The Terminator (1984) KILL COUNT

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hey everybody in case you didn't know we've moved all of our non-kill count content over to another channel the channel you're watching right now that's been here since 2017 will only post kill counts from now on if you want to catch anything else that we do it's over at dead meat presents our new channel that you should subscribe to right now and by anything else I mean everything else the dead meat podcast will be posted there every other Wednesday every Monday morning we do a horror news and channel updates live stream every year will be the dead meat horror awards every January the horror Royal Rumble and all other videos that don't have regular releases including what's your favorite scary movie all our other interview videos zor's they talk series all the Super Cuts all the event videos any cut comparisons any gaming live streams or cut Downs of those and any other random video that we feel like doing and eventually production tals from Hell after the contract with the sponsorship ends but yeah if you want any other thing that we do make sure you subscribe to dead meat presents otherwise you can keep tuning in to this channel every Friday for the kill count speaking of which welcome to the kill count where we dally up the victims in all our favorite horror movies I'm sorry and show you how they were made I'm James AES and today we're looking at the Terminator released in 1984 the Terminator is an action sci-fi thriller whose titular killer robot became an icon of the80s nowadays it's a $3 billion property that includes books comic books video games a TV series that's tling aiti and five theatrically released cinematic sequels the continuity of which gets pretty messy to say the least but this multimedia franchise had humble beginnings it was made for about 6 million bucks by an inexperienced unknown filmmaker James Cameron was only 29 when he wrote and directed The Terminator kicking off a hugely successful career that includes Avatar the highest grossing movie of all time and the Avatar Sequel and Titanic which come in at numbers three and four while the Terminator sequels are big Blockbuster Action Fair the original film is much more horror adjacent it's dark and brooding with our heroes on the run from an Unstoppable killing machine in fact Cameron idolized John Carpenter and had slashers in mind when he wrote the script the Terminator has just as much in common with Michael Myers as he does with other influences like Roy blatty from Blade Runner and Yol Briner from Westworld the Terminator is played by a 37-year-old Arnold Schwarzenegger in a career making performance prior to this he had been a bodybuilder and Conan the Barbarian but after this he was a Bonafide star with a huge career in the 80s and 90s full of action movies and familyfriendly comedies then in 2003 he was elected governor of California heck of a life this guy's had schwarzeneger plays opposite Linda Hamilton and Michael Bean who both bring a lot to their roles Hamilton gives Sarah Conor a gerder of strength beneath the relatable fun-loving young woman she starts the film as and bean plays the smart sensitive hero expertly which is probably why Cameron cast him as Corporal Hickson aliens a couple years later while some of the effects are showing their age the Terminator is a classic with awesome action sequences and jarring kills how many well I'll be happy to tell you when I was so young back then but I remember it like it was yesterday the day started so normal the kill count cameras rolling the backlights glow but I had been haunted inflation was Rising it felt like just walking out the door cost 50 bucks I was on the verge of giving up then everything changed when I met them it was love at first sponsorship they introduced me to a world I'd never known the world of the free upside app which I could use to save money on da Essentials at over a 100,000 gas stations grocery stores and restaurants oh we had a whirlwind affair they showed me that all I had to do was claim an offer for whatever I'm buying on the app then use my credit or debit card as usual they dazzled me with upsides real cash back no confusing rewards points or credits then just as fast as they entered my life I lost them but I still remember them every time I use upside to earn three times more cash back compared to other products and I'll always keep them with me you don't need a lost love to start earning top upside earners are making as much as $300 a month to find out how much you could earn click the link in the description to download upside and use code dead meat to get an extra 25 cents back for every gallon on your first tank of gas or scan the QR code here to claim this offer will this chrome killer Destroy All Humans or is he just Dorothy's tin man in a cool leather jacket let's find out and get