming   up here soon on the channel and i can't wait to  share it with you all shortly subscribe to be a   part of my journey through movies and television  and how these films and shows affected my life   from the past and present as always i will  see you soon with another video but until then later you
Channel: Jordan Fringe
Views: 360,907
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 50sec (530 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 06 2021
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