The WEIRD World of Jimmy Neutron Vol. 2

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there's no reason for me to live but  hey look at all the pie i will live we're highly mature jim jam big brain is back at  it again we have extensively started to discuss   more and more jimmy neutron here on the channel  with our most recent new series the weird world   of jimmy neutron so today we have the second part  of that series the weird world of jimmy neutron   vol 2. i know the peak of creativity thank you  thank you oh no i don't want anything in return   for truly kind you well maybe i can ask you to  subscribe that'd be nice but yes today we are   hopping back into the lab to create another look  at some more weird jimmy neutron moments this time   specifically from season 2 as we covered some  weird moments from season 1 previously in the   last video and if you'd like to see a part  3 please make sure to hit that like button   it helps the video out and i'll even get  huge neutron to make a cameo in part three   maybe thanks to today's sponsor keeps their hair  loss 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found a way to make you older so   you could just do that jimmy carl and sheen were  turned down purchasing a mature rated game so   jimmy invents a portal that ages you to be 18.  only one problem when they step through it they   become old men so einstein larry and general  sheen here need to solve the age problem so   they you know don't croak and turn into dust due  to their rapid aging jimmy tries driving his mom's   car so they can acquire some titanium for the  machine to fix the problem while carl and sheen   get preoccupied by the seniors buffet at the candy  bar and i don't blame them jimmy runs into his dad   at the store who tries to convince him he isn't  jimmy and has no family so hugh wants to take him   home for a nice home-cooked meal all while jimmy  tries to not be old-napped and because he's old   he starts forgetting what he was supposed to be  purchasing anyway carl and sheen get into an old   person dance battle in which he wins a titanium  trophy just in time for jimmy to toss it into   the machine to revert them back to their original  age literally right at the last second they get   pushed in through goddard and they all learn to  cherish their childhood a bit more now this may be   the least weird episode on the list but for some  reason when i first saw it it didn't necessarily   make me appreciate being a child while i could but  rather be terrified that life has a time limit and   i can turn to dust one day sorry didn't mean to  get existentially dark there for a minute but   that's just how it affected me personally and  this episode's always stood out to me for that   reason i mean now i live by certain mottos and  mindsets like we have one life with limited time   so make sure you use that time to enjoy what you  have around you do right for yourself and make   each and every day count also don't do anything  stupid to ruin your life that's a that's a big one   nightmare in retroville it's halloween no it's  not it's september thanks it's halloween in jimmy   neutron the gang are deciding to see what they're  going to wear for halloween but jimmy feels he's   getting too old for costumes while carl and sheen  want to be something really scary this year and   also just look at carl's little fall up the stairs  here in the background i just love that little   detail jimmy lets them know that he doesn't even  want to trick or treat this year at all so instead   he offers them a deal where he will make them turn  into monsters and look really scary in some cool   looking halloween costumes but in return he would  be getting a portion of their candy that's just   business 101 sheen chooses a werewolf carl chooses  dracula i think that's michael jackson on the list   the machine does its job and makes them into  what they asked for and jimmy whips his hover   card to bring the guys around to different houses  hugh then falls into jimmy's lap and turns into   frankenstein's monster and then legitimately  tries to kill his wife oh um or a jimmy's man   carl cuts himself on a candy wrapper a rare  appearance of blood in a kid's show from this   era and carl starts drinking his own blood just  like dracula slowly getting that transylvanian   accent and fully becoming dracula and then turns  into a bat and leaves them all behind sheen sees   a moon and goes full werewolf trying to attack  jimmy so do you think that a jimmy needs to solve   the problem and save the day b attend llamapalooza  or c subscribe to the jordanfringe youtube channel   well as much as i like option c the answer is b ah  llamas sorry it's a i know jordan cringe strikes   again anyway carl tries to attack cindy or muffy  the vampire slayer by putting her in a trance and   drinking her blood sheen stalks libby in a park's  mist then attacks her for meat-related cravings   hugh heads to the candy bar where jimmy's  mom comes to get him dressed as the bride of   frankenstein i love the costumes the references  and as a fan of classic horror monster movies i   enjoy when shows have their halloween episodes  referencing them cindy is now a vampire as well   and libby is now a werewolf they all take their  turns trying to attack jimmy as he keeps getting   lucky by standing in front of corresponding shops  that repel the monsters carl finally fights hugh   over the love of jimmy's man and jimmy enjoys  watching libby and cindy fight alright relax   there jimbo all the monsters decide it would  be better to work together and make a plan to   attack the town members as a monster squad unit  no not that monster squad jimmy figures the only   way to take down the monsters is to become one  himself he becomes octopus man the movie that he   was watching earlier right before carl tripped up  the stairs and as the town