to the [Music] kills the movie begins with awesome Miniatures doing awesome shit blow that skull up Robo mofo and a soldier too sure yeah let's start counting right off the bat it's 2029 and these motherfucking robots have taken over the motherfucking World they've spent decades hunting down the last surviving humans after a nuclear war and now they're sending a weapon to the Past a weapon named Arnold Swartz andega playing the part of title card the opening credits let us enjoy Brad Fidel score which has a percussive mechanical heartbeat similar to the Title Character sounds like it's being banged out from an air vent I freaking love it the classic main theme and it's a regular 1316 time signature also feels like it was made by a machine but it wasn't it was made by a dude in his garage it was a cool garage the only part of the score I don't like are the gloopy Globs that happened during some of the chase scenes later we're back in the present of 1984 in Los Angeles where lightning pretends the arrival of a naked ass Austrian he unfurls himself into the absolute specimen that is Arnold Schwarzenegger look at those lats those delts those glutes this butt naked buff boy is the titular Terminator specifically the T800 model he comes across a trio of punks hanging outside Griffith Observatory and shockingly they refrain from making any Uranus jokes T-man asks for a favor you're close give them to me now the goons don't appreciate his tone but he don't don't appreciate their knives so he tosses their leader into a nearby gate he then turns to another one and punches straight through the guy's torso godamn The Last Man Standing strips down presumably sparing him from termination the perforated Punk is played by Brian Thompson last seen on the kill count as shiao khah in Mortal Kombat Annihilation his blue-haired buddy is the late Bill Paxton a two-time kill comat whose gate crashing honestly doesn't feel that lethal but most people count it as a kill it's probably so Paxton can keep his record as the only actor killed by a termin Ator a predator and a xenomorph the last one in Aliens which was Cameron's next film made 2 years later the Terminator is the first real James Cameron film he had directed piranha to the spawning a few years earlier but says he was fired from that job and even disowned it for a while Cameron came up through the Roger Corman School of film making which meant making movies cheap and by any means necessary I was of that ethos that if my hands weren't filthy by the end of the day I wasn't directing a movie after seeing Cameron's 1978 short xenogenesis Corman hired him as crew for a few lowbudget sci-fi films that's how Cameron met future wife and Terminator producer gilan herd I of course assumed he was the head of the model shop it turned out he was just a model builder but he acted like he was he was the head of the model shop he had that kind of authority Cameron was poor as hell when he wrote The Terminator even sleeping in his car for a little while my mom was sending me coupons in the mail that allowed me to buy two Big Macs for the price of one so that I could survive he sold the script to herd for a single Dollar in exchange for a guarantee he'd get to direct that was a problem for a while since he was so inexperienced but he gradually won people over with his vision for the film suddenly I went from a guy who was sitting on a high horse to a guy who really wanted to work on this film you know instead of being like well let's see I'm going oh please please I hope you're going to hire me for this movie across town another naked time traveler touches down he's in good shape but you never want to be the guy showing up naked after Arnold unless you're like maybe Bobby Lashley some cops see the guy pants nabbing and he becomes the number one pants felon all units on high alert pants man pants man rolling around in those pants man he manages to evade them thanks in part to a Texas switch the filming technique where a shot starts with a stunt performer who then hides behind something so the real actor can emerge we learned about this from its extensive use in the opening of Orphan first kill this guy ain't another Terminator he's Kyle ree a soldier on The Human Side of the future War he and the Terminator are both looking for Sarah Connor the only problem is there are three of them in this town the one we care about has a Honda scooter look at her driving that thing around with it looking like an old hulet Packer on Wheels Sarah's a college student who works at a local Diner named big Jeffs the only dangers she's used to are the Perils of food service yep that's me bet you're wondering how I wound up with a pocket full of ice cream so she's not a huge threat but that doesn't stop T-man from arming up to kill an elephant he's buying guns from the late Dick Miller a four-time kill count veteran whose chopping Mall quote caps off the extended dead meat intro a dead meat from the sights of it he's the same guy who arms the cops at Crystal Lake you put the Red Dot where you want the bullet to go wherever the red dot goes you bang he's happy to sell a full arsenal but doesn't like the terminator's lack of Safe Handling you can't do that wrong with that dick gets blown apart by one of Dick's guns t- man's a dick blowing up dick like that Arnold was originally supposed to read for Kyle Reese but found himself more drawn to the Terminator even though the character only has 17 lines after meeting with him Cameron felt the same way and even sketched Arnold as the Cyborg and I looked at this painting and I said I am the terminator together they worked out how would move as an efficient machine with no wasted energy it was Arnold's idea to move his eyes first and let his head follow making him look like a security camera casting Arnold got the movie Green liid and made financing easier but they also had to wait 8 months to start shooting while he filmed Conan the Destroyer the delay was rough on Cameron financially but he made the most of it creatively they spent the time storyboarding and shooting rough versions of the action scenes while Stan Winston was able to perfect the Prosthetics and puppets he wanted to use now armed to the teeth 800 the Terminator sets his sights on Sarah Conor but he only has the White Pages to track her down but he wishes ways had been invented by now the low Tech listing aims his crosshairs on a poor random housewife Sarah yes no he kicks open the door and Y bangs you bangs are all the hell sorry secondary Sarah our favorite Sarah Connor sees a news report about the incident at work Sarah Connor 35 mother of two brutally shot to death in her home this afternoon you're dead honey this is actually a little confusing the Sarah Conor on the news here is not the Sarah Conor we just saw get killed they're talking about Sarah and Connor a third Sarah Connor from the phone book who I guess was murdered offc screen but since we never saw the character in video form I won't be putting her on the count while hot wiring a car showing his familiarity with machines Kyle sees construction vehicles that give him a robo flashback or I guess Flash Forward Ben Foster style we see his life in a world where Skelly skulls were always getting crushed man I hate skellies but I might have to call them allies in the war against machines I mean at least D used to be a human you know during a fight Kyle's battle buddy is blown to Pieces by a passing tank adding her to the count Kyle escapes to a mad maxed out car which he drives away full speed given his Gunner a real rough time man that guy's back is about to be fucked oh wait his whole life is fucked since that futuristic fighter jet turned him into a dead dummy the nightmare attack sends ree screaming back to the present these scenes of a war ravaged future were done by a team led by Gene Warren Jr of fantasy 2 VFX almost all of it was done using Miniatures built on an 18t wide set at top a 3ft platform they used lots of awesome simple tricks including cardboard cutouts for ruined buildings walnut dust for good-looking Fireballs handheld flashlights for search lights and hiding the scale of it all with lots of smoke forced perspective was key with larger stuff in the foreground and tiny stuff in the background to make it feel much bigger the Hunter Killer Robots were built from the ground up and radio controled and since time and budget were so strained they sometimes had to shoot parts of them before the models were completely finished the shots were then put behind human actors using both front and rear screen projection Sarah goes back to her her apartment where she lives with her roommate Ginger and her pet Pugsley weird looking dog Pugsley still loves me don't you baby yeah Sarah's getting ready in her sweet Jetson shirt for a night on the town leaving the apartment to Ginger and her boy toy Matt a guy so considerate he starts the foreplay before he even gets there first I'm going to rip the buttons off your blouse one by one Sarah hops on her scooter not needing a helmet more than her hair and drives off without realizing she's got a secret admirer in the form of Kyle ree the homonym homicides have caught the attention of 8s CS Traxler and vukovich a one day pattern killer I hate the weird ones vukovich is played by Lance Hendrickson a five-time kill count veteran which includes many appearances in the alien franchise Cameron had met henriksson when he starred in Piranha 2 and originally envisioned him to play the Terminator he even Drew him as the character back then the robot assassin was going to rely on infiltration blending in with everyday people that changed with the casting of an Austrian bodybuilder and the character instead became an indestructible tank henriksson would still get to play a robot