fights back against the   monsters literally mostly about to you know burn  the children alive jimmy suction cups them back   to the lab to change them all back in the day is  saved thanks to option a should have been option   c i can take down some monsters too jimmy you're  not that special i like this halloween special   because it wasn't really meant to scare you it  was mainly parody with the spooky atmosphere   but giving you more of these characters as horror  icons jet fusioning their personalities with the   well-known traits of these classics we see kids  attacking kids townsfolk trying to burn children   in the octopus monstrosity that is jimmy neutron  the octopus man but it's playful enough that it's   just an overall fun episode and i think it's one  of the lesser appreciated halloween specials i   just always find the animations in the show when  anything out of the ordinary transforms their   bodies into something else like a gelatinous blob  or an octopus return of the nanobots two of my   favorite jimmy neutron characters are the nanobots  the interactions just between the two of them were   so much fun to watch and now in this episode they  well return crazy right jimmy foolishly upgrades   them and trusts them to correct for error mainly  for jimmy's poem assignment which causes them to   go correcting errors crazy after being locked back  away they break out and return to their ship and   start truly correcting for error like me they  follow jimmy to school so they can impress him   while sheen does a poorly prepared interpretive  dance they correct his movements when jimmy tries   to stop them they start correcting everything  in sight like miss fowle's hairstyle student's   posture basketball dribbling lunch you name it  they're correcting it and for the low low cost of   3.99 yes that's right that's f-r-e-e that spells  3.99 jimmy gives them a paradox like last time   but they figure out the only way to get past it  is to delete everything yes they start violently   deleting the children if humans are supposed to be  flawed then they must be corrected for error right   they lock jimmy away and go and delete everyone  else first to show they can do this task and truly   correct all these errors to impress him they take  out everyone in town and plan to delete everyone   on earth the only humans left in retroville  are jimmy carl sheen and hugh he believes that   he's the last person on earth and probably the  inspiration of will forte's show while the dread   sits in and he realizes that he's fully alone he  has the time of his life doing crazy and wacky   things all about the city throwing caution to the  wind jimmy explains that everyone is now dead yep   that's it no more people this is the end of the  show okay fine he explains that they're all just   in a virtual trash bin and could be permanently  deleted but there is still hope they are fine and   there's also still plenty more episodes after  this so i i doubt they'll all get deleted hugh   starts losing his will to go on until he finds a  truck full of pie which is like me with cheesecake   what i love cheesecake sumi once i get back to  jimmy my favorite scene of all time from the   show happens where jimmy in slow motion jumps onto  goddard as he turns into a motorcycle just barely   dodging their delete ray okay it's not as epic  as it sounds but it's pretty cool jimmy outsmarts   them by saying he has one more request causing  them to read the endless numbers of pie ending   in them imploding releasing everyone trapped  in their virtual trash bin but that was risky   like what if they self-imploded and everyone went  with them think about the consequences neutron   if i have all this stuff in my trash bit and i  destroy my computer cut it into bits and melt it   all that data is gone anyway anywho doesn't matter  the nanobots survive anyway and maybe they will be   back or not sheen's brain sheen after getting an  incredibly bad failing grade sparks jimmy to help   him learn and study better jimmy thinking one of  his inventions can actually just rewire his brain   to well on dummify sheen so instead of studying  and trying harder sheen begs jimmy to just try out   that device thus causing sheen to instantly become  a genius only getting smarter and smarter to the   point where his head starts growing in size and  begins using his smarts for the evil benefit of   himself as well as he starts gaining powers like  mind reading control of electricity and telepathy   he kamehamehas or resengan's his way to start  taking over the world thanks to jimmy calculating   shin's knowledge growth his head will eventually  keep growing until it inevitably explodes   you know what kids constantly getting hurt is an  oddly dark theme the show carries throughout it   sheen also convinces libby to be with him with  jewelry and find clothes all while he tries to   continue to torture all the people of retroville  jimmy hides the brain drain helmet as a crown to   put on shane's head but he reads carl's mind and  finds out the real plan and literally tries to   exterminate them oh look super saiyan carl is  back jimmy i have become ultra instinct carl now   llama palooza will be mine yes i did just reuse  that meme made for my other jimmy neutron video   sorry not really jimmy and carl cosplay as  ultralord and start an instagram all about it   things are going well but before they can use  the outfit to help bring the old sheen back   sheen doesn't listen to ultralord when he asks him  to drain his brain and electrocute ultralord and   thus a burned-up jimmy and carl come popping  out and she thinks he basically killed them   and drained his brain they're fine though maybe  the entire plot of planet sheen took place in   that big head of his if only he made it better wow  what a stance on planet sheen why don't you make   a video on it and tell us how