for Cameron AS bishop and Aliens the cops are unable to reach Sarah's apartment on the phone on account of all the headbanging and also uh banging they released a news statement about the Connor killer which Sarah sees on the TV she realizes she's probably in danger thanks to that damn foam book dox in her she heads home but notices Kyle following her so she Ducks inside a nightclub called Tech Noir man she has to pay for admission just to use their phone probably doesn't even have any cool games on it the Terminator makes his way to Sarah's apartment where Ginger's making herself a postcoidal sandwich that means Matt's all alone when the T800 breaks in and despite his awesome aies he's no match for the machine T-man uses Matt to break every nearby piece of glass while Ginger's numb the wiser thanks to her Walkman he finally gets her attention by busting down her door with Matt's bloody body Ginger tries to escape but the idiot runs in slow motion so Terminator is able to gun her down he finishes her off with five more shots cuz Terminator don't fuck around Sarah calls to leave note for ginger and the answering machine betrays her to its cousin from the future I'm at this place on Pico Boulevard called Tech Noir though Tech Noir isn't real Pico Boulevard is a well-known Street in La the entire movie was set and is filmed in Sunny Los Angeles not that you'll see much sun it was shot over 10 weeks most of which were night shoots I love how it captures that early 80s Urban Grime the Terminator gets to the club in record time and gains admittance by paying the iron price with his iron grip he's ready to cap the last Connor but Reese is nearby and puts a shotgun to good use he pumps five rounds into the Terminator which puts him down for all of two seconds the cyborg retaliates missing Reese but catching one Club goer in the crossfire sorry dude the T800 sprays at Sarah next killing two more Club patrons in the process I mean they're either dead or crying in the club Sarah gets tripped up in the body blockade but Reese comes to the rescue again come with me if you want to live they have an intense foot chase through a back alley during which a fiery explosion fails to slow The Running Man Down The Terminator punches through Reese's windshield but they managed to shake him off thanks to Reese's expert maneuvering Sarah sure could learn a lot from from this guy do exactly what I say oh great and he's a willing teacher too stunt man Frank oradi doubled Arnold for that scene jumping under the hood of a car wall on fire I'm not sure if he had it better or worse than Michael Bean stunt double who had to fall 5T onto concrete while naked Arnold did do some stunts himself like being on top of a moving car while strapped to its hood for his close-ups they drove a fake brick wall past a stationary car to make it seem like it was moving that allowed them to use this fake fist attached to a Pneumatic arm to punch through an actual windshield Schwarz said the worst part of the shoot was the mild acid they poured on him in order to make him smoke the Terminator hijacks a squad car from a cop and calls for backup using the Scream 3 voice changer this is 1 l19 re still manages to shake off all the fuzz by pulling off an expert battlebot maneuver he and Sarah hide in a nearby parking garage so he can dump some Exposition on her he tells her she's been targeted for termination by a future Hitman called a T800 or the Terminator it was created by Skynet a security system that gained sentience and nearly destroyed human by launching a bunch of nukes while the t800s brains and bones are metal he's bundled up in actual flesh and hair allowing him to blend in with humans sweat bad breath everything very hard to spot this Tech isn't available now but it will be in 40 years meaning uh wait 2024 I mean we're not quite there yet but seems like we're on the way doesn't it scary this cyborg assassin is Relentless and will stop at nothing to kill Sarah it can't be bargained with it can't be reasoned with it doesn't feel pity a remorse or fear the reason he's been sent here is because despite what those flash forwards looked like apparently humans were on the verge of winning the war thanks to their fearless leader John Connor your son Sarah your unborn son if the Terminator can kill Sarah now her son will never be born and future humans won't have their George Washington recent Sarah commer another vehicle but not before the Terminator finds them kicking off another car chase this time Sarah drives while Reese rides shotgun the T800 crashes just does the police catch up with them the humans are taken into custody while their mechanical adversary says an Irish goodbye at the police station Reese is questioned by a sley psychologist named Dr Silberman ree says his time traveling device has been destroyed meaning he and the Terminator are stranded in time nobody goes home