you really feel  well that's not the worst idea but let's leave   that up to the comments to decide if they want a  planet sheen video maternatron knows best after   feeling overworked and under-appreciated at home  jimmy's mom leaves for a week to relax at a spa so   rather than take care of the chores left for hugh  and jimmy to do jimmy invents a robot version of   his mom the maternatron at first all feels right  the chords are getting done while the boys sit   lazily on the couch eating food and watching tv  things quickly go awry when jimmy can't override   her maternal protocols as she begins to over  protect and take care of them both this whole   episode feels like smarthouse the disney channel  original film where the whole house becomes a mom   like figure and over protects the family  to the point of putting them all in heart   i mean here she literally ties them up at one  point so they will be protected no matter what   okay i'll stop i'll stop doing that jimmy's  mom senses something is wrong and rushes home   early to take robomom head on she ends  up shooting and frying the maternatron   and then has jimmy and hugh pamper her  like a spa for a few days it's a short   problem in solution episode that really goes by  fast but i love these quick stories as we've been   getting the longer stories once they started  doing the full length episode stories here but   it's nice to also get these small short and quick  ones that are well short and quick to the point   the great egg heist here the crew as well as  libby and sydney are tricked into stealing a   special egg from their local museum for this lady  who turns out to be one of jimmy's arch nemesis professor finbar calamitous to me it's funny that  this other supposed evil genius wants to trick   kids into breaking into a museum distract guards  and steal a valuable egg that's on display like   look at this carl here is having to pull off some  tom cruise mission impossible maneuvers what do   you mean to his credit his mess up here actually  ends up saving the day when turning in the egg to   the lady or the professor but before then they  have to run from the guard sheen even attacks   them with balloons but back to the turning in the  egg thing the lady shows off who she really is   well i guess it's not a surprise since i spoiled  that from the start uh oops and it turns out   the egg wasn't swapped thanks to carl's mistake  causing the plan set in motion by calamity gannon   here to blow up in his face and no one suffers  the consequences from breaking into a museum and   assaulting the guards the feud okay this one is  a classic fun one hugh and carl's dad get into a   neighboring feud about hugh saying that he didn't  get some gardening equipment from carl's dad back   even though carl's dad said he gave it back then  they get into a feud hence the name and attack   each other's lawn care you know the dad thing  to do and they ban their sons from hanging out   anymore because of it jimmy's dad locks jimmy out  of his own lab so he wouldn't invent something to   just fix the problem he also takes away all the  gadgets and gizmos like a laser sword the same one   from the macbeth play from an earlier episode in  season two jim decides that the only way to have   them come back together is by planting crabgrass  suzy crabgrass no regular crabgrass in both yards   carl adds more to make sure the feud will end  but oh no it grows giant claw-like stems i'm   sorry i don't know how to describe it better than  that but it eventually captures their sons so you   know they must now team up together to save them  and that laser sword finally comes in handy okay   yes i'm fully convinced nickelodeon please put hue  in all-stars bro after saving them the feud ended   kind of the wives helped them sort it out sheen  even reveals that the candy bar owner sam actually   borrowed it and asked him to relay a message to  you a message that he forgot to give earlier and   they gave this guy a spin-off show just make the  video on it i told you it's up to the audience   win lose and kaboom so this episode is the big  season ender finale that was about the length of   three regular episodes and features tim allen to  get this story started a bunch of special messages   encoded on a space rock land across various  planets contacting local life forms including   earth cindy and jimmy are working out their  differences in order to contractually be friends   jeez that's a way to friend zone someone  there sheen wants to date libby and libby   is also into sheen but she wants to take things  a little slowly and progress naturally carl is   sampling ice cream anyway sirens are going off  alerting the town of an impact of some sort so   jimmy heads to his lab to get in his rocket while  his dad wants to help jimmy and spend time with   him but he sadly gets left in the dust as jimmy  goes and flies alongside the military to stop   them from shooting down the rock after he notices  the writing on it jimmy cloaks it and the military   just just leave they just go home bye-bye see you  later jimmy captures the rock inches away from   obliterating his father and the town freaks  out over deciding what to do with the rock   so jimmy lectures all the clueless adults of what  this rock is and the history of these rocks coming   to earth over the years jimmy wants to answer the  alien message but cindy in a helpful friendly way   suggests that they shouldn't do this since the  whole yokian invasion issue from the original   jimmy neutron film jimmy takes things into his  own hands and decides to figure out the secret   message and it turns out they were invited to  partake in intergalactic showdown a game show in   space hosted by tim allen sorry i mean buzz  lightyear no no that was the last video   oh the santa claus no meldar prime oh yeah  before that the government took the rock