nobody else comes through it's just him and me ree is dismissed as a schizophrenic and the Terminator strength and invulnerability are chocked up to bulletproof vests and piece CP even if he's Unstoppable the Terminator is still looking pretty beef he finds a hidey-hole to perform some auto repairs pulling out his pupil with an xacto night W sick I defy anyone to watch this scene and tell me this thing ain't a horror movie look at his metal tendons his freaky robot eye horrific a lot of it he winds up looking like a Disneyland animatronic with some dated effects so it's a good thing he puts on some sunglasses or should I say sexy specs since it turns them back into Arnold the idea to use both a puppet and a prosthetic on Arnold's face came from Stan WI who led the team that did the effects for the Terminator character he had already been nominated for an Oscar for heart beeps and worked with Rob botin on the thing but the Terminator brought Winston a new level of Fame and he'd go on to win multiple Oscars for effects work including on more Cameron films like aliens and T2 Judgment Day and of course Jurassic Park where he brought the dinosaurs to life for this scene his team made a huge oversized version of Arnold's face for close-ups of the eye during operation they also pretty obviously used a puppet version that I'm sure looked great at the time but I'm glad they restricted its use to this scene and some shots later on when he's driving a truck the prosthetic piece on Arnold looks much better the Terminator arms up and makes his way to the police station which we're told is full of future victims I got 30 cops in this building Dr Silverman narrowly avoids getting added to the count unlike this desk jockey who tells the Terminator to scram I'll be back and backy B when he drives his car through the wall and crushes the dummy who was once a cop the Terminator embark works on a full Precinct assault mowing down seven officers in the hallways and at their desks wow terminator's a mad hack he's using unlimited ammo and shooting through the walls what the fuck he stops momentarily to take out the station's power A disruption that gives Reese a chance to escape the shootout continues and sees three more cops get added to the count terminator's KD is insane Sarah stays safely tucked away as the mean machine keeps on trucking passing two bodies on the floor we haven't seen before and dropping a third as well Traxler is injured by a straight shot and when vukovich tries to help the Terminator kills both of them just off screen Reese catches up with Sarah and helps her escape the hellscape of the station passing by another dead body as they do so Terminator is doing a great job killing but how has he not found them yet you walking in circles or something my man the humans hijack a cop car narrowly avoiding T-man on their way out a Fade to Black empties their gas tank and the two take refuge beneath an overpass re got shot and is nonchalant about it but Sarah takes it as an opportunity to get him naked take this off just kidding she ain't in the mood yet she's had enough action movie Shenanigans and is ready to throw in the towel ree rallies her by saying her future son is super cool I died for John Conor wow dude simp much Reese tells her about the future and how humans all live in junkyard land it's easy to get killed out there so they gather underground where they're not as FY but things still ain't fun everyone's coughing eating slop and watching the only Channel they've got the ulog one the only thing that kept Reese's Pieces together was a photo of the woman who trained their leader Sakana he says that when they figured out how to kill those big tanks called HKS or Hunter Killers the machines created Terminators to infiltrate their ranks we watch one sneaky machine enter their Hideout and lay waste to all the humans it sees hard to tell with all the flashing and cutting going on but I think eight refugees and soldiers Get Zapped to death here this other Terminator was played by bodybuilder Franco Columbu who became close friends with Arnold after a competition in Germany in 1965 Columbo was Schwarzenegger's best man and Godfather to his daughter and the two remained close friends and workout buddies until his death in 2019 reets them up in a motel with strict instructions for Sarah to stay put she can't resist calling her mom though who asks Sarah where she is foolishly Sarah tells her and we see that she was talking to the Terminator doing another spot-on voice impression it's implied that he killed her actual mom but we don't see a body and we never met her so I can't put her on the count recently Sarah pre for their final battle with a build- the bomb Workshop this movie's had plenty of action sci-fi and horror but now it adds another genre Romance I came across time for you Sarah between that line and that honky mod Reese gets himself a piece in a super sexy sex scene scored to a piano version of the main theme whole lot of hand clutching and boob cupping going on here whole lot of boob cupping wow honk honk between the love story and Sarah Conor as a strong but relatable character the Terminator success was driven in part by an unexpectedly large female audience oh my God we have as many women seeing the movie as men Cameron wrote a strong female protagonist because he was inspired by riple and alien it also sort of fit with my my view of the female half of the species in in general despite the technical wording there Cameron legit loves strong ladies his list of Ex-Wives is a testament to that dude was married to his All-Star producer Gan herd the first woman to win a directing Oscar Katherine Bigalow and Sarah Connor herself Linda Hamilton his current wife Susie Amos seems cool too she was Rose's granddaughter and Titanic Oh Cameron that was the sponsor God damn it Ben Sarah and Reese's Pillow Talk is cut short by by the Tater 100 they give him the slip and make off in their third stolen car of the week setting off yet another chase scene the only reason this movie gets away with so many of these things is because they all include at least one awesome moment or a couple or several like when they debik the T-man here and give him a nasty cyborg spill then he gets run over by like 36 tires Jesus Christ the trucker gets out to check what he just killed but the answer is nothing the Terminator is still alive enough to maybe kill the trucker with his bare hands not sure about this one but okay on it then he scares off the guy riding passenger with a plight request get out the T800 commanders the vehicle and tries to shift into Maximum Overdrive as Sarah runs res slips the big te an exhaust pipe pipe bomb and takes cover in a dumpster good thing he does cuz when it goes off we can an absolutely massive explosion there's fire everywhere it's raining straight apalm Cameron wanted to blow up a full-size tanker for this scene but couldn't because they filmed next to the LAPD Armory instead both the truck and the alley were rebuilt at 1 16 scale in a studio Burbank this is one of the movie's most impressive effects to me I never noticed this truck wasn't the real deal the Big Bang itself was achieved with 42 separate explosions detonated by pyrot technician Joe viscoil a faulty front axle actually ruined their first take and it took them 2 days to make another model to blow up the Terminator tries to stop drop and roll but the heat is too much for him to take hope you all enjoyed watching Arnold cuz that part of the movie is over this fire cleanses the Schwarz right off that thing of course that doesn't mean it's dead we did it KY you freaking dummies terminator's got a Sinister urge he's like Rob Zombie he's never going to stop yeah the humans flee to a nearby building which appropriately enough is a robotics Factory man y'all know I love practical effects but I'll be the first to say some of the shit looks dated like it's Charming but it's dated still it's impressive how much they did to bring the T800 endoskeleton to life Cameron originally wanted to use stop motion only but Stan Winston pushed to make full-sized animatronics and puppets the full-bodied hero model was 6 two and weighed 200 lb it was made up of over 1,000 Chrome plated Parts took almost a year to build and required five people to operate other versions included a quarter scale miniature for the Stop Motion shots and a backpack version that was worn by Puppeteer Shane Mayhem they used that version to simulate the Terminator walking with a limp they also made individual body parts for close-ups as the Terminator gets distracted by other machines Sarah finds her inner Commando move it re on your feet Soldier just in time since the Killer robot Corners them on a catwalk yeah the catwalk Reese is beaten down but sticks a fight bomb where it hurts and blows the T800 to Smither unfortunately it comes at the cost of his life and Reese dies from his injuries before she has a chance to mourn Sarah's jump scared by a metal arm this Energizer executioner just keeps going and going the image of a half skeleton robot crawling relentlessly after a woman was the first thing Cameron dreamt up for the movie while he was sick and Rome during post- production on Piranha 2 the terminating torso chases Sarah onto the factory line and underneath a hydraulic press it nearly nabs her but she defeats him with two of his own tricks machinery and a oneliner you're terminated fucker the press pulverizes the meow man finally putting an end to his Pursuit and whatever I'll put the Terminator on the count he's humanoid like the Androids I counted in the Alien series plus he has living tissue and is the titular character don't at me okay in the film's epilogue a more heavily armed Sarah takes to the open road now pregnant with John Connor she records her son a tape about Reese who in a may be predictable time travel twist is revealed to be his father wow that guy was one and done huh Sarah stops for gas where a boy takes the picture that will become her Destiny the movie ends with Sarah ready for the storm that's coming as she drives off into the pre-apocalypse how many people met their manufacturers at the hands of this metal Menace let's find out and get to the numbers but what's the fastest way to get there huh of course oh my God uh sorry this is embarrassing uh we counted 40 kills in The Terminator which included four female victims 35 male victims and one Terminator covered in living male tissue uh that gives us this Pine net sharp and technically gives us a Kil aami since the only other time we counted 40 kills was with killer clowns which had a different gender breakdown with a runtime of 107 minutes Terminator had a kill on average every 2.68 minutes I'll give the golden Chainsaw for Cool's kill to the Terminator himself now not that often you get a death that lasts so long it spans several DVD chapters it's like this guy in Chucky Unstoppable killing machines do maet for lus kill will go to Traxler and vukovich feels weird to kill these guys off screen especially when one of them's Lance Hendrickson and that's it the Terminator came out in 1984 and beat critical and box office expectations it became even more popular in the years that followed as people watched it on TV and home video it's funny that every year that went by that we didn't make the sequel the demand for the sequel got greater that sequel would come in 1991 with the more action heavy Terminator 2 Judgment Day but I don't currently have plans to cover that on the kill count I do have something special for you on Sunday though but until then I'm James a jise this has been the kill count on the next kill count Mother's Day a time to honor the woman who kept us fed ladies and gentlemen the perfect meatloaf who loved us unconditionally I'm your mother and I love you who made sure that anyone who ever heard us got exactly what they deserved spend the day with her doing something she'll love oh could we watch that scene again you know the one where rips her heart out please just make sure not to throw out any wild accusations while you're at it are you a serial killer chip the only serial I know anything about is Rice Crispies Serial Mom is a dark comedy slasher by John Waters so you know it's going to be gross and pervy pussy that's what she said to me pussy willow oh hey it's Andy from Child's Play 3 oh wait Andy what are you doing Andy no this movie seriously rocks though largely thanks to the woman playing the hell out of the titular role Suzanne Summers no Kathleen Turner come on is there anyone better than her fucking donnut he's the coolest enough with the thre's company love amen to that this week watch a movie that dares to ask what if Matthew Lillard played Randy Meeks who's going to be the next victim and on Sunday Mother's Day look out for the kill count only on dead meat tomorrow tomorrow I love you tomorrow it's only Sunday away serial mob can currently be watched on the pictured streaming platforms Dem always recommends you watch the movie for yourself before it's kill count it's the only way to have your own properly informed opinion kill counts are never meant to replace the experience of watching a film thanks a lot for watching this kill count for the Terminator the Terminator I'm it's so bad feel like I used to be able to do a decent Arnold get to the job go no no I am not opposed to kill counting T2 Judgment day just got to see if there's interest in it I feel like there probably is right I mean it's the more popular movie I think but that the movies get I mean like AR there like nukes going off and shit probably pretty hard to uh kill count those also I I think they get bad right I've only ever seen T3 and that was when it first came out I don't really remember it except for Christina lockin I remember her I'd like to thank some patrons like Jerry Alyssa Eli kuff bugs Tyler Canales and Kyle Rogers it was also very hard to read the teleprompter of these classes thanks everyone be good people and not machines
Channel: Dead Meat
Views: 1,147,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horror, dead meat, movies, scary, films, kills, kill count, body count, james a. janisse, jaj, pine commander boogie, terminator, terminator 1, james cameron, arnold schwarzenegger, linda hamilton, terminator franchise, terminator 1984, terminator kill count, terminator dead meat, terminator review, terminator full, michael biehn, sarah connor, kyle reese, john connor, skynet, cyberdyne systems, t800, t-800 terminator
Id: sj3GM3nLM-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 51sec (1791 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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