away   they all had to sneak into a military base how  are these kids so good at sneaking into such   secure locations come back next week when jimmy  neutron and friends team up with nicolas cage   to steal a declaration of independence i'm  gonna steal the declaration of independence   what all the gang and bulby get sucked into a  vortex heading through space and landing them   wherever this game show takes place in space  their opponents on the game show are the brains   the needle heads and the gore locks they are  tasked with challenges to potentially win a car   or have their home world destroyed if they lose  tim allen has such a great voice and plays this   role with all the charisma we've seen from more  iconic roles of his and this game show is actually   being broadcast to all the people on earth so  everyone is in the loop on what's going on so   that was nice of them also i'm sure it helps  boost their ratings just good business once again   the first challenge is floregus ball it's like  a lacrosse version of quidditch but instead of   brooms it's mechanical insect dinosaur things or  just floorgas they square up against the gorloks   and lose bad like real bad but they're not losers  just yet the next event is a mountain menace their   next opponent are the needle heads in an effort  to grab the first mushroom out of the cave guarded   by a terrifying bunny looking motherfu sorry got  carried away there we'll just say a little alien   bunny with terrifying powers the needleheads use  a distracting tactic and end up winning the group   argue against jimmy and want to work together as  a team better then the show mimics the biggest   show at the time when this came out survivor  and i'll have to vote someone off the team who   can no longer participate in the challenges bolby  broke the tiebreaker by voting himself albums held   aside until the end of the game and only freed if  they win one of the gore locks secretly meets with   jimmy in an effort to work together to secretly  stop meldor and stop this whole show from dooming   the galaxy any longer than it already has so jimmy  thinks on this deal to work together now versing   the needleheads again in a food challenge the  needleheads literally have one of them lose their   heads violently ah that was delightful carl eats  some disgusting chunks of alien goop for the sake   of llamas and jimmy's ma'am surprisingly he likes  it and eats it no problem and they win hey good   job there bud jimmy agrees to help out and team up  with the gorloks and she kisses him hey you know   what good for jimbo all the adults back on earth  are somehow building a wormhole generating device   and somehow that's the most unbelievable thing  in this episode now they all go up against the   brains in an obstacle course race to the finish  with no help from goddard as it would be cheating   but meldar lets the brains cheat as he just really  doesn't like the humans so at one point they get   sucked into this trippy dystopian version of  their own town filled with zombie-like versions   of their parents and when they snap out of it the  brains are already close to the finish line so it   becomes a literal race against time to get all  the way through the course with teamwork to beat   the brains earth is now tied in the lead with the  gorloks now facing them in a trivial showdown oh   look in the audience there's a bunch of previous  episode villains and lima beans oh god no ah yuck   now in the hot seat for who wants to be a planet  saving air jimmy is faced with answering a tough   question as hugh gets sucked into the wormhole  generator and becomes jimmy's lifeline now a   chance for you to help out like he's always wanted  to and he actually ends up getting the answer   right thanks to all of the galactic television  that he's been watching so they win the game they   win the car and now before leaving home as winners  they go back and help make sure meldar never does   this again to any other life forms they attack the  place free the other alien races and crush meldar   literally working together alongside all the alien  races they find the source of meldar's power so in   a big brawl they knock meldar's head off his body  everyone fights some robots in the background it   becomes all fun time and at the end of it they now  force meldar into making other types of broadcast   programming in a way that restricts him from  causing mass destruction throughout the universe   and jimmy's parents get a little uh freaky let's  just leave it at that what a treat this special   three episode length season finale was a lot of  fun filled with great jokes awesome action and   tim allen take that however you will this was good  enough to be a full movie honestly with the care   and writing that went into this special alone also  jimmy is into aliens actually makes sense i guess   those were some more particularly weird and fun  moments from jimmy neutron that stood out to me   at least more than others from the second season  going through the show once again is always a   fun time to truly take in these memories of  watching the show growing up and while some   may disagree i think that this is one of  the few early 3d animated shows that holds   up in the animation department look out for a  part 3 soon if you'd like to see one that is   so if you do hit the like button for the next  part sooner and make sure to subscribe as well   i hope you've enjoyed today's video thank you so  much for spending a few moments of your day here   with me i truly appreciate it i'll be back  soon with a new video but until then later you
Channel: Jordan Fringe
Views: 433,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FBDm5S0qzzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 26sec